Battlefield Hardline

Battlefield Hardline

62 Achievements

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Mechanical Trigger Finger

Mechanical Trigger Finger

Get 10,000 kills with the Mechanic Class



How to unlock the Mechanical Trigger Finger achievement in Battlefield Hardline - Definitive Guide

Me and PhoenixGrau951 have found a way to effectively boost the whole class-specific "40.000 kills" achievements. Normally, when boosting with your own server, you would do the same as we before, which is one round one does all the kills and in the next round the other.

In the end, you wouldn't have to do a total of 40,000 kills, but (with two people) a total of 80,000 kills.
With our method, however, you only have to get 40,000 kills for two people, because the kills count twice.

We have the following setup:
  • 2 consoles per person, i.e. 4 consoles in total
  • the main account and 1 second account per person
  • a own server so you have no stress with other players
The setup can vary, of course, it's all about the method. However, I recommend the same server settings for similar results.

To the method:
The goal is that one player does about 80% damage to the second accounts and the other then gives them the rest.

In this way, both get a kill - even though only one has died. So in theory, twice as fast. It doesn't matter with which weapon you end up giving the second accounts the rest, but it is important that you do enough damage with the first hits so that the "help counts as kill" pop-up comes, but not too much so that you kill it immediately...
If you are then properly trained, you can watch TV, etc. and can almost do this sh**t while sleeping.

Assuming the same server settings, I recommend the weapons I listed on the bottom of the solution to make about 80% damage to the second accounts...


I hope I was able to explain to you the basic idea behind this method and that you might find other ways with different conditions (server settings, number of people, etc.) to speed up this grind :)

If you have any questions, suggestions, or critic, the best way to tell me is the comment-section :)

cn_B This solution in German:

02 Nov 2020 13:18

This is a copy of my solution for the Xbox One version on TA. I put it also here because I really think that this method also works for the PS4.

cn_X In English:

Me and PhoenixGrau951 have found a way to effectively boost the whole class-specific "40.000 kills" achievements. Normally, when boosting with your own server, you would do the same as we before, which is one round one does all the kills and in the next round the other.

In the end, you wouldn't have to do a total of 40,000 kills, but (with two people) a total of 80,000 kills.
With our method, however, you only have to get 40,000 kills for two people, because the kills count twice.

We have the following setup:
2 consoles per person, i.e. 4 consoles in total
the main account and 1 second account per person
a own server so you have no stress with other players
The setup can vary, of course, it's all about the method. However, I recommend the same server settings for similar results.

To the method:
The goal is that one player does about 80% damage to the second accounts and the other then gives them the rest.

In this way, both get a kill - even though only one has died. So in theory, twice as fast. It doesn't matter with which weapon you end up giving the second accounts the rest, but it is important that you do enough damage with the first hits so that the "help counts as kill" pop-up comes, but not too much so that you kill it immediately...
If you are then properly trained, you can watch TV, etc. and can almost do this sh**t while sleeping.

Assuming the same server settings, I recommend the weapons I listed on the bottom of the solution to make about 80% damage to the second accounts...


I hope I was able to explain to you the basic idea behind this method and that you might find other ways with different conditions (server settings, number of people, etc.) to speed up this grind :)

If you have any questions, suggestions, or critic, the best way to tell me is the comment-section :)


cn_X In German:

Ich und PhoenixGrau951 haben einen Weg gefunden die ganzen Klassenspezifischen "40.000 Kills" Achievements effektiv zu boosten. Normalerweise würde man beim boosten mit eigenem Server so vorgehen, das in der einen Runde der eine alle Kills macht und in der nächsten Runde der andere.

So müsste man am Ende also nicht insgesamt 40.000 Kills haben, sondern (bei zwei Personen) insgesamt 80.000 Kills. Mit unserer Methode muss man allerdings bei zwei Personen nur 40.000 Kills erspielen, da so die Kills doppelt zählen.

Wir haben folgendes Setup:
2 Konsolen pro Person, also 4 Konsolen insgesamt
der Hauptaccount und ein Zweitaccount pro Person
ein eigener Server damit man ruhe vor anderen Spielern hat
Das Setup kann natürlich variieren, es geht an sich auch nur um die Methode.
Doch ich empfehle für ein ähnliches Ergebnis die gleichen Servereinstellungen.

Die Servereinstellungen sind wie folgt:

Zur Methode:
Das Ziel ist es das der eine Spieler den Zweitaccounts ca. 80% schaden macht und der andere diesen dann den Rest gibt. Auf diese Weise bekommen beide einen Kill gutgesrieben, obwohl nur einer gestorben ist. Also in der Theorie doppelt so schnell. Es ist natürlich egal mit welcher Waffe man dann letztendlich den Zweitaccounts den Rest gibt, allerdings ist es wichtig das man mit den ersten Treffern genug Schaden macht damit die „Hilfe zählt als Kill“ Einblendung kommt, aber nicht zu viel damit man ihn sofort tötet...
Ist man dann richtig eingespielt, kann man nebenbei Serie schauen etc. und kann das ganze fast schon im schlaf.

Mit den gleichen Servereinstellungen vorausgesetzt, empfehle ich euch hiermit also folgende Waffen um den Zweitaccounts ca. 80% des Lebens abzuziehen:


Ich hoffe ich konnte euch die Grundidee hinter dieser Methode erklären und das ihr vielleicht auch andere Wege findet mit unterschiedlichen Voraussetzungen (Servereinstellungen, Personenzahl etc.) diesen Grind zu beschleunigen :)

Bei Fragen, Anregungen oder Kritik am besten einfach kommentieren :)

03 Nov 2020 20:29