Trigger Witch

Trigger Witch (JP)

58 Achievements


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Sweet, Tasty, Life Essence

Sweet, Tasty, Life Essence

Consume 25 healing potions


How to unlock the Sweet, Tasty, Life Essence achievement in Trigger Witch - Definitive Guide

You can use your health potion once and it refills when you kill enough monsters, this will unlock after you've used the potion 25 times to recover health.

28 Jul 2021 22:59

Healing potions are consumed by pressing triangle.png. They aren't something you buy; instead, you refill the potion by killing enemies.  Healing potions will refill your entire health bar so don't bother using them if you've only lost one or two bars of health; wait until you're down to your last bar or two. Once you've used 25, this trophy will pop.