Dead Rising 2

Dead Rising 2

51 Achievements


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Zombie Genocide Master

Zombie Genocide Master

Kill 72,000 zombies


How to unlock the Zombie Genocide Master achievement in Dead Rising 2 - Definitive Guide

Zombie Genocider in Crash Rising 2! YCMV (Your Crashing May Vary)

An issue lately with remasters, at least ironically the "second game" in a series of remasters, is constant crashing. Bioshock 2 suffers it...and this game (along with Off the Record) suffer due to this. Now much like the old saying "YMMV", not everybody has to deal with it. Yeah you might be one of those lucky few that rarely if EVER suffers a crash in this game...but if you're like me and a few of my buddies across Xbox One and Playstation 4, you'll experience heavy crashing in relation to Silver Strip/Platinum Strip/Fortune Park. It could be the jump of this game from 30FPS to 60FPS but as of this guide, there has been no patches for the Xbox One version (don't know about PS4).

What causes the crashing? Hell if I know. A major culprit seems to be Yucatan, much like the infamous Foodcourt Bug in Infinite Mode for the original Dead Rising (which apparently is still present in the remaster), if you enter Yucatan from Silver Strip you risk the entire game crashing. Now it may crash in Yucatan...or it may crash outside. It might not even crash! In my successful run, I had it crash maybe a total of 7 roughly once every 10-20K kills. Yes, I kept entering's essential to get ahead of the estimated kills per time period (see list below in CRASHING AND OTHER NOTES).

Preparation - No Case/Zombrex Run

This achievement takes roughly 6-8 real life hours to complete. If you "get ahead" in kills, you could easily finish around 12AM-2AM on Day 4 (10AM is when the Military Arrives and it's Gameover). Of course, you're not going to get the extra time for the Firebombing or Overtime (if you go that far), so if you prefer the extra time do see the other method.

Following Things in a List:

- SUV Key
- Level 50 (for max speed, item slots, etc.) *OPTIONAL, just makes things easier.
- Ninja Clothing Piece and Sports Fan Clothing Piece (doesn't matter which, just one of each you'll get the full effect from both unlike Off the Record where you need to wear the full outfits for these particular costumes. OTR's DLC follows the same rule as DR2's for Cyborg, Fireman, etc.) *OPTIONAL, just makes things easier

Now what you'll obviously need is the SUV Key. $2,000,000 in this game, located at the pawn shop on Silver Strip. There's a variety of ways to get your preferred method for DR2 in particular was the giant pink slot machine + the three gambling magazines. Stand in front of that for however long constantly inputting money and you'll come out a big winner. Definitely a good idea to do this a separate playthrough, get the money together, buy the SUV key then save and restart story.

Alright so you have the SUV Key. Hopefully you are Level 50 by this point...I only really recommend it for max speed and inventory slots. Though you COULD squeeze by without both.

Finally, what I found most important, were articles of clothing that granted special abilities. In this case, Ninja and Sports Fan. Ninja makes you practically invisible to zombies though they will still notice you over time and swipe at you, very rarely managing to grab you. Sports Fan gives you a heal boost from items but the important thing is an additional speed boost, so even at max speed for Chuck's level you can still go faster. Combine that with quickstep and you'll practically zip across the strips.

BONUS! --- Get about 8 or more quicksteps. I think I had 9 when I makes getting back to the SUV so much simpler than using the golf cart-thing.

The Run

Step 1:
Start up the game fresh and if you aren't already wearing a piece of clothing from the Ninja and Sports Fan costumes, do so now at the bathroom. Afterwards, run immediately to American Casino. On the first floor of BBQ Shack is a Driving Magazine, it's right next to a fountain-drink dispenser attached to a booth in front of large letting indicating Bennie Jack's BBQ Shack with the menu below it (in front of this drink machine you'll see a subpar bar as well with a circular appearance attached to this restaurant). Once you have the magazine, I highly recommend heading to the large circular bar called Shots & Awe in the center of the casino and grabbing multiple wines (fill your inventory). Take care of the female zombie so she's not a problem and start mixing them together to get Quicksteps. You can either fill your inventory or carry 6-8...whatever you prefer. From here, you can drink a quickstep and exit onto Platinum Strip.

