Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition

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Finish the single-player campaign on Nightmare without lowering the difficulty.



How to unlock the Inquisitor achievement in Dragon Age: Inquisition - Definitive Guide

I don't think there really is a guide that can be given on how to complete this game on Nightmare mode. I mean there is no do this ... and you will get the achievement. So I am going to give my top tips on how to go about completing this crazy long game on Nightmare:

I've played both of the other Dragon Age games as a dual wield rogue, but this time I could not get past the prologue boss on nightmare with that setup so I rerolled and went with an archer. By that time I had finally figured out the game mechanics and beating the first prologue boss was a piece of cake. Have Cassandra tank the pride demon and make sure Varric and Solas are positioned at a good distance from the demon and make them hold their position. Otherwise they will just stand right on top of the demon and get themselves killed. If they are spread out and one of them goes down this will give you a better chance to run over and revive them. Also make sure you are disrupting the rift whenever you can. You actually have to do this anyway to be able to dmg the demon.

So some quick tips for a nightmare run:
1. I really wanted to play with some of the other characters but I found it just easier to play with Cassandra as a sword/shield tank, Dorian and Vivienne or Solas as the other party members. I went with an Archer/Assassin. Stealthing as an assassin and then using Overdraw is just a beast.

2. In some tough areas, I'm mainly talking about main story missions cause you are locked into them once you start them, make sure you are fully stocked before you start the mission at the war table. I'm talking about grenades and rejuvenation potions. If you do not stock up on these before story missions you are SOL and will not be able to have any on you!

3. In story missions make sure to heal up (if you have any potions left) before you click on the resupply crates. Also, you should pick increasing the amount of health potions you can carry as soon as you can as an inquisition perk.

4. In some areas that were difficult (and seeing as I was playing as a ranged rogue character) if your characters are starting to go down, you can have your character stealth and run away into an area you have already cleared. If you run far enough your 3 other party members will revive back by you and even if their health is low you can send them back in to damage the enemies. The enemies do not regenerate health. I think this is my biggest tip. This saved me on numerous occasions. Especially at the beginning of the game in the haven mission. You have to keep trying to load this trebuchet, but everytime you do more enemies swarm you. You can run up a hill next to you and take out the enemies much slower than just getting spanked by them. Do this and it will make the nightmare run much easier!!

5. Make sure you are the right level for the mission you are about to start. At the war table it will give you the suggested level for starting that mission. If you're playing on Nightmare make sure you are at the higher end of that range. If the mission is recommended for a lvl 8-10 then go do side mission and stuff until you are closer to 10. Heck you can even over level and make the story mission even easier if you want. If you are going for the full completion then there is a ton of side stuff you need to complete anyway, so might as well get to it.

6. This achievement is for finishing the "main" campaign on Nightmare mode. This does not mean that you have to get the achievement for killing all 10 high dragons etc. while still playing on nightmare mode. When the final story mission is over you will end up back in Skyhold and can continue on with any side mission that you please. As soon as you kill the big baddie at the end the achievements for complete Nightmare and Hard will both pop assuming you never ever changed the difficulty level. The only side missions that you get blocked from are romance related ones and companion related ones. So by all means complete the main mission and get back to Skyhold. After the credits, make a save. Then switch to Casual if you like and go to town on those dragons or whatever else you have left to do.

7. I'm putting this one in here just in case it has a huge impact, cause for my story I think it did and it ended up being a side quest but it had an effect on a battle, so I'm putting it behind a spoiler for you just in case you don't want a story spoiler:

8. My last tip: If you make the right decisions in some story missions you can skip the boss fight completely, or get some nice help at least wink!

Have fun on your Nightmare run, I know I did smile!

28 Nov 2014 18:24

What level were you for the main story stuff? I plan on doing what I can on nightmare to finish the story then do anything that's tough after that on a lower difficulty.
By Fuzzmeister J on 30 Nov 2014 02:22
By the time I got around to finishing the main story line I was level 19. I believe the final mission suggest you be around 16-19 or something like that anyway. I was 19 though and the final boss was stupid easy for some reason. I think I might have used 1 or 2 heal potions for the whole thing.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 30 Nov 2014 03:52
I am level 17 and have not gone to the ball yet :p
By Fuzzmeister J on 30 Nov 2014 17:43
Yeah you should be good Fuzzmeister. At 17 by the time you got to the last mission you would most likely be 19 or 20, maybe even higher.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 30 Nov 2014 21:20
I tried this out first as a melee rogue. It was awful. Now I am trying as a ranged rogue, using one tank stacking guard/taunt skills and 2 mages stacking barrier skills. It is a million times easier - still a bitch at times, but doable. Thanks for the tip.
By djpatterson2011 on 03 Dec 2014 11:19
I feel I should point out that in point 8:

By Doktor Brun on 03 Dec 2014 12:13
Nightmare achievement popped for me after a hugely bugged final fight but the hard achievement didn't unlock even though it's shown as complete in the tracker. Sigh.
By ponypo2001 on 06 Dec 2014 17:21
That sucks. Maybe the hard achievement will still pop. Sometimes stuff is bugged like that on the Xbox One.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 07 Dec 2014 00:37
Nice tips I have beaten the game two and a half times on Nightmare now. I can't lower the difficulty or the fights are way to boring the first time I beat it as a dual wielding assassin the second time I beat it as a tempest archer now I am doing it with a necromancer and I have to say having an assassin with a maxed out mark skill will make your life easier.
By Lliryn Dres on 08 Dec 2014 15:59
I'm playing Nightmare as a Mage. It was rough getting to Skyhold. I almost gave up on the Haven Assault quest, but I got thru and am now a Knight Enchanter. Once I got the Fade Shield on that skill tree it was game over for the enemies. I can now solo fade rifts that are higher levels than me because as long as I'm doing damage, my barrier stays up. I also just created new tier 3 armor and the master work perk I chose was the one that has a 5% chance to use unbowed which is guard. So not only do I have my fade shield, but I have guard as well. I was surprised at how often the unbowed presents itself. It no longer feels like Nightmare mode which at times seemed impossible. It just feels like a regular game to me
By Angelic Beth on 17 Dec 2014 18:47
Going the 3 ranged, 1 tank route also. Doing KE myself too and man it's made it much easier. Currently experimenting by bringing out solas as a CC rift mage, Cass as my tank and sera as an archer and it seems to be working. Occasionally it's just me and Cass tanking if things get too rough but it's gotten a hell of a lot easier since skyhold.

Almost gave up on Haven also christ that last trebruchet wiped me a good 3-4 times. The pride demon I just managed it with luck thanks to guardian barrier. That skill was a life saver in that fight. (Started as a human just for the extra starting skill).

Secretly fearing it's glitched though. My sister popped by and decided to give it a whirl so started a new game on my account. With how temperamental the xbox achievements have been it wouldn't surprise me if it somehow managed to stop me unlocking the cheevo at the end. Guess i'll find out in another 30 odd hours if it has! It should be fine though, I mean I'm hoping not even the glitchy as hell cheevos in this game would be that bad...Fingers crossed D=.

Thanks for the tip #8. The judgement if you fight said person is hilarious (I laughed out loud) but not something I'd like to try on Nightmare. Also thanks for the tip #7 too I actually didn't get that first playthrough so that will be a lifesaver too! That fight was, well my first was on normal so it wasn't bad but it was long so every little helps.

Going to assume
By Flezza on 19 Dec 2014 02:58
Game update/patch on Feb 4 now fixes item dupe / infinite gold glitch.
By visheyry on 04 Feb 2015 13:38
Yeah they patched it on PC last patch. I was pretty sure this was incoming for the Xbox.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 04 Feb 2015 18:31
About to start this, and as I'm seeing, looks like going Mage with KE specialization is probably the way to go.

