Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3

64 Achievements


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Rank 45 achieved!


How to unlock the Colonel achievement in Battlefield 3 - Definitive Guide

So, I just reached level 45 yesterday. Playing the game around 9-12 hours a day, daily since the game came out. I only work part time which is what allowed me to play the game so much. That being said, here is my rough guide on how to level up, without boosting, or cheating, and being an excellent player in the meantime.

Know Your Role!

Find a class you enjoy. If you like running and gunning and don't like playing too objectively, let me recommend the support class. This class is perfect for people like you. You are not limited to just light machine guns either, you can also use shotguns and SMG's, if you prefer. The reason this class is great for run and gun type players, is that there is not so much focus on "team playing". Not to say you SHOULDN'T be a team player, but it will help ease you into the world of realistic warfare. As the support class, you have access to an array of excellent tools that will help you and your team without having to worry about others too much. These are; the Amo pack, C4, Claymore, Mortar Strike and a variety of high capacity machineguns. To earn points with this class, make sure to drop amo packs around clusters of team mates, C4 unsuspecting tanks, and lay claymores around entrances to objectives. The support class is a highly versitile class suitable for all players. Skilled players and noobs alike should be able to use this class effectively.

MEDIC! MEDIC! Are you a real slayer and objective master? The assault class is for you! The workhorse of the Battlefield army, Assault soldiers are both slayers, and medics. Using this class effectively is very easy and you'll be ranking up in no time. The best way to use this class is to stick with team mates, when they get injured, drop medic packs down to heal them, and when they die, get out your shock pads to revive them. Reviving a team mate will refund your team a ticket, so reviving is extremely important in conquest, and while playing as the attackers in Rush. If you don't want to focus on healing people, the assault class also has access to under-barrels. These range from grenade launchers to shotguns. An extremely useful tactic to use as assault is to equip the smoke grenade launcher. This little baby is incredible. Not only can it cover your team mates as you make your way to objectives, but it can also blind enemy tanks, and cover your ass as you make an escape from a hot area. This however, will not net you any experience points, but remember, if you win a game, you get a winners bonus! WINNING!!!

OH GOD!!! TANK!!! TANK!!! Are you constantly getting blown the f* up by tanks, IFV's and the like? Have no fear, the engineer is here. This class is a great ranking up class, and the worst enemy of vehicles. As an engineer the best way to rank up, is to destroy tanks with your RPG's, and repair friendly vehicles with your repair tool. You can also use the EOD bot to prevent m-com stations blowing up without being near them. Just leave your little robot in a dark corner, and after they plant the bomb, send in the little thing to defuse it. Points galore, and you'll live to tell the tale! Another great tactic to use as the engineer class is to lay anti tank mines on highly traversed roads. Remember, even if you die, the mines don't. So sometimes, even after a good 5 or 10 minutes, you will get a random kill, and the enemy team is a vehicle down. Don't underestimate the fear you put into enemy vehicle users while playing as engineer. Also, here's a pro tactic you can use. When an enemy tank is bothering your team, sneak up behind it, and ruin it by messing it up with your repair tool, just remember to crouch or lay prone so the driver can't see you. When the pilot gets paranoid and confused as to why his tank is dying, quickly get in, and make an escape, then when you are safe, repair the tank, and BANG. Your team now has an extra tank, and the enemy team has one less. The tank is easy to use, and easy to get kills with, so make good use of them.

BOOM! HEADSHOT! So, you're a sniper. A wookie eh? You may be thinking, how on earth can I even remotely contribute to the team while playing recon? But that's the thing, It's now SUPER EASY to get loads of points while playing as recon, the key is in the equipment. Stick your motion sensor near an objective, make good use of the MAV (the flying motion sensor) by hovering around large clusters of enemies and spotting them at the same time (absolute point fest on TDM - and your team WILL win every time). Using the MAV on TDM is where its at for the recon class. I can not stress how ridiculous it is. You will be level 45 in no time. In one round of TDM you can honestly probably net around 20 surveillance ribbons, and bare in mind you get a medal for it every 50 ribbons, worth a whopping 10,000 points! Use the MAV and nothing else in TDM for 4-5 rounds, and you'll be up a good few levels in no time. It's also leading your team to victory guaranteed.

This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Find a weapon you love, and stick to it. You will recieve a service star for every 100 kills you make with the weapon (worth 2000 points!), and eventually get a dog tag for doing so!

