Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

82 Achievements


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Data Master

Data Master

Breach: Complete all Versalife, Steiner-Bisley and Tarvos servers in Tier 3 Network.


How to unlock the Data Master achievement in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Definitive Guide

In order to get the Master achievement, you have to clear all 14 regular server nodes on the Tier 3 Network. The regular servers are the Versalife, Steiner-Bisley and Tarvos servers. You do not have to clear the reward nodes, hyperlinks, and firewall nodes. You also do not have to clear servers S15, S16, and S17. These are not regular Tier 3 servers but were added to Tier 3 as a result of a title update. The following is a video that shows the Tier 3 map and the 14 servers that you have to clear for the achievement:

Tier 3 is not significantly more difficult than Tier 2. So, if you were able to reach the Tier 3 access point on Tier 2, you should have the requisite skills and equipment to clear all 14 servers on Tier 3. If you need additional pointers, the information regarding Data Disciple and Data Expert achievements for clearing Tiers 1 & 2 respectively is applicable to clearing the Tier 3 servers as well.

Solution for Data Disciple In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Solution for Data Expert In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

25 Sep 2016 22:01

*** EDIT: As of November 3, 2016, with the addition of the "Breach Mode" DLC, the Tiers have a few additional Server nodes on each map that likely increase the base amount of Servers needed to complete in order to unlock these achievements. ***

I wanted to provide some information and tips for other players seeking to acquire all three Breach mode Tier achievements. I personally didn’t enjoy Breach mode, so hopefully this will help others who might find themselves in a similar situation, wanting to unlock the achievements as fast as possible and not purchasing any micro-transactions:

I won’t be mentioning how to maximize points/scores because the achievements only require you to complete the Server Maps for each Tier, regardless of your score(s). The maps for these Tiers are quite large and spaced-out, so be sure to hold cn_RT and use cn_LS to look around for uncompleted Server nodes (denoted by a white glow surrounding the node pillar) if the achievement hasn’t unlocked for Tier X yet.

Tier 3 is composed of only Network 3A, which has 14 Server Maps, that all must be completed for:

Deus Ex: Mankind DividedData MasterThe Data Master achievement in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided worth 116 pointsBreach: Complete all Versalife, Steiner-Bisley and Tarvos servers in Tier 3 Network.

Network 3A (14 Server Maps):





Furthermore, this means technically you do NOT need to capture Reward nodes (but you should), any Hyperlinks, or any Darknet files to complete the Tier-based achievements.

Unfortunately, Breach mode has its own Credits currency system which means that ammunition, weapon attachments, Recovery items, etc., are mostly accumulated via randomized Booster packs. That means unless you’re looking to spend additional, real cash on this game mode, you’ll have to do a small bit of budgeting with your Credits to maximize what the game rewards you with naturally. Also, any five (5) Breach Softwares found in the Story mode can be sold to the vendor of the Tech Noir store in Prague for an additional Booster pack in Breach.

Now, for some tips:

1. Use the red Unstable Cubes in the maps to your advantage. They are explosive if shot at, and can kill the smaller enemies and lower-level Turrets in one hit.

2. Try to use Takedowns as much as possible. They OHKO the smaller enemies and simultaneously conserve your ammunition (thereby saving more Credits for other things). Of course, Takedowns also make the Stealth Server nodes considerably easier to complete.

3. I recommend only upgrading weaponry that you will use AND are S or A-ranked. Feel free to eventually sell B-ranked or lesser weaponry (and any respective ammunition) that you will not be using once acquiring these powerful weapons. (Combat Rifle and Revolver were most useful for me)

4. Therefore, always have that S or A-ranked weapon or two of your choice in your inventory, several stacks of ammunition, as well as all of your HypoStim Injectors and a few Biocells. Grenades and Mines are also useful but are not mandatory. The default inventory size ought to be enough.

