Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins

77 Achievements


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Earned maximum approval from all thrall types. ("Darkspawn Chronicles" downloadable content)


How to unlock the Enthralling achievement in Dragon Age: Origins - Definitive Guide

Took me a few times, but I figured it out. Yes, you must enthrall the 6 characters mentioned above all in one playthrough. How I was able to do it was by running to each character as quickly as possible and enthralling them.

Obviously since you can only have 3 thralls at a time, my suggestion is to do it in the following order:

Hurlock Emissary
Blight Wolf

The last 2 will not become available until the Alienage (at the beginning) and the Palace (once you release the trapped Ogre).

What I did was, through simply killing everyone in sight, got the approval rating for the Genlock and Hurlock nearly to 100% prior to moving onto the Marketplace. Once in the marketplace I had to kill off something in order to gain control on the Shriek, so I killed the Ogre (not suggested if you are doing the other Secret achievement, as you have to keep that Ogre alive...but if you've already done that part, kill him as you'll get another one back later). Running through the Marketplace as soon as the Genlock and Hurlock were at 100% approval I used Execute Thrall and keep only the thralls active that I was still working on approval ratings for.

To be on the safe side, prior to executing any thrall I would save the game, then I would give the thrall a gift to make sure they were indeed 100%. If the meter does not prompt a +# response, then he was indeed at 100%. At that point I LOAD my previous save (thusly keeping the gift) and then Execute Enthrall that character.

I kept on this process until I was able to release the Ogre and Blight Wolf. At that point my Emissary was nearly full as well. I went through the level and just before I got to Sten, I had at least 5 gifts. I was able to give the Emissary 1 to max him out, then I gave the remaining gifts to the Ogre and Blight Wolf. At that point my achievement popped.

So if you keep an eye out of the health of your thralls (remember that if they die and you enthrall them again, their approval is reset), but as soon as they get to 100% just use the Execute Thrall command. Only enthrall the characters that you still need (a lot of times you may only have 1 to 2 characters enthralled).

By saving your gifts until the absolute latest point it should be easy to cap the final 2 characters or so. The reason I did this prior to Sten, is his battle is one heck of a fight, and I kept losing the Wolf or the Ogre.

That reminds me, save often (feel free to create a few saves just in case you mess up), and if you are unable to heal someone and they die, just reload the old save point and go through it again.

Like I said, this took me a few playthroughs until I finally got the hang of it.

EDIT (Credit to Dingo Salad):
Oh, just playing through this, and here's a note to make it easier. Just before the fight with Sten, you can walk halfway up the stairs to spawn the encounter, and then walk back down again to the door right behind you. Dwarves continue to come out of that door in a steady trickle, and killing them nets you rep, so you can sit here and grind until you're positive you have max rep with all of your thralls.
Posted by Dingo Salad on 13 Jul 10 17:50:19

