

200 Logros


PlayStation 2
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[C1V1] The Blooding

[C1V1] The Blooding

It begins. [All achievements must be earned on NORMAL mode.]

0 93.45%
[C1V2] To the Castle

[C1V2] To the Castle

Protect her. Protect Furiae.

1 62.34%
[C1V2] Minimal Murderer I

[C1V2] Minimal Murderer I

Clear Chapter 1, Verse 2 with no more than 9 kills.

10 3.46%
[C1V2] Mass Murderer I

[C1V2] Mass Murderer I

Get at least 1502 kills in Chapter 1, Verse 2. [No allies]

25 6.67%
[C1V5] A Pact

[C1V5] A Pact

Yes. A pact.

1 55.0%
[C1V7] Quarry Chosen

[C1V7] Quarry Chosen

Wiser men choose not to be born.

2 45.42%
[C1V8] Hate's Strength

[C1V8] Hate's Strength

I shall burn them all to ash!

1 42.27%
[C1V8] Minimal Murderer II

[C1V8] Minimal Murderer II

Clear Chapter 1, Verse 8 with no more than 36 kills.

25 2.73%
[C1V8] Mass Murderer II

[C1V8] Mass Murderer II

Get at least 1093 kills in Chapter 1, Verse 8. [No allies, no dragon kills]

25 2.73%
[C1V8] Defensively Diverse Duelist I

[C1V8] Defensively Diverse Duelist I

Win the timed duel in the furthest reaches of Chapter 1, Verse 8 and collect your reward.

5 4.91%
[C1V8] Defensively Diverse Duelist II

[C1V8] Defensively Diverse Duelist II

Win the timed duel on the remote island in Chapter 1, Verse 8 and collect your reward.

5 4.31%
[C1V8] Defensively Diverse Duelist III

[C1V8] Defensively Diverse Duelist III

Win the timed duel outside the northwest fort in Chapter 1, Verse 8 and collect your reward.

5 4.61%
[C1V10] Infestation

[C1V10] Infestation

Goddess. Kill. Seal.

1 38.14%
[C1V10] Minimal Murderer III

[C1V10] Minimal Murderer III

Clear Chapter 1, Verse 10 with no more than 36 kills.

5 3.27%
[C1V10] Mass Murderer III

[C1V10] Mass Murderer III

Get at least 286 kills in Chapter 1, Verse 10. [No allies]

5 10.13%
[C1V10] Defensively Diverse Duelist IV

[C1V10] Defensively Diverse Duelist IV

Win the timed duel in the solitary room in Chapter 1, Verse 10 and collect your reward.

5 5.76%
Chapter 1: Beginnings

Chapter 1: Beginnings

Complete Chapter 1.

5 36.51%
[C2V2] To the Elf Village

[C2V2] To the Elf Village

The old legends have come alive.

1 28.87%
[C2V3] The Untrod Path

[C2V3] The Untrod Path

My body is no longer mine alone.

1 28.32%
[C2V3] Minimal Murderer IV

[C2V3] Minimal Murderer IV

Clear Chapter 2, Verse 3 with no more than 26 kills.

5 3.03%
[C2V3] Mass Murderer IV

[C2V3] Mass Murderer IV

Get at least 413 kills in Chapter 2, Verse 3. [No allies, no dragon kills]

5 5.09%
[C2V4] Minimal Murderer V

[C2V4] Minimal Murderer V

Clear Chapter 2, Verse 4 with zero kills.

1 6.06%
[C2V4] Mass Murderer V

[C2V4] Mass Murderer V

Get at least 21 kills in Chapter 2, Verse 4.

1 22.01%
[C2V7] A Hidden Shrine

[C2V7] A Hidden Shrine

Mere passion will not be enough.

2 26.32%
[C2V8] A Secret Plan

[C2V8] A Secret Plan

All things shall be food to our flesh.

1 24.5%
[C2V8] Minimal Murderer VI

[C2V8] Minimal Murderer VI

Clear Chapter 2, Verse 8 with no more than 50 kills.

25 2.55%
[C2V8] Mass Murderer VI

[C2V8] Mass Murderer VI

Get at least 645 kills in Chapter 2, Verse 8. [No allies, no dragon kills]

10 5.15%
[C2V{XIII}] After the Torching

[C2V{XIII}] After the Torching

The journey becomes strange, the absurdities grow...

2 19.71%
[C2V{XIII}] Minimal Murderer VII

[C2V{XIII}] Minimal Murderer VII

Clear Chapter 2, Verse XIII with no more than 20 kills.