Step 2:
Run all the way up to Fortune Park first and make a save in the middle there. Now up to Silver Strip (with Sports Fan + Quickstep this takes virtually no time at all) and into Shamrock Casino where you'll find the SUV. So here we are....the barebones of the thing.

My method is simple enough, it involves a lot of "spirals". Basically as soon as you roll out, make your way to Yucatan and down the right path to where Boykin would crash the gate in the story. Do a quick circle and head back to the main part of Silver Strip. You'll be making circles around the strip a couple times hitting the large groups, if you see huge clusters around a Kiosk (which you will, as the spawns are generally the same and get heftier as time rolls on) make a couple circles around it and clear out a big portion before moving on. I would usually only hit two of these kiosks that had the most zombies then run the strip once down and back, then off to Fortune Park.

In Fortune Park is where the spiral comes in. Circle the center portion and you'll notice a thick cluster of zombies all about. As you circle, alter your path just a bit so you're clearing out the next line of the spiral until you make probably 3 or 4 rotations around the Park. Veer off as needed, hitting larger groups by Royal Flush Plaza or in that section with the information boards near a gate. Feel free to get into the gate and get those zombies if you will, but afterwards go to Platinum Strip.

I always took the right path and hit the groups as I went down, taking the large group at the left just before the Arena and making a circle at the last gap before the stairs so I could get some on the other end. After a couple circles here, I'd go down the left-most part of the stairs and slam directly into a cluster of zombies sitting in front of a kiosk. Go beyond them and to the next Kiosk, go just left of it to claim those zombies and you'll hop the curb to hit the next group of zombies before the nearby stairs. Go up and immediately slam into the large group clustered on the left up here by the Arena. Back up and you'll see a massive amount against the main doors. Run them down all the way to the end and passed the barricades, taking a moment to back up and clear the zombies you didn't hit the first run. I usually take two-three passes here before going into the main circular landing surrounding the globe.

Spiral it like the park and go back up the left or right stairs and to the Security entrance (with all the zombies huddled in a alley, right next to the Americana Entrance). What you're going to want to do is drive straight down and immediately hit reverse as you're about to get to the stairs, that way a majority of the time you'll slam against the door but be able to back up right away without getting stuck. Doesn't always work...but it did pretty much 95% of the time for me. Back up and then back up to the Park. Do another spiral, some of the groups have respawned zombies by this point and that's more kills...particular interest around the Royal Flush area and maybe by that Map area. Afterwards, go to Silver Strip and a new spawn formation of zombies will be here for your killing pleasure. Circle the strip a couple times, getting the huge groups (particularly those on the left hand side between columns, massive amounts there) and go back to the park doing a couple spirals before heading back down to Platinum Strip. Same runthrough as before, though there's less zombies in the Arena now and the spiral. Do not bother with the security alley, just drive back up to the Park.

SAVE! I do this every run because of the crashes. Be sure to use all three files. You'll save now, then go up to Silver Strip and clean up some more, by now your SUV should be smoking dark so get as much as you desire then ditch it to head into Yucatan. You WILL encounter Ted's cutscene, skip it and drink a quickstep immediately. Run as fast as you can back to Silver Strip and the game shouldn't crash. Get back in the SUV and resume the path above! When you need a new SUV, just run into Yucatan and back out fast.


So here's where the crashing comes in. In my experience, it did not occur as often as I thought it would - only about every 10-20K kills. So that means roughly every 3-5 trips to and from Yucatan to spawn a new SUV an issue would occur with the game where partway through my run the game would make that loud BUZZING NOISE and crash, sending me out of the game. Thankfully, I didn't ever lose more than 500 or so kills from that last Silver Strip run due to the constant saving. Once you reload the game, use a quickstep and go straight to the SUV. I ran out of quicksteps by the end but I only crashed about 7 times, so as long as you're in the same boat you should be alright. If you run out of quicksteps, running from the park to the strip isn't so bad with max speed + sports fan item.

