Brütal Legend

Brütal Legend

60 Achievements


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How to unlock the Legend achievement in Brütal Legend - Definitive Guide

Here is my quick solution for the final stage battle against Doviculus. I used this and worked like a charm, I destroyed both heads (1 at the time of course) without dying and not even losing a fan tower.

Capture the 2 Fan Geysers and kill all the enemies (use the Facemelter solo for quick kills). Don't start attacking the heads yet, it will make the battle more difficult after. Upgrade your stage to the max (level 4). While you are gaining fans and upgrading the stage slowly, all you have to do is kill the spawning enemies (using the facemelter solo or simply hack & slash with the electric/fire axe + shocking guitar).

When your stage is at level 4, build 1 Rock Crusher. Double team with it and head for one of the head. Using the blazing edge attack (pressing A twice), destroy the head. 3-4 hits should destroy it. Leave the Rock Crusher (with Y), fly quickly to the entrance of the tunnel, spawn the Deuce in front of it and drive it all the way in the tunnel to the lowered head and simply use the nitro jump to destroy it.

If your Rock Crusher is still alive, use it quickly to destroy the other head (3-4 hits again) but you can also send your troops too for some extra help. When the head is lowered, fly to the entrance of the tunnel, spawn the Deuce and destroy the head with it.

After the cutscene, quickly nitro jump (with the Deuce) the small ramp in the middle for the 1 vs 1 fight against Doviculus. If you die here (but try not to die), you will restart the last fight against him and not the whole stage battle. Use the facemelter/flaming zeppelin solos for the enemies he will spawn, otherwise use the electric axe and the electric guitar for Doviculus.

The achievement should pop after the scrolling credits, at the loading screen. Make sure the difficulty is set to Brütal, do not change it in the game.

05 Mar 2011 22:06

Sweet solution man but something else that everyone should know is that you should also buy as many roadies as you can and the end shouldn't be a problem at all. +1
By Games Master on 04 May 2012 22:01
this is why you leave the rock crusher as soon as you destroyed the first head, that way, the enemies will attack you and not the vehicle..if you stay on it, they will destroy it pretty quickly. I used this method once and got the achievement this is why I posted it. If you start attacking the heads with smaller troops, those huge giant 2 legged robots and the big guys with the spiky chainball attached to them will take them out fast. Otherwise, you just have to deal with those small winged creatures and the enemy who release them
By Dancsi27 on 13 Sep 2012 00:55
Thanks for the great guide worked for me first try :)
By ElvenMage95 on 23 Mar 2015 23:58
I don't know about this. If your first rock crusher gets killed (and when the head is destroyed it can kill troops in the vicinity) you won't have time to build another one, and if you are going to use smaller units to take out the second head anyway, you might as well do the same to the first head. The chance of success is largely the same, but it takes 25% as long.

I won't downvote because I didn't try it, but I like the "zergling rush" method of spawning a bajillion headbangers and letting them take care of it. It's not pretty, but it worked for me in three tries.
By Guirec730 on 12 Sep 2012 23:03
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Definitely a fun experience. My tips to beating Brutal would include making the best use of your guitar songs, while also doing all sub-quests available prior to starting any missions...That way you'll always be one step ahead of your opposition, even if you do die in a couple of hits near the beginning of the game.

Notable guitar solos to obtain...
-Bring it on Home (Exploding Zeppelin)
-Rock Block (Stops enemy troops from spawning)
-Face Melter (for when your troops just aren't doing their jobs...Melt your foes' faces off)
-Call of the Wild (from finishing the first Hunting quest, I believe you get a new beast to summon with each completed hunting quest) This skill is excellent for adding meat shields, and it doesn't impact your troop count (I don't believe)

The only two RTS-style maps that remotely gave me any problems would have had to been the last two. Once I understood the game's controls, all the maps prior to those were simple. For those two maps, be sure to have a fine grasp of the game, and just keep pushing forward.

A tip for the last battle with Doviculus...Drive your car back to the cooresponding tunnels once you've taken down one of the beast's heads...Then boost into the head once you've arrived at the end of the tunnel.

