DOOM (1993)

DOOM (1993)

20 Achievements

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Not So Bad

Not So Bad

Beat every level on Nightmare in co-operative mode


How to unlock the Not So Bad achievement in DOOM (1993) - Definitive Guide

UPDATE *These videos were made pre-September update where enemy speeds were bumped up*

Here is a three part video series I made of myself doing Nightmare co-op solo. A lot of practice is going to be required to get though E1M3-E1M7 as this is the hardest section of the game to do on Nightmare. If you can get through these levels everything after is super easy.

General Tips for the Episode:

1) There are a lot of enemies in some levels, this is not as big of a problem as you might think. more monsters = more infighting. In most levels this provides a source of shotguns without you having to do anything.

2) There is only one speed running technique required to finish the episode. It is found on E1M4. You can practice it on single player using level select and the lowest difficulty setting.

3) Turn up the level and screen brightness to 100, this turns low lit rooms into fully illuminated ones. However, there are still going to be rooms that are relatively dark still.

4) The two biggest threats in this episode are Pinkies and explosive barrels. Both are annoying body blocking objects only meant to get in your way.

5) The shotgun is your best friend for most of the levels here, unfortunately it is extremely inconsistent with the damage it does to enemies. Sometimes you will 1-shot monsters, others it will be two or three times you need to hit them.

6) The longer you take on most levels the less likely you are to finish them.

E1M1 (00:01): A pretty straight forward level, run from start to finish. There is not a whole lot to the level.

E1M2 (00:59): Another straight forward brute force kind of level, this should not be too much of a problem here.

E1M3 (02:36): The levels start getting tough here. This is a heavily brute force reliant level, nothing special other than you will most likely die a few times here before getting to the end.

E1M4 (04:10): An easy level if you can learn the jump to skip the majority of the level. There is an in video explanation of the trick, otherwise brute forcing this level is a nightmare.

E1M5 (06:08): This level took the longest to figure out a solid route for. There are a lot of enemies and you can die very quickly. Follow how and what I use for cover, make sure to clear out the hallway after pressing the red switch every time you end up back there after dying. Time is a huge factor here, dying too much will make the level essentially impossible to finish. Do not hit the switch in the room with the blue key, it will ruin your run. The ending is also a pain, the room is dark even with maxed out brightness settings. Go around the left side as it is quicker to get to the exit. You will be blocked by pinkies and their invisible counter parts as well as barrels in this level.

E1M6 (09:58): The start of the level is pretty easy but quickly devolves into high skill and luck. Any deaths after picking up the first invisibility item will require you to restart the level as it is insanely hard to make it through afterwards. This level will take some practice to get through.

E1M7 (13:38): This level combines brute force and careful planning to finish it. The first bit with the yellow key can be brute forced, just keep trying until you get the key. The second portion requires knowledge of the enemy placement coming up, watch where enemies are and how I dealt with them. You should have the red key now. Brute force into the blue key, this is easy as it next to the spawn location. You will need to take the secret to grab an invisibility power after flipping the switch to raise the door that leads to the exit as there are a ton of hit-scan enemies here.

E1M8 (20:25): Probably the easiest level as it is essentially a boss fight you can keep throwing yourself. There are respawning shotguns and chainguns before the elevator up to the bosses. If you die you will be sent back to the platform at the start, shoot the pinkies in the pit until an opening appears and make your way back to the weapon rooms and then to the bosses.

Every level in episode 2 and 3 are a breeze compared to before. Follow the routes I take in these levels and you should have no problems finishing them. I managed to beat a lot of these levels first try or with minimal effort on my part.