As you play, you will want to keep on target or ahead of the following list of posted times (credit to a 360 solution by Ibanez V7):

Time / Kill Goals

Note that Day 1 is only 17 hours long, hence a short Day 4 in 72 hour mode.

Day 1 - 7pm - 10000 kills

Day 2 - 7am - 22000 kills

Day 2 - 7pm - 34000 kills

Day 3 - 7am - 46000 kills

Day 3 - 7pm - 58000 kills

Day 4 - 7am - 70000 kills

Day 4 - 10am - Game over.
Somehow I kept getting ahead, like majorly. With the method I posted above I was sitting at 12K by 7PM Day 1, then 26K Day 2 7AM. I was 40K by Day 2 7PM and consistently stayed about 6,000 kills ahead of schedule. I hit 72K at 2:25AM on Day 4, roughly 7 hours and 35 minutes (in game time) prior to the military arriving. I would have actually gotten it at 8 hours if I hadn't gotten distracted by something in the party I was in so ;>_> I had plenty of time to spare.

So what is important to keep in mind is that by Day 1 7 PM that you're either on target of 10K kills or ahead. If you get ahead, especially 4K-6K ahead eventually, you can stop worrying about targets and keep up those values. If for any reason you fall below this, reload a previous save where things were better.


There's only five psychopaths to worry about here, Leon Bell and the four snipers. I actually killed Leon so he wouldn't become a problem in the park, so I took a half in-game hour or more to do that. I didn't even use a combo weapon, just some stand I accidentally picked up in Americana lol...just get him stuck on something (pull the old "red flag for a bull" technique of baiting him into a railing or tree to get him stuck). As for the snipers, I ignored them...the SUV with the Magazine should survive their shots as long as you don't get stuck to where they're shooting you constantly. You'll only ever have to worry about Johnny and Big Earl if this is the case, right there above Royal Flush for Johnny and on the left corner of Platinum Strip for Earl.


Something I began noticing around the time "HERE COMES THE GROOM" appeared - the zombies were becoming much more dense in number. I don't know if it was the added spawn of the "bride zombie" (which you will see A LOT) but I noticed many zombies "popping in" as I came towards groups, as if zombies were being added to the clusters for more kills. This significantly helps so you CAN get ahead as the zombie count does appear to increase as time goes on. An added bonus is that once Janus shows up, all the zombies that would be in front of Atlantica are pushed out into the main circle so that's a significant increase in cluster.


It's a be prepared to be bored out of your mind. You'll get good at it, so good that you'll be weeving left and right and never hitting anything and you'll be smashing into clusters of zombies getting great amounts of kills. It's still going to entertain yourself however you can but don't lose focus of the main task. Personally? I was in an Xbox Live party for this and Off the Record's 100K zombies, laughing my butt off to various things keeping myself from falling asleep doing this mundane task.

If you need to take a break, feel free to do so you'll be saving often anyways so you can pick up whenever. I personally wanted to get it done at once, so I could move on to other things...but you use your time as you will.

I may upload a video of the method I used if that's needed, I hope the text description was enough. And I really, really hope the game doesn't crash on you...and if it does, less than my own (even 7 is bad for a 2016 game ~_~). BEST OF LUCK!

06 Nov 2016 09:08

So you never did a video guide showing your method ? Because that would be super helpful. I'm consistently 1k- 2k behind schedule. I'd love to see what you are doing to stay so far ahead.
By Cyelwin on 22 Feb 2017 23:01
My game crashed at about 5k kills, 22k, 41k, 60k (four times). I got the achievement at 12:05 AM on Day 4. I don't understand the only "17 hours on Day 1." It starts at 3:00 AM, so that's more like 21 hours. If you waited until giving Katey Zombrex the first time, then it would be 17 Hours on Day 1.
By Dragonborn Gear on 21 May 2017 21:08
The achievement flag shows this as cumulative+. Does this mean I can get the achievement throughout multiple playthroughs, like if I ran out of time? I'm only asking this because Dead Rising (Xbox One) had achievements (like clothing items, pp stickers, ect) that carried over through multiple playthroughs where as the 360 version did not.
By VRETENAR 906 on 07 Jun 2017 15:05
I'm at 10,910kills at 3:37pm day 1, it's really a breeze that's after saving every 2k kills just incase of crash or instant sign out 😂
By iTzDanski92 on 26 Jul 2017 12:32
I don't know if it's my awful luck or the game in general but I've gotten to 7k kills and the game has crashed about 4 times. Here's to a long and painful grind.
By CasualExile on 09 Oct 2017 07:49
I think (Not super sure though) what causes the crashes. And it might be related to purely the physics. I had several ocassions where my game crashed and I was:
A. Hitting zombies and planning to go into the hotel pressing B.
B. Zombies fell through the map.
C. I got "suckered" into objects. This happened at least in the Yuccatan casino where I got suckered into the center of the map. Happened in the park where I got suckered through the waterfalls.

