Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042

34 Achievements


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Escape Artist

Escape Artist

Successfully extract 25 times in Hazard Zone



How to unlock the Escape Artist achievement in Battlefield 2042 - Definitive Guide

Hazard zone is a game mode that needs both luck and skill. For every game there are two extractions, all I can do is giving you some tips to help you survive and increase your chance of extraction since it's PvPvE based.
1. You and your team doesn't need to bring any data drive into the extraction heli to count as an extraction.
2. Downing but not out in the extraction heli still counts as an extraction but no drives on you will be recovered.
3. Expect heavy AI presence and 1 to 2 player controlled fireteam at the extraction point(especially E2).
4. Aim for extraction 1 to increase your chances. Don't worry about the lack of drives to extract though, new pods will drop in with 3 drives and orange smoke before E1 most of the time. If you recover them fast with land vehicles you don't even need to get into combat. It's not worth risking it if you are only doing it for the achievement though.
5. If your teammates extracted but you failed it doesn't count. If you extracted and left your teammates behind it does count as successful.
6. Go to pve all-out warfare and kill AI to get the repair system and 30mm cannon upgrade for your LATV4 Recon. The cannon upgrade is simply op in this mode.
7. Always bring a recoiless m5 or c5 explosive(let your teammates bring the scanner) if possible or you gonna have a hard time dealing with hostile vehicles. EMP grenades works well against vehicles(also annoying robot dogs) as well, leaving you a short window to deal all these damage.
8. Your team should call in as many rangers(dogs) as possible while waiting for extract or when expecting heavy player presence. These are very helpful as they not only deal lots of damage but also draw aggro. Most players don't have gadgets to counter these. Note if you get too far from them they will be deactivated.
9. Having both Falck and Angel in your team increases your chance of survival significantly. Irish and Dozer are good choices too.
10. Extraction zones are always wide open areas, stay in cover around the zone until the heli come instead of diving right in, let the smoke and flares of the heli to cover your moves.
11. Recommended weapons are DM7, SVK, PP29, MP9 and LCMG. Sniper rifles are not recommended since there sure to be lots of close combats. (subject to weapon balancing in the future)
12. If you opened cross-platform do expect cheaters.
I think the extraction point on the bridge in Hourglass is the easiest for the achievement. It's very isolated and relatively easy to defend for those who get there first.
Beside all the basic rules these are all I can think of, hope you can make it and make it 25 times. Good luck and good hunting!
Update 21 Dec: You can no longer board the chopper with enemies inside now.
Update 22 June: The devs said Hazard Zone is no longer the emphasis, so you should try grabbing this achievement ASAP before everyone stopped playing. I heard a lot of people having trouble getting into a game. I tried on XSX, it’s really slow to get to 16. However, it is quicker to get matches on Xbox one version (I play in Europe). Last gen console only need 12 players to start a game. When I was trying to stack Xbox one version achievements, getting into a game still requires some patience (about 5-10 min), but it’s still faster than the current gen version from what I’ve experienced. Maybe you could get the achievement there first, get lucky and stack it one more time on XSS/X. In case you don’t know, most achievements are stackable on these two versions by completing certain actions one more time. Make sure you opened cross-platform if you haven’t.
I also found scanners are kinda useless now since data drives are now directly marked.
Update 23 June: LATV4 Recon's 30mm cannon has been removed in Season 5 vehicle balancing update. The Hourglass rework in Season 5 may make my extraction point suggestion obsolete.

