Alpha Protocol

Alpha Protocol

51 Achievements


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One With The Shadows

One With The Shadows

Complete 3 missions with less than 5 kills and with no enemies alerted to your presence.


How to unlock the One With The Shadows achievement in Alpha Protocol - Definitive Guide

Tricky Achievement


(Must Get Through 3 Missions Without Anyone Alerted To Your Presence)

Does Difficulty Affect Achievement? Possibly (Play Easy Just To Be Safe)

Whilst Playing On Hard You Can Get Yellow Arrows But Be Careful!!!!
Background? Veteran (Much Easier With This Background As You Have More Skill Points To Allocate)

Making Life Easier


-Stealther Armour
-Silencer On Pistol
-Tranquiliser Bullets (Careful You May Not Take Them Out Instantly)
-Lower Noise Bullets
-Stock Up On EMP Grenades (Saves Hacking/Unlocking Anything)
-Shock Traps (May Be Attract Attention And Difficult To Use)


-Stealth (Obviously)
[Important: Awareness (Master)/Shadow Operative]
[Binary Invisibility]

Sabotage: Fill 2 or even 3 gadget slots with EMP. yes, that is 4-6 emp, so you don't have to risk hacking stuff and you can use while in shadow operative. Thanks to Alita360
Skills Method

-Awareness (Red Arrows - No, Yellow Arrows - Yes (But Be Careful) , Blue/Green Arrows - Yes [Aim For All Blue/Green Arrows To Be Safe])
-Shadow Operative (Probably The Best At Doing This Is To Activate Skill, Walk Around, Hide Before It Fades, Wait For Skill To Regenerate, Repeat...) [You Can Walk Infront Of Someone And They Will Not See You]
-Binary Invisibility (Stops Cameras Setting Off Alarms When Spotted)

Other Methods

-Level Up Your Character So You Can Upgrade Stealth & Sabotage Skills More Before Attempting The Missions Below
[Go To Different Cities Doing Missions Other Than The Ones Below, Collect Stuff Etc To Gain Experience]
-Perks (Aim For Stealth Perks Like Reduced Range Of Enemies/Noise Reduction)
-Patience & Knowing Your Surroundings (Play The Mission Through Beforehand To Know Enemy Patterns & Where Cameras Are Located)

Other Helpful Tips

-Checkpoint System (If You Get Spotted Reload Previous Checkpoint, No Need To Restart Mission)
-If Someone Is Shooting At You, An Alarm Goes Off Restart Check Point
-Try Not To Kill Anyone (Only Last Resort & Use Tranquiliser Bullets)
-If You Take Someone Down (CQC) Don't Press A (Kills Them) Press B

I Would Avoid Taking Down/Shooting Anyone. They May Notice You Without You Realising As The Yellow/Red Arrow May Appear Then Disappear Quickly. Plus Other Guards May Become Suspicious At Finding Bodies Lying On The Ground
-If You Want To Complete The Mission Quicker Go For The Main Objective & Ignore The Side Objectives
-Missions Can Be Made So Much Easier By Buying Help/Intel In The Clearinghouse Before You Start The Mission

Where? (Missions Without Alert Triggers)


-Bugging The Airbase
-Nasri Mission (Very Tricky Defeating Nasris Guards Before Meeting Nasri Without Alerting Them)
[This Can Be Tricky Early On As You Are Lower In Level]


-CIA Listening Post (Be careful With The Ventilation System, It May Make The Guards Suspicious)


-Molotek Warehouse (Must Make Sure To Agree With Surkov When You Get To Him)
[Prerequisite: Meet Surkov After The Embassy In His Office & Do Not Kill Brayko Instantly Without Interrogating Him About Surkov Beforehand]


-G22 Warehouse

Unseen Presence Perk (You Completed 5 Missions Wherein You Killed Less Than 5 Enemies, And No Alarms Were Raised) This May Pop Up And You May Not Still Have The Achievement. This Is Not A Glitch....You Probably Have Alerted Guards To Your Presence, With No Alarms Raised. But Killed Less Than 5
Good Luck!!!

