

49 Achievements


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Somebody stop me!

Somebody stop me!

Earn every Primary Light on Hard difficulty


How to unlock the Somebody stop me! achievement in Blur - Definitive Guide

This achievement is not terribly difficult to get, first of all because you only need to get first in every event on hard and you don't need to do fan runs or fan demands, which makes it so much easier.

The races in blur are easy to win, even on hard, just choose the fastest car, which would be the ACS1 Coupe for D class, unless the track doesn't have many corners, if it's all straights use the Rat Rod. For C class use the 69 Camaro. For B class use the Viper ACR or the HHR (Race) if you find yourself getting wrecked a lot. For A class use Shannon's Astra Extreme.

For destruction races focus on hitting a car with every bolt if you can, also aim for the car in front because you may start a combo. Later on the destructions require mass amounts of points, doing combos (drift shots and long shots) are a must. In the later destruction events you will start encountering Blue vipers, when destroyed they emit a barge, always aim for these they can sometimes take out up to 3 other cars giving you massive points. Second aim for the red hummers, they give you the biggest time bonus and points. For D class destruction use either the ACS1 Coupe or the rat rod. For C class use Audi TTS Coupe. For B class use the Chevrolet HHR (Race). For A class use Shannon's Astra Extreme.

Now onto the checkpoints, these are by far the hardest to get 1st on hard. I suggest playing them all on medium before you attempt hard, and don't expect to get 5 lights on your first try either. For checkpoints always choose the car with the most grip and always go for all the stop watches. If you can get all the stop watches and not crash you will almost always get 5 lights. The most important thing is getting stop watches and not crashing, so don't worry about a nitro or slowing down. Riding the walls while using a nitro is much slower than breaking and taking the inside to get a stop watch. For D class checkpoints use the ACS1 Coupe. For C class use the Audi TTS Coupe. For B class use the Focus RS (race) except on offroad tracks use the nemesis. For A class use Shannon's Astra extreme. The hardest checkpoint race will be Mt. Haruna - Descent. As i said before you need to focus on collecting every single stopwatch. If you miss one you may as well restart the race, or continue for practice and you might get lucky. Save your nitro's for when you know that there is a straight with no jump. Nitroing off of a jump will not save you time. Always stay on the road as much as you can so as not to slow down.

The last part of this is beating all the one-on-one's. These are very easy compared to checkpoint races, for more information on each one-on-one go to each individual achievement for beating them. It is still the same requirements and are not that much more difficult, either wreck them (faster and easier to wreck them than it is to beat them) or beat them to the finish. Using bolts or shunts is the easiest to wreck them.

03 Jun 2010 23:09

"This achievement is not terribly difficult to get, first of all because you only need to get first in every race and you don't need to do fan runs or fan demands, which makes it so much easier."

