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Cool In A Crysis

Cool In A Crysis

Complete the game on Hard or Delta difficulty


How to unlock the Cool In A Crysis achievement in Crysis - Definitive Guide

To complete on delta the most difficult setting for Crysis. The following rules apply:

1) You cannot control vehicle mounted weapons while driving.
2) Enemies are hidden and are invisible on the map, forcing you to find them.
3) Enemies speak Korean, and it is hard to understand what they will do.
4) Enemies won't glow when they attack you.
5) You will have normal binoculars, meaning that enemies will not glow in your binoculars.
6) Your Nanosuit will heal you very slowly.
7) You will die faster when not in armor mode due to the very low healing rate.
8) You have no crosshair.

To finish on delta you need to play with stealth approach because being attacked by more than 2 enemies at the same time you get killed instantly. This approach also discourages the use of jeeps and other vehicles (but no tanks) because that makes you a big target and you die quickly.

The best solution is to move always in cloak and in the crouch position this gives 2 advantages: low target profile and slower cloak energy consumption. If the cloak energy depletes and you don't have cover just hold down the B button to lie down, in this position the enemy has trouble seeing you and in that time the energy recharges and than rinse and repeat the process.
Another great tip is to use LB to enable armour just before firing the gun in cloak mode makes the energy not disappear while firing the gun which actually happens if you don't switch to armour mode, than you can switch back to cloak mode immideately after killing the enemy. The best weapon to be used in the game is the FY71, when you get the sniper scope you can use it as cheap sniper, don't keep Scar gun because the ammo is very rare in the game but there is plenty of FY71 ammo.

Happy hunting.

Edit: There appears to be some big and annoying bugs in the game.

1) (If you are missing the TAC gun and don't know where to get it, read this) There is major bug in the final mission, when the island is nuked and you are instructed to go to the deck, before reaching the deck a bug appears if you stay in more than a few seconds in the lowest chamber of the deck when you run down the stairs, the scripts kicks in which appears admiral being attacked by the alien and he dies, if that happens after nuke and before getting TAC gun you need to reload last checkpoint or even restarting the whole level again.

2) Angelr1pper reported that there's a difficulty glitch that happened to him. He suggest that before starting a new game on delta, go to options first and then to new game and select delta again.


10 Oct 2011 13:26

Please add this to your guide cuz there's a difficulty glitch that happened to me. Before you start a new game on delta, go to options first and then to new game and select delta again. Otherwise you have to replay levels. Oh, by the way, the weapons you should be using is the FY71 (AK47) and the precision rifle. The sniper rifle makes the nanosuit soilders easy. :)
By Angelr1pper on 11 Oct 2011 16:50
thanks for the guide man positive for u :)
By Barad 007 on 12 Oct 2011 21:53
I suffered the same problem with using the Mission Select screen to complete levels on higher difficulties than my previous playthrough. I just completed said levels after starting a New Game on Delta and they have started to count now. My advice is don't use the mission select screen.
By BrumtownMangler on 12 Oct 2011 22:34
Did not unlock for me on hard. Better to try on delta to be sure. Maybe you cannot skip the credits?
By NailDude on 21 Oct 2011 02:07
Yeah just a note, I started Crysis on Delta Difficulty using New Game, and I completed the first 3 Chapters. No Achievement, so I looked at what difficulty I completed them on, and it said that I didn't do the first mission on Delta difficulty, while I clearly did. So I had to do it again, annoying glitch.
By General Joury on 01 Jan 2012 16:23
I have a question: you stated that enemies in the binoculars "will not glow" - can you be more specific? I started the game on delta (first play through) and I can still tag enemies (they "glow" with a green outline through the binocs). Having never done a playthrough before I am not understanding what the "glow" actually is...
By a Fi1thy Casual on 28 Sep 2012 14:14
So, I went through the game, got this achievement and just want to make one comment on your guide (but know that overall, it was an excellent solution):

Cloaked crouching is worthless on this difficulty. I had more enemies spot me when I was both behind cover AND 50+ yards away while I was cloaked and crouching. The first six levels I swear the enemies had thermal goggles or some ridiculous superhuman vision to spot me while I was motionless, cloaked and crouching in the woods, or behind a wall.

