Dead by Daylight

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Rescue Mission

Rescue Mission

Stun the Killer with a pallet while they are carrying a Survivor 5 times.

15 XP


How to unlock the Rescue Mission achievement in Dead by Daylight - Definitive Guide

Rescue Mission
* At the time of writing this Solution. The writer was the least to say. Grouchy because of this achievement. Bug fixes and requirements to acquire this achievement may change in future updates and patches.

This personally infuriated me with how ridiculously situational it is alone before the Perk Power Stuggle making the chances of the “ideal situation” occurring even more slim:
Slam a Pallet down on the Killer for a Stun as they are carrying you through a Pallet whilst using the Perk Power Struggle. Alternatively. You have the option of slamming a Pallet down on a Killer for a Stun when they are carrying another Survivor through a Pallet. This freeing your team mate. Again. Can be highly situational.

As always with a DBD Solution. I’ll post the best legit ways to obtain first and how to optimise the “situation” and follow it up with the cheese method at the very bottom within a *Spoiler Section* if you’d just like this done and dusted with.

Power Struggle Explained:
Unique Perk to Survivor Élodie Rakoto from the A Binding of Kin Chapter. Whilst you’re being carried by a Killer. You can Wiggle free. Getting to 35/30/25% from Perk Ranks 1/2/3. You gain the ability to slam down a Pallet onto the Killer if they walk through one.
You have to stop Wiggling to be able to slam the pallet down with cn_RBand there is a bit of guesstimating to be had with percentages on the Wiggle bar and the distance you should be to hit the pallet at the right time. Not to forget at it’s current stage in time. Glitchy: If successful, you’ll likely get stuck in the middle of the Pallet and be trapped until it’s broken or you’re hit by a projectile. That being said. Let’s go through the options of obtaining this cursed achievement.

The Legit Methods

1). By far the easiest method is to Survive With Friends. It’s easy to coordinate with your friends who are being chased and relocate yourself for a quick save if they’re getting stuck in a loop with the Killer. It’s only a matter of time before they’ll be downed by a Pallet.
The best probable way i’d suggest is if your friend playing Decoy is in a Healthy state. Run loops around an open area whilst you are positioned in a close by walled area. When the Decoy’s health state changes to Injured. That’s the time they should be making their way to you to loop around the walls. “Play dumb” and “accidentally” get stuck at the Pallet “forgetting” to throw it down in time. Your friend goes down to the Dying State right on top of a Pallet. You just need to slam that Pallet when he’s being picked up.
Coordinate with one another and it can seem very natural. Giving you 2/3 opportunities at least per game depending on the map. Somewhere like Gideon/Laboratory having more opportunities whilst the Swamp having considerably less. Of course. Learn the maps. See where would be a good place to lead the chase and always be within range of your Decoy and have eyes on them.
It’s not fool proof but it stacks odds in your favour.
Recommended Perks when Surviving with Friends would be:

Empathy - Claudette Morel
Sprint Burst - Meg Thomas
Urban Evasion - Nea Karlson
Breakout - Yui Kimura OR
Saboteur - Jake Park

Empathy, you’ll see your injured friend’s location. You’ll understand the direction they’re running towards just in case if the heat of the moment gets too much. You’ll then guide them to the next safe slamming location or take the Killer off of them.

Sprint Burst, To get where you need to be fast if things go wrong.

Urban Evasion, if your Killer isn’t the brightest spark in the box or you’re playing around the Saloon, hiding in the bushes. Increased crouch speed may be the difference to that Pallet drop or being compromised of your plan.

Breakout/Saboteur for when things go wrong and the Killer is aware what you’re both up to. Save them from losing that hook. The objective may be lost but not the game.

2). For the Solo players. The next two are for you!
The most time consuming in the set up but provides more opportunities is a Perk build mentioned by gobey17 in another Solution. The perks mentioned below are Teachable at the level stated. Which may require a bit of grinding on each character.

Power Struggle - Élodie Rakoto - Level 40
(Ability to slam a Pallet on the Killer whilst you’re being carried)

Unbreakable - William “Bill” Overbeck - Level 40
(Faster Recovery whilst down)

Tenacity - Detective Tapp - Level 30
(Faster Crawling speed and allows recovery at the same time)

Flip-Flop - Ashley J. Williams- Level 30
(A percentage of your Recovery bar whilst in the Dying State coverts into the Wiggle meter)

The idea of this build is to be down at the Pallet. Recover as much as you can before the Killer picks you up then slam that Pallet down. Rinse and Repeat. In theory it’s brilliant. Even easier if you play against The Legion or Deathslinger. Any Killer that inflicts a Mending State to let you run away. Down yourself by a Pallet and play the waiting game. Huntress with Hatchets or The Plague with the Corrupt Purge are others that will have that extra range that’ll buy you some time to get that bar further progressed before they pick you up.

