Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2

59 Achievements


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Elevator Action

Elevator Action

Knock off every Tripod during the Elevator Sequence


How to unlock the Elevator Action achievement in Dead Space 2 - Definitive Guide

The name of this achievement is "Elevator Action". It is a MISSABLE achievement; if you make it to the top of the large elevator sequence in Chapter 7 where the Tripods are attacking you through the windows and you don't get it, you will need to reload an earlier save. If all of your save files are past this point, you will need to do it on a different playthrough.

To get this, you need to knock all of the Tripods off of the large elevator that you ride in Chapter 7. By my count, there were 18 enemies that attacked. I got this on my first playthrough on Normal using the non-upgraded Pulse Rifle's Alt-Fire. Just make sure to buy enough ammo so that you won't run out. Each alt-fire costs 25 ammo, and you'll need a minimum of 18 shots. I made sure I had 20 shots just in case. For those of you who don't want to crunch the numbers, 18 shots comes out to 450 rounds, and 20 shots comes out to 500. Once you have enough ammo, just make sure you shoot the Tripods quickly and always reload after shooting one, unless there is another enemy right next to him. You can only fire twice before you must reload, so it's better to reload when it might be unnecessary rather than get caught having to reload when two enemies show up at the same time. It only takes one shot to knock each one off. Sometimes it looks like they're still hanging on, but trust me, if you hit them, they will fall off. Again, I did this on Normal, and my Pulse Rifle was not upgraded at all. Not sure about higher difficulties.

If you dont have quite enough funds to get enough Pulse ammo, you can also knock the Tripods off with one shot from the Detonator. Between these two weapons and maybe selling some of your extra items, hopefully you can get enough ammo to last through all 18 enemies.

This acheivement really wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Good luck!

30 Jan 2011 17:25

thanks, i havent done it yet but this is helpful, you might also want to mention that the security suit gives you a pulse rifle damage bonus which can be helpful. and thanks for doing the math hahah
By Mr Squishy2 on 02 Feb 2011 16:41
well, I don't think u need so much ammo. I had over 100 shots left. But anyway . Thanks so much for your guide
By TheBattleKing on 06 Feb 2011 08:01
Pulse Rifle alt fire worked a charm. I hadn't used it much and probably wouldn't have tried it. Thanks.
By Recon1O1 on 17 Feb 2011 04:04
I just got it, with the fully upgraded Pulse Rifle on Zealot. Easy as pie.
By Lavoin on 20 Feb 2011 17:32
Even though i got hit multiple times because of stupid mistakes, the pulse rifle alt-fire worked perfectly.
By IxI KILLING on 27 Feb 2011 03:28
Great solution!
By Exit Bloom on 03 Mar 2011 23:27
I didn't think to try the pulse rifle alt fire. good tip
By Rodeo Legend on 06 Apr 2011 15:36
Prefer the Force Gun, but nice find none-the-less!
By Crimson Drifter on 04 May 2011 04:31
TY, osubluejacket. I failed multiple times until I read your post then got it first try.
By Fatal Mentality on 27 Sep 2011 04:20
Got it first attempt. Easy with alt fire upgraded!!
By Mad Child277 on 17 Dec 2011 18:10
Great solution! Thanks!
By z Mr Man z on 02 Oct 2012 21:18
Great guide. Did it second try on zealot with the pulse rifle no problem.

Here's a video of me doing it step by step like your guide incase anybody wanted a visual. Feel free to include in your guide. Gave you credit also.
By Reabo on 01 Mar 2015 19:55
Worked better than the solution in the walk through. Thumbs up, thanks!
By Armstrong x360a on 22 Nov 2016 04:47
I just want to add that using a fully upgraded Contact Beam Alt-Fire worked great. I just stood in the middle and as soon as the glass broke from the first Tripod, I just kept shooting into the floor until I the elevator reached the top and the achievement popped.

This was on new game+. I don't know how much ammo I had when I started but I think I reloaded 4-5 times.
By PinkyNarf69 on 16 Jun 2021 01:00
There are 20 (on normal difficulty). I got through counting 18 successful shots without an achievement multiple times, then a 19...and it wasn't until I got a count of 20 that the achievement finally popped. Alt-fire on the pulse rifle was definitely the ticket though. It's only 1 node to upgrade capacity once, or 3 nodes to upgrade twice, which I definitely recommend if you can afford it because having the extra shots REALLY helps towards the end when they are coming through fast.
By DenverMax27 on 10 Aug 2021 22:42
So I used the Detonator amd for me there definitelly wasn't 18 or 20, there was 24. This wasa pretty much stupidly hard with 24 enemies.
By ZillionJape96 on 15 Jan 2023 19:04
Worked great! Thanks!
By Rogue xx Angel on 03 Mar 2023 04:37
I lost count of how many tries I did but eventually I got tired of trying to use a fully upgraded plasma cutter or rifle and repecd what I needed to and fully upgraded the contant beam and just spammed it. Got the achievement then. Now to reload my save cause I want my weapons the way they were lol. Oh yea I did this on Zeolot.
By nad destroyer on 09 Aug 2023 19:50
I feel that it isn't "all" and it's more like "a certain amount" I flat out missed two and still got the achievement. I had a maxed pulse rifle with 500 extra, so that's 675 ammo meaning I had 27 alt fires. I had 50 when I was done.
By FlatBunny400317 on 08 Jan 2024 05:00
For people who prefer seeing a video of how to unlock the achievement, see here,
By on 13 Feb 2011 19:12
Great solution! One thing that helped me was to stay in the center of the room and only use my right thumbstick to look around (without aiming/pulling the left trigger). When I spotted one, I would quickly pull my left trigger to aim and would whip around to take the tripod out. I feel like it saved me some time and made finding them quicker.
By osubluejacket on 04 Sep 2011 14:19
Big thumbs up from me,gave every piece of info I needed since the plasma cutter wasn't cutting it on zealot. @CrimsonDrifter You do not get the Force gun schematic until AFTER this section so unless it is a NG+ the force gun is not possible.