Surprisingly, being prone on this difficulty means you are practically non-existent to enemies, either cloaked or not. I spent most of my time on my belly crawling around shielded because, for some insane reason, enemies can not see you while you are flat on the ground. Even when I was spotted, and enemies were red shooting at me, if I went flat on the ground, they got confused, stopped shooting and went back to their original position / patrol route. Once I figured that out, the game became a breeze (albeit time consuming).
By a Fi1thy Casual on 10 Oct 2012 20:06
EMPATH1C MIM1C, sorry to hear that but i had no problem with the cloak, I easly dispatched them, but like I said, you had to do that one by one, not to attack bunch of them at the same time.
By DrJones SLO on 10 Oct 2012 20:09
Found a different game breaking glitch with the last level in regards to the TAC gun. After killing the two "arms" of the alien ship, my TAC gun "disappeared". It was in my inventory, and I was able to equip it, but visually it wasn't on my screen and it wouldn't allow me to land the killing blow. Had to restart the level all over again.
By prowlerdante on 07 Jul 2013 04:50
I found out why my enemies kept getting back up. APPARENTLY I was using tranqs instead of bullets roll
By Nurse Lorax on 07 Jul 2013 21:12
LOL Well I guess when I started playing I didn't realize it and must have changed it to tranqs and I just thought the gun I had was a single shot whatever.. Yeah I felt like a big dumbass when FB TA helped me figure out the prob, total face palm! lol I was about 1/2 way through lvl 1 but I spent HOURS on there LOL laugh
By Nurse Lorax on 09 Jul 2013 12:34
i also have to comment because of Lorax's issue... hahahah that's the funniest thing ever!
By Mortug on 18 Mar 2014 16:58
Glad I could brighten your day laugh
By Nurse Lorax on 18 Mar 2014 19:58
Sorry Lorax, but that was so funny. That slow reload would drive anyone crazy lol. F71 and precision rifle is a great combo for most of the game.
By Solario32 on 08 Dec 2014 13:56
+1 To Lorax for making my day laugh

The game gets so much easier when you get the Sniper Scope.

Also I found going prone helps a lot more than crouching. Enemies seem to completely lose sight of you when you go prone, where as when I was crouching they had some sort of omnipotent sightseeing ability.
By FFX Brotherhood on 20 Dec 2014 08:00
Im glad after all these months u guys are still enjoying my plight LOL.. Yeah prone and being in a bush u were damn near invisible even without camo
By Nurse Lorax on 20 Dec 2014 08:03
Unlocked with my first playthru without problems - Selected difficulty in options and when starting a new game.

Prone and bush is superb tactic! AI is also stupid, you can cheesy them in watchtowers and huts. Also abuse cloak and prone - Cloak, kill enemy with headshot, prone and recharge, repeat! You can also easily skip combat and milk checkpoints.
By Kuningatar V on 28 Mar 2016 14:04
Anyone hear of the enemies just getting back up after you shoot them? Seriously, I can't get anywhere because everytime I kill an enemy, within 10 seconds or so, they just stand up like no problem. It's driving me freakin crazy! BTW, I'm on Delta, 1st playthrough
By Nurse Lorax on 05 Jul 2013 17:05
I had to comment cause "I'm the Lorax" Just made me piss myself laughing. How long did it take you to figure that out? When you use the tranquilizer rounds it has a pretty long reload time before you can shoot again. And playing on delta I rarely used the one shot, I always went full auto. Sorry, that's unfortunate, but a big thank you for the laugh. I needed that. Haha.
By ModifiedMag8 on 09 Jul 2013 05:44
I did deal with enemies from a distance - and one at a time - it was when I would be creeping through a forested area, or trying to get to an enemy outpost on the map. Usually what would happen is while I was locating a decent, distant sniping spot, I would have hostiles all over my location - even though I was cloaked.

The only method I could figure out (through trial and error) was that laying prone is better than stealth. I would just lay on my belly (without using cloak) and enemies could not spot me. However, when I used cloaking and crouched, I was spotted up to 50 yards away.

After the 3rd mission I stopped using the cloak for that reason. After that the game was a breeze. Not certain why cloak is useless on this difficulty: I tried the game on easy and used cloak - I could choke out an enemy IN FRONT OF another enemy without getting spotted. Very strange.
By a Fi1thy Casual on 01 Nov 2012 20:33
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Stealth through the level as much as you can until you are forced to fight against enemies. Watching my game play shows you the mistakes that can happen but regardless strategic my way through the campaign, Better off using the FY71 instead of the Scar especially if you need more ammo when shooting.


05 Jul 2020 01:42

Delta mode is super easy compared to other FPSes. If you can get through any Call of Duty game on Hardened then this will be a cakewalk. You can and it is recommended that you approach enemies from a distance with stealth so you have a surprise advantage. The key to winning is not getting swarmed in a place without cover. Use weapon attachments (via holding Select), stealth and cover and this trophy will pose no problem at all. I obtained this trophy from playing new game all the way through the campaign on Delta but it will also unlock via chapter select if you choose to play the game on an easier setting first. This trophy will pop during the credits. I made sure to wait until it popped before exiting out of the credits screen.