Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3

64 Achievements


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How to unlock the Bullseye achievement in Battlefield 3 - Definitive Guide

I spent a year getting over 200 people this achievement personally. Sadly now though I have retired from helping first-hand with the achievement because it takes up too much of my time, so I apologise to anyone who was hoping I'd still be able to help. Instead, I have replaced my offer with my Step-By-Step Guide to getting the achievement and if you follow my instructions to a tee you WILL get the achievement.

Here's a video shot recently by me showing exactly how I do it but obviously, not everyone will be able to take 9 guys out in such a small amount of time under pressure.

First off some tips for preparing yourself to get the Achievement.

- Make sure both you and your partner have headsets....communication is KEY!

- Do not do it on HARD its much easier getting the Achievement on EASY and you have more wiggle room, plus HARD is easy so don't even worry about that.

- Don't rush!! Aside from the 3 sets of 3 every guy WILL stop for you and there is no time limit. They will wait to be killed so don't think you've got to kill them instantly. ALOT of people fail just off of this

- On easy headshots are not a requirement, you can kill each guy with chest shots but I'd still go for headshots anyway to be sure.

- Make sure both you and your partner are comfortable deep breathing and also setting up your Bipod on any surface.

- Pick a side and stick to it so if you go for left-sided guys always stay left and your partner on the right to save from confusion.

- Countdown before every shot and ALWAYS make sure you're both ready to shoot prior to pulling the trigger.

- DO NOT click the LS while on the Bipod! LS is for freestanding only and will shoot your scope up in the air while on the Bipod.

OK, so now for the step by step guide to glory...

Step 1.

Enter the sewers via the manhole and climb the ladder down, approach the first guy and snipe him or run at him and use the silenced pistol. Once his dead, exit the sewer via the ladder.

Step 2.

Once up the ladder and in the open DO NOT jump over the rail or get too close to the WILL be spotted!!

In front of you are 3 sets of 2 guys working towards the apartment building...take them out using the LS and your sniper.

-1st set are directly below you after exiting the sewers.

-2nd set are right under the arch to the right of the first set.

-3rd set turn left out of the arch they are standing beside the apartment door.

Step 3.

Once inside the apartment switch to the silenced pistol and make your way up the floors to the door, once it opens run in and take out the 2 aware of the guy in the other room if he runs he will glitch into either the cupboards or out the window and will reappear to knife you.

From here on out DO NOT fire a shot without your Bipod

Once both guys are dead have one person sit at the very first window and the second sit at the very next window. both crouch and put your Bipods on. You may have to sit on the right side of the window ledge to get a good shot

The Alpha Team will knife a guy near the staircase and then 2 guys appear from the steps, let them walk to a complete stop and dispatch of them.

Next 2 guys will appear from around the back of the white van above the staircase let them walk to a stop then take them out.

------Bus Flashbang--------

As with guys one person take left bus one take right bus, mark them so you know where they are and this is the important part.


It will stop the left guy on each bus moving out of position to reach for a hostage and will save you ALOT of hassle as you can now take out the 2 guys with them close to each other.


DO NOT firing before the flashbang breaches the window WILL end your mission because it glitches the guys out and makes them untouchable, you'll fail in seconds so just wait before picking them off.

Leave the apartment.

Step 4.

Go down the stairs and out onto the street run up to the wall and stand a yard or so apart and set up the Bipod the next 2 targets are the 2 guys walking directly at you, you should be standing pretty much 12 o'clock from them let them walk to a stop countdown and take them out.


Step 5.

Go downstairs to the next 2 guys

Here 1 person can take out both guys if laying in prone with Bipod on and move until they line up then take them out with 1 shot. Of course, though, you can both take them out together.

Once they're dead 3 guys will exit the Blue Bar. 1 guy goes to the left 2 go to the right so both lay in prone with Bipods on and as with the previous guys 1 person line up the 2 guys while the partner lines up the solo guy countdown then shoot.

Get up and run up the stairs.

Step 6.


------3 Sets Of 3 moving Guys-------

While I was doing it I would take out all 9 guys but I don't expect everyone to be able to do it and it does take a good sniper with practice but I'll explain the way to do with 2 people shooting.

First off DO NOT shoot at different groups at the same time...YOU WILL FAIL

Focus on 1 set at a time then move on to the next set and so on.


-Set 1 Staircase with the Hotel sign running down the side of the building

-Set 2 Green bar, they are walking right to left and are at the right of all can't miss them just look for the green bar

-Set 3 In the cafe area....they come downstairs and into the cafe area.

So here's how you do it...

Set 1. As soon as you hit the top of the staircase 1 person stand here and puts their Bipod on while the other goes behind and to the left on the long wall and places their Bipod down. Stare up at the top of the stairs and wait for the Sniper crack to signal the start.
Wait until all 3 guys are beginning to walk down the steps 1 person takes out the left one, the other the right and both meet for the middle guy...2 shots on each should do the trick.

Set 2. The moment their dead run to your right past the crates and you'll see 2 Green and White bins 1 person go between the bins the other to the right of the last bin Bipods on quickly one line up the front guy and the other the back guy. Make sure you're both ready and shoot leaving the middle guy then as with the stairs...take him out

Set 3. Rush back to your starting position for the Cafe Set again Bipods on the long wall, if you were quick enough the 3 guys won't have separated if that's the case shoot at the same time and take them out as quick as possible. If they do separate, one person takes out the 2 guys going left while the other takes out the sole guy that ends up near the umbrellas.

All in all, there is nothing to fear here. It can be a pain in the arse but if you have a plan and stick to it you'll be just fine. Try to make each shot count because its the moment you miss the enemy will be onto you and will call it in so hit them one after the other, accuracy is key.

Once their all dead take out the sniper in the window...

Step 7.

Move up the street and climb the stairs...this is the best vantage point for the remaining guys.

Pick up ammo if required and both crouch up against the wall and place Bipods down. You won't need to remove your Bipods now at all from here on out. Make sure your on the corner on the wall one person on each section.

The Alpha Team will proceed up the stairs onto the streets once the Blue Square disappears 2 guys will appear in the gap in the wall let them stop line up your shots countdown and shoot.

The Alpha Team will now proceed into the gardens again when the square vanishes the next 2 guys appear, let them walk to a stop at the bottom of the stairs and take them out.

Move your scopes up the stairs to the door behind the statue when it opens 3 guys will appear let them leave the Mansion and walk they will go for about 15 yards and stop. They only stop for a brief moment so be ready. One guy takes out the lone guy and the other takes out the 2. If you're in the right position the 2 guys will be automatically lined up.

Next, bottom left window. Once those guys are dead 2 guys appear in the bottom left window they will walk in and stop double tap and take them out.


As with the Bus moment, you'll want to press the flashbang right away but it's not essential. One guy will already be in the room on the 2nd window from the left, mark him.
Wait a bit and 4 more guys will appear, 1 from the left and 3 from the right, mark all of them and then press the flashbang.
Wait for the Alpha Teams countdown before firing then proceeds to take them all out. If you miss at any point don't panic as the Alpha Team will clean up after you. It's actually very hard to fail this point.


And there you have it, in all its a very easy achievement to obtain you just need to stick to my solution and you cant fail. You may need to practice a few times but you'll get there in the end.


Here are the parts where if this happens you've been spotted...

- If any guys are at the apartment door upon leaving...YOU'VE FAILED

-If there are any guys at all on your side of the street...YOU'VE FAILED

The guy in the sewer, the guys on the bus, the sniper and the five guys after the flashbang inside the mansion are the only ones that will not call it in, so don't worry about those blowing your cover.

Well, that's it, if you have any questions feel free to use the comment section to ask and I'll try to reply as quickly as possible.

Please, please DO NOT msg me on Xbox Live I am now retired from getting people this achievement so please respect my wishes but feel free to add me on TA if you want to boost in the future.

If your going to NEGATIVE vote this solution at least have the balls to explain why in the comment section...

Thanks and happy hunting...