5. If you are killed on a map, you are given the (timed) option to Continue, Revive, or Retry. Continue kicks you back to the map screen and you lose any and all progress on that Server node; Revive results in a penalty of 10,000 Credits OR 10 Chipsets that allows respawning on the map with your Server progress saved (however, there may be a different limit of Revives per map); Retry does not save your Server progress but your Modifiers, etc. are saved for that and any subsequent attempts. When you Revive, you will respawn on your entry/escape point. Use this to your advantage: it may be less of a headache and less time-consuming (at a cost to your score which is unimportant!) to purposely kill your Avatar and Revive during the escape sequence to respawn right on the escape point! Sometimes, you can also fall into bottomless pits (at a cost of 30 HP) and Revive for the same effect.

6. Therefore, always keep at least ~50,000 Credits available in your wallet. This gives you some comfort room for Revives and additional purchases, just in case.

7. Aside from Revive fees, spend Credits for ammunition, periodically peppering-in Booster packs to replenish your stock of HypoStim Injectors and whatever else you frequently use. Only buy a Premium pack or two if you are still in need of an S or A-ranked weapon(s), but don’t ever buy Cheats or Patches—in fact, I recommend ignoring Patches entirely because they explicitly make each map more difficult to complete, and subsequently that achievement(s) more distant to unlock. Similarly, feel free to use Cheats to make maps easier, and especially to counteract any pre-loaded Patches.

8. EMP rounds/grenades/mines will be extremely helpful against Turrets and Sentry Drones since they will stunlock these enemies. Try to reserve the rounds in particular for these enemy types since EMP rounds are uncommon.

9. Only use a Nuke Virus when the respective enemy modifier is ~4.0+ (probably around starting Tier 3). Nuke Viruses are extremely rare, so maximize their usefulness by downgrading the enemy AI when it has reached a high value.

10. Try to fully upgrade your Avatar’s JUMP.aug as well as your CLOAK.aug, and your EN_MODULE.aug. JUMP.aug will help traversing the vertical maps and escaping enemies, while the CLOAK.aug will help with avoiding Cameras, Turrets, and tougher enemies, as well as the Stealth maps. Upgrading the EN_MODULE.aug (Energy) helps you do more of these things. TITAN.aug can also be very useful in Tier 3 depending on your playstyle.

Ultimately, completing all the Server nodes in Tier 1 shouldn’t be too difficult for players who completed “Give Me Deus Ex” or higher difficulty in Story mode, but the second half of Tier 2 and most of Tier 3 can be tough due to the level designs and tedium. But arming yourself with a powerful, upgraded weapon, good use of Augmentations, ample Recovery items, a quick trigger-finger, and a healthy amount of patience—you will prevail.

21 Sep 2016 22:52

I've done the original 14 servers and the achievement is not unlocking. any suggestions?
By L2O UnLeaSheD on 22 Feb 2018 21:28
I sent you a PM.
By Allgorhythm on 23 Feb 2018 03:36
The achievement still requires only the 14 Tier 3 Versalife, Steiner-Bisley and Tarvos servers. The additional servers introduced by the title update have different designations and don't count towards the achievement. They do, however, play a role in the Breach Mode DLC achievements.
By Allgorhythm on 28 Jan 2017 17:40
I have yet to acquire anything above a B Revolver and Im almost out of money with most enemy lvls at 10. This is probably the worst shoe horned feature I've ever seen.
By My Ringtones on 30 Apr 2023 04:32
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To get this achievement you have to complete the Versalife, Steiner-Bisley and Tarvos servers in 3A. The other nodes and servers are not required.

For anyone who wants to blow through Breach mode as fast as possible there are two glitches for "infinite" health or "infinite" energy. They cannot be used at the same time, I used the energy glitch for stealth levels and the health glitch for every other level. They are also not really infinite (hence the quotes) but you can boost your health or energy to the point where they are inconsequential.

Infinite Energy Glitch

Prereqs: 1 praxis point, 1 energy expansion item (can be easily obtained from the 15000 credit packs as of this writing)

Step 1: Equip the energy expansion (move from reserve to inventory)

Step 2: Unlock one of the 1 praxis health upgrades

Step 3: Toggle the health upgrade on/off as many times as you want

You will now have an extreme amount of energy when you enter a server. This only needs to be done once, not before every server.

Note: doing this will reset the infinite health glitch.