It is not beyond annoying, but is a bit of terrible programming to say the least......
Save every 5k or so kills and you should be in the clear for at least small kills, instead of going through an entire afternoon with 50k kills and crash......
By TheBongoFury on 06 Aug 2018 12:34
@ TVthePunisher I never came back here to see your response because I figured it out on my own. Firstly, they do appear automatically and secondly, it is in the locker at the safe house, but you need to press right bumper to get to the special outfits.
By napoearth on 06 Aug 2018 13:37
I did all the cases up to 6-1, got three free zombrex + killed the postman, killed leon and got 72,000 kills exactly by 7am on Day 4, then gave Katey her final zombrex.

I just let the time run out at that point because I wanted to see the ending you get where you don't watch the military get destroyed by the gas zombies.

The issue I ran into a lot was every two times I entered the Yucatan my game would crash or sometimes I would just float into space until the game crashed.

So that sucked a lot, but it's very doable.
By peoplezdude on 26 Aug 2018 14:48
i got this at 9am on day 4, this guide was great and really helped out. Wish the game would receive a patch but unlikely now with the closure of capcom Vancouver and the game being 2 years old.
By BigBossJamy on 17 Oct 2018 22:32
Okay people saying they did cases AND the grind are huge liars. I had 67,771 kills at Day 4 @ 10:00am and missed my achievement. I'm so confused how y'all are doing the cases and still having time to sit around and do nothing. This guide is absolutely great but this achievement is booty. I'm so upset right now.
By BoxKingKevin on 24 Jan 2019 19:51
I ended up getting this with 8 hours until the military arrived and doing the case files in case if I didn't make it but could've easily done it with 12-16 hours before the military arrived.
By KriSpy CharMZ on 20 Mar 2020 13:46
I'm having the same problem of falling behind on the count even though I don't feel like I'm doing anything differently.

I have gotten to Day 2 7 AM at 23K, so I'm 1K ahead. But for Day 2 7 PM I'm just right at 34K and By Day 3 7 AM I was slightly behind. So I have no idea how in the hell you got so far ahead because it doesn't seem possible to me.

Also this may be the worst game I've ever played for crashing. Playing the whole game I've had at least 30 crashes.
By ResidentialEvil on 29 Aug 2021 17:27
Dude thank you for this guide. i just got this. running the game on a Series X i can confirm that the crashing is still frequent, I highly reccomend anyone going for this achievement to utilize multiple saves at different kill increments. to salvage any runs you screw up due to bad decisions. it really saved me a lot of times. I'm just glad that hell is finally over... now i can finally play the game and have fun with that achievement not hanging over my head.

also i want to add for those going for it. The saves 9/10 will not save your vehicle there. i had to run around get the golf cart and drive back up to the SUV multiple times during my runs.
By Howler Corp on 06 Nov 2021 17:01
If for no other reason, having the 12-hourly zombie kill benchmarks was really useful to see, so thanks very much for including this in your guide. I unlocked this today, at 7:26am on Day 4, so very little margin of error when getting close to the end.

