Brütal Legend

Brütal Legend

60 Achievements


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Spent 250,000 fans - any mode


How to unlock the Sellout achievement in Brütal Legend - Definitive Guide

To aquire this achievement you need to spend 250 000 fans, after beating the campaign you'll probably have around 60k spend, so try to make 50 wins now. When i won last 50 match i had 156k... So i went boosting them :D Here is my way how i did this: Start a custom match WITHOUT AI on a map called "feeding area" ( yes! you can do that ;D) there will be an enemy base but it will make nothing. There's an monster on the middle of the map, fly there and play a solo to make your rally point here. Capture every leecher on the map so you'll cash will raise faster
( there's 4 you can capture in this map ) and then just upgrade your stage to maximum, your headbangers, chicks and healing bike also, then start producing units, headbangers are best because they die from 1 hit of this monster in the middle ;]. So just sit and do it for few hours and you'll get it!. Cheers! ( And sorry for my poor english hehe) * as many ppls said this work only when you are ONLINE *

17 Oct 2009 04:48

Thanks Makker, that's what I was gonna ask! smile
By XI AlphaMale IX on 02 Jul 2011 22:38
good idea mate will do this when i get to it
By ALI G 008 on 17 Oct 2009 15:55
great idea, but i don't think i'll put myself through the torture of 50 wins ><
By VT PrfNutbutter on 18 Oct 2009 16:40
Torture? this game rule dude :O i made whole 50 wins in 1 day and i won 37 matches in a row xD
By Celt PL on 18 Oct 2009 17:22
Using this strategy with the Tainted Coil works well because the battle nuns only take 1 unit and cost 75. The fan-geysers can't keep up with the rate I produce them. :)
By VT PrfNutbutter on 18 Oct 2009 17:31
How in the world do you set up a match with no AI? I can't seem to do that.
By Zacry072 on 19 Oct 2009 05:09
I've send you an PM ;]
By Celt PL on 19 Oct 2009 11:45
How do you make a match without AI??
By Undead Immortal on 19 Oct 2009 13:30
u have to be online for that to work btw
By LepraSaun on 24 Oct 2009 23:26
Yeah, this doesn't work unless you are connected to Live. Also, this is a great way to get the concept art for Drowning Doom and Tainted Coil (and Ironheade if you don't have all of them).
By Octobot Super on 11 Nov 2009 13:06
Great solution!!! Congratulations!!!
By on 23 Jan 2010 03:58
I got about 20k in 45 minutes. is that average for this method.
By Mstrofdashadows on 05 Feb 2010 20:02
does anyone know if you restart a campaign does this reset your fans spent. ex: going back and doing the campaign on brutal difficulty.
By MyFryHole on 14 Mar 2010 23:51
I'd recommend creating headbangers to get the fangeysers and once you can get bouncers just create them as they cost the same as the headbangers but only take up 2 spaces so you get 2000 spent each full time if the monster kill all of them
By Veithyr on 23 Mar 2010 22:47
@myfryhole - It doesn't reset, I've played through the campaign twice and the fans accumulated from the 1st playthrough
By KingBubbaho on 13 May 2010 20:12
Great piece of advice! Worked like a charm. Took me like 4 hours to rack up 150k fans spent (I already accumulated 100k playing through the storyline). I alternated between creating bouncers and metal beasts. Just hang around every so often to qeue up enough units so all 40 slots are filled up and then go watch tv or something. Check back every 10 minutes and fill up all slots again. Rinse and repeat. Not too much of an effort :)
By Silverhellspawn on 29 May 2010 18:46
I'm averaging a bout 40k every 80 minutes of that soudning right?
By Torhu Hybrid on 25 Jun 2010 02:26
Just so everyone knows, this pops while you're in the game so you don't have t finish to get your achievement.
By Makker on 18 Mar 2011 16:29
ZhuleCRO1985 I would also like to know this. Is there any way to check progress?
By rob25X on 09 Jul 2017 10:31
Campaign and go to stats
By on 16 Sep 2020 09:50
id actually recommend the metal beasts as when they are hit by the worm they dont move or "bounce" as the other weaker units do and still die in 3 hits you can also just set up to 7ish or so in a cue and it will use the fans faster then they are accumulated
By Alexiel Soli 69 on 05 May 2010 21:52
where I can check how many fans did I spent so far?
By ZhuleCRO1985 on 01 Dec 2014 12:49
This actually goes a lot faster if you do play against the AI. Select Drowning Doom and play against Tainted Coil (on most gentle) on Feeding area. Capture all the geysers as you normally would, then build a Tree Back, double team with him and take him to the Tainted Coil stage. Once you're there, move about halfway through that little path that goes from the stage to the monster in the center. The trick is to find a spot far enough away from Doviculus that he won't attack you, yet close enough that the Tree Back's crows will attack and kill him every time he respawns.