21 May 2010 13:45

Awesome solution! Thank you for going into great detail!
By Eric G Olson on 23 May 2010 23:22
I agree with Eric. Thumbs up!
By Dingo Salad on 13 Jul 2010 16:51
Oh, just playing through this, and here's a note to make it easier. Just before the fight with Sten, you can walk halfway up the stairs to spawn the encounter, and then walk back down again to the door right behind you. Dwarves continue to come out of that door in a steady trickle, and killing them nets you rep, so you can sit here and grind until you're positive you have max rep with all of your thralls.
By Dingo Salad on 13 Jul 2010 17:50
Also, I noticed that rep goes up more with the amount of killing blows a particular creature gets (I decided to test this when my shriek kept leveling up way ahead of everyone else). If something is behind, take control of it and use an ability when the target is around 30% health to try tog et more killing blows.
By Dingo Salad on 13 Jul 2010 18:10
Do we need to do this with the different type of hurlock, for exemple the Hurlock Emissary ?
By DamTheLad on 15 Jul 2010 03:49
Yes you have to do both types of hurlocks.
By MADDL007 on 15 Jul 2010 14:45
lol bad example it was on the list, I should have ask if I had to do the Hurlock Archer too instead :P.
By DamTheLad on 22 Jul 2010 03:00
No you do not have to do the Hurlock Archer.
By MADDL007 on 22 Jul 2010 13:12
Very nice - good tip on the save & gifting.
By CSARdiver on 25 Jan 2011 23:09
Thanks for the guide, helped me out a lot!
By CyberMartyr88 on 22 Feb 2011 01:11
Awesome guide, although it might help to add that if you stand around outside any of the houses in the market district that city guards and innocent civilians spawn out of, they should carry on spawning 1/2 at a time quite often infinitely, allowing you to max out any thrawls approval before moving on from the market.
By CadentPersona on 29 Mar 2011 00:13
Top stuff good guide. Also thanks dingo salad the rep grind tip saved me from failing the acheivement
By SMUGBOY on 03 May 2011 22:17
Be more specific in your directions people; "stand outside around" doesn't mean much.
By Travis2310 on 28 Nov 2011 19:50
This is so annoying as the NPCs follow you everywhere and steal all your kills. I made a save midway through fighting the Dwarves near Sten, but then found it you reload the game they wont respawn. Tried a slightly earlier save then found another glitch where it's impossible to enthrall a Hurlock after the Ogre breaks down the barricade. Awesome.
By NegativeCreep08 on 08 Jun 2014 21:13
Great guide, thanks. I missed the Blight Wolf entirely on my first run through..!
By Osirian08 on 03 Aug 2014 20:10
I have a similar problem as NegativeCreep08.
After Ogre breaks the barricade, I can't enthrall the Blight Wolf but I can do it with Genlock and Hurlock...
Any idea ?
By StunNuts on 16 Aug 2014 09:21
OK... I have the solution !
I reload a previous save, before releasing the Ogre.
So I released this big monster, enthrall him (for Ogre's Keeper achievement) and then enthrall the Blight Wolf !
By StunNuts on 16 Aug 2014 09:28
just to be clear,do you mean if i saved, then give gifts
to max one of the dark spawn to 100, then load previous save
and give gift to other to max other? or do i have to max two/three
one in one area before moving on to the next?
By sordotaco on 17 Feb 2017 07:17
thumbs up!!
By Nazule80 on 11 Jun 2019 00:47
ok I'm through a decent amount and I still don't have a Hurlock. Did I miss them at the beginning maybe?
By Shadow XBL on 18 Jan 2022 04:59
LOL I feel your pain. I got lucky with this one but some others I’m not so lucky. Glad you got it! What a great game though.
By Nazule80 on 31 Mar 2022 20:23
Hands down probably my favourite game and have been replaying it for years! Obviously its PC counterpart is superior in most ways (the Xbox version has a lot of differences) but I had fun coming back to Xbox and unlocking most of the achievements at least.

Dragon Age Origins is great but if someone only judged it by The Golems of Amgoraak and The Darkspawn Chronicles... oh dear. lol
By Veinmire on 02 Apr 2022 03:12
Done in 1st run following the guide, pretty easy.
By Yankele on 25 Jun 2022 23:08
You can actually do this WITHOUT killing the first Ogre, so it’s possible to get all 3 Achievements in this DLC in a single play through.
By OperativeEmeral on 29 Nov 2022 09:24
It is possible to keep your initial thralls past the marketplace entrance. You do not need to enthrall the Shriek. What I did was to approach the corner of the wall slowly. That way the enemies behind the ballisa positions left their post and engaged me. Move a bit back and kill them. That way you can max out all initial thralls and keep the ogre.

Also, there are 7 gifts total so make sure you use them wisely. The last is obtained from Sten just before entering the last battle!
By Epsilon Theta on 27 Aug 2011 07:14
Thanks for the help! I was able to get this one AND Ogre's Keeper in the same run as Ogre's Keeper using this strategy, minus of course killing the Ogre. I had Hurlock nearly at 100% and Genlock on his way when I got the Ogre. When I got to the Shriek, I executed the Hurlock, while Genlock was nearly there. Then I executed the Genlock to pick up the Hurlock Emissary while the Shriek was nearly ready. Finally, I picked up the Blight Wolf (and my Ogre) after executing the Shriek. By the time I made it to Sten, BOTH the Emissary and Ogre were at 100% with the Blight Wolf on his way and just three gifts remaining, so I gave them all to him for the achievement.
By Apostle92627 on 03 Jun 2014 05:06
Finally I've got this insufferable stupid achievement that was getting in the way of my 100 percent and can permanently uninstall this absolutely pointless farce of a DLC. Never again. I truly love this game, but BioWare and EA should have paid me for that, not the other way around. Astonishingly low quality for such a good game and the achievement was just adding insult to injury.

