Chronos: Before the Ashes

Chronos: Before the Ashes

40 Achievements

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How to unlock the BFA achievement in Chronos: Before the Ashes - Definitive Guide

I got this early for review and have unlocked all other achievements. I think this is bugged.

27 Nov 2020 16:40

How long did it take and were they difficult?
By VegaGave on 29 Nov 2020 00:45
Great. Another platinum trophy that might never get patched.

-1 sale until it gets fixed.

Thanks for the warning!
By SiegfriedX on 29 Nov 2020 01:16
@dreamweaver1984 How can you be sure? The achievement title is BFA which I would assume is a play off of BFG from Doom (Big F**kin Gun) so this could be Big F'n Achievement which further implies the end all be all of achievements for the game. This is all assumption of course, but I'd like to know where you're getting your perspective from.
By VegaGave on 29 Nov 2020 22:55
Every gunfire game tends to have the bfa achievement which is for unlocking all other achievements with the exact same description. Thanks for the thumbs down though appreciate that.
By Kaynx on 30 Nov 2020 10:53
Yeah, agree with Kaynx. BFA is most notably in the Darksiders series. It means Built For Armageddon, and is awarded for unlocking all other achievements.
By KJer25 on 30 Nov 2020 15:20
And it was also glitched on Darksiders 2 for a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time.
By SiegfriedX on 30 Nov 2020 23:09
Unbelievable, they always have the same achievement name too. Gunfire Games never learns.
By AP 8T8 on 01 Dec 2020 21:04
Sad to say I can confirm this is a bugged achievement. I have unlocked all other achievements, collected all items/found all books/scrolls, and even died 62 times to reach age 80 to unlock the final trait. No BFA. Let's hope this gets resolved ASAP
By local bellboy on 05 Dec 2020 07:29
Yeah bugged for me too. Most definitely is not for collecting all items. You’d understand if you have played it of course. Same company as DS2 and same achievement. Hopefully they don’t take 5 years to fix it this time...
By Jakey x 1994 on 05 Dec 2020 17:26
I buy on PS4, 22 gamers got Platinum
By Sephiroth Oni on 10 Dec 2020 12:20
Interesting Sephiroth Oni. Makes me hopeful it will be fixed relatively soon on XBox. Haven't seen any updates for the game yet - would like to think it'll be fixed once they roll out an update. I reloaded the game yesterday just to see if it would pop, but still nothing. I did enjoy the game aside from this bug. It is a short one, which you should be able to guess by the initial release price. If it's on sale for $20 or less, definitely worth picking up.
By local bellboy on 14 Dec 2020 09:57
Still broken... Devs are aware of if but it's actually taking them a while to fix it.
By Podcir on 29 Dec 2020 01:04
Thanks for the update Podcir, I keep checking the game every 7-10 days hoping it will pop. Glad to hear they are aware and working on it at least.
By local bellboy on 02 Jan 2021 19:45
I havent played the game yet but i got an update for the game now. Maybe it fixed the achievement ?
By Lord Gothic on 27 Jan 2021 15:31
A new patch was just released today (Jan 27), that they claim fixes BFA.

I downloaded it and could not get it to unlock. I previously had 39/40 achievements, so I'm guessing they did not code it to check and unlock for those of us in this situation. I tried loading my Heroic save, my Casual save, and even started a new game up until I collected the first dragon heart (which would be an achievement) thinking that could force a check, but no luck.

I would guess anyone who has 38 or less achievements will be fine if they coded it even semi-correctly. Otherwise the patch did nothing.
By Za Pantsupati on 27 Jan 2021 16:16
Curious if anyone has tried deleting and reinstalling the game? I have the worst internet service, meaning I have a data limit. So I'll try at the beginning of February if I don't see a response here.
By local bellboy on 30 Jan 2021 01:20
Deleting and reinstalling the game does nothing. The patch to fix BFA was unsuccessful, and they have not acknowledged it anywhere yet as far as I've seen.
By Za Pantsupati on 31 Jan 2021 21:55
Thanks for checking Pantsupati. I also tried killing Dreamer again on one of my saves, just cuz nothing else has worked. Guess I'll check again in a month or two, since that's about how long the first patch took for them to release
By local bellboy on 04 Feb 2021 00:10
It does not work in a new game neither. I just bought it new, played through and no Big F%&% Achievement. Unbelievable
By Oliverio on 16 Feb 2021 12:43
I followed up with them today through alternative channels. Passed along some data. Real fix soon.
By Vudix on 23 Feb 2021 08:54
Thank you vudix
By Kaynx on 01 Mar 2021 00:54
Thank u based Vudix
By Niku no Nioi on 01 Mar 2021 23:16
any news on the bug ? is it fixed now - i m right now on my less then 21 years run... (38 out 40 achievements)
By kedifare on 08 Mar 2021 13:13
It’s still not fixed, I’m getting with them. Don’t worry, it will happen: I’m not giving up.
By Vudix on 18 Mar 2021 19:20
Any new updates ? Its been months and months now.
By on 21 May 2021 09:09
last update was in February and that was supposed to fix it, obviously it didn't. I really hope they fix it, but I'm feeling less hopeful as more time passes. Seems like such a simple fix, I'm no dev, but it can't be so difficult that they failed to get it right twice (on release and latest update).

