BioShock 2

BioShock 2

69 Achievements


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Defended yourself against the Big Sister without dying.


How to unlock the Unbreakable achievement in BioShock 2 - Definitive Guide


Unbreakable is the name of the achievement. You have to kill the Big Sister.

In addition to Doc Buddha's solution about stocking up on First Aid Kits (which you'll need on Hard Mode because two hits after upgrading health and you're left with a sliver of health) and directions on when you pop this achievement after getting the Incinerate Plasmid, don't forget stock up on Eve Hypos.

Big Sister has 3 attacks that I've noticed (feel free to comment if you've seen any more and I'll put them in the solution) :

1. Melee - she rushes you and slashes you for a lot of damage. This is the attack you want to avoid.

2. Incinerate - A Plasmid attack just like yours but easily avoided if you have some distance on her.

3. Telekinesis - Another Plasmid like yours only she doesn't have to have anything near here to pick up.

I reloaded my save prior to fighting her a couple of times and the easiest way I found to defeat her was Electro Bolt to Stun her and then pop her with Heavy Rivets using the Rivet Gun. Hopefully you've saved some Heavy Rivets, but regular rivets will work. The Rivet Gun in general seems to do more damage to armored enemies than your Machine Gun. If you've upgraded the Rivet Gun's damage, even better (I upgraded the Machine Gun).

There is a puddle of fuel on the floor near the bench in the middle. Be sure to use Incinerate on her while she's in the puddle of fuel. Stunning her with Electro Bolt while she's in the puddle of fuel is a nice tactic to give yourself time to Incinerate her.

Other than that, just keep your distance. Run backwards while circling the obstacle in the middle of the area where you're fighting and always face her. Stun her with Electro Bolt and fire off Heavy Rivet or Rivet headshots. The most important thing of all:

DON'T FORGET TO LOOT HER CORPSE. She carries ADAM on her. If you were short some ADAM and you wanted another Plasmid or Tonic when you visited the Gatherer's Garden the first time, run back and get it (I went back and got Armor Shell because I was taking a beating throughout the entire level hehe).

Good luck and hope this helps. If people have too much trouble with this, just let me know via PM or comments and I'll make a video (which I may do anyway).

EDIT: Guh... I thought I added points and tips from peeps commenting on the solution, but I guess I didn't. Sorry, guys! lol.

Here are some more tips:

"When I fought her she used her telekinesis to pick up rubble. It would spin around her head for a second then shoot at me. I'm playing on Normal and did this on my first try." -blomphil2

"Good points but I like using the drill rush attack, follow up with melee, then electro bolt so you can back up and not get hit running away. Then again I might be a little biased since I upgraded the drill fully, researched some stuff to up the damage, and then use tonics to improve it. lol But it is still pretty powerful." AuraOfRage

10 Feb 2010 11:10

When I fought her she used her telekinesis to pick up rubble. It would spin around her head for a second then shoot at me. I'm playing on Normal and did this on my first try.
By blomphil2 on 10 Feb 2010 13:32
Good points but I like using the drill rush attack, follow up with melee, then electro bolt so you can back up and not get hit running away. Then again I might be a little biased since I upgraded the drill fully, researched some stuff to up the damage, and then use tonics to improve it. lol But it is still pretty powerful.
By Aura of Heroism on 10 Feb 2010 18:09
Yea, same here, Phil. She had like 3 pieces of debris that just seemed to materialize out of thin air.

AuraOfRage: D'oh! I think I missed a Power to the People then. I only found two by this point in the game. There's a third? Or does the Drill only need 2 upgrades to get the rush attack you mentioned?
By Shinerbock88 on 11 Feb 2010 06:58
Yea, same here, Phil. She had like 3 pieces of debris that just seemed to materialize out of thin air.

AuraOfRage: D'oh! I think I missed a Power to the People then. I only found two by this point in the game. There's a third? Or does the Drill only need 2 upgrades to get the rush attack you mentioned?
By Shinerbock88 on 11 Feb 2010 06:10
Okay, I just reread your solution on protecting the Little Sister, AuraOfRage, and realized you did that achievement a little later than I. So you had Drill Rush and I didn't and it's not a PttP upgrade. I just got the Drill Rush move and now see what you're talking about hehe. I am having so much fun with it, I'm running back through the level just lookin' for a fight!