Anyway thank you. Just needed to vent that.

On a more productive note just want to second that the left staircase and door grind method in the palace district is by far the best, just whatever you do don't go too far up the stairs or you'll trigger the larger fight.

Stand pretty close to the door and the extra bonus is you'll get your non-thrall troops there. Well, a bonus and an annoyance because they'll steal kills, but on the other hand you might need them.

This method seems pretty foolproof honestly, as all troops you need in theory should be accessible near the door, although time consuming so try to be practical before this area too to limit the grind. It's also very easy so you won't get killed. It's most likely the wolf you'll need to grind the most, but if you need another shriek, there's one trapped you can rescue (it'll pop up as a quest) near the other staircase leading up to Sten on the other side.

(I know all of this has been said in more words but I figured it wouldn't hurt just to post my take here as a reply, especially give how prominent this post is for guests to the site)
By Veinmire on 31 Mar 2022 03:35
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This achievement requires you to max out the approval of all thrall types : Ogre, Genlock, Hurlock, Hurlock Emissary, Shriek and Blight Wolf. (Note: this DOES NOT include the Genlock Sapper or Hurlock Archer).

To help you out there are 6 gifts giving 20 approval each and there are multiple spots in the Palace District that spawn unlimited dwarves, to increase your chances of gaining approval try to make sure that the killing blow is done by the thrall which you wish to improve.

18 May 2010 16:46

Perfect solution, it is only those 6 classes of enemy, although it was hard getting the blight wolf done.
By THE FIRST 0RDER on 18 May 2010 17:57
there are actually 8 gifts.
By doomedtolive on 18 May 2010 20:47
I got lucky, the last 10 approval I needed for wolf came from the last kill (which happened to be alastair).
By THE FIRST 0RDER on 18 May 2010 21:14
Good solution. Figuring out this last achievement blind was quite frustrating.
By Rufus Gufus on 19 May 2010 00:04
I actually found the Genlock to be hardest - the blight wolf gets +5 and +10 pretty regularly from kills. Using the Dwarf Spawn points, I had to let the hurlocks that were NPCs around me whittle down the dwarf health (until the bar filled the point under "Dwarve" only then trigger Shield Pummel or Overwhelm I think it was - the 3 shield hits one - to score the kills, or else the Hurlocks would kill steal. Punks.
By DraconicPharaoh on 19 May 2010 17:18
i found the ending sad, seeing all the origins heros laying dead

And such a cute name for the dog!

Barkspawn :D
By TouchMyMinki on 19 May 2010 17:29
I think that was a referrence to a DA:O themed Penny Arcade comic lol

I do have one question though, do you have to max out the approval bar or just get enough have the 4 extra skills?
By Doktor Brun on 19 May 2010 20:40
You have to max the bar out as it says in the description, since it unlocked once my blight wolf had its bar full.
By Aveus on 19 May 2010 21:06
Yes, you do have to max it out. One easy way to check it is to save, give gift, if it doesn't increase, reload, kill, and enthrall the next one.

And just for the record: While the two other achievements unlock after the final cutscene this unlocks as soon as you have maxed out the 6th different kind of darkspawn. All 6 should be available at the palace, and as long you don't kill Sten (don't ascend the last staircase) dwarves will keep spawning making it easy for you to max everyone out.
By albajos on 19 May 2010 21:54
i have to ask this one i have maxed out a thrawl ? can i kill them so that i can get the next person if not how do i get them out of my party so that i can get some one new in the party can anyony help me plz ?
By Daradarka on 21 May 2010 01:20
@Daradarka: Yes, as soon as you've maxed out that thrall type you can use the 'Execute Thrall' skill to replace them.

