Dead Rising 2: Off The Record

Dead Rising 2: Off The Record

51 Achievements


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Challenge Domination

Challenge Domination

Get a Gold medal on all single-player challenges.


How to unlock the Challenge Domination achievement in Dead Rising 2: Off The Record - Definitive Guide

This is a guide to the 30 challenges available in Sandbox mode on DR2: Off the Record. I have split them in to sections of challenges which require similar outfits and weapons, and marked down what I think are the best tactics for the job.

NOTE: You will need 10,000 kills to unlock all of the challenges. This will also go some way to getting the 100k achievement and levelling up to 50. See guides for best killing methods:

Dead Rising 2: Off The Record (Xbox 360)Six Digits?!?The Six Digits?!? achievement in Dead Rising 2: Off The Record (Xbox 360) worth 72 pointsKill 100,000 zombies. [Host Only]

You should also have all of the combo cards to max out your XP earnings with each weapon.


Some challenges will require books. For book locations see here:

You will need a few special outfits to complete challenges. For outfit locations see here:

Nearly all challenges will require Combo Weapons. There are many different places you can make combo weapons in Off the Record, but unfortunately the weapon locations are different to the original Dead Rising 2. For a list of combo weapons and where to find the individual components see here:

Finally, you may occasionally need Mixed Juices. For info and location of items see here:


I recommend being a high level before trying these as you will need a lot of inventory slots (maximum if possible) - level 40+ is suggested. Also, scout the area first for stray survivors and psychos that may have spawned as they will make life difficult.

For a list of Psychos and the times they spawn see here:


Section 1 - Do you hear what I hear?

Outfit: Ninja
Inventory: Super BFG x8, Dynameat x1
Books: None
Juices: None

Tip: A Blast Frequency Gun can be found in the Underground Lab (use the elevator in Palisades) and an Amplifier can be found in the maintenance room just outside the elevator. Keep moving between locations to stock up.

1. Rooftop Massacre
Atlantica Casino rooftop

With Super BFG in hand, start the mission and blast all of the zombies in front of you. Once the large groups are down, turn around and do the same at the other end of the roof. You should get this comfortably within the time limit.

2. Rumble in the Jungle
Yucatan Casino, on top of the central statue

Again, Super BFG’s in hand, just run around and take out the larger groups of zombies. The time limit is a bit tighter on this one but it shouldn’t cause too many headaches. The area you start in can sometimes be a bit light on zombies, so use an initial run to scout out the best locations to take out bigger groups.

3. Murder on the High Seas
Atlantica Casino, pirate ship

Same again - with your stock of Super BFG’s you should breeze through this. As with the previous challenge, scout out the biggest groups which should give you 10-15 kills per blast.

4. Rooftop Massacre Round 2
Safe House Roof

This can actually be pretty tough solo as you will need to fight off gas zombies, which will ignore your ninja outfit. Start facing the elevator and as soon as the clock starts ticking, throw a dynameat in to the crowd to net some easy kills. Turn around and head for the helipad - you should be able to aim down the gutters at the side and blast away with the Super BFG at the larger groups. This will likely take a few tries before you hit a solid rhythm.


Section 2 - Run to the Hills

Outfit: Sports Fan
Inventory: Super BFG (optional, to get zombies out of the way)
Books: None
Juices: Repulse x5

Tip: Sports Fan + Repulse will keep you moving fast but you may have more trouble from zombies near the end of challenges as Repulse wears off. You can also use the combo of Ninja outfit + Quickstep which will keep zombies off you, but you will lose the speed boost towards the end of challenges. Pop a quickstep with Sports Fan on to go super fast!

Another option is to use the heavy attack with the Moose Head (found on the information booth in the food court), which is a constant fast run that bash’s zombies out of the way - thanks I Am Judders

5. Balloon Man
Royal Flush Plaza, near Fortune Park exit

Run and jump up the stairs in front of you, go forward and veer right via the phone stall in middle, take a left at the triangular signboard and climb the red telephone booth at the wall up to the ledge. Go forward and jump to the next ledge, then immediately turn around and jump to the awnings behind you. Run along and make a jump to the balloon. If any zombies get in the way use jump-kick or a Super BFG to clear them.

6. Rule #1
Americana Casino, Arena Entrance

The route here is pretty straightforward, but it gets tricky towards the end due to the nature of the jumping and grabbing mechanism, which can be a bit glitchy at times. From the start head along the left escalator, then stick to the left and work around the zombies in to the restaurant. Head forwards and up the stairs. Now comes the tricky part. Vault the wall on your left and make a jump for the square lights hanging above the casino, you need to get across all the lights and on to the platform on the other side. Time can be tight here but don’t rush too much or you will fall and have to start again.

