Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans

49 Achievements

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The Pyre

The Pyre

Use a "Flame Core" attack to defeat each type of undead monster, except undead bosses.


How to unlock the The Pyre achievement in Clash of the Titans - Definitive Guide

(Here's some good info by K1llerMonkey. I take no credit for this. I just found it somewhere else).

To get this Achivement You need to Equip the Weapon called Flame core.. Or atleast that what i did. All the weapons come under Flame core but just to be safe i did it with just that Weapon, You can hit em with your sword to get em down abit but the killing blow
Must be from the flame Core

I tried to put them in order as you would come across em but they might not be.
(probably a bunch of Grammar mistakes in here :P)

Fallen - Found in Mount of Idols Challange go left and enter that section to find it

Fallen Warrior - Samee Area as Fallen

Bones - Found in Mount of Idols Challange go Right from where you start and your see it at the Y Section

Bone Soldier - Found in Mount of Idols Challange go right and when you get to the Y section take a left jump on the rocks and climb the wall then go back down jump back over the rocks and they will spawn

Bone Warrior - From Bone Solider jump the rocks Climb the wall and he spawns here

Skeleton Soldier - From where you get Bone Warrior .. Carry on Climbing up to the next section here you will find this guy. You will allsdo find
a Bone warrior up here

Skeleton Warrior - Found in Streets of Argos Second area in the Street like part

Skeleton Mauler - Same Area as Skeleton Warrior.

Skeleton Archer - Same Place as Skeleton Warrior and Mauler

Bone Archer- Found in Streets of Argos He right at they very end section of the place in the outsided part of the town.

Bone Mauler - Found in the same Area as the Bone Archer

Death Soldier - Found in Argos Castle Area . When u start in here go though The hall way into the Open Throne room(i think it is) then you get to the steps on the outside here you will find him

Death Mauler - Same place as Death Soldier

Death Warrior - After the Death soldier and Mauler you can carry on through in the very next Area you willl find this one

Death Archer - Sane area Death Warrior

Dark Archer - This guy is in the same Area as Death Warrior,Archer and only diffrence is this guy sorta rare.. What you need to do it keep going in and out of the area till he spawns. But make sure you run to the outside part of the town Else you will have to keep killing the mobs in other section to be able to get in.. So once your in the outside part Go in and out over n over intill he finnaly pops up

Dark Soldier - Found in Medusa's Temple . To get this guy , When u spawn in there area head down into the big round room, in here take the door to the left as u enter to emerge in a room with a totem in the middle, In here take the rock Formation door (the left one), Then follow this section all the way down.The next room you go into will be with a water Feature in the middle. This is the room that the Dark Soldier will spawn. Again this guys is a rare so pop in and out till he appears

Lost Spirit - Can be found in 2 Areas Underworld and Miasmic swamp.. either way it dont matter u need to goto both areas to get the Dark version on these. For Underworld hes right next to the 1st climb up part. Miasmic Swamp Location follow Dark spirit Description.

Dark Spirit - This guy is found In Miasmic Swamp Right then. To get to this guy From where you start. 1st go across the Bridge then drop off to the left into the next section. Once in the next section stick to the left side n go down that path. Go down there until you get to the jumping part
Once there Go left on the jumping bit then climb up the rocks and he should spawn up there.. He is a rare one so just keep jumping up and down from where they spawn till he finally shows up.. When doing the jumping up n down bit make sure they have Despawned b4 u jump back up

Soul Eater - Found in 2 Places Miasmic Swamp and Underworld . For the swamp Follow Dark Spirit Description For underworld Follow Dark soul Description

Dark Soul - Found in Underworld . For this guy u go though the underworld until u get to the bit where u go up some stairs, Standing at the bottom of the stairs u will see em behind u.. Now this guy hard to spot if ur at the stairs looking to ur left (if ur facing the stairs~) Then u will see Several
Rocks that u can Climb alittle into the distance. This guy spawns right up there and yes he rare so again wont allways be there . Easy way to get him to spawn goto the stairs and run up n back down and check in the distance each time u get down to see if he there.. Cant really miss him he's does glow bright red after all.

