Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition (JP)

51 Achievements

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Force Dallis to retreat from combat in Fort Joy


How to unlock the Hammered achievement in Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

When you first get to Fort Joy after the tutorial on the ship you will be greeted with a dialogue between Dallis, Alexander, and a Lizard. To earn this achievement, you will need to attack Dallis or Alexander during this dialogue sequence. If they have already left, you'll need to start up a new character to go for the achievement. This cannot be earned when you later confront Dallis at the end of Act 1.

There are two cheesy methods for doing this (one with a deathfog barrel and one with what's called barrelmancy). The other alternative is to wait to confront Dallis until you're much higher level though I haven't tried this method. In any case, there is a ladder to the right side of where the characters are talking so use sneaking to avoid talking to the characters and just leave them until you're ready to deal with them. They will stay in the conversation until you deal with them but might disappear once you escape Fort Joy (into the swamps), so maybe don't wait that long for safety.

Barrelmancy Method:
Barrelmancy is an alternative, game breaking way to play the game where you use a container full of heavy things like fire and water barrels to crush enemies before they engage in combat or even in combat (use the Executor perk to make this your main form of damage in combat). This is done by using the telekinesis skill which lets you move and pick up items of any weight. (You can see more detail here https://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOriginalSin/comments/747w5x...). The basic trick is to find a high health or indestructible container. The best containers are certain indestructible ornate chests such as the ones in the Fort Joy Arena (make sure to pick them up while in combat, you won't be able to get them otherwise). But you can also just use any of the backpacks in the game, they just take a bit more precision.

1. Sneak past Dallis while she talks to the Lizard in front of Fort Joy by using the ladder to the right side of the main entrance. Then search around for heavy things.

2. Fill a container/backpack with a many heavy crates, paintings of Alexander, or barrels that you can find. You can select multiple items at once, access options on the container, then select put into. You will have to move it between companions to move your whole party around. Select the container from the inventory and select "send to ..." to allow the character the previously had the container to move. After Act 1 you will get some teleportation items that make this easier.

3. Once you've got enough weight, head back to Dallis in front of Fort Joy (I don't remember how much is needed but you can save before attacking Dallis in case you don't have enough). Sneak as close to Dallis or Alexander as possible. Then select your heavy container and use the throw option to put it next to the enemy you want to kill. This won't hurt them like it did in the original game. Instead, you need to move it from one side of the character to the other, as close as possible. So place it on one side then select it again and select move and place it on the other side. There is an option in the game that turns on circles around enemies this makes it easier to see how close the container needs to be to the enemy (within the circle will hurt/kill them). If you do it right, this will kill the enemy. When used on Dallis or Alexander it should cause Dallis to flee.

Deathfog Method: (May not work any more)
During the tutorial, there is a room marked with a big skull on it that requires a key. In this room are deathfog barrels which will instantly kill you or any NPCs that get caught in the poison cloud. If you are fast and using an undead character, you can grab one or two of these barrels before they all break. Undead characters are immune to the effects. Create a new undead character with the Pack Mule perk and points in sneaking. Grab one of these barrels and take it with you through the tutorial. Once you get to Fort Joy, sneak up as close to Dallis as you can then go to your inventory and choose to throw the deathfog barrel next to you. Attack it and it will kill everyone there. Note that this will kill Magister Borris who is a part of Ifan's quest.

In the comments, Scotty x360a said this method wasn't working when they tried it so it may have been patched out.
Seems to still be working for other players.

23 Sep 2018 08:15

For the deathfog method, it is easy with an undead character with thievery and a ranged weapon. You may also need good telekinesis skills (The Red Prince can help with that when you meet him at the start of Fort Joy anyway). It should be easy enough to run to one of the barrels in the ship and pick it up without worrying about skills. I had plenty of time after unlocking the door (with my bony fingers) to run straight to the barrels and pick one up first try.

Then, the positioning the deathfog barrel in Fort Joy. As you say, use sneak and go as close to the red area as possible, then drop the barrel and use "move", whilst staying in place, to get the barrel close to Alexander (not Dallis!
*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***
). Then just use a ranged attack to blow up the barrel.

Take a save before attempting any of it, just to make sure you get it right, and if you want to continue your game, you might want to reload the save and do it the normal way (or maybe not!).
By Siwgrlwmp on 19 Oct 2018 08:28
Was able to get her to flee with a satchel with 1038 lbs in it. I don't think anything less than 1000 works. I know 800 doesn't. A hidden gem for obtaining weight was plant pots and sacks. Plant pots were 20 and sacks were 100lbs.
By O4OUR on 30 Oct 2018 20:12
I don't think the deathfog method works anymore, i've been trying it for almost an hour and no matter where i set it off, or how many people it kills, the battle starts and they all start having their turn, and of curse at level 2 it's impossible to win that fight. I haven't tried the barrelmancy method but i imagine that would still work. Not sure why, if they did, patch the deathfog method.
By Scotty#6895 on 28 Aug 2020 13:47
Thanks for that Scotty, sounds like they patched it. I'll make a note of it in the solution.
By Kumekerion on 29 Aug 2020 03:13
No problem, maybe it was just me not doing something correctly, but either way the barrelmancy still works, i got a metal crate with around 1400lbs and dropped it on Alexandar.
By Scotty#6895 on 29 Aug 2020 06:57
deathfog still works, did it on Oct 12th without problems.
By on 03 Nov 2020 15:08
Hey everyone, the deathfog barrel method still WORKS! Just did it (16th January 2022)
By E73RN I Erj on 16 Jan 2022 09:43
Sorry about that, I posted the solution more to warn players that it had to be done earlier than it might seem. I can improve it now that I've played the game some more.
By Kumekerion on 10 Oct 2018 15:11
So much better now.
I do have a couple things that helped me when using the deathfog barrel method.
I found it a bit tricky to get the barrel before they were destroyed so I made the following character to make it a lot easier.