The crows kill Doviculus once every 20 seconds or so, with each kill awarding you 50 fans. This gives you an additional ~9k fans an hour. All you need to do is stand on your spot and keep sending a steady stream of your minions to their doom. Doviculus does create a Battle Nun every couple of minutes or so, but as long as you're not too close to the stage, she will attack the fan tower instead of you. She'll get a few hits in before the crows take her out, and may be able to bring the tower down given an hour or two, so you'll have to keep an eye on that. Probably not a good idea to take a nap while you're at it.
By kyoukai on 29 May 2010 14:19
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######### Please note: #########
This solution is the fastest method for players without the 'Hammers of Infinite Fate' DLC.
If you have the DLC just take a look at the solution below, written by DanTheManGum.

Start a custom match without any enemy and set the map also to 'Feeding Area'. Instead of choosing 'Ironheade' switch to 'Tainted Coil' and start the match.

First thing you've to do is, of course, capture every fan geysir. Meanwhile place the rallye flag right in front of the giant worm in the center of the map. All you have to do now is building a lot of 'Battle Nun's. Why 'Tainted Coil' and why 'Battle Nun's you ask? The math:

Headbanger (Ironheade)
Costs: 100 fans / load: 4 units / building time: ~10 seconds

Battle Nun
Costs: 75 fans / load: 1 unit / building time: ~5 seconds

Due to the small load of the battle nuns you can build 40 nuns at once. That are 4500 fans spent in about 5 minutes ... instead of 30 headbangers and 3000 fans while playing as Ironheade (in 5 minutes+ because of the capacity limit).

The nuns will die just as fast as the headbangers. One hit by the worm and they're dead.

######### Update #########
Since a few commenters are quite doubtful about the math, let's dig deeper into the rabbit hole.

If you get a constant stream of fans without any interruption you'll need ~9 hours just to get 250.000 units from the geysers. That are ~22 minutes for full 9999 fans. Since you can't get more than 9999 fans at once, you need to spend them ASAP to receive more fans. ( The interruption I mentioned. )

So, ...

If you want to build Headbangers you need ~17 minutes to spend the whole 9999 fans. But that's w/o the capacity limit. If you take the cap limit and the time needed for killing the Headbangers into consideration you'll easily exceed the 22 minutes. Therefore this odyssey will take longer than just 9 hours in total!

If you want to use Nuns instead, you'll only need ~12 minutes to spend the 9999 fans. Let's say 13 minutes, due to the killing - just to be fair. There's no way you hit the cap limit. You'll get a nice constant stream of Nuns. So, it takes you ~5 hours to build enough Nuns worth a total of 250.000 fans, while leaving you with about 4 hours for whatever you want while acquiring fans for the next batch.

This achievement will take you at least 9 hours - w/o the DLC. No matter what.

IF you choose to build Headbangers it takes longer than ~9 hours.
IF you choose to build Nuns it will definitely take ~9 hours in total.

NO, there is no faster method (w/o the DLC).
NO, not even with a turbo controller.

