

44 Achievements


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Tough as nails

Tough as nails

Win all storyline campaign missions (not including What-If missions) playing either Online Versus, or in Hard mode


How to unlock the Tough as nails achievement in Brink - Definitive Guide

As the achievement states, you either have to play through the game on hard or in online versus.

If you decide to go the hard route, you are in for a lot of frustration due to the AI in this game. If this is how you want to do it, go with a heavy body style for the extra health, because you're going to be getting shot a lot and you'll pretty much have to do all the work on your team. Also, it's very much worth it to start a new character for playing on hard, since the enemy AI won't be as amazing due to having less abilities. It is also possible to do this in co-op hard mode, making this somewhat easier due to the added human players on your team that actually help you capture objectives.

The more reasonable route is to play the game in online versus. This is chosen on the level select screen by changing the availability to everyone and choosing versus. If you're lucky, you'll get into a match with humans on your team and only bots on the other team.

You should be able to obtain this achievement while joining a match halfway through, as long as you are there when it ends.

Finally, this achievement is obtainable across multiple characters. For instance, if you complete 11 of the levels on your first character and then complete the last level on a second character, the achievement will unlock.

As soon as the last match finishes, you'll get the achievement.

11 May 2011 17:44

You get a bonus at the end of the match in XP. I believe it is 350 for a victory if you do it online.
By Shinwasha on 11 May 2011 22:22
It's dumb how there is no way to check this...
By Aesiwatt on 11 May 2011 22:43
I just obtained the achievement, and I can confirm that you can join a match mid-game and still get it.
By OMETALO on 11 May 2011 23:56
@OMETALO - Do you know if you joined before or after any objectives were complete? I'm still on the hunt for why mine didn't unlock when it should have.
By BrutishMuffin on 12 May 2011 01:54
I can also confirm that you can get the achievement by joining a match midway and I also joined a match that was about to end in 30 to 5 seconds left and still got the achievement to pop later on
By ArcticNinja0418 on 12 May 2011 16:33
Ok, well that's all the confirmation I need to know for me to change it.
By BrutishMuffin on 12 May 2011 16:49
I am not seeing any mention of this being obtainable in co-op. I was playing through most of the Security missions co-op on Hard and had a fun time doing it. Does it strictly have to be solo on hard if you don't do versus?
By RaajTM on 12 May 2011 17:59
I'm playing through hard on co-op right now to find out if we get it. I should be able to tell you not too long from now.
By BrutishMuffin on 12 May 2011 18:08
@BrutishMuffin - Just got the achievement. I can confirm you can obtain this during co-op. Just have it set to everyone, co-op, hard difficulty, and select the missions you need. Some I joined midway and was able to get it.
By RaajTM on 12 May 2011 21:42
I was assuming as much. I'm still stuck on mission 5 of security on hard co-op right now, so that's why I haven't updated it yet.
By BrutishMuffin on 12 May 2011 22:12
I agree with that, be nice to have some sort of stat tracker or at least know which ones you've done on hard. Have you done the What-If missions for the last couple of audio logs?
By RaajTM on 13 May 2011 00:11
i have done em all on versus numous times and still cant get it to pop.. i have all the audio logs so that has nothing to with it... any ideas y i dont have it...
By HamletBacon on 13 May 2011 10:52
Yea I did the what if missions last night, and still nothing.. I'm at a loss. They need to patch it so we know what we've done... or they need to add something to there website for the stats so we can check on it. Guess all I can do is play through all the levels for a 3rd time.. *sigh*
By ModifiedMag8 on 13 May 2011 16:06
My advice if the achievement isn't popping is to start a new character and play through in either hard or online. I got mine after playing a level i know I already did with my first character. It seems as though there is some unknown qualification for beating the levels that makes them not count sometimes.
By BrutishMuffin on 13 May 2011 17:09
Additionally, you can mix and match - by this I mean, I did everything but one mission on hard co-op, the last I did on versus. Popped instantly. Woot! Might wanna add that to your solution. Some of the games (especially escort missions) are way easier when you're not playing against other human players.
By Worhammer on 14 May 2011 01:23
Seems like i'm having the same issue as a bunch of people on here, played all of these on co-op online multiple times, and no unlock.

