Play Experience 1 : Easy Xp

Play Experience 1 : Easy Xp

7 Logros

100,000 XP

Google Play
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Woaw you touched the screen with both your fingers !

Woaw you touched the screen with both your fingers !

Touch the smartphone screen with both your fingers at the same time !

20,000 XP 87.72%
Bravo !!!

Bravo !!!

Find the secret button !

10,000 XP 45.47%
Woaw you watched the ad until the end !

Woaw you watched the ad until the end !

Watch an advertisement until the end !

20,000 XP 72.59%
You pressed once !

You pressed once !

Tap once on the screen of your smartphone !

5,000 XP 83.09%
You've pressed 50 times !

You've pressed 50 times !

Tap 50 times on your smartphone screen !

10,000 XP 93.76%
You've pressed 500 times !

You've pressed 500 times !

Tap 500 times on your smartphone screen !

15,000 XP 68.53%
You've pressed 1000 times !

You've pressed 1000 times !

Tap 1000 times on the screen of your smartphone !

20,000 XP 57.48%