28 Jun 2010 01:12

100 000 Fans ~214 min
By FjeKan on 14 Sep 2010 19:30
I dunno, this "feels" much faster. I wish I'd been doing this the whole time.
By XI AlphaMale IX on 03 Jul 2011 12:48
Your math is flawed. Both will work out to be the same amount of time because the limitation isn't the cap or the unit price it's the fan acquisition rate. 75 fans acquired every 10 seconds which means it'll take between 5-6 hours regardless.
By JMJimmy on 11 Feb 2013 19:15
Also, this can be done with a turbo controller - turbo A, rubber band RB then A before the wheel goes away. Then twist tie the stick to the cord which gives you the direction you want on the wheel. Then just sit back and wait - sends out a nun every 10 seconds until it pops.
By JMJimmy on 11 Feb 2013 19:17
# About your first comment:
75 fans every 10 seconds? ... that's not even near 5-6 hours. If you get a constant stream of fans without any interruption you'll need ~9 hours just to get 250.000 units from the geysers. Since I hate redundancy you'll find the rest of the response to your first comment under "Updates" within my solution.

# About your second comment:
We're talking about a normal session (w/ breaks) with a normal controller. No turbo knick-knack thingy whatsoever. Get fans, spend fans, repeat ... w/o butt-imprinting your sofa for full 9 hours. But yes, ofc, you can use a turbo controller if you want to. But guess what, *drumroll* ... it isn't any faster either. 9 hours, no matter what. (w/o the DLC)
By Yuriam on 12 Feb 2013 01:05
If the turbo controller trick is afk-able for the entire duration, you might as well do it that way. It's not faster, but you gain the time you'd otherwise spend grinding this achievement out, making it preferable in that regard
By Octobot Super on 12 Feb 2013 02:54
Whether a turbo controller is used or not doesn't matter as you can do the same with just being there and pushing the buttons (in any number of sessions). My 5-6 hour was an estimate that assumed you did the achievements first which will allow you to progress in this achievement while not directly working on it. (ie: anywhere from 60-95k naturally spent doing other chevs) - also I assume no DLC.
By JMJimmy on 10 Aug 2014 12:30
Yeah, but if you're using a turbo controller, you actually get time to do other stuff. That's valuable to me and I'm sure to other people.
By Octobot Super on 10 Aug 2014 23:19
It's an old post but the maths is a little bit wrong. You're right to say that it will be faster using Battle Nun (Tainted Coil). You can spent more fans with Battle Nun than Headbanger. I'm currently doing it and I can say that you have the right solution (IMO).

Headbanger (Ironheade)
Costs: 100 fans / load: 4 units / building time: ~10 seconds / Total: 1000 fans

Battle Nun (Tainted Coil)
Costs: 75 fans / load: 1 unit / building time: ~5 seconds / Total: 3000 fans
By FluxB0x on 08 Dec 2021 17:21
I just left my game idol to collect fans while I did something else, came back and spawned a bunch of the most expensive car I had (I used Lightning rod as the Drowning Doom just cause I was unlocking the concept art for them already) and drove them into the water as they spawn. Feels alot faster to me than waiting for any of them to spawn and run to the slow @$$ worm in the center. if theres an arena with more fan towers and an easy access ledge itd be even faster because I go through 5000 fans in about 5 minutes they take longer to spawn but less time to kill abd Im not doing the math but worth a thought
By ChewyBrown2105 on 19 May 2023 00:52
This is a seemingly good tip, but you can only spend fans as fast as you earn them... which is about 2,500 every five minutes. So I think both strategies would be the same, no?
By Octobot Super on 01 Aug 2010 10:31
Yuriam and Celcik together have an excellent system. It's true that the main limitation is the rate of fan acquisition, but building nuns is a faster way to spend the fans once you have them. So set up a game as they describe and then leave the XBox alone. Allow 5-7 minutes to pass while you do other things, then come back and buy 40 nuns (3000 fans spent). Then leave and do other stuff. It's a great way to spend fans without having to be there on the controller the whole time. Let the machine do the work for you and only stop by every once in a while to drain the fans that have accumulated while you surf the web, read, watch movies, etc.
By Rengrave on 22 Oct 2010 07:21
I'm currently working on this and averaging about 25000 in an hour using Tainted Coil against Iron Heade (I didn't understand Celt's solution till just now) in the feeding area.

I took all the geysers except the one by their stage and kept 3 nuns and a father and 2 pain lifters, and two scream wagon (whatever they're called) near the right geyser and kept them at bay while sending nuns to their death in the middle of the map. Granted, i could have killed the nuns but I wasn't making enough fans fast enough to make those 3 load bearing nuns really matter. I made one scream wagon use the unit building buff with the other one using the attack buff so I didn't run into an issue with the larger groups the AI would send

At some point they the AI decided to stop sending small waves in and amassed a 15+ army, allowing me to get the Euthanasia and Bleeding Death achievements I was struggling with trying to get against drowning doom.
By DauntingAbyss on 11 Apr 2012 00:25
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You must have the hammer of infinite fate dlc as well as being connected to live (you do not need another player).