10 2.43%
[C2V{XIII}] Mass Murderer VII

[C2V{XIII}] Mass Murderer VII

Get at least 337 kills in Chapter 2, Verse XIII. [No allies, no dragon kills]

10 4.49%
[C2V{XIII}] Defensively Diverse Duelist V

[C2V{XIII}] Defensively Diverse Duelist V

Win the timed duel at the base of the tree in the southeast of Chapter 2, Verse XIII and collect your reward.

10 2.79%
[C2V{XIV}] Feeling in the Dark

[C2V{XIV}] Feeling in the Dark

To be blind to the foolish hopelessness of humans is a happy fate.

5 19.35%
Chapter 2: Complications

Chapter 2: Complications

Complete Chapter 2.

5 14.31%
[C3V2] To the Dungeon

[C3V2] To the Dungeon

The fool plays at love alone.

1 20.92%
[C3V3] Prisoners

[C3V3] Prisoners

We must find him!

1 20.56%
[C3V3] Minimal Murderer VIII

[C3V3] Minimal Murderer VIII

Clear Chapter 3, Verse 3 with no more than 18 kills.

5 2.43%
[C3V3] Mass Murderer VIII

[C3V3] Mass Murderer VIII

Get at least 280 kills in Chapter 3, Verse 3. [No allies, no dragon kills]

5 4.61%
[C3V3] Defensively Diverse Duelist VI

[C3V3] Defensively Diverse Duelist VI

Win the timed duel in the furthest corner of Chapter 3, Verse 3 and collect your reward.

5 3.7%
[C3V5] The Temple in the Desert

[C3V5] The Temple in the Desert

The goddess's burden grows.

1 19.53%
[C3V6] The Seal

[C3V6] The Seal

Let none who pollute the sacred ground go unpunished.

1 18.8%
[C3V6] Minimal Murderer IX

[C3V6] Minimal Murderer IX

Clear Chapter 3, Verse 6 with no more than 44 kills.

5 2.24%
[C3V6] Mass Murderer IX

[C3V6] Mass Murderer IX

Get at least 560 kills in Chapter 3, Verse 6. [No allies, no dragon kills]

5 5.28%
[C3V7] Minimal Murderer X

[C3V7] Minimal Murderer X

Clear Chapter 3, Verse 7 with zero kills.

1 8.0%
[C3V7] Mass Murderer X

[C3V7] Mass Murderer X

Get at least 44 kills in Chapter 3, Verse 7.

1 3.03%
[C3V8] Sacred Remains

[C3V8] Sacred Remains

Is this the will of the gods?

1 18.01%
[C3V8] Minimal Murderer XI

[C3V8] Minimal Murderer XI

Clear Chapter 3, Verse 8 with no more than 41 kills.

5 2.18%
[C3V8] Mass Murderer XI

[C3V8] Mass Murderer XI

Get at least 387 kills in Chapter 3, Verse 8. [No allies, no dragon kills]

10 2.12%
[C3V{XIV}] Minimal Murderer XII

[C3V{XIV}] Minimal Murderer XII

Clear Chapter 3, Verse XIV with no more than 40 kills.

10 1.94%
[C3V{XIV}] Mass Murderer XII

[C3V{XIV}] Mass Murderer XII

Get at least 563 kills in Chapter 3, Verse XIV. [No allies, no dragon kills]

10 2.0%
[C3V{XIV}] Defensively Diverse Duelist VII

[C3V{XIV}] Defensively Diverse Duelist VII

Win the timed duel in the southwest corner of Chapter 3, Verse XIV and collect your reward.

10 2.12%
[C3V{XV}] Arioch Lives

[C3V{XV}] Arioch Lives

So is this what you call human kindness?

5 12.49%
Chapter 3: Chance Encounters

Chapter 3: Chance Encounters

Complete Chapter 3.

5 12.25%
[C4V4] Strength Remains

[C4V4] Strength Remains

The Seed of Resurrection appears when the world ends.

2 14.74%
[C4V5] Violent Lands

[C4V5] Violent Lands

Does the spilling of the blood of so many amuse you so?

2 14.92%
[C4V5] Minimal Murderer XIII

[C4V5] Minimal Murderer XIII

Clear Chapter 4, Verse 5 with no more than 51 kills.