Undead Dwarf
All available attribute points into strength
One combat ability point in pyromancy and the other in polymorph
Learned the skills Haste (pyro) and Chameleon Cloak (poly)

I ran through the prologue until I got to second floor (setting your base class to any that would typically use a bow will give the evidence chest a high chance of having a bow that can be used to detonate the barrel easier when you get to it). Then, after getting the key, stood outside the door and casted Haste on myself. Opened the door and booked it to the barrels mashing A button. I got both but dropped one. Once in Fort Joy I ran up the ladder on the right side of where Dallis and them are. Got a little behind the two guards by the main doors and casted Chameleon Cloak. Used the toss item option to place the barrel as close to Alexander I could and shot the barrel instantly.

This took less than 5 minutes...most of that being load times.
Hope that helps!
By GoGoActionTeam on 12 Oct 2018 06:12
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Quite a difficult trophy with a small BUT. The point is to kill Dallis during the very first meeting at the entrance to the fort, where she and Alexander kill the lizard. She is a very strong enemy, and you should prepare to kill her - to do this, without activating this very cutscene, we climb into the fort along the stairs located to the right of the entrance to the fort, and begin to farm, under no circumstances leaving the fort, otherwise she will knock down even more you won't see her in this act. We swing in the arena, complete small quests and when you are ready, just attack her. Having taken off half of her health, she will fall off, and the trophy will “ring.” And now about that very BUT: there is a much simpler way. You start a new game as the undead, open the door on the deck where there are barrels with the fog of death and very quickly grab one of them (requires 12 strength if that). The point is to have time to take it before the kraken destroys everything there. When you finally managed to take her, examine her: in her statistics she should be healthy 1/1, not 0/1. If it’s still 0/1, we repeat the capture of the barrel again. The game has a bug where you can pick up an already broken barrel. Now go through everything as I wrote above, go to the fort, at Alexander’s, place the barrel next to him, and break it. Alexander ends, Dallis escapes, the achievement falls, you are great.

12 Aug 2018 10:32

In addition to strength, you also need the telekinesis skill; if the mechanics have not changed, then telekinesis requires half the strength to lift objects. To lift a barrel of death fog you need 24 strength. With the telekinesis skill only 12Follow the link below for a detailed video of obtaining this trophy (speedrun)
By MrBenderRodriguez on 16 Aug 2018 12:48
I don’t know whether the hint is wrong, or at the difficulty level valor 12 units of strength is not enough, but the point is that the barrel cannot be picked up by Fain, it’s too heavy ((
By Black_Nero on 13 Aug 2018 00:00
You don’t have to take the teleportation gloves, but go straight to the stairs to the fort. We get up, go to the exit from the fort, come almost close to the guards, take out a barrel and drag it right to Alexander’s feet, go back and shoot at the barrel. Trophy kick
By JekaPS4 on 28 Aug 2018 13:31
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Easy trophy. It will take you 10 minutes.
Select the difficulty level "Adventure". Undead (lizard). Because the undead are immune to the fog of Death. Summoner. Strength +13. Telekinesis +1. Let's start the game.
Without speaking to anyone, we run to the upper deck. Attention! After Windego explodes, take the weapon from the chest. Must be a wand with fire damage! From the murdered master we take the key to the room where the barrels with the fog of death are located. Make a save before opening the door.
Important! Before opening the door, hold the forward stick. And then immediately run to the barrels with the fog of death. Attention! Try not to slow down on the steering wheel and take the far right barrel. Grab it immediately (press X) as soon as it lights up! If the barrel is in your inventory, then press “square” on the joystick and select the line to inspect. Health should be 1/1. And nothing else! It may not work the first time, so try it again. Fortunately, the loading times on “Adventure” are fast, unlike “Valor”. As soon as the barrel is in your inventory (barrel health should be 1/1!), continue the game. You don't have to come back for the other characters. So save yourself time.
As soon as you find yourself on the island "Eye of the Reaper", without speaking to anyone, we run straight to the fort. Without activating the scene in front of the gate, we go up the stairs that are on the right. Attention! On the left, down there is a staircase. We find ourselves behind two guards who stand with their backs to you. Let's save. We throw away the barrel next to us. And then we put it behind Alexander. Important! Don't be afraid to approach the two guards if necessary. But only on the same line with them. The invisible border behind which the scene with Dallis is activated passes literally, two steps in front of them. Take this into account!
After this, we move back, make a save again and take a pre-emptive strike (pressing the cross to the right), strike the barrel with the fog of death with a wand with fire damage. All. Received the "Sledgehammer - Fight" trophy.

08 Jan 2019 20:14

1 Comment
Elementarily done in 2 bodies - one starts a dialogue, the second with a barrel runs up the stairs, bypasses the brethren and comes out from behind Alexander - position yourself as you like and shoot.
As for the fire damage, I’m not sure - I shot an arrow from a bow into the barrel without any effect. Everything worked.
By hagard on 29 Apr 2020 23:23