I beat every race on hard and did not get the achievement to pop so what you have above isn't 100% correct.
By IxI KILLING on 15 Jun 2010 00:00 is... you have to come in first in every event. I assume you came in first in every "race" but when i say race i mean every event because they are all races..........
By Sword of Life on 15 Jun 2010 04:06
Yeah I can confirm the above solution. You need to have all 5 lights for coming in first in every event.
By Spartas Revenge on 15 Jun 2010 14:35
If you win a race on hard, you receive a small mark on top right of the event's box. I noticed however that this box will pop-up if you get first in races but it will pop-up if you finish in destruction races too. so dont let it fool you, currently i have all the icons on my races but no achievement
By TitusHeck on 03 Jul 2010 07:06
Anyone with any extra tips on Mount Haruna Checkpoint?
By Edward Hyena on 29 Jul 2010 06:45
You could always try using an off-road vehicle when racing Mt Haruna, some people prefer them on that track.
By Sword of Life on 29 Jul 2010 12:43
A tip for winning races on hard (coming in 1st place). Use the "fan nitro" mod. For every 500 fans you earn on track you will receive a free nitro. Once I started using this mod I was winning races on my 1st or 2nd attempts.
By MrGompers on 13 Aug 2010 09:06
mount haruna checkpoint i used the CCX and did it with 2 seconds to spare if you miss a stopwatch you might as well start again as its unforgiving and you will need 3 nitros to use between checkpoint 11-12 after the second stopwatch after 11. this will frustrate most but once you learn the stopwatch locations its not too hard.
By PSYCHO POOCH on 21 Aug 2010 19:30
Haruna is the easiest checkpoint on hard. Just make sure you collect as many notros as possible and all the stopwatches and you'll easily finish with over 30 seconds left. Best car to use is the FR-100.
By MonkeyJuggleDX on 05 Jan 2011 11:30
You can get this achievement if you've already started playing it on normal and gotten some of the stuff already, right?
By Tasty Pastry on 20 Jan 2011 01:24
Yeah you can. The races you complete on hard will have the orange logo for hard setting on the top right hand corner of the race. I hope that makes sense
By Dropkick Hope86 on 04 Feb 2011 21:50
The logo u should see is the same a the one in the pic for the achievement
By Dropkick Hope86 on 04 Feb 2011 21:58
Haruna, I recommand not using the Koenniggseg CCX because the grip isn't very good. Take the Skyline... The Grip of it is amazing and it can easily be done with that. Or try the car you unlock for beating the final boss of the game.
By Perasnovitch on 08 Feb 2011 10:31
I used the FR-100 on Haruna as well. Took me a couple tries and beat it with plenty of time to spare. Watch a video on youtube of the guy beating it with like 35 seconds to spare and just try to do what he does. And the best part is, you can mess up a bit while doing that, since he had 35 extra seconds.
By A1337Haxor on 14 Mar 2011 21:56
great guide.vehicle choices where very helpfull
By SaibeWan on 15 Jul 2011 18:27
LOl all you got to do is pick the fastest car.
What bullshite is that.
Voted down just for such a terrible review.
By Pixel Smash 93 on 22 Jul 2011 18:27
Well if you think you can do better, by all means go ahead and write one yourself. Or you can add some feedback to make the guide better. Don't sit around and trash talk other peoples guides because you can't do it better.
By Sword of Life on 22 Jul 2011 22:02
If you need that much help then your not very good at racing games, or video games....
By Sword of Life on 28 Jul 2011 23:35
Great guide, was very useful. Only one thing I want to note..

I found the destructions harder than the checkpoint events. Especially the A-class ones. After many many attempts using the Astra, I decided to go more grip than speed. Picking the Renault Megane Trophy I got the last few destructions I needed within a couple of tries.
By STBenC on 31 Jul 2011 15:49
The other point to note about destruction events, especially with the faster cars, is to go a little slower. Don't pelt round at full speed, as you'll end up overtaking cars and then you have to wait for more cars to spawn in front of you. Annoyingly, reverse bolting a car doesn't count as a skilled shot so there's no benefit to getting too far ahead.
By Talvalin on 15 Jan 2012 22:59
if anyone is still going for this, use the FR-100 for the Mt. Haruna Checkpoint Race! After several tries with the CCXR i did it first try with the FR-100 with 23 seconds remaining & one stopwatch missed.
By Eichelherryeah on 06 May 2020 18:07
Why does the count for this achievement in the stickers show xx/50? There are 63 events and 342 primary lights by my count. I don’t have many events with the little symbol next to it but my count is showing 39/50?
By Rondund on 30 Jun 2023 23:57
If I'm thinking of what you are looking at correctly what you are referring to is not a count of the races towards the achievement. The 39/50 is just showing that this is sticker number 39 of the 50 stickers. It has nothing to do with statistical tracking.
By CHERRY CHEERIOS on 04 Dec 2023 19:40
I found the CCX allowed me to blow right past most of the competitors on the A class races. Maybe because I was just so used to using it by that point I just worked better with it, but idk if that will help anybody else. Good luck and happy cheevo hunting!
By GIRTHQUAKE#7797 on 20 May 2011 20:19
Dont get all defensive dont put up guides if you cant take the reviews .
This guide offers no help be it what cars to use or which events specific are hard
For a real guide
If i was to use your guide i would of taken 5 times as long.
By Pixel Smash 93 on 28 Jul 2011 07:49
I know I'm very late to the game, but perhaps this will make someone else worry a little less about this achievement.
After you've played through the campaign on easy or medium to get the other achievements, you should be decent enough at this game to master the hard difficulty with little problem.

