Battlefield 4

Battlefield 4

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Bomb squad

Bomb squad

Deliver 5 bombs in Obliteration



How to unlock the Bomb squad achievement in Battlefield 4 - Definitive Guide

There is an easy way to boost it by yourself. Well, it's almost cheating, so throw your pride away before you do that.

1- Search for a server with 3 players. You can do that by checking "empty" and "1-15" in the server filter options. Obviously, you should check "Obliteration" and none other in the modes, and no particular map. I also personnaly check "normal" as I hate hardcore, but that's optional.

2- You'll find yourself in a 2 vs 2 game of Obliteration. This game will either start right away or restart after a few seconds. Either case, before you spawn, go to Team Settings and switch side. You'll end up in a team of 3 against the only other player.

3- Now run to the middle of the map asap (the easiest way on most map is to use the parachute spawn point) and be the first on the bomb. As there is only one player defending it should be pretty easy to score. If you're still not feeling safe, you can wait for your team to back you up. Run to the closest point, plant the bomb, and wait/defend.

The beauty is that a game stops and restarts if there is only two players left. That means that if the lonely player in the other team quits, you can still play with three players against none and plant a bomb or two before either the server fills up again or another player quits and the game restarts. And even if it restarts, there is a generous enough timer to let you finish planting a bomb if you're close enough.

13 Dec 2013 11:32

looking to the boost this ASAP
By PBR VAMPIRE on 27 Apr 2014 01:21
There is no small map that is easier to reach the bomb on than others? I might try this tonight after work. Would it be a good idea or a bad idea to invite an actual friend to still help guide you? Idk if doing that might cause more players to join.
By ClaytThaGreat on 28 Jan 2014 18:12
I find Siege of Shangai easy as you can be pretty sure the bomb will spawn really close to the main building entrance. Avoid Barrage if you can it is a bit hard to go around with all the water. Operation Lockdown can be hard too because it is easy to get shot from somewhere... I didn't try with friends so I can't help. Of course if you do try and you can manage to have him be the lone player on the other team, you may succeed in blowing up all three bombs :)
By JungleWookiee on 28 Jan 2014 19:18
Looking to boost this and other DLC ....TAG- DOCTORNUGSUPPLY
By on 05 Feb 2014 20:00
Also looking to boost this and dlc
By jimmyclutchman on 12 Feb 2014 03:34
looking to boost. msg if you'd like to work on it!
By AFcBigfoot on 21 Feb 2014 00:21
Boost this too if anyone reads as at 29 mar14.
By MIK813 on 29 Mar 2014 14:59
I still need this
pM me to boost

By jgoody86 on 14 Feb 2015 05:08
I will be boosting this Thursday, need two more people. PM or message me on xbox: dylan is white and I'll reply ASAP.
By dylan is white on 17 Feb 2015 03:16
Anyone looking to boost on this ? PM or add me SWS89
By SWS89 on 01 Oct 2015 12:26
Id love to boost. Add me beardandcompany
By BeardandCompany on 24 Jan 2016 07:48
At the time I was playing this game and wrote this solution, the number of players was displayed on the list before you choose where you want to play. I don't know if it is the same nowadays.

The other options where the filters you can check or uncheck (search criterias as in "show only Obliteration games, or show only non-hardcore servers). Again, don't know if it is the same today as two years ago.
By JungleWookiee on 10 Jul 2016 22:51
Looking to boost this if anyone is interested. GT is SilverSluggerMZ. Not quite sure how we could boost this but it's worth a shot?
By Unky Ky on 05 Oct 2016 06:44
Anyone still need this like me :)
I'm currently looking for partners on xbox one to boost this one and some other DLC achievements and most assignments haha. Just add me on xbox @kloakatv
By kloakaTV on 16 Nov 2016 10:25
Someone want to do this? Im finding servers of over 20 players haha
By AmazingSpider97 on 04 Jan 2017 05:35
Looking to boost this, Gamertag: Rewore
By Rewore on 24 Apr 2017 08:56
Im looking to boost this achievement if anyone else wants to.
By Bonxy on 05 May 2017 10:56
Looking to boost this
By Richie Crazy on 13 Dec 2017 19:43
How is this boosting by yourself when you need 3 other people?
By JLogan27 on 03 May 2018 18:09
Looking to boost this. If three others are willing to help we can get this done easily and fairly quickly as you can start a match with 4 players. Message me on XBL.

