911 Operator

911 Operator

18 Achievements


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Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor

Awarded for finishing the campaign


How to unlock the Medal of Honor achievement in 911 Operator - Definitive Guide

I tried best to give you a walkthrough of the campaign, mentioning some "tips" I found helpful/useful. If you have additional things that are worth mentioning, comment below.

A lot of events are random, but there are some calls that just happen in a certain city on a certain duty. Please read this walkthrough at your own risk, if you don't want any spoilers.

Overall tips:
- Spend your money as wisely as you can. So spend it to either fill up your Units, if people got injured or to buy (better) equipment. Note: MediKits, Fire Extingusher and Technical Tools are best given to units that don't have access to these tools i.e. give MediKits to Police & Fire Fighters, but not to the Medics; Give Fire Extinguisher and Technical Tools to Medics & Police, but not to the Fire Fighters.

- Always check your inventory on the left side of the screen in preparation mode, before buying something. It could be that an injured staff had this equipment already (if a person gets injured the equipped items are not lost, but stored in your inventory for you to re-assign). Also, I never had to buy a new vehicle as they were all on the left side for me to add to my squad.

- I personally never checked the salary or was forced to hire a staff with less salary. Of course higher ranked officials will earn more money, but will also be more effective. Equip the higher ranked staff with items first, for example give the bulletproof vest to the higher ranked police men/women first. Look that you have all units evenly matched. Do not have 1 unit with all high ranks and one with all greenhorns. I also gave Firefighter Masks and Chest Compression System to the highest ranked staff in the units.

- When starting a map you have a preparation time to split up your Units. Just check that each area of the map has all 3 units somewhere close.

- When checking the reports with cn_Y, see if you can already determine the amount of people that you need to send at the requested location. Let's say it's a drug related crime with 4 suspects involved, don't send only 1 police car with two men or they will likely get injured. Send as many police men and/or medics as there are suspects or injured people.

- When picking up calls with cn_X, always ask the questions to the end and do not hang up before that. Potential prank calls can actually be calls for help. Always ask for the address as soon as possible so you don't have to wait for a localisation of the call. Also make sure that you asked all relevant question (always in CAP LETTERS). And if a call turns out to be irrelevant, press and stay on cn_A on the ignore button to delete the icon from your map. Try picking up all calls that come through, as the reputation will sink drastically if you ignore them.

- If you feel the whole game is overall harder than it should be, you can always go into the options menu - wrench symbol on the right side of the screen of the main menu - and change the difficulty to "Easy". Default is "Normal".

1 Kapolei
Duty 1: Not a lot to do here on the preparation screen. Fill up your Squads with the Staff that you have on the left side. Buy a gun for the newly added policeman. Check the tip above on equipping other lines of service with additional equipment that they don't have. I added 2 MediKits with Police and Fire Fighters and put a Chest Compression System into a Medic unit.
The events here are random, but there are not a lot. You will probably get your first Pizza Order call here. Just make sure that you can clearly exclude an undercover emergency call.

Duty 2: You will have some more money. Just fill up Units that aren't full yet. Remember to always buy a gun for the police man or he/she will be a light target to be injured or even to die. If you have left over money, buy 1-3 Bulletproof vests, 1 Firefighter Mask and 1 Chest Compression System.
Nothing sepcial here. If you get the stomache ache guy, just make sure to ask what he ate and for how long he had the stomache ache. Maybe it turns out to be something that you can ignore.

2. Albuquerque

Due to the fact that there are a lot of medical emergencies here, concentrate on good equipment and filling stuff for medics first.

Duty 1: On your first duty in a city, you don't have a lot of money to spend. Just make sure that the Staff and Equipment on the left side is used to fill up spots on your active units. I just bought 2 fire extinguishers and gave them to the police and medic.
Nothing special here.
The only problem you will face, is that the medics always have to go back to a hospital and there are not a lot. So send out your medics as efficiently as possible. If there's more than 2 injured, send the 4 place car to check in on the emergency.

Duty 2: Again, fill up any units that are missing staff due to injuries. If done, fill up the equipment where you see fit i.e. highest fire fighter in the unit should get mask or highest ranked medic in the unit should get chest compression system.
Same as Duty 1, nothing sepcial. Just remember to check how many suspects and injured, so you can send the right amount of staff there, without them needing back-up or additional medical transportation.