Other than a few confusing spots, Brutal Legend, on Brutal difficulty, at least for me, was a pleasant experience compared to some more hair-pulling experiences (CoD:WaW - Veteran). It's definitely worth your time, the achievements aren't boring, and the game's very fun.
It's interesting how different people can have very different experiences with this game.

Personally I found the Brutal difficulty setting to be a piece of cake. I had a couple of tough spots, the final stage battle took me 5-6 attempts, but I completely hack-and-slashed this game. I used Facemelter liberally, but none of the other solos.

The final battle is pretty simple on Brutal. Just run around avoiding the enemies, use your guitar to attack Doviculus, then slash him when he jumps onto the ground.
By klobeast on 09 Jun 2010 14:56
You can use Call of the Wild on the final Doviculus fight, too. Works to keep all the little guys off of you while Facemelter recharges.

Laser Panther backup, very welcome.
By Guirec730 on 12 Sep 2012 23:05
Since the game is relatively easy on brutal, i'll just be talking about the extremely hard parts; meaning the RTS style battles. First, you wanna make sure you don't get overwhelmed. Always have some units on the battlefield. Second, you'll wanna rush your opponents stage as quickly as possible. Kill them before they have a chance to regroup and attack again.

Now here is a guide for the battle with Ophelia at the Sea of Tears. This isn't a glitch, but it is a little cheap so use only if you're desperate like I was. First, on your side of the bridge, take control of all the fan points. You'll wanna have the homing missiles on your Deuce as well. After taking control of the fan points, summon up as many units as you can. You'll also wanna upgrade your stage all the way and summon one rock crusher. Upgrade your headbangers and razor girls if you wish. After everyones all ready to fight, set up a rally flag (if you haven't gotten this solo might want to) right before the bridge. Every now and then a small wave of Grave Diggers and Reapers will appear. Let your men take care of it. If a lot of your men die, simply summon more and they'll move to the rally flag.

Using Eddie's fly ability, fly AROUND the electric towers where you'll see a small army of enemy cars, a balloon, some ground units and the tree. Fly to a little spot as far as you can away from them and summon the Deuce. Using your homing missiles, fire away! If you hit the cars, most of the time the other units, even the car you're hitting, won't react. Just keep firing. If your car gets destroyed just start wailing on everything with your axe until you die. Check on your units often, make sure they don't all get killed, summon more if you must. Keep flying and shooting missiles at the enemies until they are all dead.

Once dead, take your units up the bridge and destroy the other small army standing in the middle of the bridge. After they're dead, regroup with more units and take out the two towers powering the lightning on the bridge. After that, bum rush the stage! Send all of your units to attack it. Double team with the headsplitter or the Rock Crusher to make things go by quicker. Set up a rally flag right by Ophelia's stage if your units start dying. Just keep firing on the stage and it should go down quick.

15 Feb 2011 01:20

1 Comment
Perfect, thumbs up.
By Harbringernight on 08 Jan 2017 07:56
I would say you should make use of your solos. So many people forget about using the solos and try and hack n' slash their way through the whole game, and you would probably get away with it on gentle, but on brutal you need to utilize the solos;
Facemelter- This is in my opinion the best solo. If you use this tatically and in the right situations you can whipe tons of low level enemies. If you wait for a good group of enemies to come to you before playing the solo then you will be on good terms.
Bring it on Home- This is probably the most powerful solo you will obtain. The flaming zeppelin can kill any enemy within the blast radious (i think). The problem is that it takes an age to cool down and be able to reuse it, so only use this solo in dire situations.
Rock Block- Stops the enemy respawing troops, and ideal solo to stop enemies coming your way so you can rebuild your army or stop enemies attacking you while you invade their fortress/stage.
Battlecry- Try and use this solo alot when you get the chance. I mean it powers up your army, and any power up helps, right?
Call of the Wild- This virtually adds some animals to your army without impacting on your troop count. Every soldier you have in your helps will certainly make the situation easier.
Summon Deuce- Very overlooked in stage battle but this will help you. If you have the bolt thrower weapon on the deuce then you can mince through some fights like shepards pie..
The other solos are useful but not nearly as useful as the above (apart from relic raiser when cruising around the countryside).
The game should not be too much trouble at the beginning and the first couple of levels should be straightforward. One thing I would certainly consider doing is finding most of the bound serpents. Not only do you get 5 fire tribute per one, you also get a nifty increase in a specific area (such as a boost to your overall health, or quicker health regeneration of troops) per 10 you release. If you find 40, 80, and all 120 bound serpents you get achievements as well which is niiicceee.
I reckon the game gets harder (and I mean properly hard) when you get to the "dry ice, wet graves" level. In order to combat this and make your life easier I would consider saving up your fire tributes to buy the soul sucker axe, the high voltage guitar and the bolt thrower primary weapon for your deuce. This will lighten the load and hopefully you shall fair better in fights.
When in stage battle I certainly recommend rushing your enemy as soon as possible. The main aim is to rush to scrape some merc booths, upgrade your stage to level 2 and then create tons of fire barons and quickly invade the stage, this will obviously not work on the "sea of black tears" level though where you have to slowly build up a diverse army and charge toward Ophelias massive army.
These are just some general tips but if you need a full walkthrough then I highly recommend the one on mahalo-
To complement the great Solutions already provided, I just want to point out exactly what you lose and retain when you start a New Game.