Guess i'll try BritishMuffin's technique, hopefully get this thing to unlock.
By PAR4XIAL on 15 May 2011 03:42
i joined a game as it finished and it did count, i skipped the intro, skipped the video and saw the mission complete screen, that was the first resistance mission. i dont know about the cross charecters you mentioned in the solution (not calling you a liar i just only have one charecter) but it doesnt work cross game type... i played three missions for resistance including mission 6 in versus... and then did all security in co-op and started co-op with resistance but achievement didnt unlock untill i did the last resistance in co-op (even tho i had already done the level in versus) anyway hope that helps...
By Defrosted Jay on 15 May 2011 09:29
hahaha just read through the comments and saw Worhammers say the complete opposite to mine. Well who knows, what i put applied to me
By Defrosted Jay on 15 May 2011 09:33
This achievement has a load of problems that could easily be solved with a tracker for completed levels. Too bad that will never happen.
By BrutishMuffin on 15 May 2011 15:10
I believe one person has to be playing with you or against in verses this can be the only reason I don't have this sucker?
By Porkins BBQ on 15 May 2011 22:41
haha tough as nails mother*****r
By Mehtakcys on 16 May 2011 00:59
@KSU BIGMIKE - I got my versus done with all bots in games, so that's not it. In fact, I played the entire security campaign with all bots against me.
By BrutishMuffin on 16 May 2011 01:05
I got this with a mix of versus, and playing some missions on Co-op hard mode. No problems here.
By kenshinesca on 16 May 2011 01:16
I have only played this game on-line and the chiev hasn't popped. All missions inc what if's have been done - WTF.
Do I have to do it all again with a new character??
By Slithe on 16 May 2011 12:32
@Sgt Slithe - Start up a new character and play some more online. It'll be really easy since you're rank one again. It'll probably pop after a few missions. Somehow, some missions just aren't counting for some reason.
By BrutishMuffin on 16 May 2011 15:55
Finally after completing breakout for the 3rd time! Just keep plugging away like the B.Muffin says it does pop eventually? It would not be so painful if the AI did suck so much!
By Porkins BBQ on 16 May 2011 19:47
Completed multiple times with one character but it did not unlock. Started with a new character and it unlocked upon delivery of the DNA sample to the helicopter whilst playing Security on Container City (this character did not complete all campaign missions) - the only things that where done differently are:
• I completed the final objective
• Made sure the settings were set to ‘versus’ and ‘everyone’ - for some reason the game allows you to join friends who are playing online in versus matches (with visibility set to everyone) with your settings set to Co-Op and Friends only.
By Angrymagnox on 18 May 2011 14:21
This chiev is really pissing me off!! I have started a new character and played through every single fucking mission again on versus, winning them all and still no chiev! Splashdamage can fuck off when they bring their next game out cos I ain't buying!!! That is twice i've had to play this laggy piece of shit and still no chiev - I fucking hate this game!!
By Slithe on 22 May 2011 09:02
I think you must complete "defense" missions without failing first objective (perfect mission!).

That worked for two of my friends with the same problem!!! :)
By Anghlar on 27 May 2011 17:49
I've played through both the security & resistance's maps on two different character's and still nothing :(