Sightless - Fond in Norn mountain , From where you enter Travel the 1st section get into the next.. You'll come to a T Junction .. Carry on straight.. travel the next bit. And the next section will be a Cross Junction Take a right here and follow this until u get to well a dead end this guy spawns in here (might aswell add a Dark Centaur spawns in here if you still need him
Deal with him like all the other rares pop in and out till he spawns)

Living dead - Found in The underworld just b4 the 1st wall climb

06 Jun 2012 02:27

For this trophy there are four flame core abilities, but I don’t know if all four work. Your best bet is to just use the one that is actually called ‘Flame Core’, see ‘The Weapons of Hecatoncheir’ trophy below for the location of this weapon.

So all you need to do now is equip the weapon and press to use it on each undead enemy. For the locations of the enemies needed please use the list below, thanks to K1llerMonkey from for this list.

Fallen - Found in Mount of Idols Challenge go left and enter that section to find it.

Fallen Warrior – In the same Area as a Fallen enemy.

Bones - Found in the Mount of Idols Challenge. Go Right from where you start and you will see it at the Y Section.

Bone Soldier - Found in the Mount of Idols Challenge. Go right and when you get to the Y section take a left, jump on the rocks and climb the wall then go back down jump back over the rocks and they will spawn.

Bone Warrior - From Bone Solider, jump up the rocks Climb the wall and he spawns here.

Skeleton Soldier - From where you get Bone Warrior. Carry on Climbing up to the next section where you will find this guy.

Skeleton Warrior - Found in Streets of Argos Second area in the Street like part.

Skeleton Mauler – In the same area as the Skeleton Warrior.

Skeleton Archer – In the same place as the Skeleton Warrior and Mauler.

Bone Archer - Found in the Streets of Argos. He is right at the very end section of the place in the outside part of the town.

Bone Mauler - Found in the same area as the Bone Archer.

Death Soldier - Found in the Argos Castle Area . When you start in here go though the hall way into the open throne room (I think it is) then you get to the steps on the outside, here you will find him.

Death Mauler - Same place as the Death Soldier.

Death Warrior - After the Death soldier and Mauler you can carry on through into the very next area, here you will find this enemy.

Death Archer – In the same area as the Death Warrior.

Dark Archer - This guy is in the same area as the Death Warrior. What you need to do is keep going in and out of the area till he spawns. But make sure you run to the outside part of the town otherwise you will have to keep killing the mobs in the other section to be able to get back in. So once your in the outside part go in and out over and over until he finally pops up.

Dark Soldier - Found in Medusa's Temple. When you spawn in this area head down into the big round room, in here take the door to the left, you will enter a room with a totem in the middle. From here take the rock formation door (the left one) and follow this section all the way down. The next room you go into will be with a water feature in the middle. This is the room that the Dark Soldier will spawn. You may have to go in and out of this room until he spawns.

Lost Spirit – This can be found in 2 areas, the Underworld and Miasmic swamp. For the underworld he’s right next to the 1st climb up part. For the Miasmic Swamp location follow the Dark Spirit description below.

Dark Spirit - This guy is found in the Miasmic Swamp. To get to this guy from where you start first go across the bridge, drop off to the left & go into the next section. Once in the next section stick to the left side and go down that path, go down there until you get to the jumping part. Once there go left on the jumping bit & climb up the rocks, he should spawn up there. He is a rare enemy so just keep jumping up and down from where they spawn until he finally shows up.

Soul Eater – This can be found in two places, the Miasmic Swamp and the Underworld. For the swamp follow the Dark Spirit description, for the Underworld follow the Dark soul description below.

Dark Soul - Found in the Underworld. For this enemy you need to go through the Underworld until you get to the bit where you go up some stairs, standing at the bottom of the stairs you will see him behind you. He is hard to spot, so if your at the stairs looking to your left then you will see several rocks that you can climb a little into the distance. He will spawn right up there and once again he is rare so he won’t always be there. The easiest way to get him to spawn is to go to the stairs and run up & down and check in the distance each time you get down to see if he’s there.