3. Chicago

Duty 1: As usual you don't have a lot of money to begin a city. I bought an additional medic for the money.
Not a lot to say here. Your normal 1st duty in a city nothing too big to handle.

Duty 2: You have some money to spend now. First of all fill up all your units with staff as much as you can. If you can't hire more units, just amke sure you have min. 3 staff on all units. You have a medic car in your invetory, but you don't really need to add it to your squad now. Instead buy equipment for medics (Chest Compression System), for Fire Fighters (Mask) and for police (bulletproof vest & some 1-3 aussault rifles). remeber to also hand out MediKits, Fire Extinguishers and Technical Tools to other units.
Nothing sepcial here as well, apart from 1 call where someone reports a prison excape. This seems to be a constant call in this area/duty. If you have enough police around try and get 3 of them and send them to the area you might also get..

911 OperatorTactical Squad Service MedalThe Tactical Squad Service Medal achievement in 911 Operator worth 88 pointsAwarded for special tactical skills (gather 3 police teams before shooting starts)

..on this duty.

4. San Francisco

Duty 1: Again, you only have $2000. Just hire a fire fighter for the money.
Nothing special on the first duty day.

Duty 2: In preparation of you first big event on duty 3, fill up all your staff space and invest in Fire & Rescue Equipment equally.
Otherwise this duty is a normal one. Nothing heavy to lift here.

Duty 3: On this duty you will encounter your 1st big "happening" - an earthquake. Therefore prioritize Fire Fighter staff and equipment first, then medic. You will also have a Firefighter Pick-up in your inventory, add it as an active squad (press cn_Y in the middle screen to add new team) and make sure at least 2 staff is in there. Do the same for the Medical Transport vehicle and add staff to it. It's best to have at least on person with a mask on each unit and 1 person per unit with a Chest Compressions System for the medics. Add MedKits to Firefighters and Fire Extinguishers to Medics.
Due to the earthquake that will take place, everything will be getting ver hectic. You don't have time to press cn_Y to check what is needed, just distribute the units to their sign and hope that it's enough for them to solve it. But Fire Fighters with MedKits and medics with Extinguishers are pretty all rounded. Your goal is to not fall into minus at the end of the duty. If you're in the minus, you will have to repeat this day again.

5. New York

Duty 1: At least you have some staff on the left side to fill your units up and $20'000. Make sure all your units are as full as possible. In case some get hurt, you can still replace them afterwards. You don't need to add any vehicles yet. With the rest I bought Fire Fighter and Medic specific equipment.
Ok it is important that you place your units on all 3 different map locations - Jersey area (left side), Manhattan (middle) and Brooklyn (right side). Each Squad should be on every map piece. You will likely get a hostage situation here, where the caller can't talk. If there are people with guns, make sure that you send enough officers to the place. Maybe you can get "Tactical Squad Service Medal" here as well. You will probably also get the call where someone complains that his pizza is too spicy, just lead the conversation to a point where you can't help him anymore, don't wast police! Otherwise a normal 1st day of duty.

Duty 2: Replace all injured staff and fill up your units. The rest is best spent on better weapons for cops, maybe 1 "System Terminal" for cops as well. Otherwise fire extiguisher for medics and medic and fire fighter specific equipment.
You will likely get the phone call where someone explains that Mets fans are having a bar/street fight plus there is also a dumpster on fire. So send all 3 units to the place. Plus you will also get the MMORPG guy calling that something was stolen. Don't send anything as it was in his game only. Apart from that no real events that are special.

6. Washington

Duty 1: You start off with $20'000. As usual, fill up your units and with the rest buy any missing guns first and then medikits or fire extinguishers.
The only call you will get for sure here is a secretary that calls in about a suicide. Otherwise a normal day at the phone.

Duty 2:
Fill up all the units and I also added the Ambulance Car and the Police Car to the Squad and just made sure that they both had at least 2 people each in the car. If you can't get 2 people in, try splitting them up, but the units you already had should not have less than one free spot. With the rest, buy a fire extinguisher for each medic unit and couple of medikits for police and fire fighters. Plus the usual specialized equipment, but not too much.
A call you will always get here is someone who calls about a dog that has been hot by a car. At the end it's just best to send an ambulance there or he might kill it and reputation will go down. Also on this duty you will get the guy that sings under the shower and therefore you can also get

911 OperatorOrder of SmileThe Order of Smile achievement in 911 Operator worth 153 pointsAwarded for a sense of humor ;)

here. Just sing back the lyrics shown in the answer screen until finished and achievement should pop. Otherwise normal events.

