Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins

77 Achievements


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Ogre's Keeper

Ogre's Keeper

Keep the initial ogre alive as your thrall throughout the entire module. ("Darkspawn Chronicles" downloadable content)


How to unlock the Ogre's Keeper achievement in Dragon Age: Origins - Definitive Guide


You need to recruit the ogre before the men attacking him are killed, otherwise this achievement will not pop. Forget about all of the delete save files/cache etc described above - if you don't follow this first step the achievement will never register as the ogre is technically not a member of your party for the 'entire module' - the quest to save the ogre is completed when the archers are all dead and if your ogre is not a party member before then, he will not register this quest, therefore he will not have been a thrall for the 'whole' play-through

I know this is true becasue the first time I played the ogre died before the end. the 2nd time I played I recruited him after I killed all the men and kept him in the party the whole play-through (and yes recruited the correct one at the gate) but the achievement did not pop. The 3rd time when I got the achievement the only thing I did differently was to recruit him before the archers attacking him are all dead

hopefully this will alleviate some of the pain out there!

20 Feb 2011 14:18

This is true. Worked for me without having to delete saves and such. Good glitch solution
By DEVILS UMBRA on 04 Apr 2011 00:29
good call! work perfectly without deleting anything :-)
By Matt the Victor on 28 May 2011 10:46
Worked like a charm.
By LXXVII 77 on 22 Jul 2011 21:49
Top solution Thumbs up
By Dropkick Hope86 on 29 Aug 2011 01:17
Excellent! Thank you...
By Boius on 13 Oct 2012 01:10
thanks worked great
By HappyG01 on 04 May 2013 18:18
Still no luck... I swear this achievement must be cursed for me :(
By Lord Valoel on 13 Feb 2014 00:53
Did what you said, got controll over the Ogre before the men surrounding him was killed. Kept saving often. The Ogre got killed once, but just loaded my save (not auto save). Popped after the cutscene. Good Call!
By Charlie Lima on 21 Mar 2015 02:28
I did not follow this guide when trying for this achievement and it would not pop until I started a new game and made sure to enthrall him before his attackers died. Thanks. Thumbs up.
By LoneSt4r1836 on 11 Nov 2015 00:54
You will loose the ogre when reaching the place after burning down the tree. The correct ogre is not the one you see behind the gate. Its the one that shows up behind him. You should add this to the guide.
By MattiasAnderson on 06 Dec 2018 23:17
Nice solution, and thanks for the tip MattiasAnderson. It unlocked right away
By UnfurledEmu75 on 12 May 2022 19:27
Done on 1st run following the guide, easy.
By Yankele on 25 Jun 2022 23:09
In response to a comment, it is absolutely NOT the second ogre when the ogre is captured. I had to redo that section specificially because I took this advice. Tested twice. It's the first ogre. You can tell because its reputation will still be higher.
By TheBigBB on 11 Jan 2023 03:44
This man is a hero. I have been trying to get this damn achievement since 2015. Achievement popped on the first try. At last my life again has joy and purpose.
By NateGamer753 on 20 Jul 2023 12:17
Thanks for this solution--with it, I was able to knock out all 3 achievements for the DLC in one play-through.

My biggest problem was a mistake of my own. I totally confused the wording of the solution thinking it was referring to once the Ogre gets caught behind the gate in the palace district, and me running around confused as to how one could enthrall an Ogre before that part of the quest opened the gate up and how to "save it" from the crossbowmen when the game won't let you enthrall an Ogre while he's still behind the gate.

I should have realized the solution referred to the first chance to enthrall the Ogre at the City Gates before the initial Archers are dead, and looked closer at the game's names for quests. Thank you for posting this solution; it still helped me to get the achievement and fairly quickly at that despite my failure in reading comprehension--definitely a thumbs up from me!
By Crusader4Reason on 20 Mar 2015 13:54
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The first ogre you encounter (in the first area) you must enthrall to continue. You simply have to keep him alive for the rest of the mission, extremely easy if you enthrall a hurlock emissary to heal him since the ogre cannot use poultices.

You will come to an area where you lose control of the ogre and have to fight quanari, you will have to go up the left hand side and round to then hit the levers and open the gate that is holding back the ogre. At this point you must enthrall him again. A second ogre spawned at this point for me so make sure you enthrall the one that was standing by the gate.