7. Scaffolding Shuffle
South Plaza, near the entrance to Arena

This one is tough. From the starting location look right to see a Maintenance car. Get in and move it next to the starting point. As soon as you start jump in the car and drive as far as you can before it breaks (having the driving book helps keep it alive, but isn’t necessary). Make your way to the scaffolding and start climbing. You need to start at the workbench, then climb up a level, turn left and jump another level and finally go forward for the third level. Move across the planks to finish. As with Rule #1 take your time otherwise you will fall and have to start again.

8. Fast Food
Slot Ranch Casino, near the entrance to the Royal Flush Plaza

Make a break across the casino floor towards the Food Court. Go across the escalators for a speed boost and go forward and to your right. Once you get to Lombardis, you will see some snack machines on the left of the entrance. Jump up on these, jump to the awnings on your right to get to the second floor. Now run all the way across and you will see the finish marker on the furthest awning.

9. Robot Race
Uranus Zone, near the entrance to South Plaza

From the start point, head forward and right slightly, around the Orbital Oscillator ride, behind it you will see a grey metallic hexagonal opening (to the right of the save point) - head through here, go up the stairs, past the carts and out the window. You should now be on a platform - head right and you will see the robots arm, leapfrog it to the finish. If you’re having trouble finding the opening, it appears on the map as “Coming Soon!”


Section 3 - Chug chug chug!

Outfit: Sports Fan
Inventory: See challenge guide
Books: None
Juices: None

Tip: the easiest place to find alcohol is at one of the bars in the casino. There is also an unlimited supply of vodka behind the bar in the food court steakhouse.

10. Thirst Quencher
Atlantica Casino, west side

Inventory: Alcohol x12

Scout the area first and map the layout so you know where the main rooms are! From where you start, chug everything in your inventory, then head around to the Poker room - you should find 8-9 drinks in here. Once you have found and chugged them all, head over to the magicians room (where you fight Roger & Reed) to find an additional 6-7. Run to the bar in the middle for the remainder of the drinks.


Section 4 - Electric Avenue

Outfit: Sports Fan
Inventory: Laser Eyes x4, Electric Crusher x2, Tesla Ball x2
Books: None
Juices: None

Tip: You can get a ready made Tesla Ball from the pawn shop by the Yucatan Casino.

11. Silver Strip Smackdown
Silver Strip, alleyway next to the Atlantica Casino

Once you start the challenge, throw the tesla ball above the zombies heads and chase after it - rinse and repeat 3 or 4 times until it runs out. If you aim for large groups, you will get 350pp per kill and the Tesla Ball should expire around the 30k mark. If you need more PP, use the Laser Eyes heavy attack to do a sweep of the remaining zombies.

12. Burn the Bodies!
Yucatan Casino

The high total for gold makes this seem harder than it is - Laser Eyes should ease the pain and make it manageable. Start the mission, stand by the bigger crowds and use the heavy attack to blast them away. You should get 10+ with each hit, and you’ll get 9-10 uses out of each mask.

13. Lightning Never Strikes Twice
Fortune Park, between the Atlantica Casino and Uranus Zone entrances

This can be tough, and time is definitely against you on this one, so be quick and know where the groups are (doa test run to get a feel for the bigger spawn points). Start by throwing the Tesla Ball and from the start, head right (facing the maintenance room) and get the two large groups next to the Hotel, from here, work in circles up towards Royal Flush and back around to the Atlantica. When the Tesla Ball runs out, use the heavy attack with the crusher for 10-15 kills per hit.


Section 5 - BOOM!

Outfit: Sports Fan
Inventory: Boomstick x8
Books: None
Juices: None

Using the heavy attack with the boomstick will earn you minimum of 2,500pp per kill with no books. For all of these challenges, just keep hitting zombies with the heavy attack and you will complete them with lots of time to spare.

14. Killing Floor
Silver Strip, alleyway next to the Atlantica Casino

15. Do Not Try This at Home
Fortune City Arena, Terror Togs

16. Pawned Prestige
Silver Strip, in the front of Moe's Maginations.


Section 6 - Easy Rider

Outfit: None
Inventory: Chainsaw
Books: Bikes
Juices: None

The chainsaw will be required on some challenges to make a Slicycle. A chainsaw spawn can be found at the Maintenance room next to Hot Excitorama on the strip. The Bikes magazine will make the bike and slicycle last 3x longer. You may want to make a slicycle for the “races” as well just to get a few more kills in and make sure you don’t take a random bump off of a zombie, which can happen occasionally.

