

44 Achievements


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Science Maven

Science Maven

Win Labs as both factions in Campaign Mode


How to unlock the Science Maven achievement in Brink - Definitive Guide

For this achievement you have to complete the Labs map from both sides of the conflict. The Missions can be accessed like normal from the campaign menu.

The following guide is based you playing with a few people you can co-ordinate with, as that makes it much easier. If you don't it's still ok. Just don't rely on the bots as they are designed to NOT complete objectives so if you are lacking human team mates always switch to the class that is needed. 
It's also a good idea to presume that everyone on your team is an idiot so you can anticipate being ditched by your team and be prepared to do things alone for a bit. (E.g Use guns with plenty of ammo like the machine guns, don't use the snipers because these are useless when you find yourself out numbered.)

SECURITY : Day 21 Lab Rats

The first objective consists of defending two elevator doors. It's best to sit on the second floor as this is where most enemies will come in. Also it is a good position for you to shoot down at the ground floor should any enemies attack there. Also the mounted gun overlooking the elevators is more of an asset to them than it is for you so try and refrain from building that.

The second is harder to defend as they can attack from three directions ( Two doors and they can jump down from the walkway.) making it very easy to be flanked. It's a good idea to camp on the walkway overlooking the objective as you can cover all three entry's from there. Just be careful as it's quite easy to get shot from the walkway opposite. Another good spot to sit is on the storage crates underneath their walkway, from here you can cover both doors, and the objective while not being able to be hit from the walkway above.

The Third objective is hardest as it need you to stop the bag runner. Just try your best to keep the bag in the main room where it is easiest to defend.

RESISTANCE  : Day 21 Synthesise This

Standard tips for attacking apply.
- Make sure you have plenty if each class and switch as often as needed.  
- Stay in large groups to make it easier to overwhelm the enemy.
- Try to attack from numerous directions at once to confuse the enemy.

The first objective is by a long way the hardest. The best bet is to hit both elevators simultaneously to split the opposing forces. Chances are one bomb will be defused but wont give defenders chance to neutralise the second.

The Second objective is easier, It just needs an engineer to bit by bit repair the   "Bio-Sequencer". If you are an engineer just keep rushing in to scrape away at it while the rest of the team should be covering from the walkway above.

The Third is a simple run and gun, grab the objective a run like hell. The submarine is only a small distance away so reaching it should be no problem.

04 Aug 2011 09:01

~#~ Science Maven ~#~

This achievement requires you to win the new DLC map "Labs" as both SECURITY and RESISTANCE factions, in CAMPAIGN mode. Select "Campaign" from the main menu and select the mission "Synthesise This" for RESISTANCE and "Lab Rats" for SECURITY. Upon completion of both of these missions, your achievement should pop.

Campaign mode is significantly easier when done with at least one friend. If you have trouble, I have included some general tips for success in Campaign mode.

~ Your bots are much less effective than their bots. This is an unfortunate fact. Learning to deal with your bots ineptitude is am acquired skill. There are a few things you need to keep in mind.

~ The bots are actually programmed to be disenclined to perform Primary Objectives. If you aren't the Soldier planting the bomb, you'll need to stand near the planting spot for a good 30 seconds or so before a Soldier bot even thinks about planting it. It's intentionally programmed that way to stop the bots playing the game for you.

Best solution? Just always be the primary class.

03 Aug 2011 18:13

You need to complete day 21 levels as both factions and win.

Day 21: Lab rats - As Security all defensive tasks.

Defend Elevator Acess Door (Any class)
Defend the Bio-Sequencer (Any class)
Defend the Arkoral Sample (Any class)

Day 21: Synthesise This - As Resistance all attacking tasks.

Destroy Elevator Acess Door (Soldier class)
Repair the Bio-Sequencer (Engineer class)
Deliver the Arkoral Sample (Any class)


You can get this on any Difficulty. You will first need to go to campaign. There will be 4 new Missions that don't have the white dot next to them (This is if you already platinum'd or played the missions prior to installing the DLC). They are called Day 21: Lab Rats that is under Security and Day 21: Synthesis This that is under Resistance. You will need to win each to unlock this trophy.

I would advise using a character at a lower level to go for this trophy. Doing a different mission across characters will not unlock this trophy.

Day 21: Lab Rats

There is not much to this one, since all you're doing is defending the elevator access door.

The best way to go about this is to have the proper load out and use the grenades to your advantage when you are low on ammo and health. Stay on the second floor since that is where the enemies will mostly be coming from. I still advise to be aware of the bottom floor since there is a slight chance they might make it to the bottom. Stay on one side of the doors (Either the left or the right). I found the right side to be easier and has less chance of you getting shot from behind or you can use the turret on the opposite of the door you need to protect to take out any enemies.

Try to take out as many enemies as possible to build your level. Also remember the higher your rank the better the enemies will be. If you are having trouble just start a new character and stay at level 1.

Most important thing to remember is that if there is a Bomb on the Door and there is only five seconds on the clock left in the match, the match will go into over time. You will need to remove the bomb in order to continue.

Day 21: Synthesis This

This time around you will need to plant the bomb. Just go and plant it, that is if you are already a soldier. You might want to build the turret gun that is on the opposite side first. If you don't want to become an engineer first, then don't worry about it. Go to that same place where the gun is and camp on that side after planting the bomb killing anyone that tries to take it down.

Once that is down, you will want to change to the engineer. You will need to repair the Bio-Sequencer. You should have teammates helping you to repair it, making the process go a lot quicker. I found it easier to just repair while my teammates and the other team battle it out, I died a lot but I got a lot done before I died and it's not like they can reset it.

After getting it repaired, you or you teammate will need to run it to the submarine door. If you are lucky enough to grab it and have the side door open, this should be smooth sailing for you. If not, you still should have a problem since the Submarine is not that far from where you are already at and where you have to use the item at is in an enclosed area.