Infinite Health Glitch

Prereqs: 1 praxis point, 1 health expansion item (can be easily obtained from the 15000 credit packs as of this writing)

Step 1: Equip the health expansion (move from reserve to inventory)

Step 2: Unlock one of the 1 praxis energy upgrades

Step 3: Toggle the energy upgrade on/off as many times as you want

You will now have an extreme amount of health when you enter a server. This only needs to be done once, not before every server.

Note: doing this will reset the infinite energy glitch.

You should now be able to blow through any server with little resistance whatsoever. Enjoy!

07 Feb 2021 15:20

Alright i'm gonna give you a couple of tips to make this easier for you guys hopefully:

1. Pray that RNGesus gives you a good sniper/revolver(makes bosses easier)
-Think i got lucky here since i got both but they were later in the game so i believe you can do it with others just max out dmg, reload speed, and clip size if you want. Also, try to save AP rounds for Tier 3 servers only trust me you'll need em.

2. Try to use explosive crates near enemies!
- They do alot of dmg especially against heavier units + you conserve more ammo and don't forget you can interact with them.

3. Abuse the revive system.
- Basically when you get to the hard data cap lvls the enemies can wreck you with some of the modifiers they have, so what i did was stealth around and run til i triggered extraction then i just get seen and die (OR try to get to extraction without dying). Then, you will get put right at the entrance it's pretty convenient!

4. Some general Boss/enemy stuff you should know if you already didn't.
- Emp Ammo disables cloak/titan aug making them vulnerable to dmg
- Some bosses can be attacked by others if they aggro them! But it's risky.
- In the kill X enemy lvls Abuse the alarms(trigger it then wait it out) to make easier enemies spawn unless you can kill bots and heavies efficiently.

Disclaimer: Be prepared to grind because this is gonna be fun! /Sarcasm

07 Sep 2016 06:02

1 Comment
Thanks for the tips. I've had enough already but I haven't even got the Tier 1 trophy, T3 seems so far away now
By Prem-aka-Prince on 04 Feb 2018 23:10

Breach is a secondary mode within the game that can be accessed via the Main Menu at any time. It's recommended however that this mode be played after your first or second playthrough, once you are familiar with the more intricate game mechanics of Mankind Divided.

In this simulation-like puzzle mode, you'll find yourself within the virtual world, moving from server to server - mission to mission - as you hack your way through the Palisade Server. In order to earn the three achievements tied to each Tier, you will need to complete every single server in their Network. This includes the Darknet File servers, but does not include Hyperlinks that unlock at 100% completion. Thus, don't worry about "perfecting" each server.

Just like the main game, you will have access to augs, weapons, and gadgets in this mode. Your objectives will vary from server to server, though they will rotate between collecting data fragments, downloading a set amount of data from information nodes, or eliminating a group of enemies (otherwise coined as "Units" in this mode). At times, there will be restrictions on a server, such as "No Augmentations," which strips your augs, or "Stealth Only," which means being spotted fails the mission.

You'll also earn credits and XP after each server has been completed, allowing you to purchase Booster Packs and ammo through the in-game store, and earn Praxis Kits upon leveling up.

There are no set strategies for the servers/missions in this mode. Play at your own pace, use the weapons you prefer, and unlock the augs that suit your playstyle. Lastly, keep these four key tips in mind while playing:

  • Focus on upgrading the EN_MODULE and CLOAK augs
  • Use Weapon Parts to upgrade the damage and other stats for your primary weapon(s), like the 10mm Pistol & Combat Rifle
  • Sell any and all weapons and ammo you don't use so you can amass credits to buy ammo for your primary weapon(s) when needed
  • Don't be afraid to use Cheat Modifiers as a means to make a server easier

Once all the servers in a single Network Tier have been completed, you will earn that Tier's respective achievement.

NOTE: If you make it to a new Tier and the achievement for the previous Tier has not yet unlocked, hold to move around freely outside of the server path. This will allow you to track down any servers that are isolated and you have missed. Remember, Hyperlinks that are locked until you gain 100% Network completion are not needed.