5 1.76%
[C4V5] Mass Murderer XIII

[C4V5] Mass Murderer XIII

Get at least 339 kills in Chapter 4, Verse 5. [No allies, no dragon kills]

5 3.88%
[C4V6] Minimal Murderer XIV

[C4V6] Minimal Murderer XIV

Clear Chapter 4, Verse 6 with zero kills.

1 6.0%
[C4V6] Mass Murderer XIV

[C4V6] Mass Murderer XIV

Get at least 49 kills in Chapter 4, Verse 6.

1 10.25%
[C4V7] Forbidden Places

[C4V7] Forbidden Places

Be merciful, and end your killing ways.

2 14.31%
[C4V7] Minimal Murderer XV

[C4V7] Minimal Murderer XV

Clear Chapter 4, Verse 7 with no more than 25 kills.

5 1.82%
[C4V7] Mass Murderer XV

[C4V7] Mass Murderer XV

Get at least 169 kills in Chapter 4, Verse 7. [No allies, no dragon kills]

5 4.73%
[C4V9] Voice of Stone

[C4V9] Voice of Stone

Do you acknowlege only those that you wish to kill?

2 14.13%
[C4V9] Minimal Murderer XVI

[C4V9] Minimal Murderer XVI

Clear Chapter 4, Verse 9 with no more than 7 kills.

10 2.12%
[C4V9] Mass Murderer XVI

[C4V9] Mass Murderer XVI

Get at least 623 ground kills in Chapter 4, Verse 9. [No allies, 1 dragon kill]

10 2.24%
[C4V9] Defensively Diverse Duelist VIII

[C4V9] Defensively Diverse Duelist VIII

Win the timed duel in the dead end of the canyon in Chapter 4, Verse 9 and collect your reward.

5 3.21%
[C4V{XII}] Seere's Friend

[C4V{XII}] Seere's Friend

Why are humans so quick to hide from the truth in castles made of clouds?

5 9.16%
Chapter 4: Betrayal

Chapter 4: Betrayal

Complete Chapter 4.

10 14.19%
[C5V3] Rapture

[C5V3] Rapture

This is the battle to end all human battles.

5 13.34%
[C5V3] Minimal Murderer XVII

[C5V3] Minimal Murderer XVII

Clear Chapter 5, Verse 3 with no more than 93 kills.

10 1.46%
[C5V3] Mass Murderer XVII

[C5V3] Mass Murderer XVII

Get at least 2000 kills in Chapter 5, Verse 3. [No allies]

25 3.27%
[C5V7] Emergence

[C5V7] Emergence

The end of the world... Does it look like this?

1 12.19%
[C5V7] Minimal Murderer XVIII

[C5V7] Minimal Murderer XVIII

Clear Chapter 5, Verse 7 with no more than 63 kills.

10 1.46%
[C5V7] Mass Murderer XVIII

[C5V7] Mass Murderer XVIII

Get at least 382 kills in Chapter 5, Verse 7. [No allies, no dragon kills]

10 2.91%
Chapter 5: Destruction

Chapter 5: Destruction

Complete Chapter 5.

10 12.31%
[C6V3] Destiny

[C6V3] Destiny

The goddess is within this fortress. She is the last seal.

3 12.19%
[C6V4] Unholy Prayers

[C6V4] Unholy Prayers

The goddess! Where is the goddess?

3 12.19%
[C6V4] Minimal Murderer XIX

[C6V4] Minimal Murderer XIX

Clear Chapter 6, Verse 4 with no more than 16 kills.

10 2.55%
[C6V4] Mass Murderer XIX

[C6V4] Mass Murderer XIX

Get at least 294 kills in Chapter 6, Verse 4. [No allies]

10 2.18%
[C6V4] Defensively Diverse Duelist IX

[C6V4] Defensively Diverse Duelist IX

Win the timed duel in the northeast corner of the first floor of Chapter 6, Verse 4 and collect your reward.

10 3.03%
[C6V5] Minimal Murderer XX

[C6V5] Minimal Murderer XX

Clear Chapter 6, Verse 5 with zero kills.

1 5.15%
[C6V5] Mass Murderer XX

[C6V5] Mass Murderer XX

Get at least 23 kills in Chapter 6, Verse 5.

1 8.67%
Chapter 6: An Old Enemy

Chapter 6: An Old Enemy

Complete Chapter 6.

10 12.19%
Chapter 7: Tragedy

Chapter 7: Tragedy

Complete Chapter 7.

10 12.01%
[C8V4] Joy Unknown

[C8V4] Joy Unknown

Hesitate not!