Duty 3: You should have more than enough money for the last day. Fill up every unit. I didn't have any firefighters to hire afterwards, but if you have 2-3 still on the right side to hire, you can think about getting the fire truck up and adding it to the squad. Otherwise buy one fire extinguisher and 1 Chest Compression System for each medic, then medipack and mask for each Fire truck and medipack for each police car. Buy either assault rifle or shotgun and make sure that each police car has at least one non-pistol weapon. Sprinkle some Technical tools between medic and police.
The only special call you will get is a letter with a death threat. Just tell the lady that she shouldn't touch it again as it may have poison on to check on co-worker. This day is a bit stressful, but not too difficult. Remember you only need to have an amount over 0 to pass the day.

Duty 4: If you couldn't add the fire truck to your squad, do it now as the last day has another bigger event coming. Fill up the units as usual and top out all equipment! No slot should be open.
This duty will have the 2nd big event and it's a guy that calls you and blows up bombs. First time he calls and blows up car. Second time he let's you know the address and you need to evacuate. The third time he will make demands. Try to keep him on the phone for as long as you can, to track him down and know where the location is. If you got the location during the call or 1-2 seconds after, push "Send all" by staying on cn_A for a short time. If you can't catch him, you can still finish the duty on a positive note, you will just have some more stuff to do than when you don't catch him. Also, if you catch him, make sure to also go check the "possible bomb" incident.
After this day, the campaign mode is finished and the achievement should pop. Congrats!

If you have any comments, please write them below.

12 Nov 2017 14:47

Basically the whole walkthrough. Thanks. :)
By Killersquirelz on 20 Dec 2017 02:16
Really great guide! toast
By Sashamorning on 20 Dec 2019 02:41
Well done, thx 👍
By FoXD3vilSwiLd on 01 Jan 2020 15:41
Thanks! 👍
By Rusty Nail zh on 03 Jan 2020 02:40
Great guide. Thank you!
By Rossco7530 on 16 Jan 2020 13:35
View all 5 comments Show less comments
I tried best to give you a walkthrough of the campaign, mentioning some "tips" I found helpful/useful. If you have additional things that are worth mentioning, comment below.

A lot of events are random, but there are some calls that just happen in a certain city on a certain duty. Please read this walkthrough at your own risk, if you don't want any spoilers.

Overall tips:
- Spend your money as wisely as you can. So spend it to either fill up your Units, if people got injured or to buy (better) equipment. Note: that MediKits, Fire Extingusher and Technical Tools are best given to units that don't have access to these tools i.e. give MediKits to Police & Fire Fighters, but not to the Medics; Give Fire Extinguisher and Technical Tools to Medics & Police, but not to the Fire Fighters.

- Always check your inventory on the left side of the screen in preparation mode, before buying something. It could be that an injured staff had this equipment already (if a person gets injured the equipped items are not lost, but store in your inventory for you to re-assign). Also, I never had to buy a new vehicle as they were all on the left side for me to add to my squad.

- I personally never checked the salary or was forced to hire a staff with less salary. Of course higher ranked officials will earn more money, but will also be more effective. Equip the higher ranked staff with items first, for example give the bulletproof vest to the higher ranked police men/women first. Look that you have all units evenly matched. Do not have 1 unit with all high ranks and one with all greenhorns. I also gave Firefighter Masks and Chest Compression System to the highest ranked staff in the units.

- When starting a map you have a preparation time to split up your Units. Just check that each area of the map has all 3 units somewhere close.

- When checking the reports with [cn_Y], see if you can already determine the amount of people that you need to send at the requested location. Let's say it's a drug related crime with 4 suspects involved, don't send only 1 police car with two men or they will likely get injured. Send as many police men and/or medics as there are suspects or injured people.