22 Nov 2021 02:51

Two other things to add is you can jump on the extract vehicle last second if there are enemies on it even if they down you you'll still extract. Also if you grab a data drive you can be tracked by players with data drive scanners.
By Maxumilli0n on 23 Nov 2021 23:41
Yes, the most important thing is getting inside the chopper.
By Upisoft NA on 24 Nov 2021 02:10
Two notes of interest:
1. If you are downed but not killed at the entrance ramp of the extract vehicle, keep crawling towards it. You can't get in, but if you don't die before it takes off you'll get the extract.
2. In the patch notes for the December update it says they will be removing the ability for two different squads to extract at the same time. I highly recommend doing this now before being patched. I myself shared an extract multiple times by jumping on at the last second.
By TwInZ v2 on 26 Nov 2021 23:13
So far, randoms seem ok with going straight for the extraction. At least I hope they are.
By Fuzzmeister J on 27 Nov 2021 02:56
This game mode is the most almighty sweat-fest of the year. Just 13 more extractions and i'll never touch it again
By Sneaky G Wizard on 27 Nov 2021 09:51
Finally done! My last 13 took me most of the day. I had many extractions where I hid on the side on jumped on the back of the chopper with 1 second left. I even died once during the last second before it took off and still counted.
By Fuzzmeister J on 29 Nov 2021 06:31
With the new update this morning, the extraction plane hatch closes on whoever is inside at the end of the timer. The pilot then says that he can't take off with an enemy on board. You must kill all enemies in there with you before departure-
By GoldenNoirX on 02 Dec 2021 20:44
Ohhh dang
By Sneaky G Wizard on 02 Dec 2021 21:05
I have been able to crawl onto the extraction aircraft whilst downed after the latest update and although the pilot does say that they cannot leave whilst multiple squads are on the plane it still takes off and you can get an extraction.
By Gunslingerr 94 on 08 Dec 2021 19:08
So they just added the appearance of a fix but actually fixed nothing lol Good news for gamers that want this achievement. Are you sure it was tracked as progress?
By Sneaky G Wizard on 08 Dec 2021 19:16
Yes it does. I was only on aircraft but enemy downed but didnt kill me. I check the tracked progress to be sure.
By ReAl ImPuLsE on 20 Dec 2021 22:23
I cant even get into a game of HZ....dead after less then 2 months. Did somebody say Firestorm...
By Demo8Jonesy on 06 Jan 2022 07:48
I totally called this, I also called them removing the game mode once they realise everybody has stopped playing it... Even the normal pvp servers are emptying - which is why they added 64 vs 64, but even they are having trouble filling up now. A couple more months, defintely six, and this whole game will be stone cold dead, just sweaty heli pilots and snipers with C5 drones preying on casuals trying to have fun
By Sneaky G Wizard on 06 Jan 2022 08:52
I evacuated 25 times on the Xbox One version. In the XSX version, I had 10 evacuations left. I evacuated once and the achievement popped up. I didn't have to do the other 9 anymore.
By Daro91x on 09 Jan 2022 00:13
Achievement of hell! My last one. 10 extracts left to do. 2 situations: i am not enough strong for this mode or i play with stupid players thinking only data, data, data... and die. This is my method and play only this way for extract only: survive only for extract 2 (less players left), no data only computers for redeploy and equipements, play safe and avoid confrontations, keep LATV for the end. And praying it works. If someone is interested to help and play in squad, send a message and friend request: Yuanda Zhu San on xbox. I try hard every night. Thanks.
By Yuanda Zhu San on 27 Jan 2022 07:47
I’m at 40% on this cheevo and can’t get into a game. No one is playing it. EA is going to have to update the Achievement.
By Broseph on 18 Feb 2022 18:23
Bit of a sore subject at the moment. The short story is that comapnies don't have to care and it appears they aren't obliged
By Sneaky G Wizard on 18 Feb 2022 20:34
I’ve got 4 extracts left but on the Xbox one version it’s easier to extract but so hard to get a game, on the series version can get a game straight away if anyone wants to team up message me on Xbox YSoSerious95164
By YsoSerious95 on 04 Mar 2022 16:49
" EA is going to have to update the Achievement."
By GR34TD3STR0Y3R on 02 Apr 2022 05:12
Need 2 players to squad up gonna be going for all 3 hazard zone achievements message me
By Agrophobic Acky on 11 May 2022 04:23
Heads up for anyone that started this back at release and has now gone back to the game they have reset all the stats of you wonder why drive or extract do not appear to be tracking
By WoRlD ANiMaTeD on 14 Jun 2022 03:48
Always 10/32 or LESS in the lobby. All hours of the day. Some are trying…
By ISolaris 7I on 21 Jun 2022 16:12
I check most days and all weekends but I haven't found a single match in over 2 months. We gotta get a group together to boost this.
By DoomScott on 26 Jun 2022 11:58
I get into games but it's full of nerds and most of the time you have a team that doesn't know what they're doing. If we can get a 16 to boost this with cross play off I think it would be beneficial, maybe people could double box up??
By UtdRhys on 27 Jun 2022 21:24
Just to warn you guys... a particular salty person reported me to the admins for trying to organise boosting sessions in the comments section of a solution
By Sneaky G Wizard on 28 Jun 2022 01:16
This has got to be glitched, I extracted 3 times yesterday, and 3 times today which was the remaining 6 I needed, and not once did it go up and I know for a fact something is up because I got the clean exit achievement yesterday and it didn't move up at all. Still stuck on 76%
By UtdRhys on 20 Jul 2022 13:56
Just incase someone else comes across this glitch, I had to do the xbox one version and then go back on the series x for it to unlock as it was stuck at 76% no matter what I done
By UtdRhys on 27 Jul 2022 19:17
I would like to boost it.
By Lukasz730 on 11 Sep 2022 17:23
Looking for squad to play add me
By dropdeadsykes21 on 22 Oct 2022 00:45
I'm down to try this, message if interested!
By XJ900 Diversion on 04 Dec 2022 15:17
If you’re interested in hazard zone message me
By Magthrower12 on 10 Jan 2023 02:22
Looking for 2 players to do it. We are already 2 and we are at the half of the completion. But it starts to be complicated and no one is playing this mode anymore. Contact me if you are interested!
By YoH Ringo on 22 Feb 2023 23:04
If you're going for the Xbox One stack, do this one there. More people playing hazard zone on the last gen version and requires less players to start a match.
By Maverick Hiro on 10 Apr 2023 06:30
This is pain... I played 66 rounds and only 6 i can extract. But still there is enough players play with.
By zavorka on 29 Jun 2023 16:42
For boosting session purposes it seems the minimum required to boost can now be 8 players.

