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64 Achievements


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Took down the jet in one attempt in Rock And A Hard Place


How to unlock the Butterfly achievement in Battlefield 3 - Definitive Guide

It seems to get the achievement you must wait to see the Jet approaching you. More information and a much better explanation in the video below.

Update: The achievement seems to not be popping up if you die or reload during the sequence. It didn't for me , so I restarted and did it without dying, and it unlocked.

Edit: According to Wolfie9985, he thinks that the critical thing is to fire at the jet as it starts to turn, but that the missile should hit the jet before it begins its strafing run.

24 Oct 2011 14:53

pretty sure im doing exact same thing as vid 20 with no achievement
By Bodom 612 on 25 Oct 2011 14:54
pretty sure im doing exact same thing as vid 20 with no achievement
By Bodom 612 on 25 Oct 2011 15:00
20 times* even though now its more like 40 and im about to go sell the game
By Bodom 612 on 25 Oct 2011 15:04
Thats weird. It didn't happen for me. I died twice while playing this level and got the plane in one hit and I got the achievement.
By Almighty Allah on 27 Oct 2011 04:39
Its glitched I tell ye...
By matdan on 11 Nov 2011 02:55
Nothing works. :(
By matdan on 11 Nov 2011 03:08
OK I got it and it was as the plane strafed your team, it turns around for another shot let it go past and then get it on its 3rd run.
By matdan on 12 Nov 2011 04:09
this one is soooo glithed. i didn't die when jet showed up and i soht it down on first attemp and did't get it. my objective to grab the stinger and take it out showed up after i already shot it down. it's weird.
By mistress3riple on 12 Nov 2011 21:41
another thing. after i shot it down there was a sequnece where compo is died on the ground. does this happen everytime or was i to slow and he died and that is why ach. didn't poped out?
By mistress3riple on 12 Nov 2011 21:42
It always happens about that point the jet flies past you let it pass by you again after that then when its facing first position hit it. And yes this achievement should be acknowledged as buggy.
By matdan on 15 Nov 2011 12:54
This achievement is glitched. I've tried this over 15 times but still no achievement. They need to fix this, like all the glitched achievements in BFBC2.
By Claptrap NL on 06 Apr 2012 17:41
Dexter as far as I can tell the normal belief is that this achievements must be done without dying. I know that for myself that is exactly what happened. I tried for 2 hours and failed endlessly. Then I made it to the spot and took out the jet in one go and it popped for me. Hope that helps.
By Edgrr Allan Bro on 07 Apr 2012 22:16
didn't die throughout the whole level, no achievement -.-
By Lil Miss Cherry on 15 Apr 2012 23:45
didn't die throughout the whole level, no achievement, me too :S
By M1thOx on 18 Apr 2012 20:12
Followed the video exactly and it finally popped.
By coma on 19 Jun 2012 22:56
Downed jet with first try and cheevo didn't pop. Made a point to get it right but still no cheevo.
By MimicLobster on 29 Jun 2012 16:21
i think it's just that you can't die during the plane sequence - if you die before it doesn't matter, but that's just my own guess work.
By Rheinadler on 02 Aug 2012 16:41
If you die before it does matter. I just decided toi go after this and died right after the ambush on the road were the guys talking about a milk shake. I jumped out and stood in the middle of the road and died. I continued and went all the way through and it didn't pop. I "restarted" from AFTER I shot down the plane, went through the whole mission again from the ambush without dying and it popped.
By umainbearman on 28 Aug 2012 14:22
i didnt die the whole level, do everything like the video and when i get to the SU25 and there is never a stringer there. WTF!!!
By bkz41 on 16 Dec 2012 02:46
yer i am quite annoyed with this.... i am not dieing. and shooting it down with one shot. achievement is definitely glitchy
By on 04 Jan 2013 09:35
I made sure that I did not die or reload checkpoint at any time through the mission and then followed the video (on easy difficulty) it popped straight away.

