Arise: A Simple Story

Arise: A Simple Story

34 Achievements

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Perfect memory

Perfect memory

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How to unlock the Perfect memory achievement in Arise: A Simple Story - Definitive Guide

Level 1 – She

Memory 1- Near the start of the level you’ll use a series of rocks and one bit of wood to reach a large island. Use another bit of wood to get to the grassy area. The memory is on a rock her, you’ll need to move time back (left) to make snow appear to reach it.

Memory 2 - After the bit where you use planks of wood to reach a beach, look out for a column you can climb on the left. Jump across two more columns and onto the raft. Move time forward (right) to get the memory.

Memory 3 - Just after memory 2, climb up the far cliff to the grassy path. Follow the grass round to the left and climb down the hand holds here (make sure time is all the way back (left)). You’ll see the memory under the bridge.

Memory 4 - just after memory 3, climb up and approach the statue of the kid looking into the distance. The memory is down the hill to your right. Reverse time (left) to make a mound of snow appear, then use it to climb the rock and jump over to the memory.

Memory 5 - Right at the end of the level, there’s a large circular stone mound with a statue of the boy and girl. Don’t climb that, but go round the back of it. The memory is here.

Level 2 - Joy
Memory 1 - right at the start, turn around and run towards the screen and up to the right. The memory is on a rock near the top of the area.

Memory 2 - after your first bee ride, drop down and go left around the tree trunk, over the tree root and you’ll find the memory.

Memory 3 - when you meet three snails, get on the back of the left one. Move time backwards (left) and hop off when you get to a new grassy bit. Go through the arch into the tree trunk. Jump across the mushrooms to reach the memory here.

Memory 4 - after you’ve hitched a lift with the largest snail, hitch a lift with his bee friend. Drop off into the log and walk towards the screen. Reverse time (left) to bring another snail along. Ride it to an island, then bring in another snail by moving time back again. Take a trip on this snail to get to the memory.
Memory 5 - not long after memory 4, you’ll run down half a log to a wide area with two snails. Move time about halfway, so that you can jump from the small to the large one. Now move time all the way forward (right) and you can reach the mushrooms. Jump to the nearby large mushroom and move time back (left) until you see a bee. Use it to move the mushroom with the memory on it

Memory 6 - in the bit with all the snail shell buildings, jump to the small island. Move time forward to bring your snail taxi over. Reverse time again to get to the far island, and jump up the mushrooms to get the memory.

Memory 7 - when you have to hook onto a bee from the hand holds on the wall, reverse time so the bee goes downwards. The memory is here.

Memory 8 - the sunflower section. Work your way over the flowers, hitching rides with a couple of bees, until you reach the tree in the middle. Head down to the right, jumping over a few gaps, until you reach the bottom. The memory is in here.

Level 3 - away

Memory 1: At the start turn towards the screen and run to the bottom right

Memory 2: After you cross the first log, climb up the cliff and swing over to the left. Run towards the screen. The memory is inside four statues where there are some butterflies.

Memory 3: Not long after memory 2, you’ll reach a large falling chunk of rock with a grapple point on the bottom. Jump on top of it, then reverse time so it goes all the way up. The memory is on the right.

Memory 4: You’ll soon reach a cutscene where our hero puts a statue of a baby on a statue of a cow. Rewind time and stand on the middle of the archway. Slowly move time forward, and you’ll drop down on a chunk of rock. You’ll be able to jump off about halfway down on the right. Follow the grassy path and the memory is behind a tree.

Memory 5: after the rock climbing section where you need to move the falling grip points up and down, you’ll swing across using a tree branch to a large chunk of falling cliff. Reverse time so it goes all the way up. Follow the grassy ledge all the way to find the memory.

Memory 6: During the boulder riding section. Once you’ve ridden it to the short climbing wall, follow the path, jump a gap and stop by a tree. You can get back on the boulder here as it destroys the path to you left. Hop on it and slowly ride it forward in time. You’ll reach the memory shortly.

Memory 7: after climbing up the cliff and finding the statue of your younger self helping his partner up, follow the grassy path. Hop across the rocks, and you’ll see the memory out of reach on a ledge. Drop down on the bit of rock that falls away. Jump off onto a grassy verge. From here, jump onto the log. Rewind time slowly, walking along the log as you do, so that you can walk over the end of it as it turns, twice. Eventually you’ll be able to jump to the left onto a grassy ledge. The memory is to the left.