GT: xIx EDGE xIx
By xIx EDGE xIx on 26 Aug 2018 04:28
Looking to boost this. If three others are willing to help we can get this done easily and fairly quickly as you can start a match with 4 players. Message me on XBL.

GT: xIx EDGE xIx
By xIx EDGE xIx on 26 Aug 2018 04:47
Boost anyone?
By Sussey5 on 29 Nov 2018 15:04
are you able to rent servers and boost it that way? Wanna work on bf1 and bf4 and I know that you can boost through rented servers on bf1.
By EtherionNatsu on 16 May 2019 13:44
I’m looking to boost this and other multiplayer achievements on bf4. Hmu
By EyeCame#7601 on 06 May 2020 09:31
Need help

Gt; J The Altruist
By J ROLL 1998 on 01 Jan 2021 14:53
also looking to boost this
By Mugen on 07 Jan 2021 01:42
Me too
By HiMyNamesDanny on 18 Jan 2021 10:23
Looking to still boost
By CombatHat046 on 11 Apr 2021 00:58
Hey. Late to the conversation but if anyone is looking to boost this achievement, please let me know 🤞🏻
By k devil rider on 11 Sep 2021 14:32
Looking to boost this achievo
By Mad ether on 28 Oct 2021 15:33
Anyone need? Message TheDARKChieftan
By TheDARKChieftan on 20 Dec 2023 07:48
Will be buying a server to boost this and other achievements as soon as I have people to do it with.
By Deizel on 02 Aug 2014 19:17
I tried this last night and played two games of 3 v 2. I was on the team with 3 and managed to blow a bomb in each game. Should be able to do it again for the other 3 if I'm lucky. If anyone looking to boost this or any of the other online cheevos, drop me a message.
By jojoborne on 06 Jan 2016 08:45
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To unlock 'Bomb Squad' you must 'deliver' five bombs in the Obliteration game mode. It can be done on any map and you can be on either side, and is spread cumulatively over different rounds.

To successfully 'deliver' a bomb, you must not only plant it, it HAS to explode. If you plant it and it is disarmed, it will not count towards your achievement.

Once five explosions have occurred by your hands, the achievement will pop.

You can track progress for this under your ribbons, as you have a Bomb Delivered ribbon. Obviously, you need five.

The only tip I can give is persevere, and if possible play with a friend. I did this solo with randoms, and I found it a pain. There is 32 people fighting over one bomb. It's super handy if you have a friend waiting to give you a lift to the bomb in a chopper or tank.

NOTE If you already have this achievement on the 360 version, it will pop in the first round on the X1. However, the X1 version doesn't backtrack to pop in the 360 version.

