Disney Universe

Disney Universe

41 Achievements


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Compulsive Collector

Compulsive Collector

Collect all of the World Collectables in the game.


How to unlock the Compulsive Collector achievement in Disney Universe - Definitive Guide



Level 1
Collectible 1: After building cannon, destroy the door to the left-most alcove.
Collectible 2: After using the cannon to make the bride, double jump to reach the collectible.
Collectible 3: After opening the exit, to the right of the last set of stairs.

Level 2
Collectible 1: In the starting area, to the right.
Collectible 2: After defeating the Brute, move up one more set of stairs. It is to the left.
Collectible 3: After defeating the Brute, it is the lower side of the area.

Level 3
Collectible 1: At the very start of the level, immediately to the right.
Collectible 2: After jumping the spikes, move to the far side of the level. It is next to the burning house.
Collectible 3: To the very right of the level.

Queen Anne's Revenge

Level 1
Collectible 1: Use Triton's Sword on the left switch to open a plank.
Collectible 2: Use Triton's Sword on the lower switch, after dropping down from the first area to open a plank.
Collectible 3: After jumping across the platform to the area on the right of the ship, behind some boxes.

Level 2
Collectible 1: Use Triton's Sword on the lower switch at the start of the area to open a plank.
Collectible 2: After reaching the raised platform in the centre of the ship, swing/jump across to the right.
Collectible 3: Before exiting the level, jump over the barrier to the right of the ship.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Use the second switch on the upper-left side to open a door.
Collectible 2: Obtain a switch handle on the upper-right side by opening a door. Now take it down to the lower left side to open another door.
Collectible 3: On the upper-left side, hold on to the swinging object.

Fountain of Youth

Level 1
Collectible 1: After using a zombie to raise the platform at the start, return to your normal costume and jump across.
Collectible 2: After jumping over the spikes, turn into a zombie and enter the water. Avoid the spikes and run to the left.
Collectible 3: Use the cannon to open the doors to the right.

Level 2
Collectible 1: After turning into a zombie, raise the platforms in the water on the left.
Collectible 2: Use the Duck in the second section of water to turn the platforms over. Now jump between them.
Collectible 3: After the second collectible, pull the switch and use the duck to go to the next area.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Turn into a zombie and enter the water in the centre.
Collectible 2: Destroy the door to the upper-right.
Collectible 3: Destroy the door to the lower-right.


Wonderland Woods

Level 1
Collectible 1: Push the switch to the right of the opening area. Now continue to the chess piece and jump across to the right.
Collectible 2: Use three pocket watches, placing them across the three areas to the back of the second area. Now jump across to the upper-left.
Collectible 3: Use a pocket watch in the upper-right of the second area to reveal a collectible.

Level 2
Collectible 1: Use the hat cannon to reach the pocket watch on the left, and then walk through the door.
Collectible 2: After crossing the bridge, use a pocket watch on the lower-left area.
Collectible 3: Move the Tea Spoon so that it is aiming at the tea cups on the left. Now jump up and down until they break. Use the hat cannon to reach the area.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Use a pocket watch on the area to the right of where you start, after jumping over a gap.
Collectible 2: Use a pocket watch on the area to the very right of where you start. Now climb up and jump over the gaps.
Collectible 3: In the second area, within the gift to the right of the area. Open by holding Y and moving away.

Over the Castle Wall

Level 1
Collectible 1: Cross the stream, move the hat cannon, and push the switch. When the exit hat is above the collectible, use the hat cannon.
Collectible 2: Use a pocket watch in the left part of the central area in the second area. Now move the hat cannon up and jump through it to collect the heart. Jump across to the right for the collectible.
Collectible 3: When collecting the second heart in the second area, double jump when exiting the hat cannon to reach the collectible.

Level 2
Collectible 1: Move to the lower left area and push the left switch in the lower, centre. Now run to where the collectible is.
Collectible 2: Move to where the switch was for collectible 1. Now press the right switch and use the lever to run towards the collectible.
Collectible 3: Use the hat cannon to reach the second and third pocket watches.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Move the back-left area, and move the hat cannon down to the area slightly lower. Now use the hat cannon to jump up.
Collectible 2: Move the hat cannon to the opposite side and repeat for the second collectible.
Collectible 3: After collecting enough cards, the collectible wil appear in the centre of the room, to the left of the card stack.