Great guide otherwise.
By KingJamerscore on 20 Feb 2015 16:12
Mage with Knight Enchanter is awesome, but you can't specialize to Knight Enchanter until way later in the game.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 20 Feb 2015 21:25
No just DO IT. Take your time and explore and level up before doing main story missions. There's a ton to do anyway, so just enjoy it. Once you're a higher level this game is a cake walk :)
By SnipedByAGir1 on 19 Dec 2014 14:00
Flezza yes your assumption is right and I am adding that in. Side with them. You skip a bunch of fights and they help you fight as well :)
By SnipedByAGir1 on 19 Dec 2014 14:01
For the Haven assault fight, if you finish loading the trebuchet, the fight ends. With my setup, and that my rouge used all the health potions, I found that fight unbeatable. so when the boss spawned, I had my mages (me and Solas) barrier Cassandra and had all three of them stay away, while I controlled Varrick and primed the trebuchet. Once the bar was full, fight over.
By Faedakyn on 01 Jan 2015 04:59
I did nightmare right off the bat. Only part I ever had a problem was at the trebuchet (controller breaking frustration at that). Once I got past that, nightmare was a joke as I was usually overleved for all story missions from exploring every nook and crany of every map. I didn't have problems again until the higher level dragon(s) while I breezed through the through the final 2 story missions at lvl 23ish. I played an archer, using blackwall, and two mages, either Vivienne and Doran or Vivienne and Solas. Also barrier is and absolute god send for keeping your tanks alive.
By KilldbyNecropsy on 06 Jan 2015 20:30
I did nightmare right off the bat. Only part I ever had a problem was at the trebuchet (controller breaking frustration at that). Once I got past that, nightmare was a joke as I was usually overleved for all story missions from exploring every nook and crany of every map. I didn't have problems again until the higher level dragon(s) while I breezed through the through the final 2 story missions at lvl 23ish. I played an archer, using blackwall, and two mages, either Vivienne and Doran or Vivienne and Solas. Also barrier is and absolute god send for keeping your tanks alive.
By KilldbyNecropsy on 06 Jan 2015 23:01
While its not a main quest mission, you can skip the boss fight in Emprise du Lion by accepting Imshael's offer (ask for the virgins for a moment of light comedy). None of your companions seems to have any dissaproval from it either.
By Godeskian on 07 Jan 2015 22:26
I went through as a tanking warrior, didn't have too much trouble. Being a rogue probably is the best option so you can stealth and then interrupt rifts.
Honestly the only part I had trouble with other than the first Pride Demon was the part with the trebuchet.
By Elite1111111111 on 10 Jan 2015 01:05
I agree if you can tough it through the demon and trebuchet part your golden. Those are the 2 hardest parts of the game.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 10 Jan 2015 04:07
If I remember correctly, the boss during the trebuchet part (at least for siding with the mages) didn't drop anything impressive, so it probably is better just to try to turn the crank to avoid the enemies. I ran into town to fight the enemies, so you could probably run to the town and then run back to the trebuchet to skip the fight.
By Elite1111111111 on 11 Jan 2015 23:46
doing this achievement does it unlock the hard and normal achievement?
By The Slab on 12 Jan 2015 17:44
Yes it stacks.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 13 Jan 2015 00:45
For your tip #7

By prowlerdante on 22 Jan 2015 03:07
Also another tip: When I was fighting at Haven on my Nightmare playthrough, I sided with the Mages, and when the boss spawned, I had almost no health potions. I ended up getting the boss and one of his adds stuck near the entrance to the chantry and just kept taking care of the two archer adds that would spawn during the turning of the trebuchet. This was FAAAAR easier than trying to kill the boss, especially with everyone having no health or health potions.
By prowlerdante on 27 Jan 2015 05:38
I can confirm the item dupe / infinite money glitch still works as of 1/27.
By visheyry on 28 Jan 2015 12:31
this game is a piece of piss on nightmare, played as mage and used the knight enchanter specialization, barrier never brakes i could tank everything even the dragons.
By RockCiayton on 31 Jan 2015 06:45
just pick up the skill points that make barrier take more damage and degenerate slower
By RockCiayton on 31 Jan 2015 06:49
What prowlerdante and The Globalizer said. I think this should be added to the solution. Side with the Templars and you can skip another boss!
By Kennyannydenny on 22 Apr 2015 17:49
I've updated the solution to include being able to skip the fight with Calpernia completely. Also removed the gold dupe glitch cause it was patched :)
By SnipedByAGir1 on 22 Apr 2015 19:17
Looks great, thanks! +1 from me
By Kennyannydenny on 23 Apr 2015 08:15
I just beat corypheus on nightmare and loaded into skyhold and no achievement. I'm 99.9% sure I kept the difficulty on nightmare. I tried signing in and out after getting to skyhold but still no achievement. I didn't even get the hard achievement. What should I do?
By Lcbdeke on 31 May 2015 21:51
I think you have to retire to your quarters.... Did you check the options menu if it still days nightmare?
By PrimeBigTime on 31 May 2015 23:12
Yeah I retired to my quarters. Also I checked my settings and it said nightmare.
By Lcbdeke on 31 May 2015 23:48
Do you have a save that you can load up right before you killed Corypheus? Maybe try killing him again and see if it will pop for you.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 01 Jun 2015 01:27
i redid the fight and they popped immediately after. I didn't even get to Skyhold.
By Lcbdeke on 01 Jun 2015 02:42
clap That must be a relief!
By SnipedByAGir1 on 01 Jun 2015 03:21
I was considering doing a nightmare run with a dule dagger rouge. Is this doable or simply too hard? Maybe I'll try a tank...
By JoeyPajamas on 31 Aug 2015 15:29
Honestly if that's the way you want to play I would try it out. If you find the ogre battle at the beginning too hard you can always spec as an archer first and then respect to dual daggers after.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 31 Aug 2015 15:32
Ok, cool. Thanks for the advice. Your solution is brilliant too, much appreciated.
By JoeyPajamas on 31 Aug 2015 22:03
Strangely, I found the Pride Demon battle really easy. I kept stealthing, disrupting the rift, and the pummeling him while he was stunned. Didn't take too long at all. Still dreading the trebuchet mission though.
By JoeyPajamas on 07 Sep 2015 22:04
Trebuchet fight isn't bad if you just go slow and take your time. Save the supply caches. I posted a video of the trebuchet fight in the walkthrough.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 07 Sep 2015 22:33
Got through the trebuchet fight. It was a little frustrating but not too bad. One with the rest of the game!
By JoeyPajamas on 21 Sep 2015 09:51
Rest is a cake walk. Have fun!
By SnipedByAGir1 on 21 Sep 2015 12:10
Put 50 hrs in on normal with a dual wield rough. Combat is garbage. Im gonna restart as a necro mage on nightmare. Been reading about walking bomb.
By JW DEUCE on 28 Mar 2016 18:49
I was saving my Mage play through for nightmare. Turns out I just wasn't enjoying the combat as a rogue and was wanting to rush through it to get to my nightmare Mage run. I figure I'll put 200hrs in anyway. Might as well enjoy it. Good tips though. I'll keep this solution in mind.
By JW DEUCE on 29 Mar 2016 05:05
Dual wield rogue is very hard to play, especially on nightmare. You die to quick. You could respec your rogue to using a bow instead of restarting.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 29 Mar 2016 05:15
Do you know if turning on/off trials mid game affect these achievements??
By Variant III on 19 May 2016 06:35
Do you know if turning on/off trials mid game affect these achievements??
By Variant III on 19 May 2016 06:37
Trials have nothing to do with the Inquisitor achievement. As long as you don't touch the difficulty level setting you will be fine. You can turn trials on and off. That does not affect the "nightmare" difficulty setting.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 19 May 2016 12:36
cool man thanks!
By Variant III on 20 May 2016 05:55
Considering the achievement states that I have to complete the main single player campaign on nightmare. What if I lower the difficulty when playing the DLC during my run? Would that effect the achievement?
By Raptures Lost on 26 Nov 2016 22:03
If you do it while you still haven't completed the main campaign, then yes it will effect the achievement. If you finish the final battle and complete the main campaign then you can switch the difficultly and play the rest of the DLC on easy afterwards as there are no difficultly requirements for the DLC.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 26 Nov 2016 23:44
I find Viv does do that a lot. I used her and Dorian all the time though. I think it sort of depends on how you spec Vivienne. Some people use her as a tank/secondary tank. If you pour your points into her Knight Enchanter skill tree she is pretty OP. With her Spirit Blade skill she is meant to play up close and personal and not ranged.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 04 Aug 2017 21:25
Well it's been a while but I'm quite sure she always had a staff.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 04 Aug 2017 23:08
Spoolin, what the actual fuck?
By THEpaynexkiller on 01 Dec 2017 01:03
I have no idea? I've never commented on here and then got a notification, I come here, and holy hell my name is all over the place with the same comment? I deleted them all. Thanks for the heads up though.
By SpoolinChaos on 01 Dec 2017 01:09
IF it helps out by any means this Achievement has been made a ton easier with update 10. The Golden Nug after your first playthrough will spawn in the skyhold. If you click on this it will sync all of your crafting items for all other saves. Once you get to the first area (can't remember the name.) you can click on the golden nug in the stable and you will now have tier 4 level items available.

