Dead Rising

Dead Rising

51 Achievements


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Get at least 50 survivors out of the mall.


How to unlock the Saint achievement in Dead Rising - Definitive Guide

I've verified that this method works on the Xbox One re-mastered version if you're going for the Saint Achievement exclusively. This method aims for Ending B which means you're going to let Case 7-1 [THE LAST RESORT] lapse intentionally on Day 3 and then be at the Heliport at noon on Day 4, September 22nd.

Using this method you must lead 48 survivors to the Security Room. Brad, Jessie, Isabella, and Otis all count as survivors for this achievement ... so, Ending B is your friend for this 72-hour mode play-through that is "Saint" focused because in Ending B all of these characters survive.

This is what you want your Notebook to look like at the end:

Here's what your Survivor Chart should look like:

52 survivors safe; that's 48 plus Brad, Jessie, Isabella, and Otis. Barnaby is the only one that gets the shaft here but hey, he had it coming.

I recommend being level 50 and having the Real Mega Buster unlocked as it saves valuable time in dealing with psychopaths.

Day 1 - September 19th
12:30pm: Save Jeff + Natalie on Rooftop - snap a picture of the vent that leads to the Security Room; save it for later, you need it for the gun shop survivors on Day 3

1:00pm: Go help Brad in the Food Court; beat Carlito; follow Brad through Al Fresca Plaza to Entrance Plaza

1:30pm: Save Bill in Entrance Plaza upstairs @ In the Closet; give him a gun
2:00pm: Talk to Kent in Paradise Plaza @ Columbian Roastmasters while headed back to Security Room w/ Bill; progress his storyline by taking pictures as required

[SURVIVOR 4, 5, 6, 7]
4:00pm: Go save Aaron, Burt, and Leah in Al Fresca Plaza
6:00pm: Convicts spawn; save Sophie in Leisure Park
7:30pm: take your 4 survivors to the Security Room; Aaron, Burt, Leah, and Sophie

8:00pm: go kill Cletus in the gun shop, get any books you need, get a skateboard, grab some shotguns, have a good time, etc.

9:00pm: Be in the Food Court to get the "Out of Control" scoop call
10:00pm: Still be in the Food Court to get the "Japanese Tourists" scoop call

[SURVIVOR 8, 9, 10]
10:05pm: go to Wonderland Plaza; save Yuu and Shinji in the bookstore; beat Adam the clown; save Greg ... take the 3 of them back to Security Room via the shortcut Greg unlocks

11:00pm: go save David in North Plaza - he needs to be carried, so best to save him on his own

1:00am: you have a little time to kill before 6am on Day 2, so it's a good idea to go get the Maintenance Tunnel key just in case you need it later; I like to use the tunnels to access Wonderland Plaza right after getting the meds for Brad on Day 2 ... it's a quick way to get to Ross and Tonya in Run Like the Wind on the 2nd floor; also, it's also a good idea to always carry 1 or 2 bottles of wine for healing you and/or survivors or for Floyd who needs a bottle on Day 3 because he sucks

Day 2 - September 20th
6:00am: rescue professor as part of Case 2-2; progress Case Files; get meds for Brad in North Plaza @ Seon's (Grocery Store)

[SURVIVOR 12, 13]
7:00am: Go get Tonya + Ross [THE LOVERS] in Wonderland Plaza; don't give Ross a gun! take them back to Security Room, give Jessie the meds for Brad

[SURVIVOR 14, 15]
9:00am: save Heather and Pamela in Paradise Plaza; use a queen to save Pamela

10:00am: quickly save Gordon [THE COWARD] in Al Fresca Plaza; hustle back with him in order to get the 11am call from Otis re: Ronald the Restaurant Man ... take this call in the Warehouse

11:15am: save Ronald in Paradise Plaza @ Jill's Sandwiches; head up to Columbian Roastmasters at noon to show Kent an Erotica photo to progress his storyline; listen to the "Above the Law" Otis call at noon to get the scoop