I really just want to uninstall the game but I've been keeping it in hopes I'll load it one day and the achievement will pop....
By local bellboy on 14 Jun 2021 07:31
Just finished clearing all other achievements. Still broken 29th June 2021.

I swear the BFA achievement in every single Darksiders game was bugged too. It’s incredible that it keeps happening.
By corpirate on 15 Jun 2021 23:09
@Vudix at this point You're our only hope🙈
By Podcir on 02 Sep 2021 17:06
Still isn’t fixed. Loaded the game the other day and it didn’t pop. Stuck at 39/40 990G/1000G
By Paladin Evans on 03 Sep 2021 03:41
Anyone had any luck with this? Completion has gone up to 0.13% over the past few days.
There's no new updates when I check.
By Darkness Gazer on 22 Sep 2021 06:36
@darkness gazer oh yeah! Just loaded up the game and it says 0.27% of players have unlocked it now, but it still didn’t pop for me. This better not be a “if you already did everything you can’t get it” kind of deal 😡😤
By Paladin Evans on 25 Sep 2021 15:19
A glitched BFA cheevo. How surprising xD
Saw the game cheap and was like "why not". I guess it's a no then...
By Wicelow on 15 Nov 2021 22:22
Only started the game a few days ago. Gotten the other achievements so it's still broken, yet it's at 1.32%...
By WoodsOfJager on 06 Dec 2021 20:06
Any news on this chiev? Did the lazy devs fix it yet?
By Paladin Evans on 23 Aug 2022 15:48
Checking in on this as well.
By zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz on 26 Aug 2022 10:59
Hey all. Just an FYI I got an email from Gunfire games that said: “Yes, there is a plan to fix it. We have no ETA on it currently.”
By xxDAMRONxx on 05 Nov 2022 21:36
I don't believe them... "A plan to fix it" but not ETA... This game's almost 2 years old at this point...
By Podcir on 05 Nov 2022 22:38
I was happy they at least responded. Maybe if more people went to gunfire games and shot them an e-mail they would see more people were interested.
By xxDAMRONxx on 08 Nov 2022 05:32
@damron I emailed them ages ago about it and they said it wasn’t their problem
By Paladin Evans on 19 Dec 2022 06:51
every 3-4 months i reinstall to checkk this one, haven't had luck yet. I just think back to Darksiders 2 BFA achievement and how that unlocked for me like 5 years after it released lol. It was right after THQ Nordic bought the franchise. Ironically they are part of this game too
By local bellboy on 25 Feb 2023 11:22
I’m thinking maybe this will get patched after Remnant 2 releases. Possibly since it’s in the same universe and they did the same thing with Darksiders 2 after Darksiders 3 released. It’s a smaller team but no excuses for this.
By KJer25 on 28 Mar 2023 14:33
Did all the requirements but the achievement didn’t unlock. Anyone solved this ?
By Jreeps on 18 Jul 2023 18:25
@Jreeps Nope still doesn't work, the only hope is that now that remnant 2 is out, they might go and fix it
By Banesevil on 22 Jul 2023 12:27
I reached out to Gunfire again yesterday. Will update if I get a response
By xxDAMRONxx on 29 Jul 2023 15:19
might as well tell them they can request the achievement to be deleted if they dont want to fix it or just change it to pop upon loading the game up
By Not MJC on 01 Aug 2023 18:30
just a quick question what are the conditions for unlocking it ?
By III Skyzo III on 07 Aug 2023 03:12
Mais uma maravilhosa conquista bugada, faça tudo, passe horas para no fim perceber que um game de 2020 até hoje está sem suporte para uma mísera conquista, alô Gunfire/Microsoft ou arruma ou excluam essa droga de conquista
By DanXGuerra on 08 Aug 2023 00:56
2 people have cheated this unlock. This site is full of cheaters.
By KJer25 on 02 May 2024 22:24
SiegfriedX - I remember when THQ Nordic picked up the Darksiders series. First thing I did when I saw that news was log into Darksiders 2, and lo and behold that BFA achievement unlocked right away.