I was also playing on a Xbox Series X and I crashed 3 times on my overall run. I saved after every 3000-3500 kills which helped. I never bothered with a golf cart from the Fortune Park save point back to the SVU, although I did bring 9 Quickstep drinks with me and used them at night to capitalize on the higher zombie counts.
By sjpsjpsjp on 25 Dec 2021 23:33
Weird, it's been a long time since I played the 360 version, but I didn't think you had to get the kills in one game...
By Mr SpinelesS on 07 Dec 2022 03:41
I may be wrong, but dashboard-spam during the loading-screens between the Yucatan and the Strip seems to "fix" crashes. Only had 2 early on when I didn't pay attention to it yet. Might be worth a try.
By HerrKätzchen on 16 Jan 2023 22:59
You could just jump in and out of Slot Ranch Casino. I'm not sure if that helps avoid Yucatan glitch. You could also avoid going down in the lower area where Leon Bell spawns when it comes to that time. And once you have the ninja outfit, it shows in your locker. I have 2 different Series X consoles where I play. On one of them, the game crashes so frequently. On the other, it rarely crashes. I don't know why, could be just dumb luck.
By I ASK NO ONE on 02 Jun 2023 15:33
From my experience, it seems to be a memory leak. There are some physics issues related to the jump from 30 FPS, but I don't know if that's the cause. Yucatan is a big factor but I've seen crashes in other areas, even after a fresh load, just by jumping between areas. And it's not always immediate -- sometimes it starts as stutters and slowdown before crashing. But I will grant you that immediate crashes in the Yucatan are a common thing. Crashed four times in OTR trying to do that "TK robs the city" mission, every time after the twins fight in and out of sandbox and more all over.
By CodeMonkeysGuy on 21 Nov 2016 02:32
@PiCkLE SQU1D no it won't carry between playthroughs. The kill-count is held to one "cycle", meaning the moment it gameovers or you get an ending, the number will start all over again. Think of it kind of like Majora's Mask in this sense, everything's undone once time is up...though unlocks will stick with you (such as the SUV Key, etc.). Unfortunately...Kill-Count is not possible over multiple playthroughs, has do be done in one as it'll reset to 0 next playthrough.

@napoearth I can't remember off the top of my head'll only need one item of each since DR2 grants full benefits with just one piece (instead of requiring the full costume). I don't think they're instantly available to you...but if they are, that's great. In which case they'd be in the locker at the safe house. Chances are that isn't the case...I think there's one (the cowl for the Ninja outfit) off in Royal Flush Plaza, up where the blimps are. You'll have to jump on a bunch of stuff up there and look for an open window, where a katana as well as the cowl can be found. Of course that's if I'm remembering the right game..might be Off the Record where you find that there.

Anyways I'm sorry I can't answer that one directly from memory, it has been some time since I played DR2 and since everything is already unlocked for me that wouldn't be too helpful if it's available from the start. Perhaps someone can provide you with more specifics.
By TVthePunisher on 22 Jul 2017 08:50
TLDR but I thumbs up for the hard work. I started the grind @ level 10 and used Yucatana or w/e its called to reset zombies and get back to the SUV. I was 10k kills ahead of scheduel and didnt need to heal once. Healed automatically every time I leveled and rarely got grabbed. 6 crashes but I saved every loop. Dedicate a run to this don't do the case and the kills.
By TheOnlyMatto on 14 Jul 2019 21:16
Great guide! One thought I have concerning the Yucatan casino game crash and that it is to not be discouraged. When I was ready to reset zombie spawns by entering that area, I made sure to always save just before exiting. If it doesn't crash; awesome, continue the process. If it does, you hardly lose any progress and when you reload the environment is reset. Following the guide, use the Quickstep drink to get back to SUV and continue the process like you just came out of the casino. It also makes for a good opportunity to take a break and come back to it later. I will also say that my game was likely to crash, it seemed, every third or fourth time I entered the Yucatan.

More side notes / tips: Try not to get into too many situations where you're reversing to kill zombies as your time will be better spent heading to the next forward cluster at full speed. Particularly, carelessly reversing out of the packed underground access on the Platinum strip can cause your vehicle to get stuck, although the temptation to snag that dense group was too great and I did it regularly (I just suggest driving slower and using more caution to achieve a straight line in and out of that area). If you notice that the clusters of zombies are slowing or spread thin, you should already be heading to the next area park or opposite strip. I also recommend not obsessing about following a particular routine or vehicle pattern as this can be unnecessarily boring and forging new paths will keep things fresher through this slog with the possibility of developing more efficient zombie killing paths naturally.

