Dark Void

Dark Void

58 Achievements


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Epic Hero

Epic Hero

Survivor Missions: Complete the Battle of Ghen Crag mission with 4.4 million points


How to unlock the Epic Hero achievement in Dark Void - Definitive Guide

The more you play this level and get familiar with where stuff comes from and a good spot to get em all quickly, the easier time you will have with this one. For me I chose Legend, Time Press and Low Tech for my 3 difficulty multipliers to get x6. My weapon choices were Liberator assault rifle and the Reclaimer sniper rifle. I used the sniper rifle almost entirely, if I ran out of ammo I got more for it. I only had enough cash for 1 upgrade, and that was Reclaimer (sniper) to level 2.

At alpha site i pretty much just flew straight up into the air to hover, then sniped a lot of the enemies as they spawned and dropped down for ammo pack when needed.

At bravo site I just stood on the little platform canopy directly over an ammo box and sniped everything. Empty ammo, drop down, reload, jet back up on top and repeat. This was the easiest imo.

At delta I would just go right into the center to start. At the beginning you get hit a bit cause theres jet pack enemies to start but once they are down the mobs pretty much come from only 3 sides and 2 of them are the tunnels on either side of you so they are funneled right into your sniper sites.
For the Flying Knights that show up I used inside the cave at bravo and inside a tunnel side at delta to take them out easily. At alpha site I didnt use an indoor area, just stayed on outer edge in cover since it hovers over the site directly. When theres 2 at alpha is when its tricky but focus on one and if you have to jet pack away. They are accurate but locate target slowly when you move.
By end of wave 4 you should have enough cash for a weapon upgrade. I spent 100k, could spend prolly 150k tops and still get away with it.
Wave 5 I had 202,500 points.
wave 6 is when i got first flying knight but its all alone so should be no trouble

End of wave 8 I had 501,675 with 100+ multiplier

At wave 10 you end with 2 flying knights at the same time. Again if you can be in a cave or tunnel do so, makes life much easier. I finished with over 100 multiplier and 822,625 points. With the Legend, Time Press and Low Tech multiplier turned on from the start thats x6 points so Plink.....achievement! 4,935,750 points..

Please feel free to leave any comments and goodluck with the achievements!

04 Jun 2011 04:18

Is there any chance you could do some videos for these, as it's hgihly unlikely that I'm good enough to do it by myself without a video aid. Also, congrats on getting it done though.
By Dwaggienite on 29 Jun 2011 07:22
@ TSG Dwaggie play more the waves and practice a bit and you will get it, for this you dont need a video.
By Lloyd Bangs on 30 Aug 2011 21:01
Where is the sniper rifle? You select it at start or something.
By HamsterLV on 02 Jul 2012 06:06
Its been so long, honestly I dont remember. I am assuming you chose your weapons to start before or after chosing your difficulty modifiers. I dont own the game or I would load it up and check. Weapon choice is whatever works best for you, but I used the sniper rifle. Killing stuff from afar, especially high in the air while you hover can make it quick to kill and move onto the next set of enemies.
By TrueWickedone on 04 Jul 2012 06:40
The sniper rifle can be selected AFTER wave 1, in Upgrade menu. Also just failed 2 times in a row on last wave on last Knight because of time press.
By HamsterLV on 04 Jul 2012 19:18
Nice, thanks HamsterLV for the info on sniper. Its been a long time since I played this, couldnt remember myself. I tried all sorts of combinations with difficulty modifiers and those were the only ones that I could use to get the high point achievements. Time is an issue, but the more familiar you get with the map and spawn locations and where to best set-up to kill em the easier it gets. If you made it to last wave twice already, you should finish in no time. goodluck!
By TrueWickedone on 04 Jul 2012 19:24
You can acquire the Sniper Rifle (Reclaimer) the moment the stage begins (immediately after the cutscene). When starting off, you'll be on your jetpack flying towards the Alpha objective and you'll see a marker to the left of that pointing to a weapon locker on the bridge (between Alpha and Bravo). Open it up and you can switch out your weapons right there.
By SyncTheTempest on 08 Feb 2013 02:49
Ah ok, that sounds more familiar, Thanks Guilty115, I thought I remembered having it from the beginning but never picked game back up to confirm.
By TrueWickedone on 10 Feb 2013 17:34
Yeah you may want to make it clear that you have to actually be able to complete the last wave. After I failed to beat the two knights (mainly because of the damn jetpacks being so hard to find), I had enough points but didn't pop the achievement.
By BionicTriforce on 23 Mar 2013 23:41
Getting a capture card is something I have always thought about getting, but never bothered with spending the time or $$$ to do, sorry. For me the spots I used and described worked well for me only cause I was using the sniper rifle. It took me many tries to get it down, but with practice I am sure you too will find yourself getting further along and attaining more points along the way. The 4.4 and 4.5 mill achievements were by far the hardest this game had to offer. I struggled with them and if it wasnt for my innate ability to hit retry instead of throw controller, I wouldnt have had a chance.
By TrueWickedone on 29 Jun 2011 17:35
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These guides are very helpful but I just wanted to share a video I found on Youtube.