08 Dec 2013 20:34

By edwiitos on 20 Jan 2014 21:51
So this has to be done in one game?
By Psyched Chicken on 12 Dec 2013 11:40
Considering there are only three objectives in a given game of Obliteration, I don't think you have to get five in a game.
By JungleWookiee on 12 Dec 2013 11:42
No Psyched, it's not in one game :P As JungleWookie says, thats physically impossible. The most you can reach in one single game is 3 bombs, and to do that you'd have to be very lucky. I'll edit the solution, just for clarifications sake.
By Lavindathar on 12 Dec 2013 12:02
I managed to get a bomb delivery ribbon for trying to disarm the bomb. Must have been a glitch or something.
By Kamera on 23 Dec 2013 21:09
That defo sounds like a glitch :)
By Lavindathar on 24 Dec 2013 21:11
I imagine that your "NOTE" only applies to people who had transferred their stats over from the Xbox 360 version.....?
By Wildboy Wiley on 02 Jan 2014 08:08
Yes it does, only those who play 360 first.
By Lavindathar on 02 Jan 2014 12:25
Can someone let me know if I need premium in order to transfer my stats from 360 to xbox one?
By edwiitos on 20 Jan 2014 06:31
No, you don't Edwitos. It can be done without AFAIK.
By Lavindathar on 20 Jan 2014 09:12
Well see, I played on the 360 first, but I didn't transfer my stats thanks to how broke the game is. Put the disc in, that message popped up when I went to play, and I said "Yeah sure", hit A and it took me to the store to the "Season Pass", I was like, "Well if I need the season pass to do it, forget it", and immediately cancelled it, later to find out that, that was a bug.....Kinda angry cause now I gotta get this stupid achievement all over again.
By Wildboy Wiley on 02 Jan 2014 16:17
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I take no credit for the video. The credit goes to ObliviousWorld as it is his YouTube account. You can do what the video suggests by going in server browser and clicking R3.

09 Mar 2014 19:04

You lost me at 00:30 when you didn't explain how to access battlelog. isn't a website according to my browser
By Jenova_20 on 11 Jan 2015 21:25
You don't need to to go to battlelog. I just put that up so you can see what to do. As I said in the solution it is just the same as going in the server browser and adjusting what to search for.
By Silenced_Abyss on 16 Apr 2015 18:45
Do I have to do in a row for getting this trophie?
By tsukinowakumax on 22 Sep 2019 10:44
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You will need to play the Obliteration game mode, pick up/steal the bomb and plant it on one of the enemy teams base five different times. The point of this game mode is having two teams fight for control over a bomb that spawns in random locations on the map. Once a team collects the bomb, they have to plant it on any of the 3 enemy bases marked on the maps. Bombs can be dropped by players if killed and recollected.

The bombs location is always shown on your screen and the map which can make this achievement a little difficult due to everyone trying to go after the same target. Therefore, it is recommended to try and go for this achievement while playing with friends or people that you can communicate with for maximum coordination and success.

An alternative method of gaining this achievement more easily is to gather 4 players together, this is the minimal amount of players required to start a match. One player should filter empty lobbies through the server search, join one and invite the rest of the players once in the game. The game will place everyone on the same team and start. From here on, have everyone take turns getting their bomb deliveries. Random players can still join the lobby so if they're so if they prove to be too much trouble then you should quit out and find a new empty lobby.

Note: The bomb must explode and destroy the base for it to count as delivered, if it is diffused by the enemy then it will not count.


In terms of pure difficulty, this is the hardest trophy in the entire game. You will have to personally pick up the bomb, carry it to the enemy objective, plant it and defend it (with the help of your team) until detonation. You must do this five times but the trophy is cumulative, so any Obliteration matches you play in which you detonate a bomb will count towards the trophy.

As illustrated above in the description for Obliteration mode, you will become one big target for the entire opposing team every time you pick up the bomb. You will be highlighted on the enemy radar for the duration of the bomb carrying so it is helpful to use a tank to provide extra protection from all the attacking enemy players. Helicopters can help you keep your distance from enemies and get you to the enemy objective faster. If you successfully plant a bomb, fight like hell to prevent enemy players from disarming it, as it must explode for it to count towards the trophy. The consensus best map for planting bombs seems to be Goldmud Railway.

Earning Bomb squad without boosting will require some skill, very strong teammates and patience. If this trophy seems like it will be a struggle for you, then consider boosting. Boosting will allow you to unlock the trophy in about 15 to 45 minutes and save you an indefinite number of frustrating hours. The good news is that you will earn large amounts of XP for playing Obliteration, as the matches tend to be fairly long. Activating an XP boost during the match can net you big points. Press / to bring up the menu, then press to select the boost you wish to activate.