Then continue onwards to defend the archdemon and it should pop after the final cutscene.

EDIT: For those of you for which it has glitched, some of you should be able to unglitch this achievement by doing the following,

Delete save files assocated with the darkspawn chronicles, you should also try deleting and re-downloading the DLC.
Clear the update, this is done by going to memory from the dashboard and selecting Y to access harddrive options. Then clear system cache.

Load up the game and re-install the update.

Start a new game, side objectives are not needed, I would recommend saving often and ensuring you play as the ogre to stop him getting killed, it does not matter if other members of your party die.

18 May 2010 15:56

"Then continue onwards to kill the archdemon and it should pop after the final cutscene."

I think you mean defend the archdemon from the attackers.
By Darkwings17 on 18 May 2010 17:33
Good point, its hard getting used to being the darkspawn
By THE FIRST 0RDER on 18 May 2010 17:55
Just out of curiosity, where did you kill your ogre.
By THE FIRST 0RDER on 18 May 2010 21:11
yeah where did you kill it?
By Dark R4nG3R on 18 May 2010 22:00
Argh!! Four times through and no achievement. I know I have the right Ogre (100% disposition) and I know he survives (Squishing Alistar three of the four times).
By ShaperofOld on 19 May 2010 02:38
Maybe its glitched, the DLC is fairly buggy and bioware have had issues with draagon age dlc before. I will update if I find anything new.
By THE FIRST 0RDER on 19 May 2010 18:55
I cant get this one to pop either after 4 goes. I too know by approval i have the correct one. I have also deleted all saves and started a new game. There is either another trick (difficulty? do all characters have to survive at the end? do you have to kill all heroes? do you have to finish as the vanguard? - none of these should matter, however...) or maybe its just glitched.
By jedimaster573 on 19 May 2010 19:25
Okay, the first two times I tried this it didn't unlock even though I did everything right. So I tried again after deleting all my Darkspawn saves and clearing the update. I downloaded update again, started new game and skipped as many objectives as I could. I just wanted to rush through it. I skipped cutscenes too and didn't save the game (except auto save). I made sure I picked the right Ogre once we got split up, then on the roof, I used the Orge the whole time until final cutscene came on and achievement unlocked straight after. My main character died on roof too but everything else went fine, the other Warden companions were also defeated before Alistair. Hope this helps :)
By TachikomaShiki on 19 May 2010 23:20
This achievement will not pop for me no matter what I do. I've done it about 6 times so far. Very irritating.
By Malazan on 20 May 2010 01:42
Using the method described by Agent S Booth it popped for me!
By Malazan on 20 May 2010 12:10
Thanks, I'm glad it helped you :)
By TachikomaShiki on 20 May 2010 20:39
i don't know what i must to do for to clean the update, please help me... , the difficulty setting for the game is important?
By lukablack on 21 May 2010 22:43
You select Memory from the Xbox Dashboard and then press Y on the selected Hard Drive and choose 'Clear System Clache'. It removes all updates from any game you've played. You can obviously download them again once you start up that game.
By TachikomaShiki on 21 May 2010 23:02
Agent S Booth you are a genius, thank you so much...... you are the real agent... give my regards to Temperance ;)
By lukablack on 23 May 2010 12:08
lol Thanks lukablack
By TachikomaShiki on 27 May 2010 10:38
Agent S Booth work a charm on my 2nd playthrough, i would also like to note that my Ogre did die during the 2 Golem fight and as soon as i died i dashboarded instead of loading the save... so i restarted the game up and finish the final battle without any of my allies dying... the achievement didn't unlock as soon as the Cutscene appeared, it was after i skipped it that it popped. :)
By SK Diabolic on 28 Jun 2010 23:01
Popped for me the first try, did all three achievements in one playthrough. Held my party back from the fighting esp. the Ogre and fought af all opponents with the help off the random darkspawn. Save a lot!
