Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

275 Achievements


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I Was in China Before

I Was in China Before

Defeat the Jin before they start constructing a Wonder in the third Genghis Khan mission "Into China".


How to unlock the I Was in China Before achievement in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

Got it on my first go just there. My tactic was to ignore the Engineers after getting the Vills, then quickly sailing to Jin's island and setting up almost in the far right hand corner near the two boar.

Churn out a ton of vills (about 50) and try to boom on wood and food. Market trade to get enough gold and stone to age up to Imp, afford only necessary upgrades (Elite Skirm, range upgrades, Ballistics, Murder Holes), and plop a Castle near the north-east Jin gate. Garrison with a ton of Elite Skirms, and get out a Treb or two to start working on the towers. You want to be in Jin's base and harassing their central eco by 35-40 minutes.

Looking through the replay, Jin seemed to start going crazy into Knights at about 20 minutes, and never really had too much of a stockpile; then once I broke in, they pretty much sunk all their Gold into more cav and archers. Replay available:

The achievement only popped upon completion of the mission, by defeating all four main Chinese factions. I left the Engineers alive and untouched to the end, and never picked up the Bombards inside the Great Wall.

02 Dec 2019 19:17

Came up with the same plan, did pretty much exactly as you said, and... nothing. Think it might just be random honestly at this point, I have no idea.
By EmagDrolBot on 03 Dec 2019 21:45
Followed the same, but dropped the castle at the right corner wall, next to gold. Castle takes care of towers next to gold. Punched a hole in wall with ram and started mining gold. Then took couple of trebs and few Mangudais from same path, as there are no towers here. Destroy stable and build castle(buy stone in market) in its place. Trebs are protected by castle and can hit Jin castle, TC, archery. After this, just clean up villagers, any troops, and south castle. Achievement popped as soon as Jin resigned.
By prachit28 on 04 Aug 2020 19:22
i didn't have to wait until the end of the mission to get the achievement it popped as soon as he resigned
By lethelerror on 13 Jan 2021 00:09
File no longer available.
By Epsilon Theta on 27 Sep 2022 20:05
I used the mangonel to smash the northeastern gate, the battering ram to take out the two towers in that corner and then built a castle by the stone inside the walls. After the initial attack they trickled crossbowmen and knights but did nothing to the castle. With the constant drain on their resources I took my time and didn't need to even get to imperial age.
By ZttackFrmBhind on 18 Nov 2022 10:28
Thanks for this guide. Not sure whether this was the decisive factor, but leaving the blacksmith building intact rather than getting rid of them, and leaving the bombardiers at the top made it that I finally got this achievement!
By Itzz Sh0wt1m3 on 03 Dec 2019 00:07
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Fixed as per the latest patch, version 34055. Hooray!
Warning! Glitchy!

All other achievements (so far) have popped with a notification, except for this one. Perhaps it was a coincidence, but as a result I can't tell whether it should pop mid-match or only at the post match results screen. I even ended up repeating the win condition by re-loading my saves and messing around with it.

My fastest kill was a few seconds over 45min on the game clock (scales based on your game speed setting). The previous attempts dragged on past the 50 min mark and I did not get the achievement that time. As to why I'm not entirely sure, since I did make sure that there were no wonder notifications in the log.

Strategy tips:
- Focus on gathering wood & food (utilize the Market as well)
- Get to Castle Age asap for the important unit & eco upgrades
- Retrieve the free 6x Bombardiers from South of the wall, West edge
- Set up a staging area at Yellow's island, pump out E.Skirmishers and Pikes
- Bombard their buildings while protecting your guns with your cheap counter units
- Alternatively, try a Castle rush! Yellow's East gate is lightly guarded (suggested by the Strategoi in the comments section)

As always reveal the map by using "marco" & "polo" cheats, or by the resign > return to map method. Either way you'll have to restart afterwards.
The key to this will be getting your economy going early. When in doubt train more villagers!

The Wonder "event" starts at around 40 min if Yellow is left alone. What happens is the AI deletes the conspicuous 3x3 set of Blacksmiths inside his base and builds a Wonder in or near that now open space.

You can double check the chat log for any wonder alerts. Make sure there's none visible before completing the rather drawn out mission.

