Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

82 Achievements


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Fire Sale

Fire Sale

Breach: Destroy 2 enemies at once using a Red Unstable Cube.


How to unlock the Fire Sale achievement in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Definitive Guide

HVAC Techie has a good guide, but I personally found S04_TALONPIKE in \\NETWORK_1A very effective. There are quite a few explosive cubes around here and two defense units patrolling together. Simply shoot a cube when they walk close to one and unlock your achievement. I went with the explosive cube directly to the left of the middle data tower.

16 Feb 2017 15:58

Good choice! This one's super easy and can be done from the start. After you gain control just wait 3 or so seconds for the two weak guards to get near the pile of 2 red cubes near the middle tower.
By Casyle on 08 Mar 2017 19:51
Worked a treat. You can spawn in, wait a few secs and then shoot the cubes.
By SideKick Dan on 12 Sep 2017 02:04
anyone got any tips on how to do this if you've played too far through breach before attempting the achievement? i'm at the stage where basically blowing up the block barely does any damage to either of them...
By count023 on 10 Mar 2023 05:08
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A good spot for this is S12_TALONPIKE on \\NETWORK_2A. Use the Breach point at the top of the map to enter the server, and you'll see two regular guys walk right past an explosive cube. You cannot shoot it directly, as servers don't let you automatically start -- there's a countdown process before you can move or shoot. Stealth to the cube, place it next to where they come to rest, and blow it up. It doesn't matter if you die (speaking from personal experience) just so long as they die.

Some conditions:
- If your enemies are too tough, consider using nukes to reduce their health/armor, or simply find a different area. I know there are more spots this could easily be done, but I don't remember them off the top of my head.
- You can increase how much damage an Unstable (Red) cube does when shot using weapon abilities. I got one in a pack for my Combat Rifle. If you happen across one, that could help.

14 Feb 2017 20:32

Thumbs up--good choice of server.
By Allgorhythm on 16 Feb 2017 01:34
Piece of piss, I just picked it up in stealth put it down as they turned at the bottom and boom an easy achievement done. Thanks
By beets101 on 16 Feb 2017 12:03
I tried to do it on this level and one from Network 1A but neither of them worked as the AI defences are maxed for me and I never got any nukes, and I kept getting killed. I managed to get it on a ghost server where you have to eliminate a prime unit, as many of the enemies there were only at level 1.
By The Real Daemon on 17 Feb 2017 01:05
S11_EMBARGO: I punched through the breakable wall in front of me. Went forward to the wall you walk through. The Prime Unit is carrying a heavy weapon. Used Focus and Cloak and took him out quickly before he could activate Titan. Back the way I came--36 seconds.
By Allgorhythm on 17 Feb 2017 18:20
S11_EMBARGO is now a Tier 4 server. As @Daemon300 points out, it is a great server for this achievement. There are many level 1 enemies and enough explosive cubes that you can easily get the achievement. You don't have to clear the server for the achievement. For those that want to, the prime unit is on the right side of the main area with all the enemies. Unlike S11_EMBARGO on the ghost tier, the Prime Unit is a pistol carrier in the Tier 4 S11_EMBARGO. It's pretty easy to take him out with stun rifle and pistol especially if you have focus.
By Allgorhythm on 18 Feb 2017 01:11
I couldn't get this to work as my enemies are way too strong EG it would only reduce their health by about 10%. So what i did was use S04_Talonpike and went and cloaked near a cube. I then got the enemies attention so they came over to the cube to investigate. I uncloaked and they saw me and shot the cube and killed themselves. Achievement unlocked.
By xBFOGx on 10 Mar 2017 00:47
I couldn't get this to work as my enemies are way too strong EG it would only reduce their health by about 10%. So what i did was use S04_Talonpike and went and cloaked near a cube. I then got the enemies attention so they came over to the cube to investigate. I uncloaked and they saw me and shot the cube and killed themselves. Achievement unlocked.
By xBFOGx on 10 Mar 2017 02:22
This confirms KinjoTheTaken's solution. He also got the solution by getting enemies to kill themselves with cubes they'd detonated.
By Allgorhythm on 10 Mar 2017 04:03
Yeah, that's the new one, S11_EMBARGO. That one exists outside of the Ghost Servers, and it *sucks* to complete, I still haven't done it. I feel you on the maxed defenses thing though, I'm right there with you. I think the ability I had gotten for the combat rifle was why I got it there. That's definitely an easier spot I think, on the whole. At the time I didn't even know it was an option, hadn't checked out the new servers much.
By CodeMonkeysGuy on 17 Feb 2017 01:28
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Hi all,