- When picking up calls with cn_X, always ask the questions to the end and do not hang up before that. Potential prank calls can actually be calls for help. Always ask for the address as soon as possible so you don't have to wait for a localisation of the call. Also make sure that you asked all relevant question (always in CAP LETTERS). And if a call turns out to be irrelevant, press and stay on [cn_A] on the ignore button to delete the icon from your map. Try picking up all calls that come through, as the reputation will sink drastically if you ignore them.

- If you feel the whole game is overall harder than it should be, you can always go into the options menu - wrench symbol on the right side of the screen of the main menu - and change the difficulty to "Easy". Default is "Normal".

1 Kapolei
Duty 1: Not a lot to do here on the preparation screen. Fill up your Squads with the Staff that you have on the left side. Buy a gun for the newly added policeman. Check the tip above on equipping other lines of service with additional equipment that they don't have. I added 2 MediKits with Police and Fire Fighters and put a Chest Compression System into a Medic unit.
The events here are random, but there are not a lot. You will probably get your first Pizza Order call here. Just make sure that you can clearly exclude an undercover emergency call.

Duty 2: You will have some more money. Just fill up Units that aren't full yet. Remember to always buy a gun for the police man or he/she will be a light target to be injured or even to die. If you have left over money, buy 1-3 Bulletproof vests, 1 Firefighter Mask and 1 Chest Compression System.
Nothing sepcial here. If you get the stomache ache guy, just make sure to ask what he ate and for how long he had the stomache ache. Maybe it turns out to be something that you can ignore.

2. Albuquerque

Due to the fact that there are a lot of medical emergencies here, concentrate on good equipment and filling stuff for medics first.

Duty 1: On your first duty in a city, you don't have a lot of money to spend. Just make sure that the Staff and Equipment on the left side is used to fill up spots on your active units. I just bought 2 fire extinguishers and gave them to the police and medic.
Nothing special here.
The only problem you will face, is that the medics always have to go back to a hospital and there are not a lot. So send out your medics as efficiently as possible. If there's more than 2 injured, send the 4 place car to check in on the emergency.

Duty 2: Again, fill up any units that are missing staff due to injuries. If done, fill up the equipment where you see fit i.e. highest fire fighter in the unit should get mask or highest ranked medic in the unit should get chest compression system.
Same as Duty 1, nothing sepcial. Just remember to check how many suspects and injured, so you can send the right amount of staff there, without them needing back-up or additional medical transportation.

3. Chicago

Duty 1: As usual you don't have a lot of money to begin a city. I bought an additional medic for the money.
Not a lot to say here. Your normal 1st duty in a city nothing too big to handle.

Duty 2: You have some money to spend now. First of all fill up all your units with staff as much as you can. If you can't hire more units, just amke sure you have min. 3 staff on all units. You have a medic car in your invetory, but you don't really need to add it to your squad now. Instead buy equipment for medics (Chest Compression System), for Fire Fighters (Mask) and for police (bulletproof vest & some 1-3 aussault rifles). remeber to also hand out MediKits, Fire Extinguishers and Technical Tools to other units.
Nothing sepcial here as well, apart from 1 call where someone reports a prison excape. This seems to be a constant call in this area/duty. If you have enough police around try and get 3 of them and send them to the area you might also get..

..on this duty.

4. San Francisco

Duty 1: Again, you only have $2000. Just hire a fire fighter for the money.
Nothing special on the first duty day.

Duty 2: In preparation of you first big event on duty 3, fill up all your staff space and invest in Fire & Rescue Equipment equally.
Otherwise this duty is a normal one. Nothing heavy to lift here.

Duty 3: On this duty you will encounter your 1st big "happening" - an earthquake. Therefore prioritize Fire Fighter staff and equipment first, then medic. You will also have a Firefighter Pick-up in your inventory, add it as an active squad (press [cn_Y] in the middle screen to add new team) and make sure at least 2 staff is in there. Do the same for the Medical Transport vehicle and add staff to it. It's best to have at least on person with a mask on each unit and 1 person per unit with a Chest Compressions System for the medics. Add MedKits to Firefighters and Fire Extinguishers to Medics.
Due to the earthquake that will take place, everything will be getting ver hectic. You don't have time to press [cn_Y] to check what is needed, just distribute the units to their sign and hope that it's enough for them to solve it. But Fire Fighters with MedKits and medics with Extinguishers are pretty all rounded. Your goal is to not fall into minus at the end of the duty. If you're in the minus, you will have to repeat this day again.

