Kirby Air Ride

Kirby Air Ride

203 Logros


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Adventuring Through Fantastical Greens

Adventuring Through Fantastical Greens

In Air Ride, win a race on Fantasy Meadows against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 71.66%
Investigating Rapid Heights and Falls

Investigating Rapid Heights and Falls

In Air Ride, win a race on Celestial Valley against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 55.23%
Remaining Calm With Sand in Your Eyes

Remaining Calm With Sand in Your Eyes

In Air Ride, win a race on Sky Sands against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 52.5%
Risk Frostbite for Majestic Sites

Risk Frostbite for Majestic Sites

In Air Ride, win a race on Frozen Hillside against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 47.34%
Insane Heat, Just Like Hotbeat Above

Insane Heat, Just Like Hotbeat Above

In Air Ride, win a race on Magma Flows against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 42.35%
Dangerous Park if Foot Traffic Appears

Dangerous Park if Foot Traffic Appears

In Air Ride, win a race on Beanstalk Park against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 38.97%
Exploring the Mechanical City in the Sky

Exploring the Mechanical City in the Sky

In Air Ride, win a race on Machine Passage against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 43.32%
Right Back at Ya in the Dance of Poyo

Right Back at Ya in the Dance of Poyo

In Air Ride, win a race on Checker Knights against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 45.89%
Suiting Up With a Belt That Fits Nobody

Suiting Up With a Belt That Fits Nobody

In Air Ride, win a race on Nebula Belt against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 16.91%
Strange Aftertaste for a Bartender's Brew

Strange Aftertaste for a Bartender's Brew

In Air Ride, inhale two enemies that give Copy Abilities at the same time

2 41.71%
The Peaceful Breeze of Spring

The Peaceful Breeze of Spring

In Air Ride, finish a race on Fantasy Meadows with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 9.18%
A Valley Drowning in Cabbage

A Valley Drowning in Cabbage

In Air Ride, finish a race on Celestial Valley with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 11.59%
The Nitty-Gritty of Vehicle Combat

The Nitty-Gritty of Vehicle Combat

In Air Ride, finish a race on Sky Sands with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 8.86%
Resorting to the Aurora Borealis of Rainbow Sights

Resorting to the Aurora Borealis of Rainbow Sights

In Air Ride, finish a race on Frozen Hillside with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 4.35%
Searing Fury of a Knight's Revenge

Searing Fury of a Knight's Revenge

In Air Ride, finish a race on Magma Flows with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 9.02%
This is Kirby, He's a Jolly Fellow... We Think

This is Kirby, He's a Jolly Fellow... We Think

In Air Ride, finish a race on Beanstalk Park with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 4.99%
The Halberd is Missing, Destruction Awaits its Return

The Halberd is Missing, Destruction Awaits its Return

In Air Ride, finish a race on Machine Passage with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 12.08%
Orchestrating the Colors oh so Green

Orchestrating the Colors oh so Green

In Air Ride, finish a race on Checker Knights with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 8.37%
Dreaming Away Amidst the Fountain of Stars

Dreaming Away Amidst the Fountain of Stars

In Air Ride, finish a race on Nebula Belt with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 4.35%
The Charge Booster, Versus the Combo Booster

The Charge Booster, Versus the Combo Booster

In Air Ride, win a race of at least 3 laps on Fantasy Meadows using the Rocket Star, handicap of 5 or lower, against one CPU using the Bulk Star, max handicap and CPU level - Damage and Speed Help must be set to "None", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 5.15%
The Mach Launcher, Versus the Flight Bouncer

The Mach Launcher, Versus the Flight Bouncer

In Air Ride, win a race of at least 3 laps on Celestial Valley using the Jet Star, handicap of 3 or lower, against one CPU using the Winged Star, max handicap and CPU level - Damage and Speed Help must be set to "None", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 3.7%
The Ground Brusher, Versus the Tight Turner

The Ground Brusher, Versus the Tight Turner

In Air Ride, win a race of at least 3 laps on Sky Sands using the Wagon Star, handicap of 4 or lower, against one CPU using the Wheelie Scooter, max handicap and CPU level - Damage and Speed Help must be set to "None", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 3.54%
The Gripless Beast, Versus the Tractionless Ribbon

The Gripless Beast, Versus the Tractionless Ribbon

In Air Ride, win a race of at least 3 laps on Frozen Hillside using the Rex Wheelie, handicap of 5 or lower, against one CPU using the Slick Star, max handicap and CPU level - Damage and Speed Help must be set to "None", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 2.42%
The Simple Speeder, Versus the Advanced Speeder

The Simple Speeder, Versus the Advanced Speeder

In Air Ride, win a race of at least 3 laps on Magma Flows using the Swerve Star, handicap of 5 or lower, against one CPU using the Turbo Star, max handicap and CPU level - Damage and Speed Help must be set to "None", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 2.58%
The Original, Versus the Night Striker

The Original, Versus the Night Striker

In Air Ride, win a race of at least 3 laps on Beanstalk Park using the Warp Star, handicap of 5 or lower, against one CPU using the Shadow Star, max handicap and CPU level - Damage and Speed Help must be set to "None", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 3.22%
The Sky Sailer, Versus the Chargeless