Boosting Method: Follow these guidelines if Bomb squad feels like too daunting a task for you:

· Go to the Server Browser from the Multiplayer screen.
· Press to edit the filter.
· Select Obliteration and set the free slots to "empty".
· Press to go back to the Server Browser and pick a server to join.

Following the above steps will place you in a match by yourself. Your friends will see this and be able to join you. Be mindful that other players may join as well. You will need four players to start the match. Once underway, trade bomb deliveries back and forth until each of you has five and the trophy unlocks. Assuming you are playing with four friends, you should have to play a total of about seven matches for everyone to get the trophy.

Use the Boosting Thread if you need to find friends to help you boost.

On full servers it is almost impossible to get a trophy, so in the server filter we select the extermination mode indicating 1-5 or 5-10 players. The trophy is obtained in 1-2 hours

12 Mar 2014 08:22

I set extermination in the filter and took the lowest servers. There are only 3-4 people there. Knocked it out in 2 hours.
By Kaschej on 17 Sep 2014 07:14
I planted all 5 bombs in the squad extermination mode, after which the trophy dropped, I knocked it out just yesterday, 02/13/19 in 30-40 minutes.
By dGolova on 14 Feb 2019 08:53
Only those bombs that you personally delivered and brought to detonation are taken into account.
By Suffskin on 12 Mar 2014 23:35
The easiest way to get this trophy is on the “Pearl Market” map using the dragon teeth add-on. This is due to its relatively small size, convenient location of bomb spawn sites and bomb planting sites.

ATTENTION!!! If it suddenly happens that during the game there are less than 4 people left (someone will fall out unable to withstand the pressure, for example, from your team or from the enemy, it doesn’t matter), then only those bombs that were delivered while there were >= 4 players will be counted . Actually, this applies to all cumulative trophies in the BF.
By Garbad on 07 Sep 2014 22:22
Bombs are also counted in the extermination of squads. At first I thought that this particular mode was needed and installed 2 bombs, then I saw that I was playing in the wrong place and thought that I still needed to detonate 5. However, after 3 the trophy dropped.
By anykey_vrn on 02 Oct 2016 20:59
At first I wasted a lot of attempts and it didn’t work. I sat down in the evening and knocked it out in an hour. Miracle. The main thing is to get on the equipment and drive. Ida, the bomb must be detonated.
By MrMukc on 30 Jun 2014 16:41
It’s best to play on a hard and half-empty server, there are more chances there, I knocked it out in half an hour on a map where there is a skyscraper in Shanghai, on the server there were only noobs lvl 4-15.
By Antisuicide on 28 Sep 2016 06:26
Created a Battlefield 4 community (Trophies), add yourself and help each other get trophies.
By toha_x219cm164 on 19 Nov 2016 22:13
At the moment it is almost impossible to find players in this mode, so I advise you to go to the server search filter and select all available regions.
(Performed in North America)
By SharREP on 22 Jun 2020 11:23
At this time, it is still possible to obtain this trophy. I received it in Europe. However, I warn you in advance. Only veterans of the maximum level remain in this mode. On open maps, if you have a low level, it will be almost impossible for you to deliver a bomb. We need closed maps where there are no ground or air equipment (for example, “Operation Locked Down”). Well, as always, the fewer people there are, the greater the chances of picking up and delivering a bomb.
By I_Fear_You_ on 10 Nov 2022 17:59
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The key point is to choose cards for no more than 4-7 people. Set the filter to Extermination mode BUT do not select the interval about players. Instead, just scroll down in the search. The most successful maps, with a lot of transport. In Shanghai I made as many as 3 bombs. There is also a not very beautiful but working moment - very often you come across a map where guys are boosting - you can snatch 1-2 bookmarks. You don’t even have to go into maps with a full set - I planted a bomb twice in a month, but it never exploded. Class select engineer.

01 Nov 2014 21:36