Do u have to have completed the campaign for this to unlock ? I haven't finished it as yet ....
By SKIN RIP on 29 May 2011 00:07
Can you mix and match the Hard mode and Vs? I've beaten almost all of the Resistance side on Vs and some on the other team on Vs as well and the rest on Single player Hard mode.
By DreamSmasher X on 08 Jun 2011 07:32
You should be able to mix and match it. People have gotten it doing half and half of hard and versus.
By BrutishMuffin on 08 Jun 2011 18:20
Some sort of indicator on which maps you've done under what circumstances would've been VERY convenient. Why do so many games fuck-up these really simple things?!
By Vinchucca on 13 Jun 2011 10:17
I got this early this morning. I found that if you play late enough you usually are just playing against bots. I would use my highest level character for the defense missions and just try to hold out until the timer ran out. Every time I would do an attack mission. I would start a new character and just rush. Make sure you start a new character for every attack mission so that the A.I. doesn't get any perks! Good luck, it can be a very frustrating achievement!
By MyFryHole on 20 Jun 2011 15:26
Got the Achievement today, got it as soon as it should have popped. :)
By Hanx on 08 Aug 2011 16:14
can this be done on a private game? ive done all the missions on online versus except for the the mission were you have to stop them from launching the missile and the prison break out....fucking game can be bullshit i cant wait to break this shitty game after i get my last two acheivments
By N0Way07 on 17 Aug 2011 23:36
it can't be a private game. it has to be a public game with availability set to everyone.
By BrutishMuffin on 19 Aug 2011 18:48
yea idk why i got my hopes up for priavte matches ><, ive done all the resistance missions on my 1st char in versus mode and 4/6 for security...on my 2nd char i did that remaining 2 security missions on versus and to my achievement so either the game hates me and it has to be done on 1 char (least for me) or its a sign to hit it with a hammer, burn it to ash, snort it, poop it out in a brown bag, light it on fire, and pee it out
By N0Way07 on 20 Aug 2011 01:10
omg i take that back i just got so happy! :'-D , one of the most pain staking achievements i ever tried to get more than beating cod on veteran (imo)
By N0Way07 on 20 Aug 2011 01:30
I'll stick to (hopeful) co-op on hard, since it's rare anyone joins in.. as I can never seem to win in any game's versus mode (I beat games on hardest but lose against noobs)
By Mazrael on 28 Aug 2011 07:01
i dont understand how you can switch characters for attack or defend missions on versus.i started a new character and am stuck again on day6 security.but when i want to try again or another mission with my 1st and fully maxed character i have to start the whole game over from day1 hostage rescue.i cant choose a mission.although every mission is ticked off saying its desperate.4days im trying now to beat day6 and now this.i will have to stick with the level1 character since i cant chose missions anymore with my main character.please help angry
By FL trooper be on 22 Sep 2011 13:25
Need help with
Day 6: Early Launch!!
contact me for coop
By DjKillaBlast on 06 Dec 2011 01:12
Maybe just make a new character for every mission, since a new character keeps them from having many abilities? Or would there be a flaw somewhere that I'm missing?
By Ahayzo on 14 Jan 2012 03:06
Just pulled it off, 3:30 in the morning. Did all the missions in online versus.. Used a rank 1 character for 2 of the attacking missions on security side, used my normal character for the rest. Obviously the toughest one to pull off was Day 6 Security. Tried it once with my rank 1 character, couldnt get passed the first objective. Decided to try it with my high level guy, got it first try. Just get to the second objective, sit up top to the right of the spot where the operatives need to hack, and spend the entire mission just staring at the spot, picking off engineers as they try and come weld the hack box off. I swear to god, the hacking was at only 85% when time ran out, but if an operative is still hacking apparently the game goes into "overtime" and 2 more ops showed up to speed it up. I pulled off the win, and the achievement unlocked immediately.
By Jibbermidget on 09 Jul 2012 07:24
@ EldestSardaukar - I'm wanting to verify on what you said. So, if there's 4 players on both sides, the match becomes a 12 v 12? I would have assumed it still stays a 8 v 8 match...
By Mr Granstaff on 08 Oct 2013 16:31
Does anyone still play this game as there are no sessions...? Or does anyone still need achievements on it or help doing the campaign or willing to help me do it because i am struggling
By Roymondooo on 25 Apr 2015 16:50
DO you get an achievement for completing the online game even though noone joined? Still got a bonus for online play.
By Siguardius on 11 Jun 2015 19:32
This game is really trial and error when it comes to missions, sometimes you win with no issue and other times you lose hard.

But Day 6 on Security side can go f*** itself
By MelodicVirus118 on 14 Jan 2024 01:37
Finally got Security Day 6 completed, thus giving me this achievement. Here's a small tip for the hacking portion of the mission. When you SOMEHOW manage to get there, plant the box and quickly turn around to a small room on the southwest of the box. It'll be slower, but you're MUCH safer there.
By Levitheanimegod on 09 Jun 2024 21:26
I did both campaigns on hard.. by myself.. and co-op.. This achievement still wont pop, and I'm missing 2 audio logs.. it's absolutely retarded that there is no way to track your progress for which ones you have completed on what difficulty. MAJOR flaw In my opinion.
By ModifiedMag8 on 12 May 2011 23:51
I thought about making a new character. but I didn't. I played the entire campaign from scratch today with my original character, again.. *sigh* I didn't skip the what if missions or anything.. I played all the levels on VS hard... and this achievement and my audio log cheevo both popped when I finished the final what if mission for security.. don't know how or why.. but I am happy they popped.
By ModifiedMag8 on 13 May 2011 21:42
As of 25/05/11 the 2nd title update places campaign versus (set to everyone in the visibility option) to 4V4 human players with the remaining slots filled by bots (12V12 total). No more than 4 human players can be on any one side (Security or Resistance). The update may have been sooner however any progress made prior WILL carry through as per BritishMuffin's solution above.

Lag is significantly reduced and I found if playing after midnight (UK time in my case) you will often host a game giving you the advantage of not having human players on the other team, especially helpful for the "attack" missions. This gives you the significant advantage to play the mission "unhindered".