17. Ijiek Motors Presents
Platinum Strip, bike platform outside arena

This is only made difficult by the terrible camera angle you are given when on the bike. Stick the left side and follow the steps and paths all the way up to the Yucatan. As long as you don’t take any bumps you should get this comfortably.

18. Tunnel Vision
Underground, Americana Casino Bay

Before starting the challenge, make sure your bike is facing to the left so that you can drive straight down beside the train cart - this will save precious seconds and will make sure you get the smoothest run. Start the mission and bomb it all the way around to the left - you should get there on about 37 seconds.

19. Extreme Off Road
Silver Strip, Shamrock Casino

This should be relatively simple due to the sheer amount of zombies that are around in this section of the map. You can go as far as the steps to Silver Strip one way, and up to the entrance of the Yucatan and across to the underground the other. Just plough through the big groups and you should be fine. Cutting across the Yucatan doors is a good idea even though they are outside the zone, just make sure you get back in the challenge area before the timer stops you!

20. Tunnel of Blood
Underground, center tunnels

This one can be tough depending on the zombie spawns. Start the challenge from the middle of the tunnels and work in a clockwise direction. There is no space limitation on this one, so use the whole underground tunnels at your leisure - from my experience there tends to be more zombies in the starting tunnels than there are in the outer tunnels, so focus on these first and work your way out. The only issue on this task is that zombies don’t tend to stand in large groups like they do outside, so you will need to weave to get as many as possible.


Section 7 - Come at me, bro!

Outfit Required: Anything but the Ninja outfit (it will negate the effects of Zombait)
Weapons Required: Firecrackers x10
Juices Required: Zombait x2

Tip: Firecrackers can normally be found behind the stage at the Slot Ranch casino or scattered around in the Uranus Zone shops.

21. Crowd Pleaser
Slot Ranch Casino, Stage

This seems daunting at first but it’s not too bad. Down a Zombait as soon as the challenge starts and then run around the steps and the slots in front of the stage to lure zombies to you. Once they get closer stand on the stage and throw a few firecrackers below you to draw them in further.

22. Party Hard
Fortune Park Grotto (where the central Maintenance Room is)

Once the challenge starts down a Zombait and head to either side of the path to start luring zombies by standing in front of them and slowly edging back towards the center. Once you have a good amount on one side, move back to the other side and repeat.

23. Killer Rides
Uranus Zone

First a bit of prep - find the Alien UFO ride and remove the barriers surrounding it (throw them quite far away). Now start the challenge, head over to the UFO ride and throw some firecrackers at the base to lure the zombies in. Once you are happy with how many you have, flick the switch to the right of the ride to activate it and watch the zombies fly! Repeat this 3-4 times and you should get an ample amount. Warning: Sometimes the zombies can glitch in to the ride a little bit and won’t be taken out by it - negate this by hitting the switch a bit quicker.


Section 8 - Everything Else

These are the last remaining challenges which are a bit more unique and don’t fit in to the other categories. The setup is listed below each challenge in this section.

24. Shutter Bug
Uranus Zone

Outfit: None
Inventory: Alien Probe x12
Books: None
Juices: None

Find the souvenir booth in the Uranus Zone which has the ‘Alien Probe’ toy in it and grab a full inventory from the unlimited supply. Drop them in a pile near the challenge start location and then go back for 12 more. Drop these in a separate pile. Now start the challenge and take a photo of each pile individually multiple times to beat the target score by a mile!
(Thanks to BOSSgrindle for the guide)

25. Mad About Hats
Royal Flush Plaza, on the giant craps table

Outfit: None
Inventory: Dinosaur Mask x12
Books: None
Juices: None

Look inside the door of the toy shop which is situated just next to the challenge and you should see a box of unlimited dinosaur masks. Grab a full inventory and start the challenge. Place all the masks on the zombies nearby and then run back and refill your inventory. Rinse, repeat. Do not stop once you hit the target number though as masks will fall off some zombies before the timer runs out.

26. Chop Suey
South Plaza

Outfit: None
Inventory: Plate Launcher x2
Books: None
Juices: None

Whilst you can’t carry two plate launchers in your inventory, you can drop one on the fountain which is around the halfway point of the challenge. This will serve as a backup if you run out of ammo!

When using the Plate Launcher, do not use the aim mode as for some reason it will take out less zombies than an unaimed shot. Find large groupings of zombies and let loose with a few plates on each one. The weapon is surprisingly effective at taking out big groups quickly! There is a large horde at the end of the challenge which you can’t run directly to, but you can take out from the edge of the mission area, so bear that it mind if you reach the end and still need some kills.

27. No Thanks, I’ll Stand...
Americana Casino

Outfit: None
Inventory: Parasol
Books: Domestic
Juices: None

Without the correct tool this is an 11 on the difficulty scale. There have been many different methods to do this over the years, but I feel that this one is the quickest and easiest with the least setup and hassle.

