Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

82 Achievements


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Foxiest of the Hounds

Foxiest of the Hounds

You triggered zero alarms during an entire playthrough.


How to unlock the Foxiest of the Hounds achievement in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Definitive Guide

Okay, since people keep asking me whether or not I ran into troubles with the game creating "auto-alarms" in the GARM Facilitiy on my stealth run, I figured I might as well write a guide.

Yes, the game glitched on me twice (badly), once in the GARM Facility in the Swiss Alps, and once on the last mission in London, shortly after I got the option to choose either stopping Marchenko or saving the VIPs. By "glitched" I mean the game kept creating alarms, without any obvious reasons (which might be either a bug or have been implemented on purpose). I did not leave bodies for enemies to find, nor was I seen by enemies or cameras, nor did I run through lasers. In fact, I avoided enemy contact whenever possible (more on that later). Strangely, both times I was perfectly out of sight of any enemies.

GARM Facility:

In the GARM Facility, I tried reloading previous saves about 10 times, as well as taking different routes, which didn’t work. The game kept creating an alarm mid-way between the first and the second part of the facility, a few seconds after I was contacted by Elias. It didn’t matter whether I went through the door or the pipe. I fixed the issue by reloading a save before opening the door to the GARM Facility, the first door in the area, which must be opened by hacking the panel. Opening that door triggers the cutscene with Viktor poisoning you. The second time, I did not skip the cutscene, and I entered the facility via the vent on the ground, not the door on the first floor – and it worked. I was not contacted by Elias, nor did the game trigger an alarm. Therefore,

Save your game before opening said door to the GARM Facility. Keep the save file until you left the GARM Facility without the game (or you) having triggered any alarms.

Important note: When doing a new run, all tutorials appear to be reset. That means you are going to get the alarm tutorial upon triggering your first alarm on a run, on the right side of the screen, which I noticed in the GARM Facility, when the game kept triggering the auto-alarm. Therefore, if you get the alarm tutorial, you know it’s your first alarm. If you reload a save upon getting an alarm, you're going to get the tutorial again if triggering another alarm.

*** According to WhiterValkyrie, the alarm in the GARM Facility can be avoided by contacting Alex Vega upon entering the area, not Jim Miller. If you don't happen to have a save before that part, I suggest trying to take out all enemies in the first part of the facility, which might prevent the alarm from being raised. Maybe someone can confirm whether that works or not.

The completion of secondary objectives is not required for this achievement, as confirmed by several gamers.


In London, I got the alarm glitch literally minutes before the end, which made me pretty nervous. Upon deciding whether to go after Marchenko or save the guests from being poisoned, the game – again – triggered an alarm, apparently just for fun. It did not matter which option I chose. This time, however, I took out all enemies in the area (the remaining 10 out of 11) and disabled any alarm panels and cameras I could find. It worked. Therefore, these auto-alarms appear to be triggered by enemies using alarm panels. Keep that in mind.

These where the only incidents where the game glitched on me. If the game happens to create auto-alarms elsewhere on your run, the same tips apply.

General tips:

* Save regularly, while always keeping a save at around 30 to 60 minutes back. You have a total of 11 saves at your disposal, make use of them - especially considering the auto-alarm glitch.

* Go for this achievement on your "New Game+" run. Knowing the game, the missions and what to expect will make it much easier, not to mention still having your augmentations, items and ammo from the first run. Also, doing it on your second run will allow you to skip all side missions without having to worry about not gaining enough XP.

* Avoid enemy contact whenever possible, most efficiently done by using the Glass-Shield Cloaking augmentation. When using this aug, do not use Biocells just to refill your energy. Instead, get out of your enemies' sight and let your energy recharge itself. Only use your Biocells to refill your energy if you are about to run out of energy (while being cloaked) and cannot hide, or your total energy level is low enough to justify a refill.

* Avoiding enemy contact means avoiding takedowns. Takedowns drastically drain your maximum energy capacity, which can be much better spent cloaking yourself. You're going to have a hard time completing this run using cloaking AND takedowns. Furthermore and most importantly; by knocking enemies out, you run the risk of other enemies finding their bodies and triggering alarms.

* It appears your Biocell energy is recharged to full upon entering new territory, meaning upon arriving at and getting back from Golem City, GARM Facility and London. Therefore, don't use Biocells to refill your energy when you're about to take the plane with Elias.

* Personally, I suggest maxing out the following augmentations (in order of in-game listing): Social Enhancer, Hacking Capture, Hacking Stealth, Stealth Avatar, Smart Vision, Sarif Series 8 Energy Converter, Implanted Rebreather, Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis and Glass-Shield Cloaking. LiDAR Mark-Tracker, Icarus Landing and Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis are important too, but, in my opinion, don’t need to be fully upgraded for this run.

* I used the Social Enhancer aug to convince Talos Rucker. If you have upgraded the Icarus Landing system, you can jump down on the left side after leaving his office, bypassing almost all enemies in the area.

* Upon having to decide whether to go for Mission 11 or 12, I did the Bomb Maker mission, using the Social Enhancer aug to convince Allison.

* I took Viktor out using the Killswitch.

* If you are combining this run with the no-kill run, using the Killswitch on Viktor might void the Pacifist achievement, which I cannot confirm though, as I did separate runs and it's actually Viktor who pushes the button.

* Do not run away from hostile enemies or panicked civilians, which might lead to alarms being activated, without you noticing. If you panic civilians, they might inform the police. You never know if the game triggers an alarm without giving you the alarm tutorial, because you've already relocated and can't hear the alarm anymore.

* Enemies being suspicious or going into "searching" mode is okay, as long as you get clear of them before they turn hostile. If there's several hostile enemies and/or your radar turns red, I suggest reloading a save, just to play it safe.

This achievement might be glitched for some people. There have been reports of gamers not getting the Foxiest Of The Hounds achievement, even though they've had flawless runs and never got the alarm guide/tutorial. I'm 100% positive I didn't trigger any alarms (neither before nor after reloading a save) other than the above mentioned auto-alarms, which kept showing me the alarm tutorial. Thus, if those auto-alarms constitute alarms that would void the achievement, I can confirm that reloading saves after getting an alarm is fine.

The above tips just reflect my style of play. Also, I’m new to TA, so go easy on me. Good luck.

25 Aug 2016 16:01

Man that is bullshit. I thought the alarm in the GARM station was unavoidable. FUCK!!
By Valdimier on 25 Aug 2016 23:23
@1: Thanks for the info, I will add it to my solution. The connection to Elias was obvious, but the question remains whether the alarm can be avoided by taking out all enemies in the first area.

@2: No, an enemy being suspicious does not equal an alarm being activted.

@3: I'd check if you still get the alarm tutorial upon getting an alarm. If you do, you can still get the achievement, I suppose.
By CoreScan on 26 Aug 2016 04:41
For me going to Miller before Marchenko prevented any alarms in the last mission for some reason.
By Yhannos on 26 Aug 2016 10:10
I haven't triggered any alarms throughout the game and I haven't had the cheevo at the end.And yes i called Vega and not Miller during the GARM section :(

To verify this,i triggered an alarm at the end of last mission and i saw the tutorial for alarms.So it's really strange.And yeah i killed Marchenko with the tool :(
By Clad master on 26 Aug 2016 16:09
You MUST talk to Miller first, in order for the story to progress, therefore your comment doesn't make any sense.

@ Clad master - that sounds like another glitch. Maybe reloading the last save and completing the run a few more times might unlock the achievement.
By CoreScan on 26 Aug 2016 17:06
From the official PrimaGuide:
"As he starts moving, you get a choice: call either Miller or Vega for help. It’s up to you again, and there are consequences. If you call Miller, it’s going to be impossible to avoid an alert during your exit. If you call Vega, you must maintain stealth to avoid an alert."

I called Vega, followed the path from Seraphim17 and get no Alert.
By Auresil on 26 Aug 2016 17:50
I have the guide too and followed it for this part and yeah...nothing.

And i tried three times with different ways for London and nothing too >_<
By Clad master on 26 Aug 2016 17:57
So for London what I found is taking out the 11 guys in the reception area and three guys in the back before approaching Miller prevented an alarm. Then I took out Marchenko, then saved the delegates without any alarms. I think if you don't take out the guys in the reception area they trigger an alarm, so make sure to take those out.
By Yhannos on 26 Aug 2016 19:44
Done too buddy :'(

But i'll retry on my "I never asked for this" playthrough
By Clad master on 26 Aug 2016 20:07
Thanks for this.I've just hit the glitch in GARM so I've reloaded a save at the beginning & contacted Vega instead,got to the pipe section & no alarm.Hope I don't get the one near the end too.
By Assassin Corvo on 26 Aug 2016 21:09
We need a rundown of which missions can say 'Ghost' and 'Smooth Operator' after mission completion


a list of CONFIRMED ACTIONS that invalidates the achievement.
By angry often on 27 Aug 2016 00:50
Great guide!

I don't know if this matters, but in Human Revolution there was an issue surrounding how quickly you reloaded an autosave (possibly standard saves as well) after an alarm. When I eventually got it it was a playthrough where I quit back to the menu before loading. That was after 3 seemingly perfect runs.

I also believe that completely failing a hacking attempt counted as an alarm... Just a couple of things to consider if anyone's still having issues.
By Wull Scott on 27 Aug 2016 14:50
Well it just unlocked ok for me after only getting the glitch in GARM,which I redid choosing Vega over Miller.No problems in London for me.
By Assassin Corvo on 27 Aug 2016 17:11
Does the gunfight between Drahomir and the cops during "The Golden Ticket" subquest cancel the cheevo ? Nobody attacks me but there's a movement of panic
By Clad master on 27 Aug 2016 17:38
No you'll be fine with that Clad master.
By Assassin Corvo on 27 Aug 2016 20:52
Ok i'm teallu pissed off... 3 times now that i have a perfect run... The last one, no ennemi in the entire game has even saw me... and still nothing... What's the problem, i don't get it..
By WhiterValkyrie on 27 Aug 2016 23:18
Thanks @Assassin Corvo :)

@WhiterValkrie yeah it's really frustrating...It's seems glitched for some points :-/
By Clad master on 27 Aug 2016 23:35
Wanted to say thank you to you for your tips and advice. I just got the cheevo and have sweaty hands!! Had an odd glitch in London where i took out the 11/11 and as soon as i went in the door for the catering part he would call me activating the alarm. I had a save at the elevator so re-did that part about 4 times before i made it through :-)
It seems that even a panic would set the call to come up, in the end went up on the rafters and took out the last 3 so perhaps i was too close and made some noise.
Thanks again for sharing
By Jon#6954 on 28 Aug 2016 14:59
@ WhiterValkyrie - I'm sorry to hear that, then the achievement is clearly glitched.