1. During the passage of the main game, we collect Breach programs. They are found mostly in plot areas, so it won’t be too difficult to find them. Here's a guide to finding all 30 programs. This will give us 6 master sets, from which we have a chance to get class A fluff and higher, expanding items for the Overweight Fee , credits and other small things.
2. Pumping. Since the Breach mode is focused on donation, and we don’t want to donate, you should understand that every praxis point is worth its weight in gold.
Stealth>Combat. The opponents are strong, tenacious and regularly receive reinforcements out of thin air. Ammo and syringes are limited.
Invisibility, jumping and energy (regen and not quantity) are the basis. Next is up to your taste. I upgraded the following talents - Remote hacking, hacking range, hacking turrets, cameras, as well as the ability to remotely blow up robots and drones (I highly recommend it). The ability to break through walls helps.
2. Be patient and sequentially go through the networks Network_00, Network_1A, Network_1B. Formally, the only servers needed are Tarvos, Versalife and Steiner Bisley. In practice, it won't hurt to go through Santo and Darknet servers. For the Darknet we get a set of good items, if we do all the Darknet things we get the achievement from the DLC Ashes to Ashes . Santo servers are not particularly valuable, but they are quite simple, and you can earn credits and experience on them. If you complete 10 pieces, you will receive an achievement from the DLC - Hourglass. In total, there are 32 servers of utter despondency in the first level networks.
3. Starting from the network // Network_2a it will be more difficult (but not more interesting), simplify servers complicated by modifiers using codes (they periodically fall out of packs). We replenish syringes and batteries from the standard set for 6000 credits. If we want the DLC achievement Pay for the advantage , then we save on buying a huge number of packs for 15,000 (Improved set).
In total, there are 27 and 23 servers in the 2nd and 3rd level networks, respectively.
4. Since you have already spent 8 hours on the extremely dull donation mode, and knocked out all the achievements necessary to get platinum, it won’t hurt to make the most of this nightmare, namely, close 5 servers in level 4 networks for Data Lord . They are not particularly complex.

21 Nov 2016 03:06

By the time I reached the last boss, I upgraded my character to lv 31, I didn’t replay the levels, I didn’t use any bomb viruses, because... the more complex the mobs, the more experience you get. The character was upgraded, as written in the guidebook. As a result, the dough accumulated 980,000. I killed the last boss with a sniper, pumped it to the maximum and put two chips in the weapon, these are anti grenader and anti stealth. We undermine the boss with a cube, and We wet him, not letting him get up. (We don’t pay attention to the robot), we stand exclusively on the second floor near the door. As a result, the boss will not deal a single blow.
By tvorojock on 07 Jan 2018 19:59
Last boss (NETWORK_3A, server S14_GARRISON.) I don’t know why, but I had to take them both out. Perhaps all you need is a sniper.
It died strangely for me. I put a clip of EM cartridges into him. He tried to throw a grenade at me, I shot at him and he dropped it under himself. Then he suddenly wanted to jump to the first floor and during the jump (he was in the air) a grenade exploded and he flew down like a bag of Data.) Then he suffered incredible damage and died.
By Detigo on 15 May 2018 09:14
When you download an avatar on s09_stockade, and in principle, replay any server for experience, do not use Invis, do not kill enemies, otherwise their complexity will increase.
It is quite easy to distinguish a boss if there are several units on the map - he will definitely have a golden part, or the whole thing, or shoulders, or a belt.
I recommend killing bosses this way: go to the server, see where it is and what it looks like, if it doesn’t work out right away, go out, customize the weapon for the boss, install modifiers that increase the damage, and kill the asshole.
At regular levels, do not use modifiers, because firstly they are wasted and secondly they reduce points.
Finished Breach at level 43
By Corite on 19 Jul 2020 13:35
The last boss (NETWORK_3A, server S14_GARRISON.) did not cause any problems, I upgraded the automatic rifle to maximum damage, inserted two boosters to increase damage, climbed to the top level and literally shot a sniper in a minute, the same NETWORK_2A, server S08_GARRISON. was much more difficult and took me 20 minutes
By Atlet_Kotlet on 07 Mar 2018 20:27
Easy to use without any additional pumping.
Personally, at the time of closing this trophy, I naturally reached level 21.
I only upgraded my jump, battery and invis. There are 7 unused praxis left.