3 10.55%
[C8V4] Minimal Murderer XXI

[C8V4] Minimal Murderer XXI

Clear Chapter 8, Verse 4 with no more than 36 kills.

5 1.76%
[C8V4] Mass Murderer XXI

[C8V4] Mass Murderer XXI

Get at least 214 kills in Chapter 8, Verse 4. [No allies, no dragon kills]

5 3.7%
[C8V5] A Peaceful Casket

[C8V5] A Peaceful Casket

Lalalalala...lala. The Watchers! They speak! They speak! Lalalalala...

5 10.55%
[A] New Shrine

[A] New Shrine

Complete Chapter 8, and reach Ending A.

10 10.31%
[C9V2] Minimal Murderer XXII

[C9V2] Minimal Murderer XXII

Clear Chapter 9, Verse 2 with zero kills.

1 4.06%
[C9V2] Mass Murderer XXII

[C9V2] Mass Murderer XXII

Get at least 41 kills in Chapter 9, Verse 2.

1 5.4%
[C9V3] Sowing Seeds

[C9V3] Sowing Seeds

A drowning man knows not the ocean's vastness, only its depths.

5 8.79%
A [B]asin of Fire

A [B]asin of Fire

Complete Chapter 9, and reach Ending B.

10 8.25%
[C9V{VI}] Under a Dark Sky

[C9V{VI}] Under a Dark Sky

Forgive me, Caim. It is for the survival of all life.

10 8.43%
A Pitiful [C]hild

A Pitiful [C]hild

Complete Chapter 9 Verse VII, and reach Ending C.

25 8.49%
Leonard's Regret

Leonard's Regret

Complete Leonard's chapter and gain him as an ally.

10 10.25%
Arioch's Madness

Arioch's Madness

Complete Arioch's chapter and gain her as an ally.

10 9.28%
Seere's Prayer

Seere's Prayer

Complete Seere's chapter and gain him as an ally.

10 9.22%
[C10V2] Ark

[C10V2] Ark

The goddess is in pain. Can you feel it?

3 8.19%
[C10V3] A Lull

[C10V3] A Lull

A foolish thing, is it not, to board an ark when you know not where it sails?

1 8.25%
[C10V{II}] Hear the Ocean

[C10V{II}] Hear the Ocean

You will not kill them all, though you have a thousand lives!

1 9.04%
[C10V{II}] Minimal Murderer XXIII

[C10V{II}] Minimal Murderer XXIII

Clear Chapter 10, Verse II with zero kills.

3 3.34%
[C10V{II}] Mass Murderer XXIII

[C10V{II}] Mass Murderer XXIII

Get at least 293 kills in Chapter 10, Verse II. [No allies]

5 1.64%
[C11V1] Maze

[C11V1] Maze

The Seeds of Resurrection come when the seals break. Do they bring good... or evil?

2 9.04%
[C11V1] Minimal Murderer XXIV

[C11V1] Minimal Murderer XXIV

Clear Chapter 11, Verse 1 with no more than 4 kills.

3 2.55%
[C11V1] Mass Murderer XXIV

[C11V1] Mass Murderer XXIV

Get at least 334 kills in Chapter 11, Verse 1. [No allies]

5 3.52%
[C11V2] Minimal Murderer XXV

[C11V2] Minimal Murderer XXV

Clear Chapter 11, Verse 2 with zero kills.

1 4.0%
[C11V2] Mass Murderer XXV

[C11V2] Mass Murderer XXV

Get at least 31 kills in Chapter 11, Verse 2.

1 5.22%
[C11V{II}] Minimal Murderer XXVI

[C11V{II}] Minimal Murderer XXVI

Clear Chapter 11, Verse II with zero kills.

3 3.27%
[C11V{II}] Mass Murderer XXVI

[C11V{II}] Mass Murderer XXVI

Get at least 392 kills in Chapter 11, Verse II.

10 2.06%
[C12V2] Extermination

[C12V2] Extermination

This world is beyond the truth of the gods.

2 8.19%
[C12V3] Toward Truth

[C12V3] Toward Truth

There is nothing to stop you now. Burn it all! Burn everything!

3 8.55%
[C12V3] Minimal Murderer XXVII

[C12V3] Minimal Murderer XXVII

Clear Chapter 12, Verse 3 with no more than 35 kills.

5 2.61%
[C12V3] Mass Murderer XXVII

[C12V3] Mass Murderer XXVII

Get at least 70 kills in Chapter 12, Verse 3. [No allies, no dragon kills]

10 3.4%
[C12V6] Abnormal

[C12V6] Abnormal

Have we won? No. The battle does not end here.