I sincerely hopes this helps you to enjoy a game that is brilliant but is was ruined by terrible lag, hopefully with this "title 2" patch gamers will enjoy going for this achievement without the "game breaker" that is unplayable lag.
By EldestSardaukar on 26 May 2011 01:10
WHY are some missions so frigging easy when some are super hard??? This is a terrible terrible game!
By mcnuggests on 02 Mar 2016 16:42
just got this achievement with help from one other person, anyone who needs help with this in future feel free to send me a message and I’ll help if I can, message me on Xbox as I’m not frequent on here.
By SQWEEBLES711 on 27 Mar 2021 11:25
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Alright folks. Look here if you have had problems unlocking this achievement. I think a common misconception for getting this achivement is in the description. I played through all of the levels multiple times but never got the achievement. I, like many others, thought the game was glitched. The solution is make sure you are NOT playing on freeplay or it doesn't count to the achievement.

You need to go into campain and select everyone and versus (difficulty will be blanked out). Then you must win Day 1,3,4,5,6,8 as Security and Day 1,2,3,6,7,8 as Resistance. My advice would be to play as your high level character for the missions that you need to defend an objective. That way you can use your turrets and mines and keep the bots (or humans) from advancing on the mission. For the missions where you must assault (blow up, hack, etc) use a level 1 character. That way the bots(or humans) will not have turrets and will be easier to conquer. The achievement is obtainable by using different characters.

After many hours trying to figure this achievement out it was easy to obtain by following these steps. Hope it helps those who were lost.

31 May 2011 22:20

Wow what an awesome freaking guide! I was totally lost thx a bunch !!!!
By o8 M4cGyV3r 24 on 01 Jun 2011 00:23
This method is for hard mode right.
By Spartas Revenge on 02 Jun 2011 00:59
No, this solution isnt for hard. Actually you cant select difficulty when you go into campaign and select "Versus" with "Everyone" visibility. Then you just need to play through each Campaign mission except the "what ifs". It is better to do it this way instead of on hard because you will get human players on your team making it easier to finish the mission and even if you only end up playing against bots.
By I Anger I on 02 Jun 2011 16:23
Sparta the reason I mention bots in the OP is because the majority of the time that I played these missions online with versus I was playing exclusively against bots. Using different level characters depending on the missions helps alot.
By I Anger I on 02 Jun 2011 16:25
THIS IS SPARTA....the reason
By o8 M4cGyV3r 24 on 30 Jun 2011 00:43
Can you play some levels in hard and some in versus?
By TopClassNeek on 03 Jul 2011 16:55
Can you play some levels in hard and some in versus?
By TopClassNeek on 03 Jul 2011 17:10
TopClass ...yes you can: at least it worked for me like that. I played through several of Security's missions on Hard, and then the rest of them and all of Resistance online.
By I Anger I on 04 Jul 2011 03:37
It worked fine, thank you!
By ScHruBbel on 12 Jul 2011 10:42
I keep joining versus matches without human players. Can I still get the achievement for this even if there arent humans but it is on versus.
By SlayingADragon on 31 Jul 2011 04:56
Just started the game, so pardon my ignorance if the answer is obvious...but why don't you have to win all "days", just select ones for each side?
By Telexen on 11 Aug 2011 20:56
You have to win all days...except the "what if'" get the achievement
By I Anger I on 12 Aug 2011 01:58
i dont understand how you can switch characters for attack or defend missions on versus.i started a new character and am stuck again on day6 security.but when i want to try again or another mission with my 1st and fully maxed character i have to start the whole game over from day1 hostage rescue.i cant choose a mission.although every mission is ticked off saying its desperate.4days im trying now to beat day6 and now this.i will have to stick with the level1 character since i cant choose missions anymore with my main character.please help angry
By FL trooper be on 22 Sep 2011 13:26
FL trooper... You should be able to select missions, with any of your characters, no matter their level. Just make sure you are going into Online, Versus.
By I Anger I on 23 Sep 2011 04:19
i done it with different chars and didnt work :(
By on 26 Oct 2011 02:22
actually it does but jumping in to game that is just away to win seems not to work, i thought my luck wasnt that good when i joined a game of security day 6 and it just finished and said i had won it so i had to do that again