Memory 8: After the cutscene where you and your partner are separated (sniff), go left and jump over the gap. There are some hand holds on the wall here that are quite hard to see. Climb down. Rewind time all the way, and a bit of rock will appear that you can use to go down to where the memory is.
Memory 9: after crossing the waterfall on a log, head up the path. Don’t take the rock upwards, but walk to the edge of the cliff and ride it downwards. You’ll see the memory on a rocky outcrop to the left.

Level 4 - Alone
Memory 1 - to the left of the campfire at the start of the level

Memory 2 - Just after the second crowd of sorrows you’ll come to a lantern. There’s a wall with handholds to the left of it. Climb up and pause the lightning to get rid of the pesky sorrows. Jump the gap and follow the path. You’ll see the memory on a rock by a lantern.

Memory 3 - You’ll come to a tree you can pull down across a river (I think it’s the third tree). Cross it, then pause time when the lightning strikes to clear the sorrows. Then head left and climb the cliff near the lamp. The memory is up at the top.

Memory 4 - From the lamp in the above, head left and down two ledges. Pause the lightning, and look for two large stepping stones. Jump across these and onto a log which is hanging over a waterfall. The memory is at the end of the log.

Memory 5 - after swinging across the river, you’ll come to a large open area. You can pause the lighting as it strikes blue and orange to clear out most sorrows. To the right is a dark area full of them, with a lamp and the memory at the end. I jumped like mad through the crowd to reach it, there might be a more elegant way.

Memory 6 - at the last level of the checkpoint, you’ll see a lamp and a waterfall, with sorrows to the right. Approach the waterfall and hop over the two stones. Swing across to a third, then jump to another. The memory is here.

Level 5 - Romance
Memory 1 - near the start, hop onto the flower and ride it to the green lily pad. You’ll see the memory in the distance on the left. Ride the second flower over to it.

Memory 2 - when you’ve just ridden down a short waterfall on a flower, you’ll reach a wide area filled with green lily pads. The memory is on the right under a tree. Work your way across the pads to the massive one in the centre. You’ll need to be quick to dash from here over the two smaller pads to the tree, as the pads sink after a while.

Memory 3 - WHen you get to the part where you can ride the magic tracks of pollen, one will take you through a gap in a tree trunk. Shortly after, you’ll be able to freeze time to drop out of it and catch another track below it. Rewind time until you reach an island. Then cross the three lily pads to another island where the memory is.

Memory 4 - shortly after memory 3, you’ll ride a pollen track that will do a vertical loop. Wee! At the top of the loop, freeze time and pass through the memory on the way down.

Memory 5 - when you reach the large waterfall with loads of big flowers, take the lone purple one. When you pass a small island, hop off. Then get on the red flower that goes past it. Rewind time all the way and it’ll deliver you to the memory.

Level 6 - Fruit
Memory 1 - near the start of the level, you’ll be hopping across the floating islands. You’ll see the memory at the top of the screen. Simply ride the island all the way up and jump across.

Memory 2 - when you reach the section with the spirals you can walk on, the third spiral will is one that loops around a floating island. Jump onto it and go down, the memory is on a small island at the bottom.

Memory 3 - when you get to the bit with the wobbly jump pads, you’ll soon reach a glowing dandelion thing. Don’t pull it, but jump to the hidden jump pad at the bottom of the screen. Ride it down and you’ll see the memory waiting for you on an island.

Memory 4 - after you jump from one spiral to another, you’ll jump onto a jump pad, an island, then another spiral. This one wraps around a floating island. Ride it down to find the memory on a small island to the right.

Memory 5 - Just after memory 4, you’ll see a statue cut scene. Climb the three jump pads and you’ll see a dandelion thing. Rewind time to bring another jump pad down, get on it and ride it up. Use the power of the bounce to grab the memory.

Level 7 - Ashes
Memory 1 - near the start you’ll enter a tunnel made of thorns. Move time as far forward (right) as you can and you’ll reveal an opening to the left. Go through and standon the rock at the end of the path. Move time back, and a grapple point will appear. Jump across the gap to grab the memory.