From here you can go to the emporium and buy some crafting items and have some powerful weapons at your disposal.
By Golden Sequence on 19 Feb 2021 00:12
Bit late to the party because I am partial to Origins, but running as a Rouge Archer has always been ridiculously OP. Did they switch up perks in this game? I remember with the Awakening DLC and the Accuracy perk, I could do about 5000 damage per hit haha
By Mr DopeGaming on 01 Nov 2022 15:56
Finished on Hard and was a Mage with Knight Enchanter specialization, used Vivienne (Knight Enchanter too). Both skilled Spirit Blade and everything that buffs Barriers. Set them to use Barriers and Spirit Blade only. So basically with this they recharge Barrier when dealing damage. Then I used Cassandra as Tank and Iron Bull. All 10 Dragons had been very easy with this setup, two Mages who spam Barrier and nearly never lose Barrier themselves. And all Characters go into Melee so all get the Barrier.

Maybe this helps :)

Now I start Nightmare but I don't want to play a mage again although it might be easy I choose an Archer now! :)
By cptObbes on 29 Nov 2014 11:32
I'm tempted to do a nightmare run as my first playthrough. I'm assuming that is a bad idea?
By ParanoydAndroid on 19 Dec 2014 03:13
FYI, if you side with the Templars and complete the associated side quest, you can skip the What Pride Had Wrought boss battle entirely.
By The Globalizer on 26 Mar 2015 03:48
When you do your nightmare run and the war room map mission tells you something like "recommended for level 4-7" just make sure you are at least two levels above the suggested range, preferably three. Have had no problems on nightmare.
By PrimeBigTime on 15 May 2015 02:53
Similar to what other users above have said there is an easy way to cheese the trebuchet fight. Have a rogue go into stealth and run back into town by the chantry. Keep activating stealth if it wears off. Whether or not your allies fall in combat the boss and enemies will follow you to the chantry building. All you have to do is turn around, run back to the trebuchet and turn the wheel. The enemies will try to catch up with you but they are very slow. I did this on my first try.
By Or1g1nal S1nn3r on 03 Nov 2015 18:59
If people play through on an easier difficulty for the first time that can also make the Nightmare run easier because of the Golden Nug transferring schematics. I used this site; http://dragoninquisition.com/best-armor-accessories/

It lists the best armor/accessories in the game and the items are color coded to reflect which DLC is required, or if it's base game. There is also one for weapons, but they don't color code that one so you'll actually need to see if you need a DLC or not. With the weapon one I seen which one they think to be the best, and crafted that weapon as soon as I can. Even with the lower tier materials it's helping me out immensely in the Hinterlands. Will probably need to re-craft with higher tiers eventually, but it should definitely last for awhile.
By ThaDevilzHand on 11 Feb 2017 01:18
It took me a while but i got this on my third character. I found a ranged rogue to be the safest...I went through most of it with three ranged and one tank (Varric, Solas, Cassandra) but towards the end I switched to two ranged, one tank, and one 2hander (Varric out Iron Bull in) and that seemed to work better for more of the end game areas. One thing that really helped was the healing grenade that you can get from killing the spider under the fort in crestwood. If you upgrade it all the way, it will pretty much heal full health and additionally raise knocked out characters. With a max of 3 grenades on each character (without any optional stock upgrades or anything) paired with the max 12 healing potions, thats doubling your healing options.

One thing I found annoying was that even if I set shield bash to a preferred skill, when something would put up a guard, it wouldn't be used. So I just made it a definite priority to manually switch to my tank and spam that until the guard was down (upgraded, it will usually just take one but tougher stuff will take two at the most).

I did a kind of bare boned run up until the last mission which I attempted at like lvl 12 and was QUICKLY murdered. Most things, if done right with a rogue, tend to be very easy to stay in control of. Using stealth to quickly run over to a downed ally, steathing anytime you pull aggro, stealthing to run around rift baddies to disrupt, and obviously using stealth to get far enough away from a doomed battle where your the lone survivor to get your allies bodies 'ported' out of danger and reviving them. That being said...none of those come much in hand with the last mission. I didnt really see it being done without being the proper lvl and with the proper gear.

For sure it was a great challenging experience and one thing to really be proud of. Great tips in the main solution and sticking to them really helped me along the way.
By GoGoActionTeam on 29 Dec 2014 21:34
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I found this really difficult until I went the 3 ranged and 1 tank route. I ended up going with a super tank, 2 mages with regen abilities, and 1 archer with max damage abilities and stealth if needed. I found it ten times easier than any other setup I had.

Overall this game was both fun and challenging, when in doubt most of the time you can retreat, stealth, regroup and respawn then go back. Have two mages with revive and barrier also help. For your tank, try to get max guard belt and rings, it makes him pretty much unstoppable.

SpooilinChaos : "So did some testing, if you delete the game from your system, and don't let it update, and start a new game, you can use the glitch/exploit as long as you stay offline, then after you cap it out, then you can update the game and go on your way. This will also be the only way to do the exploit of getting the Amulet of Power for the hero, as they removed the amulet from the chest in Crestwood and just put it on the floor on it's own, so you'd have to do the same method to take advantage of that exploit as well."

PATCHED (Left for Reference)
One thing to add is that there is a glitch on a vendor that can give you max reputation and power, which can give you requisition perks that make this easier... like carrying more potions and have more abilities. I included a video on how to do that. You can access this vendor in the main story mission where u actually enter the void.

04 Dec 2014 04:10

I literally couldn't even believe how simple that little exploit was haha thanks for the video great solution
By drownedLTspeirs on 10 Dec 2014 17:18
your welcome, yeah it does make it alot easier once this vendor shows up
By Markyshizzle on 10 Dec 2014 23:24
I have one question for you, where or what mission on the war room do you have to complete and when is it available?? I've been looking for this guy forever and I don't see a mission in the room that has anything to do with him... mind helping out?
By ComanderDrizzle on 02 Jan 2015 01:51
i didnt do any specific mission in the war room that i remember, but if u use the time offline glitch, u can do all the missions in like 5 minutes lol
By Markyshizzle on 02 Jan 2015 02:04
I have one question for you, where or what mission on the war room do you have to complete and when is it available?? I've been looking for this guy forever and I don't see a mission in the room that has anything to do with him... mind helping out?
By ComanderDrizzle on 02 Jan 2015 22:12
ok now read my response... -_-
By Markyshizzle on 02 Jan 2015 23:23
ComanderDrizzle: After you hit Inquisition Rank 6, the war table mission Power for a Price will show up. That is what you need to complete to get Farris (the vendor) to show up in Skyhold.
By CosmicRunaway on 06 Jan 2015 12:34
Thanks, while playing around I notice that Farris shows up after you do the Specializations and after talking to the dudes that show up and I talked to them. Farris was available.
One thing that I notice and was wondering if everyone had this... if I do the time glich and then go back to regular time I notice that my save retrograded to before I started changing the time.
By ComanderDrizzle on 06 Jan 2015 19:31
Thanks for the tip about 3 ranged 1 tank. Makes the game very easy indeed! My favorite combo was Casandra/Varric/Dorian for their idle conversations - let the hilarity ensue!
By Asocirev on 03 Feb 2015 15:29
Post should be edited, the exploit has been patched and can no longer be done on the Xbox One Version.
By SpoolinChaos on 07 Mar 2015 00:24
By Markyshizzle on 08 Mar 2015 09:01
So did some testing, if you delete the game from your system, and don't let it update, and start a new game, you can use the glitch/exploit as long as you stay offline, then after you cap it out, then you can update the game and go on your way. This will also be the only way to do the exploit of getting the Amulet of Power for the hero, as they removed the amulet from the chest in Crestwood and just put it on the floor on it's own, so you'd have to do the same method to take advantage of that exploit as well.
By SpoolinChaos on 09 Mar 2015 02:55
does it have to be a new save or can I delete the game and not download the update and use my current save?
By on 21 Oct 2015 03:31
The game won't let you play a save if the version of the save doesn't match the version of the game. IE, a save with the patch but an older version of the game.
By SpoolinChaos on 21 Oct 2015 03:38
Fuck. I just got to Skyhold last night. I'm not having too much trouble with nightmare at all so far but I still don't really want to start over just for this glitch :/
By on 22 Oct 2015 23:34
Yeah, that's about where I was when I found all this out, thought I could cheat the system, but nope, you get an error saying the version of the game on your save doesn't match the version of the game you're trying to play, and to update the game to match the version of the save. Things were much simpler on the 360, haha
By SpoolinChaos on 22 Oct 2015 23:43
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Here's the rub, folks: this is not an easy achievement, as the ratio proves, but it becomes easier if you can make it to Skyhold. The above solutions are fine and dandy, but I decided to go with two mages (myself as a human [this will help later with armor available in the Hissing Wastes, but that's up to you] and Solas), one ranged (initially Varric and then Sera once her bows become stronger than Varric's Bianca), and one tank (initially Cassandra and then Iron Bull once he gets a superior two-handed weapon). Two mages will allow you to maintain a barrier for the major part of most battles, and this was something I found critical to succeeding on nightmare difficulty. You can essentially alternate between yourself and Solas with casting Barrier when necessary (which is all the time) and this will greatly increase your chances of success. You should also focus on increasing the guard of your tank via belts and/or masterwork items once you acquire them. This won't make him unstoppable, but he'll at least keep the pressure off you for longer, which is crucial.