The Sky Sailer, Versus the Chargeless

In Air Ride, win a race of at least 3 laps on Machine Passage using the Winged Star, handicap of 6 or lower, against one CPU using the Wagon Star, max handicap and CPU level - Damage and Speed Help must be set to "None", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 2.42%
The Longtime Partner, Versus the New Time King

The Longtime Partner, Versus the New Time King

In Air Ride, win a race of at least 3 laps on Checker Knights using the Wheelie Bike, handicap of 4 or lower, against one CPU using the Rex Wheelie, max handicap and CPU level - Damage and Speed Help must be set to "None", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 2.42%
The Perfect Speed, Versus the Perfect Acceleration

The Perfect Speed, Versus the Perfect Acceleration

In Air Ride, win a race of at least 3 laps on Nebula Belt using the Formula Star, handicap of 6 or lower, against one CPU using the Swerve Star, max handicap and CPU level - Damage and Speed Help must be set to "None", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 3.38%
Time Attack - Fantasy Meadows - Bulk Star

Time Attack - Fantasy Meadows - Bulk Star

In Air Ride, complete Time Attack on Fantasy Meadows with the Bulk Star with a time of 1:06:00 or less

5 5.48%
Time Attack - Celestial Valley - Winged Star

Time Attack - Celestial Valley - Winged Star

In Air Ride, complete Time Attack on Celestial Valley with the Winged Star with a time of 2:58:00 or less

5 6.28%
Time Attack - Sky Sands - Wheelie Scooter

Time Attack - Sky Sands - Wheelie Scooter

In Air Ride, complete Time Attack on Sky Sands with the Wheelie Scooter with a time of 2:37:00 or less

5 4.51%
Time Attack - Frozen Hillside - Slick Star

Time Attack - Frozen Hillside - Slick Star

In Air Ride, complete Time Attack on Frozen Hillside with the Slick Star with a time of 3:00:00 or less

5 3.86%
Time Attack - Magma Flows - Turbo Star

Time Attack - Magma Flows - Turbo Star

In Air Ride, complete Time Attack on Magma Flows with the Turbo Star with a time of 3:10:00 or less

5 2.42%
Time Attack - Beanstalk Park - Shadow Star

Time Attack - Beanstalk Park - Shadow Star

In Air Ride, complete Time Attack on Beanstalk Park with the Shadow Star with a time of 3:04:00 or less

5 2.9%
Time Attack - Machine Passage - Wagon Star

Time Attack - Machine Passage - Wagon Star

In Air Ride, complete Time Attack on Machine Passage with the Wagon Star with a time of 2:50:00 or less

5 4.83%
Time Attack - Checker Knights - Rex Wheelie

Time Attack - Checker Knights - Rex Wheelie

In Air Ride, complete Time Attack on Checker Knights with the Rex Wheelie with a time of 4:15:00 or less

5 2.42%
Time Attack - Nebula Belt - Swerve Star

Time Attack - Nebula Belt - Swerve Star

In Air Ride, complete Time Attack on Nebula Belt with the Swerve Star with a time of 3:00:00 or less

5 5.15%
Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - I

Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - I

In Air Ride, retire all 3 CPUs as Meta Knight on Fantasy Meadows in a 2 minute time race, CPUs must be King Dedede with a handicap and CPU level of 6 - Speed Help must be set to "Strong", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 3.38%
Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - II

Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - II

In Air Ride, retire all 3 CPUs as Meta Knight on Celestial Valley in a 2 minute time race, CPUs must be King Dedede with a handicap and CPU level of 6 - Speed Help must be set to "Strong", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 3.06%
Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - III

Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - III

In Air Ride, retire all 3 CPUs as Meta Knight on Sky Sands in a 2 minute time race, CPUs must be King Dedede with a handicap and CPU level of 6 - Speed Help must be set to "Strong", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 3.06%
Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - IV

Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - IV

In Air Ride, retire all 3 CPUs as Meta Knight on Frozen Hillside in a 2 minute time race, CPUs must be King Dedede with a handicap and CPU level of 6 - Speed Help must be set to "Strong", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 3.06%
Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - V

Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - V

In Air Ride, retire all 3 CPUs as Meta Knight on Magma Flows in a 2 minute time race, CPUs must be King Dedede with a handicap and CPU level of 6 - Speed Help must be set to "Strong", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 2.9%
Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - VI

Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - VI

In Air Ride, retire all 3 CPUs as Meta Knight on Beanstalk Park in a 2 minute time race, CPUs must be King Dedede with a handicap and CPU level of 6 - Speed Help must be set to "Strong", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 2.9%
Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - VII

Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - VII

In Air Ride, retire all 3 CPUs as Meta Knight on Machine Passage in a 2 minute time race, CPUs must be King Dedede with a handicap and CPU level of 6 - Speed Help must be set to "Strong", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 2.9%
Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - VIII

Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - VIII

In Air Ride, retire all 3 CPUs as Meta Knight on Checker Knights in a 2 minute time race, CPUs must be King Dedede with a handicap and CPU level of 6 - Speed Help must be set to "Strong", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 2.9%
Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - IX