06 Mar 2020 17:23

Thanks! Helped out a lot on some areas!
By REPOMAN NL on 18 Mar 2020 22:58
Good guide. I was going to make one myself but you beat me to it. E1M6 was by far the hardest for me. I agree with your comment that once you get through E1, everything is a breeze. I would even say everything is breeze except E1M6. I would rather do all the other 23 levels over again than E1M6.
By OdinElite on 07 Mar 2020 20:25
Sorry I beat you to it. But yeah, E1M8-E3M8 is shockingly easy, like first try each level easy.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 07 Mar 2020 22:06
Can you leave and come back using level select or do you need to do the whole episode at once?
By UrGrlCame4Me on 09 Mar 2020 07:38
You can break it up, no need to do it all at once.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 09 Mar 2020 14:00
Honestly once you get through E1M5-E1M7 the rest of the game is a cake walk. Also make sure to use the skip in E1M4 as it makes the level a breeze.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 09 Mar 2020 15:10
Yeah you're 100% right on this. Did the skip on E1M4 thanks to your video and got through E1M8 and E2M1-M5 in probably less time than it took to force through E1M3 alone.
I was originally worried that episodes 2 and 3 would be much harder but I guess a shift to big rooms instead of tight corridors makes a hell of a difference and there seem to be considerably less enemies overall.
By Catatonic Nali on 09 Mar 2020 16:12
Yeah, the level design of Episodes 2&3 make nightmare dumbly easy.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 09 Mar 2020 17:46
Great tips! I had no idea the Barons respawned, good find!
By Mr Whiteshirt on 11 Mar 2020 01:54
Yeah they do and it's a pain in the arse. I had quite a lot of trouble with E2M6 (the one with all 3 key doors right in front of the exit) mainly because you can get 2 or 3 barons spawning into the really tiny hallway along with a whole bunch of pinkies and the only thing you can do is kill them quick enough to get past before they come back. Your method of getting the yellow key before the red one looks like it makes things easier so I wish I'd watched that first.
By Catatonic Nali on 11 Mar 2020 11:21
Do you need to do the secret levels as well ?
By ehlert12689 on 20 Mar 2020 05:33
By Mr Whiteshirt on 20 Mar 2020 07:39
So, you can play this on co-op, but alone and it still counts?
By Luke Hermans on 21 Mar 2020 08:20
Yes you can.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 21 Mar 2020 14:51
Really? Solo works even though the ach says "co-operative"?
By Pedle Zelnip on 24 Mar 2020 07:42
Ahh gotcha.
By Pedle Zelnip on 24 Mar 2020 21:35
Compared to E1M4-E1M7 the rest of the episodes are pretty easy but yeah a couple can be somewhat tricky if not done quick enough.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 25 Mar 2020 23:39
And E3 is now done, definitely the easiest of the 3 episodes. Thanks again for the videos, I would've had much more difficulty with E3 in particular (some of those maps are very easy to get lost in).
By Pedle Zelnip on 26 Mar 2020 00:12
so you can do every level from a level select menu? you could essentially do 1 a day right? doesnt need a full episode at once?
By ronald84 on 03 Apr 2020 08:27
Correct, that is how I did episode 1 pretty much. Recorded a level a day.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 03 Apr 2020 15:08
thank you for clarifying, that doesnt sound too bad. i thought you had to do a full episode in 1 sitting.
By ronald84 on 03 Apr 2020 15:29
Appreciate the guide/videos. Outside of 1-4 through 1-7, the only other levels that gave me a lot of trouble were Halls of the Damned and Pandemonium.
By Paw McCatney on 06 Apr 2020 03:24
Glad the videos helped you!
By Mr Whiteshirt on 06 Apr 2020 04:19
Just beat this today, thanks for the guides, they really helped a lot! Do you think you might consider doing a guide for Doom 2 nightmare as well? The only video guide on this website is a speedrun which I don't think I'll be able to properly replicate, and the only guides I can find on youtube are specifically for level 29 and for 27 and 28. Thanks again, and I hope you consider.
By ChickenBalls NZ on 08 Apr 2020 08:24
I have done a few levels and recorded them so far, it is not at the forefront of my videos to make but as time goes on I am getting asked this a lot more to do it. I will probably start working on them more seriously soon, while in between any other videos I am doing.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 08 Apr 2020 18:46
I have a question my man. I beat Episode 1 on coop nightmare and got 33 percent. Then I beat episode 2 on nightmare coop and got 66%. I then beat episode 3 on nightmare coop, got the achievement for beating episode 3, but not the coop nightmare achievement. I even redid the entire episode 3 on coop nightmare and the achievement still didnt pop. Do you need to do episode 4 for this achievement to unlock or am i just really unlucky?
By Ace Annihilates on 10 Apr 2020 10:58
@Ace Annihilates - Just the first 3 episodes. The achievement tracker should go up each individual level you complete by about 4%. I was monitoring mine between levels just to make sure it was tracking correctly. What's your percentage at? Still at 66%?
By Paw McCatney on 10 Apr 2020 16:56
Yes still 66% I dont mind doing episode 3 again but youd think 2 times through would be enough. My achievement tracker still isnt tracking any level on episode 3. I dont know how to fix this but I've done e3 m1 like 14 times and still no progress. Even my other account that I'm playing with is getting 4 percent per level of e3. I'm thinking its glitched for me and I'm not gonna be able to get this achievement.
By Ace Annihilates on 10 Apr 2020 20:54
Interesting find. I wonder if this solution would work for the people having trouble with the nightmare achievement for DOOM II since that achievement is known to be buggy as well.
By ChickenBalls NZ on 11 Apr 2020 09:38
It would suck to have to do the whole thing again, definitely. But it sure beats having a glitched achievement on your profile haha. I know from reading one of the commentators from the DOOM 2 guide, Shadow something, that deleting data didn't work for him, and he's been slogging for it for a while, so I feel for him. Might need another patch from Bethesda to get it sorted out for good.