This is due to patch 5.1.0:

Added a dynamic minimum player requirement. If not enough players join the lobby in time, the player requirement to start a round will be automatically reduced to a minimum amount of 8 players in order to start a round.
By Spascifica on 02 Jul 2023 21:13
Need help with this. My GT is DiegoTan, same as here.
By DiegoTan on 10 Jul 2023 13:26
Need help with this one. Add me on xbox and message me :)
By xXBandicoot69xX on 30 Oct 2023 21:10
I need 4 more wins, anyone feel like helping a brother out lmk!!!
By CptWillyBoy on 31 Jan 2024 19:26
Need one more win on Xbox One version, anyone up to it? Please help! My Xbox ID is GynPLaYeR
By GynPLaYeR on 05 May 2024 22:05
The last second method isn't that bad, I used it a few times but it may not be an option in the near future. It relies on the AI having been cleared out, super precise timing and one important factor that may very well get patched soon

Currently it's good because even if the opposite team down you on the chopper, they'll not have time to run your counter out and you'll extract with them (that's going to be awkward when they return to base...)

I've heard rumours a new patch is going to remove the ability for multiple squads to extract on the same plane - IMAGINE THAT SHIT. Have to wonder how they'll implement that? I shudder to think. I suppose the most sense would be for the plane not to take off while there is more than one squad inside, and downs won't count as "active" and won't count any longer

Shout out to the guy responsible for messing the data extraction achievement up and allowing us to just pick them up, rather than actually have to extract with them
By Sneaky G Wizard on 29 Nov 2021 08:26
Please message me on XBox to squad up/boost - I've been trying to play this all day and while I'm good at BF, am struggling with this one. Haven't gotten an extract yet.
By OHHH B0B SAGET on 17 Dec 2022 07:28
This achievement is absolute hell. Arguably the worst I’ve ever had to do in any game. Between the queue times and then getting paired with people who won’t communicate and all of us just wiping over and over, I’m at my wit’s end.
By Malrats on 19 Mar 2023 23:53
Not the most practical solution for all but I was able to get this fairly easily over the last few weeks by playing mid day on weekdays. I was regularly able to get into games with 16/32 players making it much less competitive with only 4 real squads. During the game make sure to stick by your team at all times. If playing with randoms they will most likely go for data drives. Take your time and focus on eliminating enemies when approaching drives and make sure to wipe the entire squad(s) before grabbing drives. When going to the extraction zone be very patient. Get there early if you can and take out enemies as they come. Stay patient and dont rush to the helicopter or you’ll most likely be shot from multiple angles. When in the helicopter I liked to throw a smoke out the back and go prone shooting enemies as they try and enter. I got about 20 extractions in just a few weeks and actually had a good amount of fun with it.
By shakeNbake0810 on 11 Apr 2023 18:06
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I tried to boost this, but we couldn't match all the squads in the same lobby. Your best bet is to get it legit, like I did, with cross-play on and using your microphone. You'll never know the difference until you play with at least one other person who also uses their mic.

