Alien: Isolation

Alien: Isolation

50 Achievements


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One Shot

One Shot

Complete the game without dying


How to unlock the One Shot achievement in Alien: Isolation - Definitive Guide

Hello! This achievement is not so complicated once you have the good technique. Simply reloading the last checkpoint when you are about to die. However it is advisable to use cn_guide to return to the dashboard then reload the game,because when some deaths, cn_start does not work. This is the case when a
catches you.

Keep this for your 2nd run, because once the game mechanics are assimilated, it becomes much easier to do this successfully.

Some tips though:
- Never run
- Against humans, use sound lure to kill them easily
- Against the Cyborgs use the taser followed by melee (cn_RT)
- Save your fuel for the flamethrower (2 low pressure on cn_RT is enough to scare the Alien)
- Do not rush! Being patient will save your life many times!
- Make regular saves so you don't have to do a long session after death
- If you're dead or killed a civilian,reload the backup save.According to our colleagues from PS4 trophies it doesn't void the achievement.Not the current save !

About the civilians i actually don't know if they void the cheevo. On my run without dying, I killed one, had a Game Over and the cheevo popped at the end.But in any case,if you killed one,reload your backup save to be sure. wink

Voila, I hope these tips will be able to help you. Again, this cheevo is not complicated at all (I did it on expert) but you have to proceed with caution.

Good stalking ! smile

10 Oct 2014 15:59

Can't unlock by playing with easy difficulty?
By v NightWings v on 15 Aug 2019 00:33
Appreciate the solution!
By Suppa on 10 Oct 2014 17:38
I tip my hat off to you sir!
By the games masta on 10 Oct 2014 19:07
Also make sure you accidently never Kill a Civilian next to a Guy that is trying to Shoot you.. that will give you a "Game Over" Screen and the Save Icon on the upper right Corner and void you the Achievement.. I just learned that the Hard way.
By X InFlames80 X on 10 Oct 2014 20:12
So does hitting the guide button before u die stop it from counting the death , or stops the death from saving rather.
By MC PHILABUSTA on 11 Oct 2014 04:31

Yes! but you have to quickly reload your last Save before the "GAME OVER" Screen appears. If you see a "Save" Icon on the upper right screen you're screwed.
By X InFlames80 X on 11 Oct 2014 04:36
Also do u need to use previous or current save ?
By MC PHILABUSTA on 11 Oct 2014 04:39
it doesn't matter at all .. just make sure you quickly hit Start and reload if you're about to die.
By X InFlames80 X on 11 Oct 2014 04:44
I think it works cause i've used my backup save after i killed a civilian and i had the cheevo. :)
By Clad master on 16 Oct 2014 20:18
so if i die and i get the restart from checkpoint can you still eject the disk and then switch the console of and load the previous save
By xXITzMoSSYXx on 11 Oct 2014 12:29
i think it still works as Ive got the achievements for not dieing on some levels
By xXITzMoSSYXx on 11 Oct 2014 15:05
Does anyone know which engine overload JayD101 is talking about? The one where the girl behind the glass is helping, and you have to escape the ship afterwards?
By WodverWizard on 12 Oct 2014 15:10
In Flames 80,this is wrong.I've killed one civilian on my no-death run,and i've unlocked the cheevo.

Yes this is a game over,but this is not a death.The cheevo can still unlock.I'm 100% sure of that wink
By Clad master on 13 Oct 2014 09:37
Helpful tips. I was nearly thwarted by a facehugger and the snap function (I HATE IT!), but I done did it! Boosh.
By TerlitBananer on 13 Oct 2014 10:54
No prob and yeah,Start doesn't work for the Facehuggers
By Clad master on 13 Oct 2014 12:07
Hello, for the facehuggers (and also the other instant deaths I assume?) you say to use cn_guide, does that mean you just press it once? or hold it to switch off the xbox? I just want to be certain :) Thank you!
By Smaugey on 13 Oct 2014 15:10
Apparently on many are saying if you make two saves from the same save station you can still get the achievement/trophy if you reload the PREVIOUS save and NOT the CURRENT SAVE.
By Kamera on 13 Oct 2014 15:38
A direct link to the topic STLfan2468 mentions:

Looks like it may work!
By Smaugey on 13 Oct 2014 16:57
@Smaug The Proud: Yeah just press cn_guide,not holding that.You have just to return to the dashboard and reload the game ;-)

@STLfan2468: If it's true,i'll add this to my guide.That's wonderful ! ^^
By Clad master on 13 Oct 2014 18:21
I only got a "Game Over " Screen once by killing a Civilian and the Achievement didn't Pop for me let's just wait what other People have to say.

I'm not saying that I'm right i can only assume so.. but on the other side I never got grabbed by a Facehugger and when the Alien got me I always pressed Start and Reload and since i knew what to do i never got hit by any INsta Death Trains and other stuff.
By X InFlames80 X on 14 Oct 2014 04:29
cn_start works for the Alien but not for the Facehugger wink

And for the civilian,that's strange cause i've killed one and got the cheevo without problems :-/
By Clad master on 14 Oct 2014 10:01
yeah it's weird anyway thanks for the Guide +1 and lel to the People giving Negatives...
By X InFlames80 X on 14 Oct 2014 14:30
A huge thanks to you,that's always pleases ^_^

And yeah there's always people who gives negatives votes for nothing...Nevermind.
By Clad master on 14 Oct 2014 14:39
Done ^_^
By Clad master on 15 Oct 2014 19:00
By SmokeyRelic on 16 Oct 2014 01:15
Thanks :)
By Clad master on 16 Oct 2014 08:24
Can anyone actually confirm that the two saves trick works?
By Bootybandit1#751 on 16 Oct 2014 19:34
Hi ! The best thing,is reload your backup save (not the current) and you're 100% sure to unlock the cheevo ;-)
By Clad master on 17 Oct 2014 14:28
I have made 2 run without dying (always restarted) and the trophy doesn't pop up. Why? Now I think that I can't be touched by the alien under the vent.
By scr3am83 on 17 Oct 2014 15:17
No you can't cause this is a death,sorry :-(
By Clad master on 17 Oct 2014 17:25
I messed up my saves on chapter 6, so I took a gamble and loaded the chapter 6 save from the chapter select(making sure i checked the date on that save). I carried on and still go the achievement at the end of the game.
By TH0R TD on 18 Oct 2014 09:07
I am 100% sure I didn't die once (not even to a facehugger) and it didn't unlock. It either does that Xbox One thing where it unlocks later, or its glitchy and I just wasted 25 hours of my life.
By WodverWizard on 19 Oct 2014 16:23
Also read on steam forums and PSTropies that reloading previous save after you died and also loading the mission save to be safe all around works also.
By x iKrueLTyyy on 19 Oct 2014 18:04
Ok ... I can´t see a 100% confirmation that the "previous save trick" works anywhere.

I died, was to slow to press start before the Game Over Screen appeared and reloaded my previous save and not my currrent one. Can anyone confirm this works or do I need to find it out myself? ^^
By o0ArA0o on 20 Oct 2014 16:55
The previous save trick works cause i've killed a civilian,reloaded my previous save,finished the game,and got the cheevo.