OP: Great guide, thumbs up.
By RadiantViper on 21 May 2010 03:48
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This is an attempt to combine information from multiple write-ups, and lay it out in roughly the sequence in which actions would be taken, in the hope that this "collected" version will be helpful to others. smile

It should be possible to acquire both "Enthralling" and "Ogre's keeper" during the same play-through.

As stated by others, one only needs max approval from 6 different types of darkspawn thralls:

Hurlock Emissary
Blight Wolf

(As mentioned previously, this list does not include either Hurlock Archer or Sapper.)

As others have mentioned, the most straightforward method of gaining thrall approval is to be aggressive in combat. Stay in the thick of things, and you'll see the approval ratings climb.


Save often. This cannot be over-emphasized. I would recommend saving every few minutes, using a new save each time. Thus if one save was made just before a battle where things went badly wrong, without adequate time to prevent the thrall you needed to preserve from dying, then you can easily reload a prior save. (Or else have 5 rotating saves, over-writing the oldest one every few minutes.)


City Gates

If one is working on Ogre's Keeper, then (obviously) keep the Ogre no matter what else happens. As mentioned in other write-ups, it's best to enthrall the Ogre - before - all the city guards and archers attacking him are dead. Run for the ogre as soon as the "Save the Ogre" quest becomes available, and enthrall him immediately. Then save him.

(This will work even if you did not successfully preserve the Ogre on prior play-throughs. The "glitch," apparently, may not be a bug ... but instead a matter of not enthralling the Ogre early enough. Thanks to "the games masta" for pointing this out. I tried it, and it worked. smile )

Enthrall any others which seem convenient, and deal with anything the dragon brings to your attention.

Defeat all the city defenders which you can find. When the area is fully cleared, loot everything in sight. There should be two gifts, one of them on the Arl's body.

Market District

There are a shortage of Shrieks, so it's probably best to keep the one from the Market District. The dragon wants you to enthrall it anyhow, so don't waste the opportunity!

If needed, execute any thrall (which is not the Ogre) to make space for the Shriek. To make it easy on yourself, perhaps choose the one with the lowest approval rating (unless that's the Ogre, in which case... second lowest). You might have the luck to maximize the surviving miscellaneous thrall's approval rating before it must be executed to make space for the Hurlock Emissary. If that happens, it could save you some time later.

Again, clear the area followed by looting everything in sight (there are some weapon and armor upgrades, gifts, and Wynne has a ring which could be useful).

Elven Alienage

When you see a Hurlock Emissary in the Alienage, if you have three thralls then execute the one which is neither the Ogre nor the Shriek. Enthrall the Hurlock Emissary. (I've not seen a Hurlock Emissary available anywhere else, and you'll want him for his heals anyhow... Ogre won't recover from taking health potions, but he will recover with the Emissary's healing.)

Recommendation: if in pursuit of "Ogre's Keeper," tweak the Hurlock Emissary's tactics, so that he will heal Ogre if Ogre's health drops under 50%.

You will want to keep all three of these thralls alive.

Deal with anything the dragon instructs, and clear this area also. Loot.

Save the game just before leaving the Alienage. Your group of thralls at that point should contain an Ogre, a Shriek, and a Hurlock Emissary. (Don't overwrite this save.)

Palace District

The Palace District has two places where one can get an endless supply of dwarf soldiers, which spawn by a doorway two at a time. Remember how thralls like to see you attack stuff? Here's your big chance (x2) to show off in front of them!

The first of those doors is reached - before - you release the Ogre. This convenient location permits you to maximize both of your remaining thralls (ideally, the Shriek and the Hurlock Emissary) -- while the Ogre remains trapped and unharmed.

If you have not already maximized those two, this door is your opportunity to do so. There are numerous Hurlocks and Genlocks around, so it's easy to add either one as a temporary third thrall, and begin maximizing his approval while you're at it.

(As another writer mentioned, it is possible to verify when a thrall's approval rating has been maximized: first, save the game. Then, give any of the gifts to the thrall with possibly-maximum-approval. If there is no approval change when a gift is given, then that thrall is maximized. Load the game you just saved, and you can execute the maximized thrall to make room for another ... without losing the gift you used to verify that its approval was maxed out.)

