Burnout CRASH!

Burnout CRASH!

20 Achievements


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Burnout Crash All-Star

Burnout Crash All-Star

Collect all 270 Stars


How to unlock the Burnout Crash All-Star achievement in Burnout CRASH! - Definitive Guide

This achievement requires you to earn all the 270 stars on offer in
every event. In each event there are 3 stars for earning points and 2 for fulfilling miscellaneous objectives.

Tips on earning points in each type of event:

Road trip: In road trip you have a set number of cars that will pass your junction and 5 lives in which to do it in. You need 50 million points in road trip to earn all 3 stars. Your basic objective in earning 50m is to keep the amount of cars exiting to a minimum while destroying as much as the environment around you as possible. Keep an eye out for sports cars and gold cars aswell. Try and use crashmeter bonuses to your advantage as well as pizza/bank trucks.

Rush Hour: In rush hour you get 90 seconds to create as much damage as possible to the junction. You also need 50 million points to unlock all 3 stars. Unlike the other events, cars that escape are not the problem and you can earn most of your points destroying buildings. Start off by trying to cause a pile up in the centre and then work your way around destroying buildings/cars until theres not much left at the end. The only tip i can give is too use your crashbreaker a lot during this event to create maximum chaos. I personally found this the easiest to score 3 stars on.

Pile up: In pile up there is a set number of cars but unlike road trip there isnt a life system but you lose inferno multiplier every time a car escapes. You need to score 100 million on each to secure 3 stars. The basic strategy is to try and keep a 5x multiplier while doing as little damage to cars and environment as possible until inferno starts where you need to keep something on fire to continue. You want to keep cars/buildings undamaged until inferno starts to gain as much points as possible. On some of the earlier levels you can just start a pile up towards to centre and when inferno starts, use your crashbreaker to send cars in every direction towards buildings which should be enough to reach 100m or there about. However its harder to do this on the later levels as you are forced to keep moving your car around to stop others escaping which then usually destroys cars/buildings too early. The most important thing is keeping your multiplier high but you can let a couple through if it means a pile up around you isnt disrupted. After i got stuck on a few levels i found an exploit in which to earn 100 million easier. Firstly you need to keep that 5x multiplier whatever the cost. Then when during inferno if you run out of cars to explode near you then try and fall into the nearest hole. Falling into a hole stops the countdown until your car crashes again. This means you can fall down the hole, respawn and then drive into a car/building near that same hole, use your crashbreaker causing damage and fall back into the hole. You can repeat this process over and over until anything near a hole is destroyed which should bring you above 100 million points.
Note: Blowing up gold/sports cars can give you between 15-30 million points each (during a 5x multiplier) and they destroy faster than your average building

Misccelaneous stars:

Triggering super feature (with 100% power):
To trigger the super feature during a road trip you need to fill your crash meter 3 times without losing all your lives. To trigger it with 100% you need to make it without losing a single life. If your concentrating on this then use a car with a lot of aftertouch (as it moves faster) and keep moving around the juction stopping any cars. It may take a few attempts to get used to the pattern in which the cars arrive. Every life lost is a 20% reduction in the superfeatures power so if the objective only requires you to reach 60% then you can lose 2 lives.

Blow up car/building/etc before the superfeature:
These can sometimes be tricky on road trip because you need to concetrate on your lives as well otherwise its game over. Use a car with a lot of power to destroy items quicker

Blow up (x) amount of vehicles on your final explosion (rush hour):
Quite simple, just try and create a pile up of vehicles to blow up at the end. One tip is too not start your pile up at the very start of the event because sooner or later a car is gonna set fire naturally and set off a chain of explosions. I started my pile up 30-40 seconds before the end depending on the amount of vehicles you need to destroy.