Edit: as mentioned by FadingSentinel the above Perk combination works very well if you’re going solo and start to body block a Killer whilst they’re carrying another Survivor. I’d recommend playing a little dumb and happen to get downed “trying to save” your teammate near a Pallet. Whilst your teammate is getting hooked. Revive and be ready for the Pallet Drop once you get picked up!

3). Just play as Élodie. It’s a natural Perk to her so you can get the requirement to 25% at Rank 3. Only issue is that a Killer will most likely know that an Élodie player will be running. You’ll be very lucky for a Killer to chance a Pallet due to the risk it’ll carry naturally, let alone with Élodie. They’ll most likely avoid it altogether. You’ll be banking on getting Killers like The Legion or The Deathstalker to inflict a “mending” state for you to escape.
As a Killer main mused. I avoid Pallets already because of Method 1. I’m not going to run that risk with a character who I know can Stun me.

The Cheese Method

16 Dec 2020 01:41

@Lavindathar I miss the days when it was about 12 seconds to get out. You actually had a good chance of escape and as a Killer, made you more tactical about your chases ans downing locations. Now. You’re laughing all the way to the bank with time to spare.
By A Big Radroach on 22 Dec 2020 23:01
I got this with farming killers, getting lucky with dumb killers. Used all 4 of those recovery, wiggle perks that you mentioned so i got ht by the killer and went near the pallet then used detective tap crawl while recovering perk to get in the middle of the pallet while the killer was coming. Then spammed rb when getting picked up to make power struggle pallet drop. Its best done solo unless you got a good team so only you are stressed out. Last one i got was by teabagging the huntress and letting her play target practice on me with her ax while i was standing near a pallet. Achievements like these make me want some of the harder achievements to be doable in customs. Only harder one then this was having all 4 suvivors escape through hatch.
By Noble Wolf on 07 Feb 2023 01:01
Just got this, in 300 hours I got one naturally saving another survivor, then got 4 in the last few hours using Flip-Flop and Power Struggle.
Recommend not using Ash for this as moderately experienced killers seem to expect that you have power struggle and won’t walk through a pallet.
By ManicMetalhead on 02 Mar 2023 22:44
Has anyone had any issues with tracking for this on console. The windows version is either not tracking or bugged and was wondering if anyone was encountering any issues here as well.
By SG1 Stelson on 09 Jul 2023 09:51
#2 worked for me, but I have a better way to do it reliably. body block a killer while they carry a survivor. when they down you, start crawling to nearest pallet and wait there while rezzing. when they pick you up, immediately drop the pallet.
By FadingSentinel on 16 Dec 2020 22:18
@FadingSentinel I love it! The perfect plan, how devious of you!
By A Big Radroach on 17 Dec 2020 15:53
Flip flop plus power struggle makes this easy at red ranks, due to how prevalent slugging is in the meta.
By Lavindathar on 22 Dec 2020 19:12
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Stun the Killer with a pallet while he's carrying a Survivor 5 times. Dropping a pallet while the killer is nearby will stun the Killer and knock the Survivor out of the Killers grasp. This can also be achieved by using the perk "Power Struggle" with the new survivor Elodie Rakoto. With this perk you can drop a nearby standing pallet while you're in the Killers grasp after you have reached 35%/30%/25% wiggle progress. Upgrading this perk will decrease the amount of wiggle progress needed to activate the perk. I easily achieved this by using the new perk which only took 2 matches with proper positioning, allowing the killer to down you and activating the perk while the Killer is nearby to a pallet.