Some Useful Ideas
[Thread started by bmakar83]
[Thread started by Ferocious]

11 Jun 2010 11:20

You cannot get any yellow arrows or the mission doesn't count. Sometimes the tranquilizer bullets don't always knock out enemies but the yellow arrow shows up too quickly to be seen before the enemy is knocked out
By AHeroBladeTV on 13 Jun 2010 04:29
Cool I'll add what you said above. Thanks
By Kwokowski on 13 Jun 2010 18:45
I got this on Medium (as a Spy) without too much trouble, from the G22 Warehouse (Taipei), CIA Listening Post (Rome) and Monotek Warehouse (Moscow). Shadow Operative helps immensely. Pistol skill helps too - normally a critical pistol hit to the head with a tranquilliser bullet will one-shot enemies, plus there is a pistol skill that allows you to line up critical hits from behind cover.
By m0rph3us17 on 14 Jun 2010 01:38
I got yellow arrows on 2 of my 3 missions and still got this achievement. The G22 warehouse started out with a guy with a yellow arrow before I even did anything.
By RadiantViper on 21 Jun 2010 01:11
can i ask do the missions have to be one after another or can you spread them out because i did the air field and i have done the missions with nasri but the one after that u will all ways get could because u have to kill the sheek guy so can i do these 2 then do that lvl the nomal way and then do the CIA listaning post ?? or will that not work >?
By Daradarka on 20 Jul 2010 13:50
@Daradarka You just have to complete 3 missions without being seen or detected it does not have to be done 1 after the other. For example do the CIA listening post then go on a killing spree for 3 missions doing what you want then do Taipei Warehouse. As long as 3 missions are done correctly in 1 playthrough it does not matter
By Kwokowski on 21 Jul 2010 09:37
thank you very much i shall do that this time round when i was doing it yesterday i did the CIA and then the G22 wearhouse then when i went back to moscow there was no missions at all so i could not do any thing and i have to start again a new game and that i am not to fussed about
By Daradarka on 21 Jul 2010 14:41
I did this with Bugging the Airbase in Saudi, CIA Listening Post in Rome, and Monotek Warehouse in Moscow. If you spec high in Stealth and Technical Aptitude, you should be able to get around pretty easily without being detected.
By CVagts on 21 Apr 2011 17:48
Just confirmed that getting yellow arrows doesnt seem to have an effect, I got the achievement while playing on hard, in the missions noted above, and at one point or another, got atleast one yellow arrow on each mission and still unlocked the achievement. Note, I didnt restart the last checkpoint after getting the yellow arrows either.
By ArmaggedonPSA on 28 Apr 2011 03:35
Me too - plenty of yellow arrows on hard and it still worked. I didn't shoot anyone, just used stealth takedowns.
By ardlive on 28 Apr 2011 12:36
i used this 3:
-CIA Listening Post
-Monotek Warehouse (wasn't the name Molotek?)
-G22 Warehouse

pretty easy once you have your skills around 10 or higher each. just skip enemies as much as you can, don't search extras and go straight to the point and hide in the shadows waiting for your cooldowns to reset.

oh and little trick, asuming you have at least a point into sabotage: fill 2 or even 3 gadget slots with EMP. yes, that is 4-6 emp, so you don't have to risk hacking stuff and you can use while in shadow operative
By Phoenix C64 on 25 May 2011 20:19
Okay will change the "yellow arrows on hard" to make the guide accurate and other random stuff :)
By Kwokowski on 27 May 2011 14:52
when does the achievement 'pop'?
By Bashford on 18 Jun 2012 21:28
@Bashford I believe after the end of the third mission where you got less than 5 kills and did not alert anyone to your presence. Such a long time since I played this but at the summary screen??
By Kwokowski on 19 Jun 2012 00:49
This achievement is 100% glitchy. I just finished my fifth mission meeting the requirements and even got a perk for it as proof! And still, no achievement. I don't know what to do.
By Dallasthedude on 03 Oct 2012 19:33
You can avoid the one shot with the tranquilizer by using chain shot. The first level fires 2 shots at the same time and is an instant knock out.
By AxGryndr on 21 Feb 2013 00:00
Just did the air base, no kills, no take downs, nothing, Mina still said I got spotted...
By Sonic Grunge on 07 Sep 2013 19:42
So I just got this after 4 stealth missions. One of them I used the tranq pistol, so I would recommend not using your pistol unless absolutely necessary. All other missions were B takedowns and the occasional subsonic assault rifle kill. Make sure you have the best sound dampening armour and as many upgrades in the stealth stat as possible. Popped after the Data Trail mission in Taipei.
By Seamus McLimey on 24 Sep 2014 02:47
I just stumbled onto an easy way to stealth complete "Intercept Nasri" -

(Works on any difficulty but you need to have Shadow Operative and Chain Shot unlocked)

Just as you get to the door of the last room of guards (should be just after a checkpoint), activate Shadow Operative and move as quickly as possible to the left and up the ladder to the balcony. Once you're up there, take out the elite guard walking in front of Nasri's door first with Chain Shot, wait for it to recharge and then take out the two guards patrolling the middle of the floor. With those three down you should be able to move down the ladder and over to the right of the room to take out the guard on the balcony.

The dude on the left near the firing range never moves so as long as you don't alert the others he's a piece of cake.
By Hirsute Dave on 26 Jul 2011 14:03
This game hates giving out this achievement. I had started at least a dozen playthroughs for various achievements, and every playthrough I had attempted this particular achievement, I never got it.