1:05pm: save Jennifer from the cultists in Paradise Plaza; you'll get a cutscene when you enter Paradise Plaza from the Warehouse if you enter after 1pm

[SURVIVOR 19, 20, 21]
2:00pm: go kill Cliff in Crislip's; save Josh, Barbara, and Rich in the storage room next to Crislip's and hurry back to the Warehouse ... you need to be back before 3pm

3:00pm: progress Case 4-1 and 4-2; go beat Isabella on her motorcycle etc.
5:00pm: take 2 Otis calls from Paradise Plaza ... he'll call about Floyd and The Snipers

[SURVIVOR 22, 23]
5:05pm: go kill the 3 Snipers; save Floyd in Ned's Knicknackery and pick-up Wayne in the cosmetics store ... take both of them back to the Security Room quickly

[SURVIVOR 24, 25]
6:00pm: receive a call from Otis in Paradise Plaza re: Jolie and Rachel in Entrance Plaza
6:05pm: go save Jolie and Rachel in Entrance Plaza - take them back to Security Room
7:00pm: receive call about Ronald's appetite; take him a snack when you save Jolie and Rachel

[SURVIVOR 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]
8:00pm: take the bathroom shortcut to Wonderland Plaza; kill Jo the cop; leave her 4 captives tied up for a minute while you save Nick and Sally who are hanging from the pink bunny in Wonderland Plaza - queens are helpful here; untie the 4 women Jo had captive; escort all 6 back to the Security Room before midnight

Day 3 - September 21st
12:00am: take the Otis call about meeting Isabella and another call about Sean and his cultists at Colby's Movieland ... take these calls from the Warehouse

12:30am: save Kendell in North Plaza while you're headed to meet Isabella; escort Isabella and Kendell back to the Security Room safely

[SURVIVOR 33, 34, 35, 36, 37]
1:30am: kill Sean at Colby's; save Nathan, Ray, Beth, Michelle, and Cheryl in the movie theater - don't forget Cheryl who is locked in the closet
3:00am: take the Otis call with your 5 survivors in the Warehouse
3:15am: progress the Case Files, and drop off a bottle of wine to Floyd ... who sucks

[SURVIVOR 38, 39, 40]
4:00am: head over to the gun shop in North Plaza; save Brett, Jonathan, and Alyssa in the gun shop by showing them your picture of the vent/air-duct; take them back to the Security Room before 5am

5:00am: take the Long-haired punk call from Otis in the Warehouse; immediately go grab Gil in the Food Court on your way to Paul; make sure you go through Leisure Park for this - it's an important detail

[SURVIVOR 42, 43, 44]
7:00am: with Gil in tow, deal with Paul (save him by putting out the fire), and save Mindy + Debbie in the back room; take Gil, Paul, Mindy and Debbie back to the Security Room via the bathroom shortcut

[SURVIVOR 45, 46]
8:00am: take the Otis call re: A Sick Man (Leroy) from the Warehouse
8:05am: go save Susan and Leroy in Wonderland Plaza

11:00am: let "The Last Resort" lapse for ending B ... don't worry about it :)
11:50am: be waiting in Columbian Roastmasters to deal with Kent
12:00pm: kill Kent and save Tad, his captive
12:05pm: take the Otis call for Kendell's Betrayal; this might occur during the fight with Kent so ... be cautious
12:30pm: take Tad to the Security Room and resolve Kindell's mutiny attempt; WARNING: after rescuing Tad, do not leave the Security Room without resolving Kindell's mutiny by talking with him - otherwise his mutiny succeeds and you lose a bunch of survivors, which means no achievement

1:00mpm: take the Otis call "A Woman in Despair" from the Warehouse
1:05pm: go save Simone in Paradise Plaza @ the CD shop; go hang out at the Heliport until noon on Day 4
5:00pm: Otis calls about Paul's Present ... go grab a molotov cocktail from him
7:00pm: Otis calls re: Simone the Gunslinger ... take her a handgun
8:00pm: Otis calls re: Cheryl's Request ... go take awesome erotica pictures of her
8:30pm: Go to the Heliport and wait until noon the next day for Ed