5. New York

Duty 1: At least you have some staff on the left side to fill your units up and $20'000. Make sure all your units are as full as possible. In case some get hurt, you can still replace them afterwards. You don't need to add any vehicles yet. With the rest I bought Fire Fighter and Medic specific equipment.
Ok it is important that you place your units on all 3 different map locations - Jersey area (left side), Manhattan (middle) and Brooklyn (right side). Each Squad should be on every map piece. You will likely get a hostage situation here, where the caller can't talk. If there are people with guns, make sure that you send enough officers to the place. Maybe you can get "Tactical Squad Service Medal" here as well. You will probably also get the call where someone complains that his pizza is too spicy, just lead the conversation to a point where you can't help him anymore, don't wast police! Otherwise a normal 1st day of duty.

Duty 2: Replace all injured staff and fill up your units. The rest is best spent on better weapons for cops, maybe 1 "System Terminal" for cops as well. Otherwise fire extiguisher for medics and medic and fire fighter specific equipment.
You will likely get the phone call where someone explains that Mets fans are having a bar/street fight plus there is also a dumpster on fire. So send all 3 units to the place. Plus you will also get the MMORPG guy calling that something was stolen. Don't send anything as it was in his game only. Apart from that no real events that are special.

6. Washington

Duty 1: You start off with $20'000. As usual, fill up your units and with the rest buy any missing guns first and then medikits or fire extinguishers.
The only call you will get for sure here is a secretary that calls in about a suicide. Otherwise a normal day at the phone.

Duty 2:
Fill up all the units and I also added the Ambulance Car and the Police Car to the Squad and just made sure that they both had at least 2 people each in the car. If you can't get 2 people in, try splitting them up, but the units you already had should not have less than one free spot. With the rest, buy a fire extinguisher for each medic unit and couple of medikits for police and fire fighters. Plus the usual specialized equipment, but not too much.
A call you will always get here is someone who calls about a dog that has been hot by a car. At the end it's just best to send an ambulance there or he might kill it and reputation will go down. Also on this duty you will get the guy that sings under the shower and therefore you can also get

here. Just sing back the lyrics shown in the answer screen until finished and trophy should pop. Otherwise normal events.

Duty 3: You should have more than enough money for the last day. Fill up every unit. I didn't have any firefighters to hire afterwards, but if you have 2-3 still on the right side to hire, you can think about getting the fire truck up and adding it to the squad. Otherwise buy one fire extinguisher and 1 Chest Compression System for each medic, then medipack and mask for each Fire truck and medipack for each police car. Buy either assault rifle or shotgun and make sure that each police car has at least one non-pistol weapon. Sprinkle some Technical tools between medic and police.
The only special call you will get is a letter with a death threat. Just tell the lady that she shouldn't touch it again as it may have poison on to check on co-worker. This day is a bit stressful, but not too difficult. Remember you only need to have an amount over 0 to pass the day.

Duty 4: If you couldn't add the fire truck to your squad, do it now as the last day has another bigger event coming. Fill up the units as usual and top out all equipment! No slot should be open.
This duty will have the 2nd big event and it's a guy that calls you and blows up bombs. First time he calls and blows up car. Second time he let's you know the address and you need to evacuate. The third time he will make demands. Try to keep him on the phone for as long as you can, to track him down and know where the location is. If you got the location during the call or 1-2 seconds after, push "Send all" by staying on [cn_A] for a short time. If you can't catch him, you can still finish the duty on a positive note, you will just have some more stuff to do than when you don't catch him. Also, if you catch him, make sure to also go check the "possible bomb" incident.
After this day, the campaign mode is finished and the trophy should pop. Congrats!

If you have any comments, please write them below.

04 May 2019 00:17

For this, you need to finish the campaign

When you first enter career mode, you'll be given the choice between "Unique Stories" or "Daily Routine". Unique stories tries to give you a nice mix of new calls, and only requires you to finish these with a positive reputation. Daily Routine more simulates the life of a dispatcher. You may get exciting calls here and there, but also a lot of mundane calls. This option takes much longer as you have to cumulate a number of reputation points in each city before you can move on.

The cities are as follows:
San Fransisco
New York

Once you completed the requirements to pass each city, the achievement will be yours

10 Nov 2017 00:00