2 8.49%
[C12V6] Minimal Murderer XXVIII

[C12V6] Minimal Murderer XXVIII

Clear Chapter 12, Verse 6 with zero kills.

2 6.12%
[C12V6] Mass Murderer XXVIII

[C12V6] Mass Murderer XXVIII

Get at least 41 kills in Chapter 12, Verse 6. [No allies, no dragon kills]

10 3.21%
Eternal Solitu[D]e

Eternal Solitu[D]e

Complete Chapter 12, and reach Ending D.

25 8.07%


Get a perfect chain against the boss of Chapter 13, Verse 3, without pausing.

25 2.43%


Complete Chapter 13, and reach Ending E. Congratulations.

50 6.67%


Ascend Caim to level 10.

5 21.22%


Ascend Caim to level 25.

10 12.73%


Ascend Caim to level 50.

25 5.76%


Get your dragon's power over 100.

10 12.92%


Acquire 17 weapons and enter the weapon equip menu.

5 10.86%


Acquire 33 weapons and enter the weapon equip menu.

10 8.43%


Acquire 49 weapons and enter the weapon equip menu.

10 7.76%
Master of Arms

Master of Arms

Acquire 65 weapons and enter the weapon equip menu.

25 7.34%
Copy That

Copy That

Unlock and select the ??? dragon.

5 3.46%


Achieve a 50 hit combo.

2 69.92%


Achieve a 100 hit combo.

5 39.11%


Achieve a 250 hit combo.

10 3.03%


Rack up 2000 total kills.

5 28.38%


Rack up 10000 total kills.

10 12.19%
Merciless Executioner

Merciless Executioner

Rack up 25000 total kills.

25 4.97%
... and Lived Happily Ever After

... and Lived Happily Ever After

Fully upgrade Glory's Bane.

10 5.64%
Dyed by the Royal Blood

Dyed by the Royal Blood

Fully upgrade Kingsblood.

10 2.55%
As Cold and as Still as Ice

As Cold and as Still as Ice

Fully upgrade Moonfire.

10 5.4%
Red! Crimson! Scarlet!

Red! Crimson! Scarlet!

Fully upgrade Slaughterism.

10 2.49%
The Secret of the Sword

The Secret of the Sword

Fully upgrade Soldier's Sword.

10 2.55%


Fully upgrade Skald's Song.

10 7.34%
So That It Might Protect Others

So That It Might Protect Others

Fully upgrade Guardians' Sorrow.

10 2.06%


Fully upgrade Injustice.

10 2.37%
Dripping with Flesh

Dripping with Flesh

Fully upgrade Hymir's Finger.

10 4.49%
With Joy Coursing through His Veins

With Joy Coursing through His Veins

Fully upgrade Hunter's Joy.

10 4.37%
A Column of Fire

A Column of Fire

Fully upgrade Flamberge.

10 4.73%
The Dancing Princess of Legend

The Dancing Princess of Legend

Fully upgrade Deathdance.

10 4.0%
From Deep Within

From Deep Within

Fully upgrade Scream.

10 2.0%
A Blood-Splattered Dress

A Blood-Splattered Dress

Fully upgrade Lovekeeper.

10 2.0%
The Bewitched Heart

The Bewitched Heart

Fully upgrade Crimson Hood.

10 2.61%
Drawn by the Dark Night

Drawn by the Dark Night

Fully upgrade Foul Blade.

10 2.49%
This Simple, Common Axe

This Simple, Common Axe

Fully upgrade Bonebreaker.

10 7.94%
Mad with Grief

Mad with Grief

Fully upgrade Poisontongue.

10 2.0%
Its Grim Search

Its Grim Search

Fully upgrade Executioner's Song.

10 2.06%
Not One Soul Alive

Not One Soul Alive

Fully upgrade Mage's Promise.

10 1.94%
A Lake of Blood

A Lake of Blood

Fully upgrade Carrion-maker.

10 2.12%
Thirteen Souls

Thirteen Souls

Fully upgrade Holy Mace.

10 2.85%
Her Own Wing

Her Own Wing

Fully upgrade Dragonstroke.

10 2.37%
As It Tasted Blood

As It Tasted Blood

Fully upgrade Pupil's Club.

10 1.82%
A Life Without Meaning

A Life Without Meaning

Fully upgrade Magi's Sorrow.

