Crysis 2

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51 Achievements


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Complete the single player campaign on Supersoldier


How to unlock the Supersoldier achievement in Crysis 2 - Definitive Guide

Lets break it down for those who may be having some trouble.

The best piece of advice i can give you, is dont shoot unless there are no other alternatives. A good example is in out of the ashes, when asked to tag the enemy Ship for an air strike. Instead of fighting everyone in the room, you can stay cloaked and stand right beside the Ceph shooting down into the street, tag the ship and then walk off with out having to battle it out for a few minutes.

Grab a Turret. In most parts where you have to battle heavies or shielded enemies their are either turrets before the area, or nearby. A few bullets from one will take a heavy down quick. Though limited to 150 bullets, burst firing the turret will increase accuracy, and if aiming for the head will mean you have alot more bullets for other enemies running around =D.

Slow and steady wins the race. Sometimes waiting can be a great help, often the enemies will move to different locations opening new routes that are faster or less dangerous. Enemies will also clump together in some locations, a well placed grenade or RPG can reduce their numbers fast making the battles (if you see no alternative) much less one sided. Crouching while stealth reduces power much slower, but also makes you move slower. Dont be afraid to sprint when you have to or crouch past a enemy when surrounded by guys.

Tagging your enemies, even in sections with out the suit telling you about it is a great benefit. Even if your not going to fight them the arrow above their heads helps to pin point their locations as they move around sections of the map and makes working out a route between you and your objective much easier.

Attack from behind ;). In all seriousness though, Stealth Attacks, or even grabbing enemies cause 1 hit kills and save valuable ammo, You cant grab Heavies or shielded enemies(given away by their brighter eyes and a flickering red when shot at), But by sneaking around picking enemies off your chance of survival in a critical section will improve vastly. Also attacking armored cars from behind means they have less time to get the HMG lined up, you can often blow up the car and stealth away before the enemy has even turned and spotted you =D

Pingers. Are Painful. But if you can save most of your explosives for them they die very quickly. Dont waste a weapon slot taking a L-tag(unless your in central station). If you search around as your making your way through the game you should be able to stock up on enough C4 and RPGs to take them out. Try going in Stealth when one turns up and let it focus on the Marines, then either go around the back and cover it in C4, or plant it on the ground and try to lure it over it. You can also take them down by shooting the red glowing ring on its back when its facing towards you.

Plan Key moments. During the helicopter fight in the lab, enemies will throw nades and shoot at you from the roof. If you wait a little bit, and pick some of them off they start roping down from the roof, some will drop RPGs making taking out the copter stupidly easy.

In the mission Corporate Collapse, after exiting the elevator you will be required to use a computer. Instead If you place a piece of C4 on the ground at the entrance of the hallways coming from the Elevator, you can take out all the Cell agents as soon as they come in the room.

Lastly some silenced weapons when shot during stealth wont remove your stealth completely. This means you can often take a few enemies out with headshots from close up then sneak off to recharge before taking out the rest. Semi automatic weapons when switched to single fire with a silencer can often take 2-3 shots before they drain your power completely.

Power Modules
Threat Tracker- Found this very useful early on, but ditched it later for the Proxy Alarm. Its good for when your suit is low on power and your not sure if its safe to decloak to recharge. Any bullets coming in will be highlighted giving away the position of the enemy you may have missed.
Proximity Alarm- Handy in close areas with lots of small rooms or corridors, when your not sure about sticking your head around a corner. Though it doesnt pinpoint their exact location, the puck noise will increase in volume the closer you get.
Cloak Tracker- Really only useful at the end when your fighting the cloaking Ceph. Went through the whole game multiple times and this was the only time i met any cloaking enemies.

Recommended mod- Proximity Alarm

Armor Modules
Armor Enhance- Though i used it alot through the easier difficulties, i ended up trading it for Deflection. On SS the enemies chew through your armor to fast for this to be of a real use, but each to their own.
Nano Recharge- This is by far the most useful Armor Mod, with the increase health and power regen its usefulness as an aid for your stealth is amazing. Though during unavoidable fighting sections i did switch this out for deflection.
Deflection- kinda the opposite of armor Enhance, instead of boosting the length of time you get, it boosts the defensive bonus you receive. Found this very handy when fighting Pingers as 1 on 1 this power seemed to help much more then Enhance.