Cheers, thumbs up
By Frostbite blitZ on 10 Jan 2013 00:06
I had tried this about ten times each time downing the jet no problem, but no achievement, i did no die anytime during the jet sequence but I had died once long before aircraft appeared, just before armoured vehicles showed up.
So instead of trying reload checkpoint, I replayed from start of level without dying this time and achievement popped as soon as I shot the jet. I didn't do the last section any different all I can think of for me anyway was that I had died on the level.
Hope this helps if anyone else is in same situation as I was
By scotwolf2 on 20 Jun 2013 23:07
Cheevo is not glitched. I followed the RoosterTeeth guide and got it first try. I also died several times during the run.
By JAMF0X on 25 Jun 2013 19:01
Got it first try following this method, Fired as soon as it started to turn into its run.
By BlackMage Felix on 16 Oct 2013 17:15
Oh my days! This one was such a pain in the ass! For what its worth, after like 10 attempts, I finally got it by:
1) Playing the entire mission in one go
2) Not dying at all
3) Sticking to Cole through the whole jet section (watching out for the AI slide kicking me out of cover, I don't think they actually like Blackburn...)
4) Rushing to the Stinger as soon as it's waypointed (ie. after hiding behind the shipping crate)
5) Pressing the trigger only once as soon as it locks after the plane passes overhead
By WhatsATopher on 30 Oct 2013 11:58
This achievement is a joke, done everything in the video & all the comments. Must of done it now 25 times. Last try or I give up & snap the disc
By cheesy040472 on 06 Jul 2014 10:57
What a stupid achievement. So you have to shoot your way through the valley which takes like 15 minutes and if you then miss the jet ONE FUCKING TIME (which is pure luck) you can replay that entire level again? Why did EA even bother to put a checkpoint there if its so fucking useless ? Bullcrap
By pg88 on 23 Jan 2015 21:44
Thanks just got it! Also I did die BEFORE the jet cutscene appeared and still got it thanks!
By Nazule80 on 09 Nov 2015 02:21
Died twice before the jet scene, didn't die during jet scene, got achievement
By Elliot Pierson on 18 Aug 2016 08:41
Glitched. Gave up after 5 perfect shots. Eat a bag of dicks D.I.C.E.
By Ozbrithian on 06 Mar 2018 06:28
Very much still glitched. I didn't die once during the whole mission, shot the at the jet just as it was turning and still nothing.
By Flint Hisan on 03 May 2018 23:37
Just unlocked it. I made it to the bridge without dying, & took cover when the rest of my squad took cover, never running ahead. I got to the Stinger & fired it just before the jet was directly above me. It was in front, coming at me, if that helps. First try, no checkpoint or mission restart.
By Jēmusurobāto on 24 Jan 2019 18:45
Great solution, got it first try following the video.
By Ethigy on 26 Jan 2020 02:46
This achievement I swear is the reason I have trust issues and gray hairs... I’ve done everything perfectly, occasionally come back to it a few times every year since I started playing this 8 years ago and absolutely NOTHING...
By BIONICxTIG3R on 30 Nov 2020 03:31
@BIONICxTIG3R it looks like this was the year! Congrats!
By webdoggy on 15 Dec 2020 03:17
Thank you for the achievement! Worked first time
By ToxicBlaze17 on 04 Feb 2021 19:24
Guys just follow the posted video and pray it doesn’t get unlisted. Completed in one go, thanks! Thumbs up
By The Fallen Sky on 22 Jun 2022 01:22
Not sure what changed from 8 years ago, but I followed this guide to the T and it unlocked on my first try no problem. I think the timing of the jet going down matters for the achievement, I definitely waited a few seconds compared to past attempts
By Whats a Chundy on 16 Jun 2023 00:39
I can confirm this must be done in one run and if you die you have to restart the entire level and try again. Also even on Easy it kills you in one hit.
By DoomScott on 06 Mar 2024 05:57
The important thing is really just doing it one run, not so much shooting at the jet at the right time
By burtondude33 on 22 Mar 2024 02:50
just before the jet when the 2 armoured vehicles turn up one of them killed me instantly, i never reloaded the checkpoint and when it put me back at the checkpoint with the 2 armoured vehicles i destroyed them and then moved on and did the same route as the video and took out the jet 1st go and the achievement unlocked for me, so u can get it if u die, i did notice it saved before the armoured vehicles and when i died it also saved then too, so maybe u just can't die once u spot the jet, not sure but it's just a thought.
By JPG30 on 07 Nov 2011 00:43
This achievement is definitely glitchy, I have goofed up on one attempt for the achievement so I then restarted the level and got it right. But no achievement, so I did the level again, did it right again but still no achievement.