For the most part, you're going to be focusing on completing main story missions, with some asides that will help you level up (and overlevel, in some cases) in order to make the game slightly less challenging. Now the first thing you need to do is focus on upgrading your Barrier spell for your primary character and Solas. The initial spells that you start with (Chain Lightning and Flashfire) will suffice until you get to Skyhold. If you can spare it, I recommend getting Dispel, which is super useful in closing those glowing green holes that accompany rifts, and for reducing enemy barriers. It's also worth noting that Demons are susceptible to ice more than anything else, and this might be extremely useful during the most challenging part of the game, which is the siege on Haven, in my opinion.

Now you might be wondering about Inquisition Perks. First off, the exploit to max out your Influence and therefore the perks no longer works. Ruh-roh. In any case, I highly recommend that you take any two or three codex experience perks, preferably prior to exploring Val Royeaux (there are a bunch of codices laying around here for some reason, enough that you can get a sizeable chunk of XP at this early juncture). Then, I recommend the perk that gives you access to some pretty decent mage equipment, including the staff and armor you'll use for the majority of the game. This one makes the most sense since you'll be saving the world with two mages, and you might as well have them decked out in superior gear. You will also greatly benefit from increasing your potion capacity and, if possible, the extra potion slot, as soon as possible. 4 extra healing potions make all the difference in a lot of battles, as do rejuvenation potions. Other perks are up to you, but I recommend taking 10% increase to all defense as soon as you can after capturing the keep in Crestwood (you have to capture the keep to unlock the perk option; unfortunately you can't do it until after you've reached Skyhold). I also recommend the retroactive research item XP one at some point. Speaking of, collect and turn in research items as much as possible, as you'll gain experience and damage increases to the respective enemies this way, which is always good.

Okay, so here was my path to success:
1) Save frequently. This goes without saying. The last thing you want to do is replay 15 minutes of difficult gameplay because the 5-second save process was too inconvenient for you. As an added note, you can absolutely do this achievement on your first playthrough, so that's up to you.
2) Complete all the quests you possibly can in the Hinterlands. I don't recommend pursuing the shards here or anywhere in the game unless this is your sole playthrough, as the accompanying perks were ultimately unnecessary for me after I achieved my class specialization. More on that momentarily. Your goal is to reach level 11, or 12 if possible, prior to the siege of Haven. You should also have the best possible armor and weapons for all of your characters prior to the siege.
3) Speaking of, improve your weapons, your armor, and the respective weapon/armor add-ons as frequently as possible.
4) The Siege of Haven is a pain in the ass, and probably causes a lot of people to give up and/or break their controllers. Rest assured, the game gets dramatically easier after this point, so hang in there and keep trying. Most of the siege isn't especially difficult; just hang back and cast spells while the rest of crew distracts the enemies. Obviously, heal fully before replenishing your supplies. During the first two ballista sections, focus on cranking them while your buddies take care of the enemies. Only break to make sure your barrier is intact. I made it through all of this without dying or reloading, so it's not that rough. The real challenge will come during the penultimate battle of Haven, when you have to crank to final ballista. This is a really tough section, and you will likely die multiple times. Make absolutely sure to leave the crate of supplies right by the ballista until you absolutely need them, and to help yourself out even more leave a crate of supplies by the main doors to the Haven chantry, just in case. Speaking of, don't be afraid to retreat away from the ballista if you're overwhelmed and your buddies are dying off like idiots. They will transport next to you after a certain distance, and you can revive them easier this way. Also, there are two things to note about this battle: you can save between waves of enemies, which is nice, and a new wave of enemies will arrive each time you start cranking the ballista handle. For this reason, make sure to crank that damn handle (insert lewd joke here) for as long as possible before attacking enemies. I highly advise that you focus on this act instead of attacking enemies, because once it's complete the battle is over. With a little bit of luck you'll persevere and get to Skyhold. And just to give you a sense of where you should be at level-wise, I was at 11 when I attempted this, and it was challenging. Unfortunately, I think it's probably fairly difficult to get higher than this without some really serious grinding.

*** EDIT: Rhyolitic adds this about the Siege of Haven: [For that final trebuchet (not ballista - ballista are basically giant crossbows, trebuchets are counterweighted catapults), crank just enough that it spawns 2 enemies. Take them down, then continue cranking till the next group spawns. If you try doing as much as possible, you'll probably get overwhelmed. I was able to do this at level 9 w/Iron Bull, Solas, and Varric.] ***

5) Once you've made it to Skyhold your number one objective should be completing the class specialization quest for the Knight Enchanter. You will likely have acquired the Wisp Essences you need if you played through the Fallow Mire map (which you should have), so you're good there. If not, head back and fight until you have them. As for Lazurite, unlock the Hissing Wastes map and then head back to Skyhold. Go to the War Table and you should now have the "Hissing Wastes Resources" mission available. Keep doing this until you have 10. Alternatively, you can try to traipse around Hissing Wastes to collect the lazurite on your own, but be forewarned that the enemies here are all at level 16, and will likely kill you quickly. The final item, the book related to the Knight Enchanter quest, is located in the Skyhold room with Vivienne. Once you have all three, craft the Knight Enchanter hilt and turn that bad boy into Commander Helaine. Welcome to the best class in the game.

*******EDIT:Sakori says: "As of today [Sept. 9, 2015] Knight enchanter has received a very major nerf in spirit blade. Damage is now halfed and it lost most of the bonus damage vs guard/barrier.

The class is still pretty strong, but you can't just spam spirit blade anymore. Other spells (like barrage or fire mine) get the job done just fine." So it appears an update has made the Knight Enchanter far less powerful. I think it'll still prove to be the most useful class for the Nightmare playthrough if you use Sakori's spell tips. END EDIT*******