if i ever meet the cunt that designed that level im going to kick the living shit out of the prick
By on 26 Oct 2011 02:53
Need help with
Day 6: Early Launch!!
contact me for coop
By DjKillaBlast on 06 Dec 2011 01:16
Just been through every mission on Versus but it didn't pop for me. Do you have to have at least one other human player in the game or something? Out of all the missions I've only ever been in a game with another person once.
By Th3 Majica on 13 Apr 2012 02:09
This game is btq
By o8 M4cGyV3r 24 on 25 Apr 2012 06:02
MacGyver, Beg The Question, Big Tall Queen? What?
By Sgt Duude on 12 Jul 2012 08:50
Big time queer
By o8 M4cGyV3r 24 on 16 Oct 2013 21:02
I know this post is very late but I gave up originally due to some of the levels being ridiculously hard. Today however I went back to this and I've completed every single level in the game all on Versus mode and even though I have the achievements for each of the individual campaigns this has not popped up.
By Tazwunax on 06 Aug 2014 23:20
After all this time this solution still holds true...what a brilliant author
By o8 M4cGyV3r 24 on 08 Oct 2014 18:54
what a horrible game
By I Anger I on 08 Oct 2014 20:31
Yes you will still get the achievement as long as it is on versus even if it is just AI players. Just consider yourself lucky if you only play against AI. Just follow what I said about using low level characters when your objective is an assault objective (plant bomb, hack , etc) and use your high level character when you have missions that you need to be on defense. Makes the missions much easier.
By I Anger I on 31 Jul 2011 05:53
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Remember to access the missions through the campaign selection. I played in vs, mode. The bots seemed a little easier there. Throughout my playtime, I only encoutered one other player, so don't expect much help.

I recommend starting a new character and holding him at level one. Reset completely after each level, even unsucessful ones. Complete the challenges to at least tier two to unlock all guns and mods. They give you the only advantage you'll have.

You should always be the objective's class, as your teammates are often useless. When you have an universal goal, I recommend Engineer. The damage boost is the most important buff. The soldier's fire grenade is nice, and you won't ever run out of ammo. It's never worthwhile to give a teammate ammo. The medic's self heal takes too long to be of much use. The operative is just bad. My favorite weapons were:

Primary Weapons:
Mossington Shotgun with Speed sling. With a damage boost, this will one-hit kill at two meters. Otherwise, one shot will stop short of a one-hit kill. Camp next to a defend objective and shoot anyone coming for it. Useful on offense, but not overwhelming.

Euston AR with High-capacity mag, red dot sight (I like Yeotek), and speed sling or Front grip. All-purpose weapon. If you want more range, try the Rhet AR.

Lobster GL. This weapon is too random for most levels, but if you're having trouble with a well-defended objective, you could give it a try. It's good at disorganizing opponents.

Secondary weapons:
Tampa SMG with CoGA scope, High capacity magazine and Speed sling or front grip. Go with the speed sling if you have the shotgun in front, otherwise they're even; use whichever you like best. If you use the lobster, you may want to switch to a red dot sight and Muzzle brake. Short, controlled bursts are a must.

Barnett light rifle with COGA Scope and Speed Sling. Most of brink's levels don't reward sniping, but this is the best long range option that is still useful as a backup.

Day 1: Hostage Rescue. Bring a Shotgun and SMG. The objective room will always have bots hiding. Make sure you have two bars of energy before entering. Rapidly throw both grenades at enemies, then use your shotgun to finish them. Quickly attach the bomb, then guard it. The second part is really easy. Make sure to capture the command posts.

Day 3: Smash and Grab. The mainframe area is perfect for the shotgun. It's an easy hack. Change to engineer and an AR/SMG combo. Cracking the safe is tough, but they can't undo your progress so you will eventually succeed. Then there's the run out. This is tough. Exit the safe room on the side of your spawn, run up the escalator, then go straight and turn left when you must.

Day 4: Dirty Bomb is easy enough. AR/SMG or AR/LR is the best combo here. Most of the objectives are generous with the time given. Delivering the sample is hard, but you should have 15 mins to try and get lucky.

Day 5: Prison Break. Play engineer throughout and use your mines. Use whatever weapons you like best. The size of this map makes it easy to get lost or be in the wrong place.Once you know where to go, Defending the conduit and Stopping the prisoner are both fairly easy.

Day 6: Early launch. I think this is the hardest mission in the game. If you can, set up a boosting session to get this. It took me over 50 tries to succeed against bots. This is the strategy I used. If you keep trying I'm sure you'll get it.

For the first part, Shotgun/SMG is best. Rush the crane controls before the barriers are up. While you're repairing it, couch and use the panel for cover. You can hold out surprisingly long from this position.