Recommended mod- Nano Recharge(stealth) Deflection (fights)

Mobility Modules
Mobility Enhance- This was probably the most useful, as 90% of the time was spent sprinting from cover to cover, and reducing power usage is very important.
Air Friction- Didnt use this power as to much time in the open resulted in much death. =(
Air Stomp- Same as above, and the need to get close to use this made it not worth the swarm of bullets you would receive even if you manged to wipe out most of the enemy with it.

Recommended mod- Mobility Enhance

Stealth Modules
Covert Ops- While probably handy in rooms filled with guys, i could crouch and walk straight pass them with no problem. Maybe more useful if you plan to run around everywhere.
Tracker- While probably very useful if you dont want to use your visor all the time, i found that it was better to spend points getting Stealth Enhance.
Stealth Enhance- Probably the most useful Stealth power, but also the most expensive. The reduction it causes in power usage is enough that i could walk around the map section for quiet a while looking for another place closer to the objective to recharge, or observing where the enemies would be walking next.

Recommended mod- Stealth Enhance.

29 Mar 2011 12:09

Great Solution! One more thing though...

Tagging enemies also shows where and which way they're facing on the mini-map, which helps more.
By British GM on 13 Apr 2011 13:09
The Jackal and Grendel are key to surviving encounters with Pingers they are the only weapons outside of explosives that can kill them. Shooting the red thing as far as I know does about as much damage to Punger as anywhere on them when using explosives.
The one time your forced to fight against a heavy in Central Station having a LMG to lure him to one side of the building, plant C4 breaking stealth to lure it over to you and then C4 it.
Walk in the Park boss fight can be beaten easily if you cloak before triggering the cut-scene thus enabling you to stealth kill them.
By matdan on 03 Jan 2012 00:33
Very good breakdown. Didn't read it until I finished, but it's all spot on. My one thing to add would be sniper rifles work pretty well on pingers too. Lights Out gave me fits on Veteran, but on SS I just hit in the dead-end subway tunnel (can't get jumped that way) and took pot shots (of course the pinger stays in the same place, so some C4 there would have worked well too).
By Onza on 08 May 2012 05:50
excellent work. I'm 9 missions in and finding this actually easier than easy was, well so far anyway.
By Megamonkeymania on 07 Sep 2012 16:17
Oh and I find that running away like a little girl is quite helpful if u get spotted.
By Megamonkeymania on 07 Sep 2012 16:22
I beat the game on super soldier and got all the achievements for beating the game except the super soldier one
By Yatestifer on 24 Jun 2013 21:04
This is easy as long as you do a first playthrough on either easy or normal. You collect enough nano to get all the upgrades especially the stealth ones.
By Solario32 on 16 Dec 2014 15:40
You're either a complete idiot or really really really bad at shooters if you do two playthroughs to get this achievement. Only one playthrough is needed. This is a lot easier than it seems given the fact you can avoid almost all confrontation with cloak. I only purchased 3 nanosuit upgrades and the only one you really need is stealth enhance. But yes, cover and cloak are your best friend for this. If you don't have any patience and treat this like it's Halo, good luck.
By iTz Canada Ehh on 20 Jul 2015 17:53
This should have been called "Super Simple" difficulty.
By SolidSnakeEN on 26 Jul 2021 17:02
Starting a NEW campaign also works to keep your upgrades from first playthrough. No need to use replay level feature if you don't want to.
By AcaelusT on 17 May 2022 12:15
Very concise, nice one. Something I've found that may help is that the pistols are actually one of the best way of taking out human enemies, the nova or hammer can both have silencers on and when in stealth mode you can aim for headshots and take out 3 or 4 of them before you have to run out of energy making them a bit more effective than rifles imo.