24 Mar 2012 08:48

He helped me get mine ages ago, great sniper, thanks again Dark! :)
By MonkeyCMonkyDo on 24 Mar 2012 09:00
Great gamer helped me get this achievement great sniper and very patient and generous taking it out of his own time to help out thanks again mate
By on 24 Mar 2012 13:04
This guy helped me get this achievement last week, only took 3 tries. Thanks Dark.
By Borders on 24 Mar 2012 13:04
Dark Resis7ance is the man! He helped me recently get it and without him, I still wouldn't have it. After being stuck on it for literally hours with my buddy, i put the game down for over a couple months... So when Dark offered to help, I hadn't played in a while. This dude is a serious pro. 1st attempt: I fucked it up… 2nd attempt: got the achievement. It took me 20 minutest to get what I was stuck for hours on… let alone the fact that he immediately helped me get past the busses where I was stuck forever. Anyway, the dude rocks. If you need help – ask him, get the chievo, and be thankful!!
By ShadyShall on 24 Mar 2012 13:55
Ok mate no worries we'll get it done
By Deranged Asylum on 24 Mar 2012 19:05
Thumbs up for this guy! Very helpful, patient, and willing to give up his time. He endured through my horrible missed shots.
By Skanker irl on 08 May 2012 23:56
Very patient, informative, hilarious guy. It only took us 8:37 on the third try, minor errors on my end. Appreciate the help. Thanks a ton!
By on 09 May 2012 02:07
great guy, and an even better shot.
By Scedon on 09 May 2012 02:09
Thanks for the help, great gamer, very efficient and accommodating.
By DeadliestWARI0R on 08 May 2012 19:13
Thanks Shady I appreciate your comment mate :)
By Deranged Asylum on 14 Apr 2012 13:30
@Ichthultu - What a bellend you really are, the guy take his own time to help people out in getting this and you've taken it upon yourself to come in here and put a negative on this??? and to top this he's a really nice bloke as well.

How does it not count as a solution when the guy has page after page of posts thanking him for helping people OBTAIN THE ACHIEVEMENT.

What a retard.

Keep up the good work Dark.
By chrislocalboy on 14 Apr 2012 13:55
This solution is better than most in my opinion, rather than having to follow a guide or try to emulate gameplay from a youtube video, Dark Resi7ance actually joins you in game, plays through and explains what to do in the level. I have yet to get this achievement myself as XBL has deemed it impossible for us to join a party or coop game together for some reason. Even after this however, Dark has tried many times over weeks to get in a coop game together to help me out. So for that alone this is worth a positive vote.
By El Horse on 14 Apr 2012 16:46
Holy crap, after trying for two hours, you got me this in 10 minutes. And THEN you got me the other co-op missions I needed to complete this game. You're awesome! Thank you SO much!!
By Frankie DrumsNY on 14 Apr 2012 20:57
The best "solution" for an achievement. Dark resistance helped me like he has helped everyone else on here, I got the achievement first time with him in 14 mins. Thanks again for your help.
By Wehttam 360 on 14 Apr 2012 21:36
took him 9:42 to complete with me. i tried to hold my own weight but i killed like 3 people and before i could even aim he took them out lol. thanks for the help
By Js2Death on 15 Apr 2012 16:00
got there in the end thanks to my spaggy controller not deploying the bipod :) deffo ages great co-op partner you hardly have to do anything
By Titchy Godman x on 15 Apr 2012 16:54
He helped me in 12 mins quick and easy.
By Lt Graves on 15 Apr 2012 20:08
thumbs up.. helped me in first try and helped me open other achievment. thanks
By burntk1ng on 16 Apr 2012 12:24
You didn't help me as I already have the achievement, I just wanted to say that you're a fantastic guy and I have great admiration for you and your devotion to helping others. You're a real gift to TA. Keep up the good work buddy!
By IbanezLewis on 16 Apr 2012 20:00
Quick!!! Took less than 10 min. Got it first try.

Messsage him if you need help... GREAT TA MEMBER!!!
By Mr Mp5 on 16 Apr 2012 20:43
Awesome TA member! Helped me get it no issues at all. Clear instructions. Brilliant. Will deffo be doing the other co-op stuff with Dark.

Thanks again :D
By DTI Bebop on 16 Apr 2012 21:37
Solution is garbage. Took us forever. No clue what he was doing........ I kid, one of the top gamers on TA. WAS very helpful, Alot of people usually dont help with cheevos after they get them but Dark is something else. Thanks much for this and the other ones you helped me with.
By FLYN NE WEATHER on 16 Apr 2012 22:01
100% legit, Got a quick response when I messaged him, And we set it up and got it done in no time. Piece of cake with him. Thanks so much for your help!
By ModifiedMag8 on 17 Apr 2012 14:56
This guy is a legend. Quick response and within an hour he helped get 4 co op achievements. Made bullseye look easy and did it first time in side 9 minutes. Talks you through everything and makes sure your in the right place. Thank you again Dark. :)
By PaulDavey171 on 17 Apr 2012 20:51
Got it second try, I fucked up a shot lol so yeah I recommend this guy he CAN help you.
By SilentRich69 on 18 Apr 2012 00:03
once again dark come though for me helping me finishing the rest of the co op's levels..dark know his stuff in the game he know where and when the guys are comimg from and when...if you got to have one friend on your xbx 360 list he is the guy you what on there....

thanks so much dark for the help 5 stars....
By candy cowboy on 18 Apr 2012 17:00
wow! this guy is amazing. i felt like he did all the work. this guy is the guy to go to for help if you need it.
he was very precise and clear as to what to do and when to do it. thanks again dark.. i will be sure to ask you for more help in the future.
By Leprcaun03 on 18 Apr 2012 17:30
GREAT! FANTASTIC! LEGENDARY! TERRIFIC! and a good shooter too (LOL), thank you very much for taking 10 minutes of your extremely skilled time to do this achievement for me. I don't usually like to be the passenger but that was an amazing trip.
By SlipperedChief on 08 May 2012 21:32
Thanks a lot man. Super easy with you as my wingman. Took literally 10 minutes and 1 try on HARD. Been beating myself in the head for ever with this. Thanks again. This guy is amazing and he knows the pattern extremely well. If you listen to him you'll have no problems. Thanks a billion.
By bigdubs16 on 19 Apr 2012 08:49
The man. The myth, The legend. He put up with my numerous failing to help me get the achievement. Absolute diamond.
By Uber Epic Elite on 19 Apr 2012 17:44
thank you dark you truely are a legend i was struggling with this for so long and you got me it so easy thank you again and if you need help with any achievements ill be more then happy to help

peace and respect
By ProudBowdy on 20 Apr 2012 00:31
Top guy, got the achievement on first attempt, he even hung around while I did an update. Thanks a lot again. He really knows what he is doing, a one man sniper army.
By MIKE DEAMON on 21 Apr 2012 15:41
note to self: dont VS this guy online xD really nice guy thank you :)
By Tank Force UK on 21 Apr 2012 21:03
That was awesome. I got the achievement on the first try. Nice communication, he spot the guys you have to shoot and he'll take care of the rest. Awesome.