The majority of Destruction, Checkpoint and Race events will only have to be attempted once or twice before you get in 1st. There are some that will need 10 attempts, but these are really not that difficult either (more luck based in the case of Destruction/Race events and memorization of the track/stop watches in Checkpoint events). The Race events can be frustrating at times as you will always get fired at, and there is this one guy who always pulls way ahead of the pack.

There are only one Destruction and one Checkpoint event that will cause major problems and both are in the Talon-t-ed list. The first is the Russian Hills Destruction event and the other is the Mount Haruna Checkpoint event. Be prepared to restart either one of those upwards of 20 times. However, once they are done, there is no more obstacle in your way of getting the achievement.
By Dr Marty on 30 Mar 2017 17:13
Helpful guide, thanks.

Just a few tweaks I made to the above advice, I used the M3 E92 Tuner for most of my C Class races and checkpoints, I preferred the better grip levels of that compared to the Camaro. For A class destruction I dropped down to the regular Astra as it is slightly slower than Shannon's (preventing me passing the target cars) and has slightly better grip which is ideal for destruction. And finally, for the Mt Haruna checkpoint event, I recommend using boost far more often than advised here (especially when coming out of slow corners), it's near impossible to hit 20 secs if you don't use boost, wheras using boost sensibly and regularly does allow you to miss one or two stopwatches and still make it. I also used the FR-100 for this event. A clean drive with all stopwatches and boosts will get you comfortably over 20, I missed 2 watches and drove a little sloppy and just beat 20 seconds.
By terrett101 on 14 Nov 2010 06:34
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SWORD OF LIFE's solution is good for checkpoints and one-on-one's, but he is missing some key components to the races and checkpoint races.

It's not all about the fastest cars, especially if they don't handle the way you like them to, and depending on the course that you're racing on.

Tracks with mostly dirt or water are much easier if you're not in a low-slung exotic, since they won't slow down to a crawl, while the exotics excel in courses with straights and paved roads.

The following will give you a quick overview of the best cars to use based on the tracks that you're on, and the class of cars that you are given.

**Remember that fastest isn't the best if you can't control it, or if it can never hit top speed because it's too low of a car or there are too many turns.**

**If you know what each of the types of cars does, please continue to the next group of ***** below.

Drifty: Means the car likes to have the back end slide out, and with good control this can be utilized to take very good sharp turns or long, steady, slick turns. Allows cars to exit sharp turns at higher rates of speed. Overall handling is more difficult.

Very Drifty: Means the car will begin sliding if a turn is taken at any significant speed, and will want to remain drifting until the turn is complete or the car has stopped moving. Overall handing is more difficult.

Grippy: Means the car does not do well when the back slides out and begins drifting, or can become very difficult to control once in a drift. The car can take sharp turns at high rate of speed, but will lose control easily on slippery tracks if taking corners too fast. Overall Handling is moderately difficult.

Very Grippy: More noticeable in the Class A cars. With practice, these cars can take sharp corners at very high speeds, but will require much braking and therefore more time to accelerate. Cars that are very grippy are best used on tracks without many turns and that are well-paved. Overall handling is moderately difficult.

Balanced: The Balanced cars represent those cars that will not "stick" to the road like the grippy cars, but will not also slide around a turn like the drifty cars. Balanced cars are a good mixture of slip and grip, where most turns can be taken at a moderately high speed and exited with more acceleration than a very grippy car. Overall handling is average difficulty.

Off-road: Speaks for itself. This cars that should only be used on dirt and water tracks, but excel in handling and control on those specific tracks.