This guy uses the 'Hardcore' multiplier, instead of 'Low Tech'.

(So: Legend - Time Press - Hardcore)

Omitting Low Tech allows you to fully upgrade the Grenade Launcher by Wave 3 making things much easier (see his kill rate in the video).

I chose the Sniper as a backup but barely used it.

One drawback to using Hardcore is that you will die more quickly.

I actually ended up switching this for 'Nightmare' - giving the enemies more health but still killing most with 2 grenade shots.

Anyway check out the video & see if it helps you as much as it did me!

(All credit to the Youtuber - he seems to be a big fan of this game judging by the statue at the beginning).

20 Feb 2013 16:01

Took your advice and went with nightmare instead of hardcore. Got it first try and with just a shade over 4.5 million which is good enough for me. Thumbs up
By widowedspider on 21 Feb 2014 02:04
Glad it helped! : )
By Sensei Neo on 06 Sep 2014 15:56
I used the sniper (Reclaimer) and grenade launcher (Disentigrator) for this. You can switch to the sniper by the second round, and the grenade launcher can be picked up from larger enemies.
As for multipliers, i used legend, Lo-Tech, and Time Pressed.
There are a few key things to keep in mind when going for this achievement:
1. Keep up your combo by killing quickly and moving to new bases quickly at the start of each round. Punching an enemy is often as quick as shooting them.
2. Do not upgrade, as it drastically reduces your points.
3. Keep moving. I never used X to snap to cover, as it makes you an easy target for every enemy not right in front of you.
4. Headshots can earn you bonus points and are easy to line up on enemies coming from the tunnels at the interior base.
5. Bases don't really matter; if they get destroyed, you lose no points.
6. Use the sniper for flying enemies, especially the really big guys that show up at the end of round 6 and 10, and use the grenade launcher when you're flying to take out smaller enemies, as you don't have to be as accurate with it.

If there is anything I can do to improve my solution, please let me know. I tried not to cover stuff TrueWickedOne already covered in his solution, so you can find complementary tips in his guide.

12 Jul 2012 21:02

This solution is for those who are experiencing the frame rate slowing down and eventually freezing your xbox. This is happening because you are not killing the worms. When you headshot the bigger enemies sometimes they leave behind a worm after death. The worms do not appear on your radar so you will have to pay attention.

31 Aug 2015 16:52

After a lot of trouble with 'TrueWickedOne' & 'ShadowmanGMR's solution, I tried it a different way. My biggest problem with the snipers was keeping the multiplyer going when enemies would hide behind scenery. My biggest problem with the rocket launcher was running out of ammo too often.

Choose Low tech, Legend, Time Pressed

Basically what I ended up doing, (and made this achievement much easier) was Killing the first enemy you see at Alpha wave 1, and picking up disentigrator he drops. I never switched off this weapon!

Full loaded you have 9 Shots in the gun. Most enemies take 2-3 shots with this. What you want to do is always stay on the attack and rely heavily on melee (B Button), stay aggressive at Alpha, Move toward enemies shooting rockets at them. When you run out of ammo, Melee attack enemies. 2 reasons this is useful. A lot of enemies will drop ammo for the disentigrator. The other reason is you cannot be hurt while in the melee movement, so after attacking an enemy a couple times you will see yourself healed a bit.