For starters: operators. Too often you'll end up with randoms who are either new to the game and/or mode and they pick absolutely useless operators like Boris or Casper. Sometimes they're even "S" level players and still commit to these bullshit-ass operators. Make sure to encourage them to change to something useful. The best squad includes Angel, Irish/Dozer, Falck and Sundance. Angel is a no-brainer, you get an almost continuous flow of ammo, with the ability to restock on ammo for the Recoilless M5 being the biggest upside of Angel. Whoever's playing as him should call in a resupply crate after engagements in which you used a lot of Recoilless ammo. It goes without saying since I mentioned the weapon, that two of the four players should bring a Recoilless M5 with them. Moving on, Irish/Dozer are generally useful, as HZ wasn't designed with a lot of care and you can get shot from basically every angle, almost at any point of any map, especially from PC no-lifers. If you make it to the Osprey, their role is to use their shields to protect the other three players behind them while inside the aircraft. Falck is also a no-brainer, keeps everybody healthy, but if it's one of those days where you can't seem to be able to do a lot of healing and you or your teammates keep dying, consider Paik, as she 3D spots whoever does damage to her. Finally Sundance is super dangerous and in the hands of a good player they can do a lot of damage to infantry and vehicles, plus her ability to essentially fly is almost game-breaking.

Loadouts:They wouldn't give everybody the factory M5A3 if it completely sucked, so I recommend sticking with that until you get enough Credits to keep bringing your own M5A3, modded with attachements that increase accuracy when moving, as moving will keep you out of danger. The G57 is fine, just make sure you customize it beforehand so it shows up with the attachments you want in the HZ menu. Two of the four players will take a Recoilless M5, the rest can benefit from the armor plates, just remember to put a new one in once the first one breaks. As for throwables, split things again and have two players carry smokes, most likely Falck and Angel so they can revive and resupply with more safety and the other two frags or incendiaries. The latter are particularly useful if another squad beats you to the inside of the Osprey. Finally, as far as Tactical Items are concerned, grab as many Redeploy Uplinks as you can. If you can start with four, you'll have that many more chances of avoiding a wipe.

General strategies: As I said before, you can get into trouble in a matter of a few tenths of a second, due to the design (or lack there of) of the mode and the skill (or cheating level) of the enemy players. Once you drop in, locate the nearest Data Drive drop and go there. Be mindful of where that's located so you know the directions from which enemies might come from. Since this achievement takes longer than the one for extracting with 50 drives, don't worry about hoarding drives. Worry about successful runs. There are only two opportunities to extract and those are revealed four minutes before the aircraft leaves. Therefore, be ready to move accordingly. If you pause and go to "Players and Squads" during the lobby phase, you can tell how many squads are dangerous by looking at their level and other details. If you see for example a squad of four PC players with Russian names and high levels, you'll know they're probably top players and maybe it's better to let them extract (or get wiped trying) on E1. Granted, you'll get more resistance on E2, but I found out that most of the time there are one or two squads of top dogs and the rest are ordinary players like you and me.

Use the call-ins. If you find a Ranger, call it in immediately, unless you got an LATV rolling. If you find an LATV uplink, make sure whoever has it fully upgraded calls it in immediately. The 30mm (yes, not the 50mm one) gun and the self-repair upgrades are super, duper important. The only instance where you should wait is if you've found yourself on top of a skyscrapper. Wait to see where the next extraction is and then parachute down and call it in.

Keep moving with it, the same way you should keep moving if you're on foot. Many times you get tunnel-vision on a group of enemies far away or near enough but at a much better position that your current one. Just retreat and let them think they won. Retreating is also crucial if you are the only one left and you don't have a Second Chance redeploy because you've either used it already or because the E1 extraction has passed. Run to a safe area and use the Redeploy uplink. I once won a round and extracted with 12+ drives because my squad had used eight (8) redeploys and the others simply couldn't keep up with us coming back again and again.