Get a 5/10/20x explosion combo:
Use the same strategy than the above by creating a pile up of vehicles and when theres enough use your crashbreaker to destroy them. Also starting your pile up near buildings/car park also helps

Blow up buiding/sports/gold cars:
If you get this objective on rush hour or pile up then just concentrate solely on destroying them and not on points

Get a 3/6x explosion chain
I just created a large pile up with as much cars as possible and let them explode naturally. However it took quite a while to earn this but doesnt take much effort (just let the car run into the centre and let it play itself). There is quite a lot of luck involved with this and if your'e interested you can see your highest chain in the menu's after the event.
MAOraNza adds that If you blow up 2 or more cars at the same time it does not count as a explosive chain but as a combo so dont be surprised if you blow up loads of cars simultaneously without getting this star.
Kamelbarn adds that trying to create a large but scattered group is the best method for getting a high explosion chain

Getting x amount of skillshots:
I found these the trickiest as there hard to set up and you rely a lot on luck. If the objective is just any skillshot then try and send cars into holes/buildings as these are easier than hitting other cars. However if they ask for punt (hitting other cars) skillshots then try and get a few cars near yours and wait until others come close before using your crashbreaker. The same applies for shunt (hitting cars into buildings) and dunk (hitting cars into holes) skillshots but its easier to hit still targets. Also if they ask for incredible skillshots, that is basically hitting them from further distances.
Petit Ver adds that shunt skillshots (aside from hitting buildings) can also be earned by hittting parked cars and that dunk skillshots can be earned through hitting cars into water/pools aswell as into holes.

Get a smash chain:
A smash chain is how much destuctible objects your car can hit at the start of the event. Just try every different path until you find the one with the most objects to hit. This may take a few attempts to get right.
Note: People seem to have trouble with the 11x smash chain on seacrest and 3rd, heres how i did it:
Ok after a few attempts i got the 11x smash chain again, you need to go to the left hand side path. You have to hit everything on that path and cant miss a single thing. As you come out of the path towards the bus take a sharp right so your car crashes between the pool, the bus and a car. You should have been able to crash into a table with an umbrella on it thats next to the pool and this should create an 11x smash chain. Hopefully your car will crash into the bus and the car to maximise chances. Also use the dust storm for better movement.

Destroy car/building during inferno (pile up):
Try and keep as much cars undamaged as possible and dont concentrate on your multiplier because you dont need it. When inferno starts destroy surrounding cars to create an explosion chain, meanwhile move your car towards the item you need to blow up. You can easily use the jumping into a hole method explained earlier by returning to the item if you run out of things to set on fire. You can also do damage to the chosen item before inferno.

Additional tips:
-----I suggest you unlock every vehicle before attempting some of these stars as they can really help (i believe you need 100 for the final vehicle). Also if you complete the final road trip in blueclaw you unlock "elite" mode for all your cars increasing there stats.
-----Cars with high power are usually preferred when going for points as they send cars flying into buildings more often
-----You can get stars over multiple plays of the event and they dont need to all be achieved at once
-----You must finish the event for the star to count and you cant select *crash again" after the game ends because this too will lose you any stars earned so make sure you go back in menus where it awards your stars before retrying
-----The above tips for stars are general and may differ slightly depending on the location your playing at
-----Many of the additional stars may come randomly so i suggest attempting to reach the score first before going for the other stars.

If anyone else has any tips or suggestions please comment and if your stuck on a particular star then ask me and i'll tell you how i obtained it. :)

25 Sep 2011 22:46

For anyone that is stuck on the 15x explosion combo Roswell and 2nd - I was stuck on this for a good 30 minutes. Just plopping yourself in the middle of the intersection wont do it - I could get maybe a 6x combo by just having cars hit me and eventually start on fire. Instead, you'll want to try to make it so that you're blocking the 'right turn lane' as it appears from the right side. There's a yellow sign near the top middle. You'll want your car close to that. Let other cars crash into you until you're at the end. Then set off your crashbreaker. Ideally, you will also hit all the cars parked in that top right, which will set them off. Do not hit your crashbreaker again - wait for everything that is on fire to explode.