Inside the Red Castle

Level 1
Collectible 1: From the start, jump on the card behind you and get the collectible as the card rotates.
Collectible 2: In the second area, as you avoid the first set of spikes/arrows of the maze.
Collectible 3: In the second area, as you avoid the second set of spikes/arrows of the maze, in the top-left, after jumping through the hat.

Level 2
Collectible 1: Within the patch of grass directly to the left of the start.
Collectible 2: After collecting the diamond, use the right-most catapult to know the collectible down from high to the right.
Collectible 3: After collecting all suits, press the switch by the Red Queen one more time and guide the ball to retrieve the contents, as before.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Appears after destroying the first hand of the monster.
Collectible 2: Appears after destroying the other hand of the monster.
Collectible 3: Appears after defeating the monster.


Lower Pride Rock

Level 1
Collectible 1: Go to the far side of the area, and push the switch to reveal the collectible in the alcove.
Collectible 2: Go up the ramp and throw a bomb at the boulder to the upper-left to reveal the collectible.
Collectible 3: When you are at the area where you need to plant seeds, go to the lower part and push a switch. Jump down and back up within the time limit.

Level 2
Collectible 1: Push the switch just below your starting position and jump down to the collectible.
Collectible 2: Take a bomb down the ramp to the lower area and detroy the right-most boulders.
Collectible 3: After crossing to the next area, plant a seed and water it in the upper area to access an even higher area.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Use a bomb to blow up the boulder to the lower-left.
Collectible 2: Use water bombs to put out fires to the very right of the first area.
Collectible 3: Use the cannon to destroy the boulder to the upper-right part of the second area.

Elephant Graveyard

Level 1
Collectible 1: After building the cannon, shoot the rock to the far side, and then water the seed nearby to climb up.
Collectible 2: Jump down to the rocks in the lower-right part of the first area. Push the switch and then wait for the moving platform.
Collectible 3: After jumping to the second area, press the switch to the near side and jump down the collectible.

Level 2
Collectible 1: Take a water bomb and water the seed directly behind you as you start.
Collectible 2: Push the switch to the lower-right of the first area, and jump down on to the platforms.
Collectible 3: Before using the exit, jump across to the left.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Push the switch directly below the start and jump down to the platforms.
Collectible 2: Use the cannon on the left to shoot down the rocks on the far side. Now jump across to the collectible.
Collectible 3: After collecting and using the second organ key, push it and follow the directions to the third organ key. Before collecting that, use water bombs on the seed above.

Upper Pride Rock

Level 1
Collectible 1: Take the duck to the very left platform, and jump up.
Collectible 2: Use the duck to shoot the target on the other side of the island. Now jump across.
Collectible 3: Before taking the exit, use the cannon to shoot all targets on the right side to release a crane.

Level 2
Collectible 1: Use a bomb to destroy the boulder on the right side of the first area.
Collectible 2: After reaching the third area, use a water bomb on the seed to the very right.
Collectible 3: Once you have retrieved the second lever, turn it to direct lava flow downwards, and then push the switch. Run to the platform.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Use water bombs on the seed to the lower left of the first area.
Collectible 2: Use water bombs on the seed to the lower right of the first area.
Collectible 3: Before freeing the guest, take the human cannon to the far side and use it to reach the collectible.


Monster Training

Level 1
Collectible 1: After entering the first door/room, press the switch on the left to lower the platform.
Collectible 2: After entering the sixth door/room, press the switch on the left to lower the platform.
Collectible 3: After exiting the house and inserting the scream canister, there is a new door/room. Invert gravity with the switch.

Level 2
Collectible 1: Before entering the first door, wait for the exit to stop at the very left of its range.
Collectible 2: After using the first door, move the platforms to the left, so that you can raise the right one to jump to the collectible.
Collectible 3: Go through the door by the exit to find the collectible.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Go to the very right of the room and press all 4 switches to open a door.
Collectible 2: Appears after two sets of doors have been and gone.
Collectible 3: Appears after three sets of doors have been and gone.

High In The Himalayas

Level 1
Collectible 1: After crossing the first crack in the ice, walk towards the screen to find the first collectible.
Collectible 2: Break the ice blocks on the far side after the second crack in the ice. Jump up to the part of the door.
Collectible 3: Jump across the moving pieces of ice.

Level 2
Collectible 1: At the start, go left and break some blocks of ice. Climb to the top and jump towards the collectible.
Collectible 2: To the right, there are some more ice blocks, break the right most ones so you can climb up, and then jump across. You may need to break one or two on the left.
Collectible 3: After crossing the bridge, find a place to drop down on the near side.

