Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition

35 Achievements


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They Can’t Stop All of Us

They Can’t Stop All of Us

Sneak into the underground base without setting off the alarm above ground during "Black Project".


How to unlock the They Can’t Stop All of Us achievement in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

Try to avoid the spotlights and try to kill stealthily only the necessary enemies using a knife or a silenced pistol.
Once you enter the Bunker through the Blast Doors you can continue the mission as normal.
The achievement unlocks at the end of the mission.

12 Nov 2021 23:18

Yes they do got to give a second though
By ELITEBUCKLE23MJ on 13 Nov 2021 14:32
Thank you!
By Deyme on 13 Nov 2021 15:16
Don't lose most of your health while in the bunker, it makes it impossible to escape without being killed by the enemies above.
By jamdigga on 14 Nov 2021 17:09
worked like a charm, however did anyone else seem to have a problem with controlling the jetpack? on the PS2 and Xbox 360 versions it seemed to go straight up, but when I pressed RB on this version to climb, it would also drag to the right making it very difficult to get out of the facility or even move around outside.
By Stev0 90 on 17 Nov 2021 23:11
For some reason when I restarted the checkpoint all the spotlights did not go out when shooting them with the sniper rifle. Walking into the light did not set off any alarms. You can be shot at as long as the alarm doesn't go off.

I also had trouble using the jetpack. On modern (alt.) controls I could not move sideways with it. I recommend using the classic controls when using the jetpack (hold A to launch and triggers to go sideways). Should go straight up when holding A.
By Blissed Away on 19 Nov 2021 09:16
The fact you can't escape with half health is ridiculous.. They should have given a heart at the bottom to get you back to full.
By I MooseJoose I on 19 Nov 2021 16:52
@MooseJoose, theres health and body armor in a duct before you go up the stairs to the final lab area.
By Calex dEUS on 19 Nov 2021 22:00
You use X and B to go side to side with a jet pack with modern controls
By guitarist707 on 21 Nov 2021 02:21
If you enter the bunker without tripping the alarms, but end up dieing, don’t worry! You will still unlock the achievement at the end of the mission. I actually managed to die twice in the bunker fight and still unlocked it no problem.
By AHGreg on 25 Nov 2021 03:25
I got to the jet pack but I had low health and armour. Makes it impossible as you die as soon as you try leaving the bunker…
By iiAssassinXxii on 26 Nov 2021 11:27
This is infuriating. I keep following everything that's being done in the video exactly but one of the spotlights in the centre will always notice me. Can't even get to the control tower let alone the blast doors.
By DerTeufelkind on 27 Nov 2021 06:32
Never mind, done it now a different way. Legit just sprinted round the right side to the second tower, killed the guard walking towards me, sprinted to the control tower, and then sprinted past the guards (after killing the one standing with his back to you) into the blast doors lol game doesn't have enough time to set the alarm off before you get in.
By DerTeufelkind on 27 Nov 2021 07:09
Stealth in a 17 year old dogshit 'Definitive' edition game... Even for nostalgia purposes this trash ain't worth it
By Sera Di Siah on 28 Nov 2021 12:50
Thanks! Guide worked great. I guess you only have a short period to get through the blast doors because I had to open them again but I still got it
By Moo Moo Dairy on 28 Nov 2021 23:08
Could I recommend this video instead -

I spent a good 45 mins trying to replicate the one in the guide post using just the silencer but no matter what I did the guards where alerted.

Using the sniper technique I completed it second attempt.
By Craziest Col on 30 Nov 2021 08:02
You can do it with low health during the escape but it’s really annoying. When your at the top of the silo, just keep slightly poking your head up with the jet pack and try to pick off the 4 soldiers standing outside the silo entrance. Took a few attempts
By Mr MahHa on 22 Dec 2021 10:49
Before getting the jet back, there is a area back before you obtain the key card, where there are two stairs leading to the same room. On the floor in this area is a access tunnel with a grate up in the floor. Jump down and you can refill your health and armor before getting on the Jetpack. Also, make sure you disable the SAMs. I couldn't finish the mission at low health and had to do it all over. After you get the jetpack your locked out from this area. Made it impossible for me.
By BobWings on 15 Jan 2022 03:41
Can you confirm whether or not the game lets you replay missions?
By Deyme on 13 Nov 2021 11:42
Can you confirm whether or not the game lets you replay missions?
In the sense that once you die you can replay from a checkpoint instead of having to spawn from a hospital and try again, yes.