And thanks for the info, Kaynx. Thumbs up from me just for the effort. Pox to all naysayers.

I picked up this game cuz I loved Remnant. Obviously different gameplay style but a continuation of the story and lore was what I wanted. I'll let y'all know if the achievement is bugged for me too once I complete the other achievements.

Quick update - finished first playthrough, and I think most of us already knew this, but this achievement is definitely NOT for collecting everything in the game - just to debunk the one person who mentioned that possibility.
By local bellboy on 03 Dec 2020 03:23
Maybe it will work only in a new game? Sucks if it's the case, but at least it would not be broken anymore.
By SiegfriedX on 09 Feb 2021 01:27
Still not fixed for me. Recent update was said to fix it, but it doesn't look like anyone has unlocked it yet. I would be curious if it works for you having not already had all the other achievements prior to the update they released in February.

Edit: I see in previous comments someone already tried that with no luck. Hopefully it's fixed soon. I'd like to free up some space on my hard drive and am just keeping it until the achievement unlocks lol.
By local bellboy on 15 Mar 2021 04:44
Sorry to say, Mr @DanXGuerra, but one of the issues here is people like you, that believe MS/Xbox has something to do with some chievo from a game it not even publish.
At a Halo, Gears or Forza game, or even a Beths or ActBlizz one now you can put the bomb on Redmond guys hands, but this one is a 3rd partie, so it should only and always point to Gunfire as devs and THQ/Embracer as publisher.
By Andre Alexandr on 24 Jan 2024 01:21
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This achievement should act as the "Platinum Trophy" for the game, unlocking when you have got all 39 other achievements. Unfortunately like many of these types, it is glitched as of the game's release.
  • Trophy difficulty level : 4/10.
  • Offline trophies : - 40 (16 , 21 , 2 , 1 ).
  • Online Trophies : None.
  • Approximate time to receive platinum : 10-15 hours.
  • Minimum number of completions to reach platinum : 2.
  • Glitched Trophies : None.
  • Number of trophies you can miss : None.
  • Does difficulty level affect trophies? : Yes, it’s better to play the game right away on the “Hero” difficulty level..
  • Do cheats disable trophies? : No, there are no cheats.
  • Additional devices : No.

04 Jan 2022 13:32

- Somersault over head according to timing without auto-capture, this is the ultimate salvation from everything.
- Almost any fat mob can be spammed with a heavy attack on , if you drive him into a corner. This method works well with a sword, but not always with other types of weapons.
- The sword and spear are the most useful types of weapons. The sword is balanced in damage and speed. The spear is long and can attack mobs at a distance.
- The Krell's drop-shaped shield is the best at blocking blows.
- The “sun stone” magic gives temporary invulnerability and is one of the most useful in the game, since it allows you to kill a fat mob or remove one health bar from a boss in one use.
- The superiority of enemies can be compensated by leveling up the hero. The first talent should be set to “Honoured Wisdom” to increase the experience gained. After each death of the hero, you need to benefit and clear all available locations from mobs to farm experience and “dragon fragments”.
- The maximum age of the hero is 80 years. For each death of a hero, one year of life is added. For every 10 years (10 hero deaths), the opportunity to choose a new talent opens up. You can die in the game an infinite number of times; once the hero reaches 80 years of age, the game does not end.
- The maximum level for a character is 70. After 40 years, the strength parameter will cost more: 2 experience points. After 45 years, the magic parameter will cost less: 1 experience point. This affects the trophy "Wisdom comes with age" . Once you reach the age of 70, you can no longer improve your strength, agility, and endurance. This affects getting trophies "Strength in numbers" / "Amazing skill" / "The flow of life" .
- To improve any weapon you need a “dragon shard”. To +1 you need 3 fragments. To +2 you need 5 fragments. To +3 you need 8 fragments. To improve any weapon by +4 and +5, you need to combine “dragon oil” with “dragon shard” to get a “rare dragon shard”. To +4 you need 3 rare fragments. To +5 you need 5 rare fragments. "Dragon Shard" and "Dragon Oil" can be found in the "Carved Dragon Crate" or by killing enemies.
- Do not upgrade a standard iron sword or iron ax to +4 and +5. As the game progresses, you can exchange this weapon for an improved version: a Krell sword or a Krell axe. This way you can save eight bottles of dragon oil. See the trophy "Worth it" .
- A picture with keys for the portal to the Krell location.
By TiamaTiK on 21 Apr 2023 02:49
After 40 years, strength skills will cost more - 2 points. If necessary, skip to a flash drive on difficulty - a hero.
By Leksich on 01 Sep 2022 18:50