Grab a Parasol from fortune park and bring it into the Americana. Place it next to the start position, hit go and use the heavy attack to run around and destroy everything in your path. You can run parallel to each of the sets of slot machines to get 3-4 chairs per go, and make sure not to miss the roulette tables and the bar which have a ton of chairs around them.

** Alternate method from Donietsche - Simply run around with a blitzkrieg while shooting (accelerate with RT, fire with X), and devise an efficient route; be ready to switch to your assault rifles (or other weapon of choices) for the last few chairs; in my case, I ran out of bullets around 64-65 chairs, with enough seconds to hit the mark. **

28. One Armed Bandit
Slot Ranch Casino

Outfit: None
Inventory: Money Hacker x2
Books: None
Juices: None

As soon as the challenge starts, head for the various Cash Machines littered around the casino and use the Money Hacker on them. Once you have hacked those for 40k, start hacking the individual slot machines for 3k+ a go. 2 hackers should be enough to get the desired amount within the time limit.

** Alternate method from KenslerDK - Grab the 3 Gambling magazines. Right beside the challenge is the Giant Slot Machine, where you can bet 1000 and often win 100.000. Just start playing and chances are you'll win the big jackpot at least once inside the time limit. I got around 250.000, but you can get lucky (luckier) and win even more. **

29. Stiff Back
Palisades Mall, Grotto bar

Outfit: Sports Fan (if you are coming up short on time), Ninja (if you are getting attacked too much)
Inventory: Massager x12
Books: None
Juices: None

This will probably be the hardest challenge in the game for most people. I strongly suggest viewing the video guide and using it to get a rough idea of where all the massagers are located in the mall. Make sure you have 12 massagers in your inventory when you start the challenge, so that you get a headstart.

30. Double Trouble
Yucatan Casino, Shoal Nightclub

Outfit: None
Inventory: Laser Sword
Books: None
Juices: Pain Killer, Quickstep

As soon as you start drink the Pain Killer and Quickstep, then pick one of the two twins and stick with them for the entire challenge. You only need to kill one of them to complete, so don’t waste time with the other. You will get knocked down but Pain Killer will ensure you take little to no damage and Quickstep ensures you can catch back up with the designated twin. The Laser Sword seems to do the best amount of damage to them and quickly, so slice and dice with heavy attacks until they go down.

04 Sep 2018 11:36

For Fast Food I toke the sports car from Royal Flush Plaza into Slot Ranch Casino and was able to drive to the other side in 18 seconds and then I had like 40-50 seconds just to walk across the top section after I climbed the vending machines.
By KriSpy CharMZ on 19 Jan 2020 17:27
My achievement hasn't popped up. It say it's at 96% when I got all gold medals on all 30 challenges. Playing on xbox one. Help?
By biggchuy2000 on 25 Apr 2020 08:04
Thank you, this helped ^
I had to redo another challenge and got gold for it to unlock
By Patto VI on 14 Dec 2022 10:41
Anyone able to help me with trials? Please
By on 15 Feb 2023 19:46
I simply can't complete Rooftop Round 2, the zombies, when "far" become "idle" and my weapons don't hurt them, only when I get close I can kill. Any tip on that? I manage to get 175 kills, but combine those intangible zombies+being grabbed a lot and it's the hardest challenge for me, the only one I'm missing
By SoniMail on 17 Jan 2024 19:41
One method I used for Rumble in the Jungle was to grab several Queens (at leats 4) then start the challenge an threw a Queen into a group of Zombies. Got Gold on the first or 2nd try that way.
By Robster80 on 07 Dec 2019 14:11
@biggchuy2000 since no one answered you and the year is 2022 so hopefully you solved the issues. For anyone still experiencing this the game has spake error registering achievements. I’ve found serveral times that the tracker does not keep in like with the achievement and will think it has unlocked when it hasn’t.

A remedy to this is to fully restart your console and turn it back on. This seems to resolve the issue and allows you to receive the achievement. Quitting out of the game did not work for me. This is how I solved the issue with the zombie kills is after each session I would save, restart console, then get another kill the game will then do a search on the achievement and find it completed and unlock
By Golden Sequence on 13 Nov 2022 22:34
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There are 30 challenges in total in the single player section of sandbox mode, you need to complete all 30 of them with a gold medal to unlock the trophy. To unlock all the challenges you have to reach zombie killing milestones for each challenge to unlock. Once you have earned a gold medal on all the challenges the trophy will unlock.

A text guide on the easiest ways to complete challenges.
The most important thing is to be creative and maybe come up with even easier options.

11 Nov 2011 18:13