20 Nov 2019 05:28

definitely a weird glitch, yellow resigned and half of their towers stayed standing while the others were destroyed by the AI quitting as I would have expected. Took me about 55 minutes since I slacked off on making spearmen and skirmishers and lost my cannons halfway through and had to make battering rams

sub-note for haste:

- building base on yellow's island worked best for me even with less space, head straight across the map towards the blue "Engineers", grab the transport to reach blue, and then grab your 6 villagers and use the transport again to go over to yellow's island

-once your town center is up and you start harvesting resources, leave your horse archers on defend stance and put your light cavalry/scouts on the transport and go downriver just below the green Great Wall

-move your light cavalry across the map on the far side of the wall to grab the bombard cannons and then high tail it back to the river. If you don't attack red or anything else you should get back to the river unmolested. If you DO attack red be prepared to sacrifice your scouts to save the cannons because red will chase after you with about 20 crossbowmen

-once your cannons are across the river, make the spearmen and weaka** skirmishers to protect the cannons from yellow's occasional Chu Ko Nu archer/castle unit and knights from their stables

-the more cannons you keep alive, the faster yellow dies
By Cheva1ier on 01 Dec 2019 04:55
I think this is a bit buggy. I even completed this at 30 min mark and it never popped and tried reloading multiple times to no achievement. My strat was I built my base on yellows island and got villagers inside Yellow base and built a castle inside.
By Geezy Heat on 20 Nov 2019 14:37
Maybe it pops "stealthily" or with a delay for you as well @Geezy Heat. There's definitely something weird about this one...

I definitely did not play on hard though so a higher difficulty or a very quick kill (e.g. under 40min) aren't required.
By Healtti on 20 Nov 2019 17:23
Ok that's a problem here, i killed the jhin in like 15m they didn't get imperial age, but afther that i end the game in like 60m for finish the other enemy. Should this acchievement specific are not correct? Like you have to kill Jin's for last before they get the wonder?
By SistedodIta on 20 Nov 2019 22:40
Wait, you can use the Marco and Polo cheat codes and still get the achievements ?
By LuffyXxXhugo on 22 Nov 2019 22:34
LuffyXxXhugo said:
Wait, you can use the Marco and Polo cheat codes and still get the achievements ?
You'll have to restart the mission afterwards. I edited the solution a bit to make it clearer.
By Healtti on 22 Nov 2019 23:17
This one unlocked on first attempt for me, but it didn't lock in game or in the post match screen. I went back to the main menu and clicked multiplayer - after about 30 seconds it unlocked in the multiplayer menu.

I've found this works with anything that doesn't pop straight away
By Anno Mundi on 27 Nov 2019 21:34
I wish I was as lucky as you were :(

Needless to say this method did not work for me.
By Geezy Heat on 29 Nov 2019 15:37
I wasn't able to unlock it , finished around the 44 min mark. But I got a pop that jin has resigned instead of defeated. DOES IT HAVE TO 'DEFEATED' AS IN THE INFO?
By Jumping Japang on 30 Nov 2019 07:13
Hmm I'm interested to know what the people who unlocked it are doing differently. I did the 'build on yellow's island' strat and "defeated" him before he placed a wonder then steamrolled the other 3 AI's but no achievement. cry
By Lockie on 03 Dec 2019 04:39
It is finicky. I'll list the things which might have popped it for me asap
By Itzz Sh0wt1m3 on 03 Dec 2019 08:16
Completed the mission, wiped Jin out first before he had started building the wonder (the blacksmiths were all still intact).

Did the strategy of moving to his island and rushing castle age and... nothing.

I wouldn't mind retrying just the first part, but completing the rest of the mission is just such an arduous slog. Hope they fix this...
By EmagDrolBot on 03 Dec 2019 21:42
Did the latest December 2019 patch fix this issue?
By XMasterTofu on 18 Dec 2019 02:09
Maybe. 3 new unlocks already
By Itzz Sh0wt1m3 on 18 Dec 2019 08:42
I had saves from just before defeating the Jin and just before completing the chapter, and I didn't get the achievement after reloading either. If I really feel up to it I may complete the chapter again from the first save to see if that does it, but if I have to play this chapter again from the very beginning ...
By jrod39 on 18 Dec 2019 17:04
Just finished a playthrough from the first save I mentioned above (from before I defeated the Jin; all blacksmiths were still standing) through to the end of the scenario and ... no achievement. :(
By jrod39 on 18 Dec 2019 17:48
Have you updated your game?
By Itzz Sh0wt1m3 on 18 Dec 2019 18:59
It is working. Of course I have tried loading an old save file as well. It didn't work. You have to start the third mission from beginning and it will pop.
By DriZzT1987 on 18 Dec 2019 20:07
@DriZzT1987, does it pop when you defeat the Jin, or at the end of the scenario?