As for recording, not much I can tell you I'm afraid since I don't make videos myself (aside from the 30 second snipets on my Xbox). Try PMing some of the contributors here for some advice, specifically ones who make and upload videos. From what I can tell most of the users here are pretty nice, so at least some will hopefully help you out. Good luck to you.
By ChickenBalls NZ on 11 Apr 2020 13:03
Need to do your mission step by step?
Is it okay to complete e1m1 and complete e2m1?
By Overdose0804 on 12 Mar 2021 17:38
I am not really sure what you are asking. If you mean can you do levels in any order and not all at once then the answer is yes you can. As long as you know what levels you have completed is does not matter how you do it.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 12 Mar 2021 20:25
Are these videos literally DOOM (1993)? The port currently on Gamepass? I feel like the enemies and projectiles move much faster in my game. And my splitscreen is top to bottom, not side to side.

Edit: Not feel faster. ARE faster. Like 100% faster. Was this patched to be even more difficult?
By LongEvilkitten on 06 Apr 2021 16:33
It was patched in September last year. Nightmare enemies are now as fast as they were meant to be. However, the routes used in the video pretty much remain the same but somewhat harder now.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 06 Apr 2021 20:34
It's ridiculously fast respawns for die and make it back to where you died only to die again because of respawned enemies.
By Maw N Paw on 07 Apr 2021 10:44
How do you flip the split screen presentation? Horizontal split is ridiculous on a wide screen TV.
By segagamer on 28 Apr 2021 07:09
You sadly can not switch screens. I made the videos before the update changed the screen layout.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 28 Apr 2021 22:02
Yeah its impossible now
By Jordevoir on 25 Jun 2021 12:18
Considering people are still finishing the achievement list it obviously not impossible. Somewhat harder yes, not impossible.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 25 Jun 2021 16:27
I'm stuck on lvl E1M5, everytime I got killed by pinkies on the end of lvl. Right it will be 2 days in a row I play this lvl. Any tips, suggestion? I do everything show in the your guide nothing help me to beat this lvl.
By WeeklyApple748 on 17 Sep 2021 22:39
Great video suport. Just got it. Thank you.
By ll BLAIR ll on 18 Sep 2021 17:49
Time to make some IRL friends, this chievo is not possible alone. Highly recommend getting experienced players as well if you can.
By CpL KaNe ZA on 06 Oct 2021 10:16
Yea do cheats work? I have no IRL friends what madman created this achievement you made Doom not fun congrats
By FanosSlap on 10 Oct 2021 22:12
No idea, this was done before the W10 version came out. Cheats might be able to be used, if anyone has tried can they confirm this? Cheats on console are not possible though.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 10 Oct 2021 22:18
Nope, no cheats. Finna send a few mails to id/bethesda support and hope for a miracle lads.
By CpL KaNe ZA on 27 Oct 2021 17:16
This is bullshit with the new update tbh
By CHRISD21 on 21 Nov 2021 20:07
Me and my son have been working on this lately. We thought we got through every level in the first 3 episodes, but the progress bar looks to be about 2 levels away. I wish it showed the levels your missing. I am not doing them all again to find the ones that didn't save! This was insanely hard. We started a few weeks ago.
By Deak Phreak on 08 Jan 2022 07:00
Phew we did it. I decided to run through episode 1 again and level 5 and 6 I think were not done I guess. I know I did them, but they were not counted. After doing those again I got it.
By Deak Phreak on 09 Jan 2022 03:32
Awesome! Congrats!
By Mr Whiteshirt on 09 Jan 2022 04:05
It's so annoying watching the guide videos and seeing how slow the Imp fireballs and enemy movement speed was before they updated it. What a sick joke.
By Whiteythereaper on 21 Mar 2023 07:13
@Overkill - E2M6 is also brutal, and E3M3 can be tough. Besides that, the rest of the campaign from where you're at shouldn't be too bad. Those missions in Episode 1 are the worst.
By Paw McCatney on 24 Jan 2022 16:46
E2M6 Was brutal. My advice, go for the red key first. Once the Barrons and pinkies spawn in, you are not making it past the doorway. After red key, brute force to the yellow, and blue key for last.