Some people killed civilians but not reloaded the backup save,just the current,and did not get the cheevo.

So yes,reload your backup save and that will works ;-)
By Clad master on 20 Oct 2014 17:44
Perfect, thanks! ;)
By o0ArA0o on 20 Oct 2014 18:48
No prob,have fun ;-)
By Clad master on 20 Oct 2014 19:23
Yes,that's good ! ^^
By Clad master on 23 Oct 2014 14:00
Not sure if anyone can confirm this beyond me, but I believe that a game over screen counts as the grey screen. I have beaten this game twice without seeing the save icon in the corner or seeing the choice of reloading the game, but I have seen the grey screen right after the quick death cinematic. I reloaded the current save each time this happened, and I am guessing that this is where I messed up. I am going to try one more time and reload the previous save if I ever see that grey screen and hopefully third time will be a charm. I will let you know my findings if anyone else is having the same issue.
By the splitter 96 on 25 Oct 2014 22:22
I have just finished the game on hard mode without dying. However I killed a civilian (believed he was an enemy) so got a "game over" and the save icon on the upper right corner (so I had to reload the current save), but I never got killed by an attacking alien or a facehugger, neither a "falling" alien (always doing "instant" reload before dying) and still got the achievement, so for me, I can confirm that killing a civilian doesn't void the cheevo.
By YamiEnki on 26 Oct 2014 13:30
Thanks for the reply ;-)
By Clad master on 26 Oct 2014 14:55
just got the achievement and i just want to say that i killed a cilvian, it went to the grey screen so I loaded my current save and still got the achievement!
By x DJ JEZ x on 29 Oct 2014 19:22
What's the issue with killing a civilian?

If I am going for a no death run, surely killing a civ won't effect it, or are you saying do this cheev along side the killing no humans cheevo
By JGSLab on 03 Nov 2014 14:46
Think I messed this up as the achievement for getting killed by the alien is up to 6%. Really confusing how to get round this, do I make a new save when reloading?
By Bootybandit1#751 on 03 Nov 2014 20:24
From what I've read on ps trophies site you can reload missions that you died on to try again without dying. Someone else has done this and got the achievement just by replaying the whole mission.
By Bootybandit1#751 on 03 Nov 2014 20:34
I'm gonna read his thread again before I start his chievo as I'm so confused as to what does and what doesn't work lol
By Dan Solo 88 on 04 Nov 2014 09:36
@Ross NCC1701
Wrong - if you die and the save icon appears you can reset that death by loading previous save. Only our current save will be "corrupted" by your death.

I unlocked this achievement and I died 2 times in a facehugger attack where I was to slow to hit the start button and reload checkpoint. The save icon appeared and I loaded the previous save. After that I did 2 saves on the save station to clear my saves entirely from my death and moved on playing the game.
By o0ArA0o on 10 Nov 2014 02:17
... maybe if you die in an Alien attack the whole game gets corrupoted because of the progress you make in the achievement with the 100 deaths. After I finished the game the counter for died by Alien and Humans killed where both at 0.
Dying from a facehugger / tram / Hiwi and so on do not give you progress in any achievement and therefore wil only be saved in the current save, not in your profile.

Just an idea ~~
By o0ArA0o on 10 Nov 2014 02:25
If the save icon comes up, you will not get it. Simple thing to do is this: if you are about to be killed by the alien, a Working Joe, or human, you should have plenty of time to hit start and reload your save BEFORE the save icon comes up, since there is usually a death animation before the icon pops up. For those "insta-death" situations (alien coming from a wall vent, getting hit by the train near the end of the game, not cooling down the reactor quickly enough near the end of the game, or getting killed by a face hugger), you have to hit the guide button and restart the game, as the game will not let you pause in these instances. I experienced all of these during my run, did the guide button trick, and still got the achievement. BEWARE that sometimes when doing this and reloading your game, you may start at a place that is right before the spot you died at and NOT at the last save station. This DOES NOT void the achievement! For example, when you have to try to cool down the reactor with Taylor, I was a little too slow and died. I did the guide button trick and it started me right in the same room, despite there not being a save station there. And I still got the achievement.
By CNote824 on 13 Nov 2014 15:33
From my experience, it seems if you see the save icon or the death screen (ie with option to load and not resume) it screws this achievement up, even if you reload the previous save. At least that's what happened to me. Second playthrough got caught by the alien a few times with the kill animation starting, reloaded previous save to be safe, and got it. An also confirm that if you run out of health and reload before it saves, it will still unlock.
By Gunnerkite on 13 Nov 2014 17:49
Man there seems to be no set rule for this method!
By Dan Solo 88 on 14 Nov 2014 09:53
Just got mine. Was easy later on. Hardest missions were early on, like number 4. Flamethrower made it cake.
By Lavindathar on 30 Nov 2014 03:50
I just got this. You don't have to dashboard at any point. I got caught a few times by the alien and just reloaded current save before the cinematic finished. The only pains are the face huggers which I loaded the previous save. And to answer wrestling joker - there is no way of tracking it.
By Gouldy1972 on 11 Dec 2014 11:09
Thanks for your answer Gouldy1972.
It's fine now that they added novice mode i will just replay the game on that and not die
By YaIrishMick96 on 13 Dec 2014 16:17
I can confirm what o0ArA0o said about reloading a PREVIOUS save. I made it through the entire game until the end without dying and then during the section with the falling trams my joystick failed to crouch and I died. It didn't give me enough time to pause and reload and the save icon popped up. I loaded the previous save and continued on and unlocked the achievement. Would have sucked otherwise because I was 5 min from finishing it.
By JAGERMEISTER TX on 20 Dec 2014 14:12
Can you get this cheevo on novice?
By PhilTheStampede on 23 Dec 2014 19:44
Just so people know you can get this on novice, i watch my mate just finish it on novice and the achievement popped for this. Now its time for me to start this game!
By Wishwash182 on 29 Dec 2014 23:59
So, I know I completed 17 missions without dying, but screwed up on the last mission, by being a little slow to reset a death and the alien killed me, even shows in my tracking for that achieveMent. Can I just replay the last mission to get this or do I have to do the entire game from scratch?
By PlayerOne3217 on 04 Jan 2015 02:03
I know this is old post is old, but TURN OFF THE KINECT because when you play lets say you sneeze well then the alien will hear that and come for you because the game uses it, " ", go to option and turn it off if your going for this achievement. I have the xbox 360 version, but i was reading something and i thought it would be helpful on this site.
By Harley Quinn000 on 06 Feb 2015 03:35
ok... so I died by a god damn transit car at the very end of the game and saw the game over screen, but I went to the dashboard and "quit game" as quickly as I could once I realized I was dead. I went back on the game, loaded my file and then pressed start and loaded previous save and still got the achievement. I would have been furious if I had to start over.

@TylerWardaddy: if you're still wondering this, I would suggest loading up your game and loading up the previous save and just finish the game to see if you get it since you're already at the end of it.
By Dilbert88 on 16 Feb 2015 22:28
Why are you talking about killing humans and if so they void the achievment, surely the point is that I don't die, if they get in my way and I kill one how does this void the achievement

That is what seems to be implied in the guide?
By JGSLab on 22 Feb 2015 18:58
I assume you played on easy or very easy? 2 blasts gettin the flamethrower isn't enough on Hard, and I believe it take 3 or 4 on normal.