08 Feb 2023 09:42

I advise you to make this trophy as quickly as possible before this mode is completely dead. And try to find at least 1 teammate, this mode is unbearable solo, there is no voice chat, randoms will not help you

03 Jan 2022 09:31

As written above, you need to evacuate yourself, alive or on your knees.
It would be ideal if the entrance to the plane is covered with a shield and smoke fumes.
By JeffSwiss on 23 Mar 2023 13:50
At the moment, I am at least somehow looking for matches by enabling cross-platform play.
You can evacuate without data. Whether the evacuation was counted can be tracked in the card of the specialist for whom they played and evacuated (for example, for Angel it is the Flea Marketer).
By AlienEconomist on 05 Jan 2022 19:17
You need to evacuate yourself if you fell near the plane and your squad was evacuated and will show the task completed and when choosing the character you played it will be 1, this is not protected for a prize!!! Successful evacuations are needed, you can look in the early bird token, there are only 10 evacuations, and the rest, remember how many times you evacuated, I searched for battle statistics and found it, but how many evacuations are not there, the game is still buggy, good luck getting it!
By Dark_is-life on 09 Jan 2023 19:26
I recommend not to climb into the plane immediately after it lands, but to stand behind some cover and guard it, since if you climb into it, they may simply throw grenades at you. I mainly played as Clofford (his installation vulcan is good not only against bots, but also against players), Boris (When playing on open maps, such as hourglass, it is better to take the homing javelin - one of the gadgets of the engineer class), Dozer, McKay (the best character on the manifest map), you can also take Sundance at the cosmodrome because of her wingsuit. It seemed to me that it is best to evacuate during the first evacuation, because all players are trying to accumulate more media for the second, but you don’t need to worry about the media, since you will be doing evacuations much longer than collecting media. I also recommend not to forget about latv4recon, but I do not recommend getting into one car with the whole squad, it is better to have one car for one couple. If you hear some kind of squeaking when you are sitting in a car, it is better to get out immediately, since they are aiming a missile at you, also, to make it safer to use a machine gun, the driver should put the car backwards towards a group of enemies, this will make it more difficult for them to hit those sitting, and you can also It will be faster to leave in a critical situation. Also, if you have a ranger summoning facility, it is better to call him immediately, he will help you find the enemies. Finally: if you fall to your knee and your squad causes redeployment, it is better to bleed out, but I do not recommend doing this if there are living squad members nearby.
By Silent0agent on 13 Aug 2023 10:07
It’s easiest and fastest to get knocked out if you turn off cross-play, although lobbies may not be there for a long time and may not gather, but it’s much easier to wait than to die when they shoot at you from behind. Basically, if you play only with people who, like you, play the curling iron, God forbid, 8-10 people gather in the lobby, sometimes there are more, but the end is 16 players. I took this trophy while playing as Falk, with a BSV-M rifle (since there is a lot of damage up close and you can shoot into the distance with an X6 tank and legs) Don’t rush, kill everyone, don’t leave your team and help your allies because it’s one against four it will be extremely difficult. It is also advisable if the team has a dozer, which during evacuation will cover the entrance to the plane with a shield. In my opinion, this is one of the most difficult and dreary trophies, I took it in 27 evacuations
By Krolyng on 27 Oct 2023 13:34
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I would recommend not to waste a lot of time on endless searches with the cross platform disabled (it’s not a fact that you will get 100% evacuation even with 2 teams); during the waiting time you can try to play 2-3 full rinks, or even more, with it enabled. Lately, most people are waiting for the second evacuation, not the first. Now the restriction on the minimum number of players to launch cross-platform skating rinks has been moved from 16 to 8, which helped me get this trophy faster. People start to gather around 15:00 Moscow time on a weekday, on weekends from 12:00. The main thing is not to get caught up in the team of nerd schoolchildren playing on a PC, who are killing the entire map for fun. In such cases, it is better to try another day. For me, the best operative in this mode was the dozer, the shield works well here, the weapon doesn’t matter, it’s better to take a meta one or the one that works best to play with. Choose an evacuation depending on the situation; it sometimes happens that no one comes to the first one.

28 Jan 2024 22:55