The following is a list of the 'best' cars to use for each area. I say 'best' because these are the ones that will help you the most on each course, but if they are not your driving style then they may hurt you more than help.

The order in which I list the cars per class (from top to bottom per class) are in order of my favorites of the 'best' choices. So the first car I list is my favorite of the cars I have listed, and the last one I list is my least favorite of the 'best' cars to use for that specific class.

I have raced online over 1,500 races, have been 1st place 900 of those races and top 3 in 1,300 of them, so I'm doing something right. :)

Again, this is just a guide for which cars should give you the most advantage, if you prefer using another car instead of my choices, that's fine too, as long as you're comfortable with how it drives.

Amboy, Brighton, Mount Haruna
Class D:
Challenger SRT8 (Balanced)
Rat Rod (Very Drifty)

Class C:
F-150 SVT Raptor R (Off-Road)
Shelby GT500 (Drifty)
Camaro SS (Balanced)

Class B:
X5 xDrive48i M Sport (Off Road)
Challenger SRT8 Tuner (Drifty)
Nemesis (Off-road)
Ford GT (Drifty)

Class A:
FR-100 (Very Drifty)
Mustang GT-R Concept (Drifty)
Challenger SRT8 Race (Drifty)

Barcelona Gracia, Hackney, LA Docks, LA Downtown, NY Dumbo, San Fram Sausalito, Tokyo Shutoko
Class D:
Challenger SRT8 (Balanced)
Supra (Drifty)
ACS1 Coupe (Drifty)

Class C:
M3 E92 Tuner (Balanced)
Supra Smooth (Balanced)
Ford Shelby GT500 (Drifty)
Camaro SS (Balanced)

Class B:
ZR1 (Very Drifty)
Viper ACR (Drifty)
M3 E92 Drift (Very Drifty)

Class A:
CCX-R (Balanced)
Shannon's Astra Extreme (Balanced)
Mustang GT-R Concept (Drifty)
Monaro VXR Drift (Very Drifty)

Barcelona Oval:
Class D:
Challenger SRT8 (Balanced)
ACS1 Coupe (Drifty)

Class C:
M3 E92 Tuner (Balanced)
Ford Shelby GT500 (Drifty)
Camaro SS (Balanced)

Class B:
ZR1 (Very Drifty)
Viper ACR (Drifty)
M3 E92 Drift (Very Drifty)

Class A:
CCX-R (Balanced)
Shannon's Astra Extreme (Balanced)
Mustang GT-R Concept (Drifty)

Hollywood Hills
Class D:
Challenger SRT8 (Balanced)
Rat Rod (Very Drifty)

Class C:
M3 E92 Tuner (Balanced) - "Hollywood Rift" only
Shelby GT500 (Drifty)
Camaro SS (Balanced)

Class B:
ZR1 (Very Drifty) - "Hollywood Rift" only
Viper ACR (Drifty) - "Hollywood Rift" only
X5 xDrive48i M Sport (Off Road)
Challenger SRT8 Tuner (Drifty)
Nemesis (Off-road)
Ford GT (Drifty)

Class A:
Shannon's Astra Extreme (Balanced) - "Hollywood Rift" only
FR-100 (Very Drifty)
Mustang GT-R Concept (Drifty)
Challenger SRT8 Race (Drifty)

LA River:
Class D:
Challenger SRT8 (Balanced)
Rat Rod (Very Drifty)

Class C:
M3 E92 Tuner (Balanced) - "Concrete Basin" only
Shelby GT500 (Drifty)
Camaro SS (Balanced)

Class B:
ZR1 (Very Drifty) - "Concrete Basin" only
Viper ACR (Drifty) - "Concrete Basin" only
X5 xDrive48i M Sport (Off Road)
Challenger SRT8 Tuner (Drifty)
Nemesis (Off-road)
Ford GT (Drifty)

Class A:
CCX-R (Balanced) - "Concrete Basin" only
Shannon's Astra Extreme (Balanced) - "Concrete Basin" only
FR-100 (Very Drifty)
Mustang GT-R Concept (Drifty)
Challenger SRT8 Race (Drifty)

22 Aug 2011 22:39

Good guide so a thumbs up from me (but i should mark you down for bragging).
By Droowid on 01 Sep 2011 18:59
+1 for the recommended car list. Helped me get the "Drop the Hammer" achievement and put my heart at home with the GTR Concept in all A races. I really did not like Shannon's Extreme car!
By x1001x Puppys on 24 May 2013 06:26
+1 got my achievement now thanks for what car to use
By Rainleaf on 19 Sep 2015 15:53
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Here is my Videoguide incl. all Fansprints on Hard.