@JGS, many games SAY don't DIE, when they actually man don't get a GAME OVER, which I assume killing a civi does? I never killed one, so I'm not a 100%. If it doesn't, then yeah, no idea why it's brought up.
By Leo Ascendent on 24 Feb 2015 05:50
just got the achievement, you can play on novice and it will work, also if you haven't got the 100 deaths cheevo, you can check that each time you have to reload if it has gone up or not
By JGSLab on 08 Mar 2015 02:02
I'm assuming I have to select "new game" from the main menu?

Confirmation would be appreciated.
By Im Not The Pro on 30 Mar 2015 22:31
The facehuggers do not stop you from pausing, assuming you're really quick about it. I was caught twice by them in my hard playthrough and hit start the moment they lept on me, right at the beginning of the animation, and was still able to load current save. The train cars got me in the end though. I'll do my next run on novice and hopefully get it there.
By Plaguewielder87 on 04 Apr 2015 23:59
@Im Not The Pro: That's what I did and mine unlocked fine. Some people are saying you can manually load chapters but I wouldn't recommend that. Go with new game just to be safe.
By Plaguewielder87 on 15 Apr 2015 00:14
Got the achievement on my first try. Here's what I did:

-made two saves at every save station
-loaded up the previous save if the alien death animation finished and the save tape appeared.
-loaded up the previous save if a face hugger got me.
-not sure about the trains. never got hit by one. stupid easy to avoid & if you see one coming hit pause load up current save.
-if I got shot dead, loaded up current
-if alien caught me, quickly hit pause before animation finished & loaded up current

I ended up with 2-3 alien deaths in the achievement counter & I did this on hard difficulty.

Hope this helps & nice guide +vote.
By xMANNY FRE5Hx on 22 Apr 2015 18:53
On level 7 I'm not exactly sure what happened but i walked into a room and it seemed like some sort of gas knocked me out. I got a reload screen but no game over. Did this happen to anyone else on level 7 and am I in the clear?
By on 26 Apr 2015 20:37
Yes I got this achievement and the hard difficulty one in the same playthrough. Sorry for the super late response ; (
By xMANNY FRE5Hx on 06 May 2015 20:10
Does anybody know for sure if getting a game over screen by killing a civilian (accidentally shot one in M11) void the One Shot achievement? Much like one of the users here I got through the game on novice without dying once (I was always able to reload the save in time) but sadly did not get the trophy. So know I'm wondering if I should restart from mission 11 or the entire game from the beginning.
By Pajolero on 02 Jun 2015 17:21
So I've just replayed the game starting from mission 11 and what do you know I got the trophy! So if you find yourself in a similar situation while going for One Shot (kill a npc and get a game over screen) DO NOT LOAD your current save, load the previous save or restart the mission just to be extra safe. Good luck!
By Pajolero on 03 Jun 2015 19:10
Can anyone confirm for me if I've screwed up this achievement by, instead of hitting "Load Game," when I paused as the Alien grabbed me, I fumbled with the controller and selected "Quit to Main Menu" instead? Stupidly I wasn't paying much attention after the fact so I didn't see whether the Save icon showed up or not. :(
By Zalgarithor on 30 Jul 2015 14:13
-If you die and it saves, reload you previous save, but make sure to not die again before you can save since your previous save now holds your first death.
-If both saves are compromised you can always load your last good mission save.

I messed up while i was playing late and was tired, died in mission 16 and the game saved. Kept playing and got to the next mission and then found out i could have just reloaded my previous save and been ok.
I took a gamble and reloaded the mission save for mission 16 and played to the end without dying and got the achievement.
By Zordnil on 24 Oct 2015 10:51
can you do this on the new super easy difficulty mode??
By NoHeroes94 on 15 Nov 2015 18:47
I am also wondering that, if anyone know is this can be done on the newest easy setting they added a while ago that would be great.
By Jamiereloaded23 on 18 Jul 2016 15:32
This achievement is broken. I just got the achs for hard mode and not killing humans, but not this one, even though I never got the "game over" screen.
By CoreScan on 07 Oct 2016 13:22
I got it on my first run is very easy, just when you think you die restart your last check point ;)
By DeniWhiteRPG on 14 Dec 2016 02:00
I did this a year ago but it's notable to say that face hugger deaths are counted differently. I remember I did the dashboard quit when they landed on me and didn't get this by the end and reloaded up one of the chapters (I think it was 13. The one with most face huggers) and was careful to kill them all and finished and got the achievement. Just a warning for those who feel they should get it and don't. I say if a facehugger jumps on you, reload a previous save.
By xBrushedRedx on 26 Jan 2017 07:47
Playing on Xbox one.
Face hugger got me in mission 14 as I was leaving the nest and again in mission 18 when finding my way back to the airlock. I was too slow and the load screen came up. 😩 .
So both times I reloaded the entire mission and it worked! I got the one shot achievement 😀😀😀😀
Oh and I did it on the easiest setting, thou I must say I found mission 18 easier on hard than on novice!
I also accidentally killed a civilian but still got the achievement.
By bikerchic44 on 07 Mar 2017 20:56
A face hugger got me on chapter 17 but I thought I did the dashboard quit quick enough and went ahead and finished the game but did not get this cheevo. So I tried reloading chapter 17 and finished the the game from there and did not get the cheevo, starting all overcry
By HawkeyeBarry20 on 26 Mar 2017 04:02
I beat this on hard, but didn't get the cheev. No worries. Do I need to start a totally new game to do this or can I just start on same save on chapter 1 and go through from there? Missing a couple collectibles and thought I would grab them on my no death run. Thanks!
By SallyNasty on 26 Jan 2019 17:48
If you are about to die and unsure if your death was autosaved just reload the previous save anyways and save yourself a headache
By Born Again Gen on 30 Jan 2019 05:51
Facehuggers in The Hive Mission
left door end of hall & burn two Eggs
right door halfway down hall & turn down right hall & burn 1 egg
then at second reactor burn another egg end of last hall one egg
later on after being glued to wall there's sneaky facehugger watch out.
By The Nerds Club on 07 May 2019 08:21
Or you could do like I did and simply play the game over and over again until you get the achievement legitimately. I know it's hard, but it is very rewarding.
By AstutePluto3030 on 07 Apr 2020 23:26
Try actually beating the game first AstutePluto3030
No need to lie about having the achievement
By Zaymont on 09 Apr 2020 12:34
^ laugh
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 09 Apr 2020 23:24
AstutePluto3030 lol you got found out hard
By BumGravy98 on 27 Apr 2020 14:16
Maybe he has an alt profile? I know there are a lot of people that use one account to keep their ratio/completion % high. I don't know why, but those types exist lol