Of Knights and Kings, Masks and Penguins - IX

In Air Ride, retire all 3 CPUs as Meta Knight on Nebula Belt in a 2 minute time race, CPUs must be King Dedede with a handicap and CPU level of 6 - Speed Help must be set to "Strong", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 3.06%
It Pains Me to do This Sire, but I’m Afraid I Must

It Pains Me to do This Sire, but I’m Afraid I Must

In Air Ride, retire all 3 CPUs as Meta Knight on any course in a 1 minute time race, CPUs must be King Dedede with a handicap and CPU level of 6 - Speed Help must be set to "Strong", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 2.74%
A Rubberband Results in Extreme Drifting

A Rubberband Results in Extreme Drifting

In Air Ride, finish a lap of Fantasy Meadows without going below 35 mph or 56.5 km/h - multiplayer allowed

5 1.93%
Let Me Fly Among the Stars, and See What Spring is Like

Let Me Fly Among the Stars, and See What Spring is Like

In Air Ride, finish a lap during a race of Celestial Valley without being on the ground, rails, or water for more than a total of 4 seconds - multiplayer allowed

5 4.03%
Learning to Deliver Tofu Amidst the Mountain Heat

Learning to Deliver Tofu Amidst the Mountain Heat

In Air Ride, finish a Free Run lap of Magma Flows with any vehicle besides the Swerve Star without hitting the walls with a time of 1:10:00 or less - If you hit a wall, start the race over

10 2.74%
This is the End! Kirby! Come Meet Your Doom!!

This is the End! Kirby! Come Meet Your Doom!!

In Air Ride, win a 3 minute time race with the Wheelie Bike, handicap of 7 or less, on Machine Passage against one CPU playing as Meta Knight, max handicap and CPU level - Damage and Speed Help must be set to "None", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 2.74%
Ready to Race Across the Final Frontier

Ready to Race Across the Final Frontier

In Air Ride, race a total of 100 laps to unlock the Nebula Belt course

2 18.84%
A Puff of Air is All I Normally Need to Soar

A Puff of Air is All I Normally Need to Soar

In Air Ride, finish a race in 1st place while flying through the air to unlock Winged Star

1 61.35%
Strikes Fear in Those of the Dark, a Shadow of Destruction

Strikes Fear in Those of the Dark, a Shadow of Destruction

In Air Ride, defeat 10 enemies using the quick spin to unlock Shadow Star

2 20.13%
The Bulk of Your Efforts Relies Upon Annihilation

The Bulk of Your Efforts Relies Upon Annihilation

In Air Ride, finish Celestial Valley's Time Attack with a time of 3:20:00 or less to unlock Bulk Star

2 23.67%
Knights in Checkers? Mate, Check Your Slick Skills

Knights in Checkers? Mate, Check Your Slick Skills

In Air Ride, finish 2 laps of Checker Knights with a time of 3:05:00 or less to unlock Slick Star

2 44.12%
Seems Even Pretty Ice Levels get Formulaic

Seems Even Pretty Ice Levels get Formulaic

In Air Ride, finish Frozen Hillside's Time Attack with a time of 3:14:00 or less to unlock Formula Star

2 20.29%
Kawasaki's Delivery Service, Hiring Delivery Drivers

Kawasaki's Delivery Service, Hiring Delivery Drivers

In Air Ride, reach the finish line 3 times outside of Free Run to unlock Wagon Star

1 67.31%
This Passage Doesn't Have a Space Branch... Right?

This Passage Doesn't Have a Space Branch... Right?

In Air Ride, finish a lap of Machine Passage in Free Run with a time of 1:05:00 or less to unlock Rocket Star

2 23.03%
Better Wear Some Goggles Next Time

Better Wear Some Goggles Next Time

In Air Ride, finish 2 laps of Sky Sands with a time of 2:05:00 or less to unlock Swerve Star

2 55.07%
Like a Hawk, Tony and Kirby Ride the Rails

Like a Hawk, Tony and Kirby Ride the Rails

In Air Ride, use all of the volcano rails in Magma Flows and win the race to unlock Turbo Star

1 15.62%
Sprinting Through the Hallways to Find the Hangar

Sprinting Through the Hallways to Find the Hangar

In Air Ride, reach 4,500 feet or 1,400 metres in a 2 minute race on Machine Passage to unlock Jet Star

2 14.17%
A Taste of the Sights, a Reunion With an Old Friend

A Taste of the Sights, a Reunion With an Old Friend

In Air Ride, start a race on all of the starting tracks to unlock Wheelie Bike

2 45.73%
The Star Appears, Become the Ruler of the King Bike

The Star Appears, Become the Ruler of the King Bike

In Air Ride, defeat 100 enemies with exhaled stars to unlock Rex Wheelie

2 8.7%
Making a Sharp Turn of the Standings

Making a Sharp Turn of the Standings

In Air Ride, start the final lap of a race in 4th place and win to unlock Wheelie Scooter

2 21.74%
Don't Need no Monster to Clobber That There Kirby!

Don't Need no Monster to Clobber That There Kirby!