As you would expect, the entire world resets as if you never touched it. You lose all serpents, Motor Forges, solos, Buried Metal, landmarks, Lightning Plug jumps, Deuce upgrades, and Fire Tributes. So if you are working on any achievements that require them, either finish them up or bite the bullet and start over.

You KEEP your Fans Spent count (from Campaign and Multiplayer modes combined), so you can continue to work towards the Sellout achievement if needed. You KEEP all Concept Art unlocked, which you will need for 100% completion (plus if you enjoyed perusing the art, you don't have to worry about losing it).

18 Jun 2011 18:55

Found a glitch to get this:

I got stuck on the second to last battle (Sea of Black Tears), switched the difficultly to Gentle during battle and then reloaded my game from the last checkpoint. I played through and won the battle, did some exploring and then completed the final battle of the game without changing the difficulty.

After the credits, the game gave me all three difficulty achievements. It seems that if you change the difficulty during a battle, there is a glitch that will still give you all three achievements. I checked the difficulty setting and it was still set to Gentle. I played the entire game up to the Sea of Black Tears on Brutal.

01 May 2010 02:48

For anyone that wants to use the Brutal difficulity glitch, you will need to play offline and clear your system cache first. Then start a new game on Brutal difficulity, then play up till the first stage battle. Now just follow the guide below. You can make a back up of your save if you want, this will give you chance to test out the glitch first.

I have thaken this from a thread on 360a it was posted by Felipe Balocco i take no credit for this at all.

Hey guys, I've just finished the game using this glitch and I can tell for sure: it works.

I have a couple of notes, however.
- You can't do this glitch using the xbox live updates. If you try to do so, the game will return to brutal difficulty after you load your checkpoint. So It's COMPLETELY NECESSARY to clean your xbox cache (there's a lot of places teaching how to do this).
- You'll have to complete the main story OFFLINE. After cleaning your cache, you'll be asked to make an update every time you put on the game disc. Saying NO implies staying offline. No worries, tough: just finish the campaign and after that you can wander around online, since difficulty no longer matters for achievements.
- After you complete some missions, the difficulty will return to BRUTAL.I can say by my experience, this is normal and you just have to do the glitch again. Here's what I did and how I notice if the glitch is working smooth:
1: turn the difficulty to gentle;
2: it will appear a warning screen: accept;
3: without leaving the option screen, load your checkpoint;
4: after it's loaded, go check your difficulty screen: it will be on GENTLE. However, after you try to leave this screen, the SAME WARNING SCREEN FROM STEP 2 WILL APPEAR. This screen shows that the glitch is working! But this time, PRESS CANCEL, otherwise the game will definetly changed to GENTLE.
5: Beat this game

On last note: I just did the difficulty glitch in stage battles, because.... well, they are boring as hell. I can't say for sure, but It doesn't seem to have any reason why this glitch wouldn't work on other mission as well.

15 Jul 2018 14:01