Level 3
Collectible 1: After using the vehicle to create the bridge, jump to the collectible that is now uncovered.
Collectible 2: After fixing the bridge, cross it and double jump to the gap in the house.
Collectible 3: Go to the very right of the area to find the collectible behind some icicles.

Door Factory

Level 1
Collectible 1: Before moving past the first set of doors, walk through the door against the wall to reach a hidden area.
Collectible 2: After navigating past the first set of doors, press the switch and move up.
Collectible 3: When you move across the two rotating door sections, grab the keycard from the area above, and use it on the computer in the next area to open a door.

Level 2
Collectible 1: Appears after destroying all doors with bombs at the start of the level.
Collectible 2: On the conveyor-belt that you need to slow down to cross.
Collectible 3: Appears after destroying all doors with bombs immediately before the exit.

Level 3
Collectible 1: After opening the doors to the first area with the wood saws, the collectible appears on the right side.
Collectible 2: After opening the second set of doors with wood saws, the collectible appears on the upper part of the right hand-side.
Collectible 3: Use the mattress in the final area to reach the collectible.


Cave of Wonders

Level 1
Collectible 1: After finding the lantern, take it to the start area and walk upwards.
Collectible 2: From the first collectible, take the lantern as far down as you can.
Collectible 3: In the final area, take the lantern to the top-left to uncover the collectible from the sparkly area of sand.

Level 2
Collectible 1: In the second area, use the lantern to uncover a switch in the lower-left area. Now return to the first area.
Collectible 2: In the third area, take the lantern as far right as you can to find a collectible.
Collectible 3: Take a lantern to the place you place the third ruby and uncover the collectible from the sparkly area of sand.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Defeat the snake sculpture and jump across from the start.
Collectible 2: Whilst running from the lava, take the scarab beetle to the statue and follow the scarab upwards.
Collectible 3: Near the end of run from the lava, take the ruby and place it in the final area to create platforms to jump across.

Streets of Agrahbah

Level 1
Collectible 1: When on the rooftops, use the bombs to break the dome to the right.
Collectible 2: Once you jump down to the first open area, in the bottom left, there is a door with notes. Remember the order: Green, Blue, Red, Yellow. Play this in the second section, after transforming the organ with the lamp. Return to the door.
Collectible 3: Use the magic lamp on the place below the well, near the organ.

Level 2
Collectible 1: Take the firebreather to the second large area and destroy the first set of nets.
Collectible 2: After finding the swordeater, take him back to the first large area, and place him in front of the door with swords.
Collectible 3: After finding the snake charmer, take him to the top of the second large area to create a rope to climb up.

Level 3
Collectible 1: After finding the swordeater, take him to the very left of the first area.
Collectible 2: Take the snake charmer to the second area, to the left of the burning coal. Climb up and jump across.
Collectible 3: Transform the market stand into an organ with the magic lamp. Now play Green, Blue, Red, Yellow. Go right to the door that is now open.

Agrabah Palace

Level 1
Collectible 1: From the start, jump down and go left. Use the cushion to reach the collectible.
Collectible 2: After finding the fire breather, take him left to light the torch.
Collectible 3: After using the swordeater to remove the left swords, take the fire breather there to light the torch.

Level 2
Collectible 1: In an alcove to the left, after completing the first puzzle.
Collectible 2: In the middle of the maze in the third room. Complete the small tile puzzle to open routes.
Collectible 3: After completing the maze, take the fire breather back to the second room and light the lamp on the left hand side.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Jump on the cushion to the left.
Collectible 2: Jump on the cusion to the right.
Collectible 3: Out in the open to the far right.


Abandoned Earth

Level 1
Collectible 1: Throw the bombs at the blocks to the right of the first area.
Collectible 2: Move the magnets to the left set of steps in the second area.
Collectible 3: When you get to the third area with the magnetic vehicle, grab bombs and shoot it at the blocks to the right (or jump across first). Now jump up.

Level 2
Collectible 1: Clear the gas, and then walk in to the sewers and go left.
Collectible 2: In the large area with gas, jump on the bouncy platforms/junk to the lower-left.
Collectible 3: In the large area with gas, move the magnet to the right and jump up. Push the switch and bounce up once more.