Ribbons and Medals
An easy way to get points is to get ribbons and medals. Check your battlelog online to see which ribbons you need, and then go for them. Most of these are related to getting either a certain amount of kills with specific weapons, or capturing or destroying objectives. Medals come usually after you've received a ribbon 30-50 times. Easy ribbons to get are one's like flag attacker, which require you to capture a certain amount of flags in a game. Playing conquest should net you vast amounts of points.

Squad up
Try to stay in a squad at all times. The game is better when you play with people you know. Staying in a squad means you can spawn on squad members, get squad bonuses and occasionally get the "ACE SQUAD" ribbon. There's no reason NOT to be in a squad, unless you hate human beings, in which case, I can not help you.

Do not do it, you will regret it. Boosting is not an easy way to level up, It's an easy way get banned. Dice have boosting tracking algorithms which search for suspicious behavior. So sitting in a corner of a map reviving and killing the same person over and over will get picked up somehow. Not to mention, many people HATE boosters, and if you get caught by someone in the game while boosting, you can except him or her to report you. It's not worth it. I once boosted in Battlefield 2 and the server admin banned me for life, so please understand, boosting will only result in a negative outcome. The last thing you want after reaching level 44 is for your stats to be reset.

That being said, some closing thoughts. Getting points is not hard on Battlefield, It's how long it takes you to get there. Try not to be in a rush, just enjoy the game, and remember the tactics I've mentioned. Good modes for getting lots of points is TDM (fast paced, lots of kills, lots of ribbons), and Conquest (lots of vehicles, lots of ribbons to be gained, lots of team playing bonuses to be made).

I hope this little guide helped you, and remember to have fun! Getting achievements should be fun, not a chore!

12 Nov 2011 11:47

Yeah its why CoD works well no really reason to play online it however then attracts score whores.
By matdan on 24 Nov 2011 00:02
Great shouldn't boost in a game like's not that hard to get to level 45 on your own. Just by doing teamaction your score goes up like a, revive, resupply, spot, capture, defend etc....

Plus like the TS said....I hate boosters because this game isn't fun if 4 guys are sitting in a corner repairing an EOD messes up the gameplay. Plus it wont get you anywhere. Almost all weapon attachments are unlocked by using the weapon. So you'll be a level 45 noob with no skill, weapons or respect :P
By Little 3vil on 26 Nov 2011 16:55
In the medic section you wrote "extremely extremely" :) and nice guide btw.
By Sku11ySn1p3r on 27 Nov 2011 13:00
Nice guide - totally what I've been doing except that I never thought about using a MAV in TDM.

You might want to add that riding around with a good tank driver/helicopter pilot can net you a nice haul of points too. Spot targets for the rest of your team and blow away whatever you can and you'll be netting a nice solid 2-3000 points a round before awards.
By Hirsute Dave on 30 Nov 2011 15:39
Anyone who can record, try popping the achievement in style! Its so easy to mess up with an assist or something though. I got a nice headshot to pop it. Took me just over 2 days of in game time.
By IQwz on 01 Dec 2011 05:51
Couldn't record mine but I pulled it off by winning the Saviour medal :)
By Hirsute Dave on 04 Dec 2011 04:00
I think that's the same way I got mine Hirsute Dave.
By Losing MVP on 04 Dec 2011 05:42
I'm at 68 hours played and just hit level 41, this is very time consuming.
By JAYMATiK on 19 Dec 2011 05:11
I don't agree with the "Support is not very focussed on teamplay". It has happened too many times to me that I'm forced to use my handgun because my primary weapon is out of bullets. Support teammates who drop ammo boxes are life savers.
By Meneer Wietse on 27 Dec 2011 15:21
That's not how I worded it. I didn't say the support class wasn't focused on team play. I said as a support soldier, you do not have to focus on team play. Then I explained why. Of course every class has its role to play, I was simply stating that for players who don't like to worry about supporting their team mates, they would be best off with the support class. And I did explain why.
By Losing MVP on 28 Dec 2011 04:02
@Mobius Evalon: I couldn't agree more :) But I'll still play afterwards legit if i can be bothered.

OT: Nice Guide btw
By ParsleyParsnips on 29 Dec 2011 02:40
@Mobius Evalon: I couldn't agree more :) But I'll still play afterwards legit if i can be bothered.

OT: Nice Guide btw
By ParsleyParsnips on 29 Dec 2011 02:41
@Mobius Evalon: Agreement, I think I've played maybe 4-5 games since I got my 360 that I actually like the MP. So far I like BF:BC2 better because there weren't so many damn hard to shoot down helicopters. Maybe if they made choppers were you can't repair them while they are flying?