@ Clad master - No, it most certainly doesn't, unless the police hear gunshots and activate an alarm. But, as said, I'd skip ANY side quests on the stealth run.

@ StringyActor426 - You are welcome. I'm glad you got the ach, and yes - you must not panic any guests while acquiring the keycard, otherwise Viktor triggers an alarm, but that's NOT the auto-alarm I meant, that's supposed to happen.
By CoreScan on 28 Aug 2016 17:20
Does fighting Marchenko at the end count as an alarm? Just finished, never got an alarm (or the tutorial) but I took him out with my hands.
By OOOHHH YEAAHHH on 29 Aug 2016 00:37
Messed up trying to get this on my first run, so just tried for it on my third playthrough on I Never Asked For This difficulty. Triggered no alarms, the alarm guide never popped up and if any enemies turned hostile or civilians panicked I immediately loaded my save, had no problems with GARM or London, took out Marchenko with killswitch, basically cloaked through the entire game and still no achievement. The only thing that I can think of that may have stopped me from getting it is that, after the meeting with Janus in the Information Centre, even when I cloaked and hacked the drones, they would always turn hostile after I dropped down the hole, even the ones in the sewers were hostile and killed the civilians who were in the area.
By ThePuddingBird on 29 Aug 2016 21:31
@ Screen Junkies - Not if you don't get spotted by cameras, drones or turrets, I suppose.

@ TableMooseFace - Those drones have never killed civilians on any of my runs, but if you didn't get an alarm or the tutorial, the achievement obviously glitched on you.
By CoreScan on 30 Aug 2016 04:05

Earlier in the game, in a sidemission, you talk to Eliza and you can choose whether you want her go to hiding or go fighting, or she can decide herself. I chose the option that she can decide herself.

Well, i'm on mission 14 and have to get to the Dvali territory. As soon as I arrive there Eliza will speak to me and bomb will go off. This will result enemies to go searching mode. I load the game went to the spot and when Eliza started speaking to me I ran off. The bomb will go off but I won't get searching mode in my HUD.

Will this Eliza bomb regardless ruin Foxiest of the Hounds cheevo?
By Kun Aguero FIN on 30 Aug 2016 10:40
^ I can confirm, it didn't ruin my Foxiest of the hounds cheevo. :)
By Kun Aguero FIN on 30 Aug 2016 14:03
You sure about that, a Fi1thy Casual? That's important information, to say the least. I'd like to add it to my solution, though I just saw you already added one. Where did you get the info from? Can you confirm 100% that not completing a secondary objective prevents one from getting this ach?
By CoreScan on 02 Sep 2016 05:35
Go right ahead and add it, bud - this is about helping each other out wink
By a Fi1thy Casual on 02 Sep 2016 13:02
We really do need a list of Smooth Operators so we know what to hit. Its only main mjssions, right?

The Prima guide for this completely sucks.
By Sashamorning on 03 Sep 2016 03:40
There may be no alarms in Dubai - Ghost does not add to Foxiest, just Smooth Operator.

If you do not see any alarm panels (wall terminals with a hand print), then chances are there is no Smooth Operator bonus to be acquired.
By a Fi1thy Casual on 03 Sep 2016 12:14
Did you do the bomb maker or the bank heist? I've done all secondary objectives and not received the alarm tutorial and multiple plays and still cannot get this achievement to pop
By Coolhanded Luke on 04 Sep 2016 16:55
^ I'm sorry to hear that. I did the Bomb Maker mission, using CASIE to convince her.
By CoreScan on 04 Sep 2016 17:32
@Is This Memes: I am going through the game again for ebooks, and I noticed that the Secondary Objective in Dubai is the comms booster, not really saving Singh.

I got the Smooth Operator for the Comms, but nothing for the end with Singh. Tried both letting him die, and rushing the the chopper to disable. Either way, Smooth Operator was a bust. In my initial playthrough I made a B-Line to the chopper getting spotted by nearly everyone.

Also, if you did side missions, like taking out Richard (which is rough to do without getting spotted), then it would void Foxiest if you did not get Smooth Operator on those as well, although I am not 100% certain which ones have the bonus.
By a Fi1thy Casual on 05 Sep 2016 16:31
Why are we still just 'winging it' almost a month after release? Even with 300+ people with the achievement, there's still no guaranteed approach to this achievement.
You can't get smooth operator in Dubai, ok? it's the other ten-thousand missions that need confirmation.
By angry often on 06 Sep 2016 01:43
Wtf, HOW do you get this? I just finished my playthrough and I never even let anyone see me. If I did I just restarted checkpoint. I did every secondary objective(except the one that auto fails in London since Liam is dead) and I STILL didn't get it! I at least got my pacifist so not a total loss I guess. But wtf
By blazing hellion on 06 Sep 2016 07:46
On the subject of secondary objectives:

I had an unsuccessful run where I ran only main missions/called vega etc... and didn't get the tutorial so I was pretty flummoxed

I just ran another where I did the calibrator side quest so later in the main missions Otar contacts you to get rid of a merchant in Golem city. It appeared as a secondary objective, completed the game and the achievement popped.

So even though that objective never showed up on my unsuccessful play through as a secondary objective because I never went to see Otar in the first place I think it has to be completed with the smooth operator bonus to get the achievement. So make sure to do at least the conversation with him during the calibrator side quest.
By Coolhanded Luke on 06 Sep 2016 17:20
I just earned " I never asked for this". Got ghost and smooth operator in London (prior to meeting Miller in the cater area, and missed secondary objectives and never hacked an emergency alarm. Almost lost smooth operator by putting a guard behind a couch near the bathrooms in the party area. There is a civilian with dark glasses that hangs nearby and looks behind the couch. Hide the guard in the bathroom stall instead. I had to stun the civilian to prevent the alarm as I had a save in an inconvenient place. Chose to go after Marchenko first but went through the delegates room to get to Marchenko. Got smooth operator there. Did not get foxiest achievement at the end. Probably forgot to reload after a failed hack on an electric fence....sigh. Did not do any side quests on this run.
By Marine1Ten on 09 Sep 2016 23:21
Not sure if different on PC, but I didn't do any secondary objectives (didn't save Singh, didn't shut down signal jammer etc) and still unlocked it.
By Quantum Binman on 11 Sep 2016 00:23
I've just completed a flawless run and didn't get it. Not a clue what I did wrong :(
By Roose91 on 12 Sep 2016 23:51
I just unlocked it. Didn't do all secondary objectives but got smooth operator for all that i did do
By EuroSlayer α on 13 Sep 2016 03:41
The part about secondary objectives is categorically untrue, I completed it yesterday and failed or purposely avoided several secondary objectives, most of the Golem City ones for certain.

EDIT: having read the initial comment regarding secondary objectives again, it seems he is only referring to taking out the 11 guards in Apex Centre. As far as I am aware, he is correct and this does need to be completed to prevent alarms, however no other secondary objective in the story needs to be completed which is what the paragraph in the actual solution seems to imply.
By Roose91 on 14 Sep 2016 03:34
Ok so my random panic/searches were fine.

I didn't unlock this at first because I was going for a Pacifist run as well. I had to fight Marchenko and this triggers an alarm. I reloaded my save, got the kill switch and used that on him and that unlocked Foxiest :)
By LitaOsiris on 14 Sep 2016 11:23
TO ALL: After running through the game on another account, I can confirm I was incorrect in my initial statement regarding secondary objectives. I updated my guide to show the missions with alarms that will void this achievement.

I have also confirmed the two areas that will trigger automatic alarms that will void this achievement:
- Contacting Miller after meeting Marchenk at GARM
- Not taking out all 11(10) of the guards during the London sequence

Both will trigger an automatic alarm that will void this achievement. You need to take out all the guards like a ninja, and contact Vega at GARM.
By a Fi1thy Casual on 14 Sep 2016 14:33
@ LitaOsiris - Enemies searching for you doesn't equal an alarm being activated. I experienced the same thing after leaving Rucker's office, when an enemy noticed the broken wall.

@ Faustus PHD - Congrats and thanks for confirmation.

@ a Fi1thy Casual - I was pretty sure you were wrong about that, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Will edit my solution accordingly.

Thanks to all others for confirming that secondary objectives are not mandatory.
By CoreScan on 15 Sep 2016 07:37
Wouldn't it be funny if Car Alarms counted against this one? I'm gonna try playing through the game on easy without interacting with any enemies whatsoever till the end of the game and see how it goes.

HA! It worked! Just gotta play New Game + on Easy mode while ghosting and speed running the whole way through. And don't bump into any cars.
By Level 75 Noob on 06 Oct 2016 06:31
So frustrated. I've done two runs with no alarms. Just got "I never asked for this" without being seen at all, and still no Foxiest. Got Pacifist on my first run. I did one normal run, got pacifist, then did a NG+ to try for Foxiest, but no, then the "I never asked for this" this time and still no Foxy.