03 Dec 2020 22:34

Do you automatically grab the pallet or do you need to hit RB?
By Doberkiin on 04 Dec 2020 23:22
You'll have to grab the pallet manually, this required me to stop wiggling for the option to appear.
By Zaro Karos on 04 Dec 2020 23:36
Perfect, thank you
By Doberkiin on 04 Dec 2020 23:41
I haven't even managed to do this once yet. Killer always seems to take a route that avoids all pallets, so I don't have the opportunity to slam it down
By slysy on 05 Dec 2020 19:27
Position yourself far from a hook to where the Killer will walk through the path of the pallet. Depending upon what the Killers rank is the Killer may stay clear of the pallet. Most of the time yes they will go around the pallet but with correct positioning, the Killer will be forced to either go through the pallet route or risk you wiggling free. I've just done this another dozen times in public matches today with crossplay enabled.
By Zaro Karos on 05 Dec 2020 23:33
I was rank 1 so normally the killers were a bit more aware. But I managed to do this after a few dozen games with the build above (with one saving a teammate with a pallet) so while a bit of a chore, it's doable.
By gobey17 on 06 Dec 2020 01:13
Wow this one was hard. I got this one by going into the basement and making noise by running out of a locker. The killer would come down to find me, and i would let them hit me and then run upstairs out the door with the pallet. I moved a reasonable distance away and let the killer down me and take me back down to the basement. Charged up Élodie’s power struggle then dropped the pallet whilst on the killer’s shoulders.
By Garbage Punk on 08 Dec 2020 00:09
Killers absolutely never have to walk through pallets while carrying you and frequently directly avoid doing so. The perk is also extremely broken right now so even if you manage to get get carried through one you'll still probably not be allowed to drop it. This might be one of the worst achievements in the game so far, and I got the long distance hatchet hits one back when it was 100 times
By Fug the Pug on 08 Dec 2020 22:15
Another major issue is that there are way too many hooks way too close together. Even if you think you're positioned right for one, you can probably just turn around and see another.
By Fug the Pug on 08 Dec 2020 22:17
With correct positioning you can absolutely be too far away from a hook for the killer to not be able to reach it in time.
By Zaro Karos on 09 Dec 2020 07:24
Ok, on what map and with what positioning can you possibly make another person do something? Like, there's just always another hook or route.
By Fug the Pug on 10 Dec 2020 18:26
It would be impossible to know until the trial has loaded, hooks are generated procedurally thus their locations vary from game to game.
By Zaro Karos on 11 Dec 2020 09:45
Yeah, having to get the wiggle progress to 25%, whilst hoping the killer will actually walk through the pallet AND you can't slam it while wiggling currently is more problematic than I reckon the guide makes it out to be. I haven't been able to do it either. :/

Edit: It does synergize with flip flop (covert dying recover speed to wiggle progress) which is Ash's perk.

So I just did one where I had a build of Power Struggle, Flip Flop, Unbreakable (Bill's perk, quicker recovery time) and Tenacity (Tapp's perk, crawl faster to a nearby pallet while recovering, which is kinda optional).

Get under a pallet when downed, hope the killer don't pick you up straight away to give you time to recover, and then you'll be able to pallet stun straight away when picked up.

I be surprised if you get to do it more than once a game as likely the killer will then catch on, so how you did it over two games I be curious to know.
By gobey17 on 05 Dec 2020 19:50
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This achievement can be easily achieved with the perk combo of power struggle and flip flop. You can also include unbreakable for good measure to recover quicker. Once you equip these perks make sure you are downed under a pallet and you must recover to 30% (assuming all perks are level 3) this will allow you to immediately activate power struggle and stun the killer and save yourself. This can be repeated multiple times in a match.

29 Aug 2023 00:00

Bring a friend along, and ask him to be downed on a pallet without dropping it. Keep crouching nearby so the killer doesn't notice you (don't run, otherwise you'll generate scratch marks which the killer can see, so he'll ignore the pickup to look around) . Make note of which side of the pallet the killer is coming from, cause he may be able to body-block the pallet drop by starting the pickup right outside the region where you'll be able to drop the pallet (so it's better to ask your friend to move a bit to one side or the center so that you'll be able to get the drop prompt without an issue)

Once the killer starts picking your friend/teammate, run to the side of the pallet which you'll be able to drop and wait! Don't drop the pallet immediately, the killer won't be stunned mid-animation, and the dropped pallet will be wasted. The pick-up animation ends right after the killer has completely put the survivor on his/her shoulder. Only when he's able to move can you stun him with the pallet, so keep your timing ready and once you notice the killer's face change direction or move even the slightest, drop the pallet to stun the killer.

Now you need to do this 4 more times, but it's highly unlikely you'll be able to do it twice in the same match, as the killer will be more cautious after it has happened one time. Bringing the perk 'Windows of Opportunity' may help you see the auras of pallets if you don't have direct line of sight from the place you're hiding. Bringing the perk 'Sprint Burst' may be useful in reaching the pallet faster so that you have more time to observe the animation calmly to get your timing right.

P.S: It doesn't matter if the killer faces the direction of the pallet you're coming from, you don't need to drop from the back cause he can hear footsteps from either direction, so he can't do anything about it if your timing is right

18 May 2021 00:00

You need to stun the killer carrying the survivor 5 times with planks. Elodie Rakoto's Power struggle perk will help speed up the process, which allows you to drop palettes when they are carrying you, provided that the release scale is filled to 35%.

02 Dec 2020 10:19