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58 Achievements


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Top Ace

Top Ace

Survivor Missions: Complete the Abyss Canyon mission with 4.5 million points


How to unlock the Top Ace achievement in Dark Void - Definitive Guide

Ok..after DAYS of doing the Abyss, I finally found a combination that worked for me. I was not good enough to execute on any of the above strategies.

I ended up only toggling Low Tech and Legend..which only gave me a x4 multiplier instead of x6. I found having nightmare on too difficult to get me past wave 6 with a decent multiplier, and having time press on didn't allow me to build a huge multiplier on wave 7. I'll break what I did down wave by wave. The KEY to high scores is your score multiplier in the top right corner!

WAVE 1: Kill as fast as possible. try to leave with a multiplier of x3 or more.
WAVE 2: Same. You are trying to get to 35k for your first upgrade.
WAVE 3: Target the capital ship that spawns right away..then go for the annoying little guys. You might be able to upgrade after this wave. Do so if you can..it helps tremendously next wave.
WAVE 4: Kill quickly...espcially the shielded guys..those guys tend to bring your multiplier down.
WAVE 5: As mentioned before, target the archon near delta point asap. Then
WAVE 6: This is a VERY key wave..you MUST do well on this wave. I was never lucky enough to have the 2nd rocketpack upgrade by now, but if you do, you are practically golden. You really need to end this wave with a multiplier of about high 30 or 40s at a minimum...otherwise you are screwed...this means you need to become halfway competent at killing the shielded watchers...which were the bane of your multiplier.
WAVE 7: You are going to milk this wave for mines..as long as you possibly can. As mentioned above, kill 2 capital ships asap (you will certainly have 2nd rocket pack upgrade by now)..and leave one intact. Then just carefully follow the 3rd ship and kill its mines to slowly build your score and multiplier. Do this as long as you can....eventually, it will stop dropping mines. I went into this wave with a multiplier of about 40..and left with a multiplier of 80..it should have been higher..but I kept hoping it would drop more mines and I lost about 5 multiplier points. This will take 20 minutes or so. I lost alpha point in the process...he was sacrificed for the greater good.
WAVE 8: Kill stuff as fast as possible holding both trigger buttons down. You MUST keep building your multiplier up.
WAVE 9: Same as 8. Your multiplier should be in or past the 90s by now.
WAVE 10: Kill the watchers if your last 2 (or 3) defend points are in good shape...otherwise go after the archons. For me, I killed maybe a dozen ships before I had to beeline to point delta..which was taking a huge beating. In the end, as I destroyed the 3 archons, my multiplier was x105 or so.

Here is a breakdown of my scores at the end for comparison
(Low-Tech and Legend On)
WAVE01 - 2,800
WAVE02 - 14,700
WAVE03 - 37,450
WAVE04 - 30,200
WAVE05 - 66,100
WAVE06 - 163,500
WAVE07 - 550,050
WAVE08 - 703,350
WAVE09 - 1,002,150
WAVE10 - 1,246,950
Score Modifier x4
Total Score - 4,987,800

Again, if you are good, you can probably turn nightmare on...but i found that the shielded watchers in particular took me FOREVER to kill and constantly brought my multiplier down...and I would get to wave 7 with like...a x20 or less multiplier...with it off, I went into wave 7 at around x45...and I am now living proof that you DON'T have to have 3 multipliers on to get the acheivement.

Notice that I practiced a LOT with low-tech, time-press and legend on. TimePress in particular really helps you learn to kill stuff faster or you lose.
Also, learn to SPAWN CAMP! You should know that as soon as you kill a watcher in a wave, another one spawns from the exact same spot they always come from..learn where that is..as soon as you kill one, beeline back towards that spawn spot and take out the next. You should be able to get in a groove of killing the spawning ones quickly as they fly a set path and are much easier to kill. Abuse this!! This helped me tremendously in building a multiplier..

Good Luck. Don't expect for this one to come quickly..you have to put hours of practice in..and by then, you will know the waves, and the layout of the map like the back of your hand.