Final battle i focussed on Alistair and the party killed all other hero's. This achievement and the other for killing the last warden popped right after the cinematic of killing Alistair.
By MannieHunter on 10 Aug 2010 11:20
The Ogre is just vanishing as soon as I get to the Palace District. He's there in the Alienage but once I get to the Palace he goes poof. I have him at 100% approval atm, but don't really want to do another run of this if I don't have to
By Grimslinger19 on 13 Aug 2010 10:13
Agent S Booth's suggestion worked for me on the second try. I had to reload because I thought I selected the wrong Ogre as he only had neutral approval. I killed him and grabbed the other one and he was neutral too. What I think is the case is you need to wait for Ogre to get to the top of the stairs before recruiting him. On my reload I let him get to the top and recruited him and it unlocked fine.
By Resident Vegan on 15 Jan 2011 21:51
Kill the Arch Demon? I thought we was on his side..
By paynexkiller666 on 07 Mar 2011 00:37
Good point I thought I had corrected that, I shall adjust...
By THE FIRST 0RDER on 07 Mar 2011 15:52
I swear I'm cursed or something. I have no idea what else I can possibly do. I've been through this dlc 11 TIMES!!!!! Following everything above, and any other site I can find, still nothing! ARGGH angry
By Lord Valoel on 24 Jan 2014 02:26
Does anyone have any other tips? I thought that maybe with the Backwards Compatability that maybe this would be fixed. So far no luck. I've made sure that I enthrall the Ogre before he kills his attackers, I've healed his injury, left his injury on, used him throughout the entire DLC, made sure he had max affection, made sure I enthralled him as soon as he came out of the gate still with max affection, waited until the credits rolled all the way through, tried deleting my saves, cache, the dlc, redownloaded the dlc from both the marketplace and the game itself, tried it both with and without the update, I'm at a loss.
By Lord Valoel on 19 Jun 2017 13:29
A few people on 360achievements.org mentioned that it didnt unlock unless the ogre also had maxed approval at the end, so figured Id add that as a note.javascript:Postback('btnSaveComment_click');
By doomedtolive on 18 May 2010 19:11
I cant get this one to pop either after 4 goes. I too know by approval i have the correct one. I have also deleted all saves and started a new game. There is either another trick (difficulty? do all characters have to survive at the end? do you have to kill all heroes? do you have to finish as the vanguard? - none of these should matter, however...) or maybe its just glitched.
By jedimaster573 on 19 May 2010 18:50
Good solution but just some clarification and a tip. First off for when you are in the Palace district and are instructed to release the Orge, obviously we have to re-enthrall our original Ogre, what i did was after i made my way to the gate, I saved right before hitting the two switches, this way if i chose the wrong Ogre i could just reload and redo. Check what your approval rating is for him before you leave the Elven alienage so you have a reference point, the other Ogre will have a 50 % approval rating ( I believe). Only reason I point this out is because its pretty obvious the ogre standing directly at the gate before opening is our original, but there was the other Ogre right next to him too, he is just off the gate a little bit to the original Ogre's right( your left) , the first time around I took my eye off my original for just one second after I opened the gate and I had the two Ogre's right there at the gate before I even made my way down those short stairs, I could see how others would make the same mistake. Also, I did have max approval rating for my Ogre. I did not kill him ( excute enthrall) , I just finished the battle to protect the Archdemon, watched the cutscene and the achievement popped at the start of the credit roll right after my " Bane of Thedas" popped.
By I nic I knack I on 13 Sep 2013 15:40
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The Achievement is to get the orignal ogre from the start of the DLC to the end.