In Air Ride, defeat 1,000 enemies to unlock King Dedede

2 11.59%
No Spanish Riff, Sadly

No Spanish Riff, Sadly

In Air Ride, glide for a total of 30 minutes to unlock Meta Knight

2 12.56%
One Rider Fits All

One Rider Fits All

In Air Ride, unlock every vehicle and character

5 8.05%
Better Not Fall Asleep During a Sword Fight This Time

Better Not Fall Asleep During a Sword Fight This Time

In Air Ride, swallow Sword Knight 3 times or more and win the race to unlock Green Kirby

2 32.53%
Getting a Bit Purple in the Face From so Many Coasters

Getting a Bit Purple in the Face From so Many Coasters

In Air Ride, finish 2 laps of Beanstalk Park with a time of 2:18:00 or less to unlock Purple Kirby

2 47.02%
Its a Rough and Coarse Track That Goes Everywhere

Its a Rough and Coarse Track That Goes Everywhere

In Air Ride, finish a lap of Sky Sands in Free Run with a time of 1:05:00 or less with the Bulk Star to unlock Brown Kirby

3 12.4%
Snow Kirby and the Seven Waddles

Snow Kirby and the Seven Waddles

In Air Ride, finish 2 laps of Celestial Valley with a time of 2:20:00 or less to unlock White Kirby

2 62.32%
Does Changing Your Color Affect Your Taste?

Does Changing Your Color Affect Your Taste?

In Air Ride, unlock every player color

5 11.92%
Flying to See What Secrets Await You

Flying to See What Secrets Await You

In Air Ride, glide for a total of 1 hour to unlock the Special machine intros movie

2 7.41%
An Introduction to Riding the Air

An Introduction to Riding the Air

In Air Ride, complete any 20 squares on the checklist

5 30.11%
A Novice of Riding the Air

A Novice of Riding the Air

In Air Ride, complete any 40 squares on the checklist

5 16.26%
Proficient at Riding the Air

Proficient at Riding the Air

In Air Ride, complete any 60 squares on the checklist

10 11.27%
The Expert of Riding the Air

The Expert of Riding the Air

In Air Ride, complete any 80 squares on the checklist

10 8.86%
Riding Completer of the Air

Riding Completer of the Air

In Air Ride, complete any 100 squares on the checklist to unlock the ending video

25 6.6%
Riding Master of the Air

Riding Master of the Air

In Air Ride, complete all 120 squares on the checklist - no purple square unlocks, complete these the intended way to override them

50 2.74%
Tiptop Shape for the Fields

Tiptop Shape for the Fields

In Top Ride, win a race on Grass against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 45.57%
Onward to Boney Wastelands

Onward to Boney Wastelands

In Top Ride, win a race on Sand against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 37.36%
Perils Atop Cloudy Flights

Perils Atop Cloudy Flights

In Top Ride, win a race on Sky against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 35.27%
Rising Heat, and Boiling Seats

Rising Heat, and Boiling Seats

In Top Ride, win a race on Fire against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 39.29%
Investigating the Astral Skies Above

Investigating the Astral Skies Above

In Top Ride, win a race on Light against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 33.01%
Distress While Kabu is Near

Distress While Kabu is Near

In Top Ride, win a race on Water against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 32.53%
Everything Designed as Haltmann Desires

Everything Designed as Haltmann Desires

In Top Ride, win a race on Metal against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 31.72%
Wherever You Point, Kirby Will Follow

Wherever You Point, Kirby Will Follow

In Top Ride, win a race using the Free Star against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 45.73%
The Right Way to Drive What's Left Behind

The Right Way to Drive What's Left Behind

In Top Ride, win a race using the Steer Star against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 25.44%
Unicorns Want to Go to the Mountain, Kirby

Unicorns Want to Go to the Mountain, Kirby

In Top Ride, finish a race on Grass with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 13.04%
No Shards to be Found in This Desert

No Shards to be Found in This Desert

In Top Ride, finish a race on Sand with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 10.47%
Dream Land's Lazy Lifestyle Will End!

Dream Land's Lazy Lifestyle Will End!

In Top Ride, finish a race on Sky with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 11.11%
Stealing Food is Over, Steal His Theme Instead

Stealing Food is Over, Steal His Theme Instead

In Top Ride, finish a race on Fire with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 6.92%
Lighting the Way to Every Crystal Piece

Lighting the Way to Every Crystal Piece

In Top Ride, finish a race on Light with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 10.63%
No Paper Boats, But We'll Float From Idling About

No Paper Boats, But We'll Float From Idling About

In Top Ride, finish a race on Water with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 12.72%
Kirby's Not Just a Racer, He's a Tank, uh, Driver

Kirby's Not Just a Racer, He's a Tank, uh, Driver

In Top Ride, finish a race on Metal with the alternative music - multiplayer allowed

1 13.69%
Anybody Else Getting Roadsick?

Anybody Else Getting Roadsick?