If someone could confirm this it might be useful, bu I unlocked this cheev today completely by accident,

I was in a ghost server and hiding behind a red cube. A heavy unit shot the cube killing me and him, cheev popped at the retry screen, so maybe 2 ppl dying is al that's needed and not necessarily 2 enemies.

There was a drone around at the time too but unlikely to be flying that close to cube to explode, but may need confirming if this method works

01 Mar 2017 11:42

Thumbs up, BTW. Good observation.
By Allgorhythm on 05 Mar 2017 22:40
Lol more of a failure than an observation 😜, glad to finally 100% this game, thank for your help
By KinjoTheTaken on 06 Mar 2017 10:53
You're welcome.

I think one of the things that adds to the gaming experience is uncovering its oddities. With respect to achievements, its particularly gratifying to discover an alternative way to unlock it. Its also neat that, as often as we labor to unlock achievements, that, every so often, one just falls in our lap.
By Allgorhythm on 06 Mar 2017 16:53
Never true a word more spoken lol
By KinjoTheTaken on 06 Mar 2017 17:47
This is exactly how I got this; was carrying a red block to finish off a heavy unit and he shot the block killing us both. It was unexpected but not going to argue!
By Anavryn on 15 Apr 2018 17:48
I think it's very likely you're correct. This would be similar to the

Dishonored 2Fatal RedirectThe Fatal Redirect achievement in Dishonored 2 worth 37 pointsKill an enemy with their own bullet

You get the achievement in Dishonored 2 for killing "an enemy with their own bullet." However, you can also get the achievement by killing yourself. You stand right in front of a hard surface and shoot armored bullets that ricochet off that surface and kill you. So, it would not be surprising if Deus Ex cannot distinguish friend from foe when tallying the deaths required for an achievement.
By Allgorhythm on 02 Mar 2017 03:04
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If you're at all familiar with Breach, then you will have come across the Red Cubes that explode with massive AOE damage when shot. These are an effective weapon against Titan units so make use of them. The quickest way to get this done is in Network 1A S04_TALONPIKE. When the server starts, you'll immediately see 2 enemies patrolling towards several red cubes. Just shoot a cube when the 2 go near. If both enemies are killed, the trophy will pop.


The easiest spot to earn this achievement is during Server S04_TALONPIKE in Network 1A. Once you are dropped into the server, you should be able to see two Defense Units patrolling directly ahead; they will slowly walk forward with their backs turned to you. Once they are lined up with the stack of Red Unstable Crates in the center of the room, shoot the crates to knock them down and damage their health. Now quickly jump down from your ledge and gran any Crate that is nearby and toss it towards them. Shoot it. Iff you're lucky with the positioning, the explosion should finish them both off, thus unlocking the achievement.

NOTE: It may be necessary to use a Nuke Virus to lower the defense level of enemy AI within the server. Additionally, you can equip upgrades to your weapons that increase the damage output from Unstable Crate explosions. Lastly, it may be wise to first lower the enemy AIs health before shooting the Crates, though take note that doing so will separate them and complicate the set-up for the achievement.

The easiest way to get the Trophy is on the S11_EMBARGO server on Network_4A . Enemies move in droves, and cubes are scattered throughout their patrol area.

17 Feb 2017 02:10

1 Comment
NETWORK_1A, card S04_TALONPIKE. As soon as we appear, two guards will appear in front of the red boxes in a few seconds. We run up and shoot. The trophy is ours.
By NA204 on 17 Mar 2020 12:21
I made it on the first try on the S04_Talonpike server in Network_1A.
Video to help:

28 Apr 2017 21:23