Thank you a lot, Dark!
By CS2Freedom on 21 Apr 2012 21:04
Good man he got it right away.
By NoobsUnited on 21 Apr 2012 22:22
Made this achievement easy. We finished the level in under 9 minutes and now all I need to do is hit Colonel to finish my achievement list. Thanks again Dark!
By Ganluan on 21 Apr 2012 22:39
Great guy! :) Thanks for the help :D
Tip: the first countdown is the how-to, don't shoot then!! =]
By XboxFreak36 on 22 Apr 2012 09:31
Great guy, really makes the achievement look easy. Got this and the Ninjas achievement cleared up in just over 10 minutes. Thanks again, man!
By Dan2102 on 22 Apr 2012 11:54
Got it first time made bus part easy
By TheoWB15 on 22 Apr 2012 15:01
thank you dark u are a legand . and he also help get my other coop achievements great guy .he deserve a medal for what u do
By iCelviN Px on 23 Apr 2012 14:15
Pro Skills! Thanks for the help! =)
By Lil Miss Cherry on 23 Apr 2012 23:49
Thank you very much sir! Extremely nice, helpful, and made Bullseye a breeze!
By thoseAREmySHOES on 24 Apr 2012 21:00
Great gamer made this achievement very easy with his help! Thankyou very much! This guy is a professional on your side! Thanks again for your help! :)
By Funnnkyyy on 25 Apr 2012 10:33
Top marks. ! game never missed.
By KILTEDxSCOTSMAN on 25 Apr 2012 18:52
That was great. Got it done in the 3rd try and was flawless. He goes nuts and kills like 6-8 guys in 15 seconds.
By WayzoftheRaven on 25 Apr 2012 20:23
great guy did it by 4th try i was one messin up good player thanks for the help man
By Dang3R Gaming on 26 Apr 2012 18:22
Finished on the first try. As long as you can follow directions and be accurate its extremely simple.
By JusticeEMU on 28 Apr 2012 20:02
Finished on our first try as well! This guy is legit. Great co-op partner. Thanks for all your help Dark!
By Beachem on 29 Apr 2012 11:19
One word: Impressive!
he help me 15min ago.
it took us 10min just because i messed it up two times.
he could have done it in 5min ...
TA can be proud to have members like that.
Thank you !
By Stefan Hemming on 29 Apr 2012 15:57
If your having trouble getting this achievement like I was, do not hesitate to ask this guy for help. You WILL get it. I tried plenty of times with my friend to no avail, we even went on thinking it was lag and he brought his xbox to my house but this guy is from England and I'm on the east coast of the US and we got it. The only hiccup we had was an "early morning".
By KMSSD on 01 May 2012 15:17
Thanks! Quick and Easy !!!!
By an7man on 01 May 2012 17:47
Helped me out tonight, seriously amazing. Thanks so much =)
By oO NiGhTbAsE Oo on 01 May 2012 18:43
One of the best and most helpful guys on this site. Helped me finally complete this game. Thanks so much
By bbbac0n on 01 May 2012 22:58
Game glitched slightly, pods werent always working and sometimes it could take 4-7 shots to kill an enemy, but Dark Resis7ance was very patient, and helpful. I look forward to playing some FPS with you in the future.
By Onsidic on 05 May 2012 21:40
He was a great help, easy instructions. Got the achievement on the first try in less than 10 minutes. Thanks again!
By Annihilation87 on 06 May 2012 15:37
Thanks so much for your help! It took about 12 minutes to get the achievement because i messed up, but i'm sure he could do it in about 6 minutes. He's a great partner: terrific shooter, clear instructions and has a lot of patience. Would definitely recommend to anyone who might need this achievement.
By doohhh on 07 May 2012 15:50
Awesome job. New at this game and he got it like he said!
By Baiano42 on 07 May 2012 22:29
Awesome. Once we got past the game's lag and bs, we got it knocked out, no issues. Thanks again Dark
By Such Solitude on 10 May 2012 16:17
Thanks for the help. First time I ever played the mission; he was very clear and patient.
By shelbygt5252 on 10 May 2012 18:01
Massive thanks again Dark. Got 2 achievements from this session and he explained exactly what I needed to do. Been attempting the Bullseye achievement for a while and then we knock out 2 in half hour. Great guy who deserves all the thanks he's getting! Cheers Dude.
By NotGeorge87 on 10 May 2012 19:08
thanks chap nothing I can say that hasn,t already been said,gave you your well deserved positive vote
By spikeylizard on 10 May 2012 22:16
Thanks for the help mate.
By SLN2012 on 12 May 2012 05:02
Thank you. Went quick (just under 11 minutes).
By MADDL007 on 12 May 2012 19:12
Great guy. really nice easy to go understand. does basically everything. literally takes like 10 min easiest way to get the achievement!!!!
By AxT Killer Bomb on 12 May 2012 19:46
This guy is a legend - got me through in under 10 mins and he had a busted 'troller - I was pretty sure I was never gonna get this one in the bag. If I can ever return the favour please just let me know :0)
By Staffanatic on 13 May 2012 20:14
I can't believe how easy dark made this chievo - so grateful. Thanks a lot really appreciate your help.
By URBAN TBIRD68 on 13 May 2012 22:38
Same here, busted controller and we still bagged it. Someone send that guy a new controller :)
By le peau on 14 May 2012 12:07
Made it look easy. Got it the first time!
By Excited Milk on 14 May 2012 18:56
Thanks Dark, Really appreciated your help. It was super easy, and got it first time.
By SHAKES19 on 16 May 2012 12:55
Great sniper, thanks Dark. Biggest problem about this level is the 3 sets of 3 guys, which he shot within a blink of an eye :) the rest is a piece of cake
By p0is0npR0 on 16 May 2012 19:11
Amazingly fast and easy, this guys got this achievement on lock.
By That Stance Tho on 16 May 2012 19:43
Brilliant mate thanks for getting back to me so quick, if ever you need help with anything feel free to hit me up
By WKFJonesy on 17 May 2012 09:59
Thanks for your help! You made this too easy. They should call you bullseye! ;p
By Risening on 17 May 2012 18:22
Dark is the man, just playin' for the love of the game - should you need my help one day, let me know
By BenGoose on 18 May 2012 15:44
This is the go-to guy! His directions are very clear and his patience is infinite. A proper sniper!
By PoeticSasquatch on 19 May 2012 01:07
Cheers! Made what I thought was impossible look easy, I was just along for the fun ride! Dark is a TA legend!
By nuxx au on 19 May 2012 16:34
Top lad, nice one for making that go a lot easier!
By Tez Dredd on 19 May 2012 16:51
thanks man such a big help, finnaly got bf3 done!
By SwankeyTiger on 19 May 2012 17:57
Thanks for the help!
By quester683 on 19 May 2012 23:52
helped me pretty quick after asking. we first tried it. thanks, bud.
By End Fuhz on 20 May 2012 16:17
You are a LEGEND!!!!! Massive thank you to you mate. Thank you for your time and huge help. Hope there are more people like you. Thank you again. Impossible made easy in 5 min, you are a superstar!

Thank you
By Pabs 85 on 22 May 2012 10:57
Nice, quick, and straight to the point. Dark makes it very much impossible to miss the chivo on the 1st go round.
Thnks again!
By LayDwnClown on 22 May 2012 16:05
help me get in less then 10 mins
By Mr Ninja Hitman on 22 May 2012 20:20
Super quick, got it in no time and a decent guy too! Thanks mate couldn't of done it without you!
By JonnyBlazin5 on 22 May 2012 20:39
this dude messaged me about boosting a different game and while we were boosting a, quite frankly boring labourous achievement, we got onto talking about battlefield and he was just like 'I got the top soloution for Bullseye' so as I've spent many hours trying to get this fucking achievemnt, he offered to help me.

all round solid guy, nice one Dark, I owe you!
By Bashford on 26 May 2012 18:31
About as quick and painless as anyone could hope for. We got it on the first attempt in less then 10 minutes. Solid guy and great to play with. The two voters who choose negative are idiots. Cheers!
By digitaI ink on 28 May 2012 16:17
got the achievement and thumbed up. Thanks
By I am Mindslave on 28 May 2012 16:48
About as quick and painless as anyone could hope for. We got it on the first attempt in less then 10 minutes. Solid guy and great to play with. The two voters who choose negative are idiots. Cheers!
By digitaI ink on 28 May 2012 23:54
@digitaI ink

He ignored me for a week after I sent a polite message, so yes, I downvoted his solution.
By IncensedCape on 30 May 2012 15:29
If I dont msg back its not because im ignoring people its because I have a shit ton of requests to go through, apologies but thats life....maybe when you didnt get a reply you should have msg'd me again.
By Deranged Asylum on 30 May 2012 16:27
thank's for helping me out took 9mins and 7 secs quick and easy
By Acid Burn541 on 30 May 2012 17:31
Changed my vote as Dark got back to me.
By IncensedCape on 30 May 2012 17:36
Quick and easy (how I like my women).