Regardless, this achievement isn't hard if you've played through it at least once.
By Leo Ascendent on 30 Apr 2020 20:16
Silly question, but what does killing civilians have to do with this achievment?
By EvilMoomin on 07 Aug 2020 11:59
EvilMoomin, killing unarmed humans (civilians) result in a "Game over" in this game.
By tobiasvl on 04 Nov 2020 21:07
So if I'm about to die when being grabbed by the alien and load previous save then same happens again and load previous save which takes me back to the place I was going to die first time does that void the one shot achievement
By Fallen Moonstar on 09 Nov 2020 22:40
@Fallen Moonstar No :)
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 10 Nov 2020 05:57
First time I encountered Ricardo I bashed their head open with the wrench and had the black screen asking to load the game from the last checkpoint, so I did and at the end the cheevo poped , so you have to actually die to void the achievement, killing NPCs is ok :)
By ZiMba 4 LiFE II on 25 Nov 2020 14:05
While you can't pause on a face hugger death, you can hit the dash button which will bring up pause menu and allow a reload. I will see if this works at the end of my run. Can save people a little more time maybe.
By Yu Silly Goose on 24 May 2021 16:40
Can now confirm, if you load previous save after seeing the death screen (and seeing the save icon) you do not get the achievement.
By Raziel Cruentus on 22 Oct 2021 23:30
Only thing you have to watch out for are instant death actions. If you hit one of those just to be safe I would load previous save. That way you don’t have to play the game all the way through again because you do in fact have to play start to finish without dying, no chapter select on this one unfortunately.
By on 30 Apr 2022 16:50
This did not unlock for me. Absolutely gutted. I only died once to the point of being unable to "Resume" and loaded Previous Save.
By corpirate on 01 Nov 2022 14:17
If I goofed say in mission 5, and got killed and reloaded a save, but by the end of the mission didn't get the achievement for not getting killed by the alien. Could I restart mission 5 and do it again w/o getting killed? Or will the not dying in the whole game still be voided?
By Lion Freak on 16 Oct 2014 22:13
So I've been good so far with the reloading current save if I'm about to die, then comes bad luck I was climbing up ladder at end of Mission 6 and when I did the command to jump to next ladder I fell down and died and it restarted my last save.... am I screwed? Can I just redo the current save since it looks like the timestamp is different from when I died... or does reloading previous save work?
By x iKrueLTyyy on 19 Oct 2014 17:24
Hi all - JUST WON THIS TODAY! I will outline my method:

1) I played on hardest difficulty (it doesn't really matter which difficulty you play on, you still need to avoid enemy contact!)

2) I used the 'double save' method where you save twice at every save station to clear saves from previous stations

3) I did get caught out by the alien a fair few times, including once by being pulled into a vent but each time I reloaded the previous save. Sometimes I reloaded current save if it was safe to do so and my save file wasn't corrupted by a death

4) I followed guides on the instadeath parts of the game, even though I knew them well, just to be sure. These were: where Samuels hooks himself up to the formatter to talk to Apollo, engineering maintenance (where the nest is), the speeding transit cars and mission 18 with the facehuggers.

5) I was caught out by a facehugger once but I panicked and reacted so quickly I dashboarded with the thing on my face! I could have sworn I'd seen a save icon pop up (hadn't even reached the dreaded 'deathload screen') but I reloaded 'previous save' and all was fine. I HIGHLY recommend using a video guide for facehugger locations on mission 18 as there are a gazillion of them. I was caught out by one that spawned behind me, I could hear it but hadn't thought to turn round, oops! There's also a part shortly after this with quite a few facehuggers in a vent, again watch a vid.

6) Also be careful of the final sequence qte, you can be caught out on this if you're not quick enough, it's time sensitive!

Good luck to all, it's perfectly doable with some patience. Loved the game, can't wait to stack it!

By Dan Solo 88 on 25 Nov 2014 01:54
This may be too much to ask. But does anyone reckon that getting this achievement and the achievement for completing on hard would be possible or if anyone has tried this just let me know. Because I've almost completed the game on my first play through just completing the game and I really don't want to have to play 3 play through on this game because it is so long! @x MANNY FRE5Hx did you say you did this achievement and also on hard difficulty to get the other achievement? Because if so then that has answered my question.
By Roymondooo on 25 Apr 2015 17:04
I unlocked it on novice. I never died but when aliens grabbed me a couple times from vents I loaded previous save just to be safe. Never died from facehuggers, humans or accidents.
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 01 Apr 2020 12:51
You can definitely pause on a facehugger death. I just got the achievement today, and I was grabbed by a facehugger a few times. All three times I was able to hit pause and reload a previous save. As long as you pause fast enough that you don't see the tape-roll symbol at the top right corner of the screen, you're good. I did this on Novice btw.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 23 Sep 2021 22:50
Can confirm that « restarting » the mission still worked for me (on PC). Got killed by a
and then, after loading previous checkpoint, a «
» got me in the cruelest of ways. I thought it was over but wanted to try loading the mission from the start just to be sure. Luckily the achievement popped at the end of the last mission.
Still advise being extra careful with saves but if all else fails try restarting the mission :)
By Alex Quint on 01 Mar 2023 16:01

No it doesn't because those Achievements are Level Specific and this Achievement counts for the Entire Game. In short If you Die and you don't load your save right before the "Game Over" Screen appears you will see a Save Icon on the Upper Right side of your Screen and that means you are screwed and you have to Start over.

@ TheDB93

There are 2 Sequences like this in the Game.
The one with Taylor ( the girl) and the Engine Overload and the one with Samuels trying to take Controll of Apollo you better know what you're doing because if you're not fast enough it's insta Death / Game Over.

Also make sure you never EVER Kill an Unarmed Survivor .. not even by Accident i would avoid using Pipebombs/Molotovs later in the Game on the Part where the Androids go Nuts and kill everyone on sight... that screwed me over :/.. it doesn't matter if you Die or not "GAME OVER" Screen = No Achievement.
By X InFlames80 X on 13 Oct 2014 06:10
I just completely messed this up, help!!

Mission 10, just after you disable the camera and access a terminal in the next room to get an android to help you. I went up the ladder and there was nothing but a locked door in the vent and it seemed to be the only way forward. So I went back down and noticed another terminal in the same room as the ladder.

This was the same room the android came from. I was on low health and I forgot to use a medkit, i know stupid mistake!

As when I accessed the terminal I was attacked by the previously friendly android and to be honest I thought my game froze because this game has a tendency to do that. So I tried pausing when i realized oh crap did I just die! What bullshit!

It didn't pause so i pressed the home button and then a different screen I have never seen before came up with an autosave icon up in the top right corner and asking me did i want to reload the current or last save etc.

I panicked and just took the disc out of the Xbox...what do I do now! I am already in mission 10/18 and on Hard difficulty, and as much as I love this game I do NOT want to play it all over again, even on Easy as I know I will get bored of the game REEEEAL fast.

HELP PLEASE. Thanks for reading this if you have. Is there any way to check if you have died in a particular playthrough? Basically I don't want to keep playing as cautious as I have been so far if I have already voided the achievement. How can I fix this issue without starting from the very beginning?
By YaIrishMick96 on 07 Dec 2014 20:44
You must press start and reload manually before you die. If you are not confident you can just play stealth and reload whenever you get spotted, so save every single time you can.