6) You might be thinking, wait, this puts me right in the fray. You're damn right it does, but you'll be nearly invincible while you're there. As soon as you can, acquire the spirit blade skill and it's second level option. You'll be using other spells throughout the game as needed, but this (along with barrier) will be your bread and butter. I highly recommend you lock all the other skills in this class tree, with the exception of fade cloak and resurgence. If you have to, use the blacksmith's shop to purchase the item that allows you to reallocate your skill points, keeping all skills that relate to barrier, putting all your points into knight enchanter, and keeping something like chain lightning and an ice spell around for the fade rifts. Now, the beautiful thing about the Knight Enchanter is that using spirit blade renews your barrier at a pretty decent rate, so as long as you're swinging away it's really difficult for enemies to hurt you unless they have some kind of armor / barrier penetration capability or you get knocked down. Suffice to say, I almost never had to heal once I unlocked Knight Enchanter, and would often find myself fighting on as a lone ranger well after my buddies had fallen unconscious. This was true in dragon fights and with several of the more challenging fade rifts, just to give you some sense of how overpowered you will become. As another note, you do bonus damage to enemy shields and barriers with Spirit Blade, making it hard to lose.
7) Play through the game normally now, making sure to be at the top end of the recommended level for each story mission. One thing I recommend is acquiring awesome crafting materials in the Hissing Wastes (lazurite and volcanic arum) and Emprise de Lion (silverite and dawnstone). You can also go for everite near the dragon in the Emerald Graves, and get august ram fur and great bear hides here. All of these things are great for crafting. Once you hit level 12 and/or have your Knight Enchanter in full-blown beast mode, you should be able to tackle more advanced areas and enemies, like the level 16 enemies/rifts in the Hissing Wastes and Emprise de Lion. I don't recommend trying to revive your buddies if they die, as they'll just suck up healing potions and usually die again. Anyway, our goal now is to acquire around 9000 gold to buy the best armor from the Canyon Shop in the Hissing Wastes. And by best I mean the heavy armor. You might be thinking, but wait, only my tank can equip that! Wrong. If you use silverite to craft armor it removes the race limitation (and fade-touched silverite removes the class limitation; thanks EbonHawk01 for that tidbit), so now your mages can enjoy an even greater defensive boost. Also, if you complete the various tomb puzzles in the Hissing Wastes you can get fairly nice schematics for yourself and other characters that will make life much easier.
8) At the same time you're doing this you should be pursuing the sidequests associated with Iron Bull. I don't think you can complete all of them until after the Wicked Hearts / Orlesian court story mission, but you can always get the ball rolling. Now this part is very important: when you are given the sidequest to accompany Iron Bull in the Storm Coast, you must decide to sacrifice his men and save the dreadnought. The reason we're doing all of this is to get the best staff in the game, the Masterwork Archon Staff, and you won't be able to do this if you choose to save his men. Eventually you'll be able to choose a number of spy missions from the War Table. They will take a while to complete, but they are totally worth it. This is the final mission you must complete in order to get the schematic for the staff:

(Obviously this is property of the Dragon Age wiki)

You can backtrack through all of the previous spy missions through the above link, so you know exactly what to do, who to send, and how long it will take. It helps to have acquired as many agents as possible, as they will reduce the mission time of your three main advisors. Up to you. If you like, you might want to search the same wiki for the best staff blades and grips. That's getting a little too nuanced for me, so I won't include that here.
9) Have fun! You can totally kill dragons without fear once you've become a Knight Enchanter, especially after you're level 14 or so. That's when I took on the dragon in the Hinterlands, followed by the one in Crestwood, Emerald Graves, and Hissing Wastes. You can go for more if you want, but I was really focusing on just beating the game after I killed these four (I had already killed all 10 in my first playthrough). Obviously the dragon blood and bones they offer are very nice for crafting purposes, and they also provide large chunks of XP. This is optional, though I found it useful. I didn't struggle against any of them, even as my companions lay uselessly beside me, dreaming of being as good as me. As a final bit of useful info, I was at level 19 when I completed the game, and, having done everything in my first playthrough in about 85 hours, I streamlined this playthrough to complete the game in 44 hours.

If you have any questions or comments for improving this guide, don't hesitate to let me know!

*** EDIT: Solution has been modified to reflect information on the Amulet of Power exploit that has been patched since the solution was originally posted. ***

*** EDIT 2: Information added and corrected to reflect comments by EbonHawk01. ***

03 Mar 2015 15:38

As I recall the final fight is just your and your 3 support characters vs. Corypheus and his dragon (at one point). It sounds to me like you're experiencing some kind of glitch. I would reload and earlier save, make sure the game is installed to your hard drive, and maybe switch out a character or two. Sorry about your troubles.
By Cellar Attic on 06 Mar 2015 00:38
There is only one item in the bag for the amulet of power glitch in my game. Seems like it has been fixed or I am unlucky.
By QuailFighter on 14 Mar 2015 00:14
Gotcha. I'll have to check it out on my own copy to see. If anyone else could confirm or deny it would be appreciated.
By Cellar Attic on 15 Mar 2015 13:29
Can anyone confirm whether or not the amulet of power glitch is still active or not? I haven't had a chance to pop the game back in since I made this solution.
By Cellar Attic on 26 Mar 2015 15:00
Yep, I can confirm there's now only the Amulet of Power in the bag, nothing else. Once it's looted, the bag disappears.
By Radic0n on 19 Apr 2015 10:50
Bummer. Well it was a good little exploit while it lasted. Thanks for the confirmation.
By Cellar Attic on 19 Apr 2015 11:45
^^ Thanks for the tip, Tedy. I'm currently level 10 (almost to 11), have a couple more rifts to close in the Hinterlands, done everything in Storm Coast & Fallow Mire, and then the Siege of Haven awaits. Ugh. Hopefully clearing out those few rifts will push me to level 11. I've already played through the game on Hard, so I know full-well that this Siege is really the only tricky point in the game.
By Eggnogga on 11 May 2015 15:07
I just have a few corrections I'd like to make to improve this guide. To remove the class and race restriction on heavy armor, you need Fade-Touched Silverite, which is a rare harvest from Silverite deposits. Regular Silverite removes the class restriction, but not the race restriction. I never had any luck getting Fade-Touched Silverite, and I don't think it's worth the effort to farm it. The Templar Armor from the Hissing Wastes merchant is restricted to Human characters. My Inquisitor is Human, so that wasn't an issue for me. It may be worth mentioning this in the guide. Also, there is no spell named Brushfire. It's actually called Flashfire.
By I Ebon Hawk I on 13 May 2015 05:45
Thanks for the information. I edited some content based on your comment.
By Cellar Attic on 13 May 2015 17:51
As of today Knight enchanter has received a very major nerf in spirit blade. Damage is now halfed and it lost most of the bonus damage vs guard/barrier.

The class is still pretty strong, but you can't just spam spirit blade anymore. Other spells (like barrage or fire mine) get the job done just fine.
By Sakori on 03 Sep 2015 20:01
Damn, that kind of sucks, but I guess it makes sense since the spell is way overpowered. I'll edit in that information. Thanks!
By Cellar Attic on 03 Sep 2015 20:14
Ya, the Siege of Haven needs a bit of a rewrite. For that final trebuchet (not ballista - ballista are basically giant crossbows, trebuchets are counterweighted catapults), crank just enough that it spawns 2 enemies. Take them down, then continue cranking till the next group spawns. If you try doing as much as possible, you'll probably get overwhelmed. I was able to do this at level 9 w/Iron Bull, Solas, and Varric.
By Rhyolitic on 28 Jul 2016 05:10
Hmmm. It's been a while since I've played the game, but I feel like the game refers to it as a ballista. In any case, I'll add your two cents to the solution. Thanks for the note!
By Cellar Attic on 28 Jul 2016 12:08
No worries. Thanks for adding your strategy! The game was a bit different when I went through it, so your updates will help someone, I'm sure.
By Cellar Attic on 30 Jul 2016 13:16
Thumb up. Solution guide has all the info I was looking for. Thx for the time you've put into it
By Trikke den 1e on 25 Aug 2016 07:34
By Cellar Attic on 25 Aug 2016 16:04
hmm, i'm level 19 when i'm trying to do the final mission, but it seems that whenever i go to kill the last demon he sends down on the final tier (i guess thats what they are???) my screen fades to black, then when it does come back it's just corypheus bobbing up and down and i can kill him to little health and nothing happens :(
By bemios on 05 Mar 2015 21:27
Just a fyi for people having trouble with the siege of Haven. DO NOT just crank away while the others fight. The enemies come in waves triggered by how much you crank the siege weapons. Crank until enemies appear then help your team take them down fast. No more enemies will appear until you crank the weapon more.
By TedyBearOfDeath on 23 Apr 2015 02:10
Thank you for including the callout! smile

I just finished Nightmare tonight at level 18. I found the combo that worked for me unbelievably well. It was either Cassandra or Blackwall with the Sword/Shield & Vanguard trees (Blackwall also had the left side of his specialist tree), Dorian, Solas, and my mage character all w/Lightning class going up to Static Cage w/the Lightning Cage modifier & Barrier class w/the extra barrier length & Dispel-Weakens-Magic-Attacks modifiers. I had no specialization for my character and this grouping just tore through stuff. Cass/BW had a ton of guard available and tanked pretty much anything without dropping. Even when the other 3 dropped, they were still tanking away. This felt like EZ Mode.