Cumberbatch, win.
By robertpaulson on 30 May 2012 17:43
Also, I apologise for being a dick in my comments =P
Dark invited me to a party, was very polite and has helped me.
By IncensedCape on 30 May 2012 17:52
Dark makes this achievement look easy!! I got it within 10 mins with this guy. He is dope at this achievement!!
By nickw1977 on 01 Jun 2012 16:40
Not only is this a great solution, but Dark Resis7ance will help you with it. He is the real deal.
By Only1L on 03 Jun 2012 00:30
Yep, worked just fine with the help, 8:08 on the mission.
By fallouthirteen on 03 Jun 2012 00:58
Dark was very nice and we did the achievement in less than 10 minutes!!! If anyone needs this achievement, Dark is the guy to look to!!!!
By An Indian sepoy on 03 Jun 2012 01:11
very nice and it first try!!
By Dr Scruffleton on 03 Jun 2012 01:22
You sir, are a gentlement and a scholar!
By SpecOp3 on 04 Jun 2012 12:54
Awesome man, thanks for the help! :) Definitely the guy to go to for this cheevo!
By darthluigi7 on 04 Jun 2012 22:30
Dark co-op partner ever for this achievement. Got it in just under 9 minutes! You're the man.
By IamtheNaz on 05 Jun 2012 11:13
Thanks a lot man, good and fast. you are awesome
By Raj1v on 06 Jun 2012 14:22
Thank you very much, man! That was unbelievably impressive!
By Wull Scott on 07 Jun 2012 00:10
Real Bullseye king :D Thanks, great co-op partner!
By SpoonVtec on 07 Jun 2012 00:18
Perfect partner, awesome solution, great guy! Do this method!!
By YAY ITS BOSS on 07 Jun 2012 20:01
he's a massive perv!
lol, joke XD basically did everything.
pretty awesome to be offering his services to everyone ;D
By BuffyNixx on 10 Jun 2012 14:54
great guy and knows exactly what to do even though i dont now my right from left but managed to do it on the second attempt but could of done it on our first if it wasn't for my muck up.
if you need help for this achievement then this is the guy you want.
By Ub3r X Ioniz3d on 10 Jun 2012 20:43
Thanks so much! Finally got this achievement! Top bloke, couldn't have been more helpful, got it first go!
By Captain Animal on 12 Jun 2012 22:02
got this achievement in no time. great gamer and again thks for the help
By a banned flask on 12 Jun 2012 22:20
Truly epic. First time, ten minutes, achievement done. Thank you and a great gamer.
By True Heresy on 12 Jun 2012 22:37
You only have to kill a total of I believe 15 people and Dark takes the rest. Had it done in about 9 minutes. First try. Made it look easy after me and my friend attempted it for over an hour. Absolutely great.
By VictimOfDesire on 12 Jun 2012 23:09
You're a good person. Thank you.
By hoosyrdady on 12 Jun 2012 23:24
Great guy. Helped me get the achievement as so as i contacted him. Took us 5 minutes to get it. 5 stars.
By otelio on 13 Jun 2012 17:34
first the important: THANKS!
with you i got that really hard achievement in 5-10 min.
when i failed a shot, you took my guy too
you have legendary aim
and you have also showed my that brilliant page
By BIERsniper Sepp on 13 Jun 2012 19:26
he helped me out getting this achievement, and we got it in less than 10 min! thank you again for taking your time to help me out, great partner and great aim! 5 stars to him! :)
By SimoG3cko on 13 Jun 2012 20:34
Many thanks Dark Resis7ance for your help! He's being very helpful and a great guy! :)
By Philosophikus on 13 Jun 2012 20:42
Thanks again Dark Resis7ance, it was easy with your help!
By HonoraryDecoy on 14 Jun 2012 04:45
Just got done with it thanks to Dark, and all I have to say is "Thanks" never would have gotten it without him :D
By superstan2310 on 14 Jun 2012 16:56
Thank you so very much Dark!!! You're awesome!!! :)
By Ess Rod on 14 Jun 2012 17:42
we got it our first try, thanks man

By Markyshizzle on 14 Jun 2012 17:47
Thanks for helping me with this achievement, got it on first time under 9 minutes! Awesome solution.
By Doddingtown on 15 Jun 2012 17:44
Thanks again, man. Definitely and thumbs up!
By ConchieJoe on 17 Jun 2012 17:18
Looking at all the comments, im sure your willing to help! Gave a positive vote, what timezone are you in? It would be awesome if you could help me tommorow! Any chance we could do Car Lover and the garage ones aswell?:)
By The Autisto on 17 Jun 2012 21:52
Just got it, a cool guy, amazing on the aim, just let him work his magic and you'll have it in no time! Thanks again!
By The Autisto on 18 Jun 2012 19:39
Freaking awesome! Struggled with This achievement for a long time, we got it first try :D. Thanks dude!
By skhter on 20 Jun 2012 13:55
great booster helped me get the chevo first try.hellava sniper. wouldnt mess with him on the battlefield
By truraider81 on 20 Jun 2012 14:46
Unreal as he says himself he just turns on beast mode, amazing 1000% awsome
By It Says Matt on 20 Jun 2012 17:03
Thanks mate, what do you mean by private?
By Deranged Asylum on 21 Jun 2012 11:38
Ok I see what you mean I shall try to fix that asap
By Deranged Asylum on 21 Jun 2012 11:44
No probs :)
By Gregor Lenko on 21 Jun 2012 13:37
Thanks for getting me the achivement man, means a lot! :)
By iAPoCaLYpTiiCzZ on 21 Jun 2012 16:23
Thanks a million Dark ur a frickin beast u made this sooo easy props m8
By True Argentino on 21 Jun 2012 17:07
sorry about putting the video on private guys. I fixed that. <3
By End Fuhz on 22 Jun 2012 08:10
Thanks mate
By Deranged Asylum on 22 Jun 2012 08:12
Beast mode, great guy. Much appreciated. Made this look easy. Thanks again
By PointySpred on 22 Jun 2012 15:52
Believe the hype, this guy is the fucking don!

Had to laugh when he nailed 10guys in about 20 seconds while I stood in awe watching the target markers drop like flies!

I just hope I'm not on the other end of your rifle in a BF3 game!
By Quantum Binman on 23 Jun 2012 15:23
Great help, got this achievement on the first try with Dark and I had never even tried the level before! Thanks man.
By samuraipro55 on 23 Jun 2012 23:55
anyone out there wanna help me get this? Last chievo i need for the game
By YeOldGrybush on 08 Jul 2012 17:00
if anyone needs this, let me know. My last one for this game! UK Zac
By UK Zac on 19 Aug 2012 16:07
I also need it. I need to check to see if my mic works also.
By Dralunt on 31 Aug 2012 23:58
Great guide and video, helped me and my buddy through this level. We ended up getting it on our third run.
By TH0R TD on 17 Oct 2012 18:36
Glad I could help :)
By Deranged Asylum on 04 Nov 2012 02:54
thanks for the guide and also sorry for the people who were that unfriendly...need to find someone who helps me there. :)
By on 27 Nov 2012 09:19
I need help :-( please
By WonderCOD4 2009 on 03 Dec 2012 22:36
i love your way of explaining the whole level and it works for me but i can never get a partner that can do the sniper in the window part with me
By on 05 Dec 2012 21:28
Great solution very very helpful, I personally thought the video is shit tho!
By Frostbite blitZ on 09 Jan 2013 12:53
thank you so much been trying this gayass chevo since oct 2011 LOL gave up for a year got back into bf and set up a session with @PTE WEBB and got it after a couple of tries :D awesome guide with a massive thumbs up!!! :)
By MrSunchaser on 13 Jan 2013 01:09
Thanks glad it helped and for the previous comment the video isnt a guide its just doing the mission with someone and he made the video
By Deranged Asylum on 14 Jan 2013 17:35
awesome guide. is there anyone willing to help me?
By nV KiD RoBoT on 01 Feb 2013 21:04
I was on your friends removed me numbnuts im on your fb friends list too
By Deranged Asylum on 07 Feb 2013 16:13
Been looking for someone to help me with this for a while. GT: W0RMWO0D. Thanks!
By W0RMWO0D on 02 May 2013 20:24
Perfect guide. I was able to do this with my nephew by the third or fourth try.
By Or1g1nal S1nn3r on 08 Jul 2013 18:00
Great im glad you got it from my solution, nice one smile
By Deranged Asylum on 08 Jul 2013 18:30
Awesome guy, great guide, he makes this achievement idiot proof! Just follow what it says and you're golden to get this achievement!
By RE2LeonS on 24 Aug 2013 22:45
Thank you very much
By Christian21J on 02 Nov 2013 21:10
The guide is awesome. But I tried it countless times with a buddy and we can't get past the three groups of three without getting noticed. It's so annoying.
By DhukkaGER on 20 Feb 2014 22:27
Anybody that wants this Achievement can add me or send me a message.
GT: HaWx z SpyKe
By Hero Autismo on 13 Mar 2014 19:59
I'm at my wits end with this achievement. Got all the other achievements fairly easy. Been trying this for 2 years now! Gone through a controller, BF3 game disc, and now my mic just broke so I can only listen.