Great solution. Fun to read.
By Nonfaith on 02 Jan 2012 09:58
Super tips, thanks!
By Si1v3r Samurai on 04 Jan 2012 17:34
I almost have this legit, and I voted up on this because you told people not to boost. Good man, boosting a game like this, especially when it's basically NEW is totally lame.
By justinman114 on 05 Jan 2012 17:56
Yeah i have to agree these tips are pretty spot on for anyone who is coming into this lone wolf. I only got 3 more ranks to go to unlock this legit. My only tip would be that if you keep getting killed by going to the same place then just change your path. These happen to be huge maps on any game mode. Also flank whenever you can.
By DNGRDOOM64 on 05 Jan 2012 19:51
^^ you would be amazed at how many people will do that. going the same route over and over and over.
By Homunculus Fury on 17 Jan 2012 08:33
A rule of thumb I always go by, is; never chase and don't try to get revenge.
By Losing MVP on 17 Jan 2012 17:17
2 Anonymous Rain
Your solution is bullshit. Boosting is best way to get any achievement. You telling boosting is bad )))) Mate this web site support busting session this is main option for this sate ))))) And you trying to tell people keep f*** play this game. Sure if you spend 24 hours in day and 7 days in week and 365 days in year playing this f**** game you will get this achievement for sure ))))))) But it no time for live and for thousandth beautiful games what waiting your in store ))))
By Bu11Butch3r on 20 Feb 2013 09:56
i boost games that are shit and the multiplayer is dead but i feel sorry for anyone that boosts Battlefield 3
By SGTGUNYOUTOHELL on 25 Feb 2013 10:32
Bu11Butch3r, I find it sad you feel the need to get an achievement so badly you resort to boosting. It's a virtual number that is meaningless and you seriously make me laugh,.
By Losing MVP on 25 Feb 2013 21:52
This entire thread makes me laugh... for those who are saying "Don't boost!!" to those who are justifiably upset about that and say "Boost!".... I'm with those who say "Boost!" even though they swear a bit much. lol. This is an achievement hunting site Anonymous Rain, and your last comment was LAUGHABLE. :-D Pot calling the kettle black, no?
By Shadow 00 Fox on 26 May 2013 17:20
Amo = Ammo. Otherwise great guide.
By PrimeBigTime on 06 Jul 2013 07:46
This has a lot of good tips but the fact is to level up the fastest way is = Objectives objectives objectives, while building towards the easiest cumulative ribbons and medals. I like to play all Battlefields entirely legit and when it comes down to Fun Vs. Chievo's, fun wins everytime for me.

However if you want this the quickest way without getting reset - play CQ and Scavenger and don't worry about anything else except the flags and building kills with the easiest weapons to complete assignments, ribbons and medals.
By o DEEVIUS o on 09 Jul 2013 17:01
CQDom wins over regular conquest.
By PrimeBigTime on 09 Jul 2013 17:04
You'll get the same average points with CQ, CQA and CQDom
By o DEEVIUS o on 11 Jul 2013 19:03
Getting 2500-2700 SPM every round on TDM with MAV this double XP weekend. I'll be 45 by the end of the way. :)
By Azoonux on 10 Aug 2013 11:34
its achievement site assholes - therefore people boost and half the moaning c**ts on this thread have feedback score so have BOOSTED so go screw yourselves and stop acting and moaning like wee girls!!
By NicolaM1985 on 28 Sep 2013 10:25
9-12 hours a day? What the fuck?
By KiRRAYNE on 22 Sep 2017 12:35
With friends helping is very fast. Yesterday my friend was on level 15 when our boost session begun and after 3 hours boosting with more five friends he jumped for level 38. Great solution!
By netstryker on 10 Jan 2018 18:31
Hypothetically, if you have a Turbo controller and a steady internet connection, you can earn this achievement without playing at all. However, my mentioned method would probably take a little over 5-6 months.
By iDuL on 03 Nov 2020 10:21
This is an excellent guide for a great game. For boosters I would, like the guide says, report them then I would play the objective and f**k up their session. At least that's what I would do since I need more shotgun ribbons anyway for my medal.
By denny 45 on 24 Nov 2011 07:55
Good guide, and a good read, which always help! Thanks, you get a 'thumbs up' from me, most of this I already knew but there a couple of pointers I hadn't even considered (MAV on TDM for example)!
By RoboChap85 on 23 Nov 2011 13:21
I haven't tried your guide but a gooood thumpsup for yah. Its good and fun stuff to read. If it holds ground hhmmm like I say'd havn't tried it yet
By Malembe on 04 Apr 2012 07:50
Using the MAV in a TDM with 500 tickets is ridiculous. I've gotten over 1600SPM after awards in a few matches. One match I even unlocked 80 Surveillance ribbons and 2 Surveillance medals. If you have a decent team that can spawn trap (or you can teach them how to), you can get 30 points for every kill made by spotting and hovering over the action.
By Aldanga on 28 Apr 2012 03:22
I used Aidanga's method, which works a treat. It can get boring just spotting for a whole game, so to break up the monotony I find Rush matches on Operation Metro to be a good change of pace.