In Top Ride, win a race with the Diagonal or Side Camera Angle setting against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 11.27%
A Choice of Chaos or Unknown

A Choice of Chaos or Unknown

In Top Ride, win any race with the default lap count with Items set to either "Attack" or "Mystery" against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 8.7%
The Destination Better Not be Final

The Destination Better Not be Final

In Top Ride, win any race with Items set to "None" and Features set to "Off" against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

1 5.31%
Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - I

Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - I

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 7 laps on Grass without using items against at least one level 3 CPU - Items Rule must be set to "Normal" or "Many", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 14.17%
Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - II

Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - II

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 7 laps on Sand without using items against at least one level 3 CPU - Items Rule must be set to "Normal" or "Many", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 12.88%
Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - III

Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - III

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 6 laps on Sky without using items against at least one level 3 CPU - Items Rule must be set to "Normal" or "Many", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 12.08%
Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - IV

Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - IV

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 6 laps on Fire without using items against at least one level 3 CPU - Items Rule must be set to "Normal" or "Many", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 10.79%
Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - V

Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - V

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 6 laps on Light without using items against at least one level 3 CPU - Items Rule must be set to "Normal" or "Many", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 11.43%
Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - VI

Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - VI

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 5 laps on Water without using items against at least one level 3 CPU - Items Rule must be set to "Normal" or "Many", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 12.08%
Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - VII

Allergic to Randomly Spawning Items - VII

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 5 laps on Metal without using items against at least one level 3 CPU - Items Rule must be set to "Normal" or "Many", and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 11.76%
Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - I

Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - I

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 7 laps on Grass without boosting or getting squished against at least 1 CPU with a handicap of 3 or higher - Game Tempo must be set to "Normal", multiplayer allowed

5 19.48%
Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - II

Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - II

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 7 laps on Sand without boosting or getting squished against at least 1 CPU with a handicap of 3 or higher - Game Tempo must be set to "Normal", multiplayer allowed

5 17.87%
Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - III

Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - III

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 6 laps on Sky without boosting or getting squished against at least 1 CPU with a handicap of 3 or higher - Game Tempo must be set to "Normal", multiplayer allowed

5 14.65%
Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - IV

Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - IV

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 6 laps on Fire without boosting or getting squished against at least 1 CPU with a handicap of 3 or higher - Game Tempo must be set to "Normal", multiplayer allowed

5 16.59%
Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - V

Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - V

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 6 laps on Light without boosting or getting squished against at least 1 CPU with a handicap of 3 or higher - Game Tempo must be set to "Normal", multiplayer allowed

5 16.43%
Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - VI

Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - VI

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 5 laps on Water without boosting or getting squished against at least 1 CPU with a handicap of 3 or higher - Game Tempo must be set to "Normal", multiplayer allowed

5 15.46%
Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - VII

Disabled Overclocking Your Engine - VII

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 5 laps on Metal without boosting or getting squished against at least 1 CPU, with a handicap of 3 or higher - Game Tempo must be set to "Normal", multiplayer allowed

5 15.14%
Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Grass

Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Grass

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 7 laps on Grass with a handicap of 3 or lower against 3 CPUs set to level 4 or higher - Speed Help must be set to "None" and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 6.44%
Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Sand

Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Sand

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 7 laps on Sand with a handicap of 3 or lower against 3 CPUs set to level 4 or higher - Speed Help must be set to "None" and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 5.31%
Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Sky

Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Sky

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 6 laps on Sky with a handicap of 3 or lower against 3 CPUs set to level 4 or higher - Speed Help must be set to "None" and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 5.15%
Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Fire

Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Fire

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 6 laps on Fire with a handicap of 3 or lower against 3 CPUs set to level 4 or higher - Speed Help must be set to "None" and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 4.83%
Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Light

Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Light

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 6 laps on Light with a handicap of 3 or lower against 3 CPUs set to level 4 or higher - Speed Help must be set to "None" and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 4.83%
Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Water

Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Water

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 5 laps on Water with a handicap of 3 or lower against 3 CPUs set to level 4 or higher - Speed Help must be set to "None" and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

5 4.67%
Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Metal

Taking it Slow to Enjoy the Metal

In Top Ride, win a race of at least 5 laps on Metal with a handicap of 3 or lower against 3 CPUs set to level 4 or higher - Speed Help must be set to "None" and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 4.83%
The Pink Ghost of Akina Masters Grass

The Pink Ghost of Akina Masters Grass

In Top Ride, finish a Free Run lap on Grass with a time of 0:04:50 or less without hitting a wall

5 10.14%
The Pink Ghost of Akina Masters Sand

The Pink Ghost of Akina Masters Sand

In Top Ride, finish a Free Run lap on Sand with a time of 0:05:00 or less without hitting a wall

3 12.24%
The Pink Ghost of Akina Masters Sky

The Pink Ghost of Akina Masters Sky

In Top Ride, finish a Free Run lap on Sky with a time of 0:09:00 or less without hitting a wall

10 6.44%
The Pink Ghost of Akina Masters Fire

The Pink Ghost of Akina Masters Fire

In Top Ride, finish a Free Run lap on Fire with a time of 0:06:50 or less without hitting a wall

10 5.8%
The Pink Ghost of Akina Masters Light

The Pink Ghost of Akina Masters Light

In Top Ride, finish a Free Run lap on Light with a time of 0:06:00 or less without hitting a wall

2 14.17%
Illuminating Everything That Turns Against You

Illuminating Everything That Turns Against You

In Top Ride, win a race on every course without using items while the Items Rule isn't set to "None" to unlock the Lantern item