19 Feb 2011 20:09

Team Taco you are amazing.
Your guide for Top Ace is spot on perfect.
If I could add anything to your guide then it would be that on wave 7 leave 2 ships for mine farming.
Finish them of after you get a multiplier above 150.
I finished with a multiplayer of 212 and a final score of over 9 million.
By Professor Pirex on 23 Feb 2011 18:55
By far the easiest method
By SQ007 on 17 Apr 2011 10:14
Thank you, this is a great strategy, and worked for me. I also left two capital ships alive during wave 7, and continued harvesting until I had a multiplier of 110. Finished with a final score of 6,194 million and a multiplier of about 130x.
By TriRock on 08 Jun 2011 13:48
Brilliant strategy, finished with a multiplier of 175 and a final score of over 8 million.
By Bk Dragon on 17 Jan 2012 08:54
Thanks for your guide. I used Low Tech and Legend and used the trick on Wave 7 leaving 2 ships dropping mines. I reached x120 multiplier and 1 milion points at the end of Wave 7. Completed the mission with 10 million points smile
By xEndriux on 22 Oct 2013 08:56
Farm those mines! Leave two ships and get your straw hat out because you will be farming for about 15 minutes. I was over a million after doing the farming, with the 4x difficulty multiplier and the last 3 rounds these achievements were in hand. This achievement only seems hard until after round 7.
By FireWolf1015 on 05 Jan 2017 21:55
If Low Tech has you struggling, this can be done with just Legend on. I had about 100,000 points going into Wave 7. I left two ships alive and farmed mines until I had 1.5mil. Multiplier was 189x. I lost Alpha and Beta, but it was worth it. Just be quick on the Delta archon in Wave 10 and you’ll be fine. I finished with 5,645,100 and a max multiplier of 205x.
By Trombonafide on 29 May 2021 17:15
Stick with legend and low tech. Nightmare makes the mission take twice as long and if you are farming two capital ships on wave 7 then the early game score doesn't matter at all.
By GSR CAOR on 04 Apr 2024 13:33
This is one of THE best sollutions ive ever used :) congrats dude amazing job!i sucked at flying this game and with the farming i made it (i was so bad i was X1 multiplier when i went to mission 7 ) and i farmed with 2 ships till i had over 170X (then again i sucked and lost like 40 multiplier trough the next missions...) and still i made it !!! TY GUYZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Magnificent X on 25 Jul 2012 18:02
Thanks for all of the mentions about the mine farming on Wave 7.

I ended up going in with Legend and Nightmare. I wasn't keen on using Low Tech because when I did took me forever to get the rocket upgraded to LVL3. Getting that upgrade was pretty key for me.

So I swapped out Low Tech for Nightmare and got into Wave 7 with a measly ~70k points. Left two ship alive at Alpha and Beta and farmed the mines. When they ran out of mines I had a multiplier in the 160s and about 1.2 million points.

Ended up wrapping up with a score between 9.5 and 10 million. And here I was worrying about 4.5!
By eohjay on 18 Jul 2021 23:54
@eohjay & @gsr caor thanks for the suggestion. I was having real trouble keeping my multiplier up to anywhere near what teamlead taco was saying. I could stay alive. I could kill the enemies. I just could do it quickly enough or would lose 2 multiplier just trying to FIND the next guy. I was struggling to reach 7 with anything much over 20x. The ship just wasn't dropping mines anywhere close to what I was going to need to make up for that. So I left two ships and farmed the mines of both as you suggested and was able to get my multiplier up to around 150x (with 1.2m in that round).

I used Low Tech and Legend. I wasn't able to get my first upgrade until after wave 4, and my second until after wave 7. I only had 45k after round 6, but thanks to round 7 I had already reached my target and just had to stay alive.
There was no trouble at all keeping my last transport alive, the only thing that even seemed to attack it was the one archon in wave 10. I ended up finishing just shy of 9m.
By Palesius on 05 Apr 2024 20:24
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My stategy was to pick the Timepress, Legend and Low Tech Modifiers. Time press and Legend are your go to modifiers in this DLC as they hardly affect anything so its an easy 4x. Low Tech is odd, seeing as you need those points, but believe me you don't want to give the enemies any more health or make them harder or anything like that in this mission (In the Ghen Crag mission I picked Timepress, Legend and Nightmare) as this will be hard enough. You want them weak so you can kill them fast to raise that multiplier in game.

In mission strategy:
Don't board a UFO and upgrade your jetpack when you can. This is key, I could never get close to enough points if I wasted time boarding one. Once I realised this I jumped from being no where near to the low 4 millions instanty. A fully upgraded jetpack has unlimited magnetic missiles which you can spam to start killing enemies super fast. I finished the last wave with a multiplier of 99x, ending with a score of over 5 million. You want to have a score of 750 000 or higher by the end of the last wave.