Depending on the balance of the teams, teams often have to stand off against each other at two bottlenecks (I think it is the third pair of MCOM stations, before you attack the final stations outside). This is an excellent opportunity to:

~ Deploy a TUGS as the Recon class, which gets you a lot of spot assists.
~ Drop ammo boxes for your team mates as the Support class. Also, the close quarters of this map is excellent for carefully positioned claymore mines, you will pick up a lot of kills with this.
~ Revive your team mates as the Assault class. (Do not revive people that are clearly in the line of enemy fire and will be killed as soon as they get up, it's exceptionally poor play). Essentially you earn an equivalent amount of points for a revive as you do for an enemy kill. It's a toss-up whether to have your second slot for the grenade launcher or the medical kit, it depends on your style of play.
~ Extra grenade perk, or suppression perk, works pretty well here also. My accuracy is only 11.3% but because I had the suppression perk on, I still received a lot of points for distracting the enemy with my fire.

If you stick with your team mates, the close quarters combat of this map makes it much more likely for you to attain the Savior and Avenger ribbons too.
By Ginn0rz on 16 May 2012 09:57
The prerequisites to boosting are a) you don't give a flying fuck about your stats; b) could care less about leaderboards; c) don't care to play the game for a moment longer than you have to; d) don't care about the dick-swingers playing legitimately who measure their success in life with their kill/death ratio. All non-booster arguments in this comment thread are thus invalid.

Now the guys who earn 8-15 million points per match are on the far side of ludicrous. They boost and think they're the shit just because they occupy all of the top 100 slots on the global leaderboard from their illegitimate gains, but you can't lump these people together with those who just want to complete achievements then stop playing. That's like saying that every theist is a murderous batshit insane child molester.

Boosting doesn't prepare you for legitimate matches but in my particular case, multiplayer means fuck-all to me. If a game was released with only coop and/or a singleplayer campaign I'd jump all over it, because multiplayer is always the same shit -- the same shotgun/sniping campers with the same lag with the same glitchers and controller modders with the same squeaky twelve year olds or noisy black guys with the same spawn camping and the same weapons on the same maps, then repeat ad nauseum for level 45. You bet your ass I'll hide in a corner of the map and boost my level 45 so I won't have to play a nanosecond longer than I have to.
By Mobius Evalon on 01 Dec 2011 02:43
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To reach rank 45, you need a score of 1,600,000. Here is a list to help you gauge how long it will take you, depending on your Score Per Minute (SPM). For each 100 SPM, I have given a time for how long it would take to reach a score of 1,600,000 with that SPM. All values are rounded up to the nearest minute.

100 SPM is 266h 40m
200 SPM is 133h 20m
300 SPM is 88h 54m
400 SPM is 66h 40m
500 SPM is 53h 20m
600 SPM is 44h 27m
700 SPM is 38h 6m
800 SPM is 33h 20m
900 SPM is 29h 38m
1000 SPM is 26h 40m

Negative voters, please provide feedback so I can improve this solution. If any mistakes were made, please notify me.

03 Dec 2011 16:14

This is pretty close, but i would change it to total hrs since that is what battlelog does, less math for everyone
By Humpyrton on 23 Dec 2011 16:02
Humpyrton, I have changed all of the values in to hours and minutes.
By Waddaboo on 30 Dec 2011 11:18
Question, is this per minute or per match?
By GuiltySpark#7552 on 11 Jan 2012 09:33
It is per minute. If you look at the STATS tab after you have completed a match, it will display your current SPM in the bottom, right-hand corner. Using this guide, you can gauge how long it will take you to reach rank 45.
By Waddaboo on 11 Jan 2012 18:59
Pretty accurate really. Hit 45 in 63 hours score 403 per min
By on 23 Jan 2012 01:55
Nice guide, is it even possible to be scoring an average of 1000 spm???? That must be pure domination.
By Paully05 on 28 Aug 2012 04:37
1000 per.... Prob if you can boost it.