To sum up: Tank + 3 Mages = Nightmare being much less headache inducing. laugh
By Rhyolitic on 30 Jul 2016 04:24
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Hello, I just thought I'd share my strategies for completing Dragon Age Inquisition on nightmare. The game at first could be a bit annoying. But once you get to skyhold and are able to get to emprise du lion the game becomes much easier and more enjoyable since you will be kicking serious ass. You just need about 5 hours of farming and grinding. If that puts you off, then my apologies. You also need access to the black emporium, for those great schematics. I'll make this as short and to the point as possible. Let's begin.

To start off you will want to play as an archer. Not sure if race matters but I went with a female elf. You want to get the stealth ability immediately and max out the archery skill tree. The skills in this tree is what you will use the most. Mixed with stealth all the abilities in this tree do great damage. Even out of stealth. My personal favorite combo is: stealth then full draw then leaping shot, I used this till the credits rolled. The rest of your party before Emprise Du Lion should be as follows:

Solas: Max out his green spirit tree, once that is maxed out I started working on the lighting tree, using those for offensive purposes. The abilities I went with where energy barrage, lightning bolt & static cage (the best skill in the tree) Set the barrier spell to preferred and use the dispel ability to terminate spawn points during fade rift battles. Just simply place the spell on top of it. This is important cause fade rifts are a good source of xp and you want to be able to take them out easily. Being able to neutralize spawn points is extremely useful, especially when you have those annoying terrors, pride demons & rage demons. You'll able to knock out two spawn points at a time if they are close enough to each other.

Dorian: The same exact strategy as Solas.

Cassandra: I maxed out the shield and weapon tree. Added warcry and challenge from the vanguard skill tree. You want her to get as much guard as possible during battles. I did not mess with any of her tactics.

I used Varric until I was able to obtain Dorian. Try and get him as soon as you are able.

Get the inquisition perk to hold more health potions ASAP. You want to do everything possible, all side quests & rifts that you are able to close. Some of these will seriously kick your ass and best left alone until later. Get as much loot as possible to find better gear and to sell items for gold. I did zero ocalurums & astriums. You want to get to the siege at haven at levels 11 or 12. This is by far the toughest part of the game. I did a lot of hit and run tactics using stealth.

Once you get to get to skyhold go ahead and do the war table assignment to unlock the specialization skill tree for your archer. You want to now start maxing out your assassin skill tree. I personally didn't use any of the abilities here, it's the passives that I was interested in. I wanted to give my archer all the dex passives I could.

Time for some material/gold farming. Open up the Emprise Du Lion as soon as your ready. When you get to the starting camp go down a bit and make a right out of the gate onto the frozen river that goes around in a big circle. You want to go around this frozen river killing snowleurs, they yield about 3 - 10 skin drops per kill, these can then be sold for 15g each. just keep going a round and a round killing, they never stop respawning. If I had to estimate you could get around 20k in an hour.

To get materials, traverse to the camp WSW of Sahrnia Camp (starter camp) in emprise du lion. It's called Highgrove camp and heavily guarded by red templars you need to take out. To do so climb up the rocks to the left of the camp and attack them from above. They won't follow you up there, just be careful with the archers and take them out first. This could take a while. Once they are cleared you now have access to the tunnel that goes north of the camp. Here you find silverite. You will be able to get at least three in the beginning part of the tunnel. You just have to clear out another group a templars & possibly a second group. You will be using a lot of silverite to craft your weapons and armor. It's a tier 3 material. It also has a small chance of dropping fade-touched silverite. This material gives your crafted armor or weapon special properties. The one you are looking for is +5 guard. So save your game at the first silverite you see then go and loot the 3, if you get no fade-touched, reload save. You want total of 5 +5 guard fade-touched silverite. You can also fast travel to other areas and come back to start stocking up on silverite. I did a combination of both. This could take time & test your patience but trust me they are worth it. The next important material you want is fade-touched plush fustian velvet which gives you +5 hidden blades. These are dropped by Red Templars, there is a big group further down the cave when you come outside. Simply save right before, kill, reload if you didn't get any. You want 4 of these, or whatever you can stomach.

In order to make this easier you will want to have at least one badass weapon crafted. I went with perseverance for my archer. You can buy the schematic from the black emporium for just under 17k gold. Silverite gave me the best DPS. Add the fade touched silveite that gives bonus electrical damage, I'm sure you'll get some while farming the +5 guard. You need Dagna for this as she is the one that can add the fade-touched materials to your crafted weapons. You get her via a war table assignment after you arrive at skyhold.

Once you have all the materials/gold you desire go ahead and modify your party and start crafting your endgame gear.

The party you want after Emprise du Lion is as follows:

Your main character: Build yourself a perseverance with silverite and add a +5 hidden blades fade-touched, add any runes you might have. I purchased a middle level armor for about 1600g, made it has strong as possible & added the +5 guard fade-touched. I kept this gear for the rest of the game.

Sera: Exactly like your main character. If you don't feel like farming more hidden blades just give her the perseverance with the electrical fade-touched. Same armor as well. I kept this gear for the rest of the game.

Dorian: Build a staff of corruption with silverite, add +5 hidden blades & any runes you might have. Middle armor with +5 guard. I kept this gear for the rest of the game.

Iron Bull: Skill wise you want to max out the reaver tree then add the skills from vanguard that give guard. Set his ring of pain skill to preferred. Craft him a seluvin blade with silverite and +5 hidden blades. I first crafted him a middle level armor with +5 guard but as the enemies got stronger he was getting raped. I then had to purchase a higher grade schematic from the black emporium for just under 11k. Craft it with +5 guard. His survivability increased drastically. I kept this gear for the rest of the game.

+5 guard gives you a chance of getting armor each time you land an attack (it's that metal bar that warriors get under their life bar). +5 hidden blades gives you a 10% chance dealing and addition 5 hits every time you land a hit, and it looks badass. If your whole party is rolling with this, then you will have little to fear for the remainder of the game.

The higher your level the better armor schematics you will get in the black emporium. Schematics of legend however, will be there no matter your level. So get those ASAP so you can start wrecking shit.

Once you have that party set-up you will be absolutely devastating, you'll see your enemies health bars deplete insanely fast, even if they are higher levels than you. The Iron Bulls ring of pain plus Dorians static cage PLUS your archers bow ability's (leaping shot!) deal so much damage it's ridiculous. So much fun and a joy to watch. You kind of break the game with this set up, but it's so worth it. I ended up finishing the game at level 19 with the rest of my party at 18. I honestly never died during the final two main story quests.

Crazy thing is you can make even stronger gear with materials dragon's drop. Since this was my 2nd play through I avoided dragon battles and took my chances with the materials presented to me via the black emporium and emprise du lion.

I hope this information proves useful & if you have any comments/questions please feel free to share.

26 Jun 2015 19:04

Not proper a guide for this, but i found a very good website that list the most powerful and efficent builds for any class of character (and alot of other useful informations).

Here some link:



15 Oct 2017 19:27

There are a lot of solutions here for people who play as a damage-dealing character, but I didn't see anything helpful for playing with the inquisitor as a warrior tank.

I play with the Inquisitor as a champion, and like most Bioware insanity/nightmare challenges, the difficulty is only actually hard at the very start of the game if you know what you're doing. To achieve the easiest run at the start of the game, do the following:

Complete the prologue. If you struggle, the Pride Demon doesn't attack the non-party member NPCs and you can kite him around the main pillar while they finish him. Its slow, but if you end up with your party members dead, it can finish him off.

I'll assume you already know how to play a tank-type character in this game (i didn't use tactical mode ever, just controlled the battle with my champion), your early skill selections are very important. You want the following skills right away:

Payback strike (once you get the upgrade: get the one that makes it taunt)
War Cry (get the larger aoe when you upgrade it)
Charging Bull (never upgraded this, but the free skill is better)

You need to be able to taunt and build your own guard so the rest of your party won't die quickly at low levels. Charging bull has a fast cooldown and can gain guard for multiple targets hit.

Once you have these 3 skills, spend 2 points to get to the passive 'Bear Mauls the Wolves'. I personally never use the active shield block skill needed to get the passive, but you need the passive's benefit.

The other part of dominating nightmare is equipment. If you are playing a new file, you will need to manage your money so you can acquire necessary schematics. If you have already completed the game, you can use the Golden Nug to get good schematics and forego hunting them down. In both cases you'll need a good source of metal. Remember that one-handed swords in DA:I are inexplicably nerfed; always use axes and maces, they are dramatically stronger even when the dps values are the same (and they are rarely the same).

In order to make good equipment, you need to access tier 2 and tier 3 metals earlier than intended.