2 16.91%
Must be Chameleo Arm-branded Paint

Must be Chameleo Arm-branded Paint

In Top Ride, collect over 500 items to unlock the Who? Paint item

2 6.28%
Kirby Enlists the Cuckoo Militia

Kirby Enlists the Cuckoo Militia

In Top Ride, get 18 different types of items to unlock the Chickie item

3 13.37%
Getting the Hang of the Rides

Getting the Hang of the Rides

In Top Ride, cross the goal 20 times or more to unlock Green Kirby

1 19.81%
You've Got a Poyo With Me

You've Got a Poyo With Me

In Top Ride, compete in more than 50 multiplayer races to unlock Purple Kirby

2 6.92%
From the Sky, Comes the Fall, Just Ask Pit

From the Sky, Comes the Fall, Just Ask Pit

In Top Ride, win a race on Sky against a level 5 CPU to unlock Brown Kirby

2 16.1%
Whiter Than My Metallic Dust

Whiter Than My Metallic Dust

In Top Ride, win a race on Metal while being more than 5 seconds faster than 2nd place to unlock White Kirby

2 19.48%
Kirby Emotion Color Chart

Kirby Emotion Color Chart

In Top Ride, unlock every player color

5 6.44%
An Introduction to Riding the Top

An Introduction to Riding the Top

In Top Ride, complete any 20 squares on the checklist

5 21.9%
A Novice of Riding the Top

A Novice of Riding the Top

In Top Ride, complete any 40 squares on the checklist

5 16.75%
Proficient at Riding the Top

Proficient at Riding the Top

In Top Ride, complete any 60 squares on the checklist

10 14.33%
The Expert of Riding the Top

The Expert of Riding the Top

In Top Ride, complete any 80 squares on the checklist

10 12.08%
Riding Completer of the Top

Riding Completer of the Top

In Top Ride, complete any 100 squares on the checklist to unlock the ending video

25 10.47%
Riding Master of the Top

Riding Master of the Top

In Top Ride, complete all 120 squares on the checklist - no purple square unlocks, complete these the intended way to override them

50 4.67%
Kirby of the Stars is Now of the City

Kirby of the Stars is Now of the City

In City Trial, play through a round of any length and get 1st place against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

3 53.46%
Rushing Through Your Journey in the City

Rushing Through Your Journey in the City

In City Trial, play through a 3 minute round and get 1st place against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

4 19.48%
Enjoying the Full Tour of the City's Trials

Enjoying the Full Tour of the City's Trials

In City Trial, play through a 7 minute round and get 1st place against at least 1 CPU - multiplayer allowed

5 35.91%
A Rental is Only a Rental Until You Claim Ownership

A Rental is Only a Rental Until You Claim Ownership

In City Trial, win a round of any length against at least 1 CPU without use any vehicle besides the Compact Star - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

10 40.42%
GTA: Poyo City Stories

GTA: Poyo City Stories

In City Trial, ride 10 unique vehicles in a single match - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

5 12.72%
Kirby of the Broken Stars

Kirby of the Broken Stars

In City Trial, break the star pole in the first 20 seconds of a match - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

2 29.15%
Building Up to the Starry Flight

Building Up to the Starry Flight

In City Trial, fly from the top floor of the Electric Lounge and destroy the star pole without touching the ground - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

5 20.45%
The Legendary Rush for a Machine

The Legendary Rush for a Machine

In City Trial, obtain either Hydra or Dragoon in a 3 minute match - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

10 9.5%
Always Positive, Just Like Kirby

Always Positive, Just Like Kirby

In City Trial, finish a 7 minute match while a single player collects 54 stat patches without collecting any negative stat patches - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

10 22.87%
Becoming a Gourmet Without Starting a Race

Becoming a Gourmet Without Starting a Race

In City Trial, have one player eat 15 food items in a single seven minute match - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

10 22.71%
Temporary Buffs for Permanent Puffs

Temporary Buffs for Permanent Puffs

In City Trial, have one player collect all three temporary stat buffs and the Candy in a single match in the city - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

5 16.26%
He's More Than You Think! He's Got Maximum Pink!

He's More Than You Think! He's Got Maximum Pink!

In City Trial, obtain 8 unique Copy Abilities in a single 3 minute match, Copy Chance Wheel does not count - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

5 9.02%
A Percent Above the Food Rush

A Percent Above the Food Rush

In a single round of City Trial, have one player obtain 5 hot dogs, sushis, Maxim Tomatoes, or energy drinks - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

25 14.49%
These City Hills are Going Silent

These City Hills are Going Silent

In City Trial, collect 20 patches/food/copy patches/etc., during the "Dense Fog" event - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

5 8.7%
Not Everything Acts That Wacky

Not Everything Acts That Wacky

In City Trial, find a piece of either Dragoon or Hydra during the "Item Bounce" or "What's In the Box?" events, parts already collected do not count - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

5 16.43%
Rested and Healed by the House of Light

Rested and Healed by the House of Light

In City Trial, get healed by the lighthouse for 4 seconds during "The Lighthouse Light Burns" event, resets if you eat food - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

3 16.59%
Hijacking the Self Flying Machines

Hijacking the Self Flying Machines

In City Trial, board one of the vehicles flying over the city during the "Air Ride Formation" event - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

5 5.31%
Abducting From the Mysterious Phenomenon

Abducting From the Mysterious Phenomenon

In City Trial, obtain an All patch atop the UFO during its event - Game Tempo set to "Normal" and multiplayer allowed

4 17.23%
A Race? I'd Call It a Slaughter Lane

A Race? I'd Call It a Slaughter Lane

In any of City Trial's Drag Race levels, be the only one to reach the end - Must be against 3 CPUs during a normal City Trial round and Game Tempo set to "Normal"

10 3.38%
Deliver the Ramen Faster Than Delivery Man!