[And @Itzz Sh0wt1m3, yes, I had updated my game.]
By jrod39 on 18 Dec 2019 20:48
I just got it during the scenario right after Jin resigned. No need to play the whole mission. I was playing on the new update. Make sure your game is version 34055.
By LOCKUPHILLARY16 on 18 Dec 2019 23:37
Confirmed, thanks @LOCKUPHILLARY16 because I needed to hunt down the 34055 update. The general store Updated/Downloads couldn't find the update so I went directly to the Age of Empires 2 store page and then somehow it saw that the game had an update available and registered it on the updates page where I also needed to manually start it (2.02 GB download)

After that, I started a brand new Genghis Khan mission 3 and followed Healtti's steps again with building my base on yellow's island. Achievement popped!!!!! right as the I received a "Jin have resigned" message at 44 minutes into the game (so I didn't need to finish the whole thing and I just quit out)
By Cheva1ier on 19 Dec 2019 01:26
Alright, thanks for the confirmations everyone.
I've updated the solution accordingly.
By Healtti on 19 Dec 2019 01:51
Confirmed for me as well.

@Healtti, you might want to add the note from @Cheva1ier about needing to manually download the 34055 update--I had the same problem. [@Itzz Sh0wt1m3 had asked earlier if I had updated my game, and I had just gone to the Store and triggered "Downloads and Updates", and when I started my game I saw the developers note about the new mod so I thought I'd received an update. Speaking of that note and the new mod, that was a nice reference to the old days when Ensemble Studios used to release new mods every month or so. Not sure if anyone was involved in the community then but ES were terrific, especially Sandy Petersen.]
By jrod39 on 19 Dec 2019 14:47
I just used this video:

It took me a lot longer than that video since DE is much harder than the CD and HD version of the game, but nontheless once you build your TC in Jin's base, he's yellow on the map, you're just golden to win this achievement, since you will kill off everything that yellow has in his base and he won't be able to get to imperial age nor build a wonder @42 minutes in the game.
By jantrance on 30 Apr 2020 18:09
another attempt, killing Jin(yellow) by 35 minutes, with no achievement. Here's what I did differently so others hopefully don't waste their time testing it:

-I left alive the 3x3 blacksmiths to avoid any weird instant build/die wonders on that spot since I believe Yellow is scripted to build the wonder there (that means the only yellow units left on the map after 35 minutes were the 9 blacksmiths, the market for farming gold, some walls, and 3-4 towers that didn't disappear when yellow resigned)

-I ignored the Engineers(blue) and the Great Wall.

-I built a small base on the far side of the Great Wall and went after the Song(teal), Hsi Hsia(green), and Tanguts(red) until they were done and the game finished

-Finished killing yellow in 35 minutes instead of 55 minutes this time, with both being successful at keeping the "wonder construction" marker off the timeline
By Cheva1ier on 01 Dec 2019 21:49
I finally got the achievement!

In my game I didn't achieve to prevent the automatic destruction of the 3*3 blacksmiths but my army was already in the Jin's camp. I focused on killing all the villagers and preveting them to start building the wonder. I noticed that if you block the 3*3 blacksmiths area with your own units then Jin could decide to build the wonder at other locations. That's why I was really focused on the villagers.

It took a while and I finally beat Jin. I used mainly food/wood units with the help of 3 rams and a few monks.

At that point, when Jin was defeated I just played normally to beat the remaining factions. I saved the game a few minutes before I won the game. Unfortunatly no achievement... That was yesterday. Today I just relaunched that save and - once again - won the game. This time the achievement unlocked!!

So basically you don't absolutely need to prevent the destruction of the 3*3 blacksmiths.
By AgileTurnip434 on 08 Dec 2019 14:49
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Two awesome guides up already, here's my addition in trying to get to minimize the attempts everyone has to put into this, to unlock the achievement.

Solution for I Was in China Before In Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

For the most part, I followed this solution by TheChrisD . Start off by going East, along the top of the screen, retrieve the villagers from the engineers. Move further along the top, to the top right and set up a base there. Build economy, units, etc. I got rid of Jin (Yellow) BEFORE they had removed the blacksmith buildings and started the wonder (obviously). While getting rid of him, make sure NOT to destroy the 3x3 block of blacksmiths. I tried an awful lot of times (also reloading saves) with the blacksmiths all destroyed, but never managed to get the achievement like that. Some of them were ablaze, but all intact. To get rid of yellow, also no need to destroy all buildings, just destroy their unit producing buildings, town center and kill all units & villagers.

After yellow resigned (with 3x3 blacksmiths intact), I got rid of green and red. I never retrieved the bombardiers from the engineers at the top! Afterwards, I started getting rid of light blue, but made a couple of saves while I was getting rid of the units/buildings, until I had a save where there were just 3 villagers left, garrisoned in a building. I reloaded this save like 5 times, but never got the achievement.


