

44 Achievements


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That mine you found? Disarmed!

That mine you found? Disarmed!

Spot a mine which is later defused by another Engineer


How to unlock the That mine you found? Disarmed! achievement in Brink - Definitive Guide

Firstly, let me state that I spent many hours of stress trying to configure the easiest and best solution for this. Hopefully, with this solution it will be a lot less stressful for you.

Secondly, make sure the character you're using is of a low level, or create a new character. This will keep your enemies abilities to a minimum.

You'll need to use the following settings from the Main Menu.

Freeplay > Private Game
Game Mode: Stopwatch
Play Mode: Solo
Map: Refuel
Match Settings > Match Duration: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Hard
Min Team Size: 4
Max Team Size: 4
Friendly Fire: Checked
All other settings can be left to default.

You'll now have 30 minutes to attempt this, rather than having to keep restarting the game when/if you fail to get it. Make sure the difficulty is set to "Hard". Your AI seem to be a bit smarter when it's on this difficulty level.

Start the game.

Upon loading, make sure your on the team of "Resistance". Now once the match has started, head straight towards the Command Post in front of you and change your class to Operative. Now make sure you change your objective to "Guard the Storage Depot" from the objective wheel and head towards the Storage Depot. It's now up to your Soldier teammates to blow up the door. Once they have, collect the Hydraulic Fluid and wait for a couple of your teammates to join you by your side. If they're 2 Soldiers, kill them and at least 1 will respawn as an Engineer.

Do not proceed towards the Aircraft Hangar just yet. You'll need to wait for the enemy to place mines. You'll know they have when you hear your guy announce it over the radio comms or by looking at your objective wheel (it will have "Spot Mine" as one of the objectives).

Head towards the Hangar entrance where there are 2 ramps which slope down towards the airplane. You'll often find that the enemy deploys the mines in front of the place where you pour the Hydraulic Fluid. I would try and avoid these ones as they are a little too close to the enemy respawn point and you'll find yourself overwhelmed with enemy fire. Instead, they should place mines on the small balcony, just as you go down the 2 ramps at the entrance. This is your best place to earn this achievement.

Make sure you have an Engineer with you and spot the mine by aiming at it whilst looking down your weapons sight. This will "spot" the mine. Now, run towards it and stand on top of it. This will arm the mine, but make sure you do not step off of it otherwise it will explode. What this does is sets a new objective for any Engineers on your team. The Engineer will no doubt go running off fighting the great battle, so cover him as much as possible by shooting at any nearby, visible enemies. You can take cover by simply crouching. Once the firefight has ended, he should come to your aid and defuse the mine. You'll know he's disarming it as he'll get his spray can out.

Credit goes to immikeulate over at for the original solution.

15 Aug 2011 18:24

Worked great! Finally got it :)
Those engineers was so dumb staring me sitting on a mine...
By Squalo FIN on 30 Apr 2012 19:11
seems way easier to have a buddy be an engineer and you spot a mine and he disarm it...
By xxDAMRONxx on 20 Dec 2012 01:00
Great guide worked like a charm took me less than a minute to get it with those settings.
By Kruziik Mid Kro on 01 Oct 2013 12:27
Awesome solution, worked perfectly!
By aka Kryptonian on 27 Feb 2014 23:18
"spot mine" option never appear when enemies plant the mine :/
By NalPleGore on 17 Oct 2014 18:45
This took almost the whole match, but it worked. You don't have to step on the mines, just hold the left trigger ("LT") while looking at a mine, a red bar will fill up.
By Nibcrom Lives on 25 Jun 2018 02:27
Great solution! As mentioned by a previous commenter, this is perfectly achievable on the easy difficulty setting. In fact, I'd recommend it; the computer opponents are dangerously good shots on the other settings.
By Brave Tanuki on 29 Jan 2024 10:32
This sort of worked for me, except I set to easy and found that often the enemy would attempt to leave mines near the first objective (right about at the intersection at the far end toward the hangar from the Hydraulic Fluid). If your teammates don't set them off (mine kept running away to fight so no problems there) the opposing team will mostly stay in the hangar. It took about 4 minutes before the A.I. finally diffused the mine for me, but they're not very bright anyway.