I guess a speed run on easy is going to be the only way for me? I just want to know what is preventing this achievement! I called Vega at GARM, took out all the guards in London. I had no alarms. I just don't know what else I could have done.
By vcllist on 13 Oct 2016 07:35
If you were indeed never seen on both runs, the achievement appears to be glitched for you. I know that can be frustrating, as Alien: Isolation's "One Shot" ach glitched on me about a week ago, and that game is long.
By CoreScan on 14 Oct 2016 20:14
Can u use a latest auto Ave instead of yoir actual save if u muck up
By MORBSTA on 26 Nov 2016 15:34
yes, you can
By CoreScan on 27 Nov 2016 15:09
Just to note, when coming out of the conversation with Janus during Facing the Enigma, no matter what I did the drones were searching for me immediately and I did not get Ghost. I still managed to get the Foxiest achievement.
By ParanoydAndroid on 06 Jan 2017 19:04
Of course you can reload saves.
By CoreScan on 12 Apr 2017 09:08
I can confirm using the drill during mission 13 works for Foxiest achievement even if there is an alarm (RESEARCH in RED). Thanks for the guide
By LibelluleGino on 12 Aug 2017 19:44
I often had the search status activated whilst entering GARM facility despite calling Vega. However I found that if I waited for the conversation to end before entering the facility via the tunnel I would be OK. I just hope I didn't mess up after the Janus meeting, I entered the sewer and wasn't seen but heard there are issues of you exit via the sewer there. I still need a 'I never asked for this' run so another playthrough won't be the worst
By MugenKairo on 23 Aug 2017 20:26
I never understood why there isn't a tracker for such an achievement. It's the 2nd Foxiest, the developers should know what they're doing by now...
By MugenKairo on 23 Aug 2017 20:28
I confidently give the fuck up on this achievement. I went for it on my first run, was surprised when I didn't get it because I never once noticed an alarm (and I didn't contact Miller or fail to take out all the guards in the final mission) but thought screw it, I must have messed up somewhere without realising it. Just finished New Game+, in which I was careful beyond careful, reloaded even when enemies became suspicious just in case, didn't move the ice drill, etc etc. No achievement. Not cool. I used the run to mop up some other achievements, including the E Book one so it wasn't a total waste, but it could have gone considerably faster if I wasn't stealthing and reloading constantly.
By Lyco499 on 24 Aug 2017 20:54
Just want to say that I followed a walkthrough from gamerguides which went over obtaining all of the base game achievements in detail as well as where to find each e-book and breach software. It is also written from the perspective of attaining foxiest of the hounds and pacifist. Highly recommend it. Got everything on my first playthrough and now I just need to tackle the DLC, breach, and another run on Give Me Deus Ex.
By MassiveAssault5 on 01 Sep 2017 19:41
Went for this on my pacifist run. Knocked out all 11 guards in london, deactivated 4 alarm panels, then took out the remaining 3 guards on the way to miller. I chose the bank heist previously thus i went after marchenko first, got spotted when luring him in for emp+knock out, used hidden door to get to delegates and only got pacifist. Loaded back to before talking to miller, got marchenko's killswitch, used it, saved delegates and it popped. Either I got lucky, or you cannot be spotted when fighting marchenko, hence making it difficult to do pacifist and foxiest.
By SteeledOwl on 13 Nov 2017 11:13
Already tried 3 times... the last one was a perfect run with zero "yellow" bars from when enemies are searching and still nothing... this is 100% glitched
By Evan1527 on 10 Jan 2018 03:21
Seems I'm another victim to this glitchy achievement. In the last area I even purposely caused an alarm to make sure the tutorial popped up on the side before reloading for like the 250th time haha. I have no desire to try for this again, especially given all the issues other people have.
By Anavryn on 31 Mar 2018 23:50
Three tries for me, and no idea where I'm going wrong. This is a really frustrating blemish on an otherwise great game.
By Johnny Ola on 03 Jun 2018 19:51
I failed a fair few of the hacks on computers and doors but still got the achievement.
By Andy Wolves on 05 May 2019 17:10
I've now got all cheevo for this game :) done them ages ago
By MORBSTA on 06 May 2019 07:49
was lucky enough to get this earlier today on my 1st playthrough. I just had to reload the final boss to get it. I wasn’t 100 percent sure the whole time while playing, but it worked! thx for the solution :)
By Bear5 Fan 4Ever on 29 Nov 2019 11:08
MOST IMPORTANT thing in the whole entire game is to SAVE BEFORE GARM FACILITY. And also DO NOT DELETE/OVERWRITE said SAVE. EVER.
By laserbearnshark on 22 Jun 2020 18:16
Got it on my first playthrough. In the last mission I triggered an alarm and didn't get the alarm guide prompt, I reloaded just in case and got the achievement at the end.
By BlindGuard2112 on 06 Aug 2020 06:01
I followed xlx EDGE's comment and it popped once the credits started.

Extra details: I failed a few camera hacks, as well as raised suspicions of guards and still unlocked it.
By ScribblesJaws on 30 Dec 2020 01:31
My 2 cents on this.
After a couple of failed runs (easy/no kills/no alarms and hard/no alarms), what finally did it for me was to NEVER hack anything myself. I used a NG+ with tons of crafting materials and never had any trouble doing so.
I'm very confident I never raised any alarm in my first 2 runs (never even saw the tutorial) BUT I failed a few computers hacks. I reloaded my save everytime but I'm quite sure there's a glitch somewhere in the game still counting that against you.
Anyway that's my belief because run 2 and 3 were the same (main missions only, cloaked walk in all areas) and only run 3 unlocked that damned cheevo.
Got a few hostile state in all runs but reloading works in that case (at least it did for me).
By Wicelow on 10 Mar 2021 20:38
By Dr Marty on 14 Sep 2022 11:44
Can add to what others say: NEVER hack. I avoided all but the essential remote hacks even. Did two New Game+ runs, and I got it the second time when not hacking. The run is actually really quick if you critical path on NG+ if you just cloak through enemies, taking cover when you need to recharge, so if you want to do this after a normal run, it can be done. Just be sure to have multitools to hack.
By xPut Name Herex on 21 Mar 2023 04:25
On my first run which I didn't kill anybody nor raised any alarm, I had multiple yellow question marks. I followed the Guide the entire time. Achievements didn't pop I reloaded the final fight with Marchenko 7 times. Didn't get either foxiest nor, Pacifist to pop.

On my second run(Hard Mode) I got through the whole game without any hostile alerts. The cops here are almost broken with their alert mode. They will start searching without reason/ on my third visit to Prague(after Garm) upon leaving the apartment building Jensen lives in, the cops went into an indefinite search mode and instantly went hostile if they saw a door open (No suspicion mode at all) this occurred without cops spotting me nor me interacting with the environment. I left the area without being seen anyway. Achievement didn't pop at the end, game was done in one sitting, got the difficulty related achievement and pacifist.

After achievement did not unlock on second run, I loaded the First run where I was at the end I picked up the kill switch, then used it. When the Credits loaded the achievement popped. WTF! Apperently the fight at the end counts as an alarm for some reason.
By My Ringtones on 27 Apr 2023 18:24
Using the kill switch did not change things for me unfortunately. I'll try one more attempt on NG+ and I'll take the advice of other people who did not hack during their successful playthrough. Its a pain of an achievement since I know for certain I didn't set off any alarms but oh well.
By YaIrishMick96 on 30 Jul 2023 00:42
The glitch in GARM is triggered by the call with Elias... Just call Vega (not Miller then) before entering the vent and Elias will not call you (and the alarm will remain quiet) !
By WhiterValkyrie on 25 Aug 2016 18:12
What constitutes an alarm? If my HUD shows a yellow arc about enemies being suspicious, but not red, does that mean I should restart from a save?

Edit: May have answered my own question based on my past Foxiest achievement for HR:
Deus Ex: Human RevolutionFoxiest of the HoundsThe Foxiest of the Hounds achievement in Deus Ex: Human Revolution worth 362 pointsComplete Deus Ex: Human Revolution without setting off any alarms.

BTW, it would be awesome if we could get a rundown of the Ghostable and Smooth Operaterable equivalents in MD missions just like the old guide did.
By deadpin on 25 Aug 2016 20:01
Ever have an issue where random panic/searches happen? It definitely wasn't caused by me (I simply came up from a sewer) and the cops aren't hostile to me at all yet it still goes through the motion of a countdown until they stop searching.

Not sure if this will affect the achievement so I thought I'd ask if anyone else encountered this and what was the outcome.
By LitaOsiris on 11 Sep 2016 23:29
Continued from above: I triggered no alarms,if I did I just loaded an earlier save,same with cameras/turrets etc.I always tried to look out for either or both of Ghost/Smooth operator however it didn't pop up on a couple of missions,just to keep me sweating I guess.

Stick with it folks!!
By Assassin Corvo on 27 Aug 2016 17:20
Wanted to say thank you to you for your tips and advice. I just got the cheevo and have sweaty hands!! Had an odd glitch in London where i took out the 11/11 and as soon as i went in the door for the catering part he would call me activating the alarm. I had a save at the elevator so re-did that part about 4 times before i made it through :-)
It seems that even a panic would set the call to come up, in the end went up on the rafters and took out the last 3 so perhaps i was too close and made some noise.
Thanks again for sharing
By Jon#6954 on 28 Aug 2016 14:46
So i need to get smooth operator in every main mission? Do Dubai count? Because i have hard time getting smooth operator to pop. I got ghost in every stage of dubai and no one have seen me. used mirror shield and silencer and still no smooth operator. Didnt get the alarm tutorial though.
By JasoX FIN on 03 Sep 2016 10:01
I got this achievement following the posted guide, but also want to reiterate the fact that I did not worry about secondary objectives. I did not even keep track of Smooth Operator bonuses because we do not know exactly what levels have alarms. For me, the two MOST important things to remember are the alarms in GARM and London. Call Vega in GARM. Take out ALL guards in London and hide the bodies. Double checking to make sure this works on a second account now.
By Faustus PHD on 13 Sep 2016 04:54
Hey guys, would just like to add some more confirmations about certain key events during the save that I unlocked Foxiest. (I'm going to spoiler tag the whole thing as well, just in case.)

So this is what I did on the playthrough that unlocked the achievement for me.

Sorry this was so long, but hopefully it helps at least one person. Good luck guys!
By Kurenai Kendo on 04 Mar 2017 22:29
dont have the game so dont know how the gameplay is, but I was wondering, the people saying the achievement is voided on a certain playthrough when you activate an alarm, does that mean your entire playthrough is completely voided so u have to start over or you can just reload a previous save if an alarm triggers?
By Shaneanigens on 12 Apr 2017 05:04
I strongly advise against going for this on your I Never Asked For This achievement run. I ran into the alarm glitch in London. After the cutscene with Miller the game automatically triggers an alarm even though I haven't done anything myself which would cause an alarm. I can not reload an earlier save, as you can only have one save on the hardest difficulty. I got the achievement for beating the game on I Never Asked for This, but no Foxiest. :(
By I Ebon Hawk I on 13 Apr 2017 02:46
After repeating the end several times followed up by three full playthroughs I finally got this God forsaken thing to pop. Here's what I did on the successful run:

- New game plus

- Easy difficulty

- Main missions only

- Refused all side missions that were offered to me

- Gave Rucker's evidence to Vega

- Exited the Janus conversation with the drones by going back up the way I came. I used cloak and noise cancelling augs.

- Chose Allison over the bank as it's shorter and there is less of a chance of getting caught

- Won both debates (Rucker and Allison) with perfect responses

- Called Vega at GARM

- I only preformed a total of 14 takedowns in the entire game. The 11 guards in the party area in London and the 3 in catering right outside of where Miller is poisoned.

- Saved delegates, then went to Marchenko and used the killswitch.

- I DID NOT HACK A SINGLE DEVICE IN THE GAME! I wasn't taking a chance on this last run. I bought crafting parts, multi-tools, and biocells when available and broke everything else down into crafting more parts to keep making biocells and multi-tools as needed.

Basically, I went through the entire game doing as little as possible and interacting with as little as possible. Even in story mission conversations I got out of the convoy asap and didn't dig deeper into anything. Didn't talk to an NPC, didn't touch any NPC's. I snuck through every area with cloak and use the noise cancelling aug as well if I had to do anything other than crouch walk.