I got 400 per and I pretty much was the number one to number 3 scoring player out of all players..... So yah pretty hard to do legit I'd say.
By on 28 Aug 2012 06:28
Yah I kinda did that. I took flags and got kills.
I know if you get Into a full squad with people who rush the flags you can be a medic and make a shit ton of points.
By on 28 Aug 2012 15:07
I guess this is pretty accurate. Got rank 45 in 34 hours and 56 mins with 763 SPM. Thank you for posting this :P .
By Acoustic Grunge on 09 Sep 2012 11:29
Accurate id say. Colonel in 47hrs 36mins with SPM of 558.
By Lavindathar on 20 Jan 2013 03:59
This is accurate. But, what bothered the hell out of me is how you use "SPM" Instead of Score Per Minute. I had to come all the way to the comments to figure it out. I am sure I'm not the only person who had to do this, so could you please include it in your guide? Other than that, positive vote from me.
By Choices of Life on 15 Oct 2014 00:09
@Choices of Life I have changed the solution accordingly. Thank you for the feedback to improve my solution.
By Waddaboo on 15 Oct 2014 10:33
No, Thank YOU for the accurate solution and for the improvement. smile
By Choices of Life on 20 Oct 2014 14:09
Tbh, that's just a list of how long it may take to reach lvl 45, I do not consider it a solution.
By King GBF on 17 Sep 2015 22:25
This list is pretty good. Back then I had 450 spm and ended up on level 45 within 59 hours. At the moment I am having 650 spm.. would have been faster but oh well -.-

@ Counter
I think 1000 spm is fairly impossible, the best I've seen was around 860 spm and all he did was capturing A HELL LOT of flags in conquest, he barely had kills.. lol.
By AC Cloud Strife on 28 Aug 2012 09:39
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Ok so the fastest way I know of getting this with pure boosting and not doing this legit against randoms goes like this:

Note: You may as well get the all ribbons achievement and other misc/dlc achievements out of the way first as you should get at least 20 levels from doing all of that.

At the bare minimum you ideally want at least 5 players

Someone rents a server with the following settings: (This is only for server admins)

Minimum amount of players required to start - 4
Max players - 8 (unless you have more than this number of ppl but that is unlikely)
Map - operation firestorm
Mode - Conquest
Ticket counter - 70% of normal (100%)
Rounds - 2

In the map rotation section you're going to want to pick the same map about 2 or 3 times

You may need to force a server restart as well so make sure the server is empty, you could also put a password on the server but I found randoms still got in anyway so just kick them out when needed.
(End server admin notes)

The explanation given here will be based upon having 5 ppl so adjust it as needed:

You want everyone to be assault with shock paddles unlocked and ready to equip.

You will be going for Transport warfare medals, each one gives you 10k exp, to get this you need 40 kills using a transport vehicle, we will be using a transport helicopter for this role (not the attack chopper in each base).

4 kills using the side mounted gun on one of these is a ribbon, 10 ribbons gets you the medal.
you will also get medals for nemesis, combat efficiency, medic medal, possibly sniper (headshots with helo gun) and possibly a couple of others I forget (each one being worth 10k exp).

The killer will be on a team with one other, the other side will take the majority of players.

Have one team bring a transport chopper to near point C on the map, there is a road; set it down there.

Have the 1st person going; sit on the gun (B to get in/out of vehicles. A to swap seats) and shoot 2 of the other team which should be nearby and standing, the medic for that group will be crouched so as to avoid incoming fire and save confusion as to who the gunner does NOT shoot.

Once everyone except the medic is down, he revives them all, the gunner does not shoot until he sees the revived start to stand up as when a revived player hits A they will trigger a standing animation; if you kill them before this they will be forced to respawn which slows things down.

After awhile the medic will stop getting points for revives so just swap who is the medic. Once the killer has 40 kills you will swap who is doing kills. You will not see the medal straight away as all the ribbons you have been getting have created a backlog queue. (Note - You may get it pop up early if you have already made progress towards this medal).

The second player on the killing team should of been sitting in the helicopter pilot seat to get 70exp every time the gunner gets a kill, this is the easiest role (free xp, yeah!). Make sure to keep active every 20 kills or 3 minutes as you will get kicked for inactivity of 5 minutes (I would jump out of pilot seat, move and shoot then get back in).