Day 4 - September 22nd

12:00pm: be waiting at the Heliport for Ending B

28 Sep 2016 10:54

just a note, be waiting in the warehouse for the 5,7,8pm calls for pauls rewards, simone gunslinger, and cheryl photoshoot.
i waited on the heliport and received no calls from otis there.
By WhiteWarrior933 on 23 Mar 2017 18:00
I'm confused, if the achievement is 50 survivors, why do you need to rescue 48 back to the security room? Couldn't you rescue only 46, and then Brad, Jessie, Isabella, and Otis would make 50?
By Pedle Zelnip on 12 Jun 2017 04:41
Just as an FYI, the achievement pops right after the credits when you land on the RESULTS screen showing your PP Earned & such.
By Pedle Zelnip on 13 Jun 2017 07:03
Is the A.I is the same as in the 360 version or they improved them a bit?
By alex1sqc on 01 Nov 2017 12:02
It's worst... cry
By Danix on 02 Nov 2017 17:22
I had the same thing happen with Jo's captives but it worked out to 50 survivors in the end
By magikman79 on 16 May 2020 15:54
I fucked up and I didn't give him Ronald the food, can I still do it?
By YAROESUPTITO on 22 Jun 2020 02:07
To add to Catatonic’s comment, there is a call from Otis before the Day 2 6am Case. You need to not be in the security room for that. Extremely frustrating to miss this one.
By x KiL ii KaRaZy on 31 Dec 2021 05:54
Also to add an EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING oversight. Most of these times are suggestions, if you’re running behind not a big deal, but you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO BE AT ROASTMASTERS BY 12 or Kent will have already killed Tad.
By x KiL ii KaRaZy on 15 Jan 2022 04:24
This is a fantastic guide, thank you for this, but there are 2 things I would add

1 - Apparently accidentally entering Wonderland Plaza after receiving the 'Above the Law' scoop puts Jo on a timer where she will start to kill her hostages. I used the Paradise-Wonderland bathroom shortcut not realising this and by the time I went to kill Jo only 1 of her 4 hostages remained. This put me on 49 survivors at the end of the guide.

2 - ED COUNTS! Thankfully Ed the Helicopter Pilot also counts as a survivor. This guide, if you don't mess up like I did, should put you on 53 survivors. Thankfully, Ed pushed my total from 49 to that magical 50...

I know this has been mentioned before but adding this to the guide itself would be a massive help to those following on the TA app via their console
By Gaijin Kaiju on 08 Mar 2022 23:21
This guide is fan-tastic! (as Frank would say). Thumbs up from me helped me save all the survivors.
By Baby Sheamus on 03 Apr 2022 20:18
Also, it's possible to get this achievement in overtime mode. I finished all of the cases and scoops and rescued all the survivors I could.
After the story finished, it told me that 49 survivors had escaped. I continued playing and after beating Brock during overtime mode it gave me the achievement as the credits started to roll.
So if you save every survivor possible throughout the game and finish overtime mode, you'll get the achievement.
By Vaultboy1011 on 15 May 2022 07:09
According to the Dead Rising wiki Frank also counts as a survivor. So if you have 49 saved when you start Overtime, when you finish Overtime Frank counts as survivor number 50.
By JedEgan on 29 Aug 2022 22:22
And just in case anyone is wondering, if you decide to leave Sean’s prisoners behind after killing him so you can make it back to the Security Room in time for the next Case, they won’t be there when you have time to go back for them at the end of the game 😭
By ParagonSound on 12 Jan 2023 11:02
So glad for multiple saves. I reloaded a previous save. Went for Endng B had 43 in my notebook saved, managed to save another 6 people on day 3. I got on the helicopter the cheevo popped for me at the stats page, 49 + Frank was my survivors.
By Major Angry on 31 Mar 2023 17:52
Currently at 8:00pm on Day 2 and followed everything to a T, just killed Jo. Only Kay is alive in the room and the other 3 are dead. Apparently, if you enter Wonderland Plaza at all while that scoop is available, the health bars of the other 3 girls deplete over time. Had no idea. Run is now dead because every save I revert to the girls are already dead. The maximum amount of survivors I can save now is 49. Fml.