Weapon recommendations:
I only used an automatic rifle and a 10mm pistol (both rolled S). The first one stuns armored fat men and dismantles drones, turrets, cameras with 2-3 shots of standard cartridges. The second one very quickly cuts down bosses and fat men with standard cartridges.

An interesting feature: if you are on a hill relative to the fat man, he will not hit you at all.

The mode is not that bad, I even liked it.
By Rassomakhin on 25 Jan 2018 16:10
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When passing the first level, it seems that the servers are endless. But that's because it's very sad))
In fact, there are 20 servers on the second level, and only 14 on the third.
All levels are run very quickly with a pumped up jump and invisibility.
For the last three bosses, I advise you to pump up slow time while aiming. Stupidly turn it on and focus the bosses, ignoring other enemies.

Do not buy SA weapons & boosters for real money. Everything goes smoothly with B rank guns.

15 Sep 2016 01:02

It’s possible to complete the entire Breach without investing “your hard-earned money.”
First of all, upgrade your triple jump, then invis and battery (recovery to 60 and regen speed). This set is quite enough to quickly complete levels. Afterwards, I recommend investing in the viewing radius of enemies => breaking through walls (sometimes hidden blocks of data are easier to collect than those marked on the map) => ISEZ (does good damage to flying drones).
As for weapons, my choice fell on the "B" class "Tactical Shotgun". We pump up “Deadly force” => “Magazine capacity” => “Reload speed” => “Accuracy”.
We try to complete the levels in stealth and not waste precious ammo. There is no need to clear it, as soon as the exit point opens, run into it. I strongly do not recommend going through levels again, since after each victory the AI ​​is upgraded. It is not necessary to go through the darknet files, but it is advisable, because upon completion they give you some good things (after going through the second one, they gave you a grenade launcher, with which you took down the last boss without difficulty).
Before the bosses, we stock up on ammunition (take 200-300 pieces, you can’t go wrong), “hypostims” (as a last resort, if you realize that you are losing the battle, it’s better not to use it) and patience.
That's all! Everyone
By Lental on 25 Sep 2016 12:34
In all three levels of BREACH, you only need servers: Tarvos Security , Versalife and Steiner-Beasley .
This way you can skip the Darknet and Santo servers, which is no small feat.
The server ownership can be viewed on the screen in the upper left corner, immediately before sending to the level.
May the force be with you!
By Shagrash on 11 Dec 2016 16:52
The mode is a little more complicated than the story campaign. Due to the fact that praxis are not so easy to obtain, and if the initial leveling is incorrect, it will be more difficult. It will become even more difficult if you go through all the servers in addition to the others. But even I, who cannot stealth, and with completely screwed up leveling, passed easily. The regime is good. No worse than the plot. The idea was stolen from MGS, but with its own twists.
Donat just ruined everything.
By OceanOfSanity on 08 Oct 2016 09:43
I advise you to spend the money (credits) received during the passage of servers at the moment when you feel that the levels have become difficult and it is quite problematic to pass them without cell batteries or syringes for HP. At this moment, buy boosters for 6,000 credits (or the cheapest one, if they suddenly change the price later). It is from these boosters that a fairly large number of cell batteries and syringes fall. Using them will make your task much easier as you fly through the game in stealth, and if you notice, then heal.
I confirm from the hint above that the levels can also be completed with B-rank weapons, but do not forget to upgrade them with weapon parts. Therefore, there is no point in expensive boosters. It's better to buy more ammo for your weapon.
By Slad on 19 Sep 2016 13:36
This regime was not invented by us, this regime was not invented by me, and my God, how it s@#*%l me, I think I’ll drop it right now; This mode is mega-boring and not interesting, so if you decide to master it (for the sake of platinum, of course), here are some tips. At the end of each level, you need to find a way out within a certain amount of time, at some levels this is a problematic task, so (if you have health) jump into the abyss, you will be respawned at the starting point to the exit, or you can let yourself be killed and use revival (it costs 10,000 credits), the effect will be the same. I don’t recommend spending money on all sorts of kits; leave it for ammunition and revives. Also, don’t forget about the presence of various auxiliary codes, leave them for last (towards the end the levels will be hellish)
By xRoaWx_Saiyan on 11 Oct 2016 11:32
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