Anyone going for this achievement now start with e1m6. If you can't beat that level, don't bother with the rest. That level took me 2 weeks of practice and I managed to get lucky at the end room
By TyroneRundaGang on 28 Jan 2022 14:39
I found E2M3 the hardest of all. Everything has to work in the first race and a lot of things have to work. The achievement is very rewarding, I recommend to everyone not to give up. I did it 100% on my own and I'm not a great player.
By RiodeJaneiroRJ on 19 Feb 2022 05:50
So did the update make enemies faster or slower? I haven’t jumped back into this game yet because of this specific achievement and just other stuff
By Crims0nScorpion on 15 Mar 2022 23:27
Does anyone realize that Mission 4 impossible. You literally can’t get this achievement.
By Deadly Linda on 31 Mar 2022 00:43
Its not, people have unlocked the achievement after the update.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 31 Mar 2022 22:26
Do you have to do mission 4 aswell?
By MuffinKran86487 on 12 Apr 2022 23:03
You mean episode 4? You do not need to do episode 4, just the 3 original ones.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 13 Apr 2022 00:56
So it seems like there's a bug with this achievement. I have completed all 24 levels on coop Nightmare and my achievement tracker percentage is only on 70%.

I tried a test to see if its broken and it is. I checkd my tracker percent and it was on 70%. I then finished E3M8 and the tracker was on the same percent. I then played the level with another account as the host and that level counted for them but still not for me. This proves that the same 24 levels count towards the achievement.

I also want to note that the first three (or maybe more) missions I completed today did count towards the tracker. So what I'm thinking is that they only allow you to complete a few mission a day or week. I will test this out and let you know what happened.


Turns out some missions did not count so I just did them again.

Also I found another bug. If the second controller disconnects it might disconnect the second account from the game while you're playing. It may still look like you're playing splitscreen but if you quit and go to level select the second account wont be there. I would suggest making sure the second controller doesnt disconnect.

Conclusion: Take note of every mission that increases the achievement tracker percent so you dont have to waste time redoing all the missions.
By Clikaroons on 13 May 2022 09:29
Tracker was counting when I completed E2M5, then it didn't count for E2M6. Redid the mission, making sure every controller (three players) was connected the whole time and it still did not count. Tried doing E2M7 first to see if it would count on the tracker and the answer was no. Everything was fine until this happened, missions were counting. Now I'll try completing the missions on PC to see if it counts.
By Pedroca500 on 05 Mar 2023 15:22
There's an update for doom today, anybody know what is?
By HellWyrm on 11 Mar 2023 00:17
Hi guys just a quick question, do you have to play it in one sitting?
By Deestrix on 12 Mar 2023 08:40
Delete your savegame 'anywhere' (cloud and xbox) and play that episode again. It should work.
By oh Gentle on 17 Mar 2023 15:50
Absolutely DO hit the last switch by the blue key on E1M5!