Make sure not to capture any locations until you're ready to stop or get a fresh round.

The server admins can press start then go to manage server to kick randoms or shuffle the teams around to always have 2 on the killer's side to speed things up.

Keep repeating the cycle of 2 in helo' (1 gunner, 1 pilot not moving vehicle) and the rest on other team dying; bar 1 reviving.

If you are awful at flying and just wanna get to site C then grab a jet and fly near it then hit B followed by A to parachute, it doesn't matter which team's transport vehicle is brought over as they have the same gun effectively and can be used by both sides.

Try to end the match in a victory/loss result as I am not sure if medals will stick if you quit early; the value of these will not appear during the game on the scoreboard but you will see them after the match.

If you have any suggestions on how to improve this then mention them in the comments but this won't take long at all compared to legit play.

31 Mar 2014 02:06

^^ Just preference I guess.
By Shin Gatsurai on 06 Apr 2014 14:42
It seems like the whole thing can be boosted in about 3 hours for a single person. We had a rank 12 gain about 8 levels taking regular turns for about 1.5 hours, then gain his achievement having 2 hours all to himself in the minigun after the rest of us were finished.
By Mobius Evalon on 20 Apr 2014 01:34
I'm sure this solution would be #1 if this game was still played/boosted as much as it used to be! Excellent method - sorry I missed out on your sessions! ;-)
By guycarb on 21 Jun 2014 23:23
^^ That's fine, if you want to boost something look at -
By Shin Gatsurai on 22 Jun 2014 12:52
Great solution Shin-got my group to switch to this method & it's very efficient.After maybe 15-20 kills/revives they stop counting,only getting 10 points for headshots,so we just let the guys die properly & spawn in again on the medic & then continue kill/revive as before. +1smile
By Assassin Corvo on 04 Jun 2015 20:57
Aye, surprised this method wasn't highlighted sooner.
By Shin Gatsurai on 04 Jun 2015 22:48
Here's how to make a 4 player custom server that you bought

go to server setup

manage map rotations
press x to add new map rotation then you can change ALL the settings then you apply settings
By Angels Kill Too on 08 Feb 2018 11:52
Very good, someone finally explained what the transport helo method is. I also learned that I can force players to move teams because of this solution, something I had not even noticed before but a problem we had run into (the "You have switched teams too recently, play with your current team a while" message.)

My only nitpick is when you say to select the same map two or three times in the rotation. If there is only one map in the rotation, it just keeps loading that one map over and over doesn't it? Would only need to select it once.
By Mobius Evalon on 06 Apr 2014 13:34
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Hey all!
As of mid-July 2015 I've finally finished this game, and there were some boosting methods for ranking up both my partner and me perfected to get the maximum amount of points for each game. There are 2 methods we used to level up as fast as possible, which will be described below. Before you continue to read this method, please be aware that I recommend going for all the other achievements first since they should give you a nice boost to start with (and making this grind a little bit shorter).

DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that these methods still might result in being reset by the game developers, although at the time of writing I'm sure they don't care about this game anymore since the MP is mostly dead apart from a few randoms due to new iterations in the franchise.
Method #1: Rush
- Requirements: 4 people, private server, rubber bands, End Game DLC, something to hit yourself in the face with to keep you awake
- Map: Operation Riverside (DLC: End Game)
- Hints and tips:
Two people will spawn as "Attackers", while two others spawn as "Defenders". To make it easier, have the host invite one of the boosters on his team and let one other person search for the server manually (and invite person #4). The people defending the bombs just idle, hence why you have the rubber bands (you will be kicked for inactivity). The people going for the bombs should target one each (preferably the same letter to avoid confusion). You will receive 100 points for arming the XCom station and another 500 when it detonates. There is a total of 10 stations, so 5 for each player awarding 6,000 points for each game. A match is usually finished within 5 minutes.
- Ribbons that will unlock:
* M-Com Attacker Ribbon (Blow up 2 stations in one game, awards 200 points)
* Rush Winner Ribbon (Win a game of Rush, awards 500 points)
* Ace Squad Ribbon (Be part of the winning squad, awards 500 points)

- Ribbons that might unlock:
* MVP Ribbon (Be the best Player, awards 500 points)
* MVP 2 Ribbon (Be the second best player, awards 250 points)

- Medals that might unlock: (award 10,000 each)
* M-Com Attacker Medal (unlock the related ribbon 10 times)
* Rush Winner Medal (win a game of Rush a total of 50 times)
* MVP Medal (unlock the related ribbon 30 times)
* MVP 2 Medal (unlock the related ribbon 30 times)
* Ace Squad Medal (unlock the related ribbon 50 times)

This is a very boring, and time consuming grind and you will want to ask yourself the question "why am I suffering this much?".