For Hacking the missile controls, You'll want to capture the health command post (cn_up will give directions). Take the stairs from there and look at the hack area. You want to plan how you're going to take these guys out. I recommend grenading one and jumping at another with a damage-boosted shotgun. If there's a third, you should have enough health to take him down, but a fourth guy in that area is deadly. Quickly place the hack box, then retreat to underneath the area you jumped from. There's a small, easily defended area. You should have time to shotgun anyone entering. If the hack percentage goes down, quickly exit, kill anyone standing next to the hackbox and rehack.

Day 8: Fallout. This one is very easy. Use whatever weapons you like.

Day 1: Getting answers. Defending the door is hard, but hold out as long as you can. Stopping the agent is easy. Capture the health station, construct the stairs MG, then go try to slow down the agent. If they reach the stairs, Grab the MG. Keeping the agent down is easy with it.

Day 2: Break out. This one isn't hard, but you do need to rely on your ally bots. There's a lot of random factors that go into winning this one. When hacking the safe, use the glass to shield yourself from enemies, then shotgun them once they close. Change to engineer before delivering the code, so you can one-hit kill with the shotgun. Be sure to buff your allies while escorting Nechayev.

Day 3: Chen's Plans. Again, the mainframe room is a great place for the shotgun. The same factors that made this mission tough for security make it easy for you.

Day 6: Black Box. Approach the pillar just like the first door. Both grenades, then kill before they get up. Guarding the bomb is tougher here, but not impossible.The bridge is best rushed. The enemy has a lot of trouble removing it, so if you stick it, it's good. You can probably ignore escorting the bot and race right to the hackbox, slipping by the defenses. Once you can, started hacking and hide behind the nearby table, next to a back entrance. From here, you should be able to surprise any defenders rushing in.

Day 7: Attack on CCity. The generous time limit hurts you here. I lost in overtime dozens of times. Try it with a higher-level heavy with a Chinzor MG (high-capacity magazine). Right next the bomb site is a hole that you can shoot the soldiers from. If the enemy reaches the crane control, I usually reloaded, the second half of this mission is hard.

Day 8: airborne. This is also easy. You have plenty of time and each of the objectives has cover. When delivering things to the plane, use the back entrance. The enemy won't guard it at all.

EDIT: I've sold this game and am no longer able to help people. Sorry.

19 Feb 2013 05:21

I did this alone ages ago but I got a pm informing me that you modified your solution. Your advice is still inaccurate and no help. I did this mission eventually using the upgraded mini-gun as an Engineer, also using very high level character means you can plant heavy turrets and mines around the control point and win this mission quite easily.
By o DEEVIUS o on 12 Aug 2013 15:11
I'm glad you got it.
By EYEHUNTER 42 on 12 Aug 2013 21:40
Still not the best solution, high level character and upgraded mini-gun is by far the best method, not SMG or shotgun.
By o DEEVIUS o on 25 Nov 2014 17:32
I posted the method I used. Low-level character worked better for me.
By EYEHUNTER 42 on 26 Nov 2014 00:37
I tried both ways many times, only high-level characters would for me because of all the upgrades and tech, at low levels the AI are easier sure, but it makes no difference when there are 8v1 - only heavy turrets and mines worked.
By o DEEVIUS o on 26 Nov 2014 17:35
Well, I have no experience with that method. You should post a guide to completing the mission that way.
By EYEHUNTER 42 on 26 Nov 2014 17:41
Thanks for your solution. It helped me a lot. Cheers
By Jacky chaud on 10 Aug 2015 10:10
I'm glad it helped you. Thanks for saying something!
By EYEHUNTER 42 on 10 Aug 2015 21:44
I only needed advice for 'Early Launch' and you give only bad. There is always 6-8 enemies around the hack nevermind 2 or 3, a shotgun/smg is useless, the health command post is constantly taken back and useless.
By o DEEVIUS o on 27 Apr 2013 10:48
Hey, Deevius, it's a very hard mission. There's a huge element of luck there. Compared to the other missions, everything you could do is useless. I believe the shotgun/SMG does better than any other weapon combo. Capturing the health post should distract some of the bots. Given that there's only 8ish, that should reduce the number of foes around the missile.

I give every piece of advice possible in the guide. If the mission is still too hard, set up a boosting session.
By EYEHUNTER 42 on 11 Aug 2013 17:30
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You will have the most luck doing this in Versus. Since you have to do Versus to get all audio logs anyways, then it's automatically what you must play. Only those who do not have online access might think to play on Hard mode. If you join a match that has 5 seconds left and your team wins, then that counts as a win even though you didn't start the match or do anything in it. If you seem to have horrible luck with this game, it might be best to quit out and try your luck getting into matches that are near over.