Deliver the Ramen Faster Than Delivery Man!

In City Trial's Drag Race 2, reach the end with a time of 0:24:00 or less using the Wagon Star without Copy Abilities - Game Tempo set to "Normal" if not done in Stadium mode and multiplayer allowed

5 3.38%
Learning to Swerve at Your Fastest Speeds

Learning to Swerve at Your Fastest Speeds

In City Trial's Drag Race 3, reach the end with a time of 0:28:00 or less using the Swerve Star - Must be in Stadium mode, multiplayer allowed

5 5.31%
Accelerating Your Wheels Beyond Limits

Accelerating Your Wheels Beyond Limits

In City Trial's Drag Race 4, reach the end with a time of 0:20:00 or less using the Rex Wheelie - Game Tempo set to "Normal" if not done in Stadium mode and multiplayer allowed

5 3.38%
Even Without Wings, I Can Still Fly... Short Distances

Even Without Wings, I Can Still Fly... Short Distances

In City Trial's Target Flight, score 150 points or more with a Wheelie vehicle - Game Tempo set to "Normal" if not done in Stadium mode and multiplayer allowed

5 3.38%
Spinning the Tables Against Everyone - I

Spinning the Tables Against Everyone - I

In City Trial's Kirby Melee 1, KO over 40 enemies without using Copy Abilities - Game Tempo set to "Normal" if not done in Stadium mode and multiplayer allowed

5 3.38%
Spinning the Tables Against Everyone - II

Spinning the Tables Against Everyone - II

In City Trial's Kirby Melee 2, KO over 35 enemies without using Copy Abilities - Game Tempo set to "Normal" if not done in Stadium mode and multiplayer allowed

5 3.7%
Desctruction-Derby-in-Style I

Desctruction-Derby-in-Style I

In City Trial's Destruction Derby 1, get 1st place without getting KOed against 3 max level CPUs with everyone using one unique vehicle of the following: Winged, Shadow, Rocket, and Formula Star - Game Tempo set to "Normal" if not done in Stadium mode

10 2.74%
Desctruction-Derby-in-Style II

Desctruction-Derby-in-Style II

In City Trial's Destruction Derby 2, get 1st place without getting KOed against 3 max level CPUs with everyone using one unique vehicle of the following: Winged, Shadow, Rocket, and Formula Star - Game Tempo set to "Normal" if not done in Stadium mode

5 2.58%
Desctruction-Derby-in-Style III

Desctruction-Derby-in-Style III

In City Trial's Destruction Derby 3, get 1st place without getting KOed against 3 max level CPUs with everyone using one unique vehicle of the following: Winged, Shadow, Rocket, and Formula Star - Game Tempo set to "Normal" if not done in Stadium mode

5 2.09%
Desctruction-Derby-in-Style IV

Desctruction-Derby-in-Style IV

In City Trial's Destruction Derby 4, get 1st place without getting KOed against 3 max level CPUs with everyone using one unique vehicle of the following: Winged, Shadow, Rocket, and Formula Star - Game Tempo set to "Normal" if not done in Stadium mode

10 2.09%
Desctruction-Derby-in-Style V

Desctruction-Derby-in-Style V

In City Trial's Destruction Derby 5, get 1st place without getting KOed against 3 max level CPUs with everyone using one unique vehicle of the following: Winged, Shadow, Rocket, and Formula Star - Game Tempo set to "Normal" if not done in Stadium mode

10 2.09%
Classic Duel With a Vehicular Twist

Classic Duel With a Vehicular Twist

In City Trial's VS. King Dedede, defeat King Dedede with only one player, no CPUs

10 7.89%
Burning a Plant Considering the Nearby Threats

Burning a Plant Considering the Nearby Threats

In City Trial's Free Run mode, find the hidden white flower and touch it - multiplayer allowed

1 9.82%
The Castle's Secret Garden is Missing Soil

The Castle's Secret Garden is Missing Soil

In City Trial's Free Run mode, find the hidden pink flower and touch it - multiplayer allowed

3 10.95%
Learning to Climb Without a Narrator

Learning to Climb Without a Narrator

In City Trial's Free Run mode, climb up to the top of the garden in the sky from its base without using a vehicle - multiplayer allowed

5 11.11%
Dragging Yourself Into the Heated Air of the Race

Dragging Yourself Into the Heated Air of the Race

In City Trial, finish Drag Race 3 with a time of 0:27:00 or less to unlock Drag Race 4

2 19.0%
Copying What Others Do, But Doing it Better

Copying What Others Do, But Doing it Better

In City Trial, KO over 75 enemies by yourself in Kirby Melee 1 to unlock Kirby Melee 2