There is no real easy way to do this all you have to do is save regulary and if the ogre you have from the start dies load a game
and when you come to the mission kill the kurani Go up the left set of stairs i dont know why but it just seemed eaiser then going right

It should come up with the other achievement if you already have it just play throught again and try.

18 May 2010 11:47

Achievement Un-glitching
Delete the DLC, DK_??? Saves(these are the DC saves) and DAO install file (if you have it installed on your HDD). Clear cache and turn-off the xbox for a few minutes to clear the memory (I had just attempted playing this, so needed to do this).

Then install the DLC (mine was from the UE disk) and the Game to the HDD. Start the game, update it. I then exited to the dash, before I start to load the game again and start the DLC.

IMPORTANT BIT (as I know most of the above has already been said).
Start the DLC and enthral the first grenlock (as required for your 1st mission). Then go straight to the left. There will be NO Orge, walk around a little and as soon as he spawns enthral him! Then kill everyone.

Go straight to the barricades and destroy them with the ogres throw. The KILL THE AREL mission will then appear, once the barricade mission is complete. Before going after the Arel, collect the injury kit from the box beyond the barricades and heal the ogre (he will have a serious wound).
Just keep him alive (using hold a lot). Also as stated, at the palace enthral the 1st ogre and check his disposition it should be 100% by this point.
I didn’t complete all the side quests, didn’t kill all the allies and only used the ogre for the last mission (apart from making him throw stuff and grab bosses). In the last mission I used him to punch Alistair to death (but this is not required).
Hope this helps

20 Nov 2010 18:22

For those who have it glitched...This method actually worked for me, when I saw the ogre for the first time, I enthralled him when there were very few enemies left before the quest was completed (Protect the Ogre quest). The ogre immediately had a gaping wound injury. I removed it when I found an injury kit. Also before opening the gate for the ogre, wait for the lone golem to spawn that isn't with the quanaris. kill the lone golem . Enthrall the first ogre at the gate, After keeping ogre alive throughout the whole thing achievement finally popped up. I think I attempted this achievement like 9 times. Hope this helps someone.

09 Sep 2010 03:30

This is an attempt to combine information from multiple write-ups, and lay it out in roughly the sequence in which actions would be taken, in the hope that this "collected" version will be helpful to others. smile

It should be possible to acquire both "Enthralling" and "Ogre's keeper" during the same play-through.

As stated by others, one only needs max approval from 6 different types of darkspawn thralls:

Hurlock Emissary
Blight Wolf

(As mentioned previously, this list does not include either Hurlock Archer or Sapper.)

As others have mentioned, the most straightforward method of gaining thrall approval is to be aggressive in combat. Stay in the thick of things, and you'll see the approval ratings climb.


Save often. This cannot be over-emphasized. I would recommend saving every few minutes, using a new save each time. Thus if one save was made just before a battle where things went badly wrong, without adequate time to prevent the thrall you needed to preserve from dying, then you can easily reload a prior save. (Or else have 5 rotating saves, over-writing the oldest one every few minutes.)


City Gates

As mentioned in other write-ups, enthrall the Ogre - before - all the city guards and archers attacking him are dead. Run for the ogre as soon as the "Save the Ogre" quest becomes available, and enthrall him immediately. Then save him.

This will work even if you did not successfully preserve the Ogre on prior play-throughs. The "glitch," apparently, may not be a bug ... but instead a matter of not enthralling the Ogre early enough. Thanks to the games masta for pointing this out. I tried it, and it worked. smile

For Ogre's Keeper,(obviously) keep the Ogre no matter what else happens.

Enthrall any others which seem convenient, and deal with anything the dragon brings to your attention.

Defeat all the city defenders which you can find. When the area is fully cleared, loot everything in sight. There should be two gifts, one of them on the Arl's body.

Market District

There are a shortage of Shrieks, so it's probably best to keep the one from the Market District. The dragon wants you to enthrall it anyhow, so don't waste the opportunity!

If needed, execute any thrall (which is not the Ogre) to make space for the Shriek. To make it easy on yourself, perhaps choose the one with the lowest approval rating (unless that's the Ogre, in which case... second lowest). You might have the luck to maximize the surviving miscellaneous thrall's approval rating before it must be executed to make space for the Hurlock Emissary. If that happens, it could save you some time later.

Again, clear the area followed by looting everything in sight (there are some weapon and armor upgrades, gifts, and Wynne has a ring which could be useful).

Elven Alienage

When you see a Hurlock Emissary in the Alienage, if you have three thralls then execute the one which is neither the Ogre nor the Shriek. Enthrall the Hurlock Emissary. (I've not seen a Hurlock Emissary available anywhere else, and you'll want him for his heals anyhow... Ogre won't recover from taking health potions, but he will recover with the Emissary's healing.)

Recommendation: when in pursuit of "Ogre's Keeper," tweak the Hurlock Emissary's tactics, so that he will heal Ogre if Ogre's health drops under 50% (instead of "the player-controlled character" ... which means you'll need to watch the Hurlock Vanguard's health and use potions manually).

For "Enthralling," you will want to keep all three of these thralls alive.