Anytime I didn't know a passcode I used a multi-tool to hack something rather than manually do it. The reasons are because I wanted to completely rule out "anomaly detected" as something that causes a glitchy alert as well as minimize the amount of time I was vulnerable, meaning, I didn't want to chance something happening off screen like a random person walking by and seeing me hack a device without my knowledge.

The last two runs I did were identical speed runs, both completely undetected, no alarms, no hostile status, no suspicious status. Heck, even if an enemy saw me for a fraction of a second and that yellow bar slightly appeared momentarily I reloaded my last save.

The only difference with the two runs is that in the successful run I didn't hack a single device, just used a few passcodes and a bunch of multi-tools. If you are having as much trouble with this buggy achievement as I was, try doing that.
By xIx EDGE xIx on 03 Feb 2020 14:48
Just finished my first run going for this and pacifist. I got the pacifist but not the alarm one. I had a save right at the end so I tried both methods of beating the boss with no luck. I checked all of the tutorials and didn't see an alarm one in them. I got noticed by the gold mask guys at the end and they set an alarm off. The tutorial popped up on the screen and in the select menu for that. Frustrated it didn't pop since you can't tell what voided it. Guess I will try a quick new game plus run through

Edit: Got it on a new game + speed run. Just did main missions and made sure ghost/smooth operator appeared when they should. Luckily got it by using the kill switch at the end. Only took down the 11 guards at the end and cloaked through most of the game. Thinking about my first run I failed some of the camera hacks which made me think it tripped something. Only thing I can think of for my first one. There is a good overview on steam where it shows when you should get ghost, smooth operator, or both. I followed that exactly and got this
By wildwest08 on 06 Mar 2021 03:40
I did a full guided run as the player above did and definitely did not set off a single alarm in my playthrough. I meticulously went through things carefully and reloaded at the first sign of trouble so I was at a total loss at how this didn't unlock. I had this issue before with an achievement in Deus Ex Human Revolution too, where I had to reload the final boss and it popped then.

So I attempted that fix in this game to no avail. I made certain I got some sort of stealth bonus like "Ghost" or whatever the next one down was and I did and it didn't pop during the 30 minute credit sequence. I watched it all just in case as I saw one person online had it pop once he went back to the main menu afterwards. It's unbelievable that you cannot skip the credits. I'm sorry but I simply do not care about the 5,000 people listed that worked on the game.

No idea why this achievement is being buggy. I know for a fact I did not set off an alarm. I will try the kill switch method the other guy above had work and I will report back.
By YaIrishMick96 on 29 Jul 2023 23:19
Finally got this to pop on my 2nd full run which I just did on easy on NG+. I used cloaking and made certain I never got spotted. I did get somewhat spotted where I raised suspicion, which obviously did not prevent me from earning the achievement. I didn't hack a single thing on this run and only input the codes and passwords which can be found on Deus Ex wiki. I used a multi tool a total of 4 times. I never entered the hacking mini game and to be honest this may have been why it eventually popped for me as I cannot think of what I did differently from my first run where I also did not raise alarms. I didn't encounter any glitch in GARM but kept a save in case. I took out 11 guards in London. On my first run there was only 10 available to me so maybe that caused an alarm to be raised, I'm not sure. It's actually a surprisingly short game and I enjoyed it anyway so running through it took me probably 5 hours I'd say, maybe less.
By YaIrishMick96 on 31 Jul 2023 13:11
@a Fi1thy Casual

Yes, I'm aware that the comms are indeed required, it's just that since many people consider "Smooth Operator" to be an important requirement for the achievement and since saving Singh pops up as (SECONDARY) like the comms as well, I'd see that as important to the achievement. My only quarrel as you've noticed too, is that "Smooth Operator" didn't pop up at any point when he does get saved. So when secondary objectives don't provide "Smooth Operator", it can be quite unnerving.

Unless he's optional? It's not like I have a choice between 2 routes like the paths to the "Throat" in Golem City or between the bank heist and bomb-maker, he's just there for the taking.

Kinda seems like a silly objective, since you can just run/sneak right up to the chopper, disable it, and later Singh will be fine and healthy when you first visit TF29's base. It seems a bit exaggerated too as you can just activate the cut-scene and that'll just "wipe" all enemies off the battlefield, saving Singh.

No, I completely avoided all side missions. Didn't want any unnecessary inconveniences.
By Vxyen on 05 Sep 2016 21:06
^ It didn't ruin your run because you specifically did not trigger an alarm.

Also, the problem in London with the alarms being set off after you find Miller is not a glitch - if this is happening then you did not complete the secondary objective to take out all 11 guards. Leaving them conscious and finding Miller will result in those same guards gunning down people, and the alarms will go off. Those alarms will not kill your Foxiest run, BUT the fact that the seocndary objective (take out the guards) was not completed WILL RUIN YOUR FOXIEST RUN.

For main missions, primary and secondary objectives must be achieved, and you must get the "Smooth Operator" bonus for both. If you miss a secondary objective completely, then it will count against you (no "Smooth Operator" Bonus) and not give you the achievement at the end of the game.

I am going back through now to see what everyone is talking about with the GARM facility glitches - I read somewhere that if you are going for Foxiest, then talk to Vega after you land and not Miller. I am not certain why, but I will find out.
By a Fi1thy Casual on 31 Aug 2016 17:26
I honestly don't get this achievement at all. angry

Just completed my third run and still failed to obtain it.

Apart from being unable to make contact with Liam Slater in M15 (London convention) or completing the choice opposite of what quest I took between M11 (bomb maker) and M12 (heist), I've done all necessary secondary/optional objectives within the main missions and so far, nothing.

Every time there were secondary objectives to complete in a mission, I always got "Smooth Operator" (part of me is unsure since *some missions* didn't give me it, but since I've gotten 100% in all missions besides the exceptions.....).

*For example, the first mission. It says that I've saved Singh (100% all objectives, saving him counts as secondary), yet when I completed it, I only got "Ghost" as a boost since I snuck my way past the firefight to the heli. So....what the hell? Unless it popped up at some other point and I didn't notice, it should've been there when the cut-scene started playing. Might've been an honest mistake, but it makes me wonder.

No alarm tutorial has popped up whatsoever. It does pop up however when I get an alarm activated via allowing enemies to spot me so that shows I've played it safe.

Chose Vega in M13 (GARM facility), didn't activate the drill.

I've gotten tons of "SUSPICIOUS" responses due to me running past enemies while cloaked but I rarely provoked anyone into "HOSTILE" state (much less stunning anyone at all). When that occurred, I simply reloaded an early save or took down whoever spotted me if the situation wouldn't create any alarms.

I tried taking Marchenko out with both the Killswitch and positioning myself along the left so when I took him down, I wouldn't get spotted by any drones/turrets in the area.

The only thing that might've impacted my game (yet really shouldn't warrant any effect at all since it'd be inevitable anyways) is that I started the bank heist mission early, but decided to go to the bomb maker instead, leaving me at 2/3 objective completion for M12. Planning to go back to a save before that to see if it matters.

Also, if you take down 2 guards at the same time in the London convention, does it count as 1? That secondary objective to me is completed, yet says 10/11.
By Vxyen on 05 Sep 2016 09:42
I ran into the same issue when trying to get it on my first run.
I went through my second this week and got the achievment

I've learned that if you take the sewer escape route after speaking with Janus, it will cause an alarm. Take the elevator route that you used to get to the computer to talk to Janus.

If you contact Miller and not Vega after being knocked out when you first arrive at the GARM facility, it will cause an alarm. (presumably because of the mole in the task force) Contact Vega, not Miller.

When you arrive in London and enter the main room for the party, Miller will give you a side mission to incapacitate all of the guards. Do this side mission; from researching possible alarms in forums, this might cause an alarm as well.

Enemy's alert states do not cause alarms. The alarm will have to be activated by a human enemy manually

Cameras are apart of the security system, so if they see and identify you as a trespasser/enemy, its an automatic alarm.

I am not sure if drones cause alarms

As far as I have seen, turrets do not trip alarms when they have identified you

Of course if you simply avoid enemies and cameras as much as possible, you will not have to worry too much about tripping alarms due to enemies, cameras and maybe turrets.

ABUSE THE CLOAK, IT IS GODLY simply walk past everyone and walk through lasers
Mute footsteps alongside the cloak is helpful as well
Also the ability to see through walls is great
Upgrade the efficiency off all of them and get all of the battery upgrades
Especially the Cloak, that thing is a parasite without upgrades
By MRIKICKAS on 07 Nov 2017 22:30
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9/14/16 UPDATE: Having run through the game a few more times (mostly for fun) I discovered a few things in my guide that are not valid, and I will correct below.

1.) Unlike Deus Ex: HR, there are no scripted alarms at any point in this game.

There are, however, two points where an automatic alarm trigger will occur if:

- You talk to Miller after meeting Marchenko at GARM
- You fail to take out all 11(10) guards at the Apex Centre

If you do either of the above, it will trigger an automatic alarm, and void this achievement.

2.) If you activated the drill in the GARM facility, and fail the dialogue (as specified by DarthSolidKevin in the comments), then you have voided Foxiest.

3.) I had originally thought that one required completing both primary and secondary objectives for main missions in order to acquire this achievement, and it was primarily from failing to take out all 11(10) guards during the London mission. Having run through the game once more on a seperate account, I can confirm that secondary objectives are not necessary (however not taking out the guards will trigger an automatic alarm at the end).

So, to make things easier for everyone, I will list the main missions below, and which ones have actual alarms which will void your Smooth Operator bonus - Bold missions have alarms that can be triggered, Strikethrough missions have no alarms, and thus have no Smooth Operator bonus to be acquired.

M1: Black Market Buy - No Alarms

Prague (First Visit)
M2: Morning Comes Too Soon - No Alarms
M3: Getting in Top Shape Again - No Alarms
M4: Checking Out TF29 - No Alarms
M5: Claiming Jurisdiction - Alarms
M6: Taking Care of Business - No Alarms

Golem City
M7: The Rucker Extraction - Alarms

Prague (Second Visit)
M8: Tracking Down the Real Terrorists - No Alarms
M9: Checking Out the Men in Charge - Alarms
M10: Facing the Enigma - Alarms
M11: Confronting the Bomb-Maker - No Alarms
M12: The Heist - Alarms

Swiss Alps
M13: G.A.R.M. - Alarms

Prague (Third Visit)
M14: Hunting Down the Final Clues - Alarms (literally everywhere in the streets)

M15: Securing the Convention Centre - Alarms
M16: Stopping Marchenko - Alarms
M17: Protecting the Future - Alarms

As I stated above, this is just for main missions. If you wish to take on some side missions, as well as this achievement, be warned that some also have alarms at some point during the mission (Neon Nights and Cult of Personality for example). I highly advise sticking to the main missions only if you are going for Foxiest as a means to mitigate the possibility of accidentally setting off an alarm.