I mean the engineer was right there, just idling until I shot at him... the dipstick.
By Thornheart on 29 Jan 2012 05:04
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Using the single player method describer by Aesiwatt.

Once the mine is spotted, step on it.
Mines do not blow until you go OFF of them, so the engineer MUST diffuse it... They usually ignore you so you may be waiting a while unless you are carrying an objective or are the only class available to complete the next objective.

On hard A.I. are smarter so I suggest that on freeplay with as few bots as possible but enough that one of them will plant a mine eventually. Appears to work very well.

27 May 2011 23:47

This worked for me. I did the mission where you have to deliver the fuel to the aircraft. Carry the fuel and find a mine, then stand on it and wait. An engineer will defuse it for you so that you can progress.
By SmorgasBorgnine on 13 Jun 2011 17:48
I wonder if being in disguise aswell would help to keep the enemies at bay while you're standing on the mine?
By LSDintensity on 02 Jul 2011 15:22
By LSDintensity on 02 Jul 2011 15:39
Nice Idea, But (Not too sure about this some say yes and some say no... depends on your personal experience and luck) Whenever I go over an enemy mine in disguise it does NOT go off or get triggered. In other words, I've never set of a mine in disguise.
By unacquainted on 02 Jul 2011 15:53
can not get this to happen.., seen them once go to disarm a mine only to detonate it. Any time I've detected & stood on a mine (with or without carried objective) the AI has just ignored me
By Mazrael on 30 Aug 2011 21:25
Mazrael, Sorry to hear this, the achievement does take a long time to get, It took me hours of attempting this method to finally get a result, however the other things I tried never worked! I find this to be the only situation that I could get the achievement... Why not boost it online?
By unacquainted on 31 Aug 2011 21:59
I got close tonight, had the hydro, scanned the mine, team killed to get 2 engineer's.. one of which, stood right next to me.. did the build pose & planted a mine next to the one I was standing on, only to run into me pushing me off it.. I'm not around enough the weekend to consider any boosting sessions
By Mazrael on 01 Sep 2011 20:54
shitty achievement with stupid AI i only miss 2 achievements in this games and one them is this one...fucking terrible game man.
By Lloyd Bangs on 24 Nov 2011 22:18
I think it's a good game, though it's ai isn't very good.
just took me about an hour to get this.
By unacquainted on 08 Dec 2011 18:39
In online versus campaign, I had one player stand on a mine, then the other player walked up and disarmed it, and no achievement.
By olde fortran 77 on 15 Apr 2012 17:13
you must spot it using a skill used by the operative class
By unacquainted on 15 Apr 2012 17:34
+1 from me! Your link was VERY helpful, and a lot of luck too, lol!
By Warboy925 on 13 Oct 2014 10:02
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*Co-op Solution*

Go to FreePlay, make the max 2, min 2, and turn off the balance for teams(so players can switch). With 3 friends just have one friend on the other team run to you and place a mine. Then, as an operative aim down your sights at the mine until the little bar fills and then its spotted. Then, have the other friend on your team(the engineer) disarm it for you.

17 May 2011 04:24

zooming in is key for the operative to 'spot a mine'. then the engineer will have disable a mine as an objective.
By T1M3 on 19 May 2011 12:25
Yeah aim down sights haha
By Convicted Greed on 19 May 2011 13:09
can this be done with 3 controllers?
By An Awesome Tag on 12 Aug 2011 21:21
Worked a treat, thanks
By YAT0 on 04 Sep 2012 22:24
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First, make sure you are the operative class, and then find an enemy's mine on the ground. You can tell it's an enemy's because it will be highlighted in red at close range. Then, just open up your objective wheel, stare at the mine, and press the action button to make it one of your teams objectives. Alternatively, you can iron sight the mine which will automatically spot it. Now, you have to wait for an ally to come along who is an engineer, and he must defuse it.
Now the problem is that when in single player, and you spot a mine, the chances of your team mates actually disarming the mine is slim. They will usually just throw a grenade at it, or shoot it to destroy it. So it pretty much has to be done online. (And yes, boosting with 3 people does make it a lot easier if you're fine with that).