Method #2: Squad Rush Nemesis Boosting
- Requirements: 4 people, private server, Close Quarters DLC, Assault kit with Defibrillator
- Map: Any map
- Hints and tips:
Two people will spawn as "Attackers", while two others spawn as "Defenders". To make it easier, have the host invite one of the boosters on his team and let one other person search for the server manually (and invite person #4). Now what you will need to do, is stand in a square and do the following (assuming Player 1 and 2 are on the same team, and 3 and 4 are on the other).

Player 1 kills Player 3
Player 4 revives Player 3
Player 3 kills Player 2
Player 1 revives Player 2
Player 2 kills Player 4
Player 3 revives Player 4
Player 4 kills Player 1
Player 2 revives Player 1

And so on. Remember to kill with different weapons while you are boosting this for the different medals there are available to unlock, but always stay within the Assault Kit. If you run out of ammo, have one player spawn in as Support to put it down and re-spawn as Assault to continue.

Doing so will award you with a guaranteed 110 points for reviving your squad member, but should also give you somewhere between 400 and 500 points for each kill if the Nemesis is at 200 points. Remember to aim for the head to save ammo and, you guessed it, to continue to work on Ribbons/Medals. The game can continue to run as long as all of you want, since due to reviving no kills are taken away from the tickets.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't receive any points anymore for reviving or for Nemesis; either go plant the charge and disarm it or kill one person and have him bleed out. That should reset the cycle.
- Ribbons that will unlock:
* Squad Rush Winner Ribbon (Win a game of Squad Rush, awards 500 points)
* Ace Squad Ribbon (Be part of the winning squad, awards 500 points)
* MVP Ribbon (Be the best Player, awards 500 points)
* MVP 2 Ribbon (Be the second best player, awards 250 points)
* MVP 3 Ribbon (Be the third best player, awards 100 points)
* Accuracy Ribbon (Get 5 headshots in one round, awards 200 points)
* Nemesis Ribbon (Get 2 Nemesis kills in one round, awards 200 points)
* Medical Efficiency Ribbon (Get 5 revives in one round, awards 500 points)

- Ribbons that might unlock:
* Assault Rifle Ribbon (Get 7 kills in one round with an Assault Rifle, awards 200 points)
* Light Machine Gun Ribbon (Get 7 kills in one round with an LMG, awards 200 points)
* Carbine Ribbon (Get 7 kills in one round with a Carbine, awards 200 points)
* PDW Ribbon (Get 7 kills in one round with a PDW, awards 200 points)
* Shotgun Ribbon (Get 7 kills in one round with a Shotgun, awards 200 points)
I do not recommend using side-arms, grenades, the Xbow or anything similar to keep it simple. There are no Sniper Rifles in the Assault class.
- Medals that might unlock: (awards 10,000 each)
* Assault Rifle Ribbon (Unlock the related ribbon 50 times)
* Light Machine Gun Ribbon (Unlock the related ribbon 50 times)
* Carbine Ribbon (Unlock the related ribbon 50 times)
* PDW Ribbon (Unlock the related ribbon 50 times)
* Shotgun Ribbon (Unlock the related ribbon 50 times)
* Squad Rush Medal (Win a game of Squad Rush a total of 20 times)
* MVP Medal (Unlock the related ribbon 30 times)
* MVP 2 Medal (Unlock the related ribbon 30 times)
* MVP 3 Medal (Unlock the related ribbon 30 times)
* Ace Squad Medal (Unlock the related ribbon 50 times)
* Accuracy Ribbon (Unlock the related ribbon 50 times)
* Nemesis Ribbon (Unlock the related ribbon 30 times)
* Medical Efficiency Ribbon (Unlock the related ribbon 50 times)

There's so much more to unlock here when it comes to medals and this is the exact method I recommend you use if you still want to complete this game. I started using Method #2 when I obtained all the other achievements and was Rank 31 and went up to Rank 45 within 5 hours. I did boost my rank with a friend who was running 3 copies, so that might have influenced the time frame a little bit. If you are dualboxing this as well, you will want to follow this order:

Player 1 kills Dummy 2
Player 2 revives Dummy 2
Player 2 kills Dummy 1
Player 1 revives Dummy 1

All the other rules above apply to this method as well.