Level 3
Collectible 1: From the start, jump on the junk to the left.
Collectible 2: Destroy the blocks to the lower right of the second area with bombs. Now jump across.
Collectible 3: Find the switch to the lower right of the third area. Press it and jump down.

Axiom Belowdecks

Level 1
Collectible 1: Press the switch on the near side of the area to release two platforms.
Collectible 2: Redirect the lower-right paths to the lower-right corner. Now walk up the wall and press the switch to open a door.
Collectible 3: After redirecting robots through the three doors, walk up the wall in the top-left and go to the exit.

Level 2
Collectible 1: Invert the gravity in the first area and walk left.
Collectible 2: Invert the gravity in the second area and walk/jump left.
Collectible 3: Move the chair/pod to the back left of the third area, and use it to jump up.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Press the switch to the near, left and jump across the platforms.
Collectible 2: After making the chair/pod, take it to the upper-right side and use it to jump up to the key and collectible.
Collectible 3: Once you have freed the guest, move to the area where he was trapped to find the collectible.

Axiom Captain's Deck

Level 1
Collectible 1: Take the fat man to the lower-left area. Jump on him to reach the area above.
Collectible 2: Take the fat man to the upper-right area. Jump on him to reach the area above.
Collectible 3: Take the fat man to the lower-right area. Jump on him to reach the area above. Now jump on the switch and jump up even further.

Level 2
Collectible 1: In the second area, disable the forcefield using the boot, and find the collectible in the room behind.
Collectible 2: Put the boot in the designated place between the third and fourth areas. Now press the switch to remove the forcefield. Go to the back left of here.
Collectible 3: In the final area, press the switch in the near-right, and then bounce up.

Level 3
Collectible 1: Appears after the first stage of the boss fight, in the centre, at the back.
Collectible 2: Appears after the second stage of the boss fight, on the right.
Collectible 3: Appears after the third and final stage of the boss fight, on the left.

Please either comment below or send me a Personal Message if you have any comments or improvements.

02 Feb 2012 09:46

Very helpful. Thanks
By Hobbes235 on 08 Feb 2012 05:55
Very nice guide. Far easier to follow than a video one.
By NawtyCawty on 11 Mar 2012 12:22
Great guide. Thumbs Up from me.
By DrSchlepenstein on 14 Jul 2012 23:26
Thumbs up. Thanks you for this. It was a great amount of help.
By Sophia Hyakato on 29 May 2013 16:02
I'm glad it helped you :)
By drabik on 30 May 2013 17:05
I'm glad you both found it useful. smile
By drabik on 11 Mar 2012 21:05
Monster Training
Level 3
Collectible 1: Go to the very right of the room and press all 4 switches to open a door.
Collectible 2: Appears after two sets of doors have been and gone.
Collectible 3: Appears after three sets of doors have been and gone."

Be careful because those last two collectables can be missed. I've retried several times and check other achievement website solutions to find out how to get them.

Once the second and the third door sets are done, quick search for the dices that appeared somewhere around the scream container machine, in the center on the room.
I say 'quick' because after a few seconds, the pipes that brought them in the room will take them back, and the dices will disappear for ever. So aim to them as soon as you see them. Ignore the enemies, you'll be able to beat them once the dices took.

That's the same thing for the blue star. It appears after beating the large enemy, after the third or forth set of doors. So be quick to pick it up before the pipe take it back.

If you miss getting the second, the third sets of dices, or the blue star, press start and restart the level. It will make you come back at the beginning of the big room you were in.
By vegansound on 29 Apr 2012 23:38
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There are 27 collectibles in each world with 9 in each location and 3 in each level. This trophy requires you to collect all 162 collectibles in the game. As long as you're finding all 3 collectibles before moving on to the next level, you should be fine and it should nab you the trophies listed above as you search. They're not hard to find at all and most are within plain sight. Some may require a more thorough search, but nothing too hard at all. For boss rooms, be sure to defeat the boss first, then search. Without the boss around, it makes looking for anything you missed in that room easier to find. Once a collectibles guide is posted, I'll link it here.


In each world there are 9 levels with 3 collectables in each. Collecting all of those collectable will give you this achievement.
Each world has a different type of collectable, for example, Pirates of the Caribbean – Ships in bottles, Alice – ‘Drink Me’ potions, etc.

Collectables Guide!!

It's simple. There are 27 of them in each world (9 for each level, that is, 3 for each location).

13 Dec 2013 21:06