The first "endless supply of dwarf soldiers" doorway is between where you enter the palace district and the place where the ogre is trapped. When the cut scene ends, immediately turn right and hug the wall to your right, killing all enemies in your path. The doorway you want will be to your right, in a cobblestone-covered area, almost immediately after you pass a well. It's slightly before you reach a ballista (which will be on your left). The ballista will be stationed just outside the fence which traps the ogre. The door is the first of two white ones which have vertical and horizontal metal bands, making each appear covered with squares.

Dwarf soldiers pass through the door one or two at a time, and are easily overcome.

You can max out approval for a few thrall types there. I strongly encourage keeping the Hurlock Emissary, for his ability to heal Ogre, if you're pursuing "Ogre's Keeper." That leaves two spots for other (disposable) thralls.

To speed things up, it may be helpful to first recruit some of the extra darkspawn which you do not intend to use for approval maximization, and execute them. Then they won't be obstacles to the thralls you want to impress.

Boring and redundant as it is, I recommend staying by that door and preserving your Hurlock Emissary while you maximize the approval for the Emissary, Shriek, Genlock & Hurlock. If one of those types already reached max approval before being executed to make room for the Emissary, then there's no need to impress that thrall type again.

I amused myself, a little, by running a lap around the ballista between dwarves. laugh

Fighting some of the endless dwarves appearing at that first "doorway" near the Ogre, as described above, appears to have an added benefit: it seems to prevent the bug which causes the previously-grouped Ogre's approval rating to evaporate.

Except for the Emissary, as soon as another thrall type reaches maximum approval rating (and is verified), then you can execute that thrall to make room for a different type. Your Shriek is most likely to receive the first maximum approval, and also the first execution. (If you like that thrall type, there's another which can be acquired shortly after the second "endless supply" door mentioned in this guide).

When you have attained max approval from Hurlock Emissary, Shriek (probably deceased), Genlock & Hurlock, it's time to begin moving around toward the far side of the portcullis where the Ogre is trapped. (There's a chest by the fence containing the Ogre, on a nearby side without a ballista, which contains a mage cowl that will fit on the Hurlock Emissary.)

Defeat every opponent as you travel to the other side of the portcullis to free the Ogre. There's a named dwarf who has a gift when you loot him. Aside from the mage hat and the gift, I didn't notice anything else outstanding, but I may have overlooked something.

As soon as you pull the levers to open the portcullis trapping the Ogre(s), save the game. Don't over-write that save.

There may be two Ogres: one by the portcullis, and another which walks into the fenced area (from the left) as you open the portcullis. The Ogre who originally stood by the portcullis should be the one you want, especially if you're working on "Ogre's Keeper." If you're only working on "Enthralling," it won't matter as much if you accidentally enthrall the other one instead (it will only take longer to gain full approval from a neutral Ogre, instead of going forward with an Ogre who is already somewhat favorably impressed by you).

Immediately after enthralling the Ogre -- check its approval rating. If it's totally neutral, you probably enthralled the wrong ogre. Now aren't you glad you saved the game only a moment ago? wink

After satisfying yourself that you've enthralled the correct Ogre, look around. There is a blight wolf nearby, perhaps lingering in the fenced-off area where the ogre was trapped. Keep the Emissary and Ogre, and execute the other thrall (if you haven't already). Then enthrall the blight wolf.

Have Ogre hurl a boulder at the gate, as the dragon commands. Straight up those stairs is the second "endless supply of dwarf soldiers" doorway. Don't go to either the left or the right, but instead simply go straight. Continue defeating dwarves until the Ogre and Blight Wolf both reach maximum approval.

To speed things up, you could give the Blight Wolf some of the gifts you have found. You may want at least one gift to verify when it reaches maximum approval, or else hold back a few gifts to boost a new thrall's abilities (if you're planning to play this DLC to its end, and don't want the blight wolf during the finale).