As I'm going through, I'm surprised how easy it is with stealth enhance and nano recharge to just evade enemies, pretty funny just striding past a bunch of enemies to press a button or complete an objective etc ^^
By Mr Kryten on 03 Aug 2011 00:54
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If you play the game first on the easiest difficulty and rank up your suit all the way it carries over to your hard playthrough from the beginning. Same with weapon attachments. So do that first and you can basically walk through the game on the hardest difficulty. I think I actually only fought 3 times and that was forced encounters. GOOD LUCK!!

25 Mar 2011 15:57

Thanks ill definetely try that out
By on 13 Apr 2011 18:25
Thats the answer I was looking for! Thanks dude.
By umainbearman on 27 Mar 2011 14:18
This achievement glitched on me. So beware of that.
By WifelikeDrip on 29 Mar 2011 19:51
1st off, you dont need to play on an easier difficulty. I did my 1st playthrough on supersoldier and competed it in 6 and a half hours. Its not hard at all!

2nd, I got my achievement, so it apparent its glitched for some people and not others. As stated above, I did a playthrough on supersoldier and got my achievement right way. Go to replay missions and see if there is a level that is not completed on super soldier.
By on 30 Mar 2011 00:13
This is exactly what i did. the 3 fights i had to do were the 2 fights with the giant walking cyclops tripod robots and most of the enemies were you have to use the broke down tank to blow open the garage door. Other than that... Supersoldier is easier than your first playthrough on Easy or Normal....easily !
By NY Yankees 23 2 on 31 Mar 2011 11:22
Wow this is even eaiser on Supersolider sleathing and running past enemies it's not a hard achievement. Put I'd suggest upgrading your nano suit that way when you run and sleath you won't drain your power faster. The only real mission I had trouble with is eye of the storm but somehow AI's would kill them self and team mates with grenades or random deaths pretty funny to watch. If I can do this achievement anyone can. :}
By A Batwoman on 01 Apr 2011 10:08
Fun as hell to get but unfortunately GLITCHED. I had beaten the game strait up on Supersoldier, got the Supersoldier achievement but not the one for beating the game on Veteran (though i previously unlocked the ones for beating 12 missions on veteran and supersoldier). Sadly it's looking like i'm going to have to use a brand new save file to a brand new veteran playthrough ;(
By Reaper08R on 07 Apr 2011 15:09
All my levels say they were completed on Supersoldier. I even tried to replay the last level to see if it had something to do with that, but nothing worked.

Everyone I know that played it on Supersoldier got the achievement, so it may be a 1 in a million glitch.
By WifelikeDrip on 11 Apr 2011 05:00
Wow....I love how I was the first to say just beat the game on Supersoilder instead of doing it twice was totally ignored.....glad somebody like CaptHowdy was able to tell you noobs to just beat the game and quit whining about how hard it was cause it wasn't......
By on 02 May 2011 05:01
Cloak engaged nuff said! Thats probably the easiest "hardest" difficulty in a shooter I ever played. Best solution for this one btw. Short and to the point
By AkkonShinigami on 02 May 2011 11:43
Ya played this twice and still glitched for me.
By TB Overshield on 23 May 2011 21:53
i have just completed the game on supersoldier from my first playthrough but didn't get the achievement for doing it on supersoldier but got all the others! iv check the level details and it says iv done them all on supersoldier 19/19 :( any help on what to do to get the achievement??? inbox me plzz
By Huginho19 on 29 May 2011 00:01
Are the difficulty achievements stackable? As in do you get the achievements for veteran difficulty too? Providing it doesn't glitch..
By Antonysj on 02 Jun 2011 13:47
Yes, the difficulty-based achievements do stack. If you complete the game on Supersoldier, you will also net any lower difficulty achievements that you do not already have.
By x j3s x on 04 Jun 2011 03:10
Replayed it on a new save, got the achievement. :)