2 9.66%
Burning Desire for Devestation

Burning Desire for Devestation

In City Trial, KO rivals 10 times in Destruction Derby 2 to unlock Destruction Derby 3

3 12.08%
Internal Conflict of the Popstar Nation

Internal Conflict of the Popstar Nation

In City Trial, KO rivals 5 times in Destruction Derby 3 to unlock Destruction Derby 4

2 8.21%
Building Up Fights Against Truth and Love

Building Up Fights Against Truth and Love

In City Trial, KO rivals 10 times in Destruction Derby 4 to unlock Destruction Derby 5

3 5.96%
Entrance of the Puffball Gladiators

Entrance of the Puffball Gladiators

In City Trial, play in over 10 Stadium modes to unlock Single Race 9

1 25.76%
Accessing Everything From Our Stadium Facilities

Accessing Everything From Our Stadium Facilities

In City Trial, unlock all 24 events in the Stadium list

10 1.93%
You'll Holler and Hoot, He'll Give Kirby the Boot!

You'll Holler and Hoot, He'll Give Kirby the Boot!

In City Trial, win the VS. King Dedede in under a minute to unlock King Dedede for Free Run

4 9.18%
So Many Boxes, Yet None Contain a Figurine of Me

So Many Boxes, Yet None Contain a Figurine of Me

In City Trial, break a total of 1,000 boxes to unlock Meta Knight for Free Run

2 7.25%
This Doesn't Feel Like a Jump, More of a Launch

This Doesn't Feel Like a Jump, More of a Launch

In City Trial, go higher than 1,000 feet or 300 metres in High Jump to unlock Dragoon Part A

2 19.0%
Kirx Luther is Still at Large

Kirx Luther is Still at Large

In City Trial, fly through a ring in the sky 5 times to unlock Dragoon Part B

2 16.26%
Air Ride Machines Can't Fly, Just Fall With Style

Air Ride Machines Can't Fly, Just Fall With Style

In City Trial, fly at least 1,300 feet or 400 metres in Air Glider to unlock Dragoon Part C

1 15.62%
Cutting the Skies, Disrupting the Brawls!

Cutting the Skies, Disrupting the Brawls!

In City Trial, unlock all Dragoon parts on the checklist to unlock Dragoon for Free Run

2 9.34%
Farewell Mario, Kirby's Wrecking Crew Arrives!

Farewell Mario, Kirby's Wrecking Crew Arrives!

In City Trial, destroy all the grey buildings to unlock Hydra Part X

1 31.08%
You're Invited to Kirby's Funeral After This

You're Invited to Kirby's Funeral After This

In City Trial, KO opponents in all Destruction Derby matches 150 times to unlock Hydra Part Y

2 4.35%
If Only You had Cook to Speed This Up

If Only You had Cook to Speed This Up

In City Trial, KO enemies in all Kirby Melee matches over 1,500 times to unlock Hydra Part Z

2 3.7%
The King of Destruction Charges Into the Fray!

The King of Destruction Charges Into the Fray!

In City Trial, unlock all Hydra parts on the checklist to unlock Hydra for Free Run

2 3.54%
Free to Ride When You Run

Free to Ride When You Run

In City Trial, unlock every vehicle and character for Free Run mode

5 2.42%
Lighting Up Everybody's Lives With What Works

Lighting Up Everybody's Lives With What Works

In City Trial, use fireworks to KO rivals 10 times to unlock Green Kirby

2 5.96%
Black and Blue From Your Torment

Black and Blue From Your Torment

In City Trial, break a CPU's vehicle 5 times in the city to unlock Purple Kirby

2 20.13%
Better Call Me Kir-bolt for That Sprint

Better Call Me Kir-bolt for That Sprint

In City Trial, finish Drag Race 2 with the Winged Star with a time of 0:29:00 or less to unlock Brown Kirby

2 11.27%
Take the Blue Box and Ignore, or Take the Red Box and Hope

Take the Blue Box and Ignore, or Take the Red Box and Hope

In City Trial, create both Dragoon and Hydra in a single match to unlock White Kirby

3 11.59%
More Colors Than a Mirrored Knight Could Create

More Colors Than a Mirrored Knight Could Create

In City Trial, unlock every player color

5 5.15%
You're Finally Able to Track What you Have!

You're Finally Able to Track What you Have!

In City Trial, pick up a total of 500 items to unlock the pause screen power-ups check

1 27.86%
An Introduction to Trials in the City

An Introduction to Trials in the City

In City Trial, complete any 20 squares on the checklist

5 29.31%
A Novice of Trials in the City

A Novice of Trials in the City

In City Trial, complete any 40 squares on the checklist

5 18.04%
Proficient at Trials in the City

Proficient at Trials in the City

In City Trial, complete any 60 squares on the checklist

10 9.82%
The Expert of Trials in the City

The Expert of Trials in the City

In City Trial, complete any 80 squares on the checklist

10 6.76%
Trial Completer of the City

Trial Completer of the City

In City Trial, complete any 100 squares on the checklist to unlock the ending video

25 4.83%
Trial Master of the City

Trial Master of the City

In City Trial, complete all 120 squares on the checklist - no purple square unlocks, complete these the intended way to override them

50 1.93%