Hopefully I will get it before Hardline....
By Un4given Raider on 08 Jun 2014 21:50
as much as I totally fear this one I am going to have to do it sooner or later.. would love to play with an expert if possible, it's been a few years since I played BF3
By SpKXmasSpirit on 11 Mar 2015 07:11
help to me gt: GYM PL
By BILLION PL on 09 May 2017 18:34
The definitive guide for Bullseye achievement, perfect. I got it on last wednesday, following this video guide of course. Congrats and thanks! clap
By netstryker on 12 Jan 2018 02:05
Big things for this are noting the part where you can't miss, and the part with a time limit. On all the parts where you can miss, feel free to fire an extra round or two, and don't be afraid of missing by firing a bit aggressively on the groups of 3. Likewise, take time, wait for groups to be standing still on all the parts without a time limit.
By Blue Radium on 20 May 2021 11:13
if anyone wanne do this im down send me a request
By friendlyguy28 on 13 Jul 2021 22:24
In this video it was done solo? So it is possible then to do it solo?
By EmperorBello on 25 Apr 2022 22:44
my gamertag is PREZTHEBOSS on xbox anyone can help me pls?
By PREZTHEBOSS on 23 Dec 2022 23:10
Really good guide, the step by step was as helpful as the video. Made this way easier than I remember
By Whats a Chundy on 09 Apr 2023 23:16
Is anyone still after this?
By gashna on 13 Dec 2023 23:24
Im trying to get ALL of the Co-Op Achievements. Gamertag is Tyrion Bat
By Tyrion Bat on 14 Dec 2023 18:23
Need help , please be good with sniper and don’t waste my time , message me Gamertag is Drip4ormoney
By Drip4ormoney on 27 Jan 2024 01:47
I did it with Dark...1st or 2nd attempt...great Coop Partner!
By Tommy Gun 81 on 25 Mar 2012 16:33
Thx, nice Person, funny to play with (; 1st try ^^
By MasterIJ on 01 Apr 2012 21:14
thanks Dark.
absolute legend!
this guy defiantly knows what he's doing. i messed up a few times been slow and he still managed to keep us going.
thanks again dude. :)
By Halder on 04 Apr 2012 08:06
dark is the guy you what helping you with this achievement,,, i stuck on this level for months and along come dark "BOOM" achievement rock dark thanks alot for your help.... :-)

i'll let you know what day i can finish rest off...
By candy cowboy on 24 Mar 2012 18:29
This was the only achievement left in the game and after trying for hours on end with a friend I was about to give up until I saw Dark offering help, I sent him a message half thinking I would not get a response but within 10 minutes I had a reply!! We arranged a time to do this and within half an hour the achievement was mine on the 2nd attempt (first time my bipod dropped off as I took a shot)

Very helpful and friendly guy who remains on my friends list as a result!

Thanks again mate!!
By chrislocalboy on 25 Mar 2012 17:40
Dark helped me also......He knows this level inside and out and is a good person to have on your friends list if you are an achievement hunter. He didn't even want anything in return! Nice guy....
By PAYDERTROY on 25 Mar 2012 21:54
Thanks again Dark. He is the real solution to this achievement.
By TE4RIN IT UP on 26 Mar 2012 17:24
Dark's such a helpful and friendly guy. Even with such a glitchy game we kept at it for a good few times and had no problems at all.
Fully recommend anyone with troubles to give him a shout!
By Evol lntent on 27 Mar 2012 22:55
great guy got the achievement on basically first try. Thanks a lot again. He really knows what he is doing and will help out no problem.
By vBURSToACTIVZv on 29 Mar 2012 18:59
The best your gonna get when it comes to this level, I fucked up but he managed to still get me the achievement on the same try.
By Brobuh Fett on 30 Mar 2012 16:01
First try got it with this guy. great sport haha. thanks
By Z0mbieKittehx3 on 30 Mar 2012 19:28
Dark helped me with this achievement as well, thanks! Super patient gamer, he was very cool with me when id make a silly mistake. Only took 3 or 4 tries, this guy is the real deal!
By Zombie4EvilDead on 31 Mar 2012 03:41
Thank you Dark, amazing work and it was really fun :)
By Thaderos on 05 Apr 2012 18:10
thanks mate! big help!
By NBdon on 06 Apr 2012 16:06
Exactly what he says on the tin Very helpful and a nice bloke. Great guy.
By Nereme on 06 Apr 2012 22:36
Got it on the first attempt, this guy knows the map like the back of his hand. Top player, thanks very much!
By Ginn0rz on 08 Apr 2012 12:52
This guys is top notch! Real aim-expert! Even when i missed a few shots, he easily picked the guys off! Got in the 1st go! Thanx a million!
By XmaniaX on 08 Apr 2012 13:09
very very nice thnx m8 your great :)
By Malembe on 08 Apr 2012 13:30
this guy really does know what hes doing u must listen to him he has a great shot too doesnt even miss. great guy i appreciate your help. if you need this achivement u must get this guy :)
By reevo222 on 08 Apr 2012 14:25
Dark Resis7ance you are a legend, great guide and great booster :D
By SNIPEST on 08 Apr 2012 17:34
Dark Resis7ance helped me out with this! He was amazing, we did it in one try thanks to his awesome skills and good communication. Thanks, Dark Resis7ance!
By gunhero on 08 Apr 2012 22:40
Yer. We have a true, honest, TA legend. Hes taking the time and efforts to help other and hes not gain nothing beside meeting new people. I got this on our 2nd go, only coz i shot a little early :-) after that do as he says and he'll get it for you in 1 go. Simple really. Just commincation is key and knowing where to stand and shoot. Cheers Dark Resis7ance. Thank you.
By Mike United 007 on 09 Apr 2012 01:35
Done in one shot, thanks to great communication and a pleasant attitude. Thanks Dark, you're a legend!
By Elfin Glade on 09 Apr 2012 12:42
Thanks for the help! He's a master at this!
By numetalboi09 on 09 Apr 2012 19:58
We did it in 1.5 try. Haha thnx alot dark i f u need ne for some cheevos just Let me know and ill help u out thnx again mate
By TKD MACOU 0172 on 10 Apr 2012 16:14
great solution thnx for the help awesome!!!
By RzrsS on 10 Apr 2012 23:43
The four hours of banging your head really paid off. I'm just glad you aren't a sniper in real life, because that was f*cking mental. And not even taking that into account, the fact that you've gone through this around 50 times just for other people is outstanding. A+.
By Lewis Dawg on 11 Apr 2012 14:18
very helpful, cheevo got in under 20 mins, explained very simply. :)
By johnnydavy on 12 Apr 2012 14:22
Huge help, we got it really quickly once I got my bearings straight. This guy knows what he's doing. Thanks.!
By vSully on 12 Apr 2012 17:19
Cheers again man, really helped!
By Pungent Carcass on 13 Apr 2012 14:30
Great person to get achievements with. Helped me get Push On and Bullseye. He's helped so many people with this and thats pretty amazing he's patient enough to help other people. A++
By SociallyDsordrd on 13 Apr 2012 18:53
Super nice guy. Got the achievement in our second try. Stupid me not shooting when I was supposed to shoot at the buses (doh!) I was so tired, it was late though, looking back. His passion for co-op is clear, and I oggled him over the fact he kills like 9 guys in 15 seconds! He takes out all the hardest parts! And, to finally add, he was so patient. My controller lost battery power so I had to jump up and run to get new ones, but he stayed with me. The connection of my mic was also terrible probably because on my own end mine is partially broken. Long story short, he totally was a tremendous help in getting the last achievement for this game I needed. 1120/1120 woop!:) I HIGHLY recommend Dark to anyone, as long as he is willing to do it of course.
By Bear5 Fan 4Ever on 19 Apr 2012 08:40
Superb stuff, got it on our first try. He knows the mission inside out and gave great, clear, precise instructions on what to do every step of the way. A toast to you, sir, for your efforts above and beyond helping so many people past this unforgiving bastard of a mission. Thank you!
By Meatballs21 on 10 May 2012 15:44
Dark Resis7ance and I just completed this achievement a few minutes ago and with him it literally took just under 10 minutes. He was in fact able to eliminate the 3 groups of 3 soldiers (the hardest part of this achievement). His instructions were clear and he's a very likable guy. Thanks again Dark!
By Szion on 19 May 2012 17:35
Dark Resis7ance is doing a service to the community by helping so many others with a mission I'd just as soon never replay again in my life.