EDIT:imediately after posting this I loaded up my old save with the Plasma cutter and killed them all with it =P,so I guess it is doable on Zealot
By NINja277 on 11 Sep 2012 14:55
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I found the Force Gun to be the best weapon for this achievement. The reason is you don't have to aim for the yellow parts, it just blows them off the elevator. Just remember to reload when there is any break because near the end of the elevator ride there are two to three at a time. With this method I was able to get the achievement on the very first try. Good luck and good hunting and bring lots of ammo.

04 Feb 2011 11:41

This solution is the ticket...
By AllOvaMyself on 22 Aug 2018 00:52
By Nazule80 on 13 Oct 2015 01:09
Worked just fine, thank you.
By Drakon Omega 9 on 13 Oct 2020 16:31
Force gun worked great, thanks. Also got it on my first try.
By The Globalizer on 07 Feb 2011 07:57
done it 4 times and nothing.. force gun makes the most sense, I get every one of them, but no blip
By Mazrael on 11 Feb 2011 04:36
Typical.. as soon as I say anything :D I blasted every one of them twice & moving towards them as I did.. now I can put it back into storage
By Mazrael on 11 Feb 2011 04:45
I've been having a hard time with this one as well but the force gun definetly seems to work the easiest. You gotta watch because sometimes they'll cling to the side of the elevator after you blast them which is why I will always shoot twice. Double-tap. I must always miss one... Oh well, gonna keep trying till I get it.
By CoryRadical on 23 Feb 2011 08:13
I guess it would have helped if I wasn't trying this on Zealot, I just made a separate save just for this acheivement and put the difficulty on casual. Got it first try.
By CoryRadical on 23 Feb 2011 08:24
Thank you. I was using the plasma cutter like a moron. Got it on my first try with the force gone. Thumbs up from me.
By oxBURN3Rxo on 27 Jun 2011 10:04
Fully upgraded Force Gun on Zealot = no problems. Thank you for the great tip. :)
By Kimieva on 05 Mar 2014 06:55
Force Gun is def. the way to go. Got it on my first try on Zealot difficulty.

You might want to note that you should just stand in the middle of the elevator and continually turn to make sure you don't miss any, instead of strafing around/ dodging.
By Crimson Drifter on 04 May 2011 04:33
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One shot with the Detonator will knock them off, even if you don't hit the yellow parts. Upgrade the Detonator's rate of reload, or use Stasis if you are having trouble keeping up.

16 Mar 2011 18:27

this is the best weapon to use, even though it is the 4th guide.
By justinman114 on 27 Nov 2011 18:35
I used a fully upgraded Detonator and I actually got hit a lot of times, thought I'd missed it if they were running away after hitting me, but unlocked it first time.
By PrinceRules64 on 24 Oct 2020 09:42
Need more info! Even if its common knowledge you should include it! How much ammo to bring? How much will it cost to get that much ammo? How many nodes to decently upgrade it for this use? Where should you stand in the elevator? etc, etc.
By Crimson Drifter on 04 May 2011 04:40
I used a separate save slot , sold all I got, updated the Detonator to the max, filled it with 25 shots (you need 18 i think),
got the achief in one go, quit and went on with my normal save. I stood with my back against the door just between the door and the centre. good luck
By raidenhardcore on 22 Jun 2011 20:06
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i used the contact beam ALTERNATE FIRE on my second playthrough, by this point you should have fully upgraded it (if not use respec ability and strip something else) basically after the zero g bit after you fix the elevator go back to the save point and make a new fresh save purely for this achievement, then lowerthe difficulty. i found that if you roughly stand in the middle you can affect all the necromorphs... however i did find they come in waves of 4-5 first, then reload, about 5-6 then reload, then the last lot (your 7 ammo should be enough, maybe a last reload)

took me about 2 attempts as for some reason i missed one while reloading as my first shoot didnt get him

hope this helps

07 Feb 2011 23:14

I did this on "survivalist" diffuculty level using my Force Gun ( I put one power node in dmg upgrade ). It should take only one shot to take out single tripod. It is cheaper using 20-25 rounds of FG instead of 450 rounds of Pulse Rifle.
Of course you have to buy FG - i get this zealot FG from my collector edition :P

04 Feb 2011 11:41

It took me four goes to get this :(

But once I realized what I was doing wrong, I got it.

I used a maxed out Pulse Rifle using Alt-Fire, and I'd stocked up on ammo (I had over 700 rounds).

My mistake was I was not in the center of the elevator, I had my back hard up against the elevator door which gave me a blind spot on my right, by the time I realized there was a tripod at that window, it was too late - he'd hit me and gone.

What I ended up doing is placing 4 vertical mines on the floor right in front of some windows, that way if something reached in while I wasn't looking, it'd get nuked. I then stood in the center of the room and kept spinning around and around! When a tripod showed up, I'd Alt-Fire, as soon as I knew it'd gone, I'd start spinning again.

After about the first half-dozen tripods, I think I reloaded only once, maybe twice. I'd keep reloads to a minimum so you don't miss anything.

28 Feb 2011 15:08

Uhh not sure if this is much of a solution or I just got lucky, but you need not do any of those things. I was on the normal difficulty with my detonator and just spun in circles until I saw each tripod appear. One shot with it does knock it off, and I just made sure I had plenty of ammo (think I had around 25 shots). None of my weapons have been upgraded yet and this is still my first playthrough. I reloaded the detonator automatically once my cartridge was depleated, so I didn't spam that either. Achievement popped at the top once I arrived and it happened on my first try. Just clarifying that you DO NOT need to have anything upgraded in order to do this.

EDIT: It may say I have not yet earned it but I did about 10 seconds ago so TA hasn't updated (that shit takes forever to...)

05 Mar 2013 16:29

I did this my second try with the plasma cutter with 16 capacity. I just spun around fast (llok speed setting at 3) until I saw a tripod and shot the arms. Some shots didnt perfectly hit the yellow part and they still fell.

Other methods may be easier but it IS DOABLE with the plasma cutter! I was going a plasma cutter only play-through on casual.

02 Nov 2014 00:46

Missable. In Chapter 7, make a save file BEFORE you board the Solar Array Elevator. Once you board it, necromophs known as Tripods will begin to latch onto the windows shortly after. If you have a decently upgraded Detonator and you may be able to achieve this on your first playthrough but it is still very tough even on Casual difficulty. Otherwise, I recommend doing this on New Game+ with a decently upgraded Contact Beam's ALT attack.

Strategy from TheCollectiveX: Use Detonator to fire Mines directly at the Tripods and knock them out flat.

Video by PowerPyx.


In Chapter 7, after going into zero-G to activate the two thrusters on the bottom of the elevator, make sure you go back up to the store and buy the Detonator gun and plenty of ammo if you have not already done so. It is important that you save the game because if not you will be stuck at the checkpoint at the top of the elevator without the achievement if you happen to not get it. The Solar Array Elevator Sequence will place you on a large elevator with 7 windows looking out at Saturn. Activate the control and stand in the center and you will soon be attacked by Tripods in the windows. One shot from the detonator gun will knock them off. If they are hanging on by one arm, DO NOT worry about it because they will fall off on their own. After you knock one off, go and stand by where it was, making it less likely you will be hit as they will rarely appear in the same window consecutively. You can also do this same strategy easily with the Force Gun. If you get to the top and the achievement doesn't unlock, quit to the menu and reload your save.


05 Feb 2011 18:22

got it on the unreal, the power cutter is fully pumped with altagon, it took 27 shells, you don’t even have to look around, stand in the center and constantly hammer.
By yakkon on 30 Aug 2012 11:05
It's better to do it with a power gun
By Rayman7859 on 15 Feb 2016 14:51
After the impossible level, take the gauntlet and finish off the trophies on a fun run. With the new game+, it takes 25-30 minutes to reach the elevator with a glove.
By JohnHvat on 15 Dec 2016 08:40
I will add that in total there are 22 tripods to kill. It’s easier to get everything using a mortar (pumped up) and an easy difficulty level (first playthrough). You can save, sell everything and upgrade the mortar. After receiving the trophy, load your save and move on calmly.

Take at least 25 mines with you in case you miss or don't kill with one mine.
By Abbath on 15 Aug 2012 11:43
I went through with absolutely zero Detonator, before that I just bought it and saved up mines from boxes and from enemies, you only need about 30 of them (in case of mistakes), we go into the elevator and treat each guest to a mine. By the way, at the very end of the trip, he began to reload at the wrong time, and one asshole crawled up, then killed two more, and they just gave the trophy, presumably they are simply crawling to better positions.
By Umbra on 27 Apr 2014 07:48
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- Don't forget to save at the beginning of chapter 7.

- The power pistol and mortar are of course a good choice, but on the first playthrough it will be difficult to achieve (cartridges for the mortar are not yet available, the power pistol is in this chapter, but later).

- Therefore, if you want to get it on your first playthrough, then buy a pulse rifle, try to upgrade it as best as possible (you can save and spend all the money on nodes or remove nodes from another upgraded weapon/suit).

- Using alternative fire, we kill the reptiles. It may take several attempts (if it doesn’t work, load the last checkpoint or save.

04 Apr 2012 23:25