The following will cause instant death with no time to press start:
- Face huggers. Learn their location first. Listen for them they always alert you before they appear and always have your flamethrower ready. If you don't have it ready or you can't see the face hugger just load your game. Also in level 18 there is one face hugger that will come from behind you.
- Overload: when you are trying to stop an engine overloading, it will cause instant death if you take too long. This sequence is very easy but if you fumble around at all, just reload don't risk it.
- The tram in chapter 18. If they hit you you are dead. You cannot set them off by stepping out and stepping back you must just run for it so know where you are going before you do (ie just have done it once before your no death run).
- Alien from the vent: If you run under a vent that is drooling it's not impossible to press start but it's very quick. Also if the Alien drops down right on top of you it's pretty much an instant death.

This isn't hard at all, you could do it on your first run by just playing stealth and avoiding all combat, pressing start whenever spotted and reloading. But it is much better to play the game once and note mainly where the facehuggers are exactly. I did this along with not kiling any humans so I just snuck past them or when not possible I threw noisemakers to get the Alien to come and kill them for me :)

Good luck!! Send me a message if you have any questions.
By JayD101 on 11 Oct 2014 11:42
Well, firstly, for this particular achievement, killing anyone is irrelevant. You need to complete the whole game without dying once from any cause whatsoever. I know for sure that you can reload previous save and cancel out a kill that you made. You can also restart a mission if you have died and still get the 'no death' achievement for that particular mission where there is one.

But, I am now quite sure that you cannot cancel a death for this achievement by reloading in any way at all. If you have not been quick enough to reload current save before you see the save icon and the death screen, there is NO WAY that you can get this One Shot achievement on the Xbox One. I have now gone through the game very carefully and I have made absolutely sure that if I die I reload previous save at all times. I even made 'double saves' to be sure I could load previous save from a 'safe' point at all times. I did NOT get this achievement - but I did get the one for not killing a human even though I did kill one and reloaded a previous save.

I suspect the Xbox One reacts differently to the PS4 if people are sure the previous save trick works there. It seems to me that there is a death count per mission and a total death count. Reloading a previous save will cancel a death from the mission death count, or mission start will set that count to zero. But neither has any effect on the total death count. Once you die and the save icon pops up, there is NO WAY back - your total death count has been increased and saved in your profile. This is just like when you collect a log or ID tag - it is saved in your profile and, even if you load a previous save, you still have that log or ID tag.
By Ross NCC1701 on 06 Nov 2014 13:28
Just got this achievo last night. I died once on mission 16 when some asshole shot me with his shotgun while I was hiding in a locker. So I loaded my PREVIOUS save, not my current save, and finished the game without anymore deaths and the achievement did not pop. So I loaded mission 16 from the mission select in the main menu and played through the end again without dying and the achievement popped that time. Not sure why the previous save technique didn't work for me, since other people claim it worked for them. I would recommend if you ever die just backing out to the main menu and loading up the mission that you just died on, just to be safe. I did get caught by the alien ( or face huggers ) several times throughout the course of the game and just paused or dashboarded really quick before the death animation concluded and the save icon appeared in the top right corner. That technique does work like a charm. Hope this helps someone, thanks!
By iN5iDiOU5 iRi5H on 19 Jan 2017 20:09
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Clad master's guide here is great and helped me out. I completed the game & all achievements (except for Self Defense and 100 Times Too Many, for obvious reasons) in one playthrough, i.e. on Hard. I can tell you that it's frustrating, but not impossible to get this achievement on Hard. A few additional tips:

There are seven instant death scenarios in the game:

- If you still have a Kinect connected (Xbox One only), turn off the Kinect Movement/Noise detection. They are a neat touch to the immersive experience, but this increases your risks of getting noticed (and subsequently killed).

- You want to be as stealthy as possible and not look for a fight. There will be rare times where running will be easier than slowly getting around people, but practice your ninja skills.

- You can part-build devices (ie don't hit cn_LB at the end to complete the build) to remove components from your inventory. This will assist in having plenty of parts in your inventory to build when you're desperate.

- The Pipe Bomb if thrown too close to you can kill you. Make sure you have a clear path to throw it far away from you.

- It hasn't been mentioned explicitly here, but when you're hiding in a locker or under a table/bed and you have the motion tracker on, the Alien can hear you if it's close by. It took me a while to understand why the Alien kept finding me. The same goes for Synthetics.

- Speaking of lockers, make sure that your health is always at or near 100%: when you're in a locker and you're given instructions to hold your breath, eventually your health will start falling. Usually the Alien isn't around long enough for this to be a serious problem, but you'd hate to die through lack of oxygen.

- If you're not sure whether you've died or not, you can always check the progress against "100 Times Too Many" (Xbox One only). If you end up dying early on in the game and didn't realize (i.e. you thought you reloaded in time but didn't), you'd rather know you've already blown the achievement early on, right?

- In particularly tense parts where you're being hunted by the Alien or Synthetics, have your right thumb hovering over the cn_start button. While usually you'll have a few seconds to hit it and load from a previous save, there are times where you're just going to want to remove all ambiguity and hit reload straight away. Luckily the Alien generally gives you warning (its scream) before it gets too close to you.

- I found that the Alien either got more used to being hit by the flamethrower later in the game, or it wasn't as effective. In other words, be prepared to needing to hit cn_RT more (but still in short bursts) than a few times to scare it off in later missions. Flamethrower fuel is somewhat scarce in Hard mode, but as long as you're not too trigger happy with it you will have more than enough, and the game does provide fuel in key parts of the game where it's basically impossible to proceed without it.

- I found that the Alien only twice got into the vents to get me (this was towards the end), so if you're hiding in the vent system it's best to hide in a corner (i.e. where there's an L turn) so you can keep an eye on both directions.

- Missions 10, 14 and 16 were the most painful, and they're also some of the longest levels, so be prepared for a long slog. Don't be discouraged.

- Save Often! The game design has luckily put save points in a lot of places and generally before the more difficult parts, so while you may be reloading from one particular save point often, you're keeping your backtracking to a minimum. The game DOES save collectable pickups when you reload the to your last save, but always find a save point when you're done with your session.