10 2.12%
Words Forbidden by the Gods

Words Forbidden by the Gods

Fully upgrade Wisdom.

10 3.4%
All That Remained of Him

All That Remained of Him

Fully upgrade Edacious.

10 2.06%
True and Justifiable Belief

True and Justifiable Belief

Fully upgrade Philosopher's Staff.

10 1.88%
No More Songs

No More Songs

Fully upgrade Nobuyoshi.

10 4.43%
Looking Thoughtfully into the Sky

Looking Thoughtfully into the Sky

Fully upgrade Takamasa.

10 2.49%
The Meaning of Life?

The Meaning of Life?

Fully upgrade Spiked Wisdom.

10 2.91%
Hungry and Destitute, Together

Hungry and Destitute, Together

Fully upgrade Iron Scraps.

10 2.85%
In Sympathy

In Sympathy

Fully upgrade Sorrow's Companion.

10 2.06%
A Grim Reminder

A Grim Reminder

Fully upgrade Twins' Fang.

10 2.43%
The Tool of Assassins

The Tool of Assassins

Fully upgrade Ravenfeeder.

10 2.12%
Darkly Glimmering

Darkly Glimmering

Fully upgrade Dragonhook.

10 2.61%
Gleaming and Sharp

Gleaming and Sharp

Fully upgrade Butcher's Joy.

10 2.97%
When Morning Broke

When Morning Broke

Fully upgrade Stormgiver.

10 2.06%
So Close to Happiness

So Close to Happiness

Fully upgrade Robber King.

10 4.43%
Given on a Whim

Given on a Whim

Fully upgrade Sorrowborn.

10 2.06%
Sentenced to Death

Sentenced to Death

Fully upgrade Widow's Death.

10 2.06%
One Day, a Demon Whispered

One Day, a Demon Whispered

Fully upgrade Fheng's Glaive.

10 6.31%
A Roar of Delight

A Roar of Delight

Fully upgrade Knight's Vow.

10 7.88%
As if in Sleep

As if in Sleep

Fully upgrade Balberith's Tears.

10 2.06%
The Storm of Rage

The Storm of Rage

Fully upgrade Windsinger.

10 2.49%
Sealed Him into His Hell

Sealed Him into His Hell

Fully upgrade Devilscale.

10 1.76%
In One Stroke

In One Stroke

Fully upgrade Broken Dogma.

10 2.06%
The Lesson Steals Life

The Lesson Steals Life

Fully upgrade Battlelust.

10 2.06%
Full of Hope and Life

Full of Hope and Life

Fully upgrade Souldouser.

10 1.88%
Wreaking Dread Revenge

Wreaking Dread Revenge

Fully upgrade Dragonstorm.

10 1.82%
Creation or Destruction?

Creation or Destruction?

Fully upgrade Treasure Builder.

10 1.88%
It Still Waits

It Still Waits

Fully upgrade Reaper's Scythe.

10 2.67%
Awed by the Gods' Wrath

Awed by the Gods' Wrath

Fully upgrade Victor's Spoils.

10 3.21%
Witness the Power

Witness the Power

Fully upgrade Tyrant's Hammer.

10 6.06%
The Silent One's Return

The Silent One's Return

Fully upgrade Wolf's Plague.

10 2.79%
The Ultimate Price

The Ultimate Price

Fully upgrade Skull Banquet.

10 1.76%
The Very Winds

The Very Winds

Fully upgrade Apostate's Misery.

10 2.37%
Bolts of Hellfire

Bolts of Hellfire

Fully upgrade Greed's Reward.

10 1.88%
Like a Wounded Snake

Like a Wounded Snake

Fully upgrade Maiden's Kris.

10 4.85%
The Curse of the Sword

The Curse of the Sword

Fully upgrade Writheheart.

10 2.12%
Burning with Revenge

Burning with Revenge

Fully upgrade Demonbane.

10 4.18%
Noticed by None

Noticed by None

Fully upgrade Swordsmasher.

10 4.91%
To the Torch

To the Torch

Fully upgrade Ozymandias's Might.

10 2.0%
Her Wicked Ways

Her Wicked Ways

Fully upgrade Mermaid's Feast.

10 2.12%
Ten Thousand Days of Practice

Ten Thousand Days of Practice

Fully upgrade Caim's Sword.

10 21.41%
Butcher of Man and Beast

Butcher of Man and Beast

Fully upgrade all 65 weapons. Farewell, fool human.

100 1.94%