Remember to use your VISOR, marking your targets and knowing where the "Tactical Options" are located makes the game a lot easier.
By WifelikeDrip on 21 Jul 2011 09:23
How do I start a new game+ with my gear?
By snorlax789 on 27 Dec 2011 16:55
I was wondering the same thing... When I finish, does starting new work, or do I replay using the new difficulty?
By Onza on 03 May 2012 18:45
I just started a new campaign and it worked fine. According to the following forum post both methods work:
By MissFuchsiaFire on 04 May 2012 19:50
Thanks! I replayed mission 1 and kept on going. Worked like a charm. Parts that were east the first time were a bit harder, but some of the hard bits were way easier.
By Onza on 08 May 2012 05:40
Starting a NEW campaign in SS also works to keep your upgrades from first playthrough. No need to use replay level feature if you don't want to.
By AcaelusT on 17 May 2022 12:14
I really don't feel like going for this knowing that it may glitch. Does anyone know if this problem has been patched? Are there any signs that it might glitch before completing the whole thing (like not unlocking the 6 and 12 levels on SS achieves)?
By Weezleram on 15 Apr 2011 04:09
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For those people who have had this achievement 'glitch' on them, it seems that the save file gets corrupted somehow. After going through SS twice and not getting the achievement I started a new campaign on my other xbox with a completely fresh save and the achievement popped up at the end.

Either delete your save file or move it to a USB, disconnect the USB and start again. It's much easier the second/third time ;-). I'd save for Stealth Enhance and once you have that you can pretty much avoid most firfights and just walkthrough a lot of the game. My third playthrough took just over five hours using this method. It's not a perfect answer but it might be quicker than waiting for a patch.

31 Mar 2011 11:45

For anyone struggling here is a link to a video walkthrough with no inherited upgrades or abilities, on the hardest difficulty with full commentary.

Hope this helps.
P.S - I had the achievement glitch on me the first time I played through and all I did was delete the save, played as normal and I got it in this run.

01 Apr 2011 19:49

when you say "played as normal" do you mean on normal difficulty?
By phoem on 15 Jun 2011 21:51
nope, i played on super soldier again
By Seraphim17 on 16 Jun 2011 02:13
I've used several of your video walkthroughs, and I have to say that you do an incredible job, as well as making the walkthrough entertaining. Thanks very much!
By WeisGuy9 on 11 Feb 2013 00:42
BTW, you're video walkthrough for Gears of War 3 on Insane difficulty was particularly good. Very nicely done.
By WeisGuy9 on 11 Feb 2013 00:43
no problem. I'm glad they helped you out.
By Seraphim17 on 11 Feb 2013 03:19
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If you did not get the achievement for super soldier, be sure to play the prologue(deep end) because it DOES count as a level that must be played on super soldier even if it doesn't record any information.

Hope this helps guys

08 May 2011 04:04

Let it be said for those who have this achievement glitched that the same thing happened to me and I was able to get it, this is how I did it.

I moved my old save (from my first playthough) over to the cloud and then also onto a USB drive (just for redundancy).

I then booted up a brand new playthough of Crysis 2 on Supersoldier. Five hours later, I beat the game and the achievement popped for me.

I hope this helps.

01 Mar 2013 11:17

if you didnt get this cheevo after beaten all the lvls on SS or all the other SS cheevos otw, then you need to delete your save file and play threw the game 2 more times, once one easy and then again on SS... i noticed the game likes to glitch hella hard on ya, at least it did for when i was playin it for a friend so i am had to play it 3 times for her basically and everything...hope this helps and thank god this short and easy game til you come across 2-3 parts that with the tanks that you cant run past.. other then that 4hr speed run game
Here are video guides I made many years ago to beat each level on Supersoldier difficulty:

Full Playlist

Mission 2: "Second Chance"
Mission 3: "Sudden Impact"
Mission 4: "Road Rage"
Mission 5: "Lab Rat"
Mission 6: "Gate Keepers"
Mission 7: "Dead Man Walking"
Mission 8: "Seat of Power"
Mission 9: "Dark Heart"
Mission 10: "Semper Fi or Die"
Mission 11: "Corporate Collapse"
Mission 12: "Train to Catch"
Mission 13: "Unsafe Haven"
Mission 14: "Terminus"
Mission 15: "Power Out"
Mission 16: "Eye of the Storm"
Mission 17: "Masks Off"
Mission 18: "Out of Ashes"
Mission 19: "A Walk in the Park"

31 Dec 2019 03:56

You'll unlock this achievement once you've completed the game on Supersolier difficulty. This difficulty is open to your right at the start, though it won't be as easy as the others. Its a little harder because your powers are all at 0, where as if you play through on a lower difficulty first, you can then use Game+ to carry them all over, making this a easier ride. Once all the levels are completed on Super Solider, all the difficulty achievements above will unlock including the set level ones.