Got it done on second run, he's a true expert at this mission.

Thanks for your help Dark!
By G3n3ralG3n0c1dE on 29 May 2012 23:55
great guy. did it first time in 8:57 minutes. still find it funny when you say stay over here out of my way whilst i kill these 10 guys in 20 seconds. thanks for getting me and over 100 other people this achievement.
By kentgremlin on 15 Jun 2012 18:11
Damn it! Got here a day too late... Props to you though mate, you've put a lot of effort into a selfless task and helped out a load of people, you've earned your retirement :)
One question though, your video is marked private, is that intentional?
By Gregor Lenko on 21 Jun 2012 10:42
Excellent guide!!!!
I am looking for a co-op partner to boss this mission on HARD difficulty.
I have comms, speak good English and quite capable of stringing a sentence together, well most evenings anyway!
I will play other missions to aid another gamer to get Hard diff too if needed but this mission is awkward and has beaten me too many times now :( .
Anyway, send me msg on here or over Live and/or friend request and lets beat this SOB :) Thanks in advance
By JohnnersCahonas on 02 Jan 2014 23:54
This guide is pure perfection. My coop partner for BF3 and I were able to get the achievement in one session (and we never played together before!): we simply rehearsed the mission once, after having watched the video/having read the guide; I made a silly mistake on the second attempt, and the third time everything worked like a charm. It couldn't have been possible without the patient and detailed work of Deranged Asylum.
By Donietsche on 28 Oct 2017 00:49
Hmm, I know I posted a comment but it's not here anymore. Thumbs up! Dark knows his stuff. Plus he's a great guy. If you're in a party with his friend playing BF3, be prepared to laugh your ass off. Thanks, Dark!
By digitalwebbing on 01 Jun 2012 15:19
The problem with the other guides and "solutions" as opposed to yours is quite simply the fact that they are no actual HELP because, frankly, I KNOW what to do, I was just never able to do it because of the "invisible wall" I kept hitting at the busses. That wall was never a factor when you helped me out as we got it in 2 attempts (something I had spent literally HOURS trying with my buddy – and before you say we are rubbish, I would like to make note of the fact that my gaming partner and I are in our 30s and have been gaming for 30 years – since Atari, bitches!).

But I digress, I feel this game is temperamental and different for everyone playing. I can't explain it, but playing with my partner was near impossible... then you (Dark Resis7ance) helped me, and ran through it and we got it. easy as pie.

Just because someone writes down a road map, doesn't mean it is going to help or be applicable if the game wants to act fishy on me. I appreciate the lengthy, written manual – but isn't that only helpful if I am stuck somewhere and don't know where to go or where to look for a collectable, or don't know how to beat an end-level boss? Isn't that only helpful if it actually HELPS me complete the achievement/level/boss/task/etc? In this case, I knew HOW to get past the busses, I just never could because though I was aimed just above their head, my bullets never made contact. Plenty of others have reported this problem, as well. Do I need a written guide for that – or do I need a professional like Dark Resis7ance to help me through it?

Dark Resis7ance is the true meaning of a GUIDE. He virtually held my hand (and the hands of almost 100 others) through this insane achievement. He IS the solution. Not some long written out map that isn't going to matter if the game throws 'invisible walls' in my face.

There is no reason to vote negative on his guide just because he didn't write stuff out. he is OFFERING to BE the guide. I have seen plenty worse and random guides/solutions on this site – to criticize someone because of the way he is offering a solution (by actually helping) is just childish.

And it's not soliciting, FYI. He never once asked for anything in return other than publicly shouted nice words. I didn't know him before – he contacted ME and offered to help. If he had asked for money or MSPs I wouldn't have accepted his help. Instead, he helped me – being across the fucking globe – and never asked for anything in return. That is not solicitation; that is just friendly gaming.
By ShadyShall on 14 Apr 2012 13:10
View all 211 comments Show less comments
For this achievement you need to make it to and rescue the second group of hostages, without alerting any enemies. This is actually really tough to do.
- To avoid confusion pick a side. Left or right, and make that the guy that you always shot to avoid confusion.
- Give a count down 3,2,1 and fire. And take notice on when each other actually firring and learn when you actually need to pull your trigger so your shoots are in sync
- Learn your set up points. Find where you and your partner have the best shots putting the enemies in a crossfire so that stupid things like trees or the anything aren't block both your shots.
- USE YOUR BIPOD!! Easily done by going full prone or propping your gun near an edge. Makes bouncing from one target to the next a lot easier, you won't have to hold your breath.
- A tip for the bus as i see many people struggling there is shoot your target to the right just after the flashbang breaks the glass of the bus but before it actually detonates, then your other target after he stumbles back into sight.

Good luck, and here is a great video I found for helping you through this. All credit for the video goes to TheGameReviewVideos on Youtube.

26 Oct 2011 11:37

this sucks
By abtimbad on 27 Oct 2011 21:57
If some one needs a second person hit me up I have a mike n I'm going after this one just not with ransoms.
By Thief44 on 28 Oct 2011 11:06
i thought i was gonna be able to get all 1000g on this game... then i saw this. This achievement is going to be hell
By LostMantella9 on 29 Oct 2011 05:53
Found this really easy did it on 3rd try
By Stealth David on 31 Oct 2011 18:07
Congrats Stealth. Took my friend and I maybe 5hours.
By CTDMUDRUNNER on 31 Oct 2011 19:06
Really sorry to hear that at least its done now
By Stealth David on 31 Oct 2011 19:56
yea. alot of guys are having difficult time with this one. good job for you and your partner
By CTDMUDRUNNER on 31 Oct 2011 21:22
Well Thanks for the guide mate
By Stealth David on 31 Oct 2011 21:23
Thanks for the guide, I think I will wait for a patch before trying this again, Right now the headshot hit detection seems pretty bad and it annoys me, I hope they fix this.
By DisguisedMike on 01 Nov 2011 15:36
thanks for guide, and if anyone wants to do this my tag is KSI Toslowguard6
By Mr Llama13 on 02 Nov 2011 01:04
This is retarded I can't even pass the bus part we shot the same time and everything do it all at once and still we hit a invisable wall on the second bus guy can someone please help me understand it it's glitched n needs a patch done. Iv spent the last three days doing it.
By Thief44 on 02 Nov 2011 20:19
^ Its NOT glitched just keep trying watch the video its not that bad really
By Stealth David on 02 Nov 2011 20:43
Thanks for the guide dude. Helped me and my buddy get this on our 3rd attempt.
By IbanezLewis on 03 Nov 2011 00:05
For the people who are complaining about the hit detection: Remember that Battlefield requires you to compensate the bullet drop. So if you want to hit a target that's far away, you have to aim a little bit higher and not put your cross hairs straight on the target.
By Viator Obscurus on 03 Nov 2011 02:27
the bus is screwed for me also,its like thers a force feild
By paddycfc22 on 03 Nov 2011 03:11
We do wait and do it we can't even finsh the mission just to beat it idk what up with it.
By Thief44 on 03 Nov 2011 11:44
I'm saying shoot the first guy (on the right of each bus) before the flashbang even goes off.
By CTDMUDRUNNER on 03 Nov 2011 11:47
The hit detection in this game is fucked. its not bullet drop and it is in fact glitched. sometimes theres forcefields in front of the enemies and sometimes theres not. its extremely glitchy
By liddd on 03 Nov 2011 23:47
this and many other achievements in this game a glitched out, ive done things the exact way there were supposed to be done for some of them and they don't pop. I didnt get protect chaffin until my like 20th try and it almost made me insta-sell this shitty game
By Bodom 612 on 03 Nov 2011 23:53
If you wanna help me with this achievement, add me as a friend. GT: NL Legend Paul.
By NL Legend Paul on 05 Nov 2011 13:51
This is ridiculous. My friend and I completed it last night and we didn't get the achievement. I think if you get a runner (one you don't kill and he is running to alert others) you will not get the achievement. The hit detection is terrible, my friend and I pumped shots into so many guys but they never seem to die.