I did not leave the SUV to kill Alim, the motocross psychopath, and he happened to go down in less than 2 minutes by ramming him. He takes damage from the side so angling the SUV to sideswipe him worked well. If he gets stuck, he will take great damage from direct rams to his side. I was unlikely enough to have him fling my car into the fountain, but others might not be so unlikely and could kill him much faster than in 2 minutes and not lose their SUV for that short period that I did.

Probably not worth noting because I would typically ditch my SUV for a new one before it was near breaking down, or broken, and restarting the process, but I didn't spend as much time in the Fountain Park when the snipers spawned because they seemed to score more direct hits on my vehicle than on the strips. Either way, they are not much bother like the guide states.
By Phenominality on 05 Jun 2021 03:38
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Ok so following the steps I used on the xbox 360 version I decided to add a video for people who don't want to read a lot of steps, the video is quite longish but gives you a great idea on what to expect and how to get 1000kills per 40-50mins in game time making the target times/kills look wrong and congrats on your 20GAMERSCORE :)

if it helps plz subscribe also if anyone needs the TIR achievements message me or join my session looking for 1 extra person to help complete these achievements thanks!


01 Aug 2017 15:45

The vehicle key costs $2,000,000 to buy in the Tinkerbox pawnshop. This is located in the lower part of the silver strip. The magazine Bargaining 1 and Bargaining 2 lower the price down 20% to $1,600,000. Now we continue on how we get this achievement. Best way to get money is playing TIR (Terror Is Reality) Another good way to get money is playing the gambling machines with a gambling magazine. You can find three magazines.
Palisades Mall bookstore
Royal Flush Bookstore
The back of Shamrock casino on the Silver Strip.

I figured that the best method to do is that you would have to do all case files but don't do the scoops. The reason for that is because you wont be pressured into getting the kills in 76 hours including the first 4 hours before the 72 hour countdown. I would also highly recommend that you make 2 laserswords which you can find two flashlights going up on platinum strip you'll see flashlights on the ground. Theirs also a maintenance room shortly after you find these flashlights on the ground with gems that are in the room. You will also want to get some orange juices and coffee creamers just in case but when the special zombies spawn you will defiantly want to have food. You can also grab a shotgun from one zombie that is like right in front of shamrocks. You would also want to go to Bennie Jack's BBQ Shack in the Americana Casino and grab the Driving book. The reason for this is because you will be able to kill more zombies before it gets destroyed. Also I never saved in less if when I was done with the case file it gave me the option because if you do save in between the rocks all your doing is wasting precious time. Another thing is if you want the 50+ zombie kills by the safe room I would not go all the way down the stairs as this can cause you to get stuck which is making you waste more time also. And I never used anything else besides the hummer the reason for this is because the slicycle isnt the most sufficient way of getting zombie kills. Each run before entering the yucatan casino you should be getting 1k-1.2k kills. When Leon spawns just let him be because he will eventually die out. When the rednecks spawn let them be also because they will just eat your time by trying to go for them. By doing this I got 72K 6-7 hours before the firebombing. Also if this doesn't deserve a positive rating please reply with a comment why. So good luck on your genocide of zombie kills.

This is my review from the 360 edition. Once again good luck!

14 Sep 2016 01:48

The best way to get money in my opinion is grabbing the gambling magazines and playing the big slot machine on the wall in the slot ranch casino.
By Easy Pete on 16 Sep 2016 16:48
Well thats true. I feel like I have terrible luck with that. Thats why I put TIR. But then if your not good on TIR it can be difficult to get money that way also. Will add that though.
By KriSpy CharMZ on 16 Sep 2016 21:11
This game (or rather version, 360 never caused issued) has an absurd amount of crashing in relation to the Silver/Platinum strips, the SUV and entering Yucatan after using it. CAPCOM really needs to patch it, that's for sure.
By TVthePunisher on 02 Oct 2016 18:53
I never had that problem. Still find it funny how they don't fix major things that can crash the game. EX: Entering the Food Court during the fourth day I believe. Its a common issue but from what I heard its still not fixed on the remastered.
By KriSpy CharMZ on 02 Oct 2016 23:49
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You'll spend an entire playthrough dedicated to running over zombies with a SUV. Head on over to the post below for details on the generally accepted fastest method. The big upside of this method is that you can reload your game whenever you feel you've had a bad run.