So I decided to exit the game and replay the previous level, Night Shift, to see if it'll fix the achievement once I finally get to Rock and a Hard Place. This time, I finally got the achievement. So much time gone, and Night Shift is a pretty long level so having to replay it just to get another chance for Butterfly got on my nerves a bit. Doesn't help it's basically replaying two whole levels as is.
By erickt123 on 06 Apr 2024 04:05
Did this first go on hard with this method. Saved game during middle of level, returned at later date to continue it, died several times during level but not during plane sequence. Shot plane down just like video and achievement popped. Thanks.
By b00f on 13 Feb 2014 19:59
I just got this after about 20 odd attempts.

Put simply, every time I hit the jet was during its gun run, it went away smoking, turned around and then came crashing to the deck. Whilst it was still killed in 1 shot, it didn't count.

When it finally unlocked, I locked onto the jet immediately after it had finished its gun-run, and fired just as it was starting to circle around. The stinger hit the jet before it started its next gun run, and BOOM, the jet came down just as in the video and achievement popped.
I did manage to do this 1 other time, but it was after I had reloaded the last checkpoint, which didn't count.

From my experiences with it, I think that the critical thing is to fire at the jet as it starts to turn, but crucially that the missile hits it before it starts its gun run.
By Wolfie9985 on 11 Feb 2013 22:59
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Butterfly Achievment

Start the mission "Rock And A Hard Place" on easy and playtrough the missio to the point where you see the Jet for the first time (it is a checkpoint). Before you see the Jet in the mission it is ALLOWED to die, but AFTER you have seen the Jet DO NOT DIE, or you have to restart the missio. Take your time and get from cover to cover without rushing, get the stinger, target the jet ant shoot. If you see a litle smoke track after the Jet then it is the Rocket, now wait till the Rocket hits the Jet and you will be fine.

Do not die after you have seen the Jet (checkpoint) or you have to restart the mission

03 Nov 2011 22:17

Good solution - fix typos tho. Thumbs up :)
By THRACE 462753 on 11 Nov 2011 12:31
i didn't die when jet showed up and i shot it with first attempt and i didn't get the achievement.

this ach. is rally glitched
By mistress3riple on 12 Nov 2011 21:38
I agree i have had no luck with stupid cheevo" It does not come up no matter how many times keep trying it!!! I dont die and shoot it down, then the status on my update says: Priority Update: Shoot down enemy aircraft " Umm DUH I already did that "WHF" as im staring at my dead men on the ground !!!! I hate this game i have never in all my games had cheevo glitch on me like this.
By TigressMojo on 26 Nov 2011 04:43
Guys... especially mistress3riple... there's a better video on one of the solutions that shows you. I got this so many times as well, but it turns out you have to let the jet take another pass, I guess.
By SinfulTie9 on 31 May 2014 14:13
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Basically Just follow what the video says and try not to get hit by the jet. then just hit it when it starts to head toward you.

15 Feb 2012 03:26

Missing Stinger Solution:

Some people are reporting that the Stinger isn't showing up where
it should be, this is happening because of the newest Multiplayer Update 5.

The Solution is simple, just delet the MP Update 5 and redo the Mission
from the very beginning, it should reappear now and you can finish the
objectiv and get your Achievement.

After that is done you can download the MP Update 5, again!

Hope this helps! ;)

(sry for the bad english,german dude)

05 Dec 2012 19:44

At the end of the mission "Rock and a Hard Place", you will enter a conflict on the ground with a fighter jet. After safely moving up with your squad in cover and recovering the javelin, take aim and shoot it down with one shot.

This has to be done in one go from when the jet appears while your squad is regrouped. If you get killed after the jet repairs, reloading the checkpoint will negate this achievement.