This can be proven difficult on Hard mode solo, since the AI is not that smart in the game. You can do it over different characters, but not over different saves. Thanks Jamby for the confirmation.

For this particular trophy, you’ll have to win every campaign mission, not including the What-If missions on Hard or Online Versus. I advise you to jump straight into online and play against other players to earn this trophy and the other campaign related trophies.

If you do start on Hard or play Online Versus, play through every mission except the What-If missions. You can do the What-If on Hard or Online Versus, but it’s not needed. When you complete your first mission (or What-If), you’ll earn the “The start of something big” trophy. Once you complete either the Security or Resistance campaign, you’ll get yourself the “You’ve saved the Ark” and the “You’ve escaped the Ark” trophy. If you also complete all the 4 What-If missions, you’ll earn the “To serve and protect” and the “Viva la revolution!” trophy. If you did all this either on Hard or Online Versus (not including What-If), you’ll earn yourself this (“Tough as nails”) trophy.

How to obtain this trophy In online Versus.

Start a new Character, select campaign and pick a match. Have the settings set up like this:

  • Visibility -- Everyone
  • Play Mode --Versus
  • Rank availability -- My rank

Having it set up that way will only allow people at level zero (0) into your game. Now after each win, back out and purchase an ability () and then Sell it (). Doing that will bring your level back down to zero and you will have no abilities at all. Making the enemy AI the same as they were when you first started the game. There will also be no one able to enter your game, unless they are that same level.

You can do this with a partner, just make sure they are level zero (0), that way they can enter the game and you can get each level done as quickly as possible. Thanks Gukoff (PSN Name) for the Tip.

Remember to access the missions through the campaign selection. I played in vs, mode. The bots seemed a little easier there. Throughout my playtime, I only encoutered one other player, so don't expect much help.

I recommend starting a new character and holding him at level one. Reset completely after each level, even unsucessful ones. Complete the challenges to at least tier two to unlock all guns and mods. They give you the only advantage you'll have.

You should always be the objective's class, as your teammates are often useless. When you have an universal goal, I recommend Engineer. The damage boost is the most important buff. The soldier's fire grenade is nice, and you won't ever run out of ammo. It's never worthwhile to give a teammate ammo. The medic's self heal takes too long to be of much use. The operative is just bad. My favorite weapons were:

Primary Weapons:
Mossington Shotgun with Speed sling. With a damage boost, this will one-hit kill at two meters. Otherwise, one shot will stop short of a one-hit kill. Camp next to a defend objective and shoot anyone coming for it. Useful on offense, but not overwhelming.

Euston AR with High-capacity mag, red dot sight (I like Yeotek), and speed sling or Front grip. All-purpose weapon. If you want more range, try the Rhet AR.

Lobster GL. This weapon is too random for most levels, but if you're having trouble with a well-defended objective, you could give it a try. It's good at disorganizing opponents.

Secondary weapons:
Tampa SMG with CoGA scope, High capacity magazine and Speed sling or front grip. Go with the speed sling if you have the shotgun in front, otherwise they're even; use whichever you like best. If you use the lobster, you may want to switch to a red dot sight and Muzzle brake. Short, controlled bursts are a must.

Barnett light rifle with COGA Scope and Speed Sling. Most of brink's levels don't reward sniping, but this is the best long range option that is still useful as a backup.

Day 1: Hostage Rescue. Bring a Shotgun and SMG. The objective room will always have bots hiding. Make sure you have two bars of energy before entering. Rapidly throw both grenades at enemies, then use your shotgun to finish them. Quickly attach the bomb, then guard it. The second part is really easy. Make sure to capture the command posts.

Day 3: Smash and Grab. The mainframe area is perfect for the shotgun. It's an easy hack. Change to engineer and an AR/SMG combo. Cracking the safe is tough, but they can't undo your progress so you will eventually succeed. Then there's the run out. This is tough. Exit the safe room on the side of your spawn, run up the escalator, then go straight and turn left when you must.

Day 4: Dirty Bomb is easy enough. AR/SMG or AR/LR is the best combo here. Most of the objectives are generous with the time given. Delivering the sample is hard, but you should have 15 mins to try and get lucky.

Day 5: Prison Break. Play engineer throughout and use your mines. Use whatever weapons you like best. The size of this map makes it easy to get lost or be in the wrong place.Once you know where to go, Defending the conduit and Stopping the prisoner are both fairly easy.

