A Plague Tale: Innocence

A Plague Tale: Innocence

35 Achievements


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The hard way

The hard way

Enter through the main door


How to unlock the The hard way achievement in A Plague Tale: Innocence - Definitive Guide

At the end of Chapter 9 when you are about to go into the University, you have 2 options

1) go to the right side where 2 guys come walking out, making it super easy and you can let them live or kill them, up to you
2) go towards the main door that has 2 shielded and helmeted guys who in front of the main door next to the carriage

Go to #2 the main door
I personally used a pot to lure one away and then sneaked up to the door past the 2 guy and clicked on the door and BOOM achievement clap

17 May 2019 02:45

This must have changed recently. I originally used this strategy but as part of writing the walk-through I tried several times to distract them with the pot and I couldn't get it to take hold. It's still a great way to ensure you only fight one at a time, however.
By sm4k on 01 Oct 2019 01:38
This work for me, thanks
By oneEyEstang22 on 29 Jan 2020 22:00
I couldn’t get this to work. After throwing the pot, only one guard investigates while the other stands right in front of the door, making him impossible to sneak past. I assume it’s been patched since the solution was made.
By I Ebon Hawk I on 07 Feb 2020 18:59
Distract one with pot and run-up to the second one and put to sleep and then go through the door
By NIUEAN WARRIOR on 12 Feb 2020 12:28
I do it twice and dont work for me 😔
By Pyro FIynt on 27 Feb 2020 15:55
The method described in the previous comment still works. Pot to distract the guy on the left, then kill the guy on the right and get in the door.
By Billservo on 17 Apr 2020 16:00
I...I never even tried to go through the side door. I saw the guys guarding the door and was like, "Alright, here we go. Guess this is the way."
By Moonfox Spirit on 29 Apr 2020 20:22
If you go to the right and walk along the building towards the main gate, there will be a pot there. If you have a pot already, what I did was throw a pot towards the horses. One will investigate. While he does throw the thing that makes them take there helmets off at the guard who stayed behind and immediately switch to the rocks and sling a rock at his head and sneak right on up to the door. You can throw another pot if youd like to keep the other guard busy.
By Ihuntcheevos on 10 Apr 2020 03:05
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You HAVE to take down the 2 guards at the main door. The game will not show you the cn_A button to open it otherwise.

The other solution did not work for me, as the company may have patched this recently.

Either way, this is actually very easy to get.

As you enter the area, just ignore the 2 guys on your right side, and sneak up to the 2 (heavily armored) guards at the front door. Just whip out your Devorantis (helmet one) and shoot one guard and take him down with a rock right away as usual.

The 2nd guard is really easy if you go into this with a Somhum (the Zzzzz one). If you've got one ready, just walk up to him and let him try to kill you. That's it, you're done.

Walk up to the main front door and the Cheevo will pop.

26 Sep 2019 03:53

Upvote for including that you have to kill them. No sneaking or kiting them away.
By ScoPhibes on 02 Feb 2020 20:22
I was able to draw the two enemies into open conflict but evaded them by running round the stationary horse and cart in the courtyard. Once the marker went from full red to white , the marker appeared on the door and I got in. Lucky, yes but impossible, no.
By Muzzily on 06 Feb 2020 07:35
I used this method. I kept my distance and after forcing them to take their helmets off, I was able to take one out with a rock. I wasn’t quick enough with the 2nd so I used the ZZZ instead.
By CarpeAdam79 on 03 Apr 2020 04:08
Killed them both, went thru main door. This achievement and the 1 for completing Chapter 9 failed to pop :( Not sure what to do now that I'm already in Chapter 10 and can't revert back to last checkpoint before end of Chapter 9 to try to pop these 2 again.
By DolphinChic03 on 14 Aug 2021 10:57
I was also unable to use the pot method anymore. The pot is still a great way to ensure you're only fighting one at a time. If you're quick, you can still Devorantis these guys to get their helmets off, then hit them with regular rocks before they get their shields up.
By sm4k on 01 Oct 2019 01:39
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easy method is to make a zzz potion and let one of the guards attack you then do the QTE and hit the Y button will put the guard to sleep. Then immediately create another zzz potion and repeat with the second guard, then go and open the door and the achievement should pop. The guards can both be aggro'd and you can manage them they are slow enemies.

24 Jan 2020 10:53

Hey guys and gals!
Here is my 100% Achievement Guide for APTI!

At the end of Chapter 9, you have a choice of two ways to get into the University.
The right hand side where 2 guards come out of, but nobody is actually guarding the door.
Or the main door to the left, where 2 guards... Guard.

Obviously, choose the main door, sneak to the right hand side where you see a pot, pick it up, throw it as far left as you can and one guard goes.
The other guard stays and seems likely he will spot you, but stay crouched and go round the fire and he will not spot you.. (No killing and messing about involved)
Easy as pot pie!

If you prefer to see a visual for this, go to 1:00:20 in my Part 2 video, or if you prefer to see a solo guide for it, that is also below.

Hope this helps!

100% Achievement Guide Part 1 -

100% Achievement Guide Part 2-

Solo Guide -

03 Mar 2020 01:59

What I did was take out the other two guards nearby first. Then got the shielded guards near the main door to spot me then ran and Hid out of sight

They are slow so are easy to out run. When one had their back turned, I used devorantis then a stone to finish them, then did the same for the other guard

28 Feb 2020 13:09

It's quite easy to do it peacefully, without using any pots or potions. You just have to be swift.

