Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

60 Achievements


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The End

The End

You defeated Zhao Yun Ru and destroyed the Hyron Project.


How to unlock the The End achievement in Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Definitive Guide

Once you've had your conversation with Hugh Darrow you'll have to make your way to the giant elevator to the final boss battle. This one was pretty simple, even for non-lethal and give me Deus Ex difficult.

On your way down make sure you read the pocket secretary that Hugh gave you (if you won the speech challenge). If you want all 4 endings make sure you talk to Sarrif and Taggart, also try to pickup a couple of gas grenades and EMP grenades as they'll make your life easier.

I recommend you have at least 1 gas grenade, and at least 1 EMP grenade. I also recommend a long range weapon that can deal some decent damage (I used a Laser Rifle), as well as some hypo-stims and or pain killers (none of this is necessary but will help).

Your augmentations shouldn't matter but having dermal armor, protection from electricity will help as well as faster sprint and neruo-toxen protection. Again none of this is necessary but it will help.
After you watch the cut scene the game will have you standing behind a pillar, Run straight to the core at the center of the room as fast as you can. There are ceiling turrets that will shoot at you so the quicker you can get under them the better.

Once you reach the center run along the edge counter-clock wise until you come to a hackable terminal (about 1/4 of the way around). If you won the speech achievement against Hugh Darrow you'll have the code, if not just enter "2012". and set it to deactivate.

Once you've done that continue running along the core counter-clock wise (another 1/4 of the way around) you'll see a room has opened up to your right. Inside are 3 "crazys" that you'll need to take care of. The fastest and quickest way is to simply toss a gas grenade into the room. If you're immune to neruo-toxen then just run in after it, otherwise wait for the smoke to clear before entering. Failing that if you have the double-take down augmentation and a non-lethal weapon (preferably the stun gun) you can use that combination to take them down.

Once you enter the room pick up whatever ammo and health you might need then use the wall to the left of the door for cover. You'll see some robots driving around outside, use your EMP Grenade to take them out.

At this point if you have the laser you can shoot though the glass in front of Zhao Yun Ru to kill her and end the fight. If you don't have the laser you'll have roughly 2 minutes from the time you entered the code until the glass in front of her breaks, once it does shoot her with your weapon of choice. (thanks Anatana!)

I've attached a video (not mine) the method is similar to mine except he used lethal tactics against the crazies which would void the Pacifist achievement.

25 Sep 2011 18:03

You can break the glass yourself immediately after entering the code (probably before too). After beating the game, I reloaded because I had forgotten to talk to sarif, and managed to beat this fight in about 45 seconds total. No need to wait 2 minutes
By Anatana on 31 Oct 2011 00:41
thanks for the tip!
By Twistedsymphony on 31 Oct 2011 04:07
If you have won the Socialbattle with Hugh Darrow than you have the Code to shutdown the Hyron Project and the Battle is mutchmore easier [if not, there you have it: 2012]

Enter the Code, run to the Room with the Ammunition and shoot the Glas that protects Zhao Yun Ru - BÄM

26 Aug 2011 10:15

Thats the way! Good with the preorder Grenadelauncher. 6 shots on Deus Ex and the junkie was finished!
By TAI JASON on 31 Aug 2011 22:02
Did it also with the Grenadelauncher.
By Schlatt0r on 15 Nov 2011 23:47
2x Tyhoon also works ;)
By King fiShiZ on 15 Nov 2011 23:49
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This boss battle is the easiest in the whole game if you have enough nuke viruses (I've had around 25 on me when I started hacking and I ended up with 7) AND the augmentation that makes you immune to electricity. All you have to do is:
1. hack 3 security terminals (after hacking: open the door, disable camera) - you can save the game before hacking, make sure turret doesn't look in your direction, hack the terminal, disconnect from the terminal and wait until another turret doesn't see you (this way it won't break the glass), connect to terminal and safely open the door, disable camera
2. hack the computer in the center of the room
3. right after hacking it turn around, run to your left and hide near one of the three hacked security terminals (this way no one will go after you)
4. simply wait until the glass protecting Zhao breaks (it takes about 2 minutes)
5. approach Zhao and shoot her
6. watch a cutscene - achievement will pop up after it ends