11 May 2011 12:49

Two human player method.
Freeplay, private match, Aquarium map. Set the team sizes to 3 and "balance teams". When you start, you and your friend will be on opposite teams. Have the Resistance person change team to "spectator" then to "Security" (game won't let you change directly to "Security").
When the match starts, the person getting the achievement becomes an Operative and the other person becomes an Engineer.
Chill out until you hear Captain Mokoena announce that "the enemy has deployed mines". Operative goes to objective wheel (up on D pad) cn_up and uses right stick to set objective to "spot mine". You now have to visually sight the mine. They are normally on either side of the door to be blown, or nearby. To identify the mine for the engineer, aim at the mine as if you are going to shoot it. Squeeze the left trigger to zoom in. Done correctly, an orange bar will appear above the mine and quickly fill in. If you are in disguise, it is a little trickier because you can't see your gun sights, but the actions are the same. Once the orange bar is filled, the engineer can see the mine.
When the engineer gets close to the mine, cn_X '"x" to disarm' will appear and the mine can be disarmed.
Note: I set the team sizes to 3, meaning I had one bot on my team. There is a possibility that my bot ally will trip the mine, but I figured that one extra bot on my side was manageable while having 3 enemy bots gave them a better chance of spawning an engineer.
Note: I have never gotten an A.I. bot to disarm a mine. I once stood on a mine for at least 5 minutes until finally an engineer ran up to me, planted our own mine next the enemy mine, and then ran off.

16 Apr 2012 13:12


Its an adaption to 'thirtysmooth's method in the 1st solution except I did it with teams of 3-I got pissed off with soldiers throwing grenades at mines or just running into them so I thought lets just keep the number of guys to a minimum to reduce the chances of that.Ok so here's the deal:
Freeplay-private game
Stopwatch mode on 'Refuel'
Play as 'Resistance' Operative.
3 to a team.
time:30 mins
difficulty:normal-its up to you,i did it normal.
Friendly fire ON
1-As the game starts choose 'Destroy storage doors' as objective.
2-Once the doors blow off you get the hydro fuel-but don't move.
3-If one of your team isn't an engineer kill them-they WILL come back as one.
4-When the announcer says 'enemy mines planted'-change your objective to that 'spot mine'.This will mark it for you.Wait til your engineer is near you.
5-Slowly make your way to the highlighted mine,try to kill the enemies who attack you.
6-When you get close enough-spot the mine and crouch & wait.
7-If your engineer is close he'll say 'I'll get the mine'
8-Keep him covered/kill anyone else,even the other guy on your team,in the area-this is where having 3 a side helps greatly.
9-As soon as the threat of enemies are clear he'll spray the mine & you'll get it.
If it doesn't work the first time you've got 30 mins to try again & law of averages says you'll get it-TRUST ME-ALWAYS MAKE SURE ONE OF YOUR TEAM IS ENGINEER-IF NOT KILL ONE OR BOTH-THEY WILL COME BACK AS ONE.

Good luck!!

08 Jan 2014 01:27

Required Class: Operative
Required Ability: Standard Operative Kit
Ability Unlocked: Rank 1 (automatic from start)

In order to get this you must find a mine layed down by the opposite team. They are highlighted red for this class only. Look at the mine and aim at it. A bar will fill up and it will now be highlighted for the rest of your time. Now an engineer must come over and defuse it. The achievement can be somewhat tricky as it's rare for them to be defused, even by bots.

Note: You cannot be the Engineer that defuses the bomb you spotted. It must be someone else.


You will need to be an operative to spot a mine. Aim down your site and watch the meter above the health bar rise, once complete, your character will say "I found a mine". The problem is having an engineer come over and disarming the bomb while running over it. In order to find the location of a Mine you will need to bring it up with your objective wheel once the you hear an enemy mine has been dropped, by selecting the grayed out objective it will pop up on your screen.

This can be done in a private match with three people. Here is an easier way to get it, Thanks to immikeulate; I finally conquered That mine you found? Disarmed!

Alternate Method:
If you are having trouble obtaining this trophy, you can use the Trophy Boosting/Party-Up Thread to find a partner. One player has to be an Engineer and the other an operative. The operative will wait until a mine pops up; use his/her objective wheel to locate the mind and the Engineer will follow. Once the Operative aims down his/her sight, the mine will pop up on the engineer's screen, allowing him to locate and disarm the mine obtaining the trophy for the Operative. Now just switch and do it again.