In the sense that you can at any time replay any mission you've already completed, no. It's missable. Should probably keep a separate save before this mission.
By NamelessxDread on 13 Nov 2021 23:01
I found on two occasions that letting soldiers kill you upon code red, then reloading checkpoint, meant that the searchlights were broken upon reloading and did not seem to function. I did not attempt to see what happened by walking into the now static search beams but I was able to run around killing soldiers with apparent impunity after several runs being frustrated when code red seemed to be triggered out of nowhere.

Only point to note is that the first time using this method did not pop the achievement. I suspect this was likely more to do with having completed it during the network errors experienced by Halo: Infinite's launch however, as several other achievements also did not unlock correctly for me across both GTA:SA and at least one other game during this period. Utilising the aforementioned method again a couple of days later, yielded the achievement.
By Roose91 on 12 Dec 2021 00:55
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Before starting this mission I would recommend purchasing some Sniper Rifle ammo from Ammu-Nation. I would also recommend saving in a different save slot before doing this mission as there's no way to replay the missions unlike in GTA 5.

If the enemies detect you, just let them kill you to restart checkpoint. The Sniper is good here as you can easily take out all the enemies in the Watch Towers from far away, and the enemies walking around. The Sniper Rifle kills all the enemies in 1 shot.

At the start use your Silenced Pistol to take out the two enemies that are walking in front of you with a headshot. Then use your Sniper to start taking out the enemies in the Watch Towers and enemies walking around. Also I would recommend that you always stay crouched as the enemies might hear you running around if you get too close. Make sure you avoid the spot lights as that will alert all the enemies to your presence.

Once all the enemies have been cleared go to the control tower to open the blast doors. Once inside, you will get a checkpoint. From here play the mission as normal and the achievement will unlock once you deliver the Jet-Pack.

If you are still having trouble, feel free to use this video as a reference.

Hope this helped.

13 Nov 2021 08:09

The other guides posted here give some great tips and guidelines on how to do this. However with most of them you can run into problems with the spotlights seeing you in certain places. This is because you aren't always necessary going to be able to 100% recreate what is shown in the video's. Therefore a lot of the other guides may work sometimes for some people but are not always repeatable on a large scale and could lead to frustration. I believe the following strategy utilizing the secret entrance might be the most consistent and repeatable.

Make sure to grab a Sniper Rifle and some ammo from Ammu-Nation before the mission. Some body armor for latter when you get in base wouldn't hurt either. Make sure you save before this mission at the airfield (note mission triggers between 20:00 and 06:00). I'd even make a second backup save in another slot too, just in case something goes wrong. There is no replay mission option and you probably don't want to have to replay the game up to this point.

While your sniping enemies if another enemy starts running around and heads towards you this doesn't count as a spot just make sure to kill him before he gets too close. As long is there is no mention of a code blue/red you are fine. If you do get spotted/trigger the alarm you either kill yourself with explosives or have the enemies kill you to restart the checkpoint. However I personally would just reload my save and quickly restart the mission when this happened to me. With that said when I used the following strategy I completed this first try and even tested it and was able to repeat it multiple times no problem.

The following strategy I recommend is utilized by GamerGuru in this YouTube video linked below. Just note he states to shoot only the one spotlight in his video but your actually going to have to shoot two. He actually does shoot the two required but just be aware of that and make sure to shoot them both, keeping in mind shooting 3 automatically triggers a code red.

At the start either kill as many guards as you can by sniping through the gate like in the video. Or go crouch through the gate and to the left a bit to avoid the guard in the tower seeing you. Then take out the first guard with a pistol headshot followed by the aforementioned guard in the tower just to your right. Proceed to the left and take out the nearby patrolling guard with the pistol. Followed by all the guards in the towers across from you and the ones in the middle of the map with the sniper. Make sure to shoot out the back left spotlight along with the back middle spotlight. Then continue along the left of the base hugging the wall and killing any enemies left in your path until you reach the middle back tower. Then continue just behind it and up the small hill your right. You will see a bottle on top of 2 grates which you can shoot out with the pistol to access the secret entrance. Drop down here and continue along until the next grate you can shootout. As long as there was no mention of an alarm code blue/red then you should unlock the achievement at the end of the mission. From here continue along the mission but I'd recommend disabling the Anti-Air (SAM site) to make it easier to escape which is optional.