Sightless - Found in Norn Mountain. From where you enter travel the first section & go into the next. You'll end up coming into a T-Junction, carry on straight & travel into the next bit. Here you will be at a cross type junction, take a right and follow this road until you get to a dead, this enemy will spawn here. Once again if he isn’t there then just go back and fourth between the two sections until he spawns.

Living dead - Found in the Underworld just before the first wall climb.

List of enemies needed to kill:

1. Fallen (Blue Zombie) – In the Mount of Idols test, we go to the left from the place of our appearance, we go into the location. This is where we find him.

2. Fallen Warrior (Zombie with a hammer) – Same place as Fallen.

3. Bones (Simple Skeleton) - In the Mount of Idols test, we go to the right from where we appeared, and in the next location before the Y-shaped fork we find it.

4. Bone Soldier (Skeleton with a sword and shield) - In the Mount of Idols challenge, at the Y-shaped fork, turn left and go straight. Bone Soldier will respawn in front of the rocks.

5. Bone Warrior (Skeleton with a hammer) – From the place with the Bone Solider we go further, jump over the rocks and climb up the wall, here we find it.

6. Skeleton Soldier (Skeleton with a sword, shield and helmet) - From the place with Bone Warrior we climb onto the next wall, he is here.

7. Skeleton Warrior (Skeleton with a hammer) - In the Streets of Argos test in the second location (market/port).

8. Skeleton Mauler (Skeleton with an ax) - In the same place as Skeleton Warrior.

9. Skeleton Archer - Same as Skeleton Warrior and Mauler.

10. Bone Archer (Skeleton Archer) - In the Streets of Argos test in the third location (behind the gate).

11. Bone Mauler (Skeleton with an ax) - In the same place as Bone Archer.

12. Death Soldier (Skeleton with a sword and shield in dark armor) - In the Argos Castle Area test in the next location after the throne room.

13. Death Mauler (Skeleton with an ax in dark armor) - In the same place as Death Soldier.

14. Death Warrior (Skeleton with a hammer in dark armor) – In the next location after the location with Death soldier and Mauler.

15. Death Archer (Skeleton archer in dark armor) – In the same place as Death Warrior.

16. Dark Archer (Dark red skeleton archer) - In the same place as Death Warrior.

17. Dark Soldier (Dark red skeleton with a sword and shield) - In the Medusa's Temple test, we go down into the large round room, here we go into the left door, in the next room (with the totem) we also go into the door on the left and go down. The next room with a water structure in the center and three non-dark skeletons will contain a Dark Soldier.

18. Living dead (Gray zombie) - The first enemy in the Underworld test.

19. Soul Eater (Black and Gray Ghost) – In the Underworld challenge, we go to the stairs leading to the platform, on which a bunch of skeletons and worms appear. Two Soul Eaters appear in front of these stairs.

20. Dark Soul (Dark Red Ghost) - In the same place as Soul Eater on one of the higher ledges. If he does not appear, we reach the top of the stairs leading to a pile of skeletons and worms, and go back down (to the ledge where the zombie respawns and the armor lies). When you look towards the beginning of the level, Dark Soul will be visible, if not, then again we go up the stairs and go down, and so on until it appears.

21. Lost Spirit (Black ghost with blue-green stripes) – In the Miasmic swamp test, go across the bridge, then to the left. In the next location, go left along the ledges, go down to the rocks, jump left to the suspension bridge, cross it and climb up along the ledges. He is here.

22. Dark Spirit (Dark pink ghost) - In the same place as Lost Spirit. If he doesn't appear, go back to the suspension bridge and back to the place with the Lost Spirit, and so on until he appears.

23. Sightless (Gray-green ghost) - In the Norn Mountain test, we go straight to the intersection of 4 roads, then right and then straight ahead to it.

Enemies with the Dark prefix do not always appear; if they do not appear, then exit the location and return to it.

I used Cereberusian Flare, although any Flame Core would probably work.

26 Nov 2010 19:26