Day 6: Early launch. I think this is the hardest mission in the game. If you can, set up a boosting session to get this. It took me over 50 tries to succeed against bots. This is the strategy I used. If you keep trying I'm sure you'll get it.

For the first part, Shotgun/SMG is best. Rush the crane controls before the barriers are up. While you're repairing it, couch and use the panel for cover. You can hold out surprisingly long from this position.

For Hacking the missile controls, You'll want to capture the health command post (cn_up will give directions). Take the stairs from there and look at the hack area. You want to plan how you're going to take these guys out. I recommend grenading one and jumping at another with a damage-boosted shotgun. If there's a third, you should have enough health to take him down, but a fourth guy in that area is deadly. Quickly place the hack box, then retreat to underneath the area you jumped from. There's a small, easily defended area. You should have time to shotgun anyone entering. If the hack percentage goes down, quickly exit, kill anyone standing next to the hackbox and rehack.

Day 8: Fallout. This one is very easy. Use whatever weapons you like.

Day 1: Getting answers. Defending the door is hard, but hold out as long as you can. Stopping the agent is easy. Capture the health station, construct the stairs MG, then go try to slow down the agent. If they reach the stairs, Grab the MG. Keeping the agent down is easy with it.

Day 2: Break out. This one isn't hard, but you do need to rely on your ally bots. There's a lot of random factors that go into winning this one. When hacking the safe, use the glass to shield yourself from enemies, then shotgun them once they close. Change to engineer before delivering the code, so you can one-hit kill with the shotgun. Be sure to buff your allies while escorting Nechayev.

Day 3: Chen's Plans. Again, the mainframe room is a great place for the shotgun. The same factors that made this mission tough for security make it easy for you.

Day 6: Black Box. Approach the pillar just like the first door. Both grenades, then kill before they get up. Guarding the bomb is tougher here, but not impossible.The bridge is best rushed. The enemy has a lot of trouble removing it, so if you stick it, it's good. You can probably ignore escorting the bot and race right to the hackbox, slipping by the defenses. Once you can, started hacking and hide behind the nearby table, next to a back entrance. From here, you should be able to surprise any defenders rushing in.

Day 7: Attack on CCity. The generous time limit hurts you here. I lost in overtime dozens of times. Try it with a higher-level heavy with a Chinzor MG (high-capacity magazine). Right next the bomb site is a hole that you can shoot the soldiers from. If the enemy reaches the crane control, I usually reloaded, the second half of this mission is hard.

Day 8: airborne. This is also easy. You have plenty of time and each of the objectives has cover. When delivering things to the plane, use the back entrance. The enemy won't guard it at all.

EDIT: I've sold this game and am no longer able to help people. Sorry.

20 May 2018 16:48

Go to Campaign, pick your level, make it Solo and choose the Easy Difficulty, swap the visibility to "Everyone" and make it a Versus game, boom, you'll have an online game with just yourself (as nobody plays this game anymore) and the bots will be easy (since you're the host) so you can casually win every mission.

29 Oct 2020 21:35

You may actually want to read what I put, you create an "ONLINE" game where the bots are easy, that will give you the trophy since the description is "Win all story missions playing either Online Versus or Hard Mode". Making an online match will fill the game with easy bots rather than playing solo offline and picking hard. So yes, you can casually play and win, you just need to be able to read.
By KlyeKlyeKlye on 05 Apr 2021 21:34
It's silly to be complaining about a guide for a 10 year old game, but I'm writing this as a warning. For anyone reading in this day and age, despite some solid information about the versus mode, disregard the bogus information that "the bots will be easy". There is one mission in particular that is notoriously hard. Just google "Brink Early Launch" and you don't even need to open any of the links, just glance over the first page of results and you'll see things like "Stuck on Day 6: Early Launch (Security Campaign) - Brink", "Early Launch the most bullshit stage ever" and "Early Launch on Hard mode is impossible".

I saw the game on sale for a very low price, felt nostalgic about PS3/360 era shooters, saw this and other guides that basically sum it up as enjoyable and easy 15 hour platinum. That is, pardon my french, bull sh*t. You can easily spend 15 hours on the Early Launch mission alone, and not get it done. There is one challenge mission that is borderline impossible as well, until you get a lucky run that may never happen, so if you are considering starting this game (as a solo player), do so knowing that hours of frustration awaits, don't believe for a moment that "you can casually win every mission".
By IsOliveiras on 02 Mar 2021 21:48
A difficult trophy. It’s better to go through both campaigns alone (or with friends) at a high difficulty level.

09 Nov 2011 14:59