This is something I noticed at my last few attempts, could be a coincidence.^

I moved my units away at this point (after reloading the save again), so that they would not defeat light blue. I sent some units over to the area of the engineers where you initially got your villagers and destroyed ALL buildings/units there which were left. I also created a couple of new units and let these guys attack the 3x3 blacksmiths (a bit later). By the time I sent my units back to defeat light blue, the engineers on the 'villager area' were all killed/destroyed, and 1 of the 9 blacksmiths was destroyed. I then clicked on one of the others to try to force the game to recognize the fact that the wonder event hadn't started, I had this one highlighted by the time the victory screen appeared, at which point the achievement instantly popped (also it says factions defeated 4/4)

So to summarize:
-bombardiers not retrieved
- Great wall not breached/
- 8 out of the 9 blacksmiths intact at Jin, one of the 8 highlighted upon victory screen
- all 4 factions defeated, also says so at the top right (4/4)

Hope this helps

04 Dec 2019 10:04

What was the time counter when you finished the game?
By Jumping Japang on 06 Dec 2019 06:23
I think the counter was just over an hour. I deleted the game to make room for MCC, so I can't check. Not sure if it matters though, as long as you 'capture' the 3x3 block in time.
By Itzz Sh0wt1m3 on 06 Dec 2019 11:33
I realize that is for sure not a consistent strategy, but it is an as detailed guide of what worked for me.
By Itzz Sh0wt1m3 on 08 Dec 2019 20:30
Struggling so much. These are so much harder on XBox.
By Earthbound Cory on 24 Sep 2023 00:15
that doesn't work.... like you can see all blackmiths are intact.
great wall not breached
destroyed every blue building (including all walls)
bombadiers retrieved / not retrieved (different saves)
time about 20 minutes
By DriZzT1987 on 07 Dec 2019 12:36
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Hello everyone, here is how I did the achievement as of 22/04/2020.

Please bear in mind I am far from very good player, so I play on Normal difficulty. I am writing this guide because I tried following the others without success. The town center drop next to Jin's town center doesn't seem to work anymore, they keep sending units over and over and progress is very slow.

So here are few steps that helped me unlock the achievement after one whole day of trying (note that I don't claim that to be the most effective way to do it!!!)

1. Check the map and memorize the location of the transport ship and the bombard cannons and Jin (yellow) location and the green tower that guards the water. Then restart mission.
2. Head straight to the ship. Go to blue base, defeat their military units and transport everyone on the island of Jin.
3. Town center not too close to their base (somewhere close to shoreline). Because there is a limited space for farms I found useful to put all the villagers on wood and create a lot of fishing ships, which gather only the fish close by and later use fishing traps.
4. In the mean time send some of the cavalry to collect the bombards. Avoid the tower. Put them on no attack stance and send them for the cannons.
5. Bring everyone back to base. In the mean time construct Blacksmith, 2 Stables, Market and advance to Castle Age. Get second town center and more people on wood. We can sell wood and food on the market.
6. Once in castle age I used Camel riders for frontliners and the bombards to destroy the fortifications and towers. I also dropped a castle right before their east entrance, but that seemed unnecessary. Once you clear the entrance and their towers you have access to gold. You might want to drop a castle inside their base to make it easier to control the area.

After that it is a slow push forward into their base but with access to gold now you can allow yourself few monks and more powerful upgrades from the blacksmith. I think once you entered their base and keep your position there they will spend all their resources on units trying to shove you out and they will not start building the wonder. So slowly and surely they will get defeated.

Achievement pops up once the Jin resign, so if you completed the mission before, you can just quit.


23 Apr 2020 20:20

similar to others but different strategy for me. worked. took about 3 hours. save often, especially early.

1) take whole army south east. cross the river with the transport.
2) sneak along the border, grab the villagers. make sure your set to no attack. go to the end of the pennisula.
3) during #2, take your empty boat (or filled with sheep) around to the pennisula.
4) bring your whole army + villagers across the river, to yellow. south.
5) take 3 villagers and 1 scout south to the unprotected gate of yellow.
6) with the other villagers start building 4 houses, then a dock, then a lumberyard
7) with ppl from #5, keep 3 villagers outside of gate. with scout, attack wall to the east. yellow will attack. then bring scout south west allong wall and gate. yellow ppl should exit. as they exit, bring 3 villagers in to yellow base and build a TC just west of their town center. once done, continue building villagers and protecting TC from archers
8) once your TC is built, bring your horsemen (minus 1 scout) and ram and poke a hole in the wall by the south gate. immediately go after stable, church, TC, and archery range. after that, scout around with horses. make sure yellow doesn't build another TC. use the ram to take down towers.
9) once stable TC and archery is down, take that left over scout in water transport, west past the great-wall-of-china, land him. take him North west. get the cannon. bring the cannon back to the transport, back to yellow. and use cannons to take our rest of towers and castle of yellow.
10) boom economy. build massive army.
11) go back around. kill off blue.
12) build castle. take over east of wall.
13) go in a wipe out teal, red, green. those 3 are piece of cake.

