Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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Cherish your Life

Cherish your Life

In a public match, repair the generator in The Game's Bathroom and live to tell the story.

15 XP


How to unlock the Cherish your Life achievement in Dead by Daylight - Definitive Guide

This is map specific and you must be playing on The Game/Gideon Meat Plant.

The map is basically a giant warehouse with several large rooms. Hiding options are minimal and palettes are very scarce. You'll have to play slow and cautious on this map. Unlike other maps this map has two solid floors, an upstairs and a downstairs.

Now for the achievement much like the other stage specific ones you'll have to active a specific generator.
The generator you want should be located on the lower floor in a bathroom in one of the corners. Here's a pretty bad picture for what the bathroom should look like. (Video with better quality coming soon.)
External image

Now once you finish activating that generator and got four more, multiple doors through out the map should open up including two that will lead to Exit Gate areas. These Exit Gate areas are like loading docks and will have ramps and stairs to them. I feel you're at a disadvantage against the killer as the area is very open so don't let your guard down as you need to escape to get the achievement.
Escape via hatch does not count.

The current biggest issue with getting this achievement is the map rotation, I feel the current rotation has this map on pretty low priority.
An offering exists to help increase your chances to get this map but I've nearly prestiged a character since this update and I haven't seen it in my bloodwebs.

24 Jan 2018 06:37

I saw a splinter offering for the Gideon meat factory in my bloodweb today. I didn't bother since I seemed to be ending up there every 3 or 4 games anyway.
By SKORPIONIC on 26 Jan 2018 04:19
They didn't have them listed on the wiki and I didn't see any in any of webs, I'll correct that. You also have better map RNG than I do. I got the original three maps like 90% of the time during 40+ matches.
By mcnichoj on 26 Jan 2018 07:17
Getting close to prestiging again, so I'm just trying to burn through the bloodwebs, only reason I noticed because it has a distinctive puzzle piece on it.
It's funny too, because I saw the offering and was getting sent to the factory alot before buying the dlc. After I bought it, not so much. Hmm...
By SKORPIONIC on 26 Jan 2018 15:30
Actually you just reminded me that I should put a note about how you may or may not need the DLC to get the achievement. Had some people tell me in the past they didn't get the Haddonfield achievement and they believe it was because they didn't buy the characters.
By mcnichoj on 26 Jan 2018 20:57
Either the achievement is bugged or you need to escape through the exit gates. Seeing people are unlocking it im guessing it is the latter. I fixed the gen twice and hatched but the achievement did not pop.
By Anxiety#9554 on 29 Jan 2018 23:23
Escaping through the hatch does NOT count.
By on 30 Jan 2018 03:36
It worked out that I got this and Adept Tapp at the same time. Its been my luck that every time I got this map in rotation, which isn't often as mcnichoj pointed out, that the killer seemed hell-bent on guarding that bathroom generator. Finally caught a break with a sloppy killer.
By SKORPIONIC on 03 Feb 2018 23:17
I'm having such an awful time on getting this map and when I do I either get a killer that just won't let me out of their sights, all the other survivors don't do generators or the game disconnects randomly.

Even wasted BP/offerings when someone has put down another map offering and it gets picked over mine. Argh, so frustrating being my last achievement and all. ;___;
By gobey17 on 08 Feb 2018 11:31
You need the saw dlc to unlock this
By Domain on 12 Apr 2018 21:30
^ does the map just not show up in rotation like the others if you don't own the dlc, or it does and the achievement just doesn't pop after exiting through the doors?
By iMaginaryy on 05 Apr 2019 23:24
All the map achievements are super finicky for people, not sure why. I've heard reports of exiting through the hatch both working and not working for people. Having the "corresponding" DLC also shouldn't be an issue as I completed the clown guys circus/church map achievement before the DLC was added to the store for purchase. Luckily for you this I think is one of the more common maps. Good luck to anyone trying to get the Japanese estate map to appear.
By mcnichoj on 06 Apr 2019 06:33
^ yeah I think we've hit 4 or so DLC map achievements, but there's still 3 or so left. The other 4 appeared and popped without owning the DLC, so I both hope and think the other 3 should too.

I know the hatch was finicky even in just the base game for popping achievements. Like if you had an achievement for like escaping with an item or something it wouldn't pop if you went through the hatch for example.
By iMaginaryy on 06 Apr 2019 22:47
This map is so bad… the killer spawns right next to me every time.
By DeeSwitz TTV on 16 Nov 2022 00:47
The image link appears to have broken (unless it’s just my internet playing up)
By ManicMetalhead on 18 Nov 2022 22:16
Yes the image is broken. The generator that is needed is the one in the room with the multiple toilets. It's always on the bottom floor in a corner and next to the stairs that goes to the "killers basement" with the fours hooks.
By mcnichoj on 23 Nov 2022 21:47
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This achievement can be obtained on the map Gideon Meat Plant: The Game by repairing the generator in the Game room and escaping. The Game room can be found on the lower level in a corner of the map, beside the basement. Below are pictures of the generator as well as where to find it.

External image

External image

You can use the offering Jigsaw Piece to increase your odd of getting this map.

When going for this achievement I recommend bringing in a toolbox to increase repair speed.

At this time, it seems that you don't have to be on the generator when it's completed in order to get the achievement, you just have to have been repairing it at some point during the match. However, I would recommend finishing the generator if possible, just in case this changes in future updates. EDIT: You now have to be on the generator when it is completed in order to get the achievement.

If given the option I recommend escaping through the exit gates rather than the hatch. The hatch seems to be hit or miss when it comes to unlocking achievements.

12 Apr 2019 20:53

The game bathroom is always on the second level and never moves around.

29 Dec 2020 00:00

Any survivor can unlock this. This trophy expects you to finish the guaranteed generator that always spawns in the bathroom on the bottom floor of the map "The Game - Gideon's Meatpacking Plant" and escape the match alive. The maps are selected at random but you can greatly increase the chances of playing on this map by burning the offering "Jigsaw Piece". The Trophy will pop on the results screen post-match. You can unlock this trophy, even if you don't own the DLC.

This is a little tough for how small the map is and how unsafe the room itself is. I usually head straight here and wait for the killer's terror radius to come and go as he does his initial patrol and start repairing the generator after he sees no one is there. This room always has a hole in the roof for people to drop in from above but usually only has 1 door to leave from meaning the killer can box you in if you're not careful. After the generator is repaired, just play cautiously and escape alive.
When escaping through the hatch, unfortunately it does not count.

24 Mar 2018 13:48

1 Comment
I completed this trophy when I escaped through a hatch and there was one of the survivors. So the hatch counts
By Grifon-Spaun on 06 Nov 2018 13:23