26 Dec 2021 07:02

1 Comment
I read this guide, didn't even use the referenced video, and was successful on my first try. Thanks! toast
By OzzysShadyDisco on 14 Mar 2022 02:24
This way worked first time for me. Just run straight in, follow fence anti-clockwise to the control tower. Push button, jump down, shoot guard, run into bunker. Takes 1min!


16 Dec 2021 20:09

This achievement unlock after completing the mission, so create a manual save before starting as a precaution in case the achievement doesn't unlock for some reason.

This is pretty difficult but can be made easier with a video guide. However, an easy trick to cheese this achievement is getting yourself killed at the base and restart the mission from the checkpoint. This will glitch the mission script, making the lights stationary and getting spotted by one no longer triggers the alarm.

Unfortunately, this has a side effect of disabling "stealth mode" on the radar, replacing the enemy icons with squares that do not indicate the way the enemy is facing. From then, just take your time killing everyone from a distance. The sniper makes this very easy, but it can sometimes be tricky to line up your shots on moving targets at the game accounts for bullet travel time.

Once everyone is taken care of, open the doo6r from the yellow marker and enter the bunker. At this point, the alarm will trigger automatically and you can get spotted without voiding the achievement. Simply finish the mission and it will unlock on the Mission Passed screen.

07 Jan 2022 23:32

Make sure to pick up a silenced pistol before starting this. Once the mission begins snipe 3 guys in the towers before entering the gate and the guy nearest to the gate on the ground. Then just slowly progress through the middle taking out everyone in your way with a silenced pistol. Once the gate is open sprint to the underground, you shouldn't be detected if you take everyone out. Then just complete the mission as normal doesn't matter if you get detected. If you get detected above ground just die and try again.

16 Jan 2022 11:05

Important Info:
- There is no chapter select. If you fail, you need to have a save ready. If you don't and you start the black project. Go to load game, and load your autosave checkpoint from finishing the prior mission. Now make a manual save. Then proceed.
- Guards can start running towards you if you kill near them with a sniper. This is fine and doesn't void the trophy
- A blue alert can be called without problems. As long as you don't remain within the searchlights at this point, the blue alert should be cancelled and the trophy will still unlock.
- Searchlights can see you from much further away than the light on the ground suggests. Be wary of where you move to if it is in line with you. They can also see you through buildings

The steps I took to get this one:

I took out the guy that is immediately on your left through the gate as you spawn in with my pistol to the head. He starts walking right, so if you are not quick enough, you can wait for him to move back. Even if he is under the searchlight though, you can kill him without failing.

I stayed outside and killed the guard on the watchtower to the right. He is one level up. He can shoot you if you get too near the gate, so crouch back a little from the entrance to get him.

I then moved in to the left and shoot the guard walking towards me, as he got close. Then I moved to the tower on the right of the entrance and shoot the guy that patrols past it.

Next I went up the tower here and shot every guard I could see with my sniper. Some guards will start running if someone is killed near them. This is fine, and you can just wait for them to get closer and then kill them. I would keep an eye on the minimap, as you can usually see if there is a faster moving marker.

Once I killed all I could from here, I had just 2 markers I had no line of sight to. I then took out the light on the tower to the back right, and the front right. The one to watch out for now is the one in the middle.

I moved from the tower to the right, between the 2 buildings. I waited at the corner and proceeded once the spotlight was pointing to the right side. I moved to the front of the next building over and to the corner. From here, I tried to wait on the spotlight to be on the left, and I went around the corner to kill one of the guards I couldn't get previously with my sniper. At this point, the searchlight saw me through the building and called for a blue alert. I pushed up towards the objective. Once I got to the next building, the search light failed to catch up with me and cancelled the blue alert.

I pushed up to the final guard and killed him with my pistol. I then went up the toward to activate the door and I ran to the bunker. When you reach the bunker, an alarm always goes off, but at that point, you are done.

You won't know if you did it until you finish the mission. If it doesn't unlock, you will have to load an old save and try again.

07 Feb 2023 16:56


13 Nov 2021 00:00