At the start of the game, unlock the Hinterlands and explore immediately south of your main camp until you acquire 4 power and use the first Occularum and acquire a shard. Acquisition of a shard is needed to unlock the Forbidden Oasis, as is the 4 power.

Once you have both of these things, return to skyhold and unlock the Oasis, then travel there.

You will be dramatically weak compared to the area. Characters can die in 1-3 hits. However, you can explore big parts of the area with minimal encounters (the occaisional Hyena; I killed as many as 3 at once, but recommend fleeing from more than 2 at once using Charging Bull). Head east from your starting point and go wide south around the rift and down the slant of the wall. This will let you explore most of the eastern half of the oasis and even reach the other campsite. Portions of this area are littered with Paragon's Luster, the only easily accessible tier 2 metal prior to Skyhold. You will never see more than the occaisional hyena or a single giant spider if you avoid the rifts and the cave in the northeastern corner. Paragon's Luster will respawn if you stay in the area a while or travel away and back. You can easily gather 100 of it with little effort. Tier 2 metals make dramatically stronger armors and weapons early in the game.

You will then need at least tier 2 schematics. Again, using the Golden Nug you can acquire your higher level schematics from other playthroughs. if you don't wish to do this, you can acquire level 2 schematics at the Black Emporium or in Val Royeux from a shop in the southeastern corner of town. The prices are half at the Emporium. The most important schematics will be Sturdy Vanguard Coat/Mail/Armor and a 1h weapon. You can also select other options depending on whether you use multiple mages, prefer a 2h warrior, or etc. Metal makes weapons for everyone so you will use your paragon's luster for all of it. Using a 2nd warrior (2h) gives you a secondary tank who benefits significantly from your expensive heavy armor schematic. I recommend Iron Bull; Cassandra is also good if you use a Tactician's Renewal to reset her ability points.

Once you create tier 2 weapons and armor with tier 2 materials, you will be overpowered for your level for all pre-Skyhold questing. Do enough sidequests to bring significant extra power with you to Skyhold.

When you reach Skyhold, you're going to go immediately to Emprise du Lion. It will be very difficult.

Your goal in the Emprise will be to win 4 fights against red templars. You will go to the first two available camps in sequence and take them. The fight at the first camp is hardest due to many archers who can 2-shot your dps characters or even 4-5 shot you. Remember you can run away and anything that died will stay dead.

Once you have connected the two camps (the one at the quarry and then Drakon's Rise), you can travel to Drakon's Rise and walk down, gathering Dawnstone and Silverite. There are over 20 dawnstone nodes on the walk, as well as 8 silverite nodes. You will be so underleveled for the area you will virtually always get 1. That is ok.

Dawnstone also provides one of the most important fade-touched effects: 10% chance on hit for 5 seconds of Walking Fortress. Repeat this cycle several times and hope you acquire a lot of it. You will get some level 3 cloth from the red templars. You can kill Snowfleur north of the starting area on the ice for high amounts of level 3 leather.

Then you will just need schematics. At this point your options are the Golden Nug and save scumming chests. Any chest in DA:I will reset its contents if it is not completely empty when you reload. This means you can loot all but one item, save and reset and farm chests endlessly. In the NE section of the Emprise du Lion, there is an area with multiple chests (the elven ruin/waterfall) where you can cycle several chests, save, reload and take any bonus items. You can acquire the best schematics in the game from these chests (short of DLC schematics). The Black Emporium will NOT sell you level 3 schematics until you reach a certain level, so this method is the only means besides the Golden Nug to get level 3 schematics early.

Once you have level 3 schematics and an abundance of Dawnstone, you can upgrade your weapons and armor again and will probably dominate the balance of the game. On Insanity, my inquisitor was routinely taking 1 damage in melee from most enemies and I was able to do multiple Tresspasser challenges against High Dragons while my difficulty was still set to Nightmare. Since metal is used for all weapons (even bows and staffs), you only need other materials for stat bonuses or DPS character armor.

This makes the nightmare run relatively effortless - I repeatedly forgot I was playing on a higher difficulty once I had equipped myself.

15 Jan 2017 23:11

If you get to Skyhold you basically have unlimited Gold suddenly. The chest in the cellar where all the crafting tables are allows you to dupe items.

So buy the most expensive item you can buy, dupe it as often as you like, sell it and repeat or buy an even more expensive item to dupe.

Duping is done by putting the item into the chest and then pressing cn_A+cn_B simultaneously. This leaves the item in the chest and puts a copy of it into your inventory. For other system you have to press the key to take it out of the chest and the key for closing the chest simultaneously.

The most expensive items I could find are accessible in the Black Market from the free DLC with the same name.

There is no specific class which makes it easier to beat Nightmare diffuclty so feel free to choose your favorite class. I am personally doing it with Tempest Rogue and killed all high dragons in the game on Nightmare difficulty and just some main story quests left in order to obtain this trophy. Remember! More you progress - easier it becomes.

My advice is to go with Tank, 2 Mages and Rogue. Since my character was Rogue I took Blackwall, Vivienne and Solas. Why them? Blackwall is the best tank in the game since his specialisation makes him a "fortress". Solas and Vivienne... You can swap either of them to Dorian but I am not a fan of Necromancy tree for mages.

Try to not skip enemies in the begginning of the game, although "The Hinterlands" is a tough beginning area try to do your best there. Collect and open as much items as you can.
Here is a link for collectibles (Credit goes to Ruck1707) : http://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/2nfgx7/spoilers_d...

Closing rifts might be hard but bare in mind that you can stop rifts from summoning demons by dispelling red circles on the ground. If you place your dispel magic wisely you can disable 2 or even 3 spawning locations with a single mage. Having 2 mages helps a lot here.

Solas and Vivienne must be spirit mages no matter what you like for the "Nightmare". Barriers will save you a lot and Mind Blast can stop extremely annoying terrors to annihilate you.

Don't hesitate to craft weapons and armor. The best armor will drop only from High Dragons. So as soon as you get tier 3 schematic (which is the highest possible in the game) just go with it.

If I forgot anything please let me know, I'll add to this guide.
That's all for now. Enjoy the game and good luck with trophy hunting!

06 Dec 2014 13:24

1 Comment
Found it easier to swap out Vivienne for Iron Bull. But otherwise solid advice.

Used two seperate parties depending on quest.

Main missions:
I was a Rogue Archer
Solas - Ice/Spirit
Dorian - Electric/Spirit
Blackwall - Battlemaster/Sword and shield

Rift killing/General exploration:
Iron Bull - Vanguard/Two handed (+ Reaver post level 19)
Dorian - Electric/Spirit
Blackwall - Battlemaster/Sword and Shield (+ champion beyond level 19)
By SolaceCreed on 08 Apr 2020 20:54

This will all come down to learning the game slowly over time and personal skill level at this kind of ARPG. Some game-breaking tips include: Making your Inquisitor a Mage and speccing into Knight Enchanter for Barrier abuse (and/or including Vivienne in your party), or making your Inquisitor a Rogue and speccing into Tempest for Thousand Cuts + Fire Flask abuse (and/or including Sera in your party). Please ask for further information in the guide's thread if required. 


WARNING: While playing on Nightmare, never press to "Reset" your settings in the option menu. Doing so will set the difficulty on Normal.

Nightmare is the highest difficulty. Enemies will hit harder and are harder to kill. It's advised to use the Tactical cam to evaluate your enemies before entering a fight, and there's no shame in running away or not attacking enemies when you don't have to. Once you've completed the final story mission on Nightmare and obtained the trophy, you can lower the difficulty if you want to.

Some tips on how to beat Nightmare.

Save often
Save often and don't constantly overwrite your save files, especially before starting a story quest. If it ends up being too hard, you won't always be able to leave.

Character Race
Each race gets a starting bonus. Humans receive an extra skill point after creating their character. Elves receive a 25% ranged defense bonus. Dwarfs receive a 25% magic defense bonus. And Qunari receive a 10% physical defense bonus.

Certain armors are race restricted. Qunari can wear considerable less armor types. Humans are the least restricted.

Any class will do, but some are better suited for Nightmare. Mages and Archers have the advantage of range. This works really well, since you'll be able to stand on places where enemies can't get to, or even attack enemies from a range where they won't do anything at all. Rogues also have the ability to go invisible, which is a great skill to use throughout the game.