Basically it comes down to killing as fast as possible, and practice a lot, especially if you're like me and were never very good at flying in this game. At the start of most waves the UFOs come from the same spot every time, boost straight at them head on, fingers on the triggers, go for the non shielded ones if they're there, you'll damage a bunch of them, and later when you have missiles even kill one or two straight away. Hit the breaks and circle round and start following one. Try to get behind UFOs and just follow it untill it's dead, I found that once you damage a UFO it starts targeting you a lot more.

Always be firing, I didn't remove my finger from the triggers once, especially useful when you have missiles, I can't tell you how many times Id perform a manuever or turn to look at my next enemy and I'd accidently hit or kill another. Use the look button a lot (RB i think) to get your sights on the next enemy, everytime I killed someone if there was not another UFO on screen I'd hold it down and swerve around to face it (still firing remember you could hit something).

In the wave with the walkers that fire lasers these are your number 1 priority, take them out fast. Once you can board it, board the head side, it's a faster/easier take down. Make sure you get out of the way of the laster though, don't try push it too far, I died at 4.4 mill on the last walker once because I waited to long, which was really infuriating. These are the enemies that can decimate your objectives health. Don't worry too much if you lose an objective, you can still easily make it.

In the waves with the big ships and smaller faster flying enemies concentrate on the smaller ones first. These will raise your multiplier giving you more when you take out that ship. It also lets the ships spread out a bit, meaning that you'll only have the one firing on you instead of three when you go to take them out. Once everything's dead do a run on the ships taking out the turrets, if both turrets blow up the ship automatically blows up. If everything's dead except one last ship then you can just follow it for a while from a distance if you chose. Taking out the mines it drops, to slowly increase you multiplier and get some extra points. Keep and eye on your time and kill it last for big point and multiplier bonus.

All of this combined with practice and you'll get it easy. Playing it over and over you'll get an idea when what spawns and where. It's good to remember where the mines spawn in the waves they appear in as once you've killed all the UFOs if you know where they are you can mop them up and raise that multiplier quickly at the end of the round. If you are in a hairy situation fly low and around the rock formations to regain health, especially in the later waves, you might lose some multiplier but it's vastly preferable from dieing and starting again.


Edit: RadiantViper's comment has some extra helpful information I didn't put in my original post. Here it is for ease of use:

"Just thought I'd mention, the wave with the Archon you should go for first is wave 5, and wave 7 has the 3 battleships (where you can let the last one live and kill some mines for extra points/multipliers). Wave 10 also has 3 Archons, but I found I could kill all the small ships first and still have time to take them out.

I actually died literally right after I killed the last Archon (boosted right into the plateau lol), but it still went to the 'mission complete' screen and I got the achievements :D"

14 Jan 2011 03:27

thanks for the detailed guide! you must be the 1st "new" 100%er in this game?
By SneezeSomeMilk on 15 Jan 2011 02:19
Unfortunately I'm not the first new 100%er, Bookworm has glitched on me and become unobtainable. Super annoyed about that, first to complete the DLC though :). Thanks for the positive remarks!
By Phr4nk0 on 15 Jan 2011 02:29
Yeah no worries Viper, go for it I'll add some of the information you mentioned into mine as well. Congrats on getting the achievement, it seems hard at first but with patience and practice this DLC isn't all that :P
By Phr4nk0 on 15 Jan 2011 08:27
Sorry mate, not much help to give for them early in the game. Once you've got the missile they go down easy enough. Just keep practicing flying and try to follow along behind one UFO at a time. Practice, practice, practice is all you can really do, I wasn't very good at flying before going for this either. Be patient and you'll get there.
By Phr4nk0 on 24 Jan 2011 09:20
What did you do to farm multiplier off the 3rd ship? When I do it, i keep multiplier the same and sometimes get 1 or 2 up but the time between drops and multiplier running out is a second. If I am that close then the ship just shoots me and i must retreat for health. If I kill one gun on the ship, it always blows up after a few mines anyway so not sure what you did to get 40 more multipliers off the mines. In the end i just had an awesome game and ended up with 64 multiplier at the end of wave 7. No more bad luck and some good flying later I ended with 5.1 million. Tough achievement, thanks for the info. The difficulty modifier info you gave helped a TON!
By TrueWickedone on 05 Jun 2011 18:25
I followed the ship from a safe distance (enough so it doesn't hurt you) and while holding break just fired at the mines as soon as they spawned. Like you said it's not a super fast way to increase your multiplier, but some people have said they turned time press off and have farmed this for ages. You can slowly raise your multiplier if you were fast enough taking the other enemies out you can add an extra 10x or so before the time for the round ends.
By Phr4nk0 on 06 Jun 2011 03:06
Great guide ... just got this one thanks to all these tips!

