44 Achievements
Get to the top with 60 seconds (or more) remaining.
How to unlock the Pogo achievement in Lumo - Definitive Guide
Once again,it's not so bad.Simply follow my video and you'll win this cheevo easily :)
Here's the vid !
This EXTEND level is located behind the second E (top right path) in the Warp Zone.
Have fun and happy hunting !
Follow the short route to the door ahead, which leads to a tower climb inspired by the classic C64 game Nebulous!
There are several routes up the tower, but I've found the one in my video below to be the safest, but leaving very little margin for error.
Leap through the final door with at least 65 seconds on the clock, and you'll unlock this achievement as well as the one for completing the second E Warp Zone, if you've never done it before.
Video Guide, courtesy of vSully! Thank you!
To get this trophy, you need to be playing the minigame associated with the letter E on the top-rightish in the Warp Zone. As with all minigames, you should save back-up before attempting it as you only have one available attempt.
You basically have to make your way up the tower as fast as possible. There are a few tough spots and it gets confusing as well, therefore it is best to practice and memorize the route to reach the top with 60 or more seconds remaining.
Refer to THIS video if you are having trouble.
This achievement is missable!
As you enter the warp zone, go to the right to the E. To unlock this achievement, you need to get to the top of the tower with at least 60 seconds left on the clock. This can be a little tricky as there are different ways you can go.
Here is a video if you need help thanks to ThanatosNinja1.
If we see that we don’t have time before 60 seconds, then click save and exit, loading it back will throw us back to the beginning of this zone