Deal with anything the dragon instructs, and clear this area also. Loot.

Save the game just before leaving the Alienage. Your group of thralls at that point should contain an Ogre, a Shriek, and a Hurlock Emissary. (Don't overwrite this save.)

Palace District

The Palace District has two places where one can get an endless supply of dwarf soldiers, which spawn by a doorway two at a time. Remember how thralls like to see you attack stuff? Here's your big chance (x2) to show off in front of them!

The first of those doors is reached - before - you release the Ogre. This convenient location permits you to maximize both of your remaining thralls (ideally, the Shriek and the Hurlock Emissary) -- while the Ogre remains trapped and unharmed.

If you have not already maximized those two, this door is your opportunity to do so. There are numerous Hurlocks and Genlocks around, so it's easy to add either one as a temporary third thrall, and begin maximizing his approval while you're at it.

(As another writer mentioned, it is possible to verify when a thrall's approval rating has been maximized: first, save the game. Then, give any of the gifts to the thrall with possibly-maximum-approval. If there is no approval change when a gift is given, then that thrall is maximized. Load the game you just saved, and you can execute the maximized thrall to make room for another ... without losing the gift you used to verify that its approval was maxed out.)

The first "endless supply of dwarf soldiers" doorway is between where you enter the palace district and the place where the ogre is trapped. When the cut scene ends, immediately turn right and hug the wall to your right, killing all enemies in your path. The doorway you want will be to your right, in a cobblestone-covered area, almost immediately after you pass a well. It's slightly before you reach a ballista (which will be on your left). The ballista will be stationed just outside the fence which traps the ogre. The door is the first of two white ones which have vertical and horizontal metal bands, making each appear covered with squares.

Dwarf soldiers pass through the door one or two at a time, and are easily overcome.

You can max out approval for a few thrall types there. I strongly encourage keeping the Hurlock Emissary, for his ability to heal Ogre, when you're pursuing "Ogre's Keeper." That leaves two spots for other (disposable) thralls.

To speed things up, it may be helpful to first recruit some of the extra darkspawn which you do not intend to use for approval maximization, and execute them. Then they won't be obstacles to the thralls you want to impress.

Boring and redundant as it is, I recommend staying by that door and preserving your Hurlock Emissary while you maximize the approval for the Emissary, Shriek, Genlock & Hurlock. If one of those types already reached max approval before being executed to make room for the Emissary, then there's no need to impress that thrall type again.

I amused myself, a little, by running a lap around the ballista between dwarves. laugh

Fighting some of the endless dwarves appearing at that first "doorway" near the Ogre, as described above, appears to have an added benefit: it seems to prevent the bug which causes the previously-grouped Ogre's approval rating to evaporate.

Except for the Emissary, as soon as another thrall type reaches maximum approval rating (and is verified), then you can execute that thrall to make room for a different type. Your Shriek is most likely to receive the first maximum approval, and also the first execution. (If you like that thrall type, there's another which can be acquired shortly after the second "endless supply" door mentioned in this guide).

When you have attained max approval from Hurlock Emissary, Shriek (probably deceased), Genlock & Hurlock, it's time to begin moving around toward the far side of the portcullis where the Ogre is trapped. (There's a chest by the fence containing the Ogre, on a nearby side without a ballista, which contains a mage cowl that will fit on the Hurlock Emissary.)

Defeat every opponent as you travel to the other side of the portcullis to free the Ogre. There's a named dwarf who has a gift when you loot him. Aside from the mage hat and the gift, I didn't notice anything else outstanding, but I may have overlooked something.

As soon as you pull the levers to open the portcullis trapping the Ogre(s), save the game. Don't over-write that save.

There may be two Ogres: one by the portcullis, and another which walks into the fenced area (from the left) as you open the portcullis. The Ogre who originally stood by the portcullis should be the one you want, especially when you're working on "Ogre's Keeper." If you're only working on "Enthralling," it won't matter as much if you accidentally enthrall the other one instead (it will only take longer to gain full approval from a neutral Ogre, instead of going forward with an Ogre who is already somewhat favorably impressed by you).