HELPFUL HINT: Wherever there are alarms, there are also security terminals that will deactivate alarm panels. That means, if you can find your way to a security terminal, hack/multi-tool/use passcode on it, and gain access to the system, you can literally make the Smooth Operator bonus a garuntee for that area. If the alarm panels (things on the walls with a hand print) do nothing when a guard touches it, then no alarm will sound.

I tested this in a few areas and found it very amusing making lots of noise while I massacred a room, only to see "Smooth Operator" pop up at the end of the sequence.

4.) If you ever see the "Alarm Tutorial" item appear on the right side of the screen, that is a great way to determine if you set off an alarm. The tutorial info will not pop up for anything until you trigger the specific in-game characteristic associated with the tutorial, so if you see the one for "Alarms" pop up on your screen, reload your previous save and try again.

How alarms get triggered

Basically, the alarms will start sounding if:
- An enemy spotted you, turned "red", and brought the entire world down on your shoulders (via either him, or someone else hitting an alarm panel - the terminals in the game with the hand print on them)
- You stood too long in front of a camera, and it went from White >> Yellow >> Red.
- You got spotted by a turret, and it started firing bullets at you.
- You thought "Hey, if these cameras and turrets don't exist, then I can not get spotted", and decided to destroy them
- You failed a hack on a terminal - this means that when the system caught wind of what you were doing, and started searching for you. then the time went all the way down to zero without you backing out of the hack. Insta-Alarm, and your achievement is gone.
- You tripped one of the many laser grids that exist in the game.
- You fired an unsilenced weapon within earshot of an enemy. Big no-no.
- You lobbed a grenade that goes BOOM! at earshot of an enemy. Another big no-no.

What abilities can help you get this achievement

Obviously there are augs that will help you much more than others regarding this achievement. Here is what I did right off the bat to get Foxiet in my initial playthrough. Yes, you can do this on New Game+, and have everything basically unlocked, but I wanted my New Game+ experience to be more of a badass run and have fun with the experimental augs wink.

1.) Sarif Series 8 Energy Converter: Max this out as soon as possible. This will be your backbone for nearly every single thing you can do, whether it is takedown an enemy if you are in a tight spot, or needing invis to get through a section. Nearly all of your active aug abilities requires energy, and unlike in HR, not everything takes just 1 cell of energy. Different abilities drain at differing rates, and penalize differently with initial consumption. Having your cells recharge at a faster rate, with less of a delay, is more than ideal - it is crucial.

2.) Glass-Shield Cloaking: You are going to find a lot of areas with patroling guards. Taking them out via mano e mano is a drain on your energy, and opening yourself up to a stray guard turning a corner. The vast majority of the time I went from Point A to Point B without touching a soul - just activated invis and crouched out of the area.

3.) Smart Vision: Do not think there is only one path you ca take to get to your objective. Smart Vision, even not maxed, will help you find alternate routes in an area fairly easily with the Wall-Penetrating Imager. If you are stuck at a door, do not have a password and hacking it is unsuccessful, then take a look around and see if there is another route.

4.) Wayfinder Radar System: Seeing where enemies/cameras/turrets are, where they are looking, and identifying patrol patterns is invaluable in a Foxiest run.

5.) - OPTIONAL Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis: It is actually surprising how much noise you make coming out of a vent 5 feel in the air - the Leg Silencers mitigate that for you.

6.) - OPTIONAL Icarus Landing System: There were a few bits I bypassed completely just by jumping down an elevator shaft wink. It comes in handy.

That is essentially all I had in this run. I did not do much of anything with

Why? Because 9 times out of 10 you can find a pocket secretary kicking around that will give you the passwords. Take a second, give the room a thorough sweep and see what you can find.

What items/weapons will help you

1.) Zenith Zap Stun Gun: At the very start of the game, you will be asked to choose between a "Lethal" or "Non-Lethal" playstyle. Choose "Non-Lethal.

Then you will be asked if you want something with "Distance" or something suited for "Close Quarters". Choose "Close Quarters", and you will get this gun, and it will be the main method of neutralizing enemies when need be. Also, very good if you are going for the Pacifist achievement.

The range is "meh" with this gun, but I went through the first half of the game with the tranq rifle, and used it maybe once, and it was for nothing crucial. After I found the Zenith, it made the second half of the game much easier.

2.) Biocells, Biocells, Biocells: These guys charge your batteries. If you are using the glass-shield as much as I did, then you will burn through these little guys insanely fast. Fortunately, if you are backed into a corner you can craft these for 120 parts.

3.) Multi-Tools: If you can not find a pocket secretary with a password, and that terminal is a higher security rating than you can tackle with your abilities, then these devices will give you an edge. If you are stuck in front of a locked door, and can not see an alternate route, then these devices will be a lifesaver. And, if need be, you can craft these as well for 120 parts.


That is literally it. If you have any questions, corrections or neg vote justifications please let me know in the comments below.

31 Aug 2016 13:10

Are you ok to cancel side missions? I just want to sneak into the cult leaders room get the book and get out.
By x GamerAsh x on 31 Aug 2016 23:18
You can skip every side mission in the game by just not doing them and still get the achievement. I sped through the game in ng+ in ~5 hours because I had 40+ biocells from my first playthrough so I was just able to crouch by everything while constantly cloaked.

I didn't do any of the secondary objectives in Golem City but I did the 11 guards side objective near the end though.
By JRod365 on 01 Sep 2016 03:19
So in other words, Singh has to survive in the first mission as well?

Shit. I got to Golem before I thought about what you said about that.
By Sashamorning on 01 Sep 2016 07:15
a Fi1thy Casual - you posted the same thing regarding secondary objectives as a comment on my solution. I'd like to add it to my guide (giving you credit, of course), as this is vital information. Where did you get the info from? Are you 100% certain about completing secondary objectives being mandatory?
By CoreScan on 02 Sep 2016 05:45
@ JRod - that may be considered "optional" because I also did not bother with him during my initial run for Foxiest, however it could be another case where there are no "alarms" to trigger in that sequence to give you the Smooth Operator bonus anyway.

At the moment I am trying to compile a list of which missions have the Smooth Operator bonus and which ones do not as a method of assisting everyone here, and making my clear as mud guide a bit more concise. wink
By a Fi1thy Casual on 08 Sep 2016 18:04
I didn't save Singh. Does that mean I cannot get this achievement?
By Gakkie on 04 Sep 2016 13:34
@ DarthSolidKevin: I will update my guide - thank you.
By a Fi1thy Casual on 05 Sep 2016 16:19
@ snake42069: it has been confirmed that there is no Smooth Operator bonus for Singh at all, so saving him, or letting him die, does nothing for this achievement.
By a Fi1thy Casual on 12 Sep 2016 14:37
I updated the guide, correct my own errors, and listed what missions have alarms that can be triggered. Hopefully this is more helpful to everyone.
By a Fi1thy Casual on 14 Sep 2016 14:29
I have a question about the panel hack I have had the time run out on me when I backed out none of the guards turned hostile and no alarms was sounding does that still fail the achievement
By Goggs25 on 20 Jan 2017 00:18
@ Gogg25 - as long as you did not see the "Alarm Tutorial" prompt on the left side of the screen, you should be good. (emphasis on should)
By a Fi1thy Casual on 20 Jan 2017 13:58
I know I didn't keep any save that had an alarm triggered and I took out all 11 guys at the end. EMP'd the last boss and took him out. Yet no Foxiest. I got suspicious and searching many times but no Hostile or Alarm that I continued without reloading a save.
By Shadow XBL on 08 Jul 2017 23:20
@ Shadow: Try an experiment. Reload the save, and just get spotted by someone. If the "Alarm Tutorial" does not pop on the left side of the screen, then you probably did something along the way that triggered an alarm.

Did you happen to talk to Miller when you woke up at GARM?
By a Fi1thy Casual on 09 Jul 2017 12:44
About singh, i am almost through the game and i noticed i didnt save singh. Ill let everyone know if i dont get the achievement. I also didnt get 2 secondaries in M7 (They are greyed out), "Use Tibors Card" and "Talk To Lubos".

Im pretty sure smooth operator doesnt mean squat, as long as you dont get the alarm codex entry. Im reading on the steam forums about this achievement.

Secondary objectives dont mean shit, and saving singh didnt void the achievement. The only thing that matters is that you dont fail panel hacks, let cameras/robots go red, and dont let enemies touch alarm panels. While not having the alarm codex is a good indicator of whether youve triggered an alarm, that only comes to you if you are in a area with alarm panels. You can fail panel hacks outside of an area without alarm panels, and you wont get the codex. So, to be safe, always back out before 00:00:00. If you fail to do that, revert to a previous save.
By snake42069 on 08 Sep 2016 20:51
@a Fi1thy Casual I know that. i wasnt arguing that point. Your original post states that secondary objectives must be completed. They dont. the ONLY thing that matters is alarm panels not being activated and panel/laptop hacks not failing (remote hacks can be failed safely).
By snake42069 on 13 Sep 2016 16:24
Just want to add something here, if ever worried thinking did that or didn't that set of an alarm, easy way to tell, unless you receive a guide pop-up titled "Alarm System", then no alarms were set off, only when you get this does it mean you have triggered an alarm, and if worried you may have missed it, just bring up the in game menu and cycle to the guide tab to check if it's in there, if so, then you have at some point triggered an alarm, if not in there, carry on about your business, all is well.
By zedgehog on 02 Sep 2016 09:37
@ JRod: Golem City's "Secondary Objectives" are more Optional, as the path to Rucker is split. I tried to clarify in my guide.

@ Sasha: I am not certain - in my playthrough I saved Singh, but I also activated the comms booster without getting spotted, so I am not certain if keeping him alive is vital.

@ CoreScan: Go ahead and add it, bud. wink

@ zedgehog: That is #4 of the initial list in my guide
By a Fi1thy Casual on 02 Sep 2016 13:06
About #2: I used the drill in the GARM facility and still got the Foxiest achievement. I think you'll trigger an alarm if you fail the dialog with the guy that contacts you through the intercom. But just using the drill doesn't void the achievement.
By DarthSolidKevin on 04 Sep 2016 18:06
In order to use the drill without an alarm, you must have the casie aug. When you first move the drill, a guy will talk over the intercom. For me, he was an omega.
By snake42069 on 05 Sep 2016 17:45
@a Fi1thy Casual I didn't save the guy's brother in Golem City in the run I got this achievement and that's considered a secondary objective. I think the one example you keep bringing up with the 11 guards is just a special case as there's no other secondary objective I even remember doing, other than shutting the signal booster down in the first mission, because I walked right by it.
By JRod365 on 08 Sep 2016 17:20
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Here is a playlist link for a full walkthrough to achieving Foxiest of the Hounds and Pacifist in a single run. It is on Give Me Deus Ex difficulty and showcases strategies that could prove invaluable for I Never Asked For This. It also features commentary for additional tips.