One plea and suggestion to DICE should be checkpoints. DICE, I don't need to do the first 4-5 minutes of the mission over and over again. I have never failed any of either of those parts. The parts where you have to kill 3 groups of 3 guys need checkpoints.
By SlayingADragon on 05 Nov 2011 16:04
i want this achievement so message me anytime and we will get it and if ive got it and someone messages me i will help them to get it
By RELENTLESS TDK on 05 Nov 2011 18:44
I really want this acheivment, so add me if anyone wants to do it. Gametag: KSI Toslowguard
By Mr Llama13 on 07 Nov 2011 00:59
Did it with wolf cranie, thanks to him. t was a hard one
By NL Legend Paul on 07 Nov 2011 10:50
Hardest is the bunch of guy converging on the team in the square it requires a fair bit of speed.
By matdan on 10 Nov 2011 08:00
If anyone needs help send me a msg on here and I'll be more then happy to go through the level online with them.
By Deranged Asylum on 11 Nov 2011 03:12
Me and my friend kept getting stuck on the buses. They seemed to have a invisible wall in front of them. We were shooting right before the glass was broke (which I saw mentioned many times was the thing to do)...then we started waiting until the flashbang went off. We never failed the buses again. Just wanted to mention this in case it was happening to anybody else.
By xx CORNDAWG xx on 13 Nov 2011 02:30
you cant shoot before the glass breaks its right after the glass breaks but before the flashbang detonates
By CTDMUDRUNNER on 13 Nov 2011 10:42
I think this achievement is glitched, I completed it twice in a row without alerting any enemies and it didn't pop. I was so pissed off by this I left it for a week, and then got it first time... it's annoying to get, but I was so happy when I got it!!! Good luck if you are having trouble.
By SvingXD on 22 Nov 2011 13:53
Just got it now, some random advice that may help.
- On the busses if your having trouble, try shooting a bit earlier, just before flash goes out.
-If your having no runners and your still not getting the achievement, make sure your taking the first guy down silently in tunnel. Im pretty sure he doesn't count but in the run I got it we took him silently.
- Try not to rush taking the groups of three down, make sure with a bullet or two before you move on to the middle one. If you move on before you kill the outside one your screwed.
Hopefully this is useful to someone. There was a patch today and the hit detection still seems a little crappy but keep at it.
By IQwz on 23 Nov 2011 04:24
msg and add me if you need help my gt is newbasspwner
By newbasspwner on 28 Nov 2011 14:43
We struggled with the 3 groups of 3 by doing the left, right, middle groups (in that order). We nailed it easily when we switched to middle, left, right. (Sniper after all groups were downed.)
By I Argonaut I on 30 Nov 2011 05:35
I hate the hitboxes on this mission. For the middle set of guys on the "three sets of three" as they converge on the Team, it's fucking impossible to hit those guys. If anything gives us trouble, it's THOSE fucking guys. 20 bullets = maybe one death. UGH.
By Avengerr on 11 Dec 2011 04:30
I hate the hitboxes on this mission. For the middle set of guys on the "three sets of three" as they converge on the Team, it's fucking impossible to hit those guys. If anything gives us trouble, it's THOSE fucking guys. 20 bullets = maybe one death. UGH.
By Avengerr on 11 Dec 2011 04:31
But of course, after complaining about it I get the achievement.... Lol.
By Avengerr on 11 Dec 2011 04:57
Positive Vote as video did help...shame the guy is uncomfortable in silences that would be a nice break from his non stop ego chatter...but that's HIM..not the Poster of the Solution, thanks for Posting.
By Big Dibs theDog on 11 Dec 2011 17:58
Just another side note to my previous posts regarding this achievement, for those having trouble with the 2 sets on the buses allow the team around the bus to actually break the glass of the windows on the bus before firing..shooting before the glass breaks may mean the terroists wont die its not a glitch as I first thought but merely stupidity that you cant break through glass on a bus with a sniper rifle but you can break the glass of a mansion....try this method and the guys on the bus will die everytime, providing you actually hit them of course.

I have now helped 4 people get this achievement since I first offered and am still free to help anyone having trouble with it.
By Deranged Asylum on 12 Dec 2011 08:45
@dark resis7ance. would you help me with the achievement? if you can please send me a message on xbox live. cheers
By trollsbox on 14 Jan 2012 18:18
Try & try
By MajorAmok on 17 Jan 2012 01:35
For people still needing help with this achievement please do not leave me a comment on here if you need help as I rarely ever look at comments and so its unlikely I'll see it please send me a msg on TA or on Xbox Live and I'll be happy to help, so far I've gotten 7 people the achievement so its no problem.

All I ask in return is postive feedback on here and Xbox Live
By Deranged Asylum on 20 Jan 2012 09:07
Ding..... got it...achievement unlocked. Thanks 4 video now BF3 is complete :)
By MajorAmok on 21 Jan 2012 14:47
Thank you for the guide, thumbs up. And a big thumbs up for Dark Resis7ance for helping me get this one done.
By Zombie4EvilDead on 11 Feb 2012 15:38
Dark Resis7ance also helped me with this achievement....he definitely knows his stuff....Thanks again!
By PAYDERTROY on 13 Mar 2012 20:46
No problem happy to help :)
By Deranged Asylum on 13 Mar 2012 23:01
Dark Resis7ance really needs to create his own solution so I can give it 1000 positive thumbs up. He contacted me out of the blue (after reading my problems in this thread) and offered to help. 1st attempt I fucked it up… 2nd attempt, got the achievement. It took me 20 minutest to get what I was stuck for hours on… let alone the fact that he immediately helped me get past the busses where I was stuck forever. Anyway, the dude rocks. I wish there was another way I could give him a positive vote or a thumbs up…
By ShadyShall on 13 Mar 2012 23:37
Im still helping those who are having trouble with the achievement but please do not ask via comment because the chances are I wont see it, send me a msg on TA or Xbox Live....thanks
By Deranged Asylum on 15 Mar 2012 08:56
Thanks to Dark Resis7ance who helped me get this achievement without him I would never have got it.
By on 18 Mar 2012 01:01
Thank you Dark Resi7ance for helping me with this achievement.
By Borders on 18 Mar 2012 13:02
Dark Resis7ance is dah man! Thanks dude!
By digitalwebbing on 31 May 2012 18:48
Great video! Got this in under 30 minutes using it.
By HorZa IX on 18 Jun 2012 20:39
If anyone needs to do this send me a message on xbox, I need this along with a few others. :)
By XX PixelGod XX on 26 Jun 2012 18:50
Me and a buddy have tried this countless times but just can't get it, It's always the 3 sets of 3 where we mess it up. The solution is great but I just don't get what we are doing wrpng
By DhukkaGER on 08 Feb 2014 09:00
For the bus what my friend and I did was first shoot the guy on the right the moment they throw the flash bang in. And then shoot the guy on the left once his head popped back up. That should help. Just don't shot to early. You have to wait for the flashbang to enter the bus.
By CTDMUDRUNNER on 03 Nov 2011 10:35
Ok I was having the same problem with the guys on the buses and im a good sniper I know about allowing for the drop of the bullet and it wasnt making a difference the guys were not dying no hit marker no nothing and id been past that stage multiple times before this is how I fixed the problem...go to dashboard find the battlefield 3 memory delete the title update then start the game take the update the moment I did this the guys on the bus started dying again...
By Deranged Asylum on 05 Nov 2011 01:40
My buddy and I hashed out a method for the three simultaneous groups, and we did them left-right-middle. After half a dozen tries failing on the third (middle) group, the first time I jumped down to ground level worked like a charm, and we finally got past this area for the first time undetected (it was also the run we got the achievement on).