One other thing: while I would love to have an upgraded Drill (which is next on my upgrade list), the fully upgraded machine gun is friggin' tight. Ricocheting buwetts 4tw! It makes fighting mobs of enemies ezmode especially when guarding the Little Sister.
By Shinerbock88 on 12 Feb 2010 21:31
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I just snagged this one on hard mode, and I noticed none of you recommend the method I used..

First of all, it DOESN'T have to be the first one - Big Sisters arrive whenever you rescue/harvest the final Little Sister in an area - so I was pretty late in the game when I got this one. (I didn't know about it)

The key for me was setting a good long passage for her to run through (lined with LOTS of trap rivets) and a room at the end (at a 90 degree angle to the corridor) so you can beckon her to charge through all the bolts, get her into the room (she may hit you once or twice here, be deft and generous with health packs) and get around her, drop a DECOY in the middle of the room and step back out into the corridor. Bring your Speargun to bear and hit her with a few Rocket Spears. Replace the DECOY and Rocket Spear her again.

As long as you're accurate with the Speargun, the rocket spears will do it by themselves (recommend 5 or 6), but if you feel like micromanaging, it's always worth setting her on fire (though the rocket spears do this anyway) and covering her in bees for extra DPS. Using this method, I needed 2 of my 6 healthpacks, and the only time I was in ANY danger was when I was getting around her in the small room. Remember to keep DECOY as your active plasmid as much as possible, because you don't want her to suddenly flip out at you with a rocket spear in her face.

19 Feb 2010 11:01

1 Comment
You said pretty late in the game, so in ryan amusements did you kill the big daddy but just went to the next level or?
Coz im playing hard right now just a speed run but i really cant be asked to fight the big sisters and besides i suck haha
By TheWelshHunt on 17 Feb 2011 16:23
For this achievement you will have to kill the first big sister you come across. You will meet her a few times prior to this fight but she will flee before you get to kill her. This fight is soon after you buy the incinerate plasmid. It caught me by surprise as I wasn't expecting a fight like this out of the blue.

My strategy was to use the Rivet gun. I had already upgraded the damage for this weapon. Along with this I used the electro plasmid so that you could stop her using her lunging melee attack.

What she will do is hang back and fire a few fire plasmids at you, these are easily dodged. Take a few shots at her with the rivet gun and this should take off some health from her. Then after a while she will try to lunge at you. As soon as you notice she is doing this, use your electro plasmid and run back, then shoot her some more with your rivet gun. If you fail to hit her with the plasmid use the gun to hit her by hitting B. Then use the plasmid.

Using this method I lost hardly any health and the fight was quite short. Then loot her corpse!

10 Feb 2010 19:29

1 Comment
You will come across more then 1 big sister so you don't need to get it right on the first encounter. You'll get more opportunities later in the game.
By The Fury I84I on 07 Sep 2012 16:55
Shinerbock88 has the right idea. But there may be a less painful way of combating her at the Incinerate staging area.

Remember you have Telekinesis too.

Big Sis pulls you into the battlefield with her own Telekinesis pull and then proceeds to hurl debris at you, often coated with fire.

When you see her pulling debris towards herself, you can use your own Telekinesis power to pull that debris towards you (I think it even blocks other debris like a shield because I don't get hurt as often) and then throw it back at her. These "throwbacks" ;p are actually more damaging than the heavy rivets. So take advantage of this as often as you can.

Also, don't go to the center. Save yourself some running. Stay at the pillar next to the doorway you got pulled from, using it as a barrier between you and Big Sis's attacks. The Big Sister prefers to stay on the middle walkway and sometimes jumping to the platform below. (Both of these are targetable from around your pillar.) So the odds of her pursuing you to the doorway are slim, especially if you keep yourself hidden. And keep pressing her.

Every successful throwback, throws her off balance. Shoot a couple of heavy rivets and/or an Incinerate (if you have time). She'll be placed on the defensive and resort to her long-distance attacks.

I haven't had to really run from the Big Sister using this method except once. If you do get caught flat-footed by her finally charging you, I recommend running to the other side and repeat the hide and shoot technique from there. But for me, I died before thinking of trying that and then didn't need to. So take that as an unproven suggestion.