Good luck, folks.

25 Aug 2016 22:38

I completed game at hardest difficult with your guide - thank you.

However, I think M15 walkthrough is a bit hard.
Instead of disabling first bad guy, you need to turn invis on, run to ventilation system and go straight to 3rd guy. When you disable him, you will get password to security computer. So you may disable all four cameras.
Guy with door card will go to toilet. So its much easier just to follow him and disable him there.

At M16 you upgraded your hacking skill to open room to VIP. You may just use code 2202 instead.
When you disarming 4 mines, you may just turn on eye vision and hack mines w/o risking to die.
By DoublesunRUS on 28 Aug 2016 07:07
Worked perfectly for my i never asked for this run
By Mercutio0305 on 04 Sep 2016 20:38
Worked perfectly for me like all your guides do. Really enjoyed your walkthrough, hints and tips. Hopefully someone is developing a coop stealth game some day. Really would be an honour for me to stealth through it with you. ..and you take care now ;)
By Maze Mayhem on 10 Sep 2016 22:16
Awesome guide as always
By MORBSTA on 03 Dec 2016 19:42
Worked great - thanks
By Gouldy1972 on 31 Aug 2017 11:11
Many Thanks to you and your guide. Nice work!
By WhiskeyCharlie on 10 Feb 2018 17:18
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This is by far the best guide I have seen for this, it's concise and doesn't contain all the unnecessary information of other solutions.

I take no credit for the information below, I've just copied and pasted it from gamefaqs and it was written by the user defster who has not given me permission to post this (and so if he gets in touch and wants it removed I'm more than happy to oblige).

It's essentially just a checklist to compare against your end result for each section of the game and using this I got the achievement on my second run through the game.

M3: ghost (once you reach the red book)
M5: ghost, smooth operator (once you get the DSD device)
M7: ghost, smooth operator (when meeting Sokol)
ghost, smooth operator (getting deeper into ARC, with two augs talking)
ghost, smooth operator (taking elevator to Rucker)
smooth operator (leaving helicopter when returning to Prague)
M9: did not get any bonuses post-mission. (still, make sure not to trigger alarms)
M10: ghost (after leaving Janus meeting. must return the same way you entered - sewers triggers auto-alarm)
M11: no bonuses at all (church mission has no alarms, unable to get ghost)
M13: GARM, no bonus given during mission (do NOT contact Miller in the beginning)
M14: ghost, smooth operator when talking to Miller, before starting the actual mission (reward for M13)
M14 main: did not receive any bonuses
M15/M16: ghost, smooth operator x2. Kill all guards and talk to Miller to avoid the alarm.
= got Foxiest on 2nd NG+ attempt.

Only real thing to note that isn't mentioned is to make sure you do take the elevator to Rucker and not the path through the Golden Rookery area; like if you take the sewer path after the Janus meet or contact Miller rather than Vega at GARM, this somehow seems to void getting the "Ghost" or "Smooth Operator" recognition (whether they be hidden or displayed to you) that you need for that section to count.

14 Sep 2016 03:29

You CAN unlocked this if the alarm randomly triggers in the GARM level. I chose to contact Miller, and used the ice drilling machine. The automatically triggered alarm is counted as a story alarm, not a player triggered alarm.

If you get it, keep being stealthy for the rest of the game, and it will unlocked when you finish. I got this, Pacifist, and I Never Asked For This in one playthrough

07 Jan 2017 11:07

It's looking like there's a lot of conflicting info out there about Foxiest, so I'll tell you what worked for me.

I just got this while running I Didn't Ask For This, so I was being especially careful, and skipping things that were unnecessary. Any time I thought I was about to be attacked, I reloaded. That's why it might be good to combine these two in one run.

1) I reloaded almost every time someone had full yellow on me, but NOT every time. Whenever there was a full red, I reloaded (except when it was as a was knocking the person out). Whenever I failed a hack, I reloaded.

2) I did a stealth run around the outside of the helicopter in Dubai. I still avoided everyone and got Ghost. Singh survived. I did the secondary objective, mostly because there's an awesome shortcut that lands you there.

3) I did NOT get Smooth Operator in all of the missions that I could I have.

4) I skipped the mission to save the brother in Golem. I told Gallois to get out of Dodge, since that came up.

5) I didn't run out of Golem at the very end, and may have actually earned my Smooth Operator by doing that. (Not confirmed.) I did take out the last two guards at the end.

6) The drones never turned hostile during Enigma, but they were definitely red and searching.

7) I did the Helle mission, and used the breaker to kill the guys. They flashed red. (I also made sure to read the Pocket Secretary before continuing that mission.)

8) I called Vega in GARM, and therefore avoided Miller calling in the hounds halfway through. THIS IS KEY. Calling Miller will trigger unavoidable alarms. (The Prima guide confirms this as well.)

9) In GARM, I used the drill, and scolded the person who then called me. (Then I pulled the ladder down from below and walked across the beam, going into hangar 2 through the deactivated electrical pipe).

10) Helle unleashed hell when I went into Dvari.

11) In London, I silently took out all 11. Then I used the kill switch, then the security stash key to go through the secret door to Brown.

There really aren't that many non-primary objectives in the game. I obviously didn't do all the optionals in Golem.

I hope this sheds more light on what's foxy and what isn't.

07 Sep 2016 00:36

Foxiest of the Hounds is one of the toughest achievements to get, mostly due to the touchy nature of what an alarm is. This is what I did in my playthrough to get it:

Put your Aug points into Cloaking and Biocells, because the main tactic that you should use throughout the game is using the cloak to bypass all enemies.

Don't use takedowns as they drain a large portion of the Biocell, use a stun gun instead.

Do not fail a hack. If you're about to be locked out then back out, as the lockout can raise an alarm.

For the GARM Facility, contact Vega at the start, otherwise an unavoidable alarm will go off. What I did in the facility is cloak through the first room to the electrified pipe in the back right, then cloak to the end, and no alarm went off.

For London, make sure to take out all 11 of the guards in the reception area, and the 3 in the back. If you don't do this, there will be an unavoidable alarm after talking to Miller. What I did is take out the guards, talk to Miller, take out Marchenko, and then save the delegates.

Ignore all side missions. You do not want to trigger an alarm that could be avoided by simply not doing the mission. Better to be safe than sorry.

Good luck with this achievement, you'll need it.

27 Aug 2016 12:24

I can confirm that taking out the final boss without the Killswitch could VOID this achievement. I was doing a Foxiest / Pacifist playthrough and chose to knock him out and I got the Pacifist achievement, but not this one. I had a save ready to get the Killswitch achievement. I killed him (thus preventing the fight / alarm) and I got Foxiest.

Basically, it's really easy to get an alarm during the fight and not realize it. If you're sure you beat the entire game with no alarms, but still didn't get it, try using the killswitch.

29 Aug 2016 20:39

After repeating the end several times followed up by three full playthroughs I finally got this God forsaken thing to pop. Here's what I did on the successful run:

- New game plus

- Easy difficulty

- Main missions only

- Refused all side missions that were offered to me

- Gave Rucker's evidence to Vega

- Exited the Janus conversation with the drones by going back up the way I came. I used cloak and noise cancelling augs.

- Chose Allison over the bank as it's shorter and there is less of a chance of getting caught

- Won both debates (Rucker and Allison) with perfect responses

- Called Vega at GARM

- I only preformed a total of 14 takedowns in the entire game. The 11 guards in the party area in London and the 3 in catering right outside of where Miller is poisoned.

- Saved delegates, then went to Marchenko and used the killswitch.

- I DID NOT HACK A SINGLE DEVICE IN THE GAME! I wasn't taking a chance on this last run. I bought crafting parts, multi-tools, and biocells when available and broke everything else down into crafting more parts to keep making biocells and multi-tools as needed.

Basically, I went through the entire game doing as little as possible and interacting with as little as possible. Even in story mission conversations I got out of the convoy asap and didn't dig deeper into anything. Didn't talk to an NPC, didn't touch any NPC's. I snuck through every area with cloak and use the noise cancelling aug as well if I had to do anything other than crouch walk.

Anytime I didn't know a passcode I used a multi-tool to hack something rather than manually do it. The reasons are because I wanted to completely rule out "anomaly detected" as something that causes a glitchy alert as well as minimize the amount of time I was vulnerable, meaning, I didn't want to chance something happening off screen like a random person walking by and seeing me hack a device without my knowledge.

The last two runs I did were identical speed runs, both completely undetected, no alarms, no hostile status, no suspicious status. Heck, even if an enemy saw me for a fraction of a second and that yellow bar slightly appeared momentarily I reloaded my last save.

The only difference with the two runs is that in the successful run I didn't hack a single device, just used a few passcodes and a bunch of multi-tools. If you are having as much trouble with this buggy achievement as I was, try doing that.

03 Feb 2020 14:51

Yes, the game glitched on me twice (badly), once in the GARM Facility in the Swiss Alps, and once on the last mission in London, shortly after I got the option to choose either stopping Marchenko or saving the VIPs. By "glitched" I mean the game kept creating alarms, without any obvious reasons (which might be either a bug or have been implemented on purpose). I did not leave bodies for enemies to find, nor was I seen by enemies or cameras, nor did I run through lasers. In fact, I avoided enemy contact whenever possible (more on that later). Strangely, both times I was perfectly out of sight of any enemies.

GARM Facility:

In the GARM Facility, I tried reloading previous saves about 10 times, as well as taking different routes, which didn’t work. The game kept creating an alarm mid-way between the first and the second part of the facility, a few seconds after I was contacted by Elias. It didn’t matter whether I went through the door or the pipe. I fixed the issue by reloading a save before opening the door to the GARM Facility, the first door in the area, which must be opened by hacking the panel. Opening that door triggers the cutscene with Viktor poisoning you. The second time, I did not skip the cutscene, and I entered the facility via the vent on the ground, not the door on the first floor – and it worked. I was not contacted by Elias, nor did the game trigger an alarm. Therefore,

Save your game before opening said door to the GARM Facility. Keep the save file until you left the GARM Facility without the game (or you) having triggered any alarms.

Important note: When doing a new run, all tutorials appear to be reset. That means you are going to get the alarm tutorial upon triggering your first alarm on a run, on the right side of the screen, which I noticed in the GARM Facility, when the game kept triggering the auto-alarm. Therefore, if you get the alarm tutorial, you know it’s your first alarm. If you reload a save upon getting an alarm, you're going to get the tutorial again if triggering another alarm.