Here are a few tactics to use while playing on Supersolider:

  • Maximum Stealth - You'll mainly want to use the Stealth as its a great way to simple vanish from the enemies line of site or even bypass whole areas without being caught. Use it to your advantage to get Stealth Kills as these will help stop unwanted gun fights. 
  • Maximum Armor – Again another great power when in tough situations. If you have bullets flying everywhere and hitting you, put this on. It'll add that extra bit of protection while you find cover and is a life saver. 
  • Skip – If you're in an area which you can simply skip and Stealth past everyone, why not do it. Again it'll save you from spending time fighting and will get the job done a lot quicker. Only do this though if you've played the game already as doing this on your first playthrough will ruin the experience. 
  • Energy – Keep an eye on this. If you're on your first playthrough, don't think you can make it to the other end of the map in one go as you probably won't. If possible get up high and look at your surroundings. Plan a route and where you'll take cover, so you make it in one piece.
  • Visor – Use this when ever coming into a new area. Simply using this, you can locate and tag important things, mainly the enemies. By doing this you can easily keep track on each one and their movements.
  • Common Sense – Don't go in guns blazing as it'll probably only end in tears and broken controllers.

The most important things are your Nanosuit Upgrades. There are certain ones you're going to want to use when you play through on your 2nd run or buy on your 1st run though. Remember to have the upgrade highlighted for it to have any effect. You can only have one at a time equiped!

  •  : Proximity Alarm - This will help you hear those sneaky enemies that may get close when you take cover or just don't have the time to tag.
  •  : Nano Recharge - This one will help you pass those areas a lot quicker when you have to recharge your Energy and your Health. But its also best to use/buy the other 2 when is certain situations.
  •  : Mobility Enhance - Simple really. Get past areas a lot quicker and use less Energy, meaning less stops and getting closer to your objective without getting caught.
  •  : Stealth Enhance - Same as Mobility Enhance. These 2 combined you can pass fields without having to stop. And when you do, Nano Recharge will kick in and you'll be away again with seconds!

When I started on Supersoldier, I got past 12 levels within 2 hours max. In parts of the game where I wasn't forced to fight people (like the pier helicopter part, etc) I must of killed a maximum of 10 enemies. With the tips and modules above, you truly can blast through the game faster than if you started on Supersoldier on your first playthrough.



Best tactic for this difficulty level: stealth. Direct conflict will lead you straight to the next world. You can simply “run through” all the levels without being distracted by enemies. While you make this trophy you will receive:

PS It's better to first beat the game on easy difficulty, then you will unlock all the upgrades for the suit. It’s much easier to pass with them (all improvements remain after repeated playthroughs). Choose upgrades related to armor, invisibility and speed.

23 Mar 2011 11:49

By MyTaHT on 23 Dec 2011 19:58
Complementing the first clue

The first hint is not a very accurate description of invisibility, the most important thing in this mode is not to pass in front of enemies, or rather, go around their backs, and best of all use workarounds. But there are still moments where you have to engage in battle.
By ediss on 13 Oct 2011 02:11
Small addition.