Just thought I'd mention, the wave with the Archon you should go for first is wave 5, and wave 7 has the 3 battleships (where you can let the last one live and kill some mines for extra points/multipliers). Wave 10 also has 3 Archons, but I found I could kill all the small ships first and still have time to take them out.

I actually died literally right after I killed the last Archon (boosted right into the plateau lol), but it still went to the 'mission complete' screen and I got the achievements :D

One last thing, I was thinking of making a guide on x360a, would you mind if I used your tips? With full credit, of course. You cover everything and do it excellently, so it would be a big help.
By RadiantViper on 15 Jan 2011 06:49
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A few changes to Phr4nk0's guide above i realized that with the time limit on there was no way to get this done, the people who did do this achievement with those handicaps are gods of dark void so instead of the time handicap i exchanged that for the handicap hardcore with enemies having more health, you just need to keep your ships alive and i only upgraded my jet pack once and your thinking well how did i get a high enough multiplier with enemies having more health... grinding mines dropped by ships in wave 7 as stated above kill 2 of the 3 ships and follow the last one for how ever long you need and kill mines to raise your multiplier up this method works like a charm... so if your struggling with this achievements try it this way with the time limit handicap off.

NOTE: You will need a pretty decent multiplier once wave 7 is over i would recommend as high as possible to be safe around 80x plus and you will get pretty insane point increases in waves 8-10 but also as a note doing this strategy will cause a ship to be destroyed following a mine ship around but do not worry as long as the others are good and despite grinding these points in wave 7 still do your best to finish earlier waves as quick as possible because killing mines and archons in wave 10 are faster with at least the rocket pack upgraded once..

Credit for this alternative way goes to Kindness123 for pointing this way out to me.
There are a few things that are unclear for this achieve/solution, like how high should I be letting the multiplier get to expect to get the 4.5 million points? Do T need to get the multiplier to like 50x? Thanks!
By brentauntaun on 06 Feb 2011 10:21
Thanks for the advice, and I'm def giving positive feedback. One question I'm wondering if you ever ran into the battleship running out of mines? It has happened three times now where (with Legend, Nightmare, and Low Tech on) that it takes me a while to get to about 50x and then the ship stops dropping mines. Am I just taking too long?
By brentauntaun on 07 Feb 2011 07:25
I found 2 better ways to deal with archons, more safe and quick. Both requires Hypercoil. You can replace your primary weapon in the update menu betweens waves.

Method 1:
Boost and fly to the archon and try to land near it. Don't shoot in the air or it will shoot back. You want to land with as much health as possible.
Once you lands take one of its leg as a cover and charge your hypercoil. Then just shoot the leg in front of you, which you use as a cover. You need to hold RT to keep shooting till hypercoil overheat, the archon will die before the second full shoot.
The archon will turn around so you have to move with it. It's machine gun is not very powerful but if you don't try to hide you will probably die before it.

Method 2:
Use your rocket pack machine gun/missile to blow up all 4 red spots. Then land or hover near it. Charge hypercoil and shoot, the archon will die before a full shoot.

I use method 1 in wave 5, and method 2 in wave 10.
Because I have missile update in wave 10 and it's quite fast to blow up red spot. And the default hypercoil ammo is just enough to charge 5 shoot.

15 May 2012 16:02

There seems to be a lack of video guides for Dark Void DLC but I managed to find one on Youtube...

To achieve this high score I actually used the Wave 7 'Mine Farming' method (thanks Teamlead Taco), but still found it helpful to watch this guy in action and see how quickly he cleans up.

After watching his speed & practicing a bit, I was able to maintain a much better multiplier in the early waves & upgrade my Jetpack a little bit sooner - this makes all the difference!

Anyway - check out this Pro & good luck guys...

20 Feb 2013 16:40

I finally got this achievement all I really did was abuse where the enemies spawn from. I used time press low tech and legend did this without getting the second upgrade for jetpack had 4.5 exactly and Im not even good at flying so for ppl still trying for this follow the guides above cuz they work. And on wave 7 farm for mines aswell to build your multiplier cuz my multiplier really wasnt that high. Mines was about 60. U just have to be accurate and fast

01 Aug 2013 20:53

When prompted to do so, choose the following bonus multipliers:

-Time Pressure

You are defending three objectives, Alpha, Beta and Delta and each one is a transport ship. This mission can be a pain. You will have to get a feel for how to aim while flying, because you must keep a decent multiplier in order to earn enough points to earn this trophy.