*** According to WhiterValkyrie, the alarm in the GARM Facility can be avoided by contacting Alex Vega upon entering the area, not Jim Miller. If you don't happen to have a save before that part, I suggest trying to take out all enemies in the first part of the facility, which might prevent the alarm from being raised. Maybe someone can confirm whether that works or not.

The completion of secondary objectives is not required for this achievement, as confirmed by several gamers.


In London, I got the alarm glitch literally minutes before the end, which made me pretty nervous. Upon deciding whether to go after Marchenko or save the guests from being poisoned, the game – again – triggered an alarm, apparently just for fun. It did not matter which option I chose. This time, however, I took out all enemies in the area (the remaining 10 out of 11) and disabled any alarm panels and cameras I could find. It worked. Therefore, these auto-alarms appear to be triggered by enemies using alarm panels. Keep that in mind.

These where the only incidents where the game glitched on me. If the game happens to create auto-alarms elsewhere on your run, the same tips apply.

General tips:

* Save regularly, while always keeping a save at around 30 to 60 minutes back. You have a total of 11 saves at your disposal, make use of them - especially considering the auto-alarm glitch.

* Go for this achievement on your "New Game+" run. Knowing the game, the missions and what to expect will make it much easier, not to mention still having your augmentations, items and ammo from the first run. Also, doing it on your second run will allow you to skip all side missions without having to worry about not gaining enough XP.

* Avoid enemy contact whenever possible, most efficiently done by using the Glass-Shield Cloaking augmentation. When using this aug, do not use Biocells just to refill your energy. Instead, get out of your enemies' sight and let your energy recharge itself. Only use your Biocells to refill your energy if you are about to run out of energy (while being cloaked) and cannot hide, or your total energy level is low enough to justify a refill.

* Avoiding enemy contact means avoiding takedowns. Takedowns drastically drain your maximum energy capacity, which can be much better spent cloaking yourself. You're going to have a hard time completing this run using cloaking AND takedowns. Furthermore and most importantly; by knocking enemies out, you run the risk of other enemies finding their bodies and triggering alarms.

* It appears your Biocell energy is recharged to full upon entering new territory, meaning upon arriving at and getting back from Golem City, GARM Facility and London. Therefore, don't use Biocells to refill your energy when you're about to take the plane with Elias.

* Personally, I suggest maxing out the following augmentations (in order of in-game listing): Social Enhancer, Hacking Capture, Hacking Stealth, Stealth Avatar, Smart Vision, Sarif Series 8 Energy Converter, Implanted Rebreather, Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis and Glass-Shield Cloaking. LiDAR Mark-Tracker, Icarus Landing and Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis are important too, but, in my opinion, don’t need to be fully upgraded for this run.

* I used the Social Enhancer aug to convince Talos Rucker. If you have upgraded the Icarus Landing system, you can jump down on the left side after leaving his office, bypassing almost all enemies in the area.

* Upon having to decide whether to go for Mission 11 or 12, I did the Bomb Maker mission, using the Social Enhancer aug to convince Allison.

* I took Viktor out using the Killswitch.

* If you are combining this run with the no-kill run, using the Killswitch on Viktor might void the Pacifist achievement, which I cannot confirm though, as I did separate runs and it's actually Viktor who pushes the button.

* Do not run away from hostile enemies or panicked civilians, which might lead to alarms being activated, without you noticing. If you panic civilians, they might inform the police. You never know if the game triggers an alarm without giving you the alarm tutorial, because you've already relocated and can't hear the alarm anymore.

* Enemies being suspicious or going into "searching" mode is okay, as long as you get clear of them before they turn hostile. If there's several hostile enemies and/or your radar turns red, I suggest reloading a save, just to play it safe.

This achievement might be glitched for some people. There have been reports of gamers not getting the Foxiest Of The Hounds achievement, even though they've had flawless runs and never got the alarm guide/tutorial. I'm 100% positive I didn't trigger any alarms (neither before nor after reloading a save) other than the above mentioned auto-alarms, which kept showing me the alarm tutorial. Thus, if those auto-alarms constitute alarms that would void the achievement, I can confirm that reloading saves after getting an alarm is fine.

10 Mar 2018 00:00

Those bugs are scripted in GARM it's if you contact Miller (it doesn't void the achivment) and in the last mission it is if you didn't take out all of the guards from the optional objective (THIS ONE DOES VOID THE ACHIVMENT)
By Krest3r on 24 Mar 2021 21:49
I just, finally, got this one on an NG+ playthrough in story mode. It took four runs for me to get it and your guide was useful--many thanks. Here are some things I focused on during the successful run:
*avoid all cars so as not to inadvertently set off alarms
*avoid all underground areas as much as one can. definitely no side missions
*abuse glass shield shamelessly. if you somehow run out of biocells, make sure you have the disassembly augs maxed and make your own for cheap
*I didn't take down anyone until London, I'm pretty sure. Just scooted past them and laser barriers with glass shield.
*In London, I made sure to take down *both* security rooms in the first area. The first is the empty room by the elevator and the second is in the big red area over on the left side, upper floor.
*I used the Damocles Sword killswitch and it worked fine with this achievement, killing the final boss with no fight--I mention this here, because you'll need to grab it under the desk computer in the area to the left with a single enemy just before you find Miller. Take down this enemy as well as the two earlier in the same corridor.
*In London, I took down every single enemy, most with the stun pistol, and dragged their bodies off to conduits, etc. I did this in all areas except the last run to the conference room after Miller. In that final area, I didn't take down any enemies, just used glass shield and conduits to get around. Remote hacking took down the lasers in the storeroom passthrough with the crates--make sure to turn your vision aug on to make sure you get them all--some are invisible otherwise. That's right before the elevator drop where you finally can get to the conference room.
*After saving the conference attendees, interact with the hidden door in the solid green wall and run to the end to trigger the final fight. Be alert for the killswitch option--you have a 5 second or so window, so be alert but not too worried.
*The achievement didn't pop right away for me when the credits rolled, so I Alt-F4'd out of the game and it popped then. Same thing happened in my no death run with that achievement.
By NicksCheevos on 22 Mar 2023 04:22

This achievement will require that you complete an entire playthrough without ever having raised a single alarm. As mentioned above, this is best stacked during a playthrough where you're going for the "Pacifist" achievement. This works best since you will be bypassing enemy encounters stealthily, thereby reducing the chances of ever being seen. If you do happen to accidentally raise an alarm, you can reload your latest save and carry on.

Please be aware that enemies can become suspicious and enter the "search" state. The achievement will not be void until an actual alarm is triggered and the enemy goes from "Search -> Hostile." You can also loosely keep track of this by keeping an eye out for the "Ghost" or "Smooth Operator" bonuses after completing an objective/mission.

NOTE: These bonuses will not always appear even if you do remain completely unseen and do not raise any alarms. This is because some sections of a mission do not have alarms. It's tough to rely solely on the presence of these bonuses to track progress, so just make sure you are reloading your latest saves if an enemy becomes hostile.

Thanks to PowerPyx, you can follow the guidelines below for actions that trigger alarms and actions that must be avoided:

  • Running into red laser grid
  • Failed Hacks (Timer reaches 0:00 and/or Access Point is traced)
    • Always back out of the hack before time runs out or you are traced. You can reload a save if this happens, though.
  • Enemy activates Alarm Panel
  • Enemy finds someone’s body, then goes on to trigger an alarm
  • Security camera finds a body
  • Shooting security camera and/or security robots
  • Security cameras going full red
  • Turrets going full red and shooting at you
  • At the start of Mission 13, G.A.R.M., you must call Vega, not Miller. Calling Miller will cause an unavoidable alarm in the first enemy section of this mission.
    • Do not use the drill (skip the “Core Driller” achievement) and do not take out any enemies in the first hall. To get to the next area go through the electrified pipe in the north-east corner of the hall instead of using the keypad at the door.
  • In Mission 15 you must do the optional objective “Neutralize All Enemies in the CSO 11/11."
    • If you don’t do this, the reception area of Mission 16 will be hostile and have an alarm.

Lastly, it is highly recommended to focus on unlocking and fully upgrading the following augmentations for this playthrough: Glass-Shield Cloaking, Smart Vision, Hacking Capture, Hacking Stealth, Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis, Icarus Landing, Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis, Wayfinder Radar System, LiDar Mark-Tracker, and Sarif Series 8 Energy Converter.


(Highly Missable!)

As the trophy describes, you must not trigger any alarms from the start of the game up till the end. An alarm is triggered in the event any of the following occurs:

  • You fail a hack (timer reaches 0); the AI initiating a trace does not count as alarm
  • You trip a laser gate
  • You trigger an event that causes an enemy injury and it is detected
  • While cloaked you carry an object around and the enemy sees the moving object (objects are never cloaked by the way)
  • An enemy spots you or an incapacitated body then activates an alarm panel
  • A camera/turret/drone spots you or an incapacitated body sufficiently long enough to turn hostile(red)

The XP bonus “Smooth Operator” is given in the event you completed objectives without raising alarms (if an alarm system is present). If an alarm was raised, it will usually be accompanied by a popup “alarm tutorial” on-screen if it was your first alarm. This is a very good indication that you have screwed up somehow. Additionally, there are events below that result in unavoidable alarms unless you act specifically.

  • Main Mission 13: G.A.R.M Facility - After the ambush, you MUST contact Vega! Contacting Miller will raise an unavoidable alarm in the second area.
  • Main Mission 17: Protecting the Future - Must complete the secondary objective in the reception area by neutralizing all 11 enemies quietly, without being detected by enemies or NPCs.

Certain missions (such as M01) will not reward Smooth Operator because there is no alarm system present in the mission. It is in your best interests to go 100% stealth while attempting this trophy, and avoid been seen wherever possible. Completing the mission without being seen will result in a “Ghost” XP bonus which is one better than “Smooth Operator”. It's okay if enemies heard you make a noise and became "suspicious" or if citizens become "panic" due to your actions. These things those two things won't void Foxiest of the Hounds from unlocking.

Our general guide lists which XP bonuses are possible for each Main Mission and Side Missions.