Once that wall downstairs is open, you can run through the acid pool outside of the spawn area and straight into the dark maze-like section before the exit with nearly full health. I spent many hours going the same route as shown in the video above dying in the maze or before it due to all of the enemies. Once I pressed the switch it took me about 4 attempts (without armor and using the shotgun only) to make it through.
By tapport on 03 Jan 2024 17:01
Look at the other solution by TheRedRodCod for e1m6, this current way by whiteshirt is not working with the speed boost the enemies have.
By Zorc freeks on 14 Jan 2024 03:35
I want to add something crucial, if you notice your achievement progress not progressing, don't worry, it may take a day to update, I remember finishing a few levels and my progress was stuck at 66%, then it updated all at once after 4 levels. So it's not glitched.
By Zorc freeks on 15 Jan 2024 04:16
I managed to brute force my way through E1M3 but got totally stuck on E1M4 a few days ago. As you say it seems like the longer you take the harder it gets. There's no slowly whittling away the enemies like you would do on lower difficulties, it's more like slowly whittling away resources.
Thrilled to see the guide up, gives me hope that I might actually be able to do this now.
By Catatonic Nali on 09 Mar 2020 14:07
You are welcome! I hope more and more people attempt this achievement after seeing the videos.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 18 Mar 2020 23:33
All you need to do is play in co-op, whether you have someone physically on the second controller does not matter.
By Mr Whiteshirt on 24 Mar 2020 14:47
Not sure I agree that everything after E1 is easy, E2M6 in particular took me probably 30 mins just by itself. If you die trying to get that red key it's *really* hard to get back in there.

Haven't done E3 yet, that's all I have left. In any case thanks for the videos, they're helpful particularly on the upper levels where it's easy to get lost.
By Pedle Zelnip on 25 Mar 2020 22:56
I think it would work for Doom II as well, but it would definitely suck to have to redo all of the levels again.

And I see earlier in the thread you asked for videos of Doom II coop nightmare. I am actually ranked like 30 on the in-game leader boards in Doom 1 (arcade) and like 70 on the in-game leader boards for Doom II (arcade) and could make really good comprehensive walkthroughs for each level. But I have no reliable way to record and edit videos. If anyone knows of any good, easy ways, for a video making noob like me, to record and upload, I would consider making a walkthrough guide. But as it stands, I don't think the 5 minutes xbox clip recorder would really cut it in this situation.
By Ace Annihilates on 11 Apr 2020 12:21
It's not very often I pass up a challenging achievement, I think if I do go for this It will be one of those things I take at a very slow pace. simply stepping out of the spawn on Toxin Refinery got me killed immediately and from that point on a Pinky had its way with my character and the idle co-op controller in the spawn room.

I like a challenge, and I've completed some pretty masochistic achievements in my time, but I've never seen the point of such a hard difficulty that also re-spawns enemies, other than it being a more subtle form of self-harm.
It reminds my of the time I tried to play it on the GBA version when I was younger (although tbh I can't remember if it was Doom or Doom 2), it would actually crash the console because of how intense it was, which I think is how my brain feels.

I take my hat off to those of you who have done it, you mad gamers you XD
By SaberRusty on 06 Oct 2020 10:32
About 50% of the way through this. I took a different route for E1M6 I was unable to consistently clear out the room b4 rocketing my way to end. But coming in from the outside with more super health was the little boost I needed. E2M3 is also quite difficult after the update because the enemies just out pace out at every turn it's almost as difficult luck wise as E1M5. Took about 3 hours off and on to do E1M5 and maybe about the 2 hours to do E1M6 which oddly enough was more enjoyable as it was more skill than luck. E1M5 is just straight up bullshit. All I can say watching your guides is "man this guy had it easy with the slowed down enemies." I would say that this achievement has gone from pretty hard to near impossible. I hope from E2M5 to the end is not nearly as bad as most of E1. Doing this solo with a dummy controller.
By OverkillChaos on 24 Jan 2022 14:59
Best advice I can give if you're trying to brute force a level and is something I found out on E2M6, you can actually lure enemies away from where you are trying to go. The long hall way on that level is a joke if you don't one shot the whole level. So I ended up luring all the pinkies and the two barons out into the tunnel with the acid floor. If they can't see you, and you don't fire your gun, they won't aggro onto you and will stay there. I still had to run past the zombie gun man without shooting, but it was easier than nuking that whole hallway just to get the last key.
edit: if you're trying to aggro a single enemy that can't see you without grabbing the attention of enemies you've already lured away, run into them and they'll turn around to attack you.
By RopeADerp on 02 Aug 2022 23:11
Haven't seen anybody mention this yet, but on E2M2 it's possible to hit the button to raise the exit bridge without getting the red keycard:

I found it easier to do by jumping towards the button from the ledge across from the exit door, but it also works from down in the acid.

Also, the "void glide" trick in these videos work on E2M6 and E1M8:

It's a bit time consuming to get the right positioning for it to work.

For E2M6 you can lure the pinkies to the opposite side of the acid, and the other enemies from the blue keycard hallway into the hallway you came in from. As long as you don't attract them by shooting, they won't bother you.