This area is integral to getting the combo.

Took me two tries once I figured out that the area was what I should aim for. Got a 20x combo.
By Tasty Pastry on 14 Sep 2015 04:42
No dude, that's the indicator for the ambulance.
By MastaGus on 19 Jan 2013 20:14
shunt skill shots are for crashing traffic cars into parked cars...not buildings...from what I can tell.
By on 18 Jun 2013 12:57
Great solution but do you know what a Dunk Skillshot is ?
By DaShAg on 26 Sep 2011 12:09
Thanks a lot. Dunk is hitting a car into a hole, shunt is into a building, punt into other cars
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 26 Sep 2011 13:22
I just want to add that a dunk can be hitting a car in a hole OR a pool and shunt can be hitting a car into a building OR into a parked car (not moving nor damaged) Aside from that, good guide !
By Petit Ver on 27 Sep 2011 08:30
ok thanks for that, i had a hunch that was the case about the parked cars but i wasn't 100%. Thanks for letting me know
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 27 Sep 2011 16:20
A point on the "Get a 3/6x explosion chain".
it's sure lucky based and it took me some time to understand how the chain works. You literally have to create a chain reaction without any veichles blow up at the same time (it activates the COMBO chain): I managed to create a row of car piled up: after some crashes of the traffic, a veichle will probably go on fire. You have to wait and finger crossed that the veichles around had enough damage to be ignited from others around to explode in a quick sequence. I got many x5 chain on my last star needed... but finally I managed to pin it :D
By MAOraNza on 28 Sep 2011 12:29
A note on Inferno: You don't lose a multiplier with every car that passes. It depends on where the green arrows are because THOSE are the ones that indicate you'll lose multiplier.
By Sensei Le Roof on 04 Jul 2012 23:30
Thanks a lot, a scattered pile sounds good
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 28 Sep 2011 20:54
struggling to get 11x smash chain on searest & 3rd.
By Fauxxee on 01 Oct 2011 16:14
@platnumfox i think exploding counts as part of a smash chain, if you hit enough objects before then explode into more smashable objects it should work, par attention to what "x smash chain" you do get, and try every possible route.
By k0rruptiD on 01 Oct 2011 19:04
I'm with platnumfox. I've been going at this for an hour and I've taken multiple lines. Even tried hard turning to continue along the main intersection and it just ends as soon as I hit the intersection (normally a 7x or 8x) reguardless if I hit a vehicle or not. Little help on this would be great. LoL. Seacrest and 3rd on Rush Hour 11x Smash Combo, do eet. :)
By p0iz0ned on 02 Oct 2011 03:55
I remember this one taking a while but not exactly sure what i did, i'll go back on and try and figure it out
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 02 Oct 2011 09:03
Ok after a few attempts i got the 11x smash chain again, you need to go to the left hand side path. You have to hit everything on that path and cant miss a single thing. As you come out of the path towards the bus take a sharp right so your car crahses between the pool, the bus and a car. You should have been able to crash into a table with an umbrella on it thats next to the pool and this should create an 11x smash chain. Hopefully your car will crash into the bus and the car to maximise chances. Also use the dust storm for better movement.
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 02 Oct 2011 09:21
Just so people dont get confused the bus and the car are situated between 2 hotels and are not on the actual road
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 02 Oct 2011 09:22
Thanks goto eViL mOnKeY 270. Dunno why or how I didn't see the table to the right side of the left path. Now back onto the path of getting the 270stars.
By p0iz0ned on 02 Oct 2011 21:40
finally got 270 stars, get at least 1 star in the very last event, to unlock all of the elite skins, helps quite a bit.