Immediately after enthralling the Ogre -- check its approval rating. If it's totally neutral, you probably enthralled the wrong ogre. Now aren't you glad you saved the game only a moment ago? wink

After satisfying yourself that you've enthralled the correct Ogre, look around. There is a blight wolf nearby, perhaps lingering in the fenced-off area where the ogre was trapped. Keep the Emissary and Ogre, and execute the other thrall (if you haven't already). Then enthrall the blight wolf.

Have Ogre hurl a boulder at the gate, as the dragon commands. Straight up those stairs is the second "endless supply of dwarf soldiers" doorway. Don't go to either the left or the right, but instead simply go straight. Continue defeating dwarves until the Ogre and Blight Wolf both reach maximum approval.

To speed things up, you could give the Blight Wolf some of the gifts you have found. You may want at least one gift to verify when it reaches maximum approval, or else hold back a few gifts to boost a new thrall's abilities (if you don't want the blight wolf during the finale).

If you have notifications turned on, you'll see the "Enthralling" achievement message on your screen. smile

This is the time to make any adjustments needed in your group of thralls. Thralls with higher approval ratings will be stronger, just as is true for allies / potential party members in the main game. So if you execute the blight wolf in favor of a different thrall type, this is where gifts will be the most helpful.


Go on to the fortress and watch Ogre's health as you battle. Remember that potions won't heal him, only the Hurlock Emissary can.

It appears as if the primary target in that battle is Alistair. Defeating others won't end the game, but defeating him will (apparently regardless of the status of others). So if you're nervous about Ogre's health, try to find Alistair and conquer him soonest.

Hopefully, if no bugs interfered, you'll get the "Ogre's Keeper" achievement after the cut scene of Alistair's fall.

Congratulations! clap

14 Jul 2016 19:00

Just to note when enthralling the Ogre at the gate check his Approval, I had it glitch twice where both the Ogres at the gate had 50% approval, it wasn't until the third attempt that I got the first ogre with 100% approval.

So I would suggest that if you do not have a high approval on the ogre you enthrall that you reload the auto save and start this mission again until you do.

04 Aug 2010 05:03

This one is a little complicated and some people may have trouble with it. At the gates, the Archdemon will give you a quest to save an Ogre. As soon as you approach it, enthrall it. If you don't, it may disappear permanently. Once you enthrall it, keep it alive. When you get to the Palace District, the Ogre will be removed. It will be trapped behind a gate that you have to flip two levers to release. Once you release it, you'll have to enthrall it again (make sure you have an extra spot).

Here's where you may have a problem, there are two Ogres there. Enthrall the first one that was standing behind the gate. The second will follow you around, but make sure you enthrall the first one. Keep it alive through the rest of the DLC and this trophy will unlock during the credits.

While the trophy description is relatively self-explanatory, there are two key places where it is easy to make a mistake that I wanted to point out.

1) Recruiting the ogre: You must recruit him while he is still under attack. If he kills all of his attackers, this can make it not count for the trophy.

2) Freeing the ogre: In the Palace District, you will lose the ogre and need to reenthrall him. Note that a second ogre will spawn very near by. Make sure you enthrall the one closest to the gate. If you got the right one, he should still have the same approval level he did when he left the party.

If you make a mistake, just reloading may not be enough; on Xbox you needed to restart the whole module. I don't know whether or not this applies to PS3, but the DLC is so short that you may want to do that just to be safe. If you're playing on Casual, you shouldn't have anything to worry about (even during the fights with Sten or at the end, the two toughest parts of the module).

21 Aug 2015 22:28

This one is a little complicated and some people may have trouble with it. At the gates, the Archdemon will give you a quest to save an Ogre. As soon as you approach it, enthrall it. If you don't, it may disappear permanently. Once you enthrall it, keep it alive. When you get to the Palace District, the Ogre will be removed. It will be trapped behind a gate that you have to flip two levers to release. Once you release it, you'll have to enthrall it again (make sure you have an extra spot).

Here's where you may have a problem, there are two Ogres there. Enthrall the first one that was standing behind the gate. The second will follow you around, but make sure you enthrall the first one. Keep it alive through the rest of the DLC and this achievement will unlock during the credits.

Keep an Ogre in your party, who can be recruited at the beginning, throughout the entire expansion! In one place the org will be taken prisoner, the most important thing is not to hire anyone in his place!

10 Jul 2011 12:46