Pick a custom match with no opponent.
Pick the Tainted coil as your army.
Pick Crucible of the Titans as your map.
Build 4 battle nuns at the beginning of the game and take over all fan geysers (there are 4 with leeches 1 enemy controlled and 1 you already control).
Now set your rally flag to the left of your starting stage on the bridge (not the one straight ahead). Continually build nuns.

This method is slightly faster than the feeding area due to the extra fan geyser. You must pay sleight attention in case the Titan stops hitting your bridge but this only happened once to me in farming 150,000 fans. I also lets my fans build to 8k to see if I could whittle it back down and indeed you can easily.

Good luck all.

21 Jan 2011 11:42

Also, I do have this achievement. Just have to wait until the scanners work again.
By DanTheManGum on 23 Jan 2011 11:01
I did this method. Effing boring but definately works. The fact that this map has 6 geysers helps a lot.
By on 03 Feb 2011 19:14
Just so everyone knows, this pops while you're in the game so you don't have t finish to get your achievement.
By Makker on 18 Mar 2011 16:29
This helped allot! x3
I kept spamming nuns and it worked the best then any other ally, and when I "fell asleep" watching this, It was easy to spend the fans without suddenly having too little room on the board and too many fans! xD
It happned to me when I used Ironhead, suddenly I had 9999 Fans and the Titan couldn't kill off my guys fast enough XD Such a bitter game to end XD

*thumbs up*
By WhistIing Wolf on 19 Apr 2011 23:19
In case you were wondering how long you could wander away from your console to get just enough fans for 40 nuns (3000 fans @ 75 / nun), it is 4 minutes and 49 seconds if you have all 6 geysers.

Thought I'd pass it along since I took the time to figure it out!
By neifirst on 30 Jul 2011 16:37
Great solution. Takes about 6 hours to spend 200k fans using this method. I’d just let the game sit for 5 mins then buy 40 Battle Nuns at once, that way I could play another game on my X1.
By Ethigy on 19 Apr 2021 02:04
Just got it, thanks to this and the above guide. Sounds dumb in hindsight, but if you're not to 250K yet, and need to stop for whatever reason (let's say your wife tells you to turn off the 360), be sure to surrender or quit, because just hitting the power button means you wasted the last two hours.

At least now I'm done with the MP parts, in case they decide to ever take down the servers.
By Bonus Eruptus on 25 Jul 2011 03:17
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I found this to be way easier. Credit to BigTrue23 on xa360.

This is the fastest way I can figure to get the Sellout achievement for those who didn't spend many fans in the single player game. This strategy requires the Hammer of Fate DLC.

1. Load up a custom match on the map 'Altar of Blood' with Ironheade

2. First off, create 3 groups of Razor Girls and use them to take the other four fan geysers on the map (2 in the middle/2 near the opposite stage)

3. While you are taking the fan geysers, use the incoming fans to upgrade your stage the whole way and upgrade your units (quick use of 200 fans) Also make sure to set your rally flag in the middle of the map (between the two fan geysers)

4. Once you have all the geysers, and your stage is fully upgraded create a rock crusher, and use your remaining unit limit to create bouncers.

5. Once all 40/40 have been used and all your units are in the middle of the map, fly up through the skull mouth on the left of the map and use the X + A move to drop the motor and release the blood in the middle of the map. This will kill all of your units and allow you to continually create more.

6. As soon as you rock crusher is destroyed, create another one and follow up with 17 bouncers. This combo with allow you to use 2,150 fans prior to releasing the blood. Rinse and repeat.

Now, I was able to complete every build/blood release round in about 3 minutes. Allowing for some error here and there, lets call it 2,150 fans every 5 minutes. The math comes out to 32,250 fans every hour. This means you should hit the cheevo in just under 8 hours (if you started from zero total fans).

23 Jul 2012 02:27