At Beta, You want to stay in the temple area around Beta, but apply same method of Rockets and use grenades when useful as well while waiting for ammo to respawn.

Delta, stay in the middle near the protecting object. There are two ammo pickups, one on this platform, another above you about 2 stories on a platform, alternate between these 2 and use your rockets wisely.

ONLY 1! After 3rd or 4th wave depending on your speed, you can upgrade to second level of Disentigrator for 80000 points. THIS SHOULD BE YOUR ONLY UPGRADE.

Follow this guide and you will have 5,000,000 easily.
Had a 130x mutiplyer as 10th wave ended, was well over 5 Million.

17 Jul 2015 23:13

When prompted to do so, choose the following bonus multipliers:

-Time Pressure

You are defending three stationary objectives, Alpha, Beta, and Delta. Alpha and Beta are above ground while Delta is in a cave below the surface. The Watchers will attack one objective at a time. Each wave of enemies will take place at only one of the objectives. The first three waves will always be Alpha, then Beta, then Delta. After that, it's random, so be ready. The current objective marker will be displayed at the beginning of each wave (and again if you pause, then unpause the game)..

As soon as the mission starts, go to the Weapons Locker in the middle of the map. Grab the Liberator (machine gun) and the Reclaimer (sniper rifle).

Do not perform any upgrades, as the points used for upgrades takes away from your total score. The Reclaimer will kill almost any enemy in two shots, sometimes one (always manually aim the Reclaimer; it seems to do more damage if you look through the scope, even if you are not hitting the head). The Liberator is to mop up enemies if you run out of Reclaimer ammo. Just keep grabbing the ammo pickups, as there is one near each objective.

During later waves, you will encounter more enemies with jetpacks. The Reclaimer is incredibly useful for taking down these enemies. This way, you do not have to fly around and chase them. At the end of wave 5, you will fight a Knight Watcher. At the end of wave 10, you will fight two Knight Watchers at the same time. Unload on them with the Reclaimer and mop them up with the Liberator once they begin to smoke.

Keep moving. Be careful with grenades. Take your time. If you use the above multipliers and keep up a decent kill combo, you will have no problem hitting the 4.4 million points. I ended with 5,744,850.

Also, make sure you kill the little purple slug things that sometimes pop out of dying enemies. You don't have to kill every single one but aim to do it if you can. If you let them all stay in the environment, the game tends to lag and freeze around wave 7.

The trophy will unlock once you complete all ten waves with the required score. This will also unlock Hero.

Note: Your bonus multiplier for using handicaps is not applied until you complete all 10 waves. As long as you earn 733,334 points before the end of wave 10, you will make it (733,334 x 6 = 4,400,000).


- I recommend using the modifiers 'Time Press', 'Low Tech', and 'Legend'. You can probably swap one of these out if you would prefer to not have one of their effects removed, but these are usually seen as the easiest.
- Upgrading any weapons is not needed, and isn't recommended. Only do so if you swap out 'Low Tech' for a different modifier.
- Use the Reclaimer (sniper rifle) and Oppressor (basic Watcher machine gun). Reclaimer for long range and high damage (remember, in scope it does more damage), and the Oppressor for basic firefights (since ammo is dropped by enemies).
- Remember the locations of the red ammo boxes at each defense point (they respawn regularly).
- Defense points are attacked one at a time, so don't worry about switching on the fly - they only change after completion of a wave. You'll get a soundbite from your allies and your mini-map marker will change.
- You do NOT have to follow the HUD markers to get to point Delta - simply go up the mountain and there's a tunnel that leads all the way down. This saves a bit of time.
- Past that, it's down to practice. Get kills as quickly as possible, and remember where each 'sub' wave attacks from. When the Knights show up (big flying guys), hide behind obstacles and pop out with your sniper rifle. And remember if you're low on health, don't worry about hiding and sacrificing a bit of your combo to get some health back - just try to be quick!