- Two important tips for Mission 18:


20 Nov 2014 18:37

Ok, well for the sake of others I'll add a note in my solution.
By sjpsjpsjp on 29 Apr 2015 15:23
All solutions were excellent, just wanted to comment on the instadeath with the alien drooling in the vent above you situations. If you happen to get snatched and are fast enough with cn_start you can negate your death with a reload. It happened to me 3 times.
By Anomaly XVII on 02 Dec 2014 15:48
Okay, good to know. I'll leave this in the comments (as people should probably be more aware/paranoid about it), but they can see your comment here. If you think differently let me know. Thanks for commenting!
By sjpsjpsjp on 02 Dec 2014 16:37
Has this got to be done in one sitting? I've just speed run to level 10 but had to save and quit? Am I ok to continue??
By turdinator 007 on 09 Dec 2014 23:19
Hmm my comment wasn't saved here? Well in any case no it doesn't have to be done in one setting; I did it over about 10 days.
By sjpsjpsjp on 10 Dec 2014 16:24
the part building thing is very useful to know, helped me when I got the achievement
By JGSLab on 08 Mar 2015 11:48
Might want to add to the instant death scenarios the poison gas in some of the rooms in particular level 7, had a clean run until that point. Walked into room fell over dead and it saved.
By on 27 Apr 2015 16:33
Damn SmokieDeeBear, that sucks. But it isn't instant death though, right? You have at least a few seconds to escape the gas before you die, don't you?
By sjpsjpsjp on 27 Apr 2015 16:40
Honestly I'm not 100% sure but it seemed like as soon as I hit the gas I was done. It really took me by surprise because none of the guides make mention of the gascry
By on 29 Apr 2015 01:49

Spoiler free or not, mission 14 on wards follow guides. You need to KNOW where they are before you can see them and shoot there. My first attempt ended at Level 14 because of bastard facehuggers. Luckily now, i have maxed out this game.
By NoHeroes94 on 18 May 2016 14:44
Also ALWAYS hit the Xbox button not pause. Pause isn't quick enough at times.
By NoHeroes94 on 18 May 2016 14:44
It hasn't been noted anywhere else: you can obtain this on any difficulty, so why not do Novice? By the end, I had a full inventory and max flamethrower ammo for Mission 18.
By Trombonafide on 16 Apr 2018 01:45
@Trombonafide well as I said, you can complete the game on hard and with this achievement, which saves an additional playthrough.
By sjpsjpsjp on 16 Apr 2018 02:06
Does anybody know for sure if getting a game over screen by killing a civilian (accidentally shot one in M11) void the One Shot achievement? Much like one of the users here I got through the game on novice without dying once (I was always able to reload the save in time) but sadly did not get the trophy. So know I'm wondering if I should restart from mission 11 or the entire game from the beginning.
By Pajolero on 02 Jun 2015 17:33
I was wondering the entire time what's supposed to be so bad about M16. And boi, did the game deliever.
Save-game just before the forced alien-drop glitched and now takes forever to load each time. And that fucking room is random for no apparent reason. First couple times EVERYONE ignored me, then the fucktard near the room started shooting me in the back (great AI btw - who wouldn't shoot some random bypasser while your friends are getting slaughtered) and the next time I went out the door and had the Alien right in front of me.

So close to dropping this turd of a game. How people have been praising this shit for years is beyond me.
By HerrKätzchen on 18 Apr 2023 21:40
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Since I don't see this mentioned, I thought I would explain how the save loading actually works.

You have two save slots, a current save and a previous save. If you load a previous save it becomes your current save, and your old current save becomes the previous save. Basically your saves swap names, you can verify this with the time stamps.

If you get killed (see the save icon, or get an instant death) the current save will get a death. Your previous save will still be death free. This allows you to load the previous save and continue your death free run. But now the save you died on becomes the previous save. So if you get killed again before you can make a new save, you will have deaths on both saves and fail the achievement. You can still reload your current save if you're about to die, but you can't actually die.

I would also like to note that killing aggressive humans does not void this achievement. If you kill a non aggressive human it will count as a death, so just load your previous save and go about your business.

This is actually a very simple achievement once you understand how the deaths/saves work. Always try and remember where your previous save was made, and if it was in a dangerous situation try to make two saves at the next safe registration point.

Also I got this achievement playing on novice on my second play through.

UPDATE: thank you to @Zordnil for confirming that you can reload the chapter save if you happen to get deaths on both saves. You must replay/play all chapters from that point for the achievement to still unlock. Would also like to note that the solution by @IIKazzII also explains this.

I hope that all makes sense and happy hunting.

17 Feb 2015 03:23

Thank you. I'm sitting here wondering why I am showing deaths when I have used previous saves every time. That pretty much explains it. Guess I'm playing again. I'm pretty sure its that achievement even though Xbox has secret written considering I am at 2%...might as well go get killed 98 more times I guess.
By Dlonix13 on 08 Oct 2015 07:14
Lost concentration (tired) and died when i was too slow with the generator. Read this guide after playing through to the next chapter so previous save wont help me. Trying the mission save but i dont have my hopes up.
By Zordnil on 17 Oct 2015 22:44
I just finished the game and i got the achievement! So if you have no deaths up to a certain chapter you can reload a mission save and play from there. :)
By Zordnil on 18 Oct 2015 14:18
Really hope you're right mate. I just died on Mission 12 on Hard Mode with no deaths so far, going for a One Shot run and getting all achievements in 1 go. I messed up the disconnect routine for turning off the power in the right order. I accidentally loaded my current save and then by mistake saved 2 more times before realizing I had died in the previous area. So I went into Mission 13 and realised right at the beginning I had died last mission and completed it. I just re-loaded Mission 12 and I am going to complete it again, I hope to god that it does not count...

EDIT: Yep I got it! So re-loading the entire mission that you died in, from the beginning and finishing it without dying doesn't void your "One Shot" chance.
By Ginzoyel on 28 Aug 2020 11:59
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The above are all great guides, but a couple of things I didn't see mentioned:

In some scenarios you wont get chance to do the 2x save method, chapter 18 is a prime example, as in the last section with the transit cars, there are no saves just checkpoint saves. If you die in these conditions keep your wits about what save your loading, checking the times helps. But be aware these checkpoints overwrite your manual saves.

ONE MAJOR tip I would like to give, due to the above, I ended up with deaths on both my save files. Meaning both current, and previous. I was a bit annoyed I would need to do yet another playthrough, but first I tried something. With both saves void of the achievement. I returned to main menu, and went to mission load, I loaded up mission 18 again from the start, and finished the game, both the one shot, and finishing on hard unlocked. So if you do mess up, and screw both your saves, simply go to menu, and restart the mission you messed up on, no need for a complete new playthrough at all.

28 Apr 2015 22:29

It is best to save this cheevo for a second playthrough (speedrun) on Easy. This way you will know what you need to do, where you need to go, where the enemies are at, etc.

If you are in the death animation of the Alien or anything else that can kill you, you MUST reload PREVIOUS save, not the current save. If you are not prepared (reloaded) and you are about to eat it, but not into the death animation yet, you then can click load Current save. I would load PREVIOUS regardless. With that said, save at every save station every chance you get. There was a time or two that I realized that I had to do a lot of actions between save points. When this happened, I would save and then hide in a locker or under a desk until that save station was ready then save again. Then the previous save is still right there at that location.

Hope this helps those traveling on the Sevastipol!!

07 Nov 2014 20:53

Start the game on easy and play through it saving twice at every save point, when your about to die you can reload current save and you'll be fine to continue without it counting as a death, if you actually die and it prompts a black screen you may not be able to press pause so quickly hit home button on your Xbox controller it should pop up resume game or load game then, this time select previous save since you are saving twice at every save station you will still be in the same location once you load previous save, the facehuggers will most likely black screen you instantly, if your quick enough you may still be able to hit the pause screen and select current save.

If both your saves mess up on a mission after you die, you will not loose the chance of getting this achievement!

If you haven't died on any previous missions simply press start and load game, Load mission save, now you'll need to restart the level and not mess up the second time around, if you do you'll need to load mission save again and do it all over!