The Videos shows One Full Racecatalog. In the Youtube Describion of the Racecatalog was every Race linked.


Questions? Ask me in the Comments

PS: Sorry for the horrible english, i´m german.

27 Jan 2012 12:18

Thanks ALOT. Keep the good work :)
By DeAtHisLaNd on 11 Mar 2012 04:39
Great videos, more than usefull ; )
By XDisk1 on 01 Apr 2013 22:54
Your checkpoint runs are great! "danke viel"
By BloodngunsMrphy on 27 Apr 2014 22:51
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To earn this trophy you must come in first place on every race with your difficulty set to hard. While you are in the stage select screen you press to bring up the difficulty select screen. Set it to hard, and complete all the races coming in first. You don't have to do Fan Targets or Fan Runs for this. As those are secondary lights, not Primary. If you are unsure of wither you've completed a race on Hard, in each race that you completed in 1st place on hard, there will be a little orange pyramid in the upper right hand corner of the race selection.

General Tips:

1. Car selection is very important on Hard. Do not take on an off road course with cars such as the Nissan 350Z or the Supra, pick the Trucks that have high grip and can manoeuvre through the off road tracks with ease. If you keep failing with one car, try another.

2. Wait until you reach the max fan level of 25 so you have the best selection of cars for every race. You should get to 25 before the end of your first run on career mode.

Race Tips:

1. Take advantage of Fan Demands and the power-ups they give you. A.I opponents cant pick them up so purposely fail the Fan demand to continuously get its power-up

2. Mod Selection is important, use whichever mod fits your preference however i recommend the mod Fan Nitro, which is unlocked after you defeat Rhymer in Fan Service. For every 500 fans you get a Nitro power-up which can help you widen the gap against those annoying A.I

3. Once your in the lead stay defensive and drive smart, pick up Shields and power-ups to deflect endless Shunts.

Destruction Tips:

1. Know your target: if your aiming at the Yellow Hummer only shoot 2 Bolts, ff your aiming at a green or blue car it only takes 1. Don't waste your Bolts carelessly

2. Ammo: Feel free to unload 3 Bolt shots as soon as you see a new Bolt power-up coming up when you already have a full stock of them

3. Wreck them fast: the faster you wreck the vehicles the more that re-spawn. Don't wait for them to be in site, look for the beam of light and if its in your range of fire go for it.

4. Shoot from an angle: Some events will require a large amount of points and you need to stay alive for that, don't shoot too close to the point where there recoil is unavoidable.

Checkpoint Tips:

1. Save Nitro for straights or tight corners, with the tight corners you can drift into them and then Nitro your way out to keep yourself at a high speed

2. On Hard the Stopwatches hold a huge factor, collect AS MANY as you can, any that cross your path.

3. If you keep failing try different paths on the course, you may find one way a lot more beneficial then another.

To earn this achievement you complete the primary goals on every race with your difficulty set to Hard. While you are in the stage select screen you press to bring up the difficulty select screen. Set it to Hard, and complete all the races coming in first. You don't have to do Fan Targets or Fan Runs for this. As those are secondary lights, not Primary. If you are unsure of wither you've completed a race on Hard, in each race that you completed in 1st place on Hard, there will be a little orange pyramid in the upper right hand corner of the race selection similar to the achievement tile.

