Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

257 Achievements

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When a Survivor is injured far away, heal them 30 times without travelling more than 16 meters.

50 XP


How to unlock the Triage achievement in Dead by Daylight - Definitive Guide

In order to make progress towards this achievement, you must meet the following criteria:

- Survivor who gets injured must be more than 16m away from you.
- They must come to you.
- You must be within 16m of the position you were in, when they were initially injured when you heal them.

I would highly recommend using Yoichi Asakawa’s perk ‘Empathic Connection’ as it allows injured survivors to see your aura within a certain radius. Obviously if you get an upgraded version of this perk it will have a larger radius for other survivors to see you on the map. Combining this with perks for faster healing is not essential but is a pretty good idea to increase healing speed.

11 Mar 2022 00:00

If anybody would like to help boost this, please feel free to hit me up on Xbox.

EDIT: Now have the achievement and would highly suggest finding someone to pair with as it makes it way easier and quicker.
By TuKraZe on 11 Mar 2022 09:52
Yeah thought it didn't go up as fast as I thought ahah. The criterias are bit intense. Thanks for sharing the "You must be within 16m of the position you were in, when they were initially injured when you heal them"
It started working after I got that cleared up :)
By Darkevness on 11 Mar 2022 21:44
I tried something with my friends. Not confirmed yet! He get injured, than hook. I unhook him and go where i was when he get injured with him than heal him.
By REGIX 117 on 12 Mar 2022 01:43
Can this be done as any survivor or does it need the new one?
By slysy on 12 Mar 2022 12:44
You can use any survivor :)
By TuKraZe on 12 Mar 2022 13:30
So I realize after playing the game this long I should know how far 16m is in this game. But can anyone provide a reference point (I.e. if shack is 8 meters, then it’s two shack lengths). That’s just an example it’s likely not correct, but it’ll help me and newer players.
By No Politics on 12 Mar 2022 19:33
@gobey17 Teaming up is definitely the best method to gain progress for this achievement but use the perk I mentioned as I had a fair few ransoms come back to me for healing because I would be highlighted on the map for them.
By TuKraZe on 14 Mar 2022 09:10
For those without Yoichi, Blood Pact (Cheryl), Aftercare (Jeff), and Situational Awareness (Universal) can also help survivors to come to you. Blood Pact is also helpful towards the Fleet of Foot achievement
By Lonesquiff on 15 Mar 2022 08:08
This explains so much!!!
By Sniggleworth on 18 Mar 2022 05:31
Last night doing some testing with my buddy we found that it doesn't always count if you're still inside the killers terror radius when doing the healing. Was only counting about 1 of 3 times that way. Once we figured that out and were outside the terror radius everytime it counted 100%. If you're having trouble with them counting then this could be what's happening.
By Schnauzer HQ on 18 Mar 2022 14:20
If you are from the U.S. like me you will never be able to gauge 16 meters, 2 meters or 100 meters and better yet, not care.
By bobby trippe on 24 Mar 2022 03:55
Not sure where you got your info from but you do not need to meet all the above. The player MUST come to you but it does not need to be within 16m of where he was initially injured.
By xZelik on 27 Mar 2022 08:10
@xZelik The information came directly from one of the developers who worked on the game. They must come to you and you cannot be within a 16m radius of them when the initially get injured. It was mentioned that wherever you are on the map when said player gets injured, you must remain within a 16m radius and have the player come to you for healing.
By TuKraZe on 27 Mar 2022 09:08
It’s very inconsistent.
By xZelik on 29 Mar 2022 04:19
Empathy is another perk that shows you the whereabouts of other survivors when they’re injured. It should give you an idea of where they initially got injured.
By xZelik on 29 Mar 2022 07:54
Yeah I don’t play this game with anyone, I’m currently at 25/30 and have every other achievement on the game playing alone. I’ll get it, it just seems inconsistent.
By xZelik on 29 Mar 2022 18:32
I did the safe spot thing with a friend and a killer that was farming bloodpoints. Gave me no progress...
Other games where I clearly did not stay within the 16 meters on the only heal I did and I get progress....
Just seem inconsistent.
By Makoushu on 30 Mar 2022 00:57
@Makoushu exactly, I’ve had players get unhooked then run towards me on the opposite side of the map and I’ll get progress towards the achievement.
By xZelik on 30 Mar 2022 01:54
This achievement is frustrating. I’ve been following the rule set provided and have been stuck at 66% for a few weeks now.
By Sniggleworth on 11 Apr 2022 01:35
It be nice to know roughly the 16m too, although it isn't very big in any case. I'm trying to stay around people when they get injured but if they end up running over the other side of the map and get downed, then you're kinda screwed on the 16m thing. As a lot of people normally won't run back that far (unless maybe they see you on a gen too).

Played a ton of games now and only on 30% so if anyone wants to team up and try knock this out let me know!
By gobey17 on 13 Mar 2022 21:33
@Zelik, I had zero issues with this achievement once I knew what the exact requirements are. If you have a friend to run this with it will run a lot smoother. Just keep yourself in a secure area on the map (preferably not an indoor map like the hospital or police station) and try not to stand still for too long because of crows spawning on you. Have your friend run out and try to get hit and run back to you for healing. If you get an inexperienced killer or an idle killer with a spam attack you can get this no issue.
By TuKraZe on 29 Mar 2022 07:59
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