A full walkthrough can be found here.


Setting the bar even higher than Dead Rising, Left 4 Dead or Prototype, this trophy requires you to kill seventy-two thousand zombies. You will have to do this in one playthrough, because restarting your game from the beginning resets the counter. Earn $2,000,000 to buy the SUV keys from Tinkerbox (N103), then restart your game and examine your options:

The game starts at 3:00AM 9/25 and, if you ignore the plot entirely, ends at 10:00 AM 9/28, giving you 79 hours to work with or 6h 35m real time. Using the SUV, you can get roughly 1000 kills per in-game hour (KPH). Leaving you roughly 7 hours to spare for transit, and respawning the zombies/SUV. Subtract a conservative estimate of 40 minutes to run from the Safehouse to the Americana Casino and pick up the driving magazine, then drive the bike outside the arena to the Shamrock Casino (N106) where the SUV is. The remainder of your margin of error is 6h 20m, which translates to a mere 31m 40s in real time to load, reload and heal when necessary. Now the density of the zombies will increase as time passes, meaning a higher KPH, so depending on your skill level you should have enough time to reach 72,000 kills with a few hours to spare, however if you can't make your milestones consider Option B instead.

If you want some added insurance, you can ignore all side missions, but still complete the main plot through the end of Case 5. When Case 6 starts, you will have an additional 21 hours, ending the game at 7:00AM on 9/29. The density of the zombies will also dramatically increase again in Case 6, further improving your KPH, however the area will be littered with abandoned military humvees making your driving treacherous.

With either option, your strategy is essentially the same. Get the Driving magazine from the BBQ Shack (A101) to improve the SUV's durability. Drive up and down the Platinum Strip in the SUV until the trophy pops. When you wreck your SUV or run out of zombies, just use the Fortune Park save point and reload your save to make everything respawn. Then use the golf cart just southwest of the save point to drive back to the SUV and keep going. The key is to maintain a high density of zombies to maintain an efficient KPH rate. Essentially, any time you find yourself having to hunt for a crowd to plow through, start making your way towards the save point. I suggest every 2-3 laps, depending on the density of the zombies at that point in the game.

Your rough milestones are:
9/25 0300 - Game start
9/25 0340 - Arrive at SUV with driving magazine
9/25 1900 - 10,000 Kills
9/26 0700 - 22,000 Kills
9/26 1900 - 34,000 Kills
9/27 0700 - 46,000 Kills
9/27 1900 - 58,000 Kills
9/28 0700 - 70,000 Kills
9/28 1000 - Military Arrives

Suggested Route:

EXPLOIT 1: Using the magazine dupe from the Tips section, you can stack the Bike magazine, and use a Slicecycle instead of a SUV for faster results. As the SC will be faster, you can rack up thousands of kills before it explodes. The nearest chainsaw is in the maintenance room just to the right of Hot Excitorama (N110) or a short climb on the left side of the Angel Lust stage, so it's a short dash each time. I expect this method will be eliminated in a future patch, but for now it's an extremely efficient method.

EXPOLIT 2: Courtesy of nemec8 there's another method you can use if you have a Co-Op partner who doesn't mind doing nothing for several hours. If your partner hosts a Co-Op game, as the guest your kill count will be persistent between sessions, meaning that if your host saves at 10:00 at 9/28 you kill a few thousand zombies, when the host reloads the save the time will be 10:00 again, but you will still have all your kills. A modification to this strategy that I'd suggest is to have your host carry the multiple bike/driving magazines, since the guest's inventory will empty out every time the game is reloaded. The host can drop them all for the guest right at the start, then the guest will continue his rampage. Be aware however that if you get disconnected, or either you or the host quits, you will lose all progress and have to start again at zero.