Upgrade your jetpack as quickly as you can. It will take a lot of points because of Low-Tech, but once you have the homing missile upgrade, the challenge is fairly easy. Once you have the homing missiles, hold down the fire button to constantly spam them.

Whenever you see one of the big Watcher transport ships, blow it up with the highest multiplier you can for huge points. Aim for the two turrets; if you destroy them, the ship will go down automatically. You can also bonus off of the mines they drop, so milk those for points as well.

When it comes to Archons, destroy the four legs and then do the quick time event on the face end (it's faster than the tail end). Watch out for the laser. You won't have enough points to upgrade the Hypercoil so don't bother doing so.

The only other important tips are to watch your health and time. If you start to take major damage, get as far away from the battle as possible. Taking a hit to your multiplier is much better than starting over and you only have 5 minutes to beat each wave, so destroy everything sharpish.

The trophy will unlock once you complete all ten waves with the required score. This will also unlock Ace.

Note: Your bonus multiplier for using handicaps is not applied until you complete all 10 waves. As long as you earn 750,000 points before the end of wave 10, you will make it (750,000 x 6 = 4,500,000).


An alternative method which is most likely quite a bit easier can be found here:

Expanded guide, lots of good info:

(Note: A lot of these tips are courtesy of Phr4nk0 - major credit goes to him!)

- I recommend using the modifiers 'Time Press', 'Low Tech', and 'Legend'. You can probably swap one of these out if you would prefer to not have one of their effects removed, but these are usually seen as the easiest.
- The only thing you should upgrade is your jetpack. I upgraded it first after wave 3, and again after wave 6.
- ALWAYS be firing your weapons - you could even rubberband the triggers if you like. It is not uncommon for one of your projectiles fired as you were turning to hit a stray enemy. This is especially noticeably with the missiles (second jetpack upgrade).
- Holding LB makes the camera target the closest enemy. This is usually a hindrance when actually trying to shoot them, but is very helpful for finding an enemy and turning towards them (so let go of LB when you're aimed near them).
- Clicking both sticks and hitting a direction pulls off an aerial maneuver - hitting them backwards does a u-turn which can be very helpful.
- Never board a UFO. It's a waste of time and your jetpack is better.
- Basically it comes down to killing as fast as possible, and practice a lot, especially if you're like me and were never very good at flying in this game. At the start of most waves the UFOs come from the same spot every time, boost straight at them head on, fingers on the triggers, go for the non shielded ones if they're there, you'll damage a bunch of them, and later when you have missiles even kill one or two straight away. Hit the breaks and circle round and start following one. Try to get behind UFOs and just follow it untill it's dead, I found that once you damage a UFO it starts targeting you a lot more. (Direct credit to Phr4nk0)
- In wave 5, there is an Archon on a plateau. It will target your allied battleships with it's laser, which will decimate their health. ALWAYS go for it as soon as the wave starts - be careful as they can destroy you quickly as well. Shoot at the legs, make sure to boost past it then turn around so it's not always shooting at you. When all the legs are down you can board either the head or tail - the head is faster but more dangerous (be ready to dodge the laser with the left stick!), the tail is slower but safer.
- In Wave 7, there are only 3 enemy battleships. As always, be careful as their turret fire is deadly. You should have the magnetic missiles by now, which makes things easier. Stay back and take cover if needed. Destroy the first two ships (destroying both turrets takes out the ship), but leave the last one alive. Tail it from a distance and destroy it's mines as they pop up. You'll get extra points and will slowly raise your multiplier. When the wave is close to being over, quickly take out the ship for lots of points. (Credit to Phr4nk0)
- Wave 10 has 3 Archons, but if your ships are in good health, you can afford to take out the small ships first to raise your multiplier a bit. Be VERY cautious when fighting the Archons, especially if you do the finisher on their head - it's infuriating dying so close to the end when you're doing good (it happened to me!).
- The last tip isn't what you want to hear, but it's the truth - practice, practice, practice, then practice some more. Each kill, each wave, and each failure will make you better and better at this mission. Just keep trying and you'll become the Top Ace in no time