For E1M8, I managed to get into a situation where all the pinkies were in the starting room, so there weren't any enemies to interrupt while I spent 30 mins shoving myself into the corner repeatedly.
By xTacticalGenius on 18 May 2023 22:10
Another thing that's worth mentioning is that I had a lot of trouble with the barons in E1M8, surprisingly quite a bit more than either of the other boss levels, mainly because they seem to respawn very quickly and they have to both be dead at the same time before the walls go down.
It's pretty easy to get stuck behind the pinkies in the first room and they will chase you all the way to the elevator so if you're coming back after a respawn they love blocking you in the corridor or in one of the side rooms with the shotgun/chaingun. Also if you're coming back the barons and spectres can be waiting at the top of the elevator and damage you while it's rising which really sucks.
I'd recommend making this as quick of a run as possible, ideally killing most or all of the pinkies with the barrels and trying to finish the level without dying. You need to try and distribute damage equally between the two barons so that the first one doesn't respawn before you can kill the second. I thought the spectres would help damage the barons but really all they do is get in the way, which at least blocks some of the barons fireballs but also soak up your bullets. And the damned things seem to respawn extremely quickly so they're much more of a problem than a help.
By Catatonic Nali on 11 Mar 2020 01:48
Big tip that made E1M6 much easier for me. Everything you do in your video up until collecting the yellow key is the same but as you pick it up go a little bit further into that room, specifically down the set of stairs that lead down into the maze area. Pretty sure this is the trigger that opens up another very useful secret route: the windy path through the slime which is immediately across from you as you exit back out of the yellow key area. This path ends with a lot of pickups, gives you another soulsphere and skips past a few rooms.
I'd practised the earlier parts plenty of times by this point and always got stuck somewhere inside the yellow door area, just didn't have enough health, but after finding this secret I nailed it first try with the extra soulsphere and rockets.

You can see what I'm talking about from about 2:25 in this video:
By Catatonic Nali on 11 Mar 2020 01:29
Ok so I did figure out a solution but it kinda sucks. So if anybody else is suffering from their percentage being stuck and cant make any progress here is what I did.

1. From the xbox home page find Doom (1993) and press the start button.
2. From that menu click on Manage game & add ons
3. Scroll down to where it says "Saved Data"
4. Find the saved data linked to your gamertag and press the "A" button on it.
5. When you press "A" on your gamertag saved data, a page will pop up asking if you want to delete the saved data from the console or from everywhere. We want to delete the cloud data for the game so choose "Delete Everywhere".

Now that you have deleted your save data from your xbox and bethesda's cloud youre good to go. But there is still a problem. In my situation, my achievement tracker still said 66%. But because I deleted all save data, even from the cloud, it was as if I had beat 0 levels. To put it simply, when you wipe your save data from the cloud, you are essentially resetting your progress on the achievement to 0 and you must do all the levels on coop nightmare again.

In order to see your achievement progress start going up again in the tracker, you must clear the amount of levels equal to your percentage first. And then the next level you clear will start adding percentage again.

So in my case I had 66% on the coop nightmare achievement. There are 24 levels you must beat in order to get the achievement. 66% of 24 means I have to beat 18 levels on coop nightmare, to be back at 66%. So only the 19-24th level that I clear are going to add percentage to the tracker.

It does suck practically resetting all of the progress you've made on the achievement, but at least it makes the achievement obtainable again, instead of having it stuck forever.
By Ace Annihilates on 11 Apr 2020 07:02
I've just finished (solo) this achievement and it took me a couple of days.. I say that not for kudos but to illustrate that this is perfect attainable, but it is a little tricky. I think the speed increase causes some additional problems with "brute force", as you play this more and more you will recognise that throwing yourself back into the same map area time-and-time-and-time again is essential. A few comments though (in consideration of the speed increase):

E1M4 - totally agree, learn the jump trick.
E1M5 - totally disagree! Hit the switch by the blue key.. otherwise, if you die, you have to make the entire run all again and that is quite a stiff run. Once open, when you spawn, just run across the room and you are there. When you enter the dark room, forget going around left. Run straight ahead into the dead-end.. it's a secret door.. open that and opposite is the exit.
E1M6 - totally agree. If you die after picking up the invisibility you are unlikely to brute force it through to the switch. Took me many hours of dying to realise this.
E1M7 - I did not go for the invisibility as per the video and was fine heading straight for the exit.