Whittle her down and she'll flip, literally, and Sinclair will commend you on being so tough. All's well and good, you'll see this achievement pop up as you walk towards her fallen body. Congrats!

As Shinerbock88 said, DON'T FORGET TO LOOT HER! Besides the fact adam is gold in Rapture, you can immediately get more upgrades. The original Gatherer's Garden may be empty if you got all 3 upgrades there. But there is another door coated in ice (right after the happy plasmid mural in the main hall, to your right) that blocks the way to a second Gatherer's Garden with an additional selection of goodies. If you haven't done so already, Incinerate it and the block of ice in the "kitchen" to get some ammo and get your upgrade! I got 40 adam off the Big Sister and was able to buy an EVE upgrade for my troubles.

Have fun!

28 Feb 2010 21:56

UNBREAKABLE achievement: defeat a Big Sister w/o dying. VERY EASY

I found that the best way to earn this was a few hours into the game when you've stocked up on plasmids, tonics, and a more varied ammo type. In Dionysus(??) you will come across a large ice covered room, noticable from the hallway from the ice on the door. Inside there are multiple security cameras and turrets that can be hacked to help.

There are a few corridors that are good to plant trap rivets on and drop mini turrents so you can lure the Big Sister to you. At this point you should have the launcher which can be used to plant proximity mines and lob grenades.

The trick is to use the manhole for the little sister in the room after you set the room up and just wait. Running around backward shooting grenades and heavy rivets should make short work of her, provided you've stocked up on health as well.

15 Feb 2010 20:04

The way i did it was to have winter blast 2 with the freezing drill. get in a small room charge your plasmid and hopefully u are stocked up on drill fuel, freeze her, drill her. she will probally be frozen again ,if not hit her plasmid again. Rinse repeat. freeze drill is tonic forget what it is called. may want drill power on too

15 Feb 2010 21:15

Can also be gotten with Vitachambers off. Didn't even realize it was an achievement until it unlocked after my first encounter with one. So if your going for Brass Balls achievement you should get this one pretty fast also.

11 Mar 2010 21:48

I tried a different solution. The first encounter you have for the achievement after helping Sinclair you will be in the room where you had to harvest adam from the dead guy. You can fight the Big Sister down there on the opposite side, and you can heal yourself on the healing machine. I did it on hard and had only one med kit, so I had no choice but to do this (I have the respawn chambers off). you circle the glass wall to fend off her attacks. the only one that can prove bothersome is her rush attack. Hope this helps anyone going for both this achievement and Big Brass Balls.

21 May 2011 16:57

The Big Sister will challenge you on the harder difficulties but she shouldn't cause you too many issues on easy. Keep moving and use your Plasmids with heavy or armor piercing rounds.

You will run into the Big Sister on a regular basis throughout the game, but you will only have a few chances to do this achievement.



To unlock this achievement you will need to defeat a Big Sister without being killed by it. This is more than manageable on Easy difficulty, but Hard may pose a challenge. They are weak against Armour piercing rounds from the machine gun and Heavy Rivets seemt o do a relatively decent amount of damage too. Use your plasmids to keep them away from you and try to avoid their ranged attacks which can do a lot of damage. There will be ample opportunity to get this achievement, however there aren't too many Big Sisters in the game. You will know when one of them is going to attack you as you will hear their screaming and your screen going blurry, so save when you are going to be attacked by one and if you die, re-load your save and try again.

There is also a Big Sister at the end of the Ryan Amusements mission that you can earn this achievement on.


The Big Sister will challenge you on the harder difficulties but she shouldn't cause you too many issues on easy. Keep moving and use your Plasmids with heavy or armor piercing rounds.

You will run into the Big Sister on a regular basis throughout the game, but you will only have a few chances to do this achievement.



The Big Sister will challenge you on the harder difficulties but she shouldn't cause you too many issues on easy. Keep moving and use your Plasmids with heavy or armor piercing rounds.

You will run into the Big Sister on a regular basis throughout the game, but you will only have a few chances to do this achievement.

You’ll get this from after you kill Big Sister without dying. This is extremely easy to achieve on Easy. They will come after you deal with three Little Sisters every time. If Vita-Chambers are disabled, you can’t miss this trophy. Big Sisters will come around every time you deal with three Little Sisters.