04 Aug 2020 17:53

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (PC) - Achievement - I Was in China Before

Defeat the Jin before they start constructing a Wonder in the third Genghis Khan mission "Into China".

Time is of the essence with this achievement, so bear that in mind from the start. The Jin are your most powerful opponent on this mission and they normally start to construct a Wonder around 25 - 30 minutes in - This can vary a little. The faster you attack them, the easier they are to defeat. One helpful tool shown in this video is the 6 x Bombard Cannons that will join you if you are able to reach them. This really helps as it's difficult to get an effective siege group together in the time that you need it, so take advantage of these and keep them alive as best you can. You can defend against your other enemies quite effectively just by blocking them off and building a castle at your base, so you can focus solely on attacking the Jin once you've done this.
The Jin have a fair amount of cavalry, so I found Pikemen to be a cheap and effective counter. It helps to build up on their island, rather than ferrying troops from your base all the time. You don't need gold or stone early on much, so try and focus on food and wood, but there should be a little time to get some gold or stone at some point - The stone can be particularly helpful to build castles in the Jin territory as you are pushing. Just make sure you keep the pressure on them. It's not good enough to just have them on the ropes, you really need to finish them or they may still randomly build a wonder.

*PLEASE NOTE* This achievement was bugged and wouldn't always trigger in previous versions, but triggers fine in the current version


12 Jun 2020 16:19

Как только начали сценарий, сразу бегите на восток, загружайтесь на транспортный корабль и плывите по узкой речке на восток. Высаживаемся сначала к инженерам, забираем крестьян и осадные, и переплываем на северную часть желтого острова, где обитают Цзинь.
Пока крестьяне максимально отстраиваются посреди леса, атакуем тараном и конницей северные ворота, а потом ближайшие башни. Таран можно отгонять на починку, исходного золота пока хватает.
Переходит в замковую эпоху, строим замок прямо на территории желтого, около каменных залежей. Он не будет позволять добывать ему древесину и будет вынуждать тратить крестьян.
Далее я продвинулся южнее и поставил второй замок прямо посреди застройки желтого, с замка же уничтожил городской центр и игрок сдался

26 Feb 2024 00:00

Bugged achievement.
If you still wanna get it, try following the steps below (dunno what are the mandatory ones)
- get the villagers at the engineer village, but dont destroy all the buildings
- set your city at the far east of the map, rush imp and kill yellow before 40 min (mostly skirms and trebs)
- DONT DESTROY THE MARKET AND THE 9X BLACKSMITHS, raze everything else (not the walls)
- destroy a few towers on the china wall
- raze blue city
- kill green, then red, then teal
- don't get the bombards

There seems to be no difference if the ennemy is "defeated" or "resigned"

Hope it helps

11 Dec 2019 00:00

1 Comment
Just rush through Jin base and kill his villagers (and destroy TC) to make him surrender.
By DonMatt on 19 Mar 2020 14:18
One of the harder achievement in the game. There are a couple of strategies for this but you will need to be quick either way. The best method I've found is as follows:
Immediately take your army east to the engineers' base and capture the transport ship then the villagers. Move the transport ship to the east side of this island, then send your villagers across the sea to the island with Jin followed by your army. Build your town centre here followed by building a castle next to Jin's north gate (so it is in range of the two towers at the very north of Jins base). You will want to use this to destroy the towers, gate and any men that come into range.
You will want to research murder holes and also build a stable or two and start building camels. Quickly boom your economy, when you need gold there is some next to the two towers of Jin.
Start sending raiding parties into Jin's base to harass the villagers to the north and lure the troops to your castle. As soon as you can you'll want to build a second castle just south of the stone so it is in range of the stables. This should now help prevent Jin building his wonder and have delayed it. Finally, once the stable is destroyed, build a third castle below where his stable was to attack the town centre. Once this is destroyed Jin should surrender and the achievement unlock.
Remember to keep training troops to harass Jin and also some siege units if you can to quickly destroy his buildings.