E3M4 - House of Pain. And it really is. This was by far the hardest map by a country mile, yes, the rest of episodes 2 and 3 are quite straight-forward, not this one though. Maybe it is to do with the speed-up. Essentially, to get through this you need to back-to-back the two invulnerabilites. The first area with the invulnerabilities.. make sure you have a brand-new set of 4 rockets, hit the switch, collect the invulnerability and race for the blue key. Get stuck on nothing! Make sure your shotgun is out.. when you enter the main door shutgun an imp or two out of the way. Get the door open with the floor panels. Switch to rocket launcher, and use this with your still active invulnerability to clear the way to the two pillars with the switches. You won't quite make it all the way with invulnerability still active but if you can do this you will stand a chance. Grab the next invuln, the yellow key, activate the other pillar, get the key and sprint to the end. Be careful of the final cacodemon in the exit room, your invlun will probably finish by the time you kill it.
By No 1 Richy on 27 Aug 2023 17:49
I soloed it on Xbox with the update. E1M6 is definitely the hardest, the last section is absurd with the constant pinkies spawning in behind you or from the side and running into your face whilst using rockets, there seems to be no way around it but a lot of luck. I found a way to make it easier is to collect the chaingun then hide in the alcove by the red door and use the 2nd controller to get the red key, this lets you keep the chaingun which helps clear the tunnels and room at the end of the level faster and reduces the chance of getting pincered in the tunnels.

E2M3 is very difficult too, definitely the 2nd hardest level, the exit is far, weapons are out of the way and there are pinkies all over, I couldn't find any reliable methods but brute force and luck. E1M5 (DO hit the switch) and E1M7 are difficult but can be brute forced eventually. E2M6 get the yellow key first then keep rushing and spamming the rocket on the corridor by the exit, after a few attempts you should get a clear path through to the red key, then get the blue key last, if the 2nd baron arrives before getting the red key just restart, it can be cleared without much effort doing this. The rest of the levels can be beaten relatively easily when you know the maps.
By D4rkTrooper90 on 25 Apr 2022 18:17
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This is a guide just for 1-6, which was the trickiest. Thanks to Mr Whiteshirt's guide for every other level, nearly all of which can be finished if you die and respawn. In my experience, 1-6 requires you to not die, because the chaingun from the beginning of the level is essential for the last few rooms.

See this clip, and notice you have some room to be a bit messy with this strategy. I've run this route a few times in a row and succeed 70-80% of the time.

Text guide, with differences marked with a star:

1. Take the shotgun and slowly clear the enemies up to the red key.
2. Grab the chaingun, then the red key, then hide until the door opens.
3. ⭐️ top off your health/armor to 100/100.
4. Go through the red door, get the blue key, then top off your health/armor to 200/200. Continue up until you arrive at the blue door.
5. ⭐️ Enter the blue door. (Brute-forcing into the yellow key room is inconsistent and leaves you exposed to the crossfire of fast fireballs.) Take every left turn inside the maze and hit the switch in the middle. Grab the yellow key.
7. ⭐️ After getting the rocket launcher, use 1-2 rockets on the pinkies outside, then finish the rest off with the chaingun. Cross the acid to the imp hallway ahead of you, shotgunning any in your way.
8. ⭐️ Resupply, then rocket the shotgunners below you. Get your chaingun ready, get on the Soul Sphere elevator, open the door, and start firing before the elevator even arrives. Hit the switch at the top of the stairs.
9. ⭐️ Cross the acid to the corner for one more radiation suit. This gives you enough space to rocket everyone around you and in the room ahead.
10. Top off your armor to 100. There's a medkit up the small stairs past it. Use your chaingun for the rest of the level.

If you can finish this, you can finish them all! Good luck!

05 Jun 2023 21:17

1 Comment
This one is the answer for E1M6 with the speed increase, because dang that level is brutal. The Twitch clip is super helpful and gave me more health from the secrets and let me take less damage from the different route. I could get close with Whiteshirt's guide, but always died in the last room and spent maybe three hours banging my head against the wall. With your guide, I got it within six tries. Thanks so much!
By novafire08 on 22 Sep 2023 06:22
Just a note to anyone wanting to get this. This doesn't count secret levels or Thy Flesh Consumed.

19 Aug 2019 14:31