The suit can be upgraded completely and quickly by completing the task “Protect the central station, find and disable the detonators” (this is after the Library). There will be a place at the location with an endless respawn of enemies (they appear two at a time on the roof of a three-story extension near the descent to the parking lot, you need to wait for them near the container and immediately kill them, then they will literally come down to you one by one), you need to kill them hand-to-hand to save cartridges. It will take about half an hour.
By Free-DiverSergej on 09 Nov 2012 17:53
There is nothing complicated here! you just need to use both the armor and the Nevedimka wisely and not rush like crazy to certain death! We go through Missions where the soldiers are invisible and where are these (Osmidogs) we just turn on the armor and take a sniper rifle and shoot in the head from a lobe “Osmidogs”, they are very oblique and are hard to break armor if you fight against them one on one.
By RememberMe on 22 Feb 2013 23:44
I recommend using the following improvements: Environment Control, Regeneration, Mobility, Phantom.
These improvements will be easy to play.
By yosiking on 22 Apr 2017 11:15
This trophy is very easy if you play invisible.

But here are a couple of places where you will have to fight

1. You will need to cover your comrades in the mission Loyalty or Death

2. When entering the building through the flooded garage, it was easier for me to shoot everyone from cover.

3. In the same building, as soon as you press the button on the computer for the first time, immediately run back (to the elevator), kill 2 on the right and go into the back 3.

4.The first battle with the robot, turn on the invisible and put C4 under the robot and explode.

5. After you detonate the explosives in the garage, you will be ordered to run to the base, but there will be one armored one, it is better to kill him from above.

6. Fight at the station, there are 2 machine guns, we tear off one, kill the regular ones, when the robot arrives, we tear off the second one and take down.

7. Fight with a robot on the street at night. along the road where the robot will go, we scatter C4, explode it, then take the grenade launcher and finish it off.

8. At the end, when you need to kill 4 invisible people, it’s better to have a Shotgun 9. You can take it in the level where we woke up after falling from the bridge) and together with the last souvenir X 43 MIKE, including visibility, we go behind the back of the invisible people and quickly kill three with a knife, and then we approach the gate we need and do not let the last one in, as if killed, we go into the gate and go to the gate

Well, here are the most difficult moments, although they can hardly be called difficult.
By Reflex on 15 Mar 2012 09:12
in fact, there is nothing difficult about passing on a super soldier. When I walked for the first time on easy, it seemed more difficult. I went to the super-soldier after I collected all the souvenirs, keys and tokens... and, accordingly, learned all the locations.

Among the modules I would like to mention phantom, regeneration and threat tracking. in the last mission, in front of four invisible people in the park, he turned on the visibility of the invisible people, marked them in the sight and killed them.

By the way, the visor is a very useful thing. I would say necessary in some places.

so the phantom, sight and location knowledge are your true friends at this difficulty level))

The choice of weapon is unimportant. who likes which one. I ran with a sniper rifle and a machine gun with a silencer (I forgot what it was called). Another cool thing is a pistol with a silencer and a beam sight. you can make mischief without taking off your disguise... well, silent murders also rule)) although sometimes it’s better to run past, because... if the crowd declassifies it, it will be very difficult to escape
By Frezovich on 30 Jan 2013 03:56
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There is absolutely nothing complicated!

Use invisibility + pistol with silencer against people

One quiet headshot decides everything (even if there are a lot of enemies nearby, you won’t be set on fire)

Very little energy is removed, 3 strips (compared to a machine gun, which uses half of it)

The best weapons against aliens are a machine gun (preferably a barricade one) and a microwave oven (you will encounter them for the first time when you soak the body in the solution, the fluff lies on the right in the safe). There are also large numbers (spiders), find cover and shoot from quietly, including invisibility and protection before the shot. For the more powerful alien foot soldiers, only aim for the head (they're fast pests). Well, armored fat men who need to be hammered for half an hour - 2 missiles in the back or 2 explosives under the feet and he is dead, there is no other way, only if you go around, but this is no longer Action. 8)

Mark targets on the map to see what they are doing outside of view.

If the situation gets hot, and it will get hot in the end, the best tactic is to sit invisibility and not touch anyone. Run to checkpoints and wait in secluded corners. Before waiting, turn on the nanovisor and look around, if there is no one in the blue background, then you can calmly wait for the energy to recharge.

And of course, quiet murder rules, but it’s not always possible to kill unnoticed.

25 Aug 2011 08:09