Big Tower Tiny Square
62 Logros
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Please Stop That
You hopped on top of the little squares an annoying number of times. Leave them alone!
Cupheaded In The Right Direction!
You successfully jumped over the second wall of the game! You should be a game journalist.
You're No Spartan
You've died over 300 times??? It took fewer Spartans soldiers to defend against an army...
Overflow Switch
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NooOOoo you killed Pineapple! Los detalles de este logro se revelarán una vez desbloqueado
And Back Down We Go
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You started your descent down the tower! Los detalles de este logro se revelarán una vez desbloqueado
The Bottom Again
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Logro secreto
You made it back down the tower - INCREDIBLE! Los detalles de este logro se revelarán una vez desbloqueado
Here Comes Revenge...
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