I recommend refraining from side missions so as not to create problems.
It won't be a big deal if the word "suspicious" appears. Hide and wait for the enemy to leave.
After clearing locations with anxiety, you receive the “Ghost” and “Trickster” bonuses. But not everywhere the alarm can be raised and, accordingly, these bonuses will not appear.
Here's what might raise the alarm:
-Run through the red laser;
-Failed a hack (the timer reached 00:00) of any system;
-The enemy activated the alarm panel;
-The enemy saw the body and activated the alarm panel;
-The security camera spotted the body;
-Shooting at security cameras and robots;
-The security camera spotted you and lit up red;
-The turret glowed red and started shooting at you;
-In mission 13 (GARM), call Vega, not Miller. A call to Miller will set off an alarm in the first room with enemies. Do not use the ice ax (the one associated with the Driller trophy);
-In mission 15 there will be an optional requirement "Neutralize 11 guards". Be sure to do this, otherwise anxiety in the future is inevitable;
-In mission 16, first run to Miller before the battle with Marchenko. Otherwise, there will be inevitable anxiety later;
> Here is a video <how to deal with Marchenko in a non-lethal way and without detection (one EM mine/grenade is enough)

27 Aug 2016 17:45

It is absolutely contraindicated to complete side mission number 6. In Chapter 14, in gratitude for her help, Elisa Kassan smashes half of the Red Light District to smithereens. Fir-fir.
By matador_torba on 05 Sep 2016 19:30
If you ask Eliza Kassan for help, and in Chapter 14 she helps you by blowing up police cars in the red light district, then this does not affect the receipt of the trophy .
By Suffskin on 05 Sep 2016 21:42
On NG+, with an already leveled up character, you can simply buy cellular batteries wherever possible, craft them, pick them up, and fly through all the missions under invisibility. You just need to knock out 11 guards in London, that’s all.
By Sookie69 on 21 Sep 2016 12:46
At GARM I used a drill, and there was no alarm. If you play NG+, or you have upgraded remote control, then feel free to drill, go up and go through the drilled tunnel. Otherwise, often in the very first pavilion a “search” began for no reason, no matter who to call Vega or Millir.
By Baphometa on 04 Sep 2016 14:08
I confirm about Eliza Kassan, her “help” does not affect the trophy.
By AleXTDK on 06 Sep 2016 16:56
Video on getting "I didn't ask anyone for this", "weasel" and "pacifist" in one run. I went through it exactly as in the video, I got the sneaky one the first time
By burma on 04 May 2018 00:03
1. It's better not to bother with Dragomir at all in the Golden Ticket side mission, because it can ruin everything. You only need to go through there once, when you first go to Koller, you can simply crawl through to the right of the checkpoint behind the wall, the main thing is not to get fired.
2. After meeting with Janus, leave not through the sewer, but through the elevator shaft, as you came, otherwise the alarm will automatically sound. As I understand it, this plays an important role, because if you go into the sewer, the copters will go into alarm mode. This is also written about in the English wiki.
3. Try not to touch anyone, and if someone has been neutralized, hide the body as best as possible. Upgrade invisibility, energy converter, collect batteries.
By fed90 on 02 Jul 2017 18:54
-In mission 13 (GARM), if you called Miller, when the second hangar was hit, the alarm was raised, then this does not affect the receipt of the trophy .

Like the car bombing by Eliza Kassan in mission 14 and the subsequent alarm, it does not affect the receipt of the trophy .

The main thing is to stealth pass the alarm zone without coming into the enemy's field of view.
By castleKG on 25 Oct 2016 14:38
Failing remote hacking can also fail the trophy.
I would also advise you to avoid setting off car alarms.
By SlowQuorex on 02 May 2017 15:01
The trophy was given out after all the cutscenes just before the credits. Don't panic right away, if anything happens
By MicrophoneMan on 06 Mar 2019 02:52
I’ll add a little hint to what was written above about drones.
In mission 10, after meeting with Janus, 3 drones will arrive. By this moment you need to have a “Camouflage Implant” , at least by 1 .
Climbing into the sewer is not an option - alarm (a bug or intended, it’s not clear). You need to go in the opposite direction along the elevator shaft, but there are lasers there. There is no way to turn them off remotely. Therefore, turn on your disguise and boldly run past the drones through the lasers . Drones won't notice you and lasers won't activate
By Hugo_Strange on 22 Aug 2017 00:05
After talking with Janus, 3 drones fly into the tourist center and some have a bug that they appear immediately with alarm. This does not affect getting a trophy, the main thing is not to catch their eye in the end.
By Altair4713 on 16 Jul 2017 17:38
When passing through, I chose the bank branch, therefore I didn’t have a jammer on Marchenko, I went straight to him and in the conversation I chose “Fight”, after that in battle I first turned off the entire security system, and then tried to put the enemy to sleep with a rifle from afar, but due to carelessness I got caught twice during the battle eyes, which almost led to an inevitable mistake because it was all on maximum difficulty. After the battle there was no timer for 10 minutes, I got to the delegates literally through the wall, having found it by chance while the card terminal was hiding on the second floor behind the table on which the turret stood, walked 20 meters along the corridor and at the beginning of the credits I got a sneak. Apparently, being discovered by the boss does not count as alarm.
By Alarius on 12 Feb 2020 20:04
I confirm about the alarm with drones after the meeting with Janus. The first time I completed the game without alarm, only with drones there was a status (search), I left through the sewer. I thought that this was intended, since the status appears immediately. They didn't give me a trophy. The second time, before entering the door with Janus, he went into the sewer, ran to the room with the pipes, and climbed back out. The drones appeared without alarm, climbed out through the elevator shaft. They gave me the trophy.
By crazy_creatiff on 01 Aug 2018 10:41
It seemed like I did everything right, but they didn’t give me the trophy.
in chapter 10, before the meeting with Janus, bots can appear in search mode, the treatment is described above: go down into the sewer and return (exit the quest area), leave as you came through the elevator shaft
In the Alps, it’s better to call Vega and not touch the drill: I was alarmed, people write that it doesn’t have an effect, but it’s better not to risk it, they didn’t give me a trophy
easy to do speedrunning in 2 hours
By skylark on 21 Sep 2019 08:41
The failure of remote hacking does not affect the trophy, the main thing is that the alarm is not raised, I failed remote hacking twenty times during the pass, but they gave me the trophy.
By UnruledStorm on 18 Jul 2021 20:59
Received a trophy from completing "I Didn't Ask for This."
From experience:
1. task meeting with Janus.
After the cutscene, the drones were immediately in search mode, and the save was right before entering the room with Janus (like the speaker above). 15 reboots did not lead to a positive result. I went to see what was what, it turned out that 2 drones had spawned on top of each other and were entering intruder search mode.
The problem was solved in this way: before entering the room with Janus, he jumped into the sewer, thereby leaving the quest area, and immediately returned back. Drones began to spawn without alarm.
I left the quest, as advised, through the elevator shaft.
2. Repeatedly and on different missions received yellow status.
Conclusion: definitely, it does not affect getting the trophy.
3. There was an unpleasant glitch/bug on the third visit to Prague (task M14).
Coming out of Adam Jensen's LCD, he made a save on the nearest cover in the red zone. Immediately after loading this save, alarming music began to play, but the cops were doing a standard patrol. Walking to the metro, even with an visa, always led to anxiety and a red status. 20 downloads - no result.
The problem was solved this way: I loaded the save and immediately rushed back to the residential complex, hung out there for about 5 minutes, and upon returning to the red zone, the alarming music disappeared, and the cops stopped entering search mode for no reason.
4. Bonuses at the end of missions mean little. For example, for the same M14 (the last one, before the flight to London), they didn’t give me either a ghost or a dodger, although everything was completed cleanly, for the entire task I received one yellow statute. For M1 (Dubai) they gave only the Ghost. Well, you understand.

Reminders for those who missed the information from the posts above:
-Mission Dubai. In the end, forget about the terrorists and the agent's life, crawl along the edge of the location and remove the battery from the helicopter
-The information is not accurate, but between the Bank and Alison, it is better to go through Alison. Not accurate, because I followed the bank robbery route to the end, and there was no alarm in London.
-GARM mission. Select call Alex. You can use the drill if you have a social corrector (you need to scold).
By Rassomakhin on 26 Jan 2018 02:33
IMPORTANT! Amendment to main post:

"-In mission 16, first run to Miller before the battle with Marchenko. Otherwise, there will be inevitable alarm later;"
Miller has nothing to do with it.
To avoid alarm, you need to have a signal jammer in your inventory. It is given by Ellison for quest 11 (+ it contains the God Killer achievement).
Closer to the topic
Closer to the topic
Closer to the topic

After mission 10 there will be a choice of Allison (11) < or > Bank (12)
At 11 jammer.
At 12 there is an antidote for Miller.

You can kill with a device that lies on the same level ( Laputan Machine / Mechanism from Laputa ). There will be no alarm, I checked it personally. But then you won't get Pacifist / Pacifist . But this is not a problem, you can load a save.
By DelvooD on 08 Sep 2016 22:11
I completed it on the maximum difficulty level, but encountered the same problems as others, namely:

1. Drones in the sewer (after meeting Janus), when they started searching for no reason
2. The second part of the GARM pavilion, where the alarm went off for no reason (if you select “Call Miller” at the beginning of the level)

No matter how strange it may sound, if you continue to go through the game secretly until the meeting with Marchenko, despite these completed stages as listed above, then there is still a chance in any case to get the “Sneaker” trophy. When I passed these two moments with their sudden “alarms,” I continued to stealth until the last, and eventually received a trophy in the credits. Either I was lucky, or these two specific places are not counted as a failure!
By MorthShooter on 03 Jan 2020 07:09
during my playthrough, the enemy started searching a bunch of times, but I never got fired, that is, someone sees the body and starts searching, I knock it out and move on, the only thing is that there are places, as I understand it, where in some situations anxiety is inevitable, wrong conversation with Rucker, additional task in London to neutralize 11 guards, but you probably can’t get burned there - the only task that I completed cleanly, if the alarm sounds when breaking the lock, don’t worry, if someone was knocked out in the invisa and at the same time someone saw the whole thing, don’t worry either, the main thing is that the status is orange didn’t turn red on the map, and the enemy didn’t press the alarm himself, so cut out these panels first. In general, read the advice of others and remember that when searching, all is not lost.
By saybean2 on 10 Jun 2019 19:42
View all 20 comments Show less comments
Save this trophy for a second playthrough and combine it with "Pacifist" and "I didn't ask anyone for this."

Video walkthrough:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

24 Aug 2016 14:28

In GARM, the alarm is raised if you call Miller, so call not him, but the woman (I don’t remember her name).
By ZzdNk on 26 Aug 2016 14:44
The search also started in this place, but the trophy fell out.
By Nimdek on 26 Aug 2016 10:30
You can't use a drill in Garma, it causes anxiety
Before the battle with Marchenko, go to Miller first
By KoTa on 26 Aug 2016 21:00
After completing the mission they give rewards. To ensure that you completed the mission cleanly, you need to receive the Ghost or Trickster award
Ghost (200 XP) : if no one noticed you during the passage of the zone (red frame, hostile).
Trickster (200 XP): if during the passage of the zone the alarm never went off (when the cameras/robots/turrets glow red and are marked on the map and are hostile).
By cyrax on 26 Aug 2016 12:45
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