General Tips:

  • Car selection is very important on Hard. Do not take on an off road course with cars such as the Nissan 350Z or the Supra, pick the Trucks that have high grip and can maneuver through the off road tracks with ease. If you keep failing with one car, try another.
  • Wait until you reach the max fan level of 25 so you have the best selection of cars for every race. You should get to 25 before the end of your first run on career mode.

Race Tips:

  • Take advantage of Fan Demands and the power-ups they give you. A.I opponents cant pick them up so purposely fail the Fan demand to continuously get its power-up
  • Mod Selection is important, use whichever mod fits your preference however i recommend the mod Fan Nitro, which is unlocked after you defeat Rhymer in Fan Service. For every 500 fans you get a Nitro power-up which can help you widen the gap against those annoying A.I
  • Once your in the lead stay defensive and drive smart, pick up Shields and power-ups to deflect endless Shunts.

Destruction Tips:

  • Know your target: if your aiming at the Yellow Hummer only shoot 2 Bolts, ff your aiming at a green or blue car it only takes 1. Don't waste your Bolts carelessly
  • Ammo: Feel free to unload 3 Bolt shots as soon as you see a new Bolt power-up coming up when you already have a full stock of them
  • Wreck them fast: the faster you wreck the vehicles the more that respawn. Don't wait for them to be in site, look for the beam of light and if its in your range of fire go for it.
  • Shoot from an angle: Some events will require a large amount of points and you need to stay alive for that, don't shoot too close to the point where there recoil is unavoidable.

Checkpoint Tips:

  • Save Nitro for straightaways or tight corners, with the tight corners you can drift into them and then Nitro your way out to keep yourself at a high speed
  • On Hard the Stopwatches hold a huge factor, collect AS MANY as you can, any that cross your path.
  • If you keep failing try different paths on the course, you may find one way a lot more beneficial then another.

If you still need help on a certain race, refer to this guide.

You need to complete all races in first place at a high difficulty level, but it is not necessary to complete all Fan Terget and Fan Runs. At first, it seems very difficult, but once you unlock all the possible cars, all the events will seem like child's play. The only difficulty is completing the event for a while. Of course, it won't work the first time. Study the track, the location of Stopwatch (time stop) and Nitro. In order to take first place, you must collect all Stopwatches on the track, otherwise there will not be enough time. However, use Nitro as often as possible, preferably on straight sections. If there is a sharp turn on the track, and in order not to waste precious time, use Back Nitro (press back and ) with this trick you can quickly brake and accelerate on a sharp turn without wasting time.

23 Nov 2010 15:08

Regarding checkpoints on hard: Rear nitro does not stop the timer, so there is no point in using it.
By MoRT on 03 Aug 2011 21:33
Rear nitro (Airbrake, if I'm not mistaken) makes sense, for example, to better collect stopwatches located close to each other (very important on the Amboy track, for U-shaped turns). To collect them all, you need to go into a complex long drift or use Airbrake twice in a row, turning 90 degrees each, aiming at the stopwatch. There is really no need to abuse this trick, but in some turns the Airbrake makes a difference.
By por9idok on 25 Oct 2015 23:09
Here's my list of cars to win. If not the first time, then the second time it will definitely work.

D Nissan 350Z Nismo S-Tune
C Chevrolet 69 Camaro Foose
B Chevrolet HHR
A Opel Shannon's Xtreme
PS: Mod Fan Nitro 100% win. The resulting Nitro is useful for turning (not Back Nitro). Plus, pick up shields to block attacks first. 1-2 shields are enough to overcome Shock attacks. The enemy starts using them when you are in first place. Especially on the last lap. Can be combined with the You can't touch this trophy.

D Nissan 350Z Nismo S-Tune
C Audi TTS Coupe
B Ford Focus RS (Race)
A Opel Xtreme
PS: There are only two tracks where you need to collect all stopwatches: Hollewood Hills. In the rest, missed hours can be compensated by picking up and using Nitro. Completed all routes without Back Nitro

D Audi S3 Nissan 350Z Nismo S-Tune
C Ford Bronco
B Ford Focus RS (Race)
A Shannon's Opel Astra Xtreme

26 Aug 2020 04:38