If you have notifications turned on, you'll see the "Enthralling" achievement message on your screen. smile

At this point, unless pursuing Ogre's Keeper (or finishing the DLC, since you're already so close), you're done. If you do need or want to continue, this is the time to make any adjustments needed in your group of thralls. Thralls with higher approval ratings will be stronger, just as is true for party members in the main game. So if you execute the blight wolf in favor of a different thrall type, this is where gifts will be the most helpful.


If you're also pursuing Ogre's Keeper, go on to the fortress and watch Ogre's health as you battle. Remember that potions won't heal him, only the Hurlock Emissary can.

It appears as if the primary target in that battle is Alistair. Defeating others won't end the game, but defeating him will (apparently regardless of the status of others). So if you're nervous about Ogre's health, try to find Alistair and conquer him soonest.

Hopefully, if no bugs interfered, you'll get the "Ogre's Keeper" achievement also.

Congratulations! clap

12 Jul 2016 04:19

1 Comment
This is a really good walkthrough for the achievement.

I want to point out that the second 'infinite dwarf point' is the better of the two, despite having ogres around. This gate will spawn Legonnaires (yellow named dwarves) who seem far more likely to give positive points for the kill!
By thebritt2001 on 19 Jan 2017 03:09

You don't technically have any companions here. Instead, you have to enthrall the Darkspawn units you've become very familiar with. The approval meter is the same as the romance meter. You can also give gifts that you take from dead enemies.

To enthrall, press and move the cursor to one of the Darkspawn. You can only have three enthralled at one time. By killing enemy units (you have to kill them, not just let your companions do it), you gain approval from the enthralled Darkspawn. Once you have max approval for one, kill it by holding , pressing , and highlighting it. The units that you have to enthrall are a Genlock, a Hurlock, a Hurlock Emissary, a Shriek, a Blight Wolf, and an Ogre.

In the Palace District, after freeing the Ogre, there is a spot at the top of the stairs where there are infinitely spawning dwarves. You can grind it out the approval there.

Note: If you want to do this all in one playthrough, then do not kill the Ogre. Cycle the other two spots, but keep the Ogre alive.


You don't technically have any companions here. Instead, you have to enthrall the Darkspawn units you've become very familiar with. The approval meter is the same as the romance meter. You can also give gifts that you take from dead enemies.

To enthrall, press and move the cursor to one of the Darkspawn. You can only have three enthralled at one time. By killing enemy units (you have to kill them, not just let your companions do it), you gain approval from the enthralled Darkspawn. Once you have max approval for one, kill it by holding , pressing , and highlighting it. The units that you have to enthrall are a Genlock, a Hurlock, a Hurlock Emissary, a Shriek, a Blight Wolf, and an Ogre.

In the Palace District, after freeing the Ogre, there is a spot at the top of the stairs where there are infinitely spawning dwarves. You can grind it out the approval there.

Note: If you want to do this all in one playthrough, then do not kill the Ogre. Cycle the other two spots, but keep the Ogre alive.

1) Archers are not a species, you don’t need them to achieve achievements

2) you need approval to upgrade to 100%, and not to 4 skills

20 Jul 2013 08:22

Respect is earned through murders committed with one's own hands in front of slaves. I advise you, as soon as one of the slaves in your squad has completely filled up the respect scale and he receives 4 bonuses to his parameters, kill him and hire a new one who has not yet existed.
All types of slaves: Garlock, Genlock, Ogre, Screamer, Garlock Archer, Genlock Archer, Genlock Scout and Pestilence Wolf.

10 Jul 2011 12:45

1 Comment
There is one endless "respawn" of enemies in the Palace Quarter.

Enemies will appear until you free the Screamer.
So, before freeing him, first level up the approval of all slaves.

As soon as you pump up the approval of one of the slaves to 100%, you can kill him and take another slave.

Just don’t kill the Ogre, otherwise you won’t get the achievement – ​​Ogre Guardian .

Slaves for leveling:

1. Genlock

2. Garlock

3. Ogre

4. Screamer

5. Garlock Infiltrator (mage/shaman)

6. Pestilence Wolf
By DEN_MEGALODON on 18 Feb 2016 12:39