edit- Didn't know Frank counted as a survivor! Got it with 50 exact. So the total survivors you can miss is 3, just don't progress past case 6
By TurboJ24 on 22 Apr 2020 19:56
Did this achievement get bugged for anyone else? I have completed it 2 times already and have not unlocked it; first time was with ending A same save file with a count of 51; and I did it again with ending B where I got the police cap, which is proof it was completed, but the achievement did not unlock.

I know the XBONE version is really buggy compared to the original but some of this doesn't make sense.

It makes me afraid to even try 7-day survivor if there is a chance it won't unlock.

I really hope it's not like Case West where all player data needed to be wiped in order to reset achievement tracking.
By GuyverUnleashed on 07 Mar 2023 00:19
Here's a thing that some people might find useful. You can combine this quite easily with the Transmissionary achievement with just a little careful saving.

Follow this Saint guide closely and make sure you trigger all the mentioned Otis calls. Cross reference with Catapult's Transmissionary guide if you feel the need.

At about 10:45am on Day 3 make a fresh save.
At 11am take the call from Otis saying that Isabella wants to see you.
Go to the Security Room to continue with the case file. Head towards the maintenance tunnels. Isabella will call you saying to hurry. I'm not sure if the calls from Isabella are required for Transmissionary but better to be safe and accept them.
At 12pm you'll get two calls from Otis giving you the scoops "Kindell's Betrayal" as long as you're not in the Security Room and "A Woman In Despair" as long as you're not in Paradise Plaza.
Finish the case clearing all the bombs out of the tunnels. Isabella will call you again towards the end of the case.
Head back to the Security room collecting Simone from Paradise Plaza along the way. You must do this for a later call from Otis.
Drop SImone off and talk to Kindell to stop his mutiny.
Hang around in the warehouse waiting for the last handful of calls.
At 5pm Otis calls to tell you to come back and talk to Jessie.
Immediately afterwards he calls again saying to talk to Paul.
At 7pm he'll call telling you to come talk to Simone.
At 8pm he'll call telling you to come talk to Cheryl.
You don't have to go talk to any of these people if you don't want to, just taking the calls is good enough.
After the 8pm call you should pop Transmissionary if you've received all the calls. At this point I reloaded my 10:45am save and continued with the Saint guide to get that achievement as well.
By Catatonic Nali on 23 Sep 2020 21:34
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This guide can help you get multiple achievements in one playthrough.

Dead RisingTransmissionaryThe Transmissionary achievement in Dead Rising worth 105 pointsAnswer all calls from Otis.

Dead RisingLife SaverThe Life Saver achievement in Dead Rising worth 52 pointsGet at least 20 survivors out of the mall.

Dead RisingHumanistThe Humanist achievement in Dead Rising worth 47 pointsGet at least 10 survivors out of the mall.


Credit: CarlottaMonroe

Don't worry too much if you don't keep up with the times in the guide there is plenty of time in certain parts, this guy must have been an absolute beast to do it in these times.

19 Sep 2016 01:13

1 Comment
I messed up posting the solution here, so permission granted or whatever.
By Agnt Washintub on 19 Sep 2016 01:17
It should be noted that if you save all survivors and complete all cases, you actually only have 49 survivors.

So you can either let Case fail, reach the end of B, and keep Jesse from dying. You can either complete the Overtime mode, because Isabella in Overtime mode is counted as a survivor, which is exactly 50.

26 Sep 2022 00:00

Now this is hard. If you are having trouble with this you’re going to have to find a well-written guide. Because of how much detail is in the game, if I wrote a guide for this it would be longer than this achievement guide.
But here is a link to a good guide on
click here.

09 Oct 2016 07:35