Also, a tip for the bipod -- what causes the character to use it is distance from the item he can deploy it on. Run right up to the wall, back up about a foot (approximately half a step) and he will always use the bipod when you hold LT. It took me some time to figure this one out, maybe three or four runs of this level before I got this achievement.
By Mobius Evalon on 01 Dec 2011 05:04
We are having MAJOR problems with the bus. Like others have said, we are using bipods and compensating for distance, etc. we are waiting for the flash bangs to go, etc. We always get that first guy, but once we start shooting at the second guy, NO BULLETS WILL HIT HIM… no matter how many shots we take at him before he kills the hostages. This seems to be the case for both of us on each bus. It is, as others have called it, and invisible wall. Zero hit markers with crosshairs in the right place. Does anyone have advice for dealing with this? Again, we hit the first of the two guys each time, but the one that gets flashed never seems to take a hit. And trust me, we are both not that bad at this. We’ve been able to do everything else and are FPS addicts. We have spent at least a dozen hours on this and only ONCE made it past the busses.
By ShadyShall on 10 Feb 2012 01:15
Just to clarify...this is the way I got the achievement

Take out the guy in the sewers
3 sets of 2 guys in sucession before the apartment
2 guys in the apartment
2 sets of 2 guys before the bus
2 buses 2 guys on each bus
On street
2 guys top of staircase
2 guys outside bar
3 guys 1 independant and 2 guys 1 shot kill further along from the bar
3 sets of 3 I started with the stairs moved to the guys from the alley then onto the guys in the middle.
1 sniper
2 guys guarding gate
2 guys walking the grounds
3 guys mansion door
2 guys bottom floor window
5 guys upstairs in mansion 1 kneeling left side, 1 standing, 1 walking and 2 standing right window

If at any point you hear runner you've been made if you miss the headshot.shot make sure you fire off more bullets in quick sucession to put the guy down before he radios it in and he will do it very quickly.
If any guys appear on your side of the canal you've been made.

Take your time on certain targets they wont move and theres no rush...only on the 3 sets of 3 and the guys coming out of the mansion because if you dont hit them in the door they will run and if you let them come out of the door the will seperate making it hard to get them down quickly.
By Deranged Asylum on 09 Nov 2011 16:43
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Just netted this one today, and for anyone who prefers a list-style walkthrough, I figured I would share. First, as the other guides say, make sure you and your partner have good communication, countdown to kills, and always pick a side. I usually shot guys on the left for example. It can be frustrating at first, but once you know what to do on each part it's really just about execution. There is only one part that is a real bitch, just around the half-way point. Also, always use the rifle, and the bipod, unless noted.

Side Note: Difficulty does NOT affect this achievement in any way. If you don't alarm anyone, you won't get shot at.

Okay, so first, climb down the ladder and run down the sewage pipe. There will be one guard walking right to left at the end. Wait for him to come back (left to right) and he stops. Headshot.

Climb the ladder and move to the next two guards. Give a countdown and shoot. Remember to hold your breath for stability (Click and hold Left Stick)

The next 2 sets of guards are the same. Wait for them to stop dancing around and countdown and kill.

Next, equip your pistols and run up the stairs. Have one player set up to open the door and as he does, the other will go in to kill one guard directly in front, and another in the room to the right.

Now set up with your rifles again for the remainder of the level. Have one person in each window looking towards the stairs just below the street, to the left. 2 guards will approach. Wait for them to stop moving and take them out.

Next 2 guards will come out from behind the white van slightly to the right. Countdown once they stop and kill.

OK, here is the first tricky part. There will be 2 buses slightly to the right of the van, each with 2 guards and multiple hostages. Spot the guards with the back button if you need. Have the person on the left window scout the left bus, and the right window, the right bus. Person on the right should press B to ready flashbangs, and the person on the left should wait until the guard on the left bends over and stands back up to press B and activate them. Your squad will countdown from 3. You want to start firing right BEFORE they say "NOW" and you should be able to kill the first one, and clean up the second one easily while he is dazed.

Now you will be going back out the door and down to the street. Follow the road to the right and when you get to the street light near the wall on the left, open your bipod and aim across the street to see 2 guards walking towards you. They will stop briefly then keep walking, then stop again. Now take them out.

The next set can be done with one person. Just past the bench set up your shot to line up both heads and fire. Your partner can provide backup if you feel it is necessary.

From here, whoever took that shot should move about 3 feet further and wait to line up another 2-for-1 killshot. 3 guards will come out of a blue door. One player takes the one on the left, while the other will shoot both on the right. MAKE SURE TO SHOOT TWICE QUICKLY as most of the time the guard in the back doesn't die in one shot. We had a bit of trouble here.

From here on out, do not rely on just one shot to kill anything, always at least double-tap.

Next is the hardest part in the level. Run much farther down the street to a couple of dumpsters. Set up one person in between them, and one person to the right of them. There will be 3 sets of guards at the same time here. Each set has 3 guards as well. The idea is to shoot the ones on the outside first, then team up on the one in the middle. The first set you should attack will be coming down the stairs on the left. Countdowns at this part should be done QUICKLY as you don't have much time before they are too close to the hostages. Once the 3 guards start coming down the stairs on the left, countdown and kill. Use body shots, and use more than one shot (I usually did 3). Quickly turn to the group coming from the right (on the sidewalk moving right to left), countdown and kill. Now, quickly run BACK to the stairs area (to the left, about 50 feet away, and set up against the wall for the final 3. They will be in the middle-back coming right to left and towards you. Countdown and kill.

That is the hardest part, but don't let up yet. There is still a sniper in a window above the area. Take him out and move down the street to the Vantage Point. If you don't see any enemies attacking you on the street, you are still good for the achievement.

At the top, each player should set up on a raised part of the wall. The next 2 guards will show up and stop moving. Countdown and kill. Piece of cake compared to what you just did!

Next set will be coming right to left and will also stop moving. Countdown and kill.

This next set can be tricky if you aren't quick. They come out of a door to the Embassy and move right to left. There are 3 of them. When they stop moving near the plant pot, 2 of them should be lined up for the player on the right to kill, while the player on the left takes his. Do your countdown QUICKLY as these guys start moving again after a few seconds. Remember to keep using multiple shots as well to confirm the kill.

Now 2 guards will appear in the windows. These guys don't die easily so line up your body-shots and fire multiple times after your countdown to ensure the kills.

Here comes the last part. Your team will move into position below some windows. You will see hostages, and eventually guards will walk in. There are going to be 5 total, 4 of which stand still, and one that paces left and right. Make sure to use the back button to spot them. Once you are both confident, each player should press B to initiate the flashbangs. Treat this part just as the part with the buses, each player take 2 guards in their window. One of you will have to account for the guard pacing back and forth as well. When they count it down, use the same timing, firing JUST before they say "NOW", and lay multiple shots into each guard. You have a good 3-5 seconds to get these guys if you time it right since they are stunned. We never shot a hostage, but it certainly might be possible, so be careful.

And that's it, once they say the hostages are clear, the achievement should pop immediately. And if you are like me, you will feel extreme gratification!

I certainly hope this guide helps at least a few people. Feel free to comment with suggestions! Special thanks to Stevio9 for help with this achievement!

11 Nov 2011 00:39

Awesome guide, very frustrating achievement!
By MyFryHole on 23 Nov 2011 05:18
Yeah man that's the hardest part. Use multiple shots and aim for the body so you don't miss to save time. It's frustrating but you'll get it. Try to avoid the Bi-pod at that part as it sometimes doesn't allow for quick aiming side to side. Good Luck!
By justinman114 on 09 Feb 2012 03:53
Very helpful, Justin invited me to a game and helped me to get the achievement very quickly. Thanks =)
By IncensedCape on 03 Jun 2012 23:42
My brother and I have been stuck on this one for a long time now. We can never get past the part with three groups. We've contemplated different strategies, different orders, even each taking one whole group and meeting at the middle group, without success. But you say kill group 1, 3, then 2, so we will give that a shot now. Also, we will use your placements near the dumpster and run back for the middle group. Will keep you posted.
By McGubbalo on 09 Feb 2012 03:11
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Hello there I have made a video of myself getting the achievement (excuse the game volume and the tone of my voice, bad day at the office shall we say)
Anyway Watch the video for tips etc, but if you need a hand i am willing to help you try and get it, just message me on xbox, gamertag: DerekTheDuck
Or just message me on TA,
Many Thanks and enjoy!

16 May 2012 19:38

Above comment states difficulty does not affect this achievement at all.

However, on easy, a headshot is not required for the kill, meaning this achievement becomes a hell of a lot easier.

Hope this helps.

Note - on hard, often it will take two shots in the body (that is what I mean).
On easy, one shot anywhere on the body including arms will get you the kill, which makes this easier, trust me :)

07 May 2012 12:38


21 Dec 2016 19:52

This is the hardest achievement in the game by far. You need a solid co-op partner who communicates well and snipe enemies without alerting anyone. There are numerous youtube videos that offer tutorials, I recommend watching one several times and playing the level a bunch to get used to where everyone is.