I had only this achievement left to do and I decided the 13th time I would change my strategy -- I avoided all secondary objectives, did not kill anybody, and used only B button subdue attacks on the few enemies I elected to eliminate. I completely ignored any and all other forms of removing enemies and I finally got this damn thing on the 4th mission I went stealthy on. I did the airfield and Nasri in Saudi Arabia, the CIA listening post in Rome, and Molotek in Moscow, but during Nasri's mission I used chain shot to kill two of the guards in the final room and this must be the mission that did not count. To be safe, do not shoot anyone or you will be starting new campaigns umpteen times like I did.

Also, the achievement pops immediately before the post-mission stats appear. If you thought you successfully did 3 missions and it does not pop there, you screwed one up.
By Mobius Evalon on 06 Jul 2012 18:52
Have now completed three missions, Bug the Airfield(Got the Rep from Nina), Nasir(In the Mission report it says I was spotted even I never was), and CIA Outpost and was never seen by anybody, the only yellow arrow that showed was on Nasir was a footstep a guard overheard but was taken out when he walked over to it. Achievement hasn't popped the combat music played for the first two missions after the silent sprint wore off.

Update Got it on the G22 warehouse in Taipei (got a yellow arrow on a guy as I knocked him out), popped on the results screen got the perk as well, but the after mission report said I was "detected by operatives" so unless the reports are always scripted to always say you've been seen there is really no indication as to when you have actually stealthed a mission.

I regularly used a silent pistol(keep my kills under 4 but used traqs for all of Saudi) and that wasn't an issue.
By My Ringtones on 03 Jan 2024 03:17
I did the 5 missions stealthily in a single playthrough, but no acheivement. Problem being that a critical headshot isnt always a one-shot kill. Some ennemies become aware before the drug finishes em off (thus it's even harder to do in harder modes). Sometimes you can see the red arrow before they die (if so, other ennemies become aware also), sometimes not. Same with takedowns (if u do it too late and touch the ennemy, he'll become aware)

Avoid neutralizing anyone if possible. Dont be too late to do your takedown, do them as far away as possible. And if you need to shoot, use the crackshot skill, 2 bullets at once will avoid any delay.

That, and in order to avoid the frustration of not netting the acheivement, I would recommend to TRY doing the 2 Saudi missions stealthily, then do all the missions (leveling up stealth in the process) until you are ready to do all the other 3 stealth missions in one go. Beware though, that if you leave Moscow right before the "prevent Surkov's escape" mission (the one you wanna do stealthily), u cant go back. It's either a bug, or Surkov did escape because you were too late to prevent it.
By omegalite on 18 Jan 2011 23:53
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Okay, to get things straight:

You will need to complete 3 missions without having red or yellow arrows while using the awareness ability, in one go.

Talking missions like "Contact agent Steven Heck" do not count.

Best missions to get it in are: "Meet Nasri the arms dealer", "Bug Al Samad airfield" and "Bug CIA listening post"

I recommend: Starting the game as Veteran Class, Spending all APs for STEALTH, SABOTAGE and PISTOLS, Using only Tranquilizer ammo with pistol.

This achievement is much more easily acquirable, if you use only Silent Takedowns and avoid any bullet to be fired from your gun.

Allowed weapons: Silent Takedowns, Tranquilizer ammo (Pistol), Subsonic ammo (Rifle, ONLY HEADSHOTS)

29 Jan 2012 19:16

This achievement is a complete pain, as not only are you limited to not being able to kill enemies, you must also finish the missions without an enemy being alerted to you. What makes it so bad is that out of all of the missions in the game, there are only five missions where it's possible to pull it off. Every other mission in the game at one point or another forces you into a firefight, which automatically alerts all enemies to your presence.

The five possible missions in the game where it is possible to complete without alerting enemies at all are as follows.

Saudi Arabia:
Bug Al-Samad Airfield
Intercept Nasiri the Weapons Dealer: This mission is very difficult to complete stealthily, especially the final room, due to the fact it's so early in the game. If you cannot pull it off, you can try to play the other missions and get the achievement through them.

Prevent Surkov's Escape: Must make a deal with at the end of the mission with Surkov, or you will be forced to fight.

Bug CIA Listening Post

Investigate Warehouse District

There are many things you need to keep in mind when focusing on stealth missions. Here are some tips to help make it easier on yourself.

-If someone sees you, just load your last checkpoint. You do not need to reload the entire level, so don't worry about that.

- If you plan on getting this achievement, you can make it much easier on yourself by putting 5 points into the Stealth skill right away for Master Awareness. Awareness is a very useful skill, as it will not only tell you where all the enemies are, but it will also tell you their status. Blue arrows above means they are normal, yellow means they are investigating, and red means they have been alerted to you. Many people believe that if the enemies status ever changes from normal, that they need to load the last checkpoint. This is not the case. As long as an enemies are not fully alerted(red arrow), you're fine.