Memory 2 - not long after memory 1, you’ll jump onto a thorn to get over a gap. Move time all the way right, and you’ll see an entrance open to the right. Jump up here and the memory is at the end of this path.

Memory 3 - during the section where you have to move through the fire, you’ll be able to go through the sorrows down a path to the left. Climb the rockface you get to and jump the path. Clear the fire here, and you’ll see the memory.

Memory 4 - after you use the grapple hook to avoid the fire, you’ll cross a large bridge. After this, don’t go through the archway of thorns, but clear the fire and drop down the ledge. Move carefully, and you’ll see the memory on a rock there. You have no choice but to run through the blaze to get this memory. Run towards the memory while moving time forward at full speed and you’ll survive. Climb the rock to claim your prize.

Level 8 - Solace

Memory 1 - The first time you use your grappling hook to pull two bits of island together, go to the end and move time all the way forward (right). You’ll see another island you can leap to. Move time all the way back again, and you’ll see a third island where the memory is.

Memory 2 - After your first ride on the sparkly airstream, you’ll get up onto a toadstool and pull over a large island with hand holds for climbing. Pull it over, then climb up and pull over the island with a tree stump on it. You should be able to see the memory inside. Climb back down using the hand holds and over the right, and you can run round to grab the memory.

Memory 3 - You might have noticed this one at the top of a sunflower earlier on. When you reach the bee, swing over to the nearest sunflower. You’ll need to work your way over the sunflowers moving time back and forth to get to the memory.

Memory 4 - You’ll climb a log and use your grappling hook on a tree which sits alone on a ball shaped island. Rotate the island until you can drop down to it safely. Now rotate the island slowly forward, and walk upwards to stay on top. The memory is on the opposite side to the tree.

Memory 5 - You’ll find yourself on an island covered with trees and a couple of statues. Hop to the next small bare island and move time forward (right) until you see another platform emerge. The memory is on there.

Memory 6 - ride a sparkly airstream to the pond/lily pads. Jump over to the left hand tree, the memory is behind it.

Memory 7 - after the pond, as you’re riding the sparkly airstreams, loop round a couple of trees. Ignore the transfer to another stream and the one you are on will loop upwards. Freeze time when you’re above the memory and you’ll drop down onto it.

Level 9 - Old

Memory 1 - at the start of the level, after the cutscene by the house, run to the left. The memory is tucked behind a rock.

Memory 2 - when the title of the chapter shows, drop down by the lake and walk towards the screen. Use the rock to jump over the pond to grab the memory.

Memory 3 - by the icy river, near the furthest back of the lamps. Stand by the lamp and move time forward (right) to reveal a path of ice. Quickly hop across it, round the back of the waterfall and up the log to claim the memory.

Memory 4 - just after the second time you swing using your grapple hook, there’s a lamp. Make sure to move time forward (right) to raise the snow, then drop down and run all the way left. You’ll find the memory at the end of this path under some ice.

Memory 5 - just after the statue of the man chopping wood, drop into the forest below and run to the lamp in the middle. Raise the snow by moving time forward, and you’ll see the memory halfway up a tree.

Memory 6 - You’ll eventually get to a section that involves moving from lamp to lamp across ice sheets. At the second lamp, you’ll see two lamps in the distance. Move time forward (right) and follow the right hand ice path. You’ll need to move time back again as you approach the lamp. The memory is next to it.

Level 10 - hope

Memory 1 - As you follow the light near some large crystals, you’ll see a couple of butterflies fluttering away over the right. That’s the memory. Run over there and jump the gap to grab it.

Memory 2 - just after jumping to grab hand holds and climbing up, follow the light as it moves behind large ice pillars. Jump to a platform and head towards the screen. Jump the gap to get to the memory.

Memory 3 - after jumping another gap to grab hand holds and climb up, you should see butterflies in the dark to the right. That’s the memory. Follow the path left and climb another wall. Take the fork to the right, jump a gap and drop down to the memory.

Memory 4 - after the ice cavern, you’ll reach a forest. Follow the light to a river. Let the light loop around an island. Follow it to another branch of the river, and you’ll see a small island you can use to get across. The last memory of the game is to the right among the trees.

12 Sep 2020 08:59


19 Jul 2020 19:54