So there isn't really many ways to miss out on this achievement, just save twice at every station, and load mission save if you've messed up your current and previous ones on that particular mission.

25 Apr 2019 22:21

In addition to the well-made guides already here, I would like to debunk some of the myths behind the death scenarios in this game.

I just completed this on HARD mode without dying and killing any humans in order to get:

Alien: IsolationSurvivorEmivaderThe Survivor achievement in Alien: Isolation worth 437 pointsComplete the game on the hardest difficulty setting

Alien: IsolationOne ShotEmivaderThe One Shot achievement in Alien: Isolation worth 717 pointsComplete the game without dying

Alien: IsolationMercy or Prudence?EmivaderThe Mercy or Prudence? achievement in Alien: Isolation worth 272 pointsComplete the game without killing any humans

Now, I took the liberty of individually testing each death scenario that you could come across and here are the ones that you can avoid easily and the ones that can condemn your run.

Death scenarios where you can press cn_start immediately and reload your CURRENT SAVE:

Death scenarios that are UNAVOIDABLE by pressing cn_start and instead you have to press cn_guide and immediately shut the game:

I took my risks by playing this on hard but I totally recommend you to try this one on novice if you can since it's ridiculously easy and the Alien won't even show up for most of the game. The humans and androids do an insignificant amount of damage as well and it is basically a walk in the park.

Final tips:

- If you see the Alien running towards you press start and reload save. Play it safe.
- If and android catches you with low health, pause and reload.
- If a human corners you with low health, pause and reload.
- Restrain from running as it can attract hostiles.
- Turn and check your back from time to time. Gotta keep those eyes in the back of your head.
- Save your ammo, gadgets and crafting components for emergencies as much as you can.
- Turn your volume up! the Alien does a very specific clanking noise and hissing when entering your area through a vent and does a similar noise when leaving. And also it gives you a warning before attacking by screaming.
- If you get targeted by hostiles go hide and avoid having your motion tracker out for too long as its sound can help enemies to pinpoint your location easily.
- Save as much as you can! There are plenty of save stations throughout the game. USE THEM. The more you use them, the less you get thrown back if you have to reload a save.

Remember: play it safe and avoid being greedy. Good luck!

28 Jul 2020 17:15

I do not have a specific solution but only tips to get this as simple as possible.

> Play in "Easy" mode.
> Save often !
> If the Alien grabs you, quickly press the "Options" button and load your last save. There is a short sequence each time before you die (2-3 seconds, not more).
> Be careful, a new monster appear on level 14 :

They are killing you in one shot if they touch you ! Be careful : you must pay attention of the noise / little scream they make when they're coming. You'll see them for the first time on level 14 and then in next levels.
> Hopefully, there is also another way to prevent any stupid death without restarting the whole game : copy your "Alien Isolation save" on an external USB key from the PSN menu (you must quit the game for this). I recommand to save like this at the beginning of each levels, particularly when you are at the level 14 and all next levels until the end. Copy all files everytime. If you sadly die, you'll have to quit and overwrite your PS4 files with the USB saves.
> For those like me who wants to attempt this trophy in their first run : be careful, the game is not finished when you have the trophy for completing the level 18, there is another short playable sequence after that on the "Torrens" (the ship of the really beginning of the game).
, and you'll have to press some buttons of your controller to complete this sequence without dying. In easy mode it was : down, down, down, left, right.

Hope this will help. Sorry if my english is not perfect, I'm frenchshock !

13 Oct 2014 21:09

I'm sure a lot of you have read guides before trying this.

You can indeed hit escape and load the current save before the cutscene ends. If you get attacked by the alien a second time before hitting a new save point you need to load the previous save point!

I was attacked in the very last part by a facehugger from behind, it killed me. But I loaded the previous save point and the achievement popped for me when I finished!
I guess this will also work if you get hit by the trams.

17 Jan 2017 00:00


Before you start your attempt at this trophy be prepared for one thing - you will die a lot!! This fact is almost inevitable in this game so the rest of this guide will be around avoiding the game actually realising that you've died!!

Basically you need to avoid dying and getting the game over screen. This is the screen that appears after a death and tells you to reload your game.

I would definitely suggest you don't try this on your first play through. Doing it on subsequent playthroughs will mean you have a good understanding of the game mechanics and you'll be familiar with the tough parts of the game where death is possible if not inevitable.

The key to getting this trophy is good management of your game saves. You can have two games saves at a time (current and previous save) that can be loaded via the pause menu. Save at every opportunity and when you are approaching a part of the game where the risk of death is higher save your game and then wait by the save point for a couple of minutes and save again so you have two "clean saves".

If you think death is about to happen, i.e an alien has seen you and you can't scare it off, then load your current save quickly by pressing the options button. If you suffer an instant death ( facehuggers, gas, trams, explosions) then you need to load your previous save and then spend time making sure you have two "clean saves again". If you want to be extra cautious then save your game save to USB or edit your cloud saves. If you mess up so that both your saves include deaths then you can load the game from the beginning of a chapter using the menu reached by using the options button.

If you ever think you have really messed up in a particular chapter then start the chapter again from the beginning.

Chapters with a high risk of death:

5 and 6 - Going through the medical facility as an alien is actively looking for you in the hallways

10 - High alien activity as you complete objectives

14 - Alien nest - facehuggers for instant death. I would suggest taking the time to make multiple saves at every opportunity.

16 - Lot of highly dangerous humans around - I just killed them all with the flamethrower

17 - This is where I died the most. Multiple objectives and back tracking. There are quite a few scripted alien ambushes that you can learn. I would suggest taking the time to make multiple saves at every opportunity.

18 - Second alien nest - if you get caught by a facehugger make sure you load your previous save , not your current one. The same if you get hit by a tram. Make sure neither of your saves are a file that contains a death if either of these happen. Once you get on board the Torrens make sure you carefully complete the final quick time event involving the alien on board.

20 Nov 2014 22:15

Here's a guide I put together to help with this achievement, I played through on Nightmare but feel free to play through on easy or whatever difficulty you like, the strategies will still work for you. Hopefully the guide helps some of you out.

11 Jan 2020 00:00

For some reason you won't be able to pause the game during a facehugger death scene. However if you press the PS button while being killed by one and return to the game from dashboard, game is paused and you can load your current save without problems. I tried this out while going for "Mind Your Step" Trophy in level 14. I intentionally let a facehugger jump on me, pressed PS button while screen was black, loaded my current save and got the trophy after calling the elevator.

14 Jul 2015 16:34

If you're in the same boat as me and somehow didn't get this during your hard-run Novice certainly makes things easier for the most part.

You'll rarely see the Alien - more often than not you'll hear it drop and go back almost immediately HOWEVER this means it's rather hard early on to "summon" it to clear humans for you. Although that only really matters in M6.

One thing to note though - the Alien is still forced into aggressive behavior during the same spots as before i.e. M10 and most infamously M17. Although it's not even remotely close to hard/NM levels of staying on ground and getting close to you.

Novice also has a couple of scripted events that don't happen on proper difficulties, that benefit you.