That's it for this solution. If you feel there's room for improvement, please let me know and I'll update this accordingly. Thanks for reading and if you are boosting this, good luck!


16 Jul 2015 23:18

Now that people can setup custom server theirs a much faster way to rank up. Use the server browser and look for a server with the following Team DM , only Noshahr Canals, 500%, The 500% means the game is 5 times longer than normal so you can unlock more ribbons. Noshahr canals is great for levelling up, their are tons of servers that only run this map.

No you have a server you need the technique. Hopefully the server you find will allow shotguns, take out the DOA or any shotgun if you don't have that. Now just run around the creates blasting away. It's possible to get 50-100 kills per game.

It won't be long before you unlock red dot sight and extended mags. With the DAO this gives you 12 shots between reloads.

You can also play as support or medic, dropping packs as you enter the creates, people will be forced to walk over them giving you several ribbons per game.

06 Jul 2012 08:23

You gain experience for just about everything you do in multiplayer for Battlefield 3. Here are a few of my favorite tips to get points even if you aren't always on top of the leaderboards for kills:

Play Support class and throw down ammo. Try to join a squad that has snipers, then spawn on them and immediately toss an ammo box. They almost always give points.

Stick to one gun in support and try to get enough kills with it to unlock extended mag. Equip the extended mag along with the suppression perk, then just open fire on any enemies you find. You may not get the kill, and you may end up being killed instead, but chances are great you will get both a kill assist and a suppression assist once someone else kills your target. Those two numbers combined almost equal 100 points anyway. I like to use the guns with higher firing rates for this method.

Play Assault class and throw down medkits. Don't be afraid to revive with the defibs as well, tho you may make people angry if they didnt want to be rescued.

Spot any enemies you see, its worth points if someone else kills them for you.

Play conquest and just capture enemy bases for easy points.

Jump in a tank or helicopter that has a skilled pilot. You can spot enemies while sitting in there, and you will rake in passenger kill assists.

Throw four C-4 packs on an empty vehicle. If you notice the vehicle disappear on your mini map later, chances are an enemy just jumped inside it. Switch to your detonator and click the trigger, it should disable or destroy the vehicle and cause some kills as well.

**NOTE** some servers will specifically mention the C-4 method below is not allowed, be sure to follow the server rules to avoid being kicked:

Put C-4 on the flags then watch your mini map on the lower left side of the screen. If the letter of the flag you put C-4 on starts to blink, switch and detonate your C-4. It may kill the base attackers remotely.

Play team deathmatch on the Canals map, and hide in the crates area. Throw medkits or ammo packs in the middle of the crates, teammates will heal or reload as they run past which gives you points.

Another great trick someone else showed me was to play Recon on Canals, but take a SMG or shotgun instead of a sniper rifle. Get in the middle of the crates and find a cozy spot to put down a motion detector. You will rake in motion assist kills, and if anyone comes around your corner just open fire on them.

Keep your eyes open for double XP events and play as much as possible during those times.

If you notice you are on the winning team more often than not, try sending friend invites to the other players on that team and playing with them any chance you get.

Good luck!

31 Oct 2013 05:39

You won't get a stat reset as long as you've purchased your own server or are playing on one.
Personally tested with the same group (1 Day Server is $1.50 est.)

You need a minimum of 4 people and you can also kick/ban any random player that joins.

We just took turns killing and reviving. After 100 kills each, we rotated. We gained about 1.5 levels each time. As long as you don't change your weapon, you can rack up specific weapon medals along with headshots. HOWEVER please see other nemesis boosting guides as they are most likely more efficient than what I personally did

When you stop seeing your score go up, rest assured that you are still getting experience points, tested while getting the last player from 35 to 45.

3 players with 2 alternate accounts got to Rank 45 in two 3-hour boosting sessions.

17 Oct 2023 14:07

Colonel is the highest standard rank to achieve for multiplayer. All I can really say for this one is to play as the class you feel more comfortable with, that will net you the most xp every game. The amount of xp required to level up increases exponentially, so this will probably end up being the last achievement to get.

Also, play as much as you can in a squad - teamwork will roll in points a lot faster than playing solo. Use high-combat vehicles like tanks/helicopters to score points/assists. Play for objects - for ex. the full process for capturing an enemy flag is 450 points.