- Never, ever kill anyone. No matter if you knock someone out or kill them, they will be down for good, so there really is no point in actually killing. That means, there are only two ways you can properly take care of enemies. You can either use Tranquilizer Darts, or Take down's.

- Pay very close attention to what armor you are wearing. While heavy armor increases your endurance and allows you to carry more items, it also makes you walk heavier. Whenever you do a mission solely for stealth, stick with armor that does not decrease your sound dampening. Endurance does not matter, as if you play the mission right, you don't need to be able to take more hits.

- As well as heavily investing into Stealth, Pistols should be the very next important thing. Pistols are the only firearm that are capable of not killing, via Tranquilizer Darts. As such, it's the only way of knocking out guards without getting close for a take down. On top of that, using Chain Shot with tranquilizer rounds will allow you to take down multiple enemies all at the same time. At the beginning of the game, you are automatically given a silencer, make sure you put it on right away!

- Using gadgets for a stealth mission not only costs you extra money, but is a huge mistake, save for the Sound Generator. Even still, the Sound Generator is very expensive, so it isn't something you should rely on. Every offensive gadget aside from the Shock Trap kills, so you cannot use them. Even the Shock Trap isn't good, as after it activates, it doesn't knock an enemy out right away. For a few seconds, they will be stunned, and during that time, they will automatically be alerted to you, even if they didn't see you, forcing you to have to reload.

- If anyone ever sees a body lying around, they will automatically start investigating, which can be a pain to deal with. Unfortunately, you cannot move bodies around, so this can be a huge pain if you knock an enemy out too close to another ones pathway. There is, however, one way to avoid this for the most part. As soon as someone's been knocked down, make sure that you move the camera around so that you cannot see them, and start moving away from the body. Stay away for about ten seconds or so, and when you come back, the body will have disappeared, leaving no chance of someone finding their fallen comrade.


Killing less than five people isn't that difficult, as long as you remember to load tranquilizer rounds in your pistol and always use for a non-lethal takedown and not which instead performs a stealth kill. Stealth is a very useful ability in Alpha Protocol, and I would recommend that you purchase 5 ranks in Stealth as fast as possible in the game to permanently activate the Awareness ability. This displays a directional arrow that indicates an enemy's facing, direction, approximate distance to you, and awareness level. This arrow will normally be blue, turn yellow when they hear or see something suspicious, or red when actively hostile.

Enemies are considered "alerted" if you set off an alarm or if their arrow turns red. Contrary to popular belief, an enemy is not considered "alerted" if their arrow turns yellow. If you evade them for long enough, or enter a new area, their state of suspicion will go back to blue. Alternately, performing a stealth takedown with or knocking them out with a tranquilizer dart will eliminate your problem handily. Takedowns will always be the safer choice, since a glancing hit from a tranquilizer may not knock out the enemy immediately, and with any shot there is always the chance that the target may reflexively pull the trigger of his gun as he falls, alerting any other enemies in the area. When you have no other choice but to use the tranq rounds, take the time to aim for a critical hit to the head.

To minimize your chances of being detected, always wear armor with high noise reduction (if you wear armor at all), and of course only use your silenced pistol. Stay crouched, and watch your enemy's path to pick your moment carefully. Use the Stealth skills Silent Running or Shadow Operative if you have them for easy takedowns. The easiest missions to complete undetected are "Bug Al-Samad Airfield", "Prevent Surkov's Escape", "Bug CIA Listening Post" and "Investigate Warehouse District Data Trail". Any mission where an alert is automatically triggered by plot events or a boss fight will not be counted towards this trophy.

Either the trophy is buggy or the description is incomplete, I got it on the 5th try, and I played on hard and completed the missions in the following order,
Bug Al-Samad Airfield (Saudi Arabia).
Find Nasri the Drms Dealer (Saudi Arabia).
Bug CIA Listening Post (Rome).
Investigate Warehouse District Data Trail (Taiwan).

Be careful, at the slightest suspicion of a red arrow, restart from the last save point (you can reboot, I got the trophy that way).

16 Dec 2011 21:24

The trophy is not glitchy, it's just that the description is incorrect. You need to complete 3 tasks, neutralizing no more than 5 people. Those. use takedown or tranquilizer no more than 5 times. How to properly complete stealth missions with 1-2 stuns, without any problems. You can't kill. Easiest to obtain from these missions:
- Install a bug at the airport (Saudi Arabia)
- Bug in the CIA (Rome)
- Prevent Surkov's escape (Moscow)

28 Oct 2018 13:45