As with all the classes, any class can do good on Nightmare, but the Knight-Enchanter mage specialization and the Rogue's Assassin will make Nightmare a breeze. You don't have to choose these yourself, as you can always have companions with you with those specializations. With the Knight-Enchanter you practically become a god. With a constant Barrier (and Guard), huge stamina regen, quick cooldowns and many other offense skills, it's hard to die if you're attacking enemies. Assassin Rogue's can use range, critical damage and stealth to their advantage.

Your companions use the following classes and specializations:

Cole: Assassin
Varric: Artificer
Sera: Tempest

Cassandra: Templar
Blackwall: Champion
Iron Bull: Reaver

Dorian: Necromancer
Vivienne: Knight-Enchanter
Solas: Rift Mage

Consider a balanced party. My preference was myself as an Archer/Assassin. Vivienne/Solas as Support (Spirit/Winter Skill Trees). Blackwall and Cassandra as tanks (Champion/Templar/Weapon and Shield/Vanguard Skill Trees). Each class also has an unique ability. Mages can use Energize to create new paths or reveal hidden loot and light braziers for Veilfire. Warriors can bash in walls to create new paths or reveal hidden loot. Rogues can pick locked doors to reveal hidden loot. They can also use the Deft Hands, Fine Tools Inquisition Perk.

If they don't have the correct skills, or you need more points, go to the merchant at the Undercroft in Skyhold or at the Blacksmith in Haven to purchase a Tactician's Renewal amulet. Equip this on any of your characters to reset their skill points. If you've used Amulets of Power (amulets that give you skill points), you'll receive those points back as well.

Level Requirements
Try to level up as much as possible. Do as many quests as possible before diving right into a main quest. Over leveling will help out greatly, especially with bosses. You can also pick up inquisition perks that increase your experience gain.

Location Levels
Main story quests will give you an advised level range before starting the mission. It might be wise to be at least the max advised level, since you'll encounter enemies with such a level.

All the different regions also have different zone levels. At one point you can encounter enemies lower than your own level, and travelling a bit further you might come across enemies on a higher level than you.

Inquisition Perks
There are a few Inquisition Perks that can help you out on your journey.

All the Knowledge perks give you new dialogue options, which can help you out in many ways.
Forces: Massache's Method. Advanced and Master Focus. True Grit. More Healing Potions.
Secrets: Deft Hands, Fine Tools.
Inquisition: Antivan and Imperial Court Tailoring. Exclusive Training. Tempered Glass Flasks .

Monster Research
You'll often loot valuables from enemies which have a yellow icon background. These are monster research items. Turn these in as they will give you experience and will show you enemy strength and weaknesses when using tactical mode. Find enough research items of the same enemy and you'll receive a combat bonus for those enemies.

While that purple item you just found might be pretty nice, use the crafting mechanics as much as possible. You can create some pretty interesting armor and weapons, usually better than anything you find. Some materials add guard to each hit, giving you extra defense, or what to think of a 10% chance to cast the Assassin's Hidden Blade ability with 5 added hits on each hit, doing massive damage.

Upgrade your potions as much as possible for better results. Also try to find as many recipes as possible for new potions that can help out greatly. For more info, see the Master Alchemist trophy.

Missions and Bosses
- Support the Mages or Templars? At some point, you'll have to choose between supporting the Mages ("In Hushed Whispers" quest) or the Templars ("Champions of the Just" Quest). Side with the mages if you want an easier boss fight.
- During the "In Your Heart Shall Burn" quest in Haven, when you need to turn the Trebuchet, at the last one each time you turn the wheel enemies will appear. Only turn the wheel fully once each time, else you might get overwhelmed. Once you reach 50%, a boss will appear which you can skip entirely if you want to. As soon as you hit 50%, move your companions away from the trebuchet as far as possible and set them to hold their position (double tap while in tactical mode). Now you should move in the opposite direction to the back of the Trebuchet and wait for the boss and the enemies to spawn. They should target your companions. Now quickly turn the trebuchet up to 100% to completely skip the boss fight. Make sure your companions drink potions if they're low on health.
- During the "What Pride Had Wrought" quest, choose to finish the ritual instead of dropping down into the hole. By doing so, you'll be able to recruit allies that will help you in this fight.
- During the "What Pride Had Wrought" quest, choose to let Morrigan drink from the well.

This will make the final boss fight easier. (This will not give you the missable On Burning Wings trophy if you haven't obtained it already.)

There are a couple of exploits you can use that will benefit you on Nightmare.

All exploits except for "Instantly Completing Operations" have been fixed. Ignore the update or remove it if you want to use those exploits.

Infinite Upgrade Materials:
Go to your inventory, then crafting materials and select any of the material you want to duplicate. Press to move it to valuables. Now go to a merchant and select the valuables tab. Highlight the item and in quick succession press than . If done right, the materials will be gone, but you'll see a Sell All menu. Press to sell the max amount. Now go to the buyback tab, press and you'll see the materials you just sold doubled. Buy them back to get more materials.

Infinite Money
Use the method from above, but sell all the unwanted materials. Pick the highest value material for quicker money.

Max Influence Rank
Once you're in Skyhold, at some point you'll unlock the "Power For a Price" operation at the War Table on the Ferelden side. Unlock this operation to obtain a merchant in Skyhold. This Merchant sells books that increase your Influence. She's located on the left if you face the main gate of Skyhold. Now in order to instantly get max Influence (Level 20), open her shop and buy as many of the books as possible. Now don't close the shop. Instead hit and sell back all the books you've just bought. Once you've done this a couple of times, exit the shop and your influence level will increase immediately. Repeat the process if needed.

Infinite Skill Points
Throughout the game, you may find Amulets of Power. These will give you or a companion an extra skill point. The Amulet's description will tell you who can use the Amulet. Some of these are found in loot chests and the great thing about loot chests is that if you leave at least one item in the chest, travel to a new area and come back again, all the loot you just took is back.

When you unlock Crestwood, you'll receive the "Still Waters" quest. Complete this quest first. Once done, you'll need to acquire the "Deft Hands, Fine Tools" Inquisition Perk. Go to the Village of Crestwood and there's a locked door there that a rogue can unlock. Enter the house and you'll be able to loot something in front of you. Loot it, but only pick up the Amulet of Power. Now fast travel to the Storm Coast for example and fast travel back to the village afterwards. You'll be able to pick up the amulet again. Repeat as many times as you would like.

Instantly Complete Operations
Want to quickly finish a War table mission for possible rewards? Forward your console's clock to instantly finish the mission. If you forward your clock past 00:00 (12am), the mission timer will set itself to 24 hours. When this happens, forward the date by 1 day instead.


This will all come down to learning the game slowly over time and personal skill level at this kind of ARPG. Some game-breaking tips include: Making your Inquisitor a Mage and speccing into Knight Enchanter for Barrier abuse (and/or including Vivienne in your party), or making your Inquisitor a Rogue and speccing into Tempest for Thousand Cuts + Fire Flask abuse (and/or including Sera in your party). Please ask for further information in the guide's thread if required. 

Did my playthrough with A mage Knight enchanter, Cassandra as a tank, Solas and Switched between Varric and Sera. I favoured Varric for fighting packed ennemies as I set him to make heavy zone damages and Sera for bigger ennemies such as dragons: As she would be cloaked most of the time and taking distance from the ennemy to hit him harder, I had to take little care of her whereabouts.

Set your Tank to defend your Mage character. The good point is nobody will get close to you. Downside is the tank won't attack the targets if they are far or not aiming at your inquisitor; so you have to get a bit closer from ennemies so it can pack them efficiently. Once fighting dragons or bosses, change setting so it attacks your target.
Let it Tank and use your Knight enchanter blade to get rid of certains ennemies that are a bit too powerful or to break strong foes guards while the tank has the attention of the big one.
If you manage well, your knight enchanter will feed his/her barrier with the dealt damages making you nearly invincible as long as you can make damages (again, if barrier is low and you can't cast a new one, get close to ennemies and hit them with your knight enchanter charged blade, that should make it beter...)
I did not purchase any offensive spells save the basic fire and thunder. Thunder would hit packed ennemies (and feed the barrier) when fire would scare and incapacitate one ennemy (and feed the barrier, also releasing the pressure on you or your tank) .

It's all a vertuous circle. Seriously, I mainly spent the game fighting with my finger on R2 and watching ^^. Some fights can be a bit long this way, but you won't be in trouble.

13 Mar 2017 17:04