Sneak behind the big carriage parked opposite the main entrance on the left. There are two spots between horses where only one of the guards can see you.

First, let the left guard spot you (half red bar). Immediately move slightly to the right and let the right guard spot you as well (half red bar). They will both walk towards you to investigate.

Quickly sneak to the right, all the way behind the carriage, wait until the second guard comes closer to the horses (so you will be out of his line of sight), walk to the door (do not run) and press "Y" ASAP.

Remember: you won't be able to interact with the door if enemies are fully alerted (full red bar).

18 Mar 2020 01:37

The other guides are great, I just wanted to give a video of how I got the achievement because sometimes it's easier to get ideas on video rather than description.
This clip starts when I am up on the balcony right after releasing the cages of rats and gaining the attention of the soldier on the right side. It is possible to get around the soldier without killing him. Just let him see you and run up the stairs. You move much faster than him so can run down the other side and along the right side. The easiest way to get past the solider at the foot of the stairs is to use Devorantis and then a rock to kill him.
Once up the stairs, you can ignore the 2 soldiers on the right but there is a collectable in the barn. Don't try to run in before they come because they will see you and raise the alarm.
You won't be able to unlock the door and go into the building if any of the soldiers can see you or know where you are. You don't have to kill them necessarily. I killed one but led the other on a wild goose chase. Once I was out of his sight and shielded by the large carriage I was able to sneak up to the door and open it ending the chapter. As soon as you open the door the achievement pops.

Sorry, this Game Clip has been removed

28 Apr 2020 00:43

At the end of Chapter 9 when you are about to go into the University, you have 2 options

1) go to the right side where 2 guys come walking out, making it super easy and you can let them live or kill them, up to you
2) go towards the main door that has 2 shielded and helmeted guys who in front of the main door next to the carriage

Go to #2 the main door
I personally used a pot to lure one away and then sneaked up to the door past the 2 guy and clicked on the door and BOOM achievement.

08 Jul 2021 16:26

At the very end of Chapter 9, Amicia will reach her destination in this chapter, a university, and have to enter it. There are two entrances, the easier one being an unguarded side door to the right of the building, and the harder one being the front door guarded by two soldiers. Regardless of your preference for stealth or combat, the goal is to approach the front door and press Y to enter the building through it.

Consult the following video if you have any trouble. All credit goes to its maker, Trophygamers.

The most economical and easiest option =) We throw the pot away so that one of the knights goes to check what the noise is there. And we throw a Devorantis shell into the second person’s face so that he takes off his helmet. And we immediately go through the main gate. Minimum resources and wasted time. Video guide .

12 Jun 2019 16:35

Well, then the most economical way is to just run in front of them. They will start following you with shields. You take them to an area where there is a round area with rats. You run around the square. The knights lose interest in you (the redness goes away), and you are already at the gate and calmly enter it! Works 100%.
By Falcon_J on 20 Jan 2020 16:29
there is no point in fighting with someone and fumbling for loot in the area at the entrance:
1. first, you immediately run to the right to the table for a collecting item, you are noticed and killed, but the item will be counted in the collection after loading from the CT.
2. then, without hiding, you immediately run to the entrance and aggro two with shields. you take them back behind the carriages, quickly run around them on the other side and crouch down. As soon as you lose sight of it, you run to the door and go in.
By Stasontop on 09 Jul 2021 22:34
I'll add stasontop's hint. With the collection, yes, you run, you take, you die, check. But I had problems with the gate on PS5. As soon as the guards are attacked, a chair appears opposite the gate, the type on which the inquisitor was carried. Further - darkness, the passage is closed, no matter what. It was a breeze. He stood behind the boards, where the game hints at throwing the pot, right under their noses, stupidly jumped over and behind them rushed to the entrance, pressing triangle (precisely on the hedgehog, on R2). On the first try, I jumped in, and before that, I suffered five times, and agrilled, and threw pots...
By Vikko on 06 Aug 2023 03:16
For those who don't know where they are yet. The end of the 9th chapter, after the round square, where you will need to knock down a cage with rats, we clear this “square” of guards, go up the stairs, we will hear a conversation between two guards who pass by in the arch, we enter in stealth from the back, the one on the right will be without a helmet, immediately with a stone, the second with a potion that makes you take off your helmets, then with a stone, we take the gift for the orphans and go from the right side to the carriage, there will be two guards there, and then, as the commentator wrote above. True, I put the second one to sleep and quickly went to the gate that they were guarding. and immediately get two trophies. Personally, I almost went through the side door, I would have missed the gate.
By 9shmel9 on 28 Jun 2019 09:12
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Chapter 9. at the end of the chapter in front of the university, you need to go through a large door, which is guarded by 2 shield guards, since they do not run, I forced them to walk with me to the square and there I threw a “rat bomb” at them.

16 May 2019 09:29

1 Comment
We make everything much easier!!
At the time of completing Chapter 9, you will have sleeping pills. We select a sleeping pill, agrim shieldnotsev, when the first one attacks with a mile, it will light up before hitting the hero , we squeeze and a sleeping pill flies into the shield bearer’s mug. We fight back a couple of meters, craft another sleeping pill and repeat the same with the second thug.
Or we stupidly throw sleeping pills at them from range distance.
It took me less than 1 minute to do everything. Knocked them down on the spot.
By Cumdeon on 03 Jun 2019 01:55