In M7 the Alien will force-drop once you sneaked past the humans to clear the way for you once you return to the elevator.
In M7 or 8 four humans will come down to the hub when you call the transit. Simply hide in the locker and wait. About 10 seconds after the transit arrived they'll go back upstairs and you can simply walk into the train.

Also - if you wan't to engage with the Alien before you're forced to do so (i.e. M17) you can go all out with the flamer as long as you don't reload before you have to briefly give away your weapons. The next time you'll pick it up it's gonna be at 500 fuel again + whatever you picked up prior.

Also also the peak of the game aka the nest can be cheesed pretty hard - either watch this video (
) or read the important bit:

There are 3 scripted Aliens that will fuck off after a couple seconds of waiting. You can kill the first 3 FHs just fine, but the one that comes running up to you while you go deeper into the nest usually starts the hunt for the "regular" Alien if you kill it. To avoid this, immediately go into the small locker to despawn him.
That way you prevent setting off the Alien and won't have to deal with any other than the scripted ones and the enraged one that spawns in the entrance-room after prepping the nuke.

All in all, the only real threat is the Facehugger at the beginning of M17, assuming you don't want to deal with the Alien. Create a save at the other save-station before opening the door, close the game completely, restart to sync the save and launch the game again so you can be 100% safe that you'll be able to unfuck your run.

06 May 2023 18:12


See Survivor for general tips on how to best survive in the game.

Play on Easy to give yourself the easiest of times with this trophy since after beating the game on Hard, you should be well equipped to go through the game without dying on Easy as you will know how the game works now.

The important thing to note is that if you are about to die you can always pause and reload your current save and if you do happen to die which may happen during mission 14 you can just reload your previous save. At the same time you can always back up your save to the cloud or a USB in case you die.

You can make two saves at each save point if you choose to in case you do die and need to reload your previous save since this way you won't be sent back as far into the game. The only other parts to be concerned about is during mission 18 when there are runaway trams, if you are too slow just reload your current save instead of risking getting killed, and that if you ever see a vent on the ceiling with drool coming from it don't go under it since the Alien will kill you.

Like I said before, just play safe and don't be reckless then you should manage to beat the game without dying and last but not least be careful when you do try and save since you are vulnerable whilst doing so. The trophy should unlock upon beating the 19th mission.

Note: This trophy can't be gotten in either of the story DLCs.

swotam has made a useful info-graphic so you will know what to do in the event you die:

One Shot & Dying: The Definitive Infographic!

The mechanism for saving the game is as follows - if during the animation of your death you managed to press pause before the autosave icon appeared, then load the last save and calmly go through the segment again - the death will not be counted. If you missed it, it’s okay, load the previous save, the death will not be counted. Well, the third option (tested on myself) if you screwed up both saves in a row and did not have time to press pause, then load the chapter from the list of saved chapters, the save will be “clean” and after finishing the game you will still receive a trophy.

As for the facehugger - the death animation when it attacks is very fast, if you do not have time to press the pause button, try pressing the PS button and then return to the game - you will have the pause menu open, this will give you the opportunity to load the latest save.

27 Oct 2014 19:33

PS4 Pro version 1.04.
I completed 100% without deaths, for some reason the trophy did not fall out, while in the slot on the reactor I saved the entire last chapter on a flash drive every time just in case, but there were no deaths.. While I’m finishing off 10 people and 100 deaths from the Alien, maybe something will change.. I’ll unsubscribe.

Probably for this trophy you need to not see the “save selection” menu even once during the playthrough.
Including if you killed a peaceful person, a friendly NPC, etc. Any restart leads to the loss of the trophy.
By NKLacoste on 14 Mar 2020 06:05
The main thing is to avoid the save icon for your death in the upper right corner. The death animation has begun or you feel that it is over - load the last save. Alternatively, if this is the last trophy before platinum, then delete all saves and start a new game from scratch, preferably on minimum difficulty. After an unsuccessful attempt on high difficulty, subject to the conditions described above, the trophy dropped.
By Aleks_Kos on 16 Mar 2020 00:35
In general, don’t try to make this trophy at maximum speed, the probability of screwing it up is 90 percent. My passage, a stranger never approached me, a facehugger never grabbed me, people and androids didn’t kill me even once, everything was completed very cleanly and neatly . When an alien runs just aggro, and when the light in the closet lights up, hold your breath, I immediately rebooted, the phishagers are scripted and start to squeak, there was a flamethrower always at the ready, it never jumped out of the sewer above, the androids grabbed it a couple of times - overload, but If possible, I always killed them with a shocker um mine and then finished them off with a poker, when people noticed they immediately rebooted. Even though I was going through it for the first time, I ALWAYS made 2 saves on the device, and ALWAYS loaded from the penultimate one if the androids grabbed it. Although, by the way, there were moments when this reptilian climbed into the sewer, but there was also a loading from the penultimate save. I have a feeling that the game was simply buggy and considered that it was in principle impossible to complete it without dying, due to the fact that I rummaged through all the corners during the passage, and accordingly loaded a lot during the entire game. In short, it’s a shame, but I went for a second playthrough (((
By Novichumba on 09 May 2024 03:35
In fact, everything is simple: with a stranger, the last save always works, if you do not wait for the end of the scene and the save icon. With facehuggers, in case of failure, you always need to load the previous save, even if there was no save icon. It’s better not to mess with people, it’s not difficult, you can’t kill civilians at all, but if something happens, always load the previous save. Those. There may be a death screen with a save icon, the main thing is to load the previous save. If both the last save and the previous one are corrupted, you need to start the current chapter again by selecting chapters. Resetting saves to a flash drive and pressing the ps button are unnecessary dances with a tambourine. My trophy dropped after the death screen and loading a previous save. Played on PS3.
By GStark on 28 Mar 2020 23:19
So, as a person who was on edge the entire game due to death in one of the first chapters and uncertain actions after this death, but at the same time received the trophy on the first try:

Dancing with a tambourine and throwing saves into the cloud/on a flash drive is not necessary, the main thing is to save as often as possible at each save point, if the cooldown between saves is 90 seconds, so if the situation allows you can make 2 saves in a row in order not to lose progress with 100% probability. How do deaths actually work?

If you are killed by a stranger, then try to press pause at the very beginning of the animation and load the last save, death will not be counted, most often the death from a stranger is obvious even before the animation of his attack begins.
If you were killed by an android/human, then, strangely enough, even the animation of falling to the floor does not mean death in the statistics, the main thing is to quickly understand that you are dying and press pause (look at the upper right corner so that the autosave icon does not appear).
If there is a facehugger on your face, then close the game, go to the saved game data and delete the last save, death from it is recorded almost instantly, so it is very important to prepare 2 identical saves before chapters with facehuggers, as I wrote above, this will save you from loss progress if you're unlucky. First of all, these are chapters 14,17,18,19.

I followed this video (we rewind the segment from 3:21:10 to 3:37:45, there is a collection of drawings that we don’t need for trophies), of course , that you won’t be able to get through it as deftly as the author, but it’s very convenient to see the optimal route for passing the chapters + the author tells you in which places what threats are there, and where you can avoid getting hit by someone else’s, because it’s simply not on the level.
By Mersyside on 02 Jun 2020 13:45
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