if going for this, be prepared to retry many times, just to get it perfect, or you might get lucky and get some easy stars. others are seriously tricky.
By k0rruptiD on 07 Oct 2011 01:43
Great advice for the points stars in pile ups, the hole trick worked a treat!!
By Die Hard Mr A on 14 Oct 2011 13:41
Thanks a lot, as soon as i figured out the hole trick it made pile up so much easier
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 14 Oct 2011 14:20
Great advice on 11x smash combo for Seacrest and 3rd rush hour, took like 3 attempts after reading this, thanks it was making me mad
By Die Hard Mr A on 14 Oct 2011 21:58
ok, just got it again, you need to go on the left hand side path and keep to the left. Now you just need to hit every item on your way including the lampost which is on the road beforehand. I just got an 11x smash chain after hitting every possible item. Also if you didnt already know you should use the dust storm.
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 17 Oct 2011 13:48
hi, I need your help, if you don´t mind, can you tell how can I get my last star?

Its roswell 1 and pile up, It´s my final star and I dont know what to do.

It´s says make a 5 fantastic skillshots, but how?

thanks a sorry for my english
By tbobaneado on 19 Oct 2011 13:00
by fantastic i think you mean incredible but they should be the same thing. To hit these you need to hit cars from a far distance into other cars, buildings or holes. Just try and position your car at an angle where it can hit other cars/buildings/holes and create a pile up. There is a lot of luck involved and it may take a few attempts. I'll reload my game later and try and help with this specific level
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 19 Oct 2011 15:18
done it, thanks a lot, now I have got 200 g.thanks a lot
By tbobaneado on 19 Oct 2011 18:22
I would also recommend that after you have made it to the end and unlocked the elite vehicles you back through and play all of one type of event (I.e. finish all pile ups before moving onto to rush hour or road trip) that way you stay in that frame of mind. I found that it made things go faster.
By JOHNNYKAT on 19 Jan 2012 16:17
Great guide, thank you.
By JungleWookiee on 29 Jan 2012 21:07
Struggling with 15x explosion combo Roswell and 2nd... Any advice? Thanks
By tractakid on 01 Apr 2012 21:22
explosion combos's are almost entirely luck based, just try and create a large amount of vehicles together somewhere near the middle of the map. You may just need to replay it a few times
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 02 Apr 2012 13:30
just wanna point out that shunt skill shots are completed by hitting a moving car (might also include damaged but not exploded, but not sure) into a parked car.
By Kamtrocity on 31 May 2012 17:55
update; you have to hit an undamaged moving car into a undamaged parked car.
By Kamtrocity on 03 Jun 2012 01:11
Yea, I agree with CounterInsurgent, I can't seem to get credit for a shunt skillshot into a building, seems to only work when pushed into an undamaged car. I am really struggling with Rockham and 1st Rush Hour - "Get 2 incredible Shunt Skillshots." Anyone have any advice?
By Armstrong x360a on 04 Jan 2018 08:32
Yeah, the 6x explosion chain took me hours to get, i was on 269 stars just trying this one over and over. It is purely luck where vehicles crash, if they explode early or if they set off other vehicles. However i didnt know that 2 or more vehicles blowing up at the same time counted as the combo chain but now that i think off it that makes perfect sense considering how much vehicles i was blowing up in a row and only getting 4x chains. Thanks anyway, i'll add that to the solution
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 28 Sep 2011 13:26
I explained how to get an explosion chain in the guide for that achievement, I'll quote it here:

"Play rush hour and create a pile up at an intersection. Don't use your crashbreaker once cars start driving into each other, they will damage each other and eventually one will catch on fire. If you have a large but quite scattered pile, that car should start a explosion chain. It's mostly about luck if you get a big chain going, but this method works (I've used it on events that require chains)."

Took me 5 tries to get the 6x explosion chain star. It still has to do with luck, but it's much easier if you do it like this.
By Kamelbarn on 28 Sep 2011 20:16
Thanks for the help, the driving in to the hole trick helped me net the $100 million I needed for my last star - cheers! smile
By KrankiPantz on 02 May 2014 02:34
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