If you follow this guide you will not raise any alarms and you will only have to kill Zhao, cause no one else will come after you

26 Aug 2011 15:55

If you don't have the immune to electricity augmentation then at step 3 instead of hiding near a terminal go to one of the small rooms off to one side (as seen in the video in the solution from King fiShiZ) and wait for the glass to break. You may have to deal with some zombie dudes and robots (typhoon or emf grenades deal with them). There are 4 robots in total.
By CrimsonSoul on 01 Sep 2011 18:42
do you have a video of this?
By L J EDM on 14 Sep 2011 16:59
You can also use the Automatic Unlocking Devices, if you have them, on the consoles to eliminate any hacking risks.
By destinee ehgc on 22 Sep 2011 10:52
passwords of the 3 security terminals:

hualing iwntlove
daiyu frgottn
marilyn yyyyyy
By Sloober on 01 Feb 2012 15:09
Your solution is very close to what I did... All I did is enter the code in the Hyron Terminal (2012) and hid (near the top). Oh, this did not work the first time, so the second time I laid EMP mines in front of the (4) garage doors the bots will come out. It's also important to note that I did have the "impervious to electricity" upgrade, so I was not zapped by the sparks. When it was time to kill Zhao Yun Ru, I used the B button.
By Onza on 04 Mar 2012 14:37
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Some of these solutions are easy, but mine will have you winning in about 30-45 seconds. Here's how:

Items you will need: 1 Typhoon Cartridge, 1 bar of energy, level 5 hacking skill OR the security console code which I listed below.

1) Right when you are able to take control of Adam, sprint down the stairs and around two columns of the big structure in the middle. You will see a security console.
2) Either hack it or enter the code 2012 to deactivate the security.
3) Run directly up the stairs behind you and stand right in front of Zhao. Since you disabled the security/overloaded the Hyron core, it will do all the work for you. Once the glass starts to shatter, use your Typhoon cartridge.

That's it! The glass will break and Zhao will die along with the Hyron Project.

06 Apr 2012 23:13

Got 100% in the game yesterday, on my first playthrough, and I have to say that the this last boss battle turned out to be a bit of a joke to me on Legend, and now that I've read some of the other guides on just this fight alone I can say that some folks might be over complicating it a bit. The fight took anywhere from 30 to 45 seconds each time I tried this.

All I needed (and think I needed) to finish this fight easy was:

1) A combat rifle, mostly upgraded; I was only missing a reload speed upgrade for it (though I doubt this was 100% necessary to have this rifle, or to have it this upgraded. Its completely possible I could have used just about any lethal weapon, as I didn't really end up using it all that much any way)

2) Typhoon, upgraded to level 2, and 2-3 Typhoon ammo

3)At least 3 full energy cells (to power the Typhoon)

4) The code from Darrow, attained from beating him in the social battle a little bit earlier (For spoiler reasons I placed the code at the bottom of this guide*)

5) The dermal armor upgrade that allows you to take electrical damage without getting hurt, because -and honestly this fight moved so fast I count even tell- you could be standing in some electricity to get this done.

What I did:

After the beautifully rendered and creepy cutscene you'll encounter after you open the final door you'll be at the top of the area, hiding behind a door (probably the one you came in), with a big machine in the middle of the room. What I did was sprinted straight forward and jumped over the railings (if you do this fast enough you shouldn't be hit by the turrets at all) down to the machine and circled to the right. Walls jut out of the machine, if you count two walls while circling right you should be where I'm sending you. Here you'll find a level 5 panel of the same type you'd find outside any door in the game. I can't stress enough how your NOT looking for a computer screen.

With Darrow's code* in hand this panel isn't anything to worry about (I included the code below, because some may not like the spoilers, but other guides also have the code readily available.) Just punch in the code (or, if you really don't want the spoiler at all, I suppose you could hack it, and do so fast with Nukes -this is your last chance to really hack anything in the game if you want to take it.). This shuts down the Hyron Project and I believe this includes the turrets that were firing at you.

From the panel on the machine simply turn around because the boss is literally right behind you, and run as fast as you can up the stairs towards Zhao. Get close enough to use your Typhoon and use it once. This shouldn't shatter the protective glass completely, so you should take any lethal weapon you might have (although I imagine a laser rifle might be a bad idea cause it passes through the protective glass, and at this range a Rocket Launcher would be bad cause you'll explode yourself) and pepper the glass with bullets, hopefully breaking it. If not, hit your Typhoon again and this might do in both the glass and Zhao, though I've had mixed results here:

First time I did it I used 1 Typhoon, 1 clip, 1 Typhoon and that was it.. This is why I kept redoing it, because I thought it was a fluke, and because it went so fast, I wasn't sure I did it in a purely Pacifist way, for that achievement.

Sometimes its taken another Typhoon, which is why I asked you to bring at least 3 ammo for it and 3 full Energy Cells.

Alternately, on another time I tried it, I simply pressed the Typhoon 3 times and it was done.

Final time I tried it I hit the the Typhoon once, 1 clip from the rifle and then Typhoon again, only to have the glass break but not have her die. I had to shoot her once and only once.. and because I suck at combat in the game I shot her in the thigh (few times the game does ask you to shoot were a nightmare for me, simply because if your going for the games achievements you almost never have to use a gun at all. It literally felt like I was untrained with a firearm. The first Boss was brutal because of this). and it was slightly comical in the "Thats it? In the thigh?" sort of way.

Either way it happens you'll surely have the floor electrify under you while hitting the typhoon (though this fight goes so fast I barely noticed it the first few times I tested it), which is why you'll want the dermal armor upgrade to stop that from mattering.

Also, no matter how she died, I never once saw another enemy in the room. The fight was over so fast no one/thing ever got to me or was able to fire at me, I ended the fight with a full 200 health almost every time (only time I didn't was the first time, because I didn't know the exact layout of the room and had a turret shoot me once), which made doing this on pacifist all the better because I never had to look at a crazy, let alone deal with how to get rid of them.

Alternately, I realize now, even though I never had a Laser Rifle with me, that you could follow most of these steps to the point of running up the stairs, only to unload the rifle right into her face, through the glass, killing her without ever having to shatter the glass. Which makes even having the typhoon pretty much useless. So if you have the Laser Rifle, give it a try like this, otherwise I know the Typhoon works wonders here.

(* *spoiler* the code is 2012)

19 Mar 2012 19:01

All these solutions look great so fair play to the writers but here's the way i got the achievement.

If you are reading this then you will need the Laser Rifle and the ammo for it.

Basically, i had picked up the Laser Rifle through the game and saved it because it looked beast, and it actually did come in handy.

As soon as the boss fight starts, take cover and take out the Laser Rifle, then come out of cover but stay behind the pillar so the turrets can not see you. Then in the far distance to the right you will see Zhao Yun Ru if you press the Right thumb stick on your controller and zoom in to her. Then, simply fire the Laser Rifle at her body for a constant few seconds, i'd say like 4-5, and then let go, she will then die, easy as that. Just make sure the turrets cannot see you in the process.

Also, you might have to shoot her a few times if you are on the Hardest difficulty, i am not sure but i know that my method works on the easiest difficulty.

Hope this helps a few people on here, just a quick solution.

27 Sep 2012 00:34

By far the most important piece of advice I can give you is to make sure you have the Laser Rifle. There are a few scattered around the game, and at least one with extra ammunition on the final island. You should start this battle with at least one extra battery (500 rounds) in addition to a full battery in the rifle. That way you can take out the turrets and Zhou... leisurely.

Take cover where you start, duck out, click the RS to scope, and shoot each turret as it cycles around. The laser will take them out easily. Once that's done, you can hack the terminals without being attacked.

...OR you can just go shoot Zhou with the Laser Rifle directly and not deal with the terminals at all. (Thanks to Firvagor for confirming this.) I'd still suggest taking out the turrets first, but that's up to you.

If you do decide to hack the terminals, Crazies will start appearing about the time that you hack the second one. They aren't really a problem, as long as you have the Jump augmentation. Jump up to higher platforms to avoid them, then shoot Zhou to finish the mission.

27 Sep 2012 18:20

This is story related and a cannot be missed.

This achievement will unlock once you've defeated Zhao Yun Ru on Panchaea.

Last boss of the game, and also the easiest laugh.

Just like all the bosses before, 3 typhoon hits will take her down. The only difference is before taking her on you really should (especially if you want the Foxiest trophy) disable the security systems. You will find the terminal opposite Zhao on the structure with turrets.

The code of the keypad is "2012". Shut down security, then run over to Zhao. Hit her 3 times with the typhoon (on "Give Me Deus Ex", easier difficulties only require 2 Typhoon hits I believe), and she is toast.

21 Oct 2013 19:49

Story related. The Hydron Project, controlled by Zhao Yun Ru, is the final boss of the game. Zhao is protected by a shield, which can only be deactivated by destroying 3 Hyron Drone Pods in the center of the area. Once the shield is down, take her out. There are multiple gun turrets in the area that will be your main threat. Credits to AbsoluteSteve for the following.

Method 1: The easiest method, is to use the Laser Rifle which can penetrate Zhao’s shields, turn on cloak and go up to her and fry her to bits. This literally takes less than a minute.

Method 2: Without the Laser Rifle, you have 3 options to the destroy the Hydron Drones before you can kill Zhao.

  1. Press the buttons beside the pods to release the Drones, then kill them. Insane augmented people will fill the area after 2 are destroyed, so take care not to kill them if you’re going for Pacifist.
  2. Hack the Lv 4 PCs that are on the desks surrounding the areas to release the Drones, and kill them
  3. Input the code Darrow gave you (“2012”) into the Security Panel on the central structure which shuts down the Drones totally.

Video by PowerPyx

All options are certainly good! but here's mine!!! there won’t be any psychos, no need to touch the turret, I had a laser rifle, I sneaked under the turrets quietly, they can’t see you there, I took aim at Zhao and let loose the whole rage, the whole passage took 15-25 seconds, I don’t remember exactly, that’s all. SIMPLY AND EASILY !!!

15 Dec 2011 02:14

Personally, I couldn’t repeat what was written above. Here's my option:

Difficulty is a true Deus Ex, platinum in one playthrough.

You will need:

1) Pistol and ~30 rounds of ammunition (it took me 19 rounds, but the pistol was fully pumped)

2) Two gas grenades

3) Four EMP grenades

4) Immunity from EMP.

That's it, I passed with this set on the first try.

As soon as the cutscene ends, we run at speed and turn off the turrets. Password 2012. Immediately after switching off, we throw a gas grenade into the rooms with madmen, only 2 - they will not have time to run out (important for a Pacifist). Afterwards, we take gas grenades and, as they appear, throw them at the robots; if you throw a grenade while the door is still opening, the robot will not even manages to notice you. Repeat 4 times.

Now we just stand and wait until the glass itself bursts from electricity and shoot Zhao.

Not 20 seconds, of course, but on the first try, 3-4 minutes. Didn't take 1 hp damage.
By Velzewool on 04 May 2015 15:22
It is important to add that the laser rifle can only be obtained in certain places.

  • For the normal version of the game - in Tong's second "office", when he sends you to help out his son (lying on his desk)
  • For Directors Cut, which I played, all weapons are taken away after the DLC mission (Missing Link, with Burke) and you can find another copy immediately after the battle with Jaron Namir (Snake Trophy). When we defeat him, we don’t go into the elevator, but go left, up the stairs, there will be a stand with this weapon in the room.
After which we do as in the tip above and the whole battle takes 10 seconds.
By finderX on 23 Aug 2016 04:20
The easiest way, but you need to fully upgrade your invisibility, jump up to 3 meters and energy. Ideal for the Pacifist and Slick trophies. Immediately after the start of the battle, turn on invisibility, run and enter code 2012 on the machine (on which the turrets rotate). Then we run back and a little to the right. There you will see a place where you can break through the wall. Next, we simply jump onto this wall and sit